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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  August 21, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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young, beautiful, elegant, stylish, just an incredible woman, oh, i never thought that i would ever wear a hat, because it seemed to me that a hat would always make me look older, i just want to go to france, just everything, this... will live in your wardrobe? it will definitely be, i really like the shoes, i like the bag and the linings, i like everything, i liked everything, tatyana, what can we say? i want to say that it's just nice, some kind of vitamin for the eyes in this image, bright, positive, and i'm sure that the man you meet with whom you will finally have the relationship you dream of, he will be happy next to you, because you simply radiate.
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positive, you have a great sense of humor, it is interesting to be with you, it is fun to be with you, and i just even envy a little those people who are next to you, because it is clearly very interesting to live with you, it is very fun to be around you, you know, there is some kind of warm, gentle charm, evelina, as the third image, well, there is everything here, including white pants, and the stylists, it seems to me, were inspired the famous series white lotus, creating your images, this is especially characteristic of ... a resort mood, which your girlfriends have already dictated to you, and indeed , in fact, you are already at that stage of development of your life and career when you can afford yourself, you can afford yourself, hence the conclusion: you do not need to wait for some people who will come up to you to get acquainted, you rationally choose, look, weigh what you want, and when choosing, make the necessary marks, in your
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own profile is it suitable or not suitable and do not settle for the minimum, take only the maximum, because you absolutely deserve it, and i want to tell you that the classic solutions, which are very well disciplined by the contour, are right for your next shopping, because what the stylists showed you needs to be developed, and this development is already your task, your theme, the vector is given to you, and you know where?
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we give you three sets of clothes from the fashion verdict program, wear them with pleasure, and if you also want to take part in the program, then fill out the questionnaire on channel one website, how's the makeup going? yes, look how beautiful she is, why hide yourself, no need for these glued-on eyelashes, they really make you look older, it looks cheap and generally so indecent, that's how this color is, god , what beautiful lips they are...
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so, dear friends, an endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity is taking place right now in our program, we see everything on the screen, this is the most modern ent method of examining a patient, why do i have a runny nose in the summer? we will answer this question today, and of course, we will tell you a lot of important things interesting, because the program is healthy to live, it educates, it helps. well, dear friends, if the word stroke appeared in our studio, then we will talk about hypertension, this is a pressure scale. germyshevich, let's go back to the norms, tell me what pressure is ideal, pressure 120x8 will reduce pressure ideally, and this is the pressure that we want, what hypertensive patients had for treatment. once again, the norm is 120.80. and below, here we have the only
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green stripe, from 120 to 129 is all, that's all, this is still normal pressure, but already high. and the further we climb, the higher and higher the chance of a stroke, and if your blood pressure is constantly above 180, wait, it will come, it means a stroke, i want to repeat again, today blood pressure of 125 to 85 will already be considered high, and we will not prescribe medications yet, but we will already say, you need to change your lifestyle, you ... you need to cancel salt, you need to lose weight and so on, the norm is 120 and 80 and below, this is what you need to remember, this is a change in ideas that today play a huge role in medicine, our special project, my pressure, my
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responsibility, our favorite group, nine people, people who monitor their pressure and know that my pressure is only my responsibility. participants today have a free one so that you are healthy and beautiful, all our application, it is absolutely free for everyone, which is called, my pressure, my pressure, it allows you to monitor your pressure, the application prescribes
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treatment, the application changes doses, changes medications depending on what a person has, how your pressure has changed, you with what month have we been in the project, since march? since march, what changes have occurred, the pressure has normalized, i feel great, you could say, we're flying, let's take a look now, because here the application also draws graphs of how the pressure changes, this is just our joy, you see, there was a yellow zone, these are the last 10 days, and before that there was a red zone, what were the highest pressure numbers 180 was the pressure, you understand, and now it's all lower, lower, you see german shevich, here... the person is already in the green zone, this is lower than 120 and 80, and yellow - this is from 120 to 130, it's still good, right, that is, the person is compensated, how many pills do you take, two pills, what amladipine and valsartan, this is an international non-proprietary
