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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  August 19, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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i'm afraid of this word edible and even sweet flowers, thank you, well, dear ones, dad , daughter, friend, congratulations, wow, how beautiful, thank you, natalia, we applaud your image and the work of our stylists, we give you all three sets of clothes from the fashion verdict. wear them with pleasure, and if you, like our heroine natalia, want to take part in our program, fill out the form on the first channel website, how are pastel colors, this light vovcharos is magnificent, the first channel presents.
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well, dear friends, how many times jump up to lower blood pressure, unusual ways to lower blood pressure and much more important and interesting in the program: live healthy! well, friends, next to me are old gossips, so it's time for our favorite project, stupid questions to the doctor, there are no stupid questions, there are stupid answers, and we are smart, there is nowhere to put the stupid, so don't judge strictly, let people come and ask questions, today stupid questions about the brain, we are waiting for the first guest. there is
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an opinion that the human brain works at 10% maximum, i also think so, i feel that my potential is much greater, tell me, is it true, in short, i have potential, but my brain does not allow me to develop, yes, such an opinion is common, it exists, but it exists, mikhail yegorevich, is it true that the brain works at 10%, no, it is not true, but can you prove it, we can, of course, the fact is that in our head... brain there are different departments, each department is responsible for its own function, but if 10% is approximately this much, yes, we see, but they did a study by petkt, when it shows the fact that our entire brain works in principle at 100%, another question is that it has different departments and they are responsible for different functions, but the entire brain always works, it does not always happen.
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so that the brain does not work, this is stupidity, absolutely, this is the data of medicine of past eras. the brain works as a whole, and the brain should rest, but even during sleep the brain works, because it analyzes the past day and arranges all the information in files, so no, or you work and achieve heights, there is nothing to blame on the brain, your shortcomings or laziness. that's how strictly we defined the answer to the question, we're waiting for the next guest, so let's, i heard such a fact that it's better to think when a person is hungry, and when i study or work i like to chew, gnaw on something, i think that maybe it's better not to, is it true that the brain works better when hungry, is it true, hermanshaich, that a full belly is better for learning? in general, it's true, there are
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two, there are two facts: the first fact is on laboratory animals, when they showed that when the hunger hormone, ghrelin, is introduced to mice, and leads to the formation of new neural connections, because the shoots grow, we even have a video already obtained in cell culture, cell culture is when in dishes... in petri dishes in laboratories, cells live, they have a nutrient medium, that is, a well-fed environment, and there is a hungry environment with a lack of food components, my husband showed me this for the first time in a culture of nerve cells, and it was simply amazing, now you will see a hungry environment, shoots grow in a hungry environment, look, you see, the shoots grow, looking for a way out, where something find, where would what? grab, when a you see,
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growth cones appear in nerve cells, just like a person, there is not enough food, there are problems, you have to look, you have to work and so on. the same is shown in people, people who are hungry, their cognitive and mental abilities are better, why? because in fact you need to find food, globally, that's why neurons grow, that's why when you're full, that you want to sleep, you've eaten your fill, you've collapsed, that's why a full belly is definitely deaf to learning, these are the facts of life, we're waiting for the next one guest. i have a question: my husband says that it's time for me to learn to multitask, that is, if i do several things
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at once, i will work faster and better, but i don't think so, it's more convenient for me to do one thing first, then another, i wanted to ask in general, can our... brain work like this multitasking, who of us is right, me or my husband? andrey petrovich, who is right? well, you know, although i should probably feel male solidarity with my husband, but being right, the truth is more precious, and you are absolutely right, unfortunately, the brain is better at sequential tasks than you would try to do a multitasking solution to a problem, and for this we have... a very simple but very illustrative experiment, how this happens, we like to show it, because it is proof, just like this, come to us, please, come to us, here i have a stopwatch in my hand, and i suggest that you now write this sentence, is
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the husband right, i have it here, no one is writing anything yet, this is just preparation, i will write here, is the husband right, here is this sentence for us you have to write, remember? now andrey petrovich, explain the conditions of the experiment, so, the conditions of the experiment are as follows: our group, our wonderful group, my pressure, our guest write a letter from this from this sentence and a number, for example, p, under it one, r, two, a, three, v, in general, is limu right? you must do two things at the same time: write letters and write numbers, one letter, one number, one letter, one number, you can, yes, drap, let's get ready, get set, march, let's go, in a compact manner,
