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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 19, 2024 1:10am-1:56am MSK

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and pushkin remains, and this is a very important thing throughout his life, if we talk about some constants, although this also needs to be said right away, pushkin, he does not fit into any clear ideological framework at all, like any genius, especially such a genius as pushkin, but nevertheless , in this phrase, in this phrase, he remains a man of enlightenment, for him the most important thing is enlightenment, he is a man in this sense even from a part of the 18th century, the century of enlightenment, and the fact that the government is the main thing is... he repeats it incessantly, but at the same time he does not take into account that this formula, the changing power, very often adjusts, so to speak, to its own size, and from all this some part is simply crossed out. well, we said that for some
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time he was exclusively a friend of the decembrists, while everything else was left in the country. here we know such a very liberal work of a relative of a journey from st. petersburg to moscow, and some thoughts generally became a manifesto of such a liberal intelligentsia with me my soul i have become wounded by human suffering. there are rumors that you are getting another promotion? soon you will become a famous journalist you will not have time for me. if your russian is of no use, no one will turn a blind eye to your asking her to renew relations with nisterov. i feel, please, do not hide anything from me. tomorrow after
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the program time, hello, what happened, it seems you arrived on time, for sergei solovyov's eightieth birthday, getting closer here, come, there are such men, here you are i am ready to marry him right away on the first day of meeting him, this is sergey sanovich, at first sight, he started pursuing me until he married me, he did not leave me, and i... did not fall in love at all, i did not know, maybe you have a relationship, what other relationship, somehow it turned out that he became my everything, just everything, soundtrack, sergey solovyov on the set of tyrant, despod dictator, the main thing is not the glass, the main thing is to feel like a sighted person, it was fantastic, i can't even say a movie, it's an art object, so that there would be love to the point of aortic rupture, like in indian cinema, but at the same time, so
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that it would be tender, like anton pavlovich chekhov. all that is left to me from life is you. it is impossible to become, and one can only be, it is either there inside you, or it is not. everything that happened, the most valuable in my life, the most precious, everything happened foolishly, pure foolishly. next sunday on the first. this is a podcast russia and the west on the swings of history, today in the center of our attention is alexander sergeevich pushkin. at the same time, knowing well about this work of rodishchiy, we have well rarely remember, so to speak, the unfinished, though, work of pushkin, the journey from moscow to petersburg. here, and, i would say pushkin, a brilliant stylist, so here he is in this work, not allegorically. as if directly
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opposing radishchev's book, he does, he took this book with him and actually along the way, so he speaks critically, on many points, he criticizes radishchev, defends moscow, radishchev spoke in favor of petersburg, he defends lomonosov. from the parent, he even defends the russian hut, he well contradicts literally at every step, and at the same time very sarcastically, i repeat, he is a brilliant stylist, radishchev, for example, criticized even russian etiquette, so pushkin, for example, writes about this, to assume humiliation in the rites established by etiquette is simply stupid, english. and the lord, introducing himself to his
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king, kneels and kisses his hand, this does not prevent him from being in opposition, if he wants, we sign our most humble servants every day, well , signature, your humble servant, yes, then it was accepted, but at the same time, as pushkin says, and no one concludes from this that we are asking to go into commerce, there is a work about the west in this, however, in this case pushkin puts this criticism of the west into the mouth of an englishman, a fellow traveler, real or invented by the author...