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name, a standard, germansh and i also drink these two groups, what do you drink, no, i drink ral and lerkanidepil, but ... it happens that a person treats hypertension, and he has, for example, migraine, did this happen to you, did you have headaches, yes, tell us about
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it, were there headaches on one side of the head, bursting, some pressing, it seems that my head is like a flask, i could not bend over, well , that is, at all. pain, what do these drugs do, they, triptans, they constrict the vessel, but not only in the head area, which leads to headaches, but also in the whole body, so this can lead to an increase in blood pressure, and uncontrolled blood
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pressure contraindications to the use of these drugs, of course, i want to say that this happened to me at all. i found out about my hypertension because of triptans, because me, like you had a terrible headache, i know that i have migraines, but when you have migraines at 30, you generally yes... triptan increases blood pressure, i think, i need a headache does not go away, i know that the amount to take another pill, but before that i measure my blood pressure, i measure my blood pressure, i have 220 to 120, something like that. and i understand that i am about to have a stroke, i am absolutely alone, there is no one to help, and i have never so vividly,
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i sincerely did not imagine that i fell and am lying, that's it, i am paralyzed and i am alive, and i alive, you can't imagine how piercing this understanding is, i called my son, and he is a doctor to the eldest, he said: "mom, open the door and call an ambulance, can you imagine what state i was in?" it's just that i opened the door on the fourth floor, nastig, lay down on the sofa and called an ambulance, the ambulance came to me through the open door, because i was afraid that a stroke would happen before the ambulance arrived, i simply wouldn't crawl from the door, it's good that i knew all this, soon i couldn't lower my blood pressure, i was taken to botkin hospital, there naturally they reduced everything for me, i took off a post of gratitude to the entire botkin hospital, but... from the next day every day i started drinking lazartan the question arose, what
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to do with a migraine, what to do with a migraine, i also had it then in principle this is what happens often migraines are a disease of young age, but it does not kill, you live with it, and hypertension with age appears in many people, what to do, the first and main thing is to take. a headache appears, you need to do or naturally you always need to, when you have computed tomography of the brain or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, to exclude any other cause of headache, there is a special protocol, headache, which... was created by our wonderful colleague, dr. golperin, we love him very much, this is
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four examinations in one examination: head, neck, bone internal structures vessels of the head and neck. the examination lasts 50 minutes. patients are placed in a magnetic resonance tomograph. and doctors have to study immediately several zones. the first is magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. it helps to find out if there are any... list of drugs you should mark that increase blood pressure, here
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they brought us out, you brought them out and they brought them out here for us, and here sumotriptan is marked in red, so we cancel these drugs, after the examination, if nothing is found, we must exclude the so-called occipital migraine and cure it, what is occipital migraine, this is when there is irritation of the occipital nerve,
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then, what is the outcome, it happens, they did injection, that's it, then you're lucky, occipital migraine, it won't come back, it happens that the attacks become less frequent, then we prescribe. other migraine medications, not triptans, it happens that the migraine doesn't go away, then there are also whole classes of medications that are not, that is, there are special medications, they can be monoclonal, antibodies, these can be tablet medications that reduce the frequency of migraine attacks or
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completely eliminate them, this is a whole group of medications, the responsibility of your treating neurologist to... choose for you drug: conclusion: i can take you by the hand to give this injection, then there are other drugs for migraines, so if you have hypertension and migraines, triptans are not allowed, of course, another method of treatment, together by the hand, you are such responsible patients, we will cope completely, sit down, thank you very much, and we will take a short break, and then continue. casanova seeds, which promote good potency and stormy sex. seeds are one of the leaders in the content of such an amino acid as eleginin in order to create both sperm proteins and testosterone. we reveal the secret of pumpkin
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trader watch after the program time, ignat, i will have a deal with you, it is only between us, i shake my head, i fly into the top, i am such a georgian, cold as an ice cube, but there is no sadness, you do not love ...
