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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 21, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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go czech republic, the senate demanded that the special services conduct checks of the russian orthodox church and the orthodox church of the czech lands, allegedly their activities are harmful to the country, the head of the senate security committee is quoted by the local press. freedom of religion cannot be abused for the sake of exerting illegal influence on the part of a hostile foreign power, it is also undesirable for the russian orthodox church in the czech republic or the orthodox church of the czech lands to use. to spread the influence of the russian federation, contrary to the interests of the czech republic, said the chairman of the senate security committee pavel fischer. and in estonia, the orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate removed the last two words from its name and edited its charter, completely removing all references to the russian orthodox church from the text. earlier, the country's ministry of internal affairs stated that the authorities' goal was to put an end to any ties between the church and russia. the share of national currencies. russia and china in
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mutual settlements has already exceeded 95%. cooperation was discussed today by mikhail mishustin, prime minister of the state council of the prc litqiang. in the focus is on a wide range of topics, from agriculture to space technology and artificial intelligence. trade volumes are growing, despite pressure from the west. the head of our cabinet emphasized: moscow and beijing must jointly defend their interests, the principles of a multipolar world order. over these decades, russian-chinese relations have reached an unprecedentedly high level of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. despite increased external pressure, we have fulfilled the task set by our leaders in russia ahead of schedule and china the task of increasing the volume of mutual trade. and last year our trade turnover exceeded 20 trillion rubles or 1.600 billion yuan. stable.
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new services started working, users will be able to offer free housing to those who need it, plus help with finding work in different regions. azon will award points to victims, which can be spent on purchasing certain goods. marketplay wildbaries has also developed a special assistance program for residents of the kuros region. it is planned that the shares other platforms will join, support measures have been preliminarily worked out change of numbers. that's all for now, we are monitoring. developments, the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, good day to all, the information channel on the first continues its work, work is live, this program will tell time, with you anatoly kuzichev. vladimir putin visited the chechen republic the day before at the russian special forces university in gudermes, the president was shown captured weapons from the svo zone, and there vladimir putin said parting words to the volunteers who will soon be heading to...
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you are making a difficult decision for yourself, it is one thing to shoot here in the terre, and another thing to put your life and health in danger, but you have an inner need to defend the fatherland and the courage to make such a decision, if you have made such a decision, then you have already won. you have crossed a certain line,
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i want to congratulate you on this, i want to thank you for your decision on... and with all my heart i want to wish you good luck, as long as we have such men, we are absolutely, absolutely, invincible, i wish you good luck, and putin said important words, they, as you understand, are not formal and not so to speak, it is not so unusual, just well, so the required ceremonial parting words, it seems to me, very important, very precise words, in particular, putin said, i will not analyze every word there, but it is important, and about self-sacrifice, and about this phrase: you have crossed a certain line, and what is this line in reality, and is it not about this that we often talk in this studio and outside the studio, now we only talk about this in fact on kitchens, in transport, in the tv leg there
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we discuss and so on, a certain boundary, and what, what is the boundary? the boundary between the usual, the good one, which we have earned. which we finally received the usual life of war, i really want to think and believe that it is possible to actually slip through so that as if you live as usual and win, well, this is generally cool, this is well if it were true, so to speak, then it would really be a fairy tale, but it is not true, and it is not a fairy tale, i understand these words about the boundary exactly like this, that it will have to some difficult, complicated choice to make, at one time, at one time this... the choice was made by our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers, and this too may seem like general words to you, but no, this too, let's, from a different angle, with a different feeling , treat what i 'm going to show and tell you about now, it's time to remember,
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actually, how our fathers and grandfathers fought, why, for example, a historical fact, in the summer of 1941, soviet planes bombed berlin, flew to bomb berlin, once again... summer, that very summer, 1941, flew to bomb berlin, a very bold idea, to understand that it is dangerous and so on, and why did they fly to bomb berlin, as i understand it, it was first of all, well, how can i say, it was not just an act of retaliation for the bombing of moscow, no, it was, of course, a declaration, a declaration called, we will not surrender , we will put everything on the altar of victory, and we are not afraid, that’s what i understand, that’s exactly it, it was not just such a, you know, formal , mechanical act of retaliation for the bombing of moscow, no, then these people said, we are ready to give up everything that was, everything on altar of victory, we are ready for
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the self-sacrifice that putin just spoke about, we are ready to sacrifice a lot, we are ready to cross a certain line, again quoting putin, let's watch a story on this topic. but then we'll talk. exactly one month after the start of the war, on july 22, 1941, 200 german bombers carried out a massive raid on moscow, on residential and industrial areas of the soviet capital, luftwaffe aircraft dropped tons of fragmentation incendiary bombs. hundreds of residents were killed and wounded, dozens of buildings were destroyed. the destruction of the soviet capital, according to hitler's plan, was supposed to deal a powerful blow to the military potential, but most importantly to the morale of the red army and the entire country as
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a whole. to attack moscow, german aviation used captured airfields near minsk, smolensk, orsha and vitebsk. commander-in-chief luftwa. he was wrong, but this will become known much later, and future allies in the form of great britain and the united states were in no hurry to provide us with real assistance, simply because they did not believe that the soviet union would be able to resist for a long time. in this situation, our country was in dire need of not only a real, but at least a psychological victory over an obviously dominant enemy. a daring plan arose to bomb moscow to strike the enemy in his lair in order to refute the victorious reports of enemy propaganda. the commander-in-chief of the soviet navy, admiral nikolai kuznetsov, proposed attacking berlin with naval aviation forces. stalin supported this idea. during the raid, in addition to
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high-explosive bombs, it was imperative to drop small and large incendiary bombs on berlin caliber, in case the engines start to fail on the way to berlin, have the city of koenigsberg as a backup target for bombing. grandson. on august 8, 1941 , 10 bombers rushed to the german capital as part of operation b. the conditions for our aircraft to fly were difficult. solid cloud cover, wet pavement. takeoff airfield, plus the need to maintain complete radio silence due to the threat of interception and anti-aircraft fire. our pilots remembered that the capital of the third reich was brightly lit with lanterns, neon advertising, they did not bomb residential buildings, the targets were clearly defined before takeoff, the buildings of the reich chancellery and the ministry of propaganda , military factories, in addition to high-explosive incendiary bombs, bombs with soviet leaflets and newspapers were dropped on berlin and its suburbs. a group of aircraft from the baltic fleet carried out a reconnaissance flight to... germany and bombed the city of berlin. five aircraft dropped bombs over the center of berlin, and the rest on
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the outskirts of the city. the bombing of the german capital in the second month of the war was so unexpected that the german leadership did not immediately believed that it was the russians. berlin's air defense reported that on the night of august 8 , unknown aircraft dropped bombs on the unterden linden boulevard and the stettinsky railway station. six people were killed, 18 were wounded . it was not specified whose aircraft these were. only later did german radio stations report that these were allegedly british air forces, that up to 150 aircraft were trying to bomb berlin, but were scattered by the actions of german fighters and anti-aircraft artillery fire, and that of the thirteen bombers that broke through to the city, nine, according to their version, were shot down, but the british insisted that their planes did not even approach berlin that night, and the weather was not at all favorable for flights. the situation was clarified by a note in the newspaper pravda. on the night of august 7-8, a group of soviet planes carried out reconnaissance.
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they began flying to berlin again, actually , that's what i said at the beginning, that's what i want to talk to you about now, sergey nikolaevich, well , how would you like to find out your opinion, talk, that's right, putin talks about self-sacrifice, yes?
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because the main thing, the main thing in actions in war is that you take as a basis your value, that is, your core of values, your value bond, it does not matter whether it is one soldier or a group or a division or a battalion, at the basis can lie, i repeat, if at the basis lies physics, value, that is, personal life, physical loss, loss of life or death, then this, as a rule, is the road to betrayal, the road to, as it were, an early death and so on, on the other hand, there is nothing more natural for a person than an attempt to preserve his
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life, and as soon as another value appears, that is, and today it is known, three four basic studies have shown that four moral and psychological values ​​underlie effective actions, that is , the armed forces or a specific soldier, the first is a sense of fulfilling a professional duty, 80% rely on should be, that is, i die or act effectively on the basis of a sense of fulfilling a professional. duty, the second is a sense of camaraderie and a sense of teamwork, the third is a sense of realizing one's own personal values, that is, personal victory, personal, so to speak, there is a victory over the enemy and so on and so forth and only the fourth place is already occupied, everyone can draw conclusions why, but the fourth place is already occupied by such more abstract global values, like patriotism, like so to speak, here is the country's history, this is how it works, i understand, i understand, i understand, the only thing you know, here is what you described, well, as if, probably, all this is fair, please give us a map of ukraine, here is the one we are now here we show with - with regions, yes, here, here is
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the feeling that you were not talking about russia, but about this russia, some kind of... well , parallel, well, because this russia lives in those, in that paradigm that you described, this is marked in green here, yes, yes, yes, this is that, the other russia, and the other russia, i am now in no way , also understand correctly, in no way am i calling there hysterically, that means, there is something, that means, to get up and sing, i don’t know, or run and sacrifice your life, something else, i’m just trying to understand and realize whether it is possible, without rebuilding your whole life, your whole habitual way of life, so they gave, to win, is it possible , so to speak, without shaking yourself off into arrogance? in relation to the enemy to gain the victory that we talk about so much, is it possible or not, that's all, a simple question, yes, andrei frantsevich, it is possible with a competent approach, and very strongly now these words are relevant, to strike at the enemy in his lair, now, when the kurdish events happened, well, for everyone this is a certain line, and they also say, they crossed the rubicon, that is, such a winged phrase
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the phrase, when caesar crossed the rubicon river with his troops, and the events were already irreversible and the bridges were burned, by the way, that... so that there was no temptation to return, by the way, here is the zelensky regime, he did exactly the same, and now the question is, the retaliatory actions that we can take, strike there at kiev or somewhere, after all, many are calling, let's show some of our determination, it was not for nothing that you gave an analogy today, when we flew to berlin, this flight office, we are sure that it is in kiev, it is still in another place, this question, excuse me, excuse me now, but in 1941, when we, what, were we sure that the chancellery was sitting there under some green lamp.
