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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 19, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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you need to reach the finish line, in power extreme sports everything is the most spectacular, we came to prove that youth is not a death sentence, we will fight with experienced, professional, strong athletes, where in heroic competitions without a battle wall to wall, strength and youthful prowess of these athletes with dashing. lyubov filippova, andrey podgornov, svetlana vidyashkina, channel one vladimir region. a hot anticyclone covers russian regions. siberia, central. russia, as for resorts, krasnodar region, the north caucasus, there under 40, even for these latitudes such figures in mid-august exceed the norm, in the capital region a hot week, today under 30, from tomorrow a little cooler, about 25. orthodox christians today celebrate one of the important church holidays, the transfiguration of the lord or apple savior, all over russia today solemn services are held, in the cathedral of christ the savior, the divine liturgy was held.
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are dressed in snow-white clothes. on this day , it is customary to illuminate the harvest ripening in the gardens with light, so the clergy today are mainly apples, hence the second name holiday. that's all for now, we are following the development of the event, and the information channel on the first one will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first one continues its work, everyone with the beginning of a new work week, we are working live, with you anatoly kuzichev, this program time will tell, banderites are striking at bridges in the kursk region, on friday a strike was made on the bridge over the seim river in the glushkovsky district, yesterday information appeared about a strike on another bridge over the same river, today information appeared that the strike was damaged.
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we are used to saying a stable tense situation that is under our control, that is, the enemy is constantly trying to attack, in particular, you have already correctly said that in the glushkovsky district, they eventually, using american hymers, cut off the bridges, but nevertheless, we still have engineering troops that are setting up pontoon crossings, and considering that the local population has mostly been evacuated, then accordingly it does not pose any
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difficulty for us to use these pontoon crossings for logistics, well, deliveries so that our group there is constantly supplied, that is, the situation is under control, in fact, all attempts by the enemy to attack in this direction, they are not currently being met with success, did i understand correctly, i wanted to ask a question, what is the point, what is the idea behind these attacks on the bridge, but you, so to speak, partly answered it, saying that this is an attempt to cut off our opportunity. yes, yes, yes, absolutely right, an attempt to cut off, but which was not crowned with success, because again, i repeat, our engineering troops are also in full combat readiness, so to speak, pontoon crossings were immediately set up, which are working absolutely normally under our control, yeah, i understand, uh, what is the situation with civilians, how is aid provided, evacuation, this is in fact the most, the most painful and the most, the most difficult, as i understand it, part of this... yeah, yes,
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evacuation is constantly happening, for example from the lushkovsky district, again i repeat, the population has also already been evacuated from those settlements in which in the first place queue there is a threat, yes to get at least under some kind of short-term presence of the enemy, and accordingly before that the sudzhansky district had already been evacuated from other districts, also from the korenevsky district , and in... in kursk itself 77 temporary accommodation points are open, i myself, in principle , observed how people are accommodated there absolutely without any, well, let's say, panic moods, yes, it is clear that people experience a certain discomfort, but nevertheless everything is very organized at the highest level, that's in in particular, the fighters of the international brigade pyatnashka, with which i am stationed here, also took part in the evacuation of people who...
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for some reason, let's say, did not evacuate on time, so the fighters were already persuading them, there were sick people, there were elderly people, who at some point, well , for some reason... decided not to evacuate in what is called an organized manner, but nevertheless, the fighters still persuade, explain, and also take them out in their cars, i witnessed this, how the fighters of the international brigade pyatnashka act, also other fighters, i know, do this when they suddenly find people in a populated area somewhere who for some reason did not leave, these are rare cases, but they happen, they take them out in their cars. directly to kursk. got it, thank you very much, pavel kukushkin was on direct line with us, a military correspondent of the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense of the russian federation.
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eh, i want to tell you that, well, it is clear that hysterics lose wars, or rather, it is military leaders who both lose and win wars, of course, but hysterics are very strong helps to lose it, why did i remember this, why did i say this at all, to the fact that let's calmly, sensibly and rationally treat this, of course, wildly, terribly unpleasant... situation, but nothing more, difficult, tense, unpleasant, even humiliating, but i repeat, but not fatal and not catastrophic, let's proceed from this, treat it rationally, especially since these are amazing rhymes of course, but in general , ukrainian troops, yes, yes, ukrainian troops, which, with the support of one or another western countries in general of the west, which are part of the kursk region, this has already happened in our history, this is not the first time, well... practically, well, a little more, 100 years ago, in 1918 , ukraine already walked along this path, by the way, it is good to remember, now is the time to remember how this walk ended for ukraine, well, and to draw some analogies, and how interestingly it can
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end now, let's remember. spring of 1918, the troops of the ukrainian people's republic, with the support of german troops , carry out an invasion of kursk. the communist leadership of the rsfsr found this invasion a complete surprise, because literally a month before, on march 3, 1918 , the bolsheviks had signed the so-called brest peace treaty with germany, within the framework of which we renounced vast territories in the west of russia and agreed to recognize the independence of the young ukrainian state. the invasion of the kursk region enraged the entire soviet leadership. a message had just been received that the ukrainian...
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without difficulty, but was repulsed and a demarcation line was drawn between the territories of the upr and the rsfsr, but the peace did not last long, when in the autumn of 1918 germany capitulated to the entente countries and the first world war ended, the power of the ukrainian hetman immediately began to waver, a month later he was overthrown
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by the odious atomist symon petliura, the territory of ukraine was increasingly immersed in anarchy. here is what the head of the rsfsr vladimir lenin wrote in those days about the situation in ukraine. now in ukraine , every gang chooses a nickname, one is freer than the other, one is more democratic than the other, in each county there is a gang. at that moment in moscow realized that the hetman with whom they had concluded agreements was no longer there, and his replacement petliura was actively trying to find patrons in france and britain. yes, the threat from ukrainian nationalists had not gone away. moscow decided to act without delay. on january 7, 1919, bolshevik troops, relying on local. polie, began an offensive against the ukrainian people's republic. over the next 3 years , the methodical destruction of the upr formations and the construction of soviet institutions in the liberated territories took place. support from the entente countries and poland it was no longer possible to save the petliurites. the logical end of this struggle was the entry of the ossr
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as a union republic on december 30 , 1922.
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here, too, science and science forces us to make a generalization, not just that we are being thrown, but it turns out that while we are trying to negotiate with ukraine, vladimir vladimirovich, we will be, forgive me for this word, thrown, this is so, this generalization is kind of correct, well , to some extent yes, for the simple reason that the ukrainian, so-called negotiators really have a... in their blood.
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a few weeks before that, there were days, weeks all this was happening, he issued the same note
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about the invasion of ukrainian and german, well, there were not even ukrainian troops then, in fact, the german army was advancing into the donetsk-krivoy rog republic, which became part of russia, that is, what is the nuance of the conclusion of the brest peace, they tell us, we did not comply and so on, we did not stipulate there when concluding the brest peace with germany,
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yes, whatever you want, give me missiles, and i will continue to bomb all of russia, very good question, we will analyze it separately, please, well, i will allow myself to disagree with vasily, after all, the little russians and the great russians looked at the census, a christian looked, are you orthodox or not, in russia, after all , the main marker by definition was religion, the majority of little russians to
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ukrainians, excuse me, do not have the same relation as a pig to an orange, no need. they are always supported by foreign capital and foreign bayonets or foreign copies, these two things are always third, how long can it hold on, excuse me, arithmetic, of course, is muscovite pseudoscience, but ukraine has a population, this population is ending, you don't need to believe me, i'm an evil muscovite, read turkish intelligence reports,
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miit tracks it clearly, the number of cemeteries, the number in social networks, you can... tempo, i'm going to say very scary words now, excuse me, at the appropriate rate of utilization of the ukrainian population by mr. zelensky, it will be enough for 5 years, then we will get the paraguayan scenario, that is , the knocked out male population, the lack of the possibility of reproduction, this is paraguay already 100 years have passed, paraguay has not
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yet restored its male population, here is the question, the ukrainians need to think about it, they want this...
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yes, it is difficult, i understand, why am i saying this, that nothing depends on the ukrainians, i do not agree with this, those who are hiding, well, you can say that something depends on those who are hiding, yes, but they are hiding because nothing depends on them, of course this is a position, well, of course this is a position, so to speak, a person always has a choice, there is always a choice, well... of course, this is a position, escape through the tisza, yes there on a mattress or something else, just a second, and tisza, have you noticed that the banks, for example, are mined, vasil, maybe. i can give you a simple example, i have a good friend from donetsk, in the fourteenth year, a young girl, who
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was 22 years old at the time, made her choice openly and became an employee of the mgb of the dpr, i understand perfectly well how this will end for her if the ukrainians come there, i will not explain to you what they did, this is a civic position, this ukrainian girl, probably, dignity, worthiness in translation, as i understand it, if you have dignity, then allowing yourself to be grabbed like a pig and thrown, so to speak, into a minibus, this does not really coincide with dignity, i am not confusing anything, you understand, here...