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only now he does not destroy the desire for freedom for the sake of historicism, that is close to him again, as once in the december times, as in 1822, because he constantly returned to this figure, pushkin generally has such a rethinking of specific texts, it is quite a typical story,
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so, but he is close to him not by his historical views now, but as a person who tries to speak out against the flow of history, who preserves the ideal of a free personality, this is a slightly different view, already the third view. pushkin does not justify autocracy and, in contrast, promotes the independence of the individual. this idea, according to which the individual must resist the pressure of power, not dissolve before power, this same idea is in the article about radishchev, which i wrote for contemporary, which was banned. here 's the thing: when pushkin writes about radishchev, here you have to try to do it very hard, to separate where he writes about radishchev to please the censors, because radishchev's work remained banned. and where he tries to somehow push through a conversation about radishchev, after all, a very important figure for russian culture, for the self-awareness of the same decembrists, for the self-awareness of pushkin himself and so on, yes, where he writes to please the censors, pushing through some of the thoughts of the parent some ideas, for example, in a conversation about
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marriages, for example, in a trip from moscow to st. petersburg, yes, he writes there that forced marriages remain evil, but i am not quoting verbatim, but close to the text, responding to the corresponding chapter from the book. radishchy, after all, in this article for a contemporary, there is sympathy - for rodishchev and some desire to convey news about him. here he writes: we never considered radishchy a great man. his act always seemed to us a crime, inexcusable, and the trip to moscow is very a mediocre book, but with all that we cannot help but recognize in him a criminal with an extraordinary spirit, a political fanatic, deluded. of course, but acting with amazing selflessness and with some kind of knightly conscience. that's what's important. by the way, pushkin takes his genealogy to the question of knightly conscience and selflessness for this very reason, because in the past , the poet's ancestors, as he wrote, were spoiled by
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the spirit of stubbornness. and when his ancestors spoke out against peter, for example, he was generally for peter, it seems. but at the same time, the fact that they dared to oppose the autocrat, for him this is dignity. this is very important, it is in his diary, this ideal of personal freedom is a very important thing, yes, of course, well, actually pushkin faced a problem here... with a wall that the smartest, most decent people break their foreheads against, well , those who look at the world not in black and white, so to speak, with shades, that's because there are interests of the state, there are interests of the individual, at some historical stages it is more or less possible to combine this, at some stages of the state.
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it was not so much a matter of personality or even ideology, but rather of some
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historical moment when history itself dictated the necessity of certain actions, because history , well, i am expressing my own opinion, is still a dictator, history, so to speak, punishes those who run forward, the locomotives ahead shout time forward. as if in the revolution, yes, and those who slow down development, it punishes both, everything must be done on time, speaking about these deep processes, it must be said that pushkin, in relation to the west, irritated by this phenomenon, which can be called later in relation to pushkin's times, the term bourgeoisification of morals, in the movement to the first place of profit, one can recall the stingy knight, by the way, yes in this connection. but besides this pushkin writes quite a lot in epigrams about
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literary dealers, he saw the penetration of bourgeois relations into literature, and although pushkin is the creator, one of the creators of the profession of a professional writer, i apologize for the tautology, who earns money from literature, for whom literature is not is some kind of hobby, like the nobles had before, like derzhavin, fanvizin and so on, and a person who is professionally engaged in literature is some kind of serf, in general , yes, to whom you can... so to speak, give a handout in the front. pushkin makes the profession of a writer a respected, significant profession, says that you can earn money with this, but at the same time the bourgeoisification of morals, well , remember his famous, yes, that inspiration is not for sale, you can sell a manuscript. so those who sell inspiration, cause him contempt. he writes epigrams in this connection on bulgarin, and even on a journey from moscow to petersburg, he characterizes such bourgeois morals as follows: in literature: now the last scribe, ready for any private. meanness, loudly preaches independence and writes nameless libels on people before whom he spreads himself in their