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that then our military-political leadership, military thought strained itself to fly to berlin, now such berlin for us most likely becomes either decision-making centers, nato, or logistics centers, like in poland and so on, for us now this question is connected with this step, and wait, excuse me, stop, this is very important, and without this step what not is unleashed, no, of course, tanks on our territory, this is also not going anywhere. military, yeah, they take pictures there, yes, and mercenaries, americans are walking around, americans, you know what the matter is, and you say, listen, these are instructors, as i understand it, or are these militants cooks mostly, no, militants, of course, i'm joking, but of course militants with a machine gun, with all the things, they take pictures, are proud, post them, and you
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say that this, and if you hit, then something will unleash, but what kind of nonsense is this, no, i don't think this is, what kind of nonsense is this? okay, well, okay, okay, andrey, excuse me, yes, finish, now felix and i will talk, in some part i agree with felix that our direct strike on european countries will be a pretext for war, well, we have an intermediate option, a huge number of british, american, german bases around the world, in the same africa, we transfer high-precision weapons to local tribes, who will gladly simply shoot to pieces these airfields and so on, which are there with the germans...
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conflict, to what points will we be influence, while we will be engaged in half measures, not influence the allies, this conflict will last a very long time, it is profitable for them, they earn, send a huge amount of weapons there, and they in turn constantly influence our allies, of course, intimidate, do not send and of course, in short, this is only visible, well, according to serious people, military experts, felix, all this only prolongs the conflict, so to speak, makes it tougher. well, because more and more people, people die, yes, and you you say, well, how is that possible, well, what are you , what, what, what have you thought up? by the way, i want to draw attention to, to return to this analogy with the forty-first year, with this raid, right? it is clear that this raid did not yield any military goals, well, there may have been some military, military goals, but, but now on the boulevard there, like tamterden, bombs fell on some train station,
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and what, well, what did this somehow affect, no, but it strongly affected something else, on the soviet people, on people, that's what it affected, look, there was no military sense, well, there was there about zero, that's in such an inspiring meaning there was a lot, really felix, well i think that i what now can be of the same kind. efficiency, andrey said about effective answers, that it was also bold, noticeable, understandable, and inspiring, the same thing needs to be done, i think that the kremlin, i don't know who, quite strongly protected the russian people from the consciousness of this military operation, it is clear that a person, he cannot, even if the front is,
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the data of the military operation how will it be achieved and whether they really exist yes then there is or is it such such the main thing - this is the way i
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understood well here by the way look how interesting and the germans are asking questions and what is russian - what are you doing there turning to felix the famous russian guy means and saying that you are there what is happening - the germans ask the question i am not even talking about the russians who also ask themselves this question and this is a difficult question, you understand, it is one thing from germany to read newspapers to watch there to say, and what are they there, well let's do that there, go, and another thing is to answer yourself, honestly answer yourself this question, that's where we all are so to speak, well, in a state of, excuse me, sports fans, where is the passion of the fans, come on there, come on here, we are rooting for our people, that's it, it's not binding to anything, it's like, non -binding, excuse me, patriotism, the patriotism of a fan, if i were to answer the question honestly to myself, and i... each of us should change our lives, change our way of life, the positive altar of victory and so on, so to speak, well, that is, here it is already necessary , it becomes a completely different question,
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yes, it becomes serious, important, as if fundamental, existential, if you like, good important questions, and i just think that if i say so, as suovorov said, if i say so, the main thing is to get into a fight, and then we'll figure it out, but we've already gotten into it, now there are no options, guys, only to win, and in order to win, see above, and so on. by the way , our opponents, so to speak, our adversaries, our enemies, they, in fact, are not embarrassed at all, they don't talk about anything rules, they don’t talk about any, like, this is a right, they just, so to speak, fight, rob, kill, break all conceivable rules and so on, well, because they, so to speak, have already resigned themselves to this feeling, as i understand it, well, what, well, moreover, they themselves, without embarrassment, publish footage , that is, of what they are doing: there on the territory of the kursk region, well, in the first days of this invasion after august 6 in the village of maloe loknya, active fighting took place, and there these, that is, activists, banderites, that is, they
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just went, and i don’t know, in the capacity of, well maybe they have a game like that, maybe something else, maybe just for fun, and that means, fire from an infantry fighting vehicle at residential buildings, at the building of a women's colony, they just fired, they just shot, but what, it's funny, i won't even talk about the fact that not a single european bastard, there 's not a word about it... listen to him. recordings from gopro cameras, filmed in the ssu, showed their fascist attitude towards people. they find orphanage buildings and settle on the first floor.
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at the same time, they drive children and teachers to the... second floor, making them a human shield for themselves, i i received a huge number of photographs in which i saw civilians shot at point-blank range, in the head, in the back of the head, and all these civilians, unfortunately, died, yes, civilians shot at point-blank range, in the head, in the back of the head, all these civilians, unfortunately, died. let's return to our conversation: war according to the rules of no, international law and so on, to what extent is it appropriate to talk about this at all, to remember it and especially to observe it, now directly with us. the connection is coming from the adviser to the head of the dpr, yan gagin, yan dmitrievich, hello, thank you for being with us us, hello, well, you heard, yes , some part of our conversation, yes-yes, of course, you can directly join in on it about war according to the rules without about, so to speak, whether it is necessary and whether it is possible at all, is it possible to observe them, and if yes, then is it possible to win in this way, please, well, if
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we talk in general about those very conventions... which were just mentioned, this year they are 75 years old, an anniversary, such a serious jubilee, and on the 25th-26th of august in geneva there will be, in fact, celebratory events on regarding the anniversary of these very remarkable conventions, all the humanitarian documents adopted for them, so they have not been implemented for a long time, and if we talk about this war, which has been going on for 10 years, starting... years, then they have not been implemented from the very beginning, all un missions, as well as the un itself, are absolutely toothless organizations that have long become toys in the hands of the united states, in fact, i assume that all these conventions have been implemented in recent years only by soldiers, servicemen of the russian army, which in those places where they are drawn into some conflicts around the world, where we are present, that is where we implement them, all
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the others do not, before... it is very noble, you understand, to say so, that the only ones who implement these very conventions, which are 75 years old, are the servicemen of the russian army, no one else considers it necessary, so to speak, by the way, in switzerland , i once read a message on this topic through some unofficial channels switzerland invited the russian delegation.
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is it possible to win by following the rules? in fact, it is possible to win and it is necessary to win in this way, we are not such unprincipled animals as they are, and let's say this, any of the enemy's servicemen who committed war crimes are subject to trial first of all, and after our victory we will judge them all, there will be no lynching, no sudalization, there should not be, because we are truly civilized people, unlike them, and as for all... let's say, neophytes of countries, well, neophytes of nato, actually, the union, this is the countries of eastern europe, these are our former brothers, yes, and especially ukraine, yes, all these former brothers have been trying to prove their loyalty to their new master for many years, and for this they are committing the most cruel, recent, simply inhuman acts, and if we talk about the ukrainians, well, of course, this is the most cruel war i have been in, because my career,
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let's say, is precisely... participation in military operations, this is from ninety-eighth, the first assignment was, it was chechnya, where i have not been, these were various conflicts in different corners of our world, it turns out that i have never seen such cruelty anywhere, perhaps, perhaps, like the policemen in the forties, they are trying to prove their loyalty to the master, although on the other hand, they are truly a brotherly people, i have never divided between russians and ukrainians, we are all russians, that's the thing, that's why the worst thing is, we are fighting with a mirror. only with a crooked mirror, yes, it's true, thank you very much, yan dmitrievich, yan gagin was in direct contact with us, but by the way, i have heard this testimony many times and amazement and from fighters, from people who are very experienced in general, that it is precisely the ukrainians who have turned into some kind of, i don’t know, beasts, into animals, that’s exactly how they fight, that’s exactly how they behave, it ’s strange for us, okay, people of a different culture, so to speak, i don’t know, different traditions, okay, that can be understood, you know who i’m talking about, but these kind of...
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indeed, many of our veterans said that it was one thing when we fought against the invaders with the german fascists, another thing when we fought and dealt with people who inhabited, who went into the police, who were collaborators on the german side, there was no more cruelty, no one saw it, that is, this is from time immemorial in fact, all this, apparently, that civil war in general, yes of course, when you say at the beginning, that about parallel russia, where is someone, someone, someone? and highlighted in green, someone, someone is fighting, someone is now watching and commenting, but i want to say that - that moment, that rubicon, which we are talking about today, when a person crosses it, it is very, it is a very delicate thing, people, well, it is never easy
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to argue that everyone is ready for some kind of feat, here now, but even those who often speak out, well, most of all with such strong positions, in a difficult life. the situation is unknown, how they will behave, and the guys who come there, strictly speaking, have never been like that, and they become these alexander matrosovs , our gostello pilots, from whom you don’t expect this, and i would also like to say that on the contrary, it’s absolutely true, we had many traitors, there’s no need to hide it, just well, actually, from those who should not have become such, and about the beginning of the conversation about when, well, when you gave the example of the surprise effect, i want.