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well, anya just saw me fell in love and decided your opener will not shudder the bell everyone constantly says that happiness is a fantasy for a person on friday on the first, in the new season on the first, you have a good collective farm, and you will try to make him rich, a millionaire, and you have hardly aged, it is difficult, probably with the unfamiliarity, it's okay, we'll get used to it, and in our village your hanky-panky can end badly, vadim, partork, are you sure, he
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's a womanizer, my marinka and i almost broke up just before the wedding. and if i fall in love with you again, it's yours, what's that , do with it as you want, throw it away if you want, wear it if you want, hide it if you want, he pestered you again yesterday, don't disgrace the family, kirill, i want to give you some advice, as an experienced womanizer, don't pester a woman if she doesn't want it herself, you're ruining your life and hers, what's wrong with you what will happen now, what will they push, these are not simple words, if necessary, i will kill, i would not throw such words around, if you kick, i will put you in jail, for what? we will always find an article? i will not survive if you cheat on me, i can not live without you, the premiere, from august 26, on the first, i can not live without you, i ... i will wait, so, dear friends, this is the program to live healthy,
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we are in the kitchen, today we have a burning topic, we called it briefly and simply food orgasm, in fact, we called it so cheerfully so that it would be easier for you to remember substances that improve your, dare i say it, sexuality, today we will have a special product, the champion of this product in russia is dagestan, so our plane is flying to dagestan, and i... i ask that pumpkin seeds be brought into our studio. in general, i want
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to say that the most amazing thing i have seen is how pumpkin seeds are collected. i thought that they take pumpkins, somewhere they pick out the seeds, and the pumpkins themselves are used for something. something like that, let's see how pumpkin seeds are collected, it turns out that this is special varieties of pumpkins that are not used for food, look, a combine is moving, the seeds, they are right away, it breaks the pumpkins inside the combine, throws out scraps of this pumpkin left and right, and leaves the seeds inside the combine, i am even shocked that so many pumpkins are lying around in the fields, because then...
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what you need to understand is that pumpkins have not always been in russia, it is believed that in the 15-16th century, either during the war with the khazars, it came to the territory of russia, or perhaps, it is believed that it was brought, brought by persian merchants, but that's all it happened no earlier than the 10th century, before that we lived without pumpkins, here the indians of latin america always had pumpkins, now there are more than a thousand varieties of pumpkins...
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they say that pumpkins, seeds are good for men, why? because these seeds contain zinc, this is a sperm, friends, this is a sperm, these are seeds with pumpkin, sperm, it must move in order to achieve its goal, this zinc, it improves the movement of the sperm, why, because it participates in the structure of the protein that ensures the movement of the tail spermatozoa is a tadpole with a tail and the tail is a propeller, so zinc gives
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mobile, immobile spermatozoa, so it will not be, this is only one part of the story, because seeds are one of the leaders in the content of such an amino acid as elarginine, this elarginine is simply necessary for ... to create both sperm proteins and testosterone in fact is also very important, because without testosterone you and i will not have normal potency. this is a symbol of normal potency, gentlemen, when it is abnormal, this happens something like this. but when it is normal, again seeds are needed, because there is a protein amino acid called. this amino acid is a precursor of such a protein as serotonin, proteins of pleasure, that is , not only nothing will work out, but