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stood across, but also as if quite vulgar, because we cannot imagine the circumstances in which many ukrainians live, the circumstances are quite harsh, please, andrey, as they say, history has its cycles, and we see that once every 100 years europe unites in some part, in including the eastern european slavs are going to the east to seize vast, fertile and very rich lands. then it was, and we see that the west in the person of large, large capitals, german, british and so on always wanted. to bite off these pieces, we know that as soon as russia was weakened , interventionists immediately appeared under one name or another, we had the crimean war, it is also called the zero world war and so on, they immediately
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wanted to seize crimea, the far east and so on and here this is no exception, now in their a plan has matured in his head that the russians have weakened, well, in some part they are irradiated by their own propaganda, they often talk about how we have already broken, that the economy is broken, come on. what will individual states be called, for example, smolensk will be called smolensk there and so on, and he says, we all, he says, know, as he says, we don’t know what to do with nuclear weapons, how to destroy, divide among themselves, they are constantly dividing this pie, and indeed now there are certain, of course, parallels, we see that it is very convenient use some part as a proxy. we understand, yes, and as 100 years ago, they then perceived ukraine as a fertile force that is thrown to the east, these are our lands, i want to remind you that to the barbaros plan for the rapid capture of the soviet
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union, there was such a secret additional plan, it was called the hunger plan, which described that the territory of belarus, ukraine, other territories, they, these should grow pork, these mean agriculture, and the local population is not needed, so we will take food from them, send to germany. they will be reduced to the level that they serve only farms, the settlement itself is not needed, and we see that now the west is just as profitable, women are leaving for europe in order to raise the demographic level, because they have a problem, europe is white and aging, and immigrants who are 6-10 children are dark-skinned, they do not say this officially, but this is a problem, i understand, no, i remember, european politicians, behind the scenes and diplomats, said, you know, this migration from belarus.
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now a huge number of people are being sent to the court, people disappear instantly, the repressive machine receives serious salaries, it really is turning the country
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into a camp, and we can only free them... to continue, also throwing a bridge historically from that time to this, yes, then the germans were not going to go to ukraine at all, they had already signed an agreement with russia in advance, then the ukrainian delegation arrived, laid down these cards, russia was defeated, russia itself is in a civil war there, and the germans say: well, okay, let's do it, and they are very then they needed bread, wheat, they were suffocating in the first world war, they didn’t have enough, so they concluded two agreements at the same time, that is, with the ukrainian one, about recognizing the ukrainian people’s republic, the so-called, about grain supplies, that is, they recognized it for a reason, and then grain trains were coming , that means, they were coming, that means, now, look, linsegrem came to ukraine, the first thing he
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said when he returned to america, they saw that... just the other day, yes, listen, there are rich deposits of rare earths there metals, we must do everything so that these deposits do not go to russia, but so that we control them, here you have, here you have a direct historical parallel, that is, now rare earth metals, this grain then in 1918, i understand, well, there is, accordingly, all this, well, it is clear , there is a coincidence, there is, so to speak, a common logic, there is, i am sure, and the outcome is the same, it all rhymes.
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there really is, i agree with andrey, this is not a figure of speech, a real concentration camp, but, but, if we continue to draw these analogies, then we we with you formulated, alexander vladimirovich said it simply and clearly, here are a few points, one of these points was that the so-called ukrainian statehood or the attempt to build it has always been based on foreign bayonets, always on foreign bayonets, more than 100 years ago, of course, the end of the first world war, the general, so to speak, the general situation forced
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those who were genetically similar to us, but this is great, that is, it means that no one is going to stop it just like that of their own free will, then, it means, the statements politicians, in fact, western ones also do not leave any, like , space for thinking in one direction or another, or maybe, no, it cannot, they will support for now, while they can, until the first world war ends, or in our case i don’t know what or or until more than once...
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“we must help ukraine resist until the very end, arm it, train it and support it. i will not abandon ukraine, well, i will not abandon ukraine, we will not abandon it, no one will abandon ukraine, vasily dmitrievich, what do you think, answer me directly and honestly, here is it possible to solve this problem, to resolve this crisis, while behind us, so to speak,
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and at first it was - the second year, it was exactly like that now, here are the realities, it sounds, promise promise, another analogy, as in the era, the first ruins,
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khmelnitsky's cossacks sold ukrainians into slavery to the turkish sultan, by the way, ukrainian slaves, this is in turkish documents, again , these were the most valued better than the muscovites, the muscovites were inclined to flee the ukrainians. were inclined to submission, the same thing is repeated now, your elite is nothing another does not build, these are historical facts, excuse me, how can this end, i will give a simple example, yes afghanistan, as a year before the united states left afghanistan, the leadership of afghanistan, representatives of the united states promised support, in my opinion it was the main ally outside, they abandoned it easily, well yes, as england easily abandoned france. dear ukrainian gentlemen, you gentlemen will do something, then excuse me,
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you have not studied history, in england there are no permanent or the ukrainians believe that for their sake the whites have allies, the white gentlemen have only permanent interests, excuse me, this is europe, it doesn't exist any other way, americans say ukraine is worth 12 trillion dollars.
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with vasily, that business interests sometimes become dominant, but they are faced with a steamroller coming from the east, they have no influence here, and we act in the national interests, and we will see, as they say, whose power will win, yes, by the way, it's interesting, well , really, well, we have long ago formulated,
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long ago noticed that now is the time and all the circumstances that it is necessary to change the old approaches, to look at it differently, but that, what andrey described, yes, so that well really, there is such, there is such an office, there are new templaters, it doesn't matter who, with...
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the united states needs to get out of this conflict as quickly as possible, so in this sense i say again, when we talk about these adventurers, grahams, there johnsons, well , who are just making money on the side.
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b. medved concentrated and c. medved finally got angry. advertising on channel one. thank you. rumor has it that you are getting another promotion. soon you will become a famous journalist you don't have i will find time. if your russian is no good, no one will turn a blind eye to yours. ask her to renew relations with nesterov. i feel it. please. don't hide anything from me, trader, watch after the program
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. hello, irina vladimirovna, what happened? it seems you arrived on time, when we were collecting her diaries, we found this entry, dasha, she writes, one day i will die for my homeland and become a national hero. colonel, we are inside one of the azovstal workshops, there are a lot of bullet holes holes, she was constantly walking on the edge, walking on the blade, for the usa, which is in fact a colonialist, racist country, this is the last battle, they will pump everything into this, there is a civilizational struggle, and darya was one of the main warriors of light here, so now we came to dasha's room, dasha went from here to the festival, but in the car there was already such a... the car exploded,
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the car exploded, i think that i died that day, well, it's just impossible, not to breathe, not to think, for darya dugina, our sister, 333, in memory of darya dugina, premiere, tomorrow on the first, shamelessly lie in calendars, we are forever in this summer, rise...