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striking at decision-making centers, this is of course, this is of course fraught with danger, here again, here again the same thing, wait, this is fraught with danger, and there is some action that is nothing, it has already been passed, but
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kursk, well, there is nowhere further, therefore, of course, of course, to do what, guys, this is fraught with danger, it is dangerous, it is scary. it is pointless, and what remains troops are heading to the kursk nuclear power plant, troops are heading to the kursk nuclear power plant, but this is fraught with , of course, no, it is fraught with the fact that at this point, so to speak , all the fraughtnesses end, all the paint on the red line ends, of course it is necessary, well, it is necessary to liquidate the decision-making center in one form or another, of course , a short commentary was the twentieth year of operation martyr sulaymaniyah, the iranians struck an american base in iraq, was it? the answer, no, trump said, well, the incident is over, yes, i understand they feel the force and not always in response there will be, well by the way, yes, now, please, you were silent, tell me, do you have any ideas, because it’s not even that there are specific ideas, we are not, fortunately, not the general staff, no, general, so
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share your feeling, what an example, direction, what to do and how, there is also good, in kiev in kiev there is a wonderful street bankovaya, so, which for some reason stands intact. they still relied on common sense, yes , i think, yes, remember the istanbul agreements, they relied in what sense not so that they would keep their fingers crossed and hope we we made such a proposal an alternative to which is the destruction of the
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country a large number of victims and so on we as normal logical so to speak sane people thought no well it is unlikely that they will want destruction and so on most likely they will agree no well look until the last i don't know until august 6 maybe we also thought yes no well they are not psychopaths. what if they are psychopaths, no, well you can destroy in different ways, why military infrastructure and enterprises of double the appointments are valid, that's another question, i'm not talking about bombing some peaceful civilian object there. well, the question, yes, i don't have an answer to it, and it's a difficult question and a relevant one, yes, maybe felix has one, as if in advance, well, you can probably give any answer that essentially won't bring us closer to victory or to peace, yes, i think that this is a measure that most likely plays on what i want to answer, yes, i think that this is such an emotional thing, yes, i think that any measure is good, which...
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we just need to understand for ourselves that the main fundamental law in war is the law that is also written it is written in a simple sentence: i, if there is someone in the war who does not want me to live, he is an enemy to me, this is the definition of an enemy in war, an enemy is the person who must be destroyed, that is, people are not killed, it is important to understand, people are not killed in war, enemies are killed who wish you death, who wish me death.
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real sincere deep patriotism is replaced, i suddenly remembered what the goalkeeper of the football club for which i do not i'm sick, locomotive, quoted, probably, someone ovchinnikov's last name was, i remember when he was asked why he did it and nesyak, either left the gate, or, on the contrary , stayed. time we begin to live in a new way, what is the most
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important thing for our health, answers in the program live healthy, tomorrow on the first, the russian flag is more than 300 years old, it was established by peter i on january 20, 1705, the arrangement of the stripes on the flag then explained the structure of the world, this is a colored cloth of white, blue , red colors, that's if it is located on it the coat of arms, it is not... it is the standard of the president, in the west a single-headed eagle, in the east a double-headed eagle. it expresses the symphony between secular and spiritual power. the monk told an amazing story, he got his hands on a new russian ruble, on which he saw a double-headed eagle without crowns without crosses. and he was upset and began to pray that the crowns and crosses would return to the ruble. children sing the anthem, they understand that this is the anthem. of the country, as for the anthem, the flag, yes, this is very
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correct and in demand, only it is necessary that it be done with dignity, by the day the russian national flag on saturday on the first, rise, get up, this is my office, not a public thoroughfare, get out of here, excuse me, comrade colonel, go to switzerland, according to the legend, the choice is your object, swiss general henri guzon, hitler is ready for war, it is about to start, in our village chuzhi there are two men in a black mercedes, i think they are interested in you, you will go with us, most likely you will be sent to the gulag, duels, the illegal life of colonel rybkina on saturday on the first, having started writing, it was as if i was resurrected, i
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worked under her maiden name voskresenskaya, all my books were for children, i did not write a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life. magamaev, on saturday on the first, the path to your calling is very thorny, what professions have you mastered? our guests on the way to a dream, i also worked as an instructor in the district committee of the komsomol, and since there was no such rate, in my work book it is written cleaner yakuboy. i worked in a library for 3 years, i really didn't like it, but we have a story about how you returned to your native library, oh, tatyana, can i take a selfie with you, all my professions, be it a cook's apprentice, a loader, they were selected taking into account that there would be as much time as possible to do what i love, i worked on central television, as a senior accountant, a senior, you said,
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there will be a hedgehog, and what is this, my first entry was in the book, my most beloved, a night receiver,
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it happened that, that i love her, i have loved her for a long time, since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there is lipstick on your collar, for everyone we are an ideal couple, i don't want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes , my wife asked me, left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, won't you bring her back.
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marenka, then ovdeevka, this brigade was formed back in 2015, by the first head of the dpr alexander zakharchenko, now the guys are again in battle performing important tasks, here within the framework of the we are alive project our colleague alexander mozgovoy visited the location of their unit.
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another one. yes, this is our dog. polkan, come here, come here, come, come, say hello to the journalists, well, a good dog, he is watching with us, yes, he is always with us on combat duty, he chomps like a bell, this is a bell, a dog, these are the kind of bells that are needed, i am so loyal, so correct, a correct dog, we are on one of the sections of the front, in the donetsk direction, where the guys from the 110th separate guards motorized rifle brigade carry out their tasks, fighters of the legendary hundred, they were gathered into a single defensive fist for donetsk back in 2015 by the first head of the dpr alexander zakharchenko, we are peaceful people, we do not want
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war, if someone comes to us like this with this flag will be used to kill us, the fate of these boys is sad, almost all of them died. about which i spoke since what year fifteenth yes well not since fifteenth yes that's how we started forming in the hundredth brigade we got straight from the militia to this one.
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i didn't serve in the army before that as they say there on the front line we started training, listen, well you need to have some incredible courage without any combat experience skills behind you that's how well as they say the main thing is to say with feeling yes the motherland said you need to keep your eggs in your hands and everything will be fine there. well, at least for now we don't blush, i wish you good health,
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i want to ask a question, i see red lighting , these lamps, why is that? well, this was done on purpose, we have drones flying at night, they are equipped with thermal imagers , night vision devices, they don't see red light, we've already tested it, we launched a drone at night, it looked in detail at how it all looks from above, how the enemy saw us, it's checked, it's just only in your unit, well, as i understand it, now they're flying it everywhere, on everyone defense lines, effectively, conveniently and safely. kipish, hello, hello, probably 30 meters already, while i walked like this , they said, you're here, well, let's go, i'll show you
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how everything is arranged here, here at the moment we are making a medical center, that is, with our own hands, soldiers are digging, shaping, here there is a triple roll, that is, so that no shell penetrates, not even 155 , we try to do it with quality, you break in with the help of special equipment. how can you not use a shovel, one soldier in 18 hours must dig a trench for a tank, here only only a first aid post, our guys are brave, so for them it's one day of work, the birds fly, fly, and we still dig, and here at the end of the work we throw a net, naturally, so as not to give away the position itself, and then we take it down and continue digging again when it's safe. well, i started my combat path as a war correspondent, i worked as a journalist in mariupol, he shoots at the ambulance,
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and here already, because... i became a war criminal, i shot materials, came to donetsk, i've been working here since 2014 in press service of the donetsk people's republic, and then already in the twenty-second year vladimir vladimirovich called, well, and we all went, went to defend our homeland, to defend it, our families, because the man gave us hope to help get out of this crisis. i, when we were recognized, i cried, probably from happiness,
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because for me it is very important, you know, i well let me tell you one thing, in the soviet union we had our nationality in our passports, when i came here to mariupol to get a passport, they tell me, well , you were born in ukraine, i say, i russian, what are you saying, i'm russian, i'll only have... russian, that's why i'm russian, i want to go home, do you remember that day, that moment when you entered your native mariupol, i remember that moment like never before, i stopped to kiss the ground, i went to mariupol in my native, i was already 9 years old then, and when we entered mariupol, and we entered from the village of vinogradnoye, then tears welled up in my eyes, they let me go for one hour, i hadn't seen my mother for 9 years, and i spent one hour straight on my side at the post on the first one, here i am...
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remembering those years 2014-15, when alexander vladimirovich zakharchenko, and this is his initiative, formed your unit, because you essentially stood on the front lines of the defense of donetsk, and not only. that 's right, from the very beginning, from the moment of the militia in 1914, we did not want to see the values ​​of europe on our land, where... we were born, studied, baptized, we did not want to see the values ​​of europe, we have our own homeland, big, great, we have our own culture, and we will always try to do everything we can so that our wives, children, our loved ones, all of our multinational, the people have not experienced
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infringement from the west, so that the west does not... our conditions, we live on our land, this is our land, this is russian land , our mother russia, many people write to us about our program, send letters with words of support, hello, those dear soldiers, yulia writes to you, i am in the third grade, i thank you very much for such a difficult job , i hope you will return to your families alive and well, i... i know that we will win, thank you, yulenka, a letter from yulenka, yulenka will see, will know, our children, our children, this is our future,
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listen, i'm going to sit down here abruptly. listen, when you were practicing tactics here more precisely, the commander's fathers told me that you have an interesting, unique story of your own, your appearance here in the svo zone, a common story, at eighteen, on the first day of a special military operation, you went to the front, woke up in the morning, i tell my mother, i went to the front to fight, she says, okay, buy some bread for home, i returned home after 11 months, and so he's been fighting for the third year, my mother thought you were joking, yes, yes, i'm a comedian in fact, just kvnchik, she didn't believe me right away, well, thank god, she accepted it, she worries, she's worried , really, she needs to defend her homeland, i decided for myself to go, after 11 months i came here and brought bread, of course, you can't carry out mom's orders, yes, a little bit, yes, well, how did you explain your actions to her, well, how does she
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know that i'm a patriot, i love my country , my land. i think that this is the duty of every man, especially since i'm from donbass, the city of dakuchaevsk, my city was on the front lines for many years, and mine, my home, where i am i live where i have lived all my life, i was a kilometer from the line of combat contact, that's how many years of your life you have observed, being a teenager, military actions, out of 10 years, i think that i had a happy childhood , i had it, but it could have been better, i want the childhood of children who are now... growing up in donbass, to be better than mine, that's why i fight. mom now, what do you say? i love you, mom, don't worry too much, i'll be home soon.