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there will be no pleasure. if it works out, then without pleasure. well, once again, zinc from pumpkin seeds ensures sperm motility. and proteins from pumpkin seeds are involved in the creation of testosterone, the main male sex hormone and serotonin. help our symbol rise, just good, this one, this one elergenin is what is called a conditionally essential amino acid, that is, an amino acid - we synthesize it ourselves, but in such quantities that are insufficient, we must definitely get it, if we do not have it from the outside, we will have a deficit, now we have the podium for zinc, and so we have pumpkin seeds, weed seeds and sesame seeds, pumpkin 80%, 80%, that is , almost the daily norm, sesame is in second place,
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about half of the daily norm. 45, well , here it is also 45, about half, and can i'm still talking about mine or argenin, since there really are two daily norms, four times less, in kujutnyh five times less, in sunflower, that is, in general, in general, in short, tinquin selki is an excellent product for men, that's why our doctors talked so hotly about it, how to choose, how to store and how to eat it correctly ? the first question, how to choose? as always by appearance? firstly, they should be smooth, clean, without spots, in principle, the more the better, because, well then, in general, there will be more content in them, here such loose, with a slight smell, look, how to store it correctly? you need to store it in a cool
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, dry place, protected from sunlight, ideally in the refrigerator, because they go rancid, peeled ones go rancid, oxidize, especially when exposed, absolutely right, because in general any nuts and seeds, they contain protein and fat, oil, so of course you need to store them in the refrigerator, nowhere else, these can be stored peeled ones. not in the refrigerator, the last question, how to eat pumpkin seeds correctly? alexey kovba with his recipe, our great cook. so, hello, we continue the topic of sauces, an amazing one that can be made with seeds, in fact, this is pesto sauce, we can call it that way, only pine nuts are used in the pepper, basil is used, and we use the classic green seeds, and the most important thing
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is that... look, i added a little spinach here, well, so that the color is more familiar, but if we just make it from them, our color will be, well, like a lettuce leaf, that is, we can actually make pure dough only on pumpkin seeds, so, wait, there are pumpkin seeds, what pumpkin seeds, a little spinach, i always add any unrefined oil, that is, it is there a wheat germ or something else and i add shades, that is, it can be garlic, it can be lemon juice, well, whichever you like, the base is garlic seeds. unrefined oil and some greens, oh, delicious, worthy, m, good, budget pesto sauce from pumpkin seeds, it's all about food, friends, it's time for us to talk about medicine, in medicine we asked ourselves this question: why do i have a runny nose in the summer, there shouldn't be a runny nose in the summer, but a whole group of people , a large number of people have a runny nose, let
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's talk about this directly. now we're starting to talk about medicine, you know, i'm approaching our medical site, where we have an endoscopic examination of a patient, why do i have a runny nose in the summer, that's the name of our topic, i want to introduce you to a wonderful doctor, doctor of medical sciences, ent doctor, surgeon olga aleksandrovna spiranskogo. nose, so we looked at patients before the start, this is our director of photography, one of the main people, if you see us at all, this is the merit of radion gutkov and he looked at how he could remove it, and sadly said, but i actually have polyps, olga alexandrovna, show us rodion's polyps, because
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radion... cannot say yet that in the middle nasal passage, here we have them hanging like this, here he hangs along the lip, and he has them glistening, here they are, that is, his middle nasal passage is blocked. the polyp also descends into the common nasal passage, the posterior sections of the nasal cavity are also blocked by polyps, for now olga aleksandrovna is looking, i want to say that she is conducting an endoscopic examination, an endoscopic examination makes it possible to reach the larynx and even see the vocal cords, this is a very-very-very deep examination, this is the only way a modern ent examination looks. radion, my dear, a hereditary operator from...
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list the years and decades, well, you and i have been working since 2007, as far as i remember, radion and i have been together for 100 years, that only today i found out that he has polyps in his nose, well , it seems to me that they are from about the same time and in fact, as i...