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yeah. and a question at the end, yeah, then 10, how much? 24 seconds, 24 seconds - two tasks were done at once, don't go, don't go, don't go, don't go, and now we'll ask you to do, write the words first, and after that, yes, also just on command, and did you have time? to write: is the husband right? show me, let's see, let's enlarge it with the camera and see with or without mistakes? is the husband right without a question, nine with a mistake, is he right, is the husband right? is the husband right? not a single number
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is written here at all, is the husband right? show me, show me, turn it around, like this, here also sasha, there are seven digits here, and there should be 10 of them, in general,
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husband, is the husband right? the husband is always right, except for this particular case. thank you, we are waiting for the next one. thank you very much. "i'm afraid to seem ridiculous, but i am very often under stress, i was told that stress kills the brain, is this true? not true, stress does not kill the brain, why mikhal, the fact is that stress is the greatest reaction of our body to any external influence, what happens during?" "stress redistributes blood supply in favor of the brain and heart and
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muscles, that is, on the contrary, blood flow in the brain improves, in the heart in the muscles, the brain, on the contrary, works like an animal, understandable, understandable, yes, so the answer is no, the brain does not suffer, the brain thinks better during stress, the brain works better, and there is even a saying for one beaten, that is, one who has experienced a lot. lived in stress, they give two unbeaten, they give two unbeaten, the beaten thinks better, thinks faster and so on, you understand, so no, this is the situation, and we have another guest, we are waiting for him, there is such an expression, to brainwash, to be honest, sometimes i tell children that i will wash their brains, well, so as not to be idle.
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do this? is it possible to wash their brains? i would really like to say is it possible to wash their brains and how did i formulate the question like that, i would even remove the quotation marks, why german? because we do it every night. during sleep, the amount of cerebral fluid actually increases. which washes the brain and removes all the toxins, it is clear, that is why we wash our brains every night, that is why we need to sleep well so that the brain works perfectly in the morning, that is what great questions, interesting answers, i think we'll take a short break and then continue, oh apple, how to eat apples properly, the core is a must. we celebrate apple savior and head to the apple capital of russia. our
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famous compatriot, breeder, ivan vladimirovich michurin lived in the tambov region. what are tambov apples famous for? immunity testing. what is immunoglobulin e responsible for in the body . increased immunoglobulin in this way. what does it mean? that i have an allergy. no, that worms can be or parasites can be in a person, and what to do when there is too much of it, all on charging, any, types of physical activity reduces blood pressure from 5 to 10 mm of the mulberry column, what exercises will help to reduce blood pressure? magamaev on saturday at the first to the eightieth anniversary of sergei solovyov,
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closer and closer here, go, there are such men, here you are ready to marry him immediately on the first day of meeting, and this is sergei sanchlavich, love at first sight, he began to pursue me until he married me, he did not leave me, and i did not at all fell in love, i didn't know, maybe you have a relationship, what other relationship? it's you, it's impossible to become a director, you can only be one, it's either there inside you,
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or it's not, i understand, everything that happened , the most valuable thing in my life, the most precious thing, everything happened by chance, pure foolishness, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, when she flew in an hour ago, they threw things right to you, what... you're so lucky with her, did we foist a copy on this rich guy under the guise of a real monet? the guy looks boldly, the family is good, he fought, he has awards, such won't you forget? no need, the girl decides everything there. oh, hello, this friend told me that your neonal got involved with a bad crowd, they are involved in fraud. we still won't collect 40 braids in 3 days, we will. and you can help me with one thing, or at least with all of them. so, votkin himself will give everything, all we have to do is take the money, well, leave
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unnoticed. cool, why is he pestering you, klene? let him do whatever he wants, as long as he helps his dad. i would advise you to give up walking, they want to kill you, ninel, premiere of the multi-part film, soon, on the first one, rehearsed with him, i 'm not going to make excuses, and maybe you like him, that's it, friends, let's cut apples, today is apple savior, this is the program live healthy, we are in the kitchen, and we are with you from...
