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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 21, 2024 4:35am-4:58am MSK

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republics footage from there a little later: the third region in a day. well, the first point of the working trip was kabardi in balkaria, a region with unique natural conditions, so agriculture is one of the main areas, and in terms of development rates and results among the leaders. vladimir putin personally assessed the successes. dmitry kochitkov will tell you more. kabardino-bolkaria is called the land of gardens, in the agro-complex near nalchik this year they plan to collect a record harvest of 10,000 tons. apples
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jeramin, fuji, florino and other varieties they send mainly to moscow and the moscow region. agriculture is only one of the growth points of the republic's economy. the garden was laid out in 2012, the first 30 hectares were planted. demand appeared, the gardens were increased to 200 hectares. in recent years, you have increased eightfold, today we have 26,500 intensive. last year i read the references, there was a record, yes , half a million, yes, these are only organized enterprises that delivered, a total of 785,000 tons, gross fruit harvest, well, we have somewhere to do, yes, we have potential, it's like at least in the near future somewhere around 15 percent, yes sorting, packing in boxes and apples are sent to the shelves, your apples are super.
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excellent, very tasty, healthy, most importantly, they contain a whole complex of vitamins, some of the products are processed on site, vladimir putin appreciated the kabardian postila without sugar, there is no sugar, nothing, natural puree, everything, apple, yes apple, here two hundred grams, this one hangs like these 50 rubles. than gum, of course, of course, better, of course, better, doctors say, children should eat from karis, beautiful, purchase beautiful from the particular to the general in the sadovolic farm putin discussed with the head of the ministry of agriculture oksana lut issues of food security of the country supplies of our agricultural products abroad. we export to 160 countries, now russia is actively engaged in grain legumes, last season we took first place in export of peas already first place. well already yes, well decently, yes,
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we hold, and here for now it is given to us, while the fish itself gives it, wheat first place, barley first season, nothing first place, and apples of the north caucasus now are very necessary, because in central russia , part of the harvest was lost due to frost in may. vladimir putin has not been to kabardino-balkaria since 2019, the development of the region was discussed in detail at a meeting with the head of the republic , kazbek kokov. i want to congratulate you on what is happening in the region of seisky. of course, this is a very good indicator and a good example for other regions, great, well, 80 once again increased the production of this fruit and vegetable products, this is a good indicator, everything is high-tech, and the storage location produces its own packaging, well, in in general, everything is in full swing, great. we discussed the economy and social indicators with the head of the region. infant mortality has decreased from four to 3.6 per thousand. people, which
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makes us very happy, this is the absence of maternal mortality, this became possible thanks to the creation of a perinatal center and the general organization of the entire maternity care system, on your instructions, the birth of the fifth child we provide 500,000 rubles to improve housing conditions and more, this is relevant since september 1, twenty -fourth year, all large families them will be reimbursed. in preschool institutions, i know that in your family there was also a pleasant, joyful event, a grandson was born, i want to congratulate you, it is good that this area of ​​demography is developing in our country, we will continue to deal with issues of obstetrics, motherhood, childhood, we will continue the program of construction of modern medical institutions in this area, among the projects... which are called
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breakthrough here, the construction of the largest greenhouse complex in the north caucasus, the resumption of the extraction of tungsten and malebdenum in ternausskoe deposit and development of all-season tourism. can be done without good roads, over a thousand km of highways have been repaired in 5 years. dmitry kochatkov, mikhail semakov, andrey stoyko, alexander gornostayev and anna zayakina. channel one kabordina balkaria. development of transport communications has become one of
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the main topics of the strategic session in the government. since the beginning of the year, the production of passenger cars in russia has grown by 60%. and buses by 20. to prevent these rates from stagnating, in the coming years. about 150 thousand specialists will be needed, approximately half with higher education. pavel cholkin reviewed the transport map. the success of the economy directly depends on how accessible fast and safe movement of people and goods is in the country. today , government ministers and experts discussed how transport will develop in russia at a strategic session in moscow. it is important that people have the widest possible opportunities for travel, business and personal trips. moreover , with comfort at affordable prices, so that businesses have sufficient funds for more efficient transportation of goods, and here it is necessary to increase our own competencies and production capacities, this is the only way to qualitatively
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update the existing fleet of equipment in the conditions of unprecedented sanctions pressure. considering the size of our country, the availability of transport is of strategic importance, to connect the territories of russia even more reliably, to make the life of citizens more comfortable, to increase.