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grow in all the sinuses, including the nasal cavity, look, we have sinuses here, this is the maxillary sinus, here we have the frontal, frontal sinus, here we have the ethmoid sinus, polyps can grow from anywhere, for example, the maxillary sinus, i just
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want to show, look, you see, here is a polyp here, here it just literally hangs in the nose, hangs in the nose, because all the sinuses are connected to the nose, a person is clogged up, he can have sinusitis, and frostitis, frontal sinusitis, and a runny nose all the time. olga aleksandrovna, i want to invite you to the screen, so look, dear friends, let's open, as they say, a person's face, this is the maxillary sinus, yes, olga alexandra, yes , or the maxillary sinus, it's also called, explain, where is the polyp here? the polyp, here it grows through the natural ostium, expands it, goes through the middle nasal passage, into the common nasal passage, and sometimes even in patients they fall out down, leave the nasal cavity. they can fall out of the nose, oh, mom, how long do you have to live and grow, pavalipa - it's like mushrooms, look, here we highlighted the polyp from the maxillary sinus in yellow, this one fell either from the ethmoid or from somewhere, this is another polyp, how are polyps treated, these people, if they
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have not visited a competent ent doctor, they will drip drops endlessly, like for hormonal, non-hormonal, such and such , but what should be done in reality? you must definitely go to an ent doctor, so that the ent doctor performs a standard otolaryngological examination, performs an endoscopy of the nasal cavity, then your research must be supplemented computer tomography around the sinuses and then decide whether the patient continues either conservative treatment or the patient already needs surgical treatment. surgical treatment consists of removing polyps, the so-called endoscopic. polysinusotomy, olga aleksandrovna is a doctor, so her terminology is deeply professional, in fact , these polyps are shaved off with a special instrument called a shaver. let's see how dr.
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spiranskaya works. the operation is performed under general antitracheal anesthesia, in addition we perform local infiltration anesthesia with ultracaine solution. can i also have ultracaine? insulin. the operation will be performed without a scalpel and incisions under the control of a small endoscope television camera. the doctor will literally shave off the polyps from all. nose, these are white polyps in the nose , they completely block the lumen, such a person will have a runny nose both in winter and in summer, this is a shaver, a razor that shaves off the polyp before our eyes. it is difficult to understand how the patient lived with such a stuffy nose, because that we do not even see the lumen of the nose. the doctor works, checks all the sinuses, removes polyps. on the sinus surface we put
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a modern, practically imperceptible to patients hemostatic material, it will be very, well, quite comfortable for the patient in the postoperative period, fly to the crust, the postoperative period for the patient will pass comfortably without any such suffering, torment, which usually causes the front. doctor spiranskaya is a very experienced doctor, but even in experienced hands , the operation to remove polyps from all sinuses nose lasted almost 2 hours. now we see, you can already see, everything is completely removed and there is a free passage into the nasal sinus. this is the work of a surgeon, brilliant and good. i would like to invite to us a patient of dr. spiranskaya, whom olga aleksandrovna operated on.
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eyes, what does it do? it decreases, sticks to the surface of the nose, causes such a hemostatic effect, that is , bleeding stops completely, does not close the lumen of the nasal cavity and the patient breathes well throughout the postoperative period, in addition, another advantage is that you somehow pointed directly with a finger you took, besides the advantage of this material it is not necessary, it sees such a mass of jelly turns it does not need to be removed, yes remove to get, it will dissolve itself. you understand, did you breathe normally after the operation? yes,
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literally on the second day i already without any, as you say, choking, i breathed normally came to life. that's what it is, to know your business, to love your business to master your profession. olga aleksandrovna, spiranskaya, ent doctor, surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, well done, not for long let's take a break, let's continue, on the path to happiness, how to make yourself eat vegetables every day, here i put two cucumbers to a tomato, and already 444 g . we continue to form healthy habits, you can't hide anywhere, for mom. and mom - this was mom's finest hour, the number
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is charming, cool, nostalgic, grandma practically didn't interfere with you singing this song, just like your brother, i see, it seems like you're the same age, such performances provoke population explosions. children, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, an hour ago she flew in to me water, threw things right to you, nenalta, what a good one, you are so lucky with her, we foisted it on this rich guy in a copy under the guise of a real monet, the boy looks boldly, the family
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is good, he fought, has an award, you can't intimidate him, no need, there the girl decides everything, oh, hello,
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we have depicted all our steps with such icons, in fact, these are steps towards a healthy lifestyle, the step that we must take this week is called vegetables, add vegetables to your diet 400 g per day, which organs ask us about this in fact practically everything, if we start from the top, of course, the brain and the heart, because less... less plaques, less risk of stroke and heart attack, of course, the intestines, because we give coarse fiber, we give cellulose, we have normal peristalsis, our normal microbiota is happy, of course, the risk of bowel cancer decreases, of course, vision, i'll take
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a little bread from the professor of ophthalmology, because we get vitamins, provitamins a and lutein and many others. sebaceous glands and less weight, of course, the most important thing is that the fiber that is in vegetables, it does not give partially absorbed by fast sugar, and sugar is the main cause of blindness, so everyone needs vegetables. mikhail yegorevich, now i 'm going to you, well, everyone knows, everyone needs vegetables, but are there any serious ones...