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and finally, bring us apples into the studio! by the way, today is apple savior - this is a religious holiday called the transfiguration of the lord, on this day the three
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apostles, jacob, john and peter together. with christ climbed mount tabor, there jesus began to read prayers, at some point his clothes began to glow, the face was illuminated by radiance, and believers believe that at that moment christ showed his two beginnings, human and divine, among believers it is customary to go to church, to bless apples, here... pears plums, these are the apples we have in the studio today, understand, with such a feeling, sublime, let's talk about the good things we know about apples, let's go to the models, friends, the first is pectin, apples are rich in pectin, this is food
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for good microbes, german shaich, you have the floor, i eat apples, i'll finish chewing and i'll tell you, germanshaich eats apples when he sees them constantly, look, apples contain digestible and indigestible dietary fiber, when all this mixes together in our intestines, and what happens, these are bad substances, these are rough undigested. fibers, in an apple and at the same time, pectin, which stimulates and feeds our, good, bacteria, this normalizes the stool allows us to remove cholesterol from the body all toxic substances, what do you think, with what? with the stool,
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but that's not all, mikhail yegorovich, what does it have to do with here are the eyes, the thing is that in apples... antioxidants protect our eyes from free radicals that affect all systems of our eyes, if there are enough flavonoids, it is thus protected, and if there are few of them, then these are natural antioxidants, these are the very ones , unfortunately, the eyes are damaged by free radicals. let's take a short break, because we have a pedestal of honor for these very flavonoids, where are there the most of them? in apples, pears or plums, apples are in first place in first place 160. plums 124, and pears - 41, our pears have fallen behind, i understand, andrey petrovich, you have the floor, i am returning the doctor, i just
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want to combine pectins, biofavanoids , look, i have a leukocyte, a white blood cell, its task is to kill viruses, bacteria and work on our protection, look, if i have a huge number of viruses, bacteria here, what is called: on garbage, then this cell should work effectively, it will work when our good bacteria will train it when it is protected from an oxidative explosion, antioxidants, that is, its active work depends on these two factors, so apples are a wonderful product for the immune defense of our leukocytes. three questions, how do you... how to store and how to eat them properly? the first question, how to choose? i want, you know, to show how apples are picked in the tambov
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region, in our apple capital, let's see, look, how beautiful, they've already picked everything, they say that you can come to tambov and just pick apples for yourself, really, yeah, in the tambov region, specifically in the city of michurinsk, our... famous compatriot, breeder, ivan lived vladimirovich michurin, here he is, he lived, worked , created new varieties, grew, more than 300 varieties, more than 300, he was truly an outstanding protein, a monument to the apple stands in the city of michurinsky, look how healthy it is, red and beautiful, well, how to choose apples, well, if we are talking about michurin apples, then you need to buy them in august, because the set occurs at the end of summer, but in general, of course, we choose apples by appearance, the apple should be quite elastic, do not leave such
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here are dents, if it is soft and flabby, then it is already overripe, there should be no rot, spoilage, the smell, if the apple is good, is transmitted even through the peel, in the city of kemerovo we bought such apples, we had apples, because others. then still existing yugoslavia, imagine, and so in my whole life until i was 23 i had never seen bananas, in moscow they ate them every summer, got it, got it, and we sold them. and he also sold bananas to us, but this is a digression, let's move on, guys, how to store apples correctly, they need to be stored dry,
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cool place, better in the refrigerator, uh, if they are stored for a long time, you can put them in paper, and do not close them tightly, do not forget that modern refrigerators no frost, they will dry them out, dehydrate them. but i mean in the cellar, there is no such thing, they are stored in cellars for a long time, how to eat apples correctly, whole and with the core necessarily, why, because they contain good bacteria that improve the function of our, a large amount of fiber, just fine, did you cut up some apples, is that all?