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our guys are of course heroes and this heroism has yet to take its place in our stories in films in books i'm sure it will be now we'll switch to a short commercial right after we'll move to the kursk region we have abti alaudinov waiting for us connections, don't switch. there is reason to believe that a new provocation is being prepared. colleagues, please pay attention for a minute. by the end of the month we will have irrefutable evidence that iraq is developing chemical weapons. now for them a real friend, a hero, they will not refuse you anything, we must seize the moment, marry me, iraq needs weapons, organize the delivery of at least ten anti-aircraft
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machine guns, and no one will say a word. watch after the program time. ignat, i will have business with you, but we are waiting for us. the russian flag is more than 300 years old, it was established by peter ii on january 20, 1705. the arrangement of the stripes on the flag then explained the structure of the world. this is a colored cloth of white, blue , red colors. but if there is a coat of arms on it, then it is not a flag, it is the standard of the president. in the west. a single-headed eagle, in the east a double-headed one, it expresses the symphony between the secular power and the spiritual monk told an amazing story: he got his hands on a new russian ruble, on which he
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saw a two-headed eagle without crowns without crosses, and he was upset and began to pray that the crowns and crosses would return to the ruble. children sing the anthem, they understand that this is the anthem of their country, as for the anthem, the flag. yes, this is very correctly in demand, only it is necessary that it be done with dignity, by the day of the state flag of russia on saturday on the first. samarkand is a city, when you get to which you feel like you have learned to travel in time without a time machine. but you have a kelinka robe. and who are the brides' kelinkas? yes, and this is the groom's, and the groom costs more. i look, well of course, the groom earns, it costs more for him, here's a dried melon for you, while you eat, and i'll tell you, here we are, no matter what, vitamins, that's why we have so many children in families, did you choose for him or did he
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bring it himself and say: "mom, here you go, he met, then he came and said: "mom, look, they had only known each other for 5 days, that is, after 5 days your son brought a bride home, yes, the life of others, the premiere on sunday. on the first one to sergei solovyov's eightieth birthday, getting closer here, come on, there are such men, you are ready to marry him right away, the first day of meeting, this is sergeev, love at first sight, he started pursuing me until he married me, he did not leave me, and i did not fall in love with her at all, i did not know, maybe you have a relationship, what other relationship, somehow it turned out that he became everything to me, just everything.
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witness, the only person to whom he came openly. well, major, hunting began, confrontation. premiere of the legendary book by yulian semenov. our troops continue to destroy the enemy, who is trying to attack the kursk region. ukrainian telegram channels are now actively discussing that the advance. 80 and 82 are partially
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withdrawn from the operation. syrsky considers it necessary to expand the bridgehead so that the enemy does not strike on the flanks. alaudinov is with us on a direct line. hello. if you believe the ukrainian telegram channels, you are again being complained about. you are allowing to advance, i am very upset about this, but here are the plans syrsky, he considers it necessary to expand the bridgehead, that's how all this can be combined in one head, well, to be honest. in principle, we are also analyzing everything that is happening, which means that by the time we were transferred here, they were actively advancing, well, and i can proudly say that from the moment we came here, not only did they not advance a single meter, on the contrary, we stopped them , they began to push them back one or two meters, destroying the maximum number, syrsky, of course, he can... be a talking head,
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which allegedly plans something, this operation was planned by the staff committee, the nato bloc, and this operation was directly organized by the americans and the british, and it is controlled by them in the same way, today, having realized that they cannot advance in the area where they have already entered, i understand that they are regrouping, well, in the near future, i think that... they will not strike in another area either in order to try to enter from there , but without naming this area, do we know where this can happen? well, of course, we have two areas, which we assume that one of these, one of these directions will be the direction of the strike, that is, they are now trying to pull out everything they have, even in this direction, still intact, to form from... all this a new ulak to strike in
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another direction, where, as they think, they will be able to break through further. optironovich, you said that the joint committee of staffs, nato, was planning this operation, the other day an american pmc published a photo with its fighters on social networks wrote guys in kursk. have you encountered american or western mercenaries, your fighters in the kursk region. well, look, i 'll tell you this, we recorded that from the places there they transmitted that there were a lot of foreigners there, well, i want to say that in principle, where they were, i don't know, but where we are, in principle, none of them really raises their heads, and if possible , we do not give the opportunity to leave, therefore for us there is no fundamental difference who they are by nationality, we ... destroy them,
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take them prisoner, but in the area where we took prisoners, not a single foreigner at the moment, i'll ask that directly, and of the killed militants who broke through to the kursk region, according to documents maybe or according to some other data, foreigners were found by you, you met their bodies, oh, you know, in principle we don't ask documents from the killed, we didn't have time for that, really very...
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and very strong uh, that means, well, probably, let's say it this way, their main directions of attack were precisely in those areas where we were, in principle we chose those places and directions where the enemy specifically - pressed the most, well, and as you can see, the enemy has been stopped - suffered very heavy losses and, in principle, as you correctly noted, some of the units are being withdrawn so that, as i understand it,
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the valor of the ukrainians, but when it comes to their long-term goals, we are still discussing this issue with them. look, there are, so to speak, several phrases in his statement that are worth paying attention to, in particular, our attention is still focused on creating
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buffer zone, well, that means they actually planned it, that is, perhaps, it should be assessed that way, and of course, regarding long-term goals, they are still discussing this issue, the goals have changed. their goals have not changed, yes, they are busy with their pre-election situation, but nevertheless , they have enough strength to keep the international sore spots in their sights, so you shouldn't count on this shift change giving a little chance to take a break, although, although everything.
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it is known that they supply equipment to everyone it is known that they provide gigantic financial resources, but they do everything fundamentally on the sly, so about the kurdish region, they still say that they didn’t know, but who would believe it, i am more than on this elena vladimirovna, what are they hiding, after all, well , everyone understands everything, everyone knows everything, well, what’s the point in simply hiding it, trying to dodge, the americans like to stay in the gray zone, this gives... room for maneuver, room to cheat in all kinds of negotiations, and not only in the long term, if they they mean some negotiations with us, for now this is a very distant prospect, unlikely, even with their allies, even with the countries
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of the global majority, who do not like this conflict, it is advantageous for the americans to show that they are not there somewhere, they are not as they really are. sergey nich, what are the long-term goals? the united states may have in the kursk region, what patrick ryder is talking about, he has already clearly said, we are discussing this with kiev, they hardly have any new long-term goals, the kurdish operation will give, but the fact that this is another, let's call it, american contribution to the general, as it were , demonstration of general support for the armed forces of ukraine, yes, i just want to translate, as if in sentences, the words of this citizen from the pentagon, that is, what his speech should be understood in fact, and it should be understood. "we are monitoring the situation in the kursk region, in terms of whether the armed forces of ukraine will implement the developments that we made for them, helped them calculate, whether they will be able to implement this plan, we will join, if they achieve something there in some random way, we will join
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to this victory and partially reveal, so to speak, everything that can be taken as a plus for the us, they will take it, we are not worried, the armed forces of ukraine will not get anything there, and if they do not fulfill it, then". accordingly, it will be like, for example, with nord stream 2, it will be like the armed forces of ukraine's own problem, that 10, 30, 50,000 ukrainian soldiers will die there, plus something will retreat within the borders of russia and so on and so forth, that's how you need to understand this guy, in fact, as if we were further drawing a conclusion strategically certainly, i repeat, this is one of the episodes of this russian-ukrainian conflict, episodes as if it is so given all propaganda twists such as navizna, as some uniqueness in fact. there is nothing unique, it looked, it was seen, it is clear, it would be funny, 30-20 km, there are 500 m these sudzhinsky villages, some of this is the russian ukrainian border, and it would be as if there are not very many military minds there, you have to understand. that this as if can be the goal of this conflict, therefore in this case i think that this story is being packaged, it has two two
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scenarios in the end, what will happen with kursk in the end with the exchange rate situation from the americans' point of view, if i repeat, it will strategically fit into some kind of - autumn beggars, which ukraine is waiting for, begging and zelensky in every speech before, give, give , give, allow, allow, allow, allow, then we will again give in measured doses drop by drop, again in measured doses allow drop by drop, if we ourselves do not allow, we will dumb down our european partners, okay, so to speak, there germany will tilt something there on three missiles or something else, that's what the strategy awaits, well, for now in the us is watching and discussing, the western press is openly writing that by pulling reserves to the kursk region, pokrovsk, essentially the last line of defense of the kiev regime, has been exposed, whether this is really so is still unknown, but german television is already predicting the fall of pokrovsk due to a shortage of soldiers who are engaged in the kurdish operation, and if ... at the moment, ukraine is losing a lot of equipment and soldiers on the front line in donbass. the pressure on the city of pokrovsk
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is increasing. the ukrainian military administration is already saying that it remains to rely on fate in the question of whether the russians will be stopped, or whether they will break through the front line and capture this important logistics point. taking pokrovsk would mark a huge military and political success for the kremlin. this settlement would be a major achievement for russia since the capture of artemovsk in may 2023. all the questions at once, we saw this whole list of reasons why they invaded there, this
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will improve negotiations, this is to capture the kursk nuclear power plant, to create this buffer zone, well , there is a whole list of what they are trying to achieve, that is, the main forces are thrown at it and the goal is to be achieved at any cost, we see that new units are being brought in there, if at first there were three brigades, now the number has already exceeded seven, they continue to bring in reserves there anyway, they are planning a strike from some new ones. direction, for example, from the side of glukhoye, and there have already been the first encounter battles, and where to get these forces, it is necessary to remove the most effective units from the line of combat contact, but not in full, for example, an entire brigade, but a part there, a battalion, a company, some there rifle units or mechanized units and they throw everything into the kursk region, it is clear that our intelligence is tracking all this, and we are increasing the pressure, therefore, despite the fact that they are sitting in fairly... strong fortified areas there, they are breaking, they are breaking not only thanks to the blows of our fabs, with
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universal planning modules, but also the actions of our units, therefore now such reports are appearing in the ukrainian media, what about pokrovsk, it is not so important, the russians will take it anyway, the main thing is - this is kursk there and something else, we can assume that zelensky and sirsky have already surrendered donbass, but the thing is that it was not zelensky who surrendered sirsky, but those who planned the adventure in kursk, because they believed that if they had some kind of trump card in their hands, then they would be able to appeal to the russian leadership with this trump card and demand some things from them, if you have such a trump card, then you will quickly return everything else, yes , this is, for example, nuclear blackmail, which can be a threat both for russia and european countries, that is, the british, unlike the americans, they control individuals, so they manage this process, the us is general control, it is finances, it is...