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we must understand that vegetables can be different and in fact, 400 g is not such a large volume? let's give the floor to german shach, because the question is very simple: are we able to eat 400 g of vegetables or not? germanshevich, let's give an example, look, what is 400 g of vegetables, here i am put two cucumbers to a tomato, already... this is 44 g, a day is insignificant, for us to eat 400 g is insignificant, we will not notice, only 400 g. how to introduce this habit into your life, everything is very simple, you need to understand that there should be vegetables on the plate, they sell such special
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plates, which half of the plate is painted for vegetables, if you do not want a picture, that is, just a plate with division. where half you will load vegetables, but if you do not want to buy, then you can simply - do it yourself, divide the plate in half, here there will be vegetables, and the rest you will remember with meat, fish or whatever, half the plate vegetables sat down to eat half the plate vegetables, whatever you want, just not potatoes, half the plate vegetables. i understand, that's all. andrey petrovich, a question for you, and how much time do we need to spend so that this habit enters our lives. now i want to show you such a circle. a circle of habit, in order to form our good habit, firstly, we need a desire,
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give such a signal, we need to do some action in order to form this habit and get a reward, get that buzz, that health that we get from this habit, and you know, in fact, for me, this is the shortest time to get used to vegetables. 18 days, only 18 days are required for such a wonderful habit that saves people's lives, again, why do we always tell you about the habit loop, because we must form this healthy habit, it is not enough to say to ourselves, that's it, i'm now eating vegetables, i need to eat them every day for at least 18 days to get used to, so this is the habit loop -
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so we hope that you will take this step today with us, that this is the habit loop, 400 g of vegetables per day, you will form, then life will definitely get better, one more step to happiness, we were good with you, let us live healthy.
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we welcome all viewers of the information channel on the first, we are working live, the program will show time in the studio ruslan astashka, ales loseva, russian defense minister andrei belousov publicly announced the presence of belgorod, kursk and bryansk groups in the ranks of the russian armed forces. in addition, the minister held a meeting of the coordinating council. general staff and the commander of the belgorod, kursk and bryansk groups. well, our minister just spoke about drones and how
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to counter them. ukraine tried to carry out a large-scale drone attack on our territory last night. the ministry of defense reported that 45 enemy drones were destroyed by air defense forces. 11 drones were shot down on approach to moscow. the city's mayor, sergei sabyanin, called this attack one of the largest attempts to attack the capital with drones during the entire special military operation. during the past night, during the attempt by the kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack using unmanned aerial vehicles on targets in the territory of the russian federation, 45 unmanned aerial vehicles of the aircraft type were destroyed by the air defense on duty. 11 uavs were destroyed in the moscow region, another 20 were destroyed over the bryansk region, six bapola were destroyed over the territory belgorod region, three over kaluga region.


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