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office. in addition, for some time now literature has become a profitable craft for us, by the way, through the efforts of alexander sergeyevich himself. and the public is able to give more money than his excellency, such and such or his excellency so-and-so. be that as it may, i repeat that the form means nothing. lomonosov is strong and worthy of the respect of all honest people, despite their humble dedications. and gentlemen n.n., i mean bulgarin, are still contemptuous, despite the fact that in their books they preach independence, that they dedicate their works not to a kind and intelligent nobleman, but to some sly liar, like them. this combination of bourgeois morals with literature categorically does not suit pushkin, he cannot stand philistinism, he can't stand philistinism, in the abusive sense of the word philistinism. we continue our conversation about the figure of the great russian poet alexander sergeevich pushkin. pushkin writes an article. john tanner, dedicated to a work of art, where he accuses
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democracy in america, was amazed to see democracy in its disgusting cynicism, in its cruel prejudices, in its intolerable tyranny, everything noble, selfless, everything that elevates the human soul, suppressed by inexorable egoism and passion for contentment, in brackets comfort in english, and he writes about picture of the united states, which was held up as an example, and he writes that in this sense it contradicts not... such an image of the united states as an abode of freedom, but at the same time again it is necessary to pay attention that the text is censored, yes, when he writes about the fact that on the part of the managers of timidity of servility. talent out of respect for equality, are forced into voluntary astrocy, well and so on and so forth, when he writes about the genealogy of persecution in a people who do not have nobility and so on, here there is a hint at russia, of course, aesopian language, here we need to understand that russian literature existed in the 19th century and to a large extent in the 20th century under censorship, therefore our
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writers had very strong skills in the aesopian language, starting long before pushkin, yes, krylov, derzhavinin and... and so on, yes, the skills in the opvo language were very strong, yes, well, let's go back to the decembrists for a second, because the decembrists, there were a lot of disagreements in their midst, they debated and disagreed a lot, and nevertheless, so to speak, such a fundamental thing, or something, some thesis that united them was a movement towards freedom, but although... well, if you recall the same pestel, then in order to achieve freedom he assumed a dictatorship, a very harsh dictatorship, and moreover for several generations, so that the spirit would evaporate, some memories of the autocracy, naturally, the majority of pestel's views were not shared, nevertheless, the majority
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of the decembrists also did not understand. that such cardinal changes in the political system in russia at that time, well, they could hardly have done without without dictatorship without blood, it was hard to even imagine, so freedom is freedom, but the path to this freedom can be very difficult, pushkin realized this, pushkin wrote about this, actually even in his early...
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he is ambivalent about power, the brilliant bronze horseman, where on the one hand, yes, it is still the engine of progress, on the other hand, where it begins, yes, on the shore of deserted waves, yes, he stood full of great thoughts, and then this power, this ruler tramples a little man, evgeny, this is ambivalence
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power, pushkin grasps and defends it, and what does he come to at the end of his life, if...
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tried to find a way out of this situation, we , you were talking about the ambivalence, so to speak, of pushkin, it was really inherent
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in him, like anyone. no one found an answer, if you ask the question whether pushkin was a westerner or not, then in the literary and poetic sense, of course, the west, yes of course, byron and so on, not only byron and the enlightener, and the songs of the western slavs, yes, accordingly, it is known from what source what happened, and so on, but at the same time, alexander ivanovich hertzin was also right when he stated that russia responded to peter's challenge, peter's western challenge, with the genius of pushkin, pushkin is a synthetic genius who synthesized the russian tradition, and the western tradition. pushkin, of course, is truly a patriot, for pushkin, a child of the twelfth year, he himself wrote about this, for him it is fundamentally important, the patriotic war of the twelfth year, he, among the slanderers
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of russia, sharply responds to those who try to speak with his country, regardless of the attitude to the autocracy from a position of strength, this an important thing, although in soviet times they tried to hush up these poems, you can treat them differently, but the fact that this is pushkin's position, a forced position, yes, this is true. and if we also summarize, then from my point of view pushkin really stands above ideologies, when we look for an objective view of history, we come to pushkin, to pushkin's poetic and historical works, we bypassed, but this is a separate topic, the history of the pugachev rebellion and the captain's daughter, and recently in one conversation, a famous pushkin scholar, healthy, noted that...
