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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 21, 2024 3:05am-3:26am MSK

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i won't forget about the conversation about authoritative people, i just want to finish with chris. he really finished badly in his life, he was in a very deplorable state in recent years and... in our last conversation, i
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don't mean a private conversation, because of course i'm not ready to divulge the content of private conversations, but i mean a conversation on the air, it was on the radio, here you see, he is not at all that handsome pseudo-baltic, many people thought of him as krisk kelmi, due to the fact that his last name, that he is a baltic, he hid from everyone that he was jewish, and just this very trick with his pseudo.
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snil for performing, that is, olga kormukhina's hit, i was completely dumbfounded, because i know olga and somehow it did not fit at all with my idea of ​​her, later i naturally asked olga this question, it turned out that these bandits who protected or collaborated or protected this or that artist, they often made some moves on their own initiative, that is, they did not know that this... tired taxi was in the repertoire, that's when heard this song performed by kelmi, they simply, without informing their, i don’t know, partner, ward, call her what you want, they staged this action to clarify the relationship, and there was a lot of this in this world, especially in the nineties, actually, and the tragic death of igor
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talkov, this too, in general, this was not a showdown between there aziza singer talkov. this was the security of one quarreled with the security of the other, in general, it so happened that this led to the death of a person. and in principle, of course, for the girls in this environment, if we are talking specifically in this context of relationships with bandits, it was quite difficult. because many of these people wanted not so much to squeeze out money, but to put a tick in the box and use it for its intended purpose, although of course, if we return to the conversation about serious players, about really authoritative people, then none of them could even imagine anything like that, because it was not according to the concepts, when i talk about serious people, i mean -
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that is, i don’t know, maybe in some situations, in some schemes, he used his friendship to make a profit, well, like a businessman, but very often these people, they rather provided assistance , including just such sponsorship , to those artists or actresses that they liked and liked. another thing is that they never forgave, so to speak, betrayal or lack of loyalty, that
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is, if a person took advantage of, well, some kind of presentation, some connections or simply money, and then he didn't want to know anything, it's... he told about how the previous husband of a very famous actress, i don't want to name her on air, she is loved by everyone, but her previous husband ordered a new husband, this story was also somehow resolved there, but in principle
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, the artists themselves were often cruel, they thought, well, what if they have such friends and acquaintances who can radically solve problems, and not only of a material nature. he was his own administrator, manager, negotiator, because of this sometimes there were also some questions, because in the nineties, the bandits, i don’t know how it is now and how it was before, but in the nineties there was definitely such a term accountant, that is
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, they would tell the artist that you are there, well, you are an artist, why don’t you understand these numbers, so i will recommend you an accountant, an accountant was meant to be a person... who will monitor the situation and make sure that a certain share is small, that is, written off to the common fund, by the way, there is even such a thing, it’s a myth, but i i remember that many people said back then that the hit of that time, the group kombinat accountant, my dear accountant, it was actually about this category of people, but according to 100% verified data, no, it's just... really stupid about a financial worker, about an accountant, funny songs, by the way, with the group kombinat there were a lot of very serious stories, but the song is not about them and not about an accountant, here chris kelmi categorically refused to involve journalists
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he knew, and he had journalist friends, besides me, in this story, he the only time he asked for help was when there was talk that he was not really kelme, that he was really kalinkin, and he even asked me to publish in the newspaper, here is from a scanned passport, where it says anatoly arievich kelmi, yes, he is not chris, yes, he is tolya, they called him chris since his student days, he was a classmate of another musician, james, his name was james, friends, but you all know. like vladimir kuzmin, they studied together, so he asked me to publish this passport so that the talk would stop these conversations about kalinkin, conversations about kalinkin began during one of the bandit cruises, bandit, why, because the bandits, firstly, organized these cruises, well, in order to invest money
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to earn, and secondly, in the cruise format, it was very popular in the early nineties, when a and went out for tourists, as mank was that artists would perform. this is a podcast chronicle of the end of times, and today i am telling you about bandits in the soviet post-soviet show business. very often in this world such strange things happened, so to speak, on a tip, when they were melting down competitors, for example, they said that a person bought some rare icon for so much.