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most likely you will be sent to the gulag, fights, the illegal life of colonel rybkina on saturday on the first, having started writing, i seemed to have been resurrected, i worked under my maiden name voskresenskaya, all my books were for children, i did not write a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life. for the eightieth anniversary of sergei solovyov, getting closer here, come, there are such men, you are ready to marry him right away, the first day dating, and this is sergey sanavich slavek, love at first sight he started. to pursue me until he married me, he did not leave me, and i did not fall in love with him at all, i did not know, maybe you have a relationship, what other relationship, somehow it turned out that he became everything for me, just everything, soundtrack, sergey solovyov on the set tyrant, despute, dictator, the main thing is not glass,
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the main thing is to feel like a sighted person, it was fantastic, i can't even say cinema, art-ob, so that there was love to the breaking point aorta, like in indian cinema, but at the same time, so that tenderly, like anton pavlovichakhov, all that is left to me from life is you, it is impossible to become a director, you can only be one, it either exists, it is inside you, or it is not, i understand, everything that happened, the most valuable in my life, the most precious, everything happened foolishly, pure foolishly. on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, an hour ago she flew in, we threw our things straight to you, you are so good, you are so lucky with her, we foisted a copy on this rich man under the guise of real monet, looks cheeky boy,
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good family, fought, has an award, you can't intimidate such a guy, no need, there the girl decides everything, oh, hello, my friend told me that yours. the film will soon be on the first, we rehearsed with him, i'm not going to make excuses, or maybe you like him? the information channel on the first continues, we work live, our marines from the 810th brigade
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of the black sea fleet captured a large group of ukrainian militants in the kursk region, literally just now they appeared... surrender nineteen uaf soldiers were captured in the algovka village area. well, in general, the ukrainian invasion of the kursk region is a tragedy , first of all, for the residents of the border areas, people are showing incredible courage, helping each other, here is a heartbreaking story that literally a few days ago flew around all the news feeds, how a resident of the kursk region, roman yatsenko, having learned about the attack in the ssu, was able to get to the frontline zone and ... call his entire large family, five children , his wife out of danger, he was able to get to the city, he walked through the forests under fire, but nevertheless everything ended, thank god, well, we already talked on skype with roman in this studio, yes, he was on our live broadcast, and of course we couldn't hold back our emotions, here is our colleague
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maryana naumova, she learned the details of this whole story within the framework of our project we live, prepared a special report, where she talked to the children and roman's wife, let 's see. shocked, probably everyone, the dad who was saving his children under fire. i know that you were on a business trip in moscow. yeah, right. let's go to work? yeah. well, there were worries from the very morning, when the news and the news came, i wanted to scream from
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the impossibility of helping, just. i only opened the door so much, but i could already hear the drone, just these buzzing or beeping, well, these like... i was the first time, when i opened the door, i pulled out my phone like this, i managed to catch the network, there was a little division, i wasn't sure that i would get through to him, i just told him that we were under heavy shelling and we were in the basement, that's it, the connection was broken, he says, that's it, i say to the basement, we have a good cellar in the apartment, we have canned food there, they held out until my arrival, when they heard these landings... bang, and then whistle, we already thought that it would fly into our house, but it flew behind the barn, we all immediately ran to the basement, the three of us, only we didn’t sleep all night. it was cold, we put on two pairs of pants, two socks, sweaters, how do you
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decide that i have to go, i wrote to the director already at night, look, look for a replacement, i’ll go to my people, i went to kursk, from kursk i took a taxi, they gave me a ride to the turn to martynovka, the highway, i had already gone from it on foot to the left, keeping along the forest plantation along the greenery on... shelling, i think, yes, it works, crouched down, figures out how he does it , who he's shooting at, i think, oh well , well, i have to go, somehow, but at first i walked like this, well, like, like this, i walked at this height, yeah, and then it started, i'm on the ground, well , good dead wood again, small, but still saved, i went further, further, further, that is , a passage, then on crucian carp, i walked like this, and were you sure? that your husband would come for you, internally, and i told the children, i say, daddy will come, well matvey, of course, is little,
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at first he tried to cry, i say, like i won’t see daddy anymore, i say, matvey, daddy, we say, we’ll see, don’t be upset, i say, daddy will come for us, we were very scared, we had a younger brother, he started crying, and you somehow calmed your little brother down, calmed him down, said: cry, daddy will save us, don’t worry, here daddy came, knocked, when the door was knocked for the first time, the dog barked, to be honest, i got scared, then, when he knocked a second time, well, we such their call signs out the window, responded and joy through tears, well there was no time, maximum 10 minutes all this was, maximum, we are already talking about this, let's go, well while there was such a temporary lull, immediately like a distance.
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hop, everyone fell, we crawl, here are the children bullets, heard, but i already look a little, he already seemed to have quieted down, well this decided to get up, i say, quickly get up, bending over, run, got up, run, well these, as they say, 400-500 m were the most difficult, well it hasn't moved away yet, yeah, it's still inside, you constantly think about it, it's hard, very, i still i gave the command, i say, look, i say,
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wow, you know, such stories are not isolated, just the other day a long-term mother from the village of zaleshka. five adopted sons of her mother-in-law,
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now olga gorlacheva is on the line with us, olga, hello, hello, well , evacuating four of your children to kursk is a feat, it is clear that every day we mothers perform, one way or another a maternal feat, but you are a real heroine, honestly, please tell us how... you managed to have such a large number of children, what age are the children, because you know, there are two of them, three of them it's hard to organize so that they listen , so that it's quiet, so that there are no unnecessary questions, there are nine, nine children, they were also just very scared, so they had to go, so they were organized, as their age ranged from 2 and a half to 14 years old, wow, the eldest nephew was still there. he's 20 with us, yeah, and how did it all happen, how was it,
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well, they started shooting at 3:00 in the morning somewhere , they were shooting, shooting. it all intensified, intensified, hail, cassettes, drones, so, well, there was no point in staying, did you make the decision yourself or did you was there a connection with someone who helped you come to this conclusion? and the polsuzhansky district left, were in touch with everyone, as if people were leaving, leaving, because there were arrivals everywhere, and we also left for the neighboring village, more of a soldier's. well, as if we sat there, well, we sat there for about three hours, probably, the children had already started crying, getting nervous, freaking out, as if we had to leave further, because there was also an arrival in the polshesoldatsky, yeah, what things did you take with you, because the children still need to be fed and it is unknown how many how long would your journey last at that time, only documents, we hoped to return home in the evening, that is, you thought that it
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was literally for a few hours, yes, well , it was just... it happened more than once, like, well , they shoot, they shoot, they leave, how you calmed the children down, that everything would be fine , we would return soon, now, what do you tell them, now, well, that the house is definitely gone, olga, you know, i have one question, i'm interested, how did you get there, you... as i understand it, there was no transport, that is, you walked, how far did you walk, where did you go specifically, we didn't walk, we drove by car, and you drove by car, that is, you had a big car, who was driving, i you were driving, eh, russian woman, this is just the personification of what they always tell us about russian women, olga, you are a real heroine, children, of course, need
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to be calmed down, with a house, i think, the whole country. will help thank you very much for your feat, the most real, here is a human big thank you to you, and you are the best, probably the personification of what we are talking about now and in general in basically talking about our russian woman. a short commercial and we'll be back. there is reason to believe that a new provocation is being prepared. colleagues, please have a moment of attention, i'd like to introduce you to dr. eugen. what else do we know about this man? by the end of the month we will have irrefutable evidence that iraq is developing chemical weapons. iraq needs weapons, organize the delivery of at least denit machine guns and no one will say a word
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against your wedding. are you dating me solely for the sake of your career? are you doubted? and do you love your russian? trader. watch after the program time. ignat, i will have a deal with you, it is only between us. the bathroom in your apartment, what dangers lie in wait here for you about the bad.
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holes, she was constantly walking on the edge, walking on the blade, for the usa, which in fact is a colonialist country, racist, and this is the last battle, they will pump everything into this, there is a civilizational struggle, and daria was one of the main warriors of light here, so now we have come to dasha's room, dasha from here i went to the festival, but there was already a bug in the car, the car exploded, the car exploded.
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almost, i was still working as an instructor in the district committee of the komsomol, and since there was no such rate, in my work book it is written "cleaner yaku", my pain, i worked in the library for 3 years. i really didn't like it, but we have a plot, how you returned to your native library, oh, tatyana, can we do ploshy with you, all my professions, whether it was a cook's apprentice, a loader, they were selected taking into account that there would be as much time as possible do what you love. i worked on central television, as a senior accountant, senior, you said, yozhik will be, and what is this, i had the first entry in the book, my favorite, night receiver, look at my new one.
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two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first,
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you have a good collective farm, and you will try to make it rich, a millionaire, and you have hardly aged, it will be hard, probably out of habit in the village, nothing, we will get used to it, and in our village your hanky-panky. can end badly, vadim, partork, are you sure, he he's a womanizer, my marinka and i almost broke up just before the wedding because of him, and if i fall in love with you again, it's yours, do with it as you wish, throw it away, wear it, hide it, he pestered you again yesterday, don't disgrace the family, kirill, i want to give you some advice, as an experienced womanizer, don't pester a woman if she doesn't want it herself, you're ruining your life and hers, what will happen to you now? "brutal", these are not simple words, if necessary, i'll kill you, i would n't throw around such words, you'll kick, i'll put you in jail, for which we'll always find, i won't survive if you cheat on me, i can't live without
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you, prime minister, soon, on the first, i can't live without you, i'll wait. the suffering of civilians, innocent people, only provokes the west, they continue to discuss what ukraine can strike our territory with, here in britain , the ex-prime minister, boris johnson, literally begs everyone tearfully to give kiev the opportunity to strike british missiles deep into russia.