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who said that this conflict will not go beyond the borders, he
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has long since violated all these, as they say, agreements or some agreements, that is, the americans have ceased to control the situation, the british have taken themselves abruptly. and now we see the result of this. what will this lead to? the british expect that the jasm and taurus missiles will appear on the line of combat contact, then there are those f16s that they delivered, which fly somewhere there from the western regions of ukraine, and maybe they are really based on the territory of romania, we cannot confirm this yet, this will allow us to inflict even greater damage to our infrastructure, and to bargain with western partners, let's say those
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nuclear arsenals, despite any restrictions, this is the inclusion of china in the list of states that america should strike nuclear strikes, we all see that everything is heading towards a nuclear escalation, the british are just provoke this theme, this is one component, nuclear weapons were like weapons of deterrence, they want it to apparently become a weapon of unleashing hands, short. trader watch after the program time, i shake my head, i fly into the top, i am so sad, cold as an ice cube, and there is no sense in sadness, love,
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do not love. it does not matter, you deceived, different people talk about you, of course, well, anya just saw me, fell in love and decided, your kritsa, the bell will not tremble, everyone constantly says that happiness is a person, fantasy. on friday on the first. the path to his calling is very thorny. what professions did our guests master on the way to their dream. i also worked as an instructor in the district committee of the komsomol, and since there was no such position, in my work book it is written cleaner yakubovich. i worked in libraries for 3 years, i really didn’t like it. but we have a story about how
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you returned to your native library. oh, tatyana, can i take a selfie with you? all my professions, whether it be a student, a cook, a loader, they were chosen taking into account that i had as much time as possible to do what i loved, i worked on central television, senior accountant, senior, you said, yozhik will be, and what is this, my first entry was in the book, my favorite, night receiver, it was not offensive that everyone listens to you, but constantly, i gave away my voice, somehow i am sitting at home having breakfast, i have a radio hanging on the wall ...
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on our project, generations do not conflict, but unite in beautiful duets. two stars from.
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kirill, i want to give you advice, as an experienced womanizer, do not pester a woman if she herself does not want it, you are ruining lives, both for yourself and for her, what will happen to you now, what will they push, this not simple words, if necessary, i'll kill, i wouldn't throw around such words, if you kick, i'll put you in jail, for what? we'll always find an article, i won't survive if you cheat on me, i can't live without you, premiere on august 26 on the first, i can't live without you. live, i'll wait, in the new season on the first, where an hour ago she flew in, but immediately dropped her things to
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you, nin, you're so good, you're so lucky with her, we foisted a copy on this rich guy under the guise of a real monk, the boy looks boldly, the family is good, he fought, he has an award, such you won't scare me, no need, the girl decides everything there, oh, hello! nel, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, rehearsed with him, i 'm not going to tell the truth, but maybe you like him? the latest news about the events
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in the kurbsk region will be told to us by military correspondent alexander kharchenko, he is with us on a direct line, alexander, hello, how is the situation at the moment? hello, the situation. in the kursk region at the moment i characterize as controlled - that is, the offensive potential of the ukrainian the army was largely stopped - that is , now there are of course no significant advances, rather experienced units with experience of fighting in the zaporizhzhya direction, in kherson, also in the donbass near avdiivka were transferred to the front, so we believe in our guys, who... are holding back and will continue to hold back the enemy until the moment when the russian command does not go on the offensive, and this will definitely happen, and, it seems to me,
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in the near future. in addition, regarding the situation at the front, i can say that today literally all news agencies, well, western and ukrainian channels are also echoing, literally hysteria has begun about the fact that the russian army has used drones on fiber optics, now i will explain why it is so important to understand, because, firstly, rep means do not work on them, they fly along a thin wire, along a fiber optic cable, they have simply an amazing picture in full hd format from the moment of launch to the moment of hitting the target, this drone, so it is impossible to jam it with any anti-drones. another not very they use an obvious thing, it can't be pilled, well
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, with the help of drone detectors, which have begun to appear, well, they already have a radio frequency , a signal via fiber optics, and how is the issue of overcoming obstacles in the form of trees, houses, and most importantly, when a drone is shot down, you can then unwind the wire and get to the place where it was launched. i just recently talked to those people on the front lines who used them, they showed a video of how they fly through the forest, that is, yes, of course, these. the technology requires improvement, but the potential is it's just insanely big, and in general, in fact, to be precise, this is not
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the first use of drones on fiber optics, the russian federation is, one might say, a pioneer here, this is not the first company for us that, well, supplies these drones, several manufacturers already supply them to various in... communications, that is , it is not necessary for the operator to sit next to the drone, that is, he can sit in the basement somewhere else, that is, you will just need to set up the drones in different positions, and even if, as you say, you rewind this wiring, then it will simply lead to another house where there is no one, and let them strike there , waste shells, that is, this is a rather interesting system, of course, which will continue to develop and will be used more and more often on the front line, but it is gratifying that
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it is... russia is a pioneer in such technologies, an interesting technology, follow and tell us, alexander kharchenko was in direct contact with us, thank you very much, germany , a scandal has broken out here because olaf scholz is allegedly going to reduce support for ukraine, but scholz himself rejects everything. scholz said that the promises to ukraine are not wavering at all, that the current debate in the cabinet surprises him. the federal government has planned for the coming year.
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there are no funds for this purpose, the reason for this is the austerity measures of the chancellery and the ministry of finance. military equipment that has already been approved is still being delivered to kiev, but additional requests from the ministry of defense should no longer be approved at the request of chancellor olaf scholz. finance minister christian lindner has already passed on his request to defense minister boris pistorius. the block is already in effect. for ukraine, the situation is likely to worsen soon, as planned military support is expected to be cut almost
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in half in 2000. there are still some nato countries that are slow to fulfill their promise to provide ukraine with air defense systems, bloomberg reports. according to people familiar with the situation, a number of ukraine's nato allies are not fulfilling promises to speed up the delivery of air defense systems and other military equipment. several allies have yet to deliver on commitments they reaffirmed at the alliance's summit in washington in july. they included pledges to send at least five additional air defense systems. most of those promises are unlikely to be fulfilled by the fall, when russia is expected to take advantage of ukraine's vulnerability and step up bombing of critical infrastructure, the sources said. elena vladimirovna, explain to us for the germans, we can't understand them. either they don't have the money in their budget to help ukraine, or scholz says better: no, no, don't worry, we will give you a loan, and what a loan, 50 billion euros, that's a lot, that they will give scholz a punch in the eye, he will agree to everything again. scholz is
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not the person who will choose the interests of germany and its people in a conflict between the economic interests of germany and its people and the pressure of the usa, since he bends very much under the pressure of washington and he is already just a political gymnast, and this will not change, unfortunately, there is an internal departmental apparatus struggle, economists in germany
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draw up the budget, they, naturally, want to limit the appetites of the defense department and the americans, i'm not even talking about scholz, because scholz is an american, but scholz has already caved in basically, this is that the americans , starting in 2026, will be deploying long-range medium -range missiles on german territory, this is land-based, and... something that hasn't happened for a long time since the cold war, this includes long -range hypersonic missiles, the dark eagle, this is very dangerous for us, very serious, in confirmation of the words that alexey petrovich has already said, about that they don't really believe in our red line, i recently read an analytical paper at the german institute for international
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studies, where the author claims that the deployment of land-based missiles of this kind, that this return to the times of the cold war will not bring germany. even if it is inflated, it goes in favor of those who say: let's continue to help, and as soon as ukraine begins to lose in the same donbass, as is happening now in the donetsk region, then the voices are immediately heard louder
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those who say it's time to end all this, we need to think about our people and our economy, then scholz's position will simply weaken and he may be replaced by someone else, i'm interested in the story with the nord streams. we help, but not so much, then we don't help, then here's why, all this, including the situation with the nord streams, it's clear that this situation fits into the general outline, for which, in fact, what super-political task did scholz set for himself for germany, naturally, there is one task: germany for a long time
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time was the driver, as if the european union, and accordingly we understand that this drivership, everyone is encroaching on it, from macron to, so to speak, to the british, everyone is meowing there, everyone, so to speak, suddenly becomes the main negotiator, take... the same orban, that is, also, that is, relatively speaking, the question is, with whom, you can talk with one politician who can speak on behalf of the european union, that's what macro, oh, i beg your pardon, the scholzs are fighting for, you 're talking to us, you're talking to germany, that's why it is clear that all the stories that fall into weakening, and this is already obvious, scholz is a lame duck, scholz absolutely with his own internal and internal german analysts, as it were, has long been called a person who is multifaceted, this multifaceted janus, who, so to speak, does not have his own opinion, lies down. then under the americans, then under the european union, then this, then comes up with some ukrainian theme, that is, he is looking for himself, such a feeling as a young politician, therefore this weakness, sooner or later, of course, more precisely sooner, it brings scholz, well, it is necessary to give credit to the guy, who is spinning and the guy
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is certainly trying to make the best of it, so to speak, here are the northern streams, look how they suddenly revived the topic, they started to look for these molecules in it, so to speak , whether it is true or not, a ukrainian trace is not a ukrainian trace, therefore i think that it is clear that scholz is a shot-down duck, it is clear that germany has seriously shaken its position in these 2.5 years, as if influence, reputation and such a strong state, but so to speak, it is trying to survive, you see, how yes, the germans they were, you see, at the head of the european economy at the head of europe, and now a little time has passed, everyone has become scholz, a short advertisement and we'll be back, this is our biological clock , when to wake up, when to have sex, when to have a snack, when to work, absolutely everything is predetermined, we set the clock to the right time, we begin to live in a new way, what is the most important thing for our health, the answers are in
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the program live healthy, tomorrow on the first, the russian flag is more than 300 years old, it was established by peter ii on january 20, 1705. location stripes on the flag then explained the structure of the world, it is a colored cloth of white, blue , red, so if the coat of arms is located on it, then it is not a flag, it is the standard of the president. in the west there is a single-headed eagle, in the east it is double-headed, it expresses the symphony between secular and spiritual power. the monk told an amazing story, well , a new russian ruble fell into his hands, on which he saw a double-headed eagle without crowns without crosses, and he ...