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this was a historical podcast russia-west on the swings of history, today we talked about the figure of alexander sergeevich pushkin. with you was peter romanov and sergei solovyov study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the podcast russia west on the swings of history on the channel one website. hello, this is a podcast deception of substances, with you
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olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, and with me zukhra pavlova, a famous endocrinologist, and today we will talk about hormones of happiness, as it turns out, this is very controversial topic, because it turns out that our hormones, which bring us happiness, are very actively used in negative emotions, right, everywhere, we have everything. you and i practically say in every program that the same substance can give us positive properties, can give negative ones, and so everything in the body, and the most important thing in this body is balance. yes, each substance has some, well, let's say, priority or dominant property, but when interacting with something else, this the property decreases, increases, changes, that's the same with all feelings. you know, there is such an expression that love is a chemical feeling. the point is that they say that if you introduce certain substances, a person will experience the same sensation that he experiences in a state of love, this is true, well, essentially yes, i don't know, really, how
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this can be reproduced, because yes, of course, some active substances, well , there are several such main ones, but at this moment everything changes in the body, the balance of all active substances, and hormones and there neurotransmitters, that is, those substances that act in the brain. there are a huge number of them, they all change, but it's not just about the substances themselves, but also about their receptors, because if there are no receptors, what hormones will act on, let's say, then there will be no action, well, okay, let's name what our most important hormones of happiness are, well, you're like this, you're a doctor, what hormones do you associate with happiness, endorphin, of course, endorphin, yeah, and do you know? the mology of the word, something associated with morphine, no, well done, yes, endo is always something internal, and morphine is from the greek god morpheus. who
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was considered the ruler of dreams, and endorphins also act on receptors that we call apiate, associated with opium, well, they discovered them, and that's what they were called, they are associated with nociception, with pain, yeah, and that is, they prevent or block pain, that's the kind of historical background, endorphin is primarily what doctors associate, well, it seems to me, so with pain relief, and with happiness, yes, well, in principle, yes, there it gives this feeling of such euphoria, endorphin, so there is such a historical reference, there is such a story that when some ancient greek - battles in ancient greece there were some kind of battles, there were a lot of
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chopped people, chopped, stabbed. received a release of endorphins, yeah, it wasn't so painful for them, they died, well, without such pronounced torment, such an effect was in these women to help the wounded go to another world with less suffering, it turns out like once again, what we talked about at the very beginning, when the happiness hormone endorphin is released in response to pain, yes, yes, let 's see, we have a wonderful table, the first thing here is endorphin, it
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gives... this is this pleasant feeling of such bliss, when euphoria, here it is on the very bottom row, this is also only endorphin, yes, pure endorphin, and there is a lot of it, because if you pay attention to these bubbles, the amount of this substance is also very important, any of these substances in excess can cause, here if we now go to another picture, then there should have been a bottle like this, it should have been... blue, when this blue color is right up to the lid, then the person falls into mania, or monia, yes, as psychotherapists say, when you talk about dopamine, yes, i'm talking about dopamine, when dopamine, well, let's say, is a little more than half, then these are napoleons, these are people, leaders, these are people who are capable of taking responsibility, these are people who are interested in everything, they are literally in everything
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they are captivated by their interest, they are capable of learning, remember in vysotsky there are few real wild ones, that's why there are no leaders, that is , there in that konachikov dacha there were few people with dopamine, with a good level of dopamine, here we have dopamine written, but many pronounce it as dopamine, it is the same thing, and this is a substance without which there are no such leadership qualities, it is really good. but if there is too little or too much of it, then there will be a completely negative coloring, and many drugs, when a psychotherapist, psychiatrist encounters a person, well, let's say, with such a suppressed emotional background, with such apathy, indifference and with a number of other important things, then dopamine will play a big role here, the means containing this substance increase its level. helps
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a person to live well, what is the difference between dopamine and endorphin, how many hormones of happiness? well, here a lot of all sorts of important substances are written, and we do not associate testosterone with the hormone of happiness, but it brings happiness, but i have not seen people yes, with a low testosterone level, there is no such thing as happy people, moreover, here is a good example, in order for us to produce testosterone, yes... let's take men, yes, it is produced in the scrotum, in the testicles, its main place, there are also the adrenal glands, there will be a little testosterone there, but more so , the main organ of the male testicles for the synthesis of testosterone, so in order for it to be produced there, it is necessary for the luteinizing hormone to be produced in the pituitary gland in the head, it is called lh, so in order for lh to be produced , dopamine is needed, yeah, and in order for it to be produced