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johnson is such a bright representative of the bastard, that's why he oozes poison, he once the fire could have gone out, and now he is trying, it means, to kindle this flame to call this fire blessed, both for britain and for... america, but the trouble is that in america not everyone agrees with boris johnson and the representative of the pentagon of the united states, sabrina singh said that washington is against strikes, here we will stipulate american missiles deep into our country. why does the united states still believe that long-range strikes deep into russia will lead to escalation, given that now not a single crossing of the red lines by the ukrainian armed forces, which established by the russian federation, did not lead to a response. we believe that the best way to use our weapons with our partners and be effective on the battlefield is to combine our capabilities and continue to push back russian forces, again we are concerned about escalation, and even if russia does not
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respond to the crossing of red lines now, this does not mean that it will not respond later. stanislavich, but it is impossible not to notice that britain and the united states, at least at a conditionally official level, because johnson is an ex, their different approaches ...
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passwords, they tell me, that they fly via a satellite system, so all these hymers are american mercenaries, well, mercenaries or english, so it is already possible to directly say that the americans are hitting russian territory, they just have a problem that the volume of missiles is not enough, but i think the same thing needs to be explained to borus janzen very clearly, b your missile will hit a, b we hit such a base, here in ki how much do you think, in general, such a conversation in this format, it is possible, because with our side now, well, as it seems to me, is a kind of wait-and-see position, probably, it is kind of correct, because revenge is a dish that is served cold, as far as we can speak frankly with them , that if your missiles hit the kursk region, kursk, belgorod, another border area, you will get a response, perhaps with our weapons, but not with our hands, at your bases, but we need to talk to these people.
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very clearly, that we do not hit back, they do not accept this some kind of a real threat later, they take it as weakness, bluff, then you can push even harder or there is simply no strength, you need to talk to these people very clearly: a, b, your missile will hit our region, b, there will be an attack on your bases, you can not say which one, which priority base will be hit, that's when iran responded to them with a, b, the americans immediately retreated. yes, they do, but now iran is not responding, now iran is preparing for a big war, they understand this, they are starting to be afraid, now they are not with us they are afraid, they have lost their fear, when the anglo-saxons lose their fear, impudence is all that remains. such a controversial statement that they have lost their fear, but we have an objective basis for thinking so, well, because they are afraid, if they were not afraid, they would have resolved everything a long time ago and nato troops would have been there a long time ago and a missile would have been there a long time ago...
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as for boris johnson?
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and the biden administration, guided by this residual, but nevertheless fear, is thinking not about a new opportunity, but about new unplanned risks, because this the script was not written in washington confrontation, of course, washington wants to continue the confrontation with russia, but it does not want zelensky to write this script, it wants zelensky to be just an actor in the washington script, and what kiev is now proposing is let us write the script, biden and sabrina singh will be actors there. in the play of the director, no longer an actor, but director zelensky, that's the difference. vladimirovich, the difference in opinions regarding further escalation, with the help of long-range missiles between london and...
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that permission must be given, and today, by the way, these efforts have continued, the daily telegram came out on the front page with an appeal, demands to starmer, that's who london is, now we still need to remember, throw out all sorts of red lines, give permission to strike british missiles deep into russia and
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this was supported, i think, by five retired british defense ministers, four or five, i don't remember, that is, we see that london is also following washington in this sense, of course it will...
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and what should ukraine do next in kursk areas yes and how about us how about them from there well there for them essentially there is no difference whether to leave from there and will it not turn out that the withdrawal will be even more terrible catastrophic for ukraine they do not consider another option that they will not
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have to withdraw. vbu with the president regarding mobilization, failure in ovdeevka, collapse of the front line in donbass, especially around pokrovsk, there were rumors that general syrsky was on the verge of dismissal was under constant pressure from andrey ermak. in this confusion the commander had to get out of it. main the goal was to distract troops from their stranglehold on donbass and create trump cards for any future negotiations. general syrsky kept his plans secret, sharing them only with a narrow circle of generals and sbu employees. by the way, ukrainian telegram channels write that not only the authorities are unhappy with irsky, but also officers and soldiers in the ssu, this discontent is skillfully fueled by panic about the front advancing further into ukraine, for example, yesterday ukrainian deputy prime minister irina verishchuka sterilized and
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demanded that residents of a number of frontline towns urgently evacuate. the situation in the pokrovsk direction remains grave, so i appeal to residents of populated areas in close proximity to the front line, primarily pokrovsk, mirnograd, selidovo. i ask you to evacuate. if you are not involved in the defense of populated areas, you must urgently leave for safer regions. we have military analyst alexander borisovich sharkovsky on the line. let's find out the details of what is happening on the front line. alexander borisovich, hello. do you agree with these insider reports that the attack on kursk oblast was an attempt by zaluzhny to save his career, did he succeed? syrsky is a bargaining chip, i think he was not taken into account here, he is an executor, he
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must fulfill the will of the master, if he does not cope with this, he is finished, if he fulfills at least part of the task that was assigned to him, well, probably, he will be promised some kind of preferences, what is the current situation in kursk oblast, is he successful our guys to displace the enemy taking into account the reserves that zelensky used, and there was used.
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but it is controlled, there are battles for korinevo, for olgovka, heavy battles, but our fighters are holding the defense there reliably, there are also battles in sudzha, our fighters are also holding the defense, on the border of the belgorod region approximately the same thing is happening, but at the same time the ukrainian command is starting to throw in new forces, there was a recent report that battalions of the ninety- fifth airborne assault were thrown there, so today a message was received about the transfer of a battalion of the thirty-sixth
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marine brigade, this is the 501st battalion, and by the way, it is indicated there that there are a lot of colombians there, for some reason it turned out, then, two divisions of the forty-third artillery were also added there, now the ukrainian group consists of three landing forces. you know, since these brigades are there in numbers, approximately how many people, it is difficult to count the incomplete composition, well , it seems to me that this is approximately a full corps, well, somewhere around 2000. really serious forces, but they are counting on
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in general, it is not easy to hold out, they are counting on serious successes in this direction, so they are throwing forces there and are completely indifferent to their losses, now several mobile swedish crematoria have been brought in, this is in addition to the fact that some fighters are not cremated, they are sent... to the rear, but at the same time a directive came from kiev not to hand over the entire mass of these corpses to relatives at once, because they are afraid that ukraine will be overwhelmed by this series, a huge series of funeral processions, and this will cause negative reaction of the population, so, as for the ukrainians, in my opinion, some of them, despite the fact that they set foot on kurdish soil. motivated fighters are beginning to see the light in large numbers
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now ukrainian soldiers are surrendering, by the way, this is also very indicative, yes, we show footage of them surrendering, there is testimony from them, what do you associate this with, with disappointment, firstly, with disappointment, secondly, our aerospace forces, our missilemen work well behind enemy lines, supplies are very difficult. the advanced units are left without fuel and lubricants, left without ammunition, in such conditions, well, they succeed, here the vehicle has stopped, they have run out, the fuel has run out, or they, they have nothing to fight with, they have run out of ammunition, where can they go, naturally, they raise their hands up in the expectation that russia is humane, russia complies with the geneva convention, unlike ukraine, in general, somewhere their calculation is justified. thank you very much. sharkovsky, a military analyst, was with us on a direct line with the latest news from
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course direction. now a short commercial and we'll be back. rumor has it that you 're getting another promotion. soon you 'll be a famous journalist you won't have time for me. if your russian is no good, no one will turn a blind eye to yours, ask her to renew relations with nisterov. i feel, please, don't hide anything from me. trader. watch the time after the program. hello. what happened? it seems you arrived on time. when we were collecting her diaries, we found this entry. dasha, writes: "one day i will die for my homeland and become a national hero." we are inside
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one of the azovstal workshops, there are a lot of bullet holes. she was constantly walking on the edge, walking on the blade. for the us, which is actually a colonialist, racist country, this is the last battle, they will pump everything into it, there is a civilizational struggle, and darya was one of the main warriors of light here. so we have just come to dasha's room, dasha went from here to the festival, but there was already a bug in the car, the car exploded, the car exploded, i think i died that day, it's just impossible to breathe or think. for daria dugina, our sister, 333, in memory of daria dugina, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, the calendars are shamelessly lying, we 'll be in this forever, get up, stand up, this is my office, not a walk-through yard, get out of here,
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excuse me, comrade colonel, hitler is ready for war, it's about to start, there are strangers in our village, two men in a black mercedes, i think they're interested in you, you'll go with us, most likely you'll be sent to the gulag. duels, illegal life of a colonel. rybkina on saturday on the first, having started writing, i seemed to have been resurrected, i worked under my maiden name voskresenskaya, all my books were for children, i did not write a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life. nowhere anywhere is impossible, in general everyone was worried
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about mom, and mom - this was mom's finest hour. the number is charming, cool, nostalgic, grandma practically did not interfere with you singing this song, just like your brother, younger, older, i look from afar, it seems like generally peers, such performances provoke population explosions, on our project the generation does not conflict. unite in beautiful duets, and you poor lamb, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, tell me, is it possible to do business in my city without me, you komolov, oleg