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the tsarist general henri guzon, hitler is ready for war, it is about to begin, in our village strangers, two men in a black mercedes, i think they are interested in you, you will go with us, most likely you will be sent to the gulag, duels, the illegal life of colonel rybkina on saturday on the first, although to write , as if resurrected, i worked under my maiden
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name voskresenskaya, all my books were for children, i did not write a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life, for the eightieth birthday of sergei solovyov, getting closer here, come, there are such men, here you are ready to marry him right away, the first day of acquaintance, this is sergei sanovich slavev, love at first sight, he started to pursue me until he got married. he didn't leave me, and i didn't fall in love with her at all, i didn't know, maybe you have a relationship, what other relationship, somehow it turned out that he became everything to me, just everything, soundtrack, sergei solovyov on the set, tyrant, despute, dictator, the main thing is not the glass, the main thing is to feel like a sighted person, it was fantastic, i can't even say cinema, it's an art object. what 's left to me from life is you. director
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it is impossible to become, and you can only be, it is either there inside you, or it is not. i realized, everything that happened, the most valuable in my life, the most precious, everything happened in a foolish way, pure foolishness. on sunday on the first. two stars, fathers and sons. on sunday on the first. in the new season on the first, today we were auditioned for hort grachev, great, yura, you definitely need to sing, come on, sing, what a unique gift you have, you hit such notes, what an upstart, you imagined yourself, larka, it's you, don't you recognize me or something, it's i, andryukha, so life is a success, you have everything... that soviet women
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don't even dare to dream about, what does this mean, you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know the notes, in order to get official choir status, you need to have at least 50 choristers, you 've been accepted, from today you begin a new life, if it weren't for this choir, we would never have met, if i see you with this person again, i'll tell my father everything, you're mine, my wife, what do you want? give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, fame i wanted, remember, goracheva and his choir should not be on the song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. europe can now
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strengthen ukraine and with what? maybe it will strengthen, maybe they will scoop out all the stormshadows, scalps, tauruses with missiles, after all, germany has concluded an agreement with the pentagon for the supply of 500 ground obsolete, well, everything will be given away in parts without compromising its own security, so we will see all this in ukraine, but they will still give it away, they will give it away, that's on this forecast we pass the floor to our colleagues from... good afternoon, the big game is on air, today russia celebrates officer's day, this is not an official holiday, but nevertheless a holiday in honor of the command staff of all the country's security agencies, and we sincerely congratulate all russian officers. today is a very important day for russian-chinese relations, prime minister mikhail mishustin has already held talks with premier of the state council of china licang, and in the afternoon this. the second person in the power hierarchy of the people's
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republic of china will be received by vladimir putin, the day before in the evening, president putin visited the russian special forces university in the city of gudermeste in the chechen republic, talked to the commander of the special forces, instructors, volunteers who are undergoing our training, made, as it seems to me, a very important uplifting statement, let's listen to what the president said, we live for the sake of ore, and our small and large of our huge country, we live for it to be strong, for our children, our grandchildren to feel confident in their own land, so that...
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something in common, this is our moral and ethical foundation and love for the fatherland, respect for elders, for older generations, respect for our history, the pace of the offensive in donbass is increasing, literally every day, not even literally, but simply every day more and more new settlements are being liberated, today the ministry of defense announced the liberation of the desired in the donetsk people's republic, one of the hottest and most promising areas now is the pokrovsk direction, about what is happening there right now we
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pavel kukushkin, a military correspondent for the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense, will tell you, pavel alekseevich, i greet you, so, it's your turn, what 's going on in the pokrovsky direction? yes, good afternoon, dmitry vyacheslavovich, well, in the pokrovsky direction, as you correctly noted, there are constant, constant attacks from our country, and we are really liberating more and more new settlements, really literally every day, so after liberating the desired one, now we are moving on, and there are battles already in in the settlement of ptich, this is a settlement, after the liberation of which we will be able to enter the rear. grodovka, this is already the defense line of grodovka, novogrodovka, selidovo. we are also approaching closely directly to the settlement of selidovo, cutting off the m-30 highway, which leads right to the karlovskoye garrison, that is, there is a very deplorable
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state there, now the enemy's defense, now data is coming in that another settlement - zhuravka too...
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news i have no doubt that in the foreseeable future pokrovsk will be liberated in the future and this will be a really important victory. so, we heard what is happening in the pokrovsk direction, what is happening in other directions of the special operation, what is happening in general on the fronts, we will ask boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our traditional military observer, about this. good afternoon, boris aleksandrovich. good afternoon, yes, in addition to the krasnomsk direction, it is worth noting that in other areas our troops are also conducting offensive operations, if you look at the front, then on the rabotinsky salient on... maintains the initiative north of rabotin and verbovoye, on the vremyevskaya vysove fighting continues north and east of rashainoe, to the east there are some advances in our favor, in the ugledar direction our troops continue to storm the central part of konstantinovka, we also continue to expand the control zone along the konstantinovka ugledar highway. the highway has already been completely
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cut off, and accordingly our troops are now preparing to move toward the vodyanov direction. in krasnogorovka our troops are protecting the private sector north of the city a so, well , they said about the kosmet direction, in the new york area our troops are now conducting assault operations in nelepovka, assault operations are also underway in dzerzhinsk, our troops continue to advance there, the enemy is losing ground, comments from ukrainian experts are very gloomy, and this means that in the chesofyar direction our troops have achieved success in the central part of the city, there is progress there, our troops have also advanced north of kalinovka and the area in the kleshcheyevka area is also becoming more active, our troops are also now there they are pressing, for the time being on the seversky salient our troops are fighting at perezdnoye in the area of ​​the vyimka, which was recently liberated, on the krasnolimansky direction there are no changes, the svatovo-kupiansky direction of our... continue to expand the zone of control in the area of ​​peschanoye here the advancement is very serious in the last few days in makeyevka our
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troops are expanding the zone of control in the village itself already more than 65% of the village is under our control, well on the kharkov direction our troops improved their positions in the area of ​​glubokoye, well and positional battles continued already in vovchansk itself. overall, as we see, our troops continue to conduct offensive operations in most areas. thank you very much, boris alexandrovich, keep us informed, and we see that.
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ukraine told the financial times that one of the reasons for the russian advance was that kiev had shifted its limited resources north. for the first time since congress suspended american aid to ukraine, his unit returned to rationing ammunition, as it was reallocated for the invasion of kursk region. according to officials involved in the operation. ukraine has also redeployed more than 10,000 troops, including many of its elite airborne troops and mechanized brigades, from the donetsk and kharkiv regions, where the fiercest fighting is taking place. officers and infantry on the eastern front are also now being forced to remain on the front lines for even longer without rotation, several people told the financial times. so if the information is true, it means that for the kiev command, the loss of donbas is less important.
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and certain forces are being pulled in there, they are winning time, yes, but again we must remember that if they want
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to consolidate their hold on them, they will end up using these 5 km to squabble among themselves, that is, budanov will squabble with zelensky, which means that the pawned one, poroshenko, will participate in this , the americans and british will be standing above all this, well , if for them consolidation, an attempt to consolidate in the kursk region is really more... a priority than the situation in donbass, this means that after all the main their goal is to create preconditions for bargaining, including territorial bargaining with russia, it is very important in this regard. statements of our country at all levels, starting from vladimir putin, ending with representatives of mit and yuri ushakov, that in the context of their terrorist operation in the kursk region there can be no talk of negotiations with them, that is, their intentions will also not be crowned with success, well, and the participation of the united states and european countries in the preparation for
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the implementation of this kurdish adventure is becoming increasingly evident. late last night, the service. germany, nato countries are transmitting satellite reconnaissance data to the ukrainian armed forces on the deployment of russian troops in the kursk region, and nato military advisers are providing assistance in...