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dopamine needs a thyroid hormone. glands and so on, that is, they are all interconnected with each other, well, there is some kind of entrance to this labyrinth, what needs to be done in order for you to have a lot of happiness hormones, everything? here's how much is needed, a little, a lot of error, how much is needed, a balance is needed, but they attribute to catherine the second, she said that happiness is a good character and talent, we know talented people, they painted beautiful pictures or sculptures or played music, but if they are quarrelsome, if they have little of that oxytocin itself, i'll tell you about it now, or serotonin. uncommunicative, they are so irritated, they communicate poorly with colleagues and friends, let's say so, so if a person's balance is disturbed, then he will
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look either, well, figuratively speaking, bad, or irritable, he will not be a joy to himself, and a burden to someone, well, for example, oxytocin, oxytocin. a hormone that is produced in our pituitary gland, we have such an organ, and this is a hormone that gives a feeling of kinship, closeness, and before childbirth and in general during pregnancy, and they change hormone levels, and as they say, a mother feels the instinct of motherhood faster than the instinct of fatherhood, yes, fathers are later included in these parental feelings, but oxytocin also works in a father, yes, but not always and not... this is oxytocin, but not only it, including. moreover, oxytocin
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plays a very active role in childbirth, it literally pushes out the fetus, it increases such muscle contractility, this same contractility will then be in the mammary glands, so that milk, yes, lactation can take place, and so... oxytocin is, when close people become family to each other, or when a person has a feeling of such kinship, yes, he says: oh, it's like i've known you for 100 years, this means that there is a release of oxytocin, this is how it penetrates into these relationships, and some cunning speakers, yeah, there is such an opinion, they spray oxytocin into the air, in my opinion, it doesn't have much effect, but still has a certain... rational at its core, and thus the audience becomes more disposed to this, i think they themselves sniff it and are more disposed audience, it's all very simple, yes there is another one like this, like a hint, when
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a person wants to achieve a more loyal attitude towards himself, he offers to drink coffee, here is the smell of coffee itself, coffee, it promotes the synthesis. oxytocin, and this inspires more trust. zukhra, i very carefully studied the literature in search, if any, specifically on oxytocin, because for me it was the most incomprehensible of such hormones of happiness. unfortunately, there are no such - just one hundred percent products that you need to eat in order for you to have it worked out. well, coffee, you said it right, there is magnesium in it, ours, our favorite, there is something else, but that's all, well, very indirectly, here, but with oxytocin.
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it is produced mainly in the intestines, oddly enough, exactly there, and dopamine, on the contrary, is synthesized in the brain by about 90%, only 10% in the adrenal gland. they are very similar to each other, but still dopamine was considered such a hormone that gives a feeling of maximum pleasure. then it causes some kind of addiction,
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yes, you want to experience it again, more once to experience, but better, of course, looking at there on the athletes playing there. well, dear friends, how many times to jump to lower blood pressure, unusual ways to lower blood pressure and much more, important and interesting in the program: live healthy, tomorrow. on the first, the path to your calling is very cernist, what professions did our guests master on the way to their dream, i also worked as an instructor in the raykom of the komsomol, and since there was no such rate, in my work book it is written cleaner kubol, i worked for 3 years libraries, i am terribly not i liked it, but we have a story about how you returned to your native library, oh, tatyana, can we take a selfie with you, all my professions, whether it was a folvar apprentice, a loader, they were selected taking into account that
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i had as much time as possible to do what i loved, i worked on central television, as a senior accountant, senior, you said, there will be a hedgehog, and what is this, my first entry was in the books, my most favorite, a night receiver, it was not offensive that everyone listened to you, i constantly gave away my voice, i'm sitting at home having breakfast, i have a radio beacon hanging on the wall. a girl is singing, and i'm sitting there evaluating how well the girl sings, such a wonderful voice, and then, oh my, it's me singing, on saturday on the first, and we continue our podcast and today it's dedicated to the hormones of happiness, with you zukhra pavlova, an endocrinologist, and olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda. by the way, what's interesting is that you can do a genetic analysis to find out. predisposition, what, to what, what hormones you naturally have
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more is produced? well, is it possible, is it possible - if we know something about ourselves, well, or here i look at patients, if i see a person with connective tissue dysplasia - this is such a large, how to say, pool of diseases, conditions, these people, as a rule, or maybe, say, the balance between adrenaline, norepinephrine... hormones of the adrenal glands and cortisol in favor of adrenaline, noroadrenaline, and these people may also have less serotonin, they are prone to various depressions, reduced emotional background, but as a rule they have there is a fairly good level of dopamine, so they have a good ability to learn, they are so interested, active, so you can even, well, what is called by phenotype, looking at a person, because. how he looks, assume what characterological features he will have, but the analysis