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viktorovich, here is the resolution on your arrest, last night the museum was robbed, what does my... dad have to do with it, so, well, tell me, the director is local, from leningrad, with his wife and daughter arrived, the daughter is grown up, she is going to be an artist, that's how, the museum was robbed at night, the area is quiet, they don't sleep only in houses where they sell wine and more often, so what 's going on here, and maybe we can come to some kind of agreement, and pizza, what's up, okay, and how are you, hell, cunning, such, you fell for a simple scam, and everything looked so convincing, and you 're not afraid at all that we'll get bogged down in these affairs, but they're bad, dad, good, he... we need to help, unfortunately, you can't do it without money, five, seven, oh, what, you were just amazing and your partners too, my name is mark natanoch barshak, i kind of look after this city and its surroundings, i need your talent in one
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very interesting and risky. the era of the multi-part film, soon on the first. and you know that i have, patron, an adult , thanks to whom i am here, and not in a cell. and what am i? it costs, you know? the president of our country vladimir putin arrived in baku on a state visit yesterday evening. the head of our state has an extensive program, the main event of which will be full-scale negotiations with his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev, the presidents of russia and azerbaijan already. relations between azerbaijan and armenia, against this background, yesterday there was
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information that azerbaijan would like to join brics, this was stated by the ambassador of the republic in moscow, palat bulbul ogly in an interview with tas on the eve of our president's visit to baku. there was a long queue of people wishing to join brics. azerbaijan really is. iran, the united arab emirates, egypt, saudi arabia and ethiopia, now azerbaijan has expressed a desire, such isolation. this is such a unifying alternative as opposed to the united states, which is used to being looked up to and acted upon, while this world hegemon is finally. chicago opens the convention of the democratic party of the united states,
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where kamala harris has already been officially nominated for the post of candidate for president of the united states. it is interesting that kamala harris and the candidate for vice president timbols got to the convention on a unique armored bus. in general, at the service of the delegates of the democratic party convention. just listen, free abortions operations on male sterilization this is kamal harris's convention on this armored bus, it's not us, it's actually the official party program. listen. participants in the democratic national convention in chicago will have the opportunity to get a free abortion or sterilization just a few blocks from the venue. it is reported that sterilization is used. under staff reduction, well, moreover, the forum mascots, i
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feel awkward talking about this, but this is what really reflects the whole this american rotten entity, so the forum mascots were chosen, excuse me again , a six-meter inflatable intrauterine device and the slogan freedom of the womb, all that he... needs to know about the united states of america, does anyone still doubt that insanity rules everything there, the liberal media, in anticipation of this congress, are making kamala harris a real american icon, for example, the publication shternsk compares harris for some reason with the statue of liberty, such a symbol of the usa, but i understand that maybe there are some there sensible people who at least understand that the mistake should be immortalized in marble, so that other americans in the future generations. it would be a shame, but no, i don't think they'll think of it, i can't say anything about sensible people in the us , but about donald trump, there is another competitor, that he commented on
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kamala harris's speech and her election program, economic first of all, and openly called her a communist and that with her communism will come to the us, although it seems to me that this may now work in favor of kamala harris. here is a photo trump posted to illustrate the start of the democratic convention. i don’t know, i think it’s insulting to us when they compare kamala harris with what they tried to do in our country for good purposes, the reason was the presentation of harris’s economic program, which she proposes to control prices and give americans money for housing, americans, by the way, like it, trump also promised americans that harris would destroy the united states if he won the election, in fact, the presidential the campaign in the us is already breaking all records for the intensity of passions, while a number of... following trump , kamala harris is called a communist, trump himself, like right-wing european politicians, is compared by the press to fascists, as if they don't have enough of their own, but these ideas, they
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are heroes, they are our eternal ideological confrontation, which means that some have an iud and a uterus, which of course is probably better explained to elena vasilievna malysheva, yes, and not to us, but nevertheless, this means that the symbol of the democratic party, trump, why does it mean calls kamala khalisa?
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it can't withstand more than one or two generations, because they don't have children, and who has children? religious families, they have large families, pendolam comes back at the end and grows again, or migrants, or migrants, this is a new thing, because this time they are bringing in a huge number of migrants who are flooding countries, well, what can you say, the democratic party is the party of death, abortions, sterilization, these are vaccinations that are not tested for...
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another quarantine, well, another one is starting pressure, and if there is iran, inside america there are a lot of hezbollah, hamas groups that crossed the border, which they know that they crossed these borders, these were also problems that were voiced in the eighth year, in the sixth year, because there are many more of them, under this pretext you can of course just close everything, and just now they went, they took away the journalist's passport first, then they carried out a raid, they carried out a raid on...
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but nevertheless, as i understand it, they do not leave ukraine, you understand, they do not leave it refuse this is huge money first of all this is huge money for the republican party also for the leadership.
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you see, all these name-calling, they are tested before this in public, they are necessarily studied in focus groups, it's not just like that, you know, such a tweet, when you wrote something in emotions, they necessarily check how it will affect the audience, the audience for which this or that candidate is fighting, we must take this into account, it's not just there, you know, some kind of toys, but
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here in my opinion. he went too far, here he he is taking a risk, because his main struggle is, among other things, to push the left, the extreme left electorate of kamala, no - to push them towards her, but what is pushing the extreme left electorate away from kamala now is palestine, it is israel, and today, by the way, well, we will have it tomorrow night, yes on the night of tomorrow, eh , there will be a huge, a huge rally is planned, as if from the left representatives of the democratic party, but pro-palestinian, this will be a really serious clash, a serious skirmish, here trump should not play along with them, not call it comrades. and you know, to drive a wedge inside yourself, that is, your voters, who already considered her a communist, a leftist or something else, they won’t vote for her anyway, so here i think he has, that is, you assume that when trump calls kamala a comrade and
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a communist, this can even give her points, well , at least it won’t bring him any extra points, but for her, yes, it turns out that the leftists will look at the serbs and the young 100 times and think, well, what about us, if we are communists, yes, then... russia and azerbaijan, which are firmly on
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their feet, are developing specific, so to speak, investment projects, integration cooperation, and azerbaijan is knocking on the doors of brics not as some kind of beggar, but as a real player that can bring in. strengthen the prhs, that is, there is a certain positive agenda, and there are two leaders who are able to realize the potential that exists, on the other hand, this is a different story, where everything is completely different, there is a struggle for power, there are two candidates and well positive agenda, this inflatable thing, or what? well if you count it, then i don't know, then in fact, and here, but they think that yes, if this is all that can be inflated, this is this that was inflated.
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the democratic candidate scares everyone with trump, calling him a fascist, so don't vote for trump, because he is a fascist, well it's difficult. to call trump, it's even impossible to call trump a fascist, why is he a fascist, but in order to launch this mechanism of fear that we talked about, trump, looking at all this, realizing that someone believes in all this, he thinks, but how can i answer, but let me tell you, a communist will immediately return america to the era of mocarism, you remember, so to speak, the fight against communists and so on, in order to also launch this mechanism of fear, and from here arise these pictures with a red banner, with a flag, with a congress, as if, that is, who, with whom, who will be more frightened, this is what the internal political struggle in america was reduced to, you know, i can’t forget all this, under truman there was such a minister of defense, the head of the pentagon, who went crazy
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and jumped out of the window of the mental hospital screaming the russians are coming, you know, i wish those times would come back, a short commercial, and let's go back to the studio, there are rumors that you are getting another promotion, you will soon become a famous journalist you will not have time for me, if your russian is of no use, no one will turn a blind eye to your ask her to renew relations with nesterov, i feel, please, do not hide anything from me, trader, watch after the program time, hello, what happened? it seems, you arrived on time, the bathroom in your apartment, what dangers lie in wait for you here, about bad baths, about
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proper nutrition, about flashes before your eyes and much more in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, when we were collecting her diaries, we found this entry dasha: she writes: one day i will die for my homeland and become a national hero. we are inside one of the workshops of azovstal, there are a lot of bullet holes, she was constantly walking on the edge, walking on the blade. for the united states, which is in fact a colonialist, racist country, this is the last battle, they will pump everything into it, there is a civilizational struggle, and daria was one of the main warriors of light here. so we have just come to dasha's room, dasha went from here to the festival, but there was already a bug in the car, the car exploded, huh? car, i think that i died that day,
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well, it is simply impossible to breathe or think, for dagina, our sister, 333, in memory of daria dugina, premiere, tomorrow on the first, calendars are shamelessly lying, we are forever in this summer, rise, get up, this is my office, and not a passage,
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all of you will be sent to the gulag, duels: the illegal life of colonel rybkina on saturday, on the first, having started writing, i seemed to have been resurrected, i worked under my ninth surname voskresenskaya, all my books were for children, i did not write a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life, nowhere, nowhere, it is impossible.