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production, by 2030 their share should be at least half of the fleet of domestic liners russian airlines. according to mishustin, this concerns a wide range of aircraft, from small regional to wide-body aircraft. also, the focus is on the development of domestic materials, on-board equipment, engines and components. serial production of domestic helicopters should fully meet the needs of russian companies. another area is the construction of vessels for a wide variety of purposes, marine equipment and machinery. particular attention is paid to icebreakers for year-round navigation on the northern sea route. russia
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will strengthen the work on the formation of a civilian fleet, which will be able to solve the entire range of tasks, including ensuring the removal of export cargo. taking into account modern challenges, we are now completing the update of the shipbuilding industry development strategy, the updated goals will help to fulfill the president's order to increase transportation along international transport corridors, over the next 5 years their volume should increase by one and a half times compared to the 2021 level. the construction of new transport arteries largely depends development of russian territories. it is difficult to estimate the economic effect of the first high-speed railway line moscow, tver, veliky novgorod, st. petersburg in russia. its length will be 679 km, trains will travel at a speed of up to 400 km/h. travel time from the starting point to the end point is 2 hours, and passenger traffic will increase to 23 million people by 2030. of course, the implementation of all such
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plans in the industrial sector will require the involvement of a large number of qualified specialists, over the next 6 years the total the demand of enterprises will be about 150 thousand people. including almost 75,000 employees with higher education. according to the prime minister, the system of professional training will be oriented towards all these demands of the industries; another national project, personnel, is designed for this. china, the premier of the state council of the prc, litsen has already arrived, vnukov was met with an honor guard at the airport, the orchestra played the anthems of the two countries. the visit is taking place on the eve of the seventieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, which have withstood the test of international turbulence, is gaining new energy, vladimir will also take on the face of it. and today, the day after the russian leader's state visit to baku, azerbaijan
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officially applied to join brics. the participating states account for about half of the planet's population and a third of the world's gross domestic product. vladimir putin has already invited his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev to a brics event as part of the kazan summit in october. at the same time , a meeting of cis leaders will be held in moscow. chechen republic. vladimir putin. in the evening arrived in the third region of the north caucasus today after kabardino-balkaria and north ossetia. from grozny, the president headed to the village of akhmat yurd, where the first head of the republic, akhmat khadzhi kadyr, who died in the terrorist attack on may 9, 2004, is buried . his cousin, probably akhmed kadyrov, was next to vladimir putin today. your relative, close, a friend to me, i already. i tell ramzan, i remember his face very well, when he was angry, when
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he smiled, a very expressive person, very talented, very decent, devoted a man, devoted to his small rudin big rudin, and of course, a real man very courageous, very courageous, very, a real concept, did a lot for the chechen people.
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thank you for your work, and we pray for you to be at the helm of such a large state, may allah give you all the strength so that you continue to serve the people, as you serve today. millions of ukrainian citizens today at one moment received a blow from their own parliament, in fact , the ban on the canonical orthodox ...
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will close the ukrainian orthodox church, and i can't call this anything other than savagery,
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there is an attack not just on some specific church community, there is an attack on orthodoxy on the territory of ukraine as a whole, because the very spirit of true orthodoxy contradicts what the ukrainian government is doing, the adoption of the law was called a powerful blow to all orthodoxy in our ministry of foreign affairs, for the first time we witnessed an event when on the territory of the european...
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in 2018, poroshenko, at that time, rapidly losing popular support, the president of ukraine, added fuel to the fire by announcing the creation of a new church structure, the so -called ukrainian orthodox autocephalous church. it is not canonical, that is, it is not recognized in the orthodox community. after the adoption of the bill, poroshenko was the happiest in the rada . you cannot imagine how happy i am that today the entire hall is voting to ban the fifth column in ukraine. this is a victory for the entire ukrainian people, the entire state. this is a lie. according to the ukrainian government portal of open data , the orthodox church of ukraine has 23% of parishes
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among all religious organizations, while the canonical orthodox church has more of them. supported the so-called ukrainian council of churches and religious organizations, the expired regime has its own interests. the main
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idea here is connected with an attempt to impose the dominant ideology. on the entire ukrainian society, to deprive it, well, let's say, of a diversity of opinions, not to allow it to discuss in different ways to interpret, including in a spiritual sense, strangely enough , what is happening to them, what is happening now. the method has already been worked out. carried away fight against dissent, zelensky banned all media and all parties disloyal to the regime. representatives of the orthodox canonical church behaved cautiously in this regard, avoiding...
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we continue, the development of physical education and sports were discussed today in tula, a meeting of the relevant commission of the state council was held there, the presidential aide , secretary of the state council alexey dyumin took part in it, among the topics popularization of mass sports, as well as rehabilitation of participants in the special operation, here the experience of the tula region can
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be an example for other regions. the commission needs to work on creating conditions for rehabilitation. socialization and professional self-realization of participants in the special military operation and these developments need to be replicated in other entities that are still lagging behind in this area. i expect that the commission will provide high-quality expert and analytical support for all decisions being developed, and will be able to become a center for developing a common consolidated position of the regions in matters of developing physical culture and sports. i have no doubt that in tlinskaya this work is also well established in the region today. but nevertheless, of course, it requires that it be systematized, standardized, so that in each region, in fact, for the guys who return from the special military operation zone, want to try themselves in sports, want to do physical education.
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they say that suddenly a tornado of such force swooped down that a seventy-five-meter aluminum machete broke, the second tallest in the world of sailboats. the yacht, 56 meters long, with a hull also made of aluminum, was designed for maximum comfort for twelve passengers and a crew of ten. lynch gave it a name that goes back to bais's theorem. without going into probability theory, it's like the pythagorean theorem in school geometry. lynch wrote his thesis on bais, a 16th-century english mathematician, and developed his ideas into computer programs that earned him half a billion pounds and earned him the reputation of the british bill gates. the oldest
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woman on earth died at the age of 117 years and 169 days. maria braña has a smorero from spain three children, 11 grandchildren and 13 grandchildren survived. the family reported that the woman died in her sleep, peacefully without pain, she associated her longevity with order, calm and absence from the community. japan, two world wars, the american atomic bombing of her country and two dozen presidents in the united states. the new election campaign is in full swing there. the democratic party, whose traditional symbol is the donkey, is holding a convention to nominate kamala harris. moment ahead of her, but while everyone is discussing biden, who spoke out left, the image of sleepy joe is not must interrupt the picture of the cheerful successor.


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