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that money was brought to purchase equipment, he himself actually brought a fairly serious sum at that time , no one knew about it, and the person was generally connected to... as they thought with this world, i don’t want to name names, because it doesn’t matter, this is just an example of these interactions with these artists. gradsky, by the way, was not friends with bandits, in my opinion, he the only one of those who, in his close, immediate circle, did not have these authoritative people, and not because he somehow, well, conventionally speaking, disdained or did not like them, he... quite adequately assessed that this also required certain talents, in addition, in this environment there were a lot
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of people with charm and charisma, who were simply good company, from those people about whom one can say, because they themselves repeatedly told about this , including to me in some interviews, yes, a lot has been written, i will give an example there sasha tolmatsky, alexander tolmatsky, the father of the cult musician declo, and the producer, he kind of served time there at one time, then he was not involved in show business initially, unlike the same yuri shmelevich azenshpits, he was involved in cars there, but then he became friends with oleg gazmanov and was his first director, so he still functions in show business and... no one , including us, friends, relatives, no one has any questions that he
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kind of served time there or that he is a bandit there, because i repeat that this is quite understandable, this is a very general environment, show business, the criminal world, there the idea of ​​what is allowed and what is not resonates very much, a separate story of course - these are the performances. to leave, in general, in short, they are simply in
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the introductions, did not receive the fee, decided to lock the hotel local bandits, posted guards with guns forced, as if to work, said that the performance in the city will not take place, but here in the restaurant you will perform for us everything, as expected, and for several days they were kept in such hostages, but it must be said that this interaction of people from the criminal world... in those formats that i told you about with the artists, this was just one of the signs of the end of times, because it was then that both former katals and former vars began to engage in reikit, many artists, thanks to their connections with these musicians and the fact that they agreed to play by these rules of the game, became famous, and many of those who did not...
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relatively speaking, at all, if earlier there were a dozen or so showbiz pop stars, which, so to speak, were divided between people from the kribedald world, that is, now there is a very large selection of those with whom to be friends, besides , actually, there are no longer any of these classic bandits in crimson jackets with gold chains, some were shot, some went into politics, some went into serious business, some took as wives... these or those singers, there are many such examples, and we
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are not only talking about singers of the light genre, but there are opera singers who married authoritative people, somehow now this here is the interaction, it has lost that piquancy, the sharpness that was observed in the late eighties, early nineties, when the country was radically changing and turning... the times of showbiz seizures in the gangster environment and gangster influence in show business are gone, i hope , irrevocably, it was evgeny dodolev and the podcast.
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geniuses 30 years, while he was calling doctors to save his beloved from a dangerous disease, she was already planning her life with another man. evgenia is a journalist, lives in moscow, is fond of music foreign languages, dreams of creating his own tv show, is proud of being the best correspondent in vitebsk, admits that he has too much energy. evgenia will not enter into a serious relationship with a girl who depends on her parents' opinion, and will not be charmed by a chatterbox. his and... the ideal chosen one should speak correctly, not be afraid of spontaneous decisions and be a master cook more. hello, hello, once again, well, finally we have you as a groom, i have never had a man who would have blue eyes, now you will be in them drown, everything happens for the first time, let's remember your first appearance, you had
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a great love, you went somewhere on tour, to moscow, no, not on tour here. that is, i thought about it for a very long time, there was a relationship, i left, promised to wait, but did not wait, because i lived in two cities, vitebsk-moscow, train, polotsk, moscow, well, and somehow my brother was nearby, well, you know, in fact, this is such a super person, i don't even know why i decided, and my brother is not yurasik, who is sitting next to me, yes, he is with me, a good taker, it is better for me to come now you in the forehead or later after the program. let's go right away, it was such a story, well, as it were, but we can't tell it, i like this haircut of yours more, thank you, well, the groom is generally handsome, well, he began to look better than he looked with this haircut, indeed, i did not come empty-handed, i know that a rose loves honey, therefore from my parents
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sunny belarus, and from parents, i have a dad, of course, and so then who? your applause, this is for you, especially since, as they say, honey just now, just flew, this is for you, come on for this, thank you, thank you, thank you, dad, what's his name, lenya, len, great, i love belarusian men, thank you very much for the honey, well, i think the picture is nice, you can see that he's tall, tall, handsome, handsome, magazine-like, girls, journalist, well-read, i'm without my brother today after this program. "we had another fight with him, he said, he said that i had disgraced him, he said that he wasn't ready for such a program, he said that you were cold with him, what's his name, remind me, yura, yuras, i offer you my sincere apologies that i was cold, that i was strict, that i was fair, i'm very sorry that i didn't give
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you a hard time last time, he got offended..." he was already here, it turns out, that is , he just goes for the show, here he sits, cool, such a guy, and what's wrong with love, it wasn't the only story with my brother, no, well, there were more, well, let's start from the very beginning, you fell in love, everything happened, yes, it was a pandemic time, we met literally at the dawn of the pandemic, we watched your show, it was interesting, in general, everything it was, well i... fell in love very much, i just felt that it was mine right to the end, i just felt it, we survived the pandemic together, and what was especially admirable about her? well i don't know, i probably fell in love somehow in appearance, i really liked her, and then the pandemic, then you were together all the time, right? a song was playing in the background, if only you would walk around, naked next to me, naked, not naked, i practically
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just a little, my brother lived with me during the pandemic, and of course it complicated things a little, but my brother... it's all mine, so naturally i well, my brother hasn't started behaving badly again , no, there were such plans, well, in general, probably even more, he made a proposal, like , get married, but it was, let's say, a more substantial proposal because i said, listen, let me quit my job now, i have a project, we'll do everything now, let's go to sunny turkey together, we'll buy a house there and live together, well, and there i would have made an offer. but he's interesting, he talks, it's interesting, well, he also holds up well, confident, not shy, when this illness suddenly showed up, there was no illness, it was a lie, no, well...


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