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ignat, i'll have a day to see you, but only between us, in the new season on the first, there are already rumors about this crime in the city,
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wherever you go, he talks about it everywhere. after the war, i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, i was interested in what happened there at the end of the war, and what could have happened there. anything, if you don't have a photo? it's strange, where are they, were they here, oh my god, how similar he is to my son, you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly, well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, premiere of legendary book by yulian semenov. our
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medical topic today is immunity testing. we have big numbers here for ig e, immunoglobulin (e) - these are antibodies and we are going to our medical site for an immunity test. an immunity test is a blood test called an immunogram. this is an analysis of white blood cells, leukocytes and proteins contained in the blood. hello. hello, nastya's blood was taken, you can now lower your sleeve. nastya, as far as i understand, you have elevated immunoglobulin e, right? here while we have a little intrigue, let's show what an immunogram looks like, it's a whole set, today we are interested in immunoglobulins e, and once again we will show the norm of immunoglobulins e in large, come with us. so, less than 100 international.
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viruses, and there are also parasites, all sorts of worms, these are various, yes multicellular, there are there are such microbes, not only bacteria and unicellular like omebas, blastocysts and so on like that, these parasites worms, these
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parasites. we also need protection from them, and this protection is provided by immunoglobulins class e cells such as easinophil, why is this necessary, because then class e antibodies help our easinophils kill, show them where these worms are, the worm, we have a mind-blowing video, no need to tell, just show, let's make a hole. here they are, because easinophil also secretes a huge amount of substances that can kill these parasites, let's look at the screen, now there will be just a picture from a living organism, here is this worm, this parasite, our cells have covered it from all sides and are destroying it its shell, and they covered it, because the immunoglobulins have already flown there and are waving them to fly here, they immobilized. they immobilized this
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worm, they are flashing with beacons there , these azzinophil cells are floating there, devouring these worms. elevated immunoglobulin e, so what does it mean? that i have an allergy, no, that, that a person can have worms or parasites, mositis, there can be parasites, this, this, a sad story, why are immunoglobulins needed in nature. what kind of analysis should we take? girls, in this case, you also have to take a stool test for worms, for parasites, this is a mandatory history, but unfortunately, immunoglobulins of class e have a downside, they are a marker of allergic reactions, so the girl is also right about allergies, let's go there to our model, so, first, elevated immunoglobulin e indicates that there may be
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parasites in the body, second, they say that you are allergic, mine is always elevated 10 times, look, and here the same situation arises, if we take this one our immunoglobulin class e. yes, this is such an allergen, here they are by themselves, if they float, then nothing terrible happens, this is a cell, a mast cell, which secretes histamine, suddenly an allergen came, and this allergen then bound with this immunoglobulin e, they both took and thus destroyed this cell, it threw out histamine and after that the tooth began. swelling, if it happened to the mucous membrane, lacrimation, snot, you probably know all these processes, like an allergy, now we will show it on the screen, so, immunoglobulins e themselves float in the blood and they,
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of course, create a high allergic mood, as soon as there was a meeting with an allergen, it does not matter whether you ate the allergen or inhaled it, now we are showing on the screen how a person inhaled an allergen, for example, pollen, it here ... connected with immunoglobulin e, immunoglobulin with mast cells, mast cells ruptured, released histamine, the vessels expand, become porous, the liquid part of the blood comes out, and we are swollen with such a face, we call andrei petrovich prodeos, how i do this, i say, andrey petrovich, i'm in botkin hospital with edema to vinka, he says: i'll stop by, i'm driving, lie down, i understand, now we showed you this drama on the screen, i have, if you just take an analysis of immunoglobulins e is 10 times more, that's how i live, waiting for a meeting with an allergen, what
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advice can i give? well, firstly, if we know, yes, if we know what a specific allergy is, we avoid it, if there is an opportunity to do allergy-specific immunotherapy, for example, if a person has an allergy. there is a treatment for birch allergy to birch blossoms, if someone has weeds at the end of summer, then there is such a treatment, now they do treatment for house dust mites, who have an allergy to house dust mites and now in russia they make russian drugs for the treatment of allergies to cats, for example, there is a treatment, unfortunately, i do not have an allergy to any. pollen and not to house cats and not to mites, it falls on my head, i myself do not know from where, well, for example, you had a reaction to kumkuvat, bam, i swelled up, that is, i do not even know from what i should do immunospecific therapy, so you need to undergo further examination, and
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if there is an opportunity to undergo treatment, undergo treatment, take, of course , a stool test for helminth eggs, okay, yes, thank you, these are the immunoglobulin ones, very interesting, thank you very much, and we... friends, let's take a short break, and then continue. everyone to exercise. any kind of physical activity reduces blood pressure by 5 to 10 mm hg. what exercises will help reduce blood pressure? nowhere, nowhere, you can't.