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is more reliable, of course, moreover, very often - when i communicate with patients and see that there is a certain discrepancy with the clinic and the results, and let's say the laboratory is definitely objective, i have no complaints about this laboratory, it has been tested, everything is fine with it, the clinical picture does not correspond, the clinical picture is the signs, yes, the signs of the disease, yes. yes, the manifestation, that is, then the thought about the features of the receptors does not close, that's when we had the opportunity to get results on the structure and sensitivity of the receptors, it made the work even more interesting, because here is hidden what is generally not always thought about, by the way, here is dopamine, when they tell me, and i submitted the results for - sensitivity of receptors, their structure, this moment... even for the world, i really want to see this result, because i
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immediately start calculating, most likely it will be this, this, this, yes, when i see that it coincided, then serotonin joins in, straight pleasure and happiness, by the way, when there is a lot of oxytocin, at some good level of serotonin - these are such loving people, indiscriminate, they can even be somehow branded, as they say, yes, they are not very guilty, their hormonal balance is such that they themselves no... the owners, well, what can you do in this situation, only social norms, self-education, control, well , so to speak, not to go all out, that 's how it's often really determined. maybe he 's supposed to, you need to add, i immediately understand that the person has everything decent with cortisol, here's adrenaline, he has norodlen under control, when a person says,
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i don't know anything, when three against one, it's all unfair, i'll go there, i'll climb in, i need to separate all this, here's where the person doesn't has time to think, especially. he has a little, but adrenaline is just enough, he immediately into the thick of things, then he may regret it, but a person is not always his own master, he often acts on such impulses, on such basic, yes, on how he is arranged, here, what to do, well, in general , life experience, scars, yes, yes, yes, yes, because no one is able to learn from other people's mistakes, this is this, this is a myth, another medical one. moreover, one of the greatest tragedies in my life was information that only 5% of people learn from their mistakes, everyone else regularly repeats them, so you really want to be in this wonderful pool, but history shows that only the chosen ones get there, here
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is another very important point, that an excess, or a lack of hormones of these neurotransmitters, yes substances, biologically active substances that, yeah. act on brain cells, well, actually they affect the whole body, various diseases arise, for example, autism is absolutely definitely associated with a pronounced deficiency of oxytocin, not only, there will be serotonin and dopamine, but this does not mean that there is not enough dopamine, dopamine, and they are very trainable, they are not able to give out this information, yes, in the form we are accustomed to, for example, with parkinson's disease there is such a thing: but such a place in the brain is called the black substance, the substance nigro, the latin name, it is destroyed, the metabolism of that very dopamine is disrupted and parkinson's disease develops, all over the world they are struggling with this complex disease, there were very interesting works on such, let's say, non-standard
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the use of testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone restoration therapy in polish. testosterone levels, right, they stimulated the synthesis of this very testosterone, improving the clinical manifestations of parkinson's disease, that is, in people, roughly speaking, there were fewer of these movement disorders, yes, but still the main active first-line drug, as they say, are drugs based on ... affecting dopamine receptors, you can even touch on one more such, i would say global topic, it extremely interesting in relation to our current hormones of happiness, this is obesity, so we have such a zone in the brain, arcuate nuclei, and not only in it, they have a lot of serotonin receptors, there
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is just a minefield of them, so if you act on one receptor, some h2s, then a person, this is ... if you act on a receptor there, some a1, then a person will have a feeling of love, falling in love, happiness, if you act on a receptor , some a2, then a person will lose his appetite, by the way, look, when a person in love, remember, he doesn't want to eat, doesn't notice fatigue, the world is beautiful, the same people live around in the same house, but everything becomes beautiful, good, kind, wonderful, and you don't want to eat, i mean that when one day in the fifties a drug for weight loss was created, it acted on the serotonin receptor, it had such a name as fenfen, everyone
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happily rushed to lose weight on it, but a very large number of people began to die in suicides with cardiovascular complications. only then did it become clear that receptors for the same hormone have different modifications and completely different actions, so when you create a medicine that affects some dopamine receptors, serotonin receptors, and you do not have subtle knowledge of this selectivity, that is, selectivity, you can get any results, consequences, but not those that you expected, so very often we use:


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