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on our project, generations do not conflict, but unite in wonderful duets, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, i just flew back, threw my things straight to you, you are so good, you are so lucky with her. have we heard about this rich guy's copy under the guise of a real monet? the guy looks bold, has a good family, fought, has an award, you can't forget about that? no need, the girl decides everything there. oh, hello, this friend told me that your ninel got involved with a bad crowd, they are engaged in fraud. we won't collect 40 braids in 3 days anyway, we will collect, and you can help me with one thing, or even with all of them and... so votkin himself will give everything, all we have to do is take
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the money, well, leave unnoticed, cool, he's to you why does klene incite him, let him do what he wants, as long as dad helps, i would advise you to give up walking, they want to kill you, ninel, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, rehearsed with him, i'm not going to make excuses, and maybe you like him. all weekend there was news from germany that they were actively discussing ideas, that there is no money in the budget, which means they need to stop funding the ukrainian military machine. and here are the first results of this news. today is monday, the first day trading on world stock exchanges, after this news and shares of the largest arms manufacturer in germany, rain metal, fell by 4.5%. in one day, this is very significant, taking into account their turnover, that is, the owners of this
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corporation have lost several billion euros in just half a day, that's for sure, here a reasonable question arises: what should the german authorities do now, either continue this topic in the sense that there is no money in the budget, which means ukraine does not need help to deal with internal issues, or save the german economy through the military, this is a big question that we will discuss this week, i think, more than once, you see the thirst for... holiday, the holiday of the transfiguration of the lord,
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with the apple savior, happiness to you, good luck, goodness , well, only victories to our fighters during the battle. today. the president of russia, vladimir putin is on an official visit to azerbaijan, official negotiations have already begun, here is what our president said at them: trade and economic ties are developing successfully, i agree with you, you spoke at our previous meeting russia about that 4 billion with a bit is a good figure, but it does not correspond to the potential.
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tour of russia in azerbaijan, thank you very much for organizing this work, of course, we already touched on this topic yesterday, we will continue today, russia's historical involvement in the situation in the south caucasus, and even for the last few years, it dictates to us the need to participate in these events, of course, in the part in which this is required by the party, this is without any doubt. unblock the corresponding direction in logistics in the economy, we would be very
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happy about that. and here is what ilham aliyev, the president of azerbaijan, said in response. today, as part of the state visit. we continue our communication, in essence, we started yesterday, we had a thorough exchange of views on important issues and the bilateral agenda and regional security, today we will continue both in a narrow format and in an expanded format, i would like to note that we are very satisfied with the level of interaction between our countries, which we signed in february 2 successfully implemented, in the political sphere, in the year the declaration on allied economic cooperation, we see very positive dynamics, good figures, and of course, we cooperate in energy and transport, we pay special attention to humanitarian
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cooperation. against the background of this positive dynamics, i have a drop of sadness from the fact that moscow... after 18 years of work in this position, the ambassador of azerbaijan palat bul-bel agli is leaving. palat really made a huge contribution to the development of our relations. a very good person, kind, wonderful, of course, and a singer, an actor, that is, a person who really did a lot to ensure that our relations developed in a positive way. and when he left, he, among other things, said that he sees the future of azerbaijan in brics on...
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question: what do i get from brics? you get a lot from brics. firstly, you get a huge collective south, you get an opportunity for the future, and you get other vectors of development. and i believe that this will certainly touch on this issue, because the vectors of development are new are needed by all. western vectors do not work. western vectors do not work, they do not work
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for ukraine either, this is obvious. what is happening now on the battlefield, in some areas.
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i did not miss, boris aleksandrovich rozhen is with us on a direct line. boris aleksandrovich, do i have a full list or do you have any new settlements? yes, good afternoon, yes, indeed, in addition to this list, these are those that have already been confirmed, there are a number of other settlements that are in the process of coming under our control, especially in the red army direction, there is a very intensive offensive, and where in the coming week we will see many new names that have returned to russia, that is, the composition of the donetsk people's republic. there is now essentially a breakthrough of the defense, our troops are already rolling out to selidovo, there is an active
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attack on the red army direction, the enemy cannot hold it back yet, because he does not have enough of the reserves that he threw for the operation in kursk, accordingly he gets such results, that is, our troops are holding back the offensive the enemy there and continue a successful offensive in donbass, and at the same time the key units that are conducting the offensive. our command did not withdraw, and the enemy really counted on this, that the russian command would panic, successfully transfer all reserves there, but no, we see that the breakthrough is being stopped in the kursk direction, while the offensive continues, but if we speak in general, that is, in terms of leaving in directions, then the initiative is preserved almost everywhere and almost everywhere we are moving forward one way or another, that is what concerning, there are small movements in the narabotin ledge in our favor, there are movements in the urozhayny area... on the vremensky ledge in the ugledar direction, our troops have cut the route in another place in the area of ​​the mine to the north of ugledar, there
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they have practically already reached vodyanoye, there is progress in konstantinovka, in krasnogorka, to the north at the dachas we are also advancing, well, to the west of avdeevka, of course, there are about 11 km left to krasnoarmeysk and less than 6 km to selidovo, an evacuation has been announced there, new york is actually cleared of the enemy, there is a purge of the phenolic.
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troops center, those whom we are helping very much together with you, they are moving, displacing the enemy and his equipment from the absurdity, and
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i also want to say that we have finished filming a movie for the anniversary of the death of daria dugina, our combat friend, today, or rather tomorrow the 20th at 7:00 pm, this movie will be broadcast on channel one, and i also want to tell you that our rap, which we have already done together with you, we have collected a large amount of funds for it and are passing it on him to kursk, to the kursk region, to the belgorod region,
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to the viewers of the first channel program "big game" for the electronic warfare equipment provided to us, the barrier to our equipment, which will save more than one life of our comrades. the enemy will be broken, victory will be ours. well, and, of course, huge thanks to our fighters who are now there defending the borders of our homeland. well, and we continue together with anastasia mikhailovskaya with the people's front. fundraising so that our fighters do not experience a shortage of means and medical care and electronic warfare. anastasia, thank you very much, you are really doing a great job, and the people's front gives everyone the opportunity to take part in helping our soldiers on the battlefield by entering through this qr code. we
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will continue about the special military operation.