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on our project, generations do not conflict, but unite in beautiful duets, you are a wise man little sheep, two stars, fathers and sons, sunday on the first, rise, get up, this is my office, not a public thoroughfare, get out of here, excuse me, comrade colonel, you will go to switzerland, according to the legend of vabaranas, your object, swiss general henri guzon, hitler is ready for war, it is about to begin, we have strangers in our village, two men in a black mercedes, i think they
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are interested in you, you will go with us, most likely you will be sent to the gulag, duels, the illegal life of a colonel. rybkina on saturday on the first, having started writing, i seemed to resurrected, i worked under my maiden name voskresenskaya, all my books were for children. i didn't write a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life, in the new season on the first, you have a good collective farm, and you will try to make it rich, a millionaire, and you have hardly aged, it's hard, probably with the unfamiliarity it will be a village, nothing we will get used to, and in our village your hanky-panky can end badly, vadim, partork, are you sure, he is a granny... " my marinka and i almost ran away before
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the wedding, because of him, and if i fall in love with you again i'll fall in love, it's yours, do with it as you wish, throw it away if you want, wear it if you want , hide it if you want, he pestered you again yesterday, don't disgrace the family, kirill, i want to give you some advice, as an experienced womanizer, don't pester a woman if she doesn't want it herself, you're ruining your own life and hers, what will happen to you now, what will they do to you, these are not just words, if necessary, i'll kill you, i wouldn't throw around such words, i'll put you in jail if you kick, for what? we'll always find an article, i won't survive if you cheat on me, i can't live without you, the premiere, soon on first, i can't live without you, our favorite scale with dr. gandelman, the hypertension scale, german shevich, point by point once again, what pressure? normal, what is high, what numbers does hypertension start with, not only
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for our, non-doctors, for our patients, but also for doctors, because now you need to know this, normal pressure is 120 to 80 mm of the tautology column and below, high, normal pressure or borderline pressure, the so-called, from 120 to 129.
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here i want to say a very, very important thing: the fact is that medicine has become mathematics, and today these pressure numbers, they dictate to us a certain behavior, for example, if the pressure is 120 and 80 and below - this is the norm, if a person does not take pills, and this is the goal that a person strives for, and he must get into this zone, if he ... takes pills, if the pressure is from 120 to 129 and 80 is not lower, then we say, you do not need pills, if a person does not take pills, but you should lower the pressure non-medically, non-medicinally, and there are recommendations that we will talk about today, if the pressure 130 and 80, for example, you are from a risk group, that is, over 60 years old, had a heart attack-stroke, we say, we will prescribe you pills strictly. if you are from this group, but you are young, under sixty,
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did not have a heart attack, we say, we will not prescribe pills, but non-medical non-pill methods should be used to reduce blood pressure, what i mean is that medicine has become mathematics, therefore artificial intelligence has become possible, right, everyone says, artificial intelligence will replace the doctor, it will never replace us, because we create it, we create it, we we introduce these numbers into his brainless intellect and create these brains, so don't be afraid of artificial intelligence, today we will talk about what physical activity reduces blood pressure, once again, this is not a medicinal reduction in pressure, and as always my favorite group is my pressure, my responsibility, and victoria vladimirovna is with us today with her report, germanshevich, let's go check the homework. i can also show me physical education
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, i can do sports, i can jump rope, she says i can do sports like nothing else do well look at the free application my pressure where everyone enters numbers true vika yes so now we will show where our vika i want to show the total result for the last 10 days that is 80% of the time it is in the green zone means. in general it is on the way to almost full compensation, and it was worse or better, it was all red , yes, it was red, now after all most of the time it gets here, that is , in the green, well done, take it, once again, this application is free, now physical education,