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the united states, in moscow, a protest was filed against her, in connection with which, in connection with the fact that american journalists have already illegally entered the territory of the kursk region, and moreover, american mercenaries from the so-called pmc forward observation group are fighting on the territory of the kurdish region, this is absolutely proven, who themselves, so to speak, filmed their photos in... the united states of america, because nato funding is america. nato's current budget is 1.4 trillion. how much does america give?
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the united states of america gives about 900 billion, that is , they are actually the owners of nato. it doesn't matter that there are small countries, like the baltics, who will shout that everything in nato depends on our vote, it doesn't, the united states of america made a decision, this decision is now, it is very clear and understandable, they need to gain time for the elections, they need to show results by those elections that they will falsify, you know, for us this is a certain marker, the elections will be falsified very strongly, the united states of america have come to the path when there is no democracy, when there is no freedom of choice, when they clearly understand who they want to push through and see as the president of their country. this is exactly why they are now saying that any means are good, and to deny, they always deny, even if you catch an american hand in your wallet, he will say, god forbid, this is not my hand, this is how they work americans always, but you know, what's bad news, the bad news is that germany has become very actively involved, the germans also say that we will not transfer weapons, we do not participate directly, participate very strongly, our foreign
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intelligence service differs from the cia, you know how, we only give... verified information, and if our head of the foreign intelligence service says that germany, nato countries, poland, great britain and the united states are participating, it's true, they are the ones doing it, therefore, if they, their journalists entered our territory, this is a nato operation, and we have every right to untie our hands. this is very important, what you said, especially since it is absolutely obvious that by participating in the invasion of the kurdish region, the united states is testing our tolerance. of the escalation that we are seeing from that side, and if our reaction to this is not tough enough, then the united states will reach a new level of escalation in terms of strikes with strategic, long-range, high-precision missiles on the strategic depth in russia, this is absolutely obvious to me, and the only way to prevent this is to demonstrate toughness towards the united states, towards nato, right here now. now a short
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commercial, then we will continue. there is reason to believe that a new provocation is being prepared. colleagues, please have a moment of attention. i would like to introduce you to dr. willowstone from boston. what else do we know about this man? by the end of the month we will have irrefutable evidence that iraq is developing chemical weapons. with the moment, marry me, iraq needs weapons, organize the delivery of at least ten anti-aircraft machine guns, and no one will say a word against your wedding. are you dating? with me solely for the sake of a career, did you doubt it, and do you love your russian, trader, watch the time after the program,
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ignat, i will have a deal with you, but only between monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellor group. this is our biological clock, when to wake up, when to have sex, when to have a snack, when to work, absolutely everything is predetermined, we set the clock to the right time we begin to live in a new way, what is the most important thing for our health, the answers in the program live, great, tomorrow on the first, fantastic! on friday on the first. the russian flag is more than 300 years old. it was established by peter ii. january 20, 1705. the arrangement of the stripes on the flag
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then explained the structure of the world. this is a colored cloth of white, blue, red colors. but if it has a coat of arms, then it is not a flag. it is the standard of the president. in the west, the eagle is single-headed, in the east - double-headed. it expresses the symphony between the secular power spiritual power. the monk told an amazing story: he got his hands on a new russian ruble, on which he saw a double-headed eagle without crowns without crosses. and he was upset and began to pray that the crowns and crosses would return to the ruble. children sing the anthem, they understand that this is the anthem of their country, as for the anthem, the flag, yes, this is very correct and in demand, only ... it is necessary that this be done with dignity, on the day of the state flag of russia on saturday on the first, rise,
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stand up, this is my office, not a passageway, out of here, excuse me, comrade colonel, go to switzerland, according to the election legend, your target is the swiss general henri guzon. hitler is ready for war. and it is about to start. we have strangers in our village. two men in a black mercedes. i think they are interested in you. you will go with us. most likely, you will be sent to the gulag. duels. the illegal life of colonel rybkina. on saturday, on the first. having started writing, i seemed to have been resurrected. i worked under my nine. magamayev on saturday
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on the first for the eightieth birthday of sergei solovyov, getting closer here, come, there are such men, you are ready to marry him right away, the first day of meeting, this is sergey sanovich, i didn't know, maybe you have a relationship, what other relationship, somehow it turned out that he became everything to me, just everything, soundtrack, sergey solovyov on the tyrant, despod, dictator stage, the main thing is not glass, the main thing is to feel like a sighted person, it was fantastic, i don't even...
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there's a big game on the air, today the twenty -ninth regular meeting of the heads of government of russia and china took place in the russian government building. let's listen to what's going on the beginning of this meeting, said russian prime minister mikhail mishustin. over these decades , russian-chinese relations have reached an unprecedentedly high level of comprehensive partnership and strategic. interaction, despite increased external pressure, we have completed the task set by our leaders of russia and china to increase the volume of mutual
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trade ahead of schedule, and last year our trade turnover exceeded 20 trillion rubles or 1.6 billion yuan. our interaction in the investment, energy, cultural and humanitarian spheres, our interregional ties are consistently strengthening. through joint efforts , we ensure the diversification of trade and economic investment cooperation, expand the use of national currencies. today, the share.
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in chinese banks, yes, which are periodically blocked due to threats of secondary sanctions from the united states, and of course, the siberia-2 gas pipeline? well, first of all, we need to look closely at and chinese to a lesser extent our assessments of these negotiations, if the chinese say that we will expand and deepen, this is true, these are not empty words, that is, we are talking about moving forward, the second thing that is always noted is that the prime minister is the executive, so to speak, the executive bodies, and
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the strategic key decisions were actually made in may of this year during putin's visit to china, that is, now they are only developing, let's say, clarifying what has been achieved, as for the power of siberia 2 through mongolia, it was discussed in detail precisely in may, the situation there is really funny, that the chinese can finance this entire construction, we need money for other purposes now, maybe, but...
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the chinese said further , let's work together on the territory of china , let's continue this work, such things happen, there are a lot of them, well, i have no doubt that russia and china will continue to build up their partnership, you are absolutely right, the presidents have defined a strategic course, there is political will, and i have no doubt that all those issues that still need to be resolved, they will be resolved, more the united states is putting pressure on russia and china at the same time, creating the preconditions. for even greater russian-chinese rapprochement, and this concerns not only economic issues, it also concerns the nuclear sphere. in fact, over the past few months , representatives of the biden administration, for example, paranay waddy, a representative of the national security council, which is responsible for the nuclear sphere, have already made public statements that the united states may soon adjust its nuclear strategy, focusing on combating...
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president biden approved a highly classified strategic nuclear plan in march that for the first time refocuses america's deterrence strategy to focus on the threat of china's rapid nuclear buildup. that 's because... the pentagon believes that china's arsenal will match the size and diversity of america's and russia's within the next decade. the white house has never disclosed that biden approved the revised strategy, called the use of nuclear weapons, which is also aimed at preparing the united states for the possible threat
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of coordinated nuclear action by china, russia, and north korea. the document, updated approximately every four years, is so classified that it is not available in digital form. there are only a few printed copies in the possession of a few national security officials and senior pentagon officials. well, ivan pavlovich, the changes are that the united states is preparing for russia, china, and north korea allegedly acts as nuclear allies and, indeed, as sanger writes, coordinates its nuclear operations, that is, perhaps, will jointly launch nuclear strikes against the united states and its allies, and... they believe that china by the thirties will reach the level of at least one and a half thousand strategic nuclear - combat charges, well , the question arises: will the united states have enough strength and resources to build up its own nuclear potential and deploy it in such a way that
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so , ... yes, some missile silos there were actually not guarded and that too and that was true, so investments were really required there, now they are changing, in fact, the concept itself, but you see, in fact, such a concept is a recognition first of all of something, that the foreign policy of the united states itself, it is completely, forgive me, idiotic, that is, they themselves
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admit that they are three countries with powerful, that is, military potential in principle, we are not even talking about nuclear ones, they unite these, they they themselves made them allies, to admit it , that is, that is, that is, that is, biden has done a lot, here he also signed off on what they have done, if from a military point of view, how to approach it, but can the united states really resist this, well, listen, neither for china, nor for russia, and especially for north korea, has the offensive moment ever been the main one for strategic nuclear forces, we are all defending ourselves, if they are ready for the fact that and this... will go to unleash a new war, here they will have to change the concept again in addition, well, the united states itself will lose from those changes, yes, including from the world we are entering, a world without classical arms control, the united states will increase its strategic nuclear arsenal, it is quite
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obvious, maybe even until 2026, when start-3 formally expires, well, and naturally, russia and china will not remain on the sidelines, well, in china, to say the least, they have already reacted to this publication. the mfa is the world's largest creator of strategic risks, what is washington spinning china has stated that washington is the chinese nuclear threat to evade commitments to disarmament, arms reduction, which is true, and the united states accuses china not only of allegedly increasing and modernizing its arsenal, but also, like russia , refusing to play the so-called compartmentalization, that is, telling the united states what to give first.