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will be daydreaming, it is only between us, the bathroom in your apartment, what dangers lie in wait for you here, about bad baths, about proper nutrition, about flashes before your eyes and much more in the program it's great to live, tomorrow on the first, rise, get up, this is my office and... a passage yard , get out of here, excuse me, comrade colonel, you'll go to switzerland, the legend of the election of us, your object, swiss general henri guzon, hitler is ready for war, it's about to start, we have strangers in our village, two men in a black mercedes, i think they're interested in you, you
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'll go with us. most likely you'll be sent to the gulag. duels. the illegal life of colonel rybkina. on saturday. on the first. having started writing, i seemed to have been resurrected. i worked under my ninth surname voskresenskaya. all my books were for children. i have not written a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life. the path to your calling is very thorny. what professions did our guests master on the way to their dream? i also worked as an instructor in the district committee of the komsomol, and since there was no such rate, in my work book it is written cleaner yakubovich. i worked in a library for 3 years, i really did not like it, but we have a plot, how you returned to your native library, and can we do solfi with you, that's all my professions, be it a student cook, a loader,
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they were chosen taking into account that there would be as much time as possible to study. i worked on central television, as a senior accountant, senior, you said, there will be a hedgehog, and what is this, my first entry was in the book, my favorite, a night receiver, it was not offensive that everyone listens to you, but no one knows, constantly, i gave away my voice, somehow i was sitting at home having breakfast, i have a mayak radio hanging on the wall, and a girl is singing, and i sit there evaluating how well, how the girl sings, such a wonderful voice. saturday on the first, in the new season on the first, tell me, is it possible to do business in my city without me? you komolov, oleg viktorovich, here is the order for your arrest, last night the museum was robbed, what does my dad have to do with it, so, well, tell me, the director is local, from leningrad, with his wife and
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daughter came, the daughter is an adult, she is going to be an artist, that's how, the museum was robbed at night, the area is quiet, they don't sleep only in houses where they sell wine and more often, so, what 's going on here, maybe we can come to some agreement, 500, what's good, and how did the poke go? what a simple scam, and so everything looked convincing, and you are not afraid at all that we will get bogged down in these affairs, but not bad, dad is good, he needs help, unfortunately, without money it is not possible, five, se, oh, what, you were simply delightful, and your partners too, my name is mark, barshak, i am in some way, watching this city and its environs, i need your talent in one very interesting and risky business, nenel, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, and you know that i am
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a patron, an adult appeared, thanks to whom i am here, and not in a cell, and what is it worth, you know? the big game is live, we continue to follow what is happening on the fronts of the special military operation, and of course in the kursk region, on the kursk arc. the president of the former ukraine, vladimir zelensky, made a statement in which he now came up with a new justification for what he actually wanted, organizing this adventure on our land. let's listen. the creation of a buffer zone on the territory of the aggressor is the goal of our operation in the kursk region, everything that damages the russian army, the russian state, their defense industry, their economy, all this helps us to prevent
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the war from expanding and bring a just end to this aggression closer. if we talk about supplies from our partners, then it is necessary to increase the pace. we are asking very much: there are no vacations in war, decisions are needed, timely logistics of the announced packages are required, i am especially addressing the united states now. great britain and france, you know, i have some kind of feeling about the state, approximately the same thing, hitler said when he led the offensive in the ardennes, at the end forty-four, at the beginning of forty-five, throwing all the tank forces to the west there, to throw into the ocean there, i don’t know, western allies, and after that was left with nothing, here is zelensky, who said that he was creating some kind of buffer zone there, that is, in the first phrase, and in the second, that give me weapons, because i burned everything there, it’s generally interesting. well, yes, indeed, especially about the buffer zone, because as a result, the extension of the front by 160 km for the armed forces of ukraine, this is of course a very serious burden, and by the way, it has become known now that
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syrsky, zelensky was going to fire him, but syrsky, naturally, is such a sly courtier, known for his cunning moves, and he realized in time what to do, so he organized this invasion, into the kursk region, in order to hold on to... you correctly noted about the nonsense that he is carrying, here is an interesting point, on saturday they legalized drugs on friday, on friday they legalized drugs, now cannabis can officially , so it means, pay for itself, be sold, and so on, and marijuana. well, that is also a good characteristic of what is happening on ukraine, therefore the demands for weapons, well , the demands for weapons, i think that the situation that exists now, and it will not
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change, if, say, six months ago , kiev's western allies reached a plateau in the supply of weapons for financial assistance, well, that is, they no longer raised the figures, but nevertheless adhered to some kind of single line. now it is sharply gradually decreasing, decreasing, decreasing, according to the latest estimates, and if this trend continues for 2 months, then here it is simply a objectively they will have nothing to wage war with, and there will be no ammunition, and there will be nothing to repair the equipment with, and if zelensky, as he says, wants to bring about a fair end to this aggression, well, we are just for this it will be ended very fairly, i am sure this aggression, but i think zelensky meant that this can bring about some kind of negotiations and so on, but it feels like this, on the contrary, destroys any opportunities for negotiations, in any case, on our part, there is no desire to talk about anything? with this
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regime and with this expired president, in general, does not arise and maria zakharova , the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, said this quite clearly. kiev has had chances for a negotiated solution to the crisis on several occasions. the most recent one was in june of this year, when russian president vladimir vladimirovich putin put forward a very generous peace initiative for the ukrainian side. however, after august 6, the whole world saw the response of the ukrobanderites to this gesture of goodwill, a bandit raid into the kursk region, their atrocities against civilians, targeted killings of doctors, rescue volunteers, attacks on civilian vehicles, missile attacks on residential buildings, widespread looting and even threats to nuclear safety. of course, as vladimir vladimirovich putin said, there is nothing to talk about with people who do such things. well , really, karina aleksandrovna, what is there to talk about.
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is expressed by the political elite, yes, it is always sharper than interspecies, and if it escalates and the signs of this escalation we really see, otherwise it is also unclear with whom to negotiate, even with which of these groups, therefore until there is some, some certainty, it is too early to talk about this, and it seems to me that this is such a protracted.
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this settlement, this village and so on, well, probably our viewers, some think, what about the village already, let's go out on the line, i don't know, get to kiev or something else in this genre, but this collapse can happen for political, for military reasons, and of course for economic ones, in terms of energy, whatever, that is , this cumulative effect should occur, and apparently it... ivan will not laugh that a cumulative effect is possible, in fact , the same thing happened with hitler's germany, which crumbled quite quickly, rapidly, and i am sure that the same will happen here, of course, although behind ukraine there is not only the ukrainian military-industrial complex, which does not exist, not the ukrainian armed forces, but in general the nato bloc, we must also give ourselves full disclosure about this.
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the plan to invade russian territory did not arise from the good life, there were rumors that general syrsky was on the verge of resignation, he was considering several scenarios for an offensive at the weakest points of the russian front line: an attack on the bryansk region in the north, an attack on the kursk region. a combination of these two or more options. the main goal was to distract troops from the encirclement in donbass and gain trump cards for future negotiations. general syrsky kept his plans secret, sharing them only with a narrow circle of generals , security service employees. he communicated
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one-on-one without his staff. most of the intelligence gathering was done by army intelligence, not gur, who was only brought in at a later stage. western allies were also deliberately kept in the dark. the publication's source claims. the west had thwarted two previous syrsky operations, information about one of them fell into the hands of the russians, and we were ordered to stop the other. hold me seven, yes, that is, the west had nothing to do with this, it knew nothing about anything. eh, and a huge number of publications that here the americans prohibit the use of some weapons there. yes, someone else prohibits something there too. in fact, they have been waging this war since the first day of the war, so what did he do all of a sudden? now they needed to make excuses like that. it seems to me that the situation that is now in ukraine is like either a terrarium or a snake pit. it ’s up to each their own, so you can call them, one and the same, well, in principle, in principle, probably, yes, but, but in essence, we see that the entire military
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operation from beginning to end, it does not come from from kiev, it does not come from tsirsky, it does not come from all those military leaders who can take responsibility, and even more so it does not come from the so-called former.
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with the explosions of the northern streams, that this is his operation, it seems, yes, thank you, i would i would add this, i absolutely agree with the thesis that it was not for nothing that zaluzhny ended up in london, and not in washington, but this is precisely evidence that the british are, this time, as usual, and as in most operations, precisely the tactical developers, specifically what and how and whom to do on the battlefield, who to attract and so on, the americans, the americans are. the force that gives the go-ahead, they say from the lord's shoulder: well, you do something there, you decide for yourself, and what did syrsky use? it is obvious that he tried to hide a lot, but again, from whom did he try to hide? and the westerners themselves are giving up this heavyweight that korena is talking about, and first of all, from whom
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did syrsky hide the information? from budanov, from gur, because budanov is a specific political opponent, that is, zelensky, this is evidence of how confused everything is there. and the fact that they tried to hide this information from each other, and nevertheless, the fact that the british and americans specifically participated in all of this, it is useless to deny this, well, in fact, the west is simply trying to make excuses, because it is clear that the operation did not succeed in the volume in which it was all planned, it is clear that they planned it, it is clear that their weapons are always used on the battlefield, starting from the first day of military operations, so the position here understandable, although we... will never forgive and will definitely never forget, well in the united states now all attention has switched to what, the convention of the democratic party, which is supposed to nominate a candidate for president, who is it? after the commercial, there is
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reason to believe that a new provocation is being prepared. colleagues, a minute has passed, attention, i would like to introduce you to dr. eugen willowstone from boston. what else do we know about this man? he is from the central intelligence agency. by the end of the month we will have irrefutable evidence that iraq is developing chemical weapons. now you are a real friend to them, a hero, they will refuse you nothing. marry me. iraq needs weapons. organize the delivery of at least ten anti-aircraft machine guns, and no one will say a word against your wedding. you are dating me. watch after the program time, ignat, i will have business with you, it is only between us,
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mancacher whiskey, a product of stellar group, when we with... we are inside one of the workshops of azovstal, a lot of bullet holes, she was constantly walking on the edge, walking on the blade, for the us, which in fact is a colonialist, racist country, this is the last battle, they will pump everything into it, there is a civilizational struggle, and daria was one of the main warriors of light here, so we have just come to dasha's room, dasha went from here to the festival, but there was already a bug in the car.
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get up, this is my office, not a walk-through yard, get out of here, excuse me, comrade, colonel, you will go to switzerland, according to the legend, the election is ours, your target, swiss general henri guzon, hitler is ready for war, it is about to start, there are strangers in our village, two men in black mercedes, i think they are interested in you, you will go with us. most likely you will be sent to the gulag. duels, the illegal life of colonel
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rybkina on saturday on the first. having started writing, i seemed to have been resurrected. i worked under my maiden name voskresenskaya. all my books were for children. i have not written a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life.