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do you do it or not, yes, every morning, i do exercises, yes, definitely, definitely, 40 minutes, germanshech, so, physical education, what does it give, look, what is physical education, the first physical education itself, regular physical activity, reduces blood pressure, i can reassure you, any types of physical activity, dynamic running,
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walking, isometric, weight lifting, a combination of isometric and... one or two, and now we will show on the screen what happens to the brain. german shaar begins to work, look, at the moment when you do physical activity, the vessels expand, blood reaches all organs, and
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arterial pressure decreases. all together once, we walk. what does this give us? look, this is an elastic vessel that contracts, expands, thus our pressure is normal, if a person does not do physical exercise, the vessels become brittle, break it, break it, break it, now, that's it. and what is this, this is an example of why a person with hypertension has a stroke, because the vessels break, the vessels are fragile, but that's not all, let's go to this model, the thing is that we have fat burning factories only in muscles, only in muscles, nowhere else, it is difficult to burn them, so if you
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touch and use your muscles, then the fat begins to burn. there are unusual methods of physical culture, herman shaich, i want to show you these expanders, it is very good for children too. no, it is good for children too, here you go, here you go, herman shevich, the science associated with such nonsense, an expander, what science, look, well, first of all, it is the same physical activity, here the following are involved small forces, we, in addition, maintain strength in our hands, and this leads to an increase
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in life expectancy, because strength in our hands reflects our life expectancy, we activate our. brain and say, we exercise, calm the brain, stimulate the parasympathetic system and the pressure also decreases, what else is known, this is a static load, that is, we do not lengthen, do not shorten muscles, we stand statically and do, but there is tension, this is a static load, another effect - the release of oxide increases. it's very convenient, i do it sometimes, you sit in a meeting, have nothing to do, and
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work, hold on, you go on the bus, you can't do anything on the bus, you again use your arm muscles, and your arm muscles occupy a large area of ​​the head dumbbell, exercises with weights. it's convenient for you, and don't bother, this could be better, this is worse, what you can
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do, you enjoy doing, do it longer, then the pressure will be lower, thank you very much, our vikiy for your optimism and help, sit down, please, that's all, friends, that we phone - this is it, hold on, and that's all, friends, that we wanted to tell you today, it's time for us to finish, hello, the information channel on the first one starts working live, this is the program time will show in the studio ruslan nashko, the situation in the kursk region remains tense, our fighters are trying to push back the enemy, attacks
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by several ukrainian assault groups have been repelled, including an attack by the elite eighty -second airborne assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. as a result, over the past 24 hours, losses in the ssu amounted to more than 300 servicemen and 27 units of armored vehicles. among the targets hit is the mrs, which is supposedly an almost invulnerable launcher of a multiple rocket launch system. american-made fire, our aviation also struck reserves and warehouse buildings of the ukrainian armed forces brigades in the sumy region in the dnipropetrovsk region , a su-24 bomber was destroyed right at the airfield along with stormshadow cruise missiles. well, the enemy continues shelling civilians in the kursk region. over the past 24 hours , we have evacuated more than 1,700 people. not only local civilians were hit, but also volunteers who came to help. on friday, in the kursk region , employees and activists of the people's front were killed
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while evacuating people from the frontline areas. the specific evacuation team that came under fire included three people, two of whom died on the spot, and the third employee was hospitalized with shrapnel wounds and burns. all the details about this tragedy in our story. on august 16 this year , two young activists of the people's front were killed in the kursk region. front: nikolay kovalev and david sokolov, they dedicated their lives to saving people, but on august 16, the rescue operation turned out to be their last. our close friend nikita called us. he said that kolya had died, i don't believe that we will never see him again, because...


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