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the united states is naturally not ready to guess how it is possible in such a situation, how to conduct negotiations on nuclear deterrence. with china, because for now it is hatred and hostility, i would tell you about the ants, it is an amazing story, i am now reading a report from chinese intelligence, which they released into the open press, about the activities of us intelligence services over the past 10 years, yesterday's broadcast was about how these machetes, on which american equipment from the last decade was still installed, really were spying on objects, well, recruiting chinese citizens there, which is in america, this is understandable, but imagine the situation, an incomprehensible address, there is no such addressee, they check there in
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america from the usa comes, there is no such sender, looks, there are ants, what would a normal person do in such a situation, well, i was in such a huge establishment recently, it's a barn, there are robots walking around, throwing all this stuff in the trash, and there are ants, a terribly aggressive breed of ants that will eat everything there, destroy the locals, like hogweed, it's...
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a komsomol come-up, and since there was no such rate, in my work book it is written cleaner yakubovich. i worked in libraries for 3 years, i really didn't like it, but we there is a plot, how you returned to your native library, oh, and can we do sovkhs with you, all my professions, whether it be a cook's apprentice, a loader, they were selected taking into account that there would be as much time as possible to do what i loved, i worked on central television, as a senior accountant, a senior?
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samarkant is a city, getting into which the feeling is that you have learned to travel in time without a time machine, but you have a robe kilinki, and kilinki - who are brides? yes, and this is the groom, and the groom is more expensive, i see, well, of course, the groom earns, it's more expensive for him. here 's a dried melon for you, eat it while you're here, and i'll tell you, here we have, what not to take all the vitamins, that's why we have so many children in families, you chose for him or he brought it himself mom. please, he met, then came and said: "mom, look, they
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had only known each other for 5 days, that is, your son brought his bride home after 5 days, yes, the lives of others, the premiere is on sunday on the first, nowhere-nowhere to hide, in general everyone was worried about mom, and mom - this was mom's finest hour, number ... " two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on
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the first, in the new season on the first, you have a good collective farm, and you will try to make it rich, a millionaire, and you have hardly aged, it is difficult, probably from unfamiliarity it will be terendi, nothing, we will get used to it, and in our village your hanky-panky can end badly, vadim. partork, are you sure, he is a womanizer, my marinka and i almost ran away just before the wedding, because of him, and if i fall in love with you again, it is yours, so dispose of it as you wish.
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without you the premiere is from august 26 on the first, i i can't live without you, i'll wait, in the new season on the first, where an hour ago people flew to me, we threw things right to you, nenal, you're so good, you're so lucky with her, we foisted off a copy on this rich guy under the guise of a real monet, the guy looks boldly, the family is good, he fought, he has awards. you can't scare someone like that? no need, there the girl decides everything. oh, hello, no, a friend said that your nenels bad company got involved, they are engaged in fraud. 40 braids in 3 days we still won't collect, we will collect, and you can help me in one case, yes even in all. so, bodkin himself will give everything, all we have to
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do is take the money, well, leave unnoticed. cool, he is inciting you to klene for what reason, yes, let him do what he wants, well, pat helped, i would advise you to give up walks, they want to kill you, ninel, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, rehearsed with him, i am not going to make excuses, or maybe you like him, there is a big game on the air, empires are destroyed when they do not keep up with the changes happening in the world. that's how it is once the case of the united states, which desperately does not want to change its policy and its basic attitudes, despite the fundamental changes that are happening in the world and the formation of a polycentric world order. and here is a very clear example in this regard is a large article
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by former secretary of state and national security advisor to the president of the united states candideza rice. she held both positions under... bush jr. in the journal foreign affairs, this was published just today, look, on the one hand candalisa rais writes quite correctly that the current world is not a continuation of the cold war, it is much worse, it is much more dangerous, characterized by the threat of a direct military clash between nuclear superpowers. moreover, candalisa rice writes that unlike the second half of the 20th century, when the united states was powerful, a world factory, self-confident.
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to new conquests, iran will welcome the withdrawal of the united states from the middle east and will strengthen its illegal regime, seizing foreign territories with the help of its puppets. hamas and hezbollah will wage new wars, hopes that the gulf arab states will normalize relations with israel will collapse. the international economy will weaken, undermining u.s. economic growth. international trade will be contested, and piracy and other maritime incidents will disrupt trade. well, that's the conclusion, the main conclusion, that candace rice reaches. let's hear it. the dna of great powerhood is still strong in the american genome. isolationism has never been a solution to the country's security or prosperity. the future will be determined either by an alliance of democratic states with a free market, or by revisionist powers that throw the world back to
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the times of territorial conquests and authoritarianism within the country. there are simply no other options. that's how this binary vision of the world is, and i'm not even telling vladimir alekseevich that, in fact, i remind the rector of stanford university, kandalizie rice, that isolationism ensured both security and economic development in america, and very rapid development at that, for more than a century and a half. everything she wrote is brilliant, genius and feels what a disorder is, yes, that is, there is one, there is another, somehow it does not fit together very well , well, first of all, of course. the world is much more dangerous, including primarily due to the actions of the united states of america. the united states of america tore apart, liquidated the entire system of containment, all international legal foundations. which they could, all the treaties from which they withdrew, of course, the world became more dangerous, the second point, the world became more dangerous for the united states itself, because the united
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the states have done such things in the world political space that now most countries either openly hate them or secretly hate them, thirdly, it means that iran will welcome the withdrawal of the united states from the middle east, yes, everyone will welcome the withdrawal of the united states from the middle east, and the sooner the better, there are already... the transformations that are happening in the world political process, they do not understand that somewhere far behind, they do not understand
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how to deal with the new emerging polycentric world, they simply do not understand, and this polycentric world, of course, is not something like paradise, it is a very complex process, because you need to take into account the interests and values ​​of a large number of players , learn to negotiate.
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actually, the majority of 99% voted for harris, well, in general, yesterday they voted officially, harris, however, was not even present, and from wisconsin connected via video link. independent candidate in the presidential elections of the united states since 1992, when multi-billionaire rospere gained almost 19% votes, well, actually ensured bill clinton's victory, so that means that according to some polls, kennedy has between 8 and 17%. ready to vote, the day before, his representatives said that he was ready to leave the race, withdraw his candidacy and support donald trump, donald trump himself said that he
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was ready to take robert kennedy into his administration, and it seems to me, here, sergey sergeyevich, look, on the one hand, robert kennedy and donald trump are antipodes, because one is very left-wing, the other is very right-wing, but what unites them is the fight against the establishment, they are both opponents of the american. he was president and he is running for a second term it turns out that the young governor of arkansas comes out, he would never have won if rospere had not given him these 19%, bill clinton, governor bill clinton, of course, no one believed in him, but nevertheless we have a situation now. absolutely the most interesting in the united states of america, robert kennedy says that the cia is a monstrous organization that killed his uncle and his father, he says that there are objective problems, why does america need to mind its own
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business and not solve the issues of expansion into all the countries of the world, conquer new continents, here he made a very serious bow, he offered himself as a certain element of politics, take me to the white house, i will work with you in the democratic party, they did not take him, they did not take him as... yes, the non-participation of robert kennedy jr. among the left-wing electorate, on the other hand, the elections can, well, let's say, add some votes to kamali haris, because he
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no... will take away those votes from her, but to a large extent this decision kennedy was forced to, why, because the same deep state had already begun to cross him off the ballot, in new york state they crossed him off, you know why, he gave the wrong home address, that is, well, well, well, just, yes, here, here, here are the manipulations and hypocrisies, now a little advertising, then we will continue, there is a reason that it is being prepared.
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"arrange for the delivery of at least ten anti-aircraft machine guns, and no one will say a word against your wedding. you are dating me solely for the sake of a career? did you doubt it? do you love your russian? trader, watch the time after the program. ignat, i have a deal with you, i'm just waiting for you in the new season on..." there are already rumors in the city about this crime, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into taxis and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was easy enough to pick up. you are worthy of great honor, moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this, i after
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war was looking for ... son's servants, was interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there , you don't have a photo of kolya, strange, where are they, were they here, oh my god, how similar he is to my son, you are the only real witness, the only person he came to openly, well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, premiere of the legendary book, julian semenov. the russian flag is more than 300 years old. it was established by peter ii on january 20, 1705. the arrangement of the stripes on the flag then explained the device peace. this is a colored cloth of white, blue , red. but if it has a coat of arms, then it is not a flag, it is the standard of the president. in the west there is a single-headed eagle, in the east - a double-headed one. it expresses the symphony
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between. secular power and spiritual power, the monk told an amazing story: he got his hands on a new russian ruble, on which he saw a double-headed eagle without crowns without crosses, and he was upset and began to pray that the crowns and crosses would return to the ruble. children perform the anthem, they understand that this is their anthem countries, as for the anthem, the flag, yes, it is very correct and in demand, only it needs to be done with dignity for the day of the state flag of russia on saturday on the first magamaev on saturday on the first in the new season on the first, today we were auditioned for the choir gracheva, great, yura, you definitely need to sing, come on, sing, how?
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you have a unique gift, you take such notes, what an upstart do you think you are, larka, it 's you, don't you recognize me or what? no , i'm andryukha, that means life is a success, you have there is everything that soviet women don't even dare to dream about, what does this mean, you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know the notes, in order to get official status of a choir, you need to have at least 50 choristers, you are accepted from today...
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choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. rise, stand up, this is my office. not a walk-through yard, get out of here, excuse me, comrade colonel, you will go to switzerland, and the legend of vaboranas, your object, swiss general henri guzon, hitler is ready for war, it is about to happen it will begin, there are strangers in our village, two men in a black mercedes, i think they are interested in you too, you will go with us. most likely you will be sent to the gulag. duels. the illegal life of colonel rybkina. on saturday, on the first. having started writing, i seemed to have been resurrected. i worked under