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i love you since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there is lipstick on your collar, for
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everyone we are an ideal couple, i do not want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, she left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, don't bring her back, i went out of my way for him, do you even know how much they cost, you weren't asked, choir, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, a big game on air, well , there are moments in history when...
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and today the delegates elected to vote for biden will vote for kamala harris, for whom not a single voter voted during the.
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pro-palestinian demonstrations that are going against joe biden's policies in the middle east east, the police are all on alert, and the democrats have been preparing, they have already prepared the conference room and have learned a whole series of bold initiatives regarding what benefits will be provided to the delegates of the democratic party convention, the new york post wrote about this.
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now we see everything that is happening, first of all, there is a direct violation of the laws of the united states of america, they were very proud that they have a law and traditions first of all.
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the party is gathering with one goal: not so much to put forward, as to approve internet promotion, further, further talk about new values, about transgenders, about a bunch of different genders, about all the perversions, and how they should move forward in order to be able to seize power among the new abnormality, because they will talk about how to attract new homosexuals, about how, but they will not talk about morality, they will not talk about traditions, they will not talk about... development they will talk about spirituality, this is not necessary, you know, how the olympics in paris showed its true face, here is their congress today, it shows, this is not about development, this is about utopia, in america there has always been such vulgarity, you are an americanist, no, no, definitely not, i specifically told you that both massachusetts and illinois are white states, these are states where
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sunday is the day of service, these are other states, the degradation of the last 10-12 years it...
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on food products first of all, secondly , to reduce housing prices, well, and she will do this on the first day of her presidency, trump responded to such an economic program, let's listen, yesterday kamala laid out her so-called economic plan, she says she's going to lower the cost of food and housing from her first day in office, but kamala's first day in office was 3 and a half years ago, so why is he? in catastrophic inflation, comrade kamala is now announcing that she wants to introduce socialist price controls, something that has never worked anywhere. her father was a marxist, that's what he
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taught her when she was a little girl, and now komala promises things that she can't do, she'll never be able to do them. well, trump has already portrayed kamala harris as the leader of communist america, and how he sees, in fact, the democratic party convention in chicago. i must say, of course, it's interesting, but you must agree, kamala harris's program is much more interesting for americans than trump's program, reduce the cost of housing, reduce the cost of food, a great program, generally a great candidate, well listen, it reminds me of a famous work, and what does it say to figure it out, take everything and divide it, well, it's about the same, although trump is not much different, of course.
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food, he's a great candidate, i'll go buy some more ammo, i was taught to shoot, yes, my grandfather's berdan rifle and that's not all, you
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're a republican voter, i don't know , it seems to me that you know, i look to the right, i look to the left, and disgust, yes, a plague on both your houses, that's what i think sober, patriotic americans feel when they are disappointed in this political atmosphere that reigns in the country, that's why many of them, i'm not saying this out of thin air, i said during the break that my daughter has some contacts there, people maintain it, it 's called escopalism, they try to escape, to go somewhere, to remote places.
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i would also like to have some kind of armored car, but in fact, i always supported joe biden's candidacy, because from the point of view of the collapse of america, he was absolutely incomparable, but he understood absolutely nothing, he proposed some crazy things that would clearly destroy america, because well, lowering prices is so, well, you know, there is also a deficit, they will create everything they can for themselves there, so i think that harris is no worse than joe biden, so i absolutely agree that kamal is our candidate, of course, because where it can lead america, it can be much further than where joe biden could lead it, so you are on the right course, comrades from the party of donkeys, well, and the palestinians are not protesting in vain, because the situation in the middle east
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remains very difficult, but we will talk about this already. there are rumors that you are getting another promotion, soon you will become a famous journalist you will not have time for me, if your russian is of no use, no one will turn a blind eye to your ask her to renew relations with nesterov, i feel, please, do not hide anything from me trader. watch after the program time. hello ilina vladimirovna. what happened? it seems you arrived on time? when we were collecting her diaries, we found this entry. dasha, writes: "one day i will die for my homeland and become a national hero." we we are inside one of the azovstal workshops,
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there are a lot of field holes, she was constantly walking on the edge, walking on the blade, for the usa, which is actually a colonialist, racist country, this is the last battle, they will pump everything into this, there is a civilizational struggle, and daria was one of the main warriors of light here, so now we have come to dasha's room, dasha went from here to the festival, but there was already a bug in the car, the car exploded, the car exploded. that i died that day, well, it is simply impossible, neither to breathe, not to think, for darya dugina, our sister, 300, 30, three, in memory of darya dugina, premiere, tomorrow on the first, calendars lie shamelessly, we are forever in this summer, rise, get up, this is my office, not a thoroughfare, get out of here,
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duels: the illegal life of colonel rybkina on saturday on the first, although in writing i seemed to have been resurrected. i worked under my maiden name voskresenskaya. all my books were for children. i have not written a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of its life. the path to its calling is very tsernist, what professions have our people mastered?
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on saturday on the first, nowhere, nowhere, you can't, in general everyone was worried about mom, and mom - it was mom's star! two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first,
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rumors are already circulating in the city about this crime, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was easily pried up, you are worthy of great honor, moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, i was interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there , if you don't have a photo, it's strange where they are, they were here. lord, how similar he looks to my son, you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly. well, major, the hunt has begun, the confrontation, the premiere of
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the legendary book by yulian semenov. the big game is on the first: less than 10 months have passed since the beginning of the israeli aggression in the gaza strip, as the mission got there united nations, and it stated that 40,000 palestinians died in 10 months, including 10,627 children. horror, horror, horror, well, actually all the conclusions of the un commission, but today in the middle east , antony blinken, who came to israel,
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and actions that could somehow prevent us from implementing this deal and preventing the conflict from affecting other territories and increasing its intensity. i know that the situation in israel is difficult now, and we are deeply concerned about the possibility of an attack from from iran, hezbollah and others. as you heard, the president said that the united states has taken decisive action to deploy forces here to deter any attacks, if necessary to defend against any attacks, but the main purpose of my visit is to return.
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continues to shell northern israel and quite intensively, that is, these attacks have become more frequent, they are happening every day constantly, in fact, there is a war on the border with lebanon. by the way, in defense of the united nations, after all, quite a few ordinary employees died there too, they worked there in the sector gas, and their well-known death, so these are mainly claims against the leadership, of course, from the curious, from what is happening, i mentioned somehow, participating in one of your broadcasts, that the syrian democratic forces released 2000 burmalis. isis members, banned in russia, from their concentration
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camps, so today interesting news came that north of baghdad , headquarters and camps were destroyed, apparently of those very released isis members, and this was a joint operation of the iraqis and iranians, therefore, judging by the fact that hamas is not participating in these negotiations in the spirit, they will not end in anything, and... all this rhetoric reminds me very much of the rhetoric of hitler in the thirty -ninth and forties, who was really for peace, probably he was the main fighter for peace, that's for sure, well, not only hamas is not participating, hezbollah is not participating either, it also has its own agenda, of course, naim qasem, deputy secretary general of hezbollah, just made such a statement, in the coming days we will intensify our attacks on israel and penetrate deep in the occupied territory. from the point of view of how the situation looks there now? well
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, to be honest, for now it looks like a stalemate for both idf and hezbollah, and on the side of idf, of course, there are modern armed forces, well-equipped, there is constant support from the united states, ammunition and so on, on the other hand, on the side of hezbollah, and well- trained fighters who know the area very well, which means there is quite a lot of support, and therefore, a large number of countries in the near east, it is clear that iran has good tunnels with missiles, the second question, here now we are talking about the fact that they are penetrating into the territory, the occupied territory, here, when we are talking about deep fortifications, this is still about defense, but in fact what he is talking about is an offensive, that is, hezbollah is slowly going over to the offensive, they are penetrating behind the enemy's battle formations, they are already operating in... in general, for
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israel, it is necessary to undertake some more specific things, for now, in addition to statements and those actions that took place, and these are shellings, they do nothing more, although the clouds are gathering for them, the clouds have been gathering for a long time for israel, and of course a strong response is suggested, but in general, everything that we talked about today is related to one important circumstance. the entire policy of the united states of america, which is behind the events in ukraine, behind the events in the middle east, american foreign policy is domestic policy. everything that is being done is to ensure the victory of this here is kamali haris herself in the presidential elections in the united states of america. for this we need pictures, allegedly the victories of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield, since the war in ukraine is a war of democrats.
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the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we pass the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00, do not miss. this is the news on the first. hello, in the studio of valery korablyov. in this issue. more joint projects, a course for closer cooperation. 4 billion with a little is
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a good figure, but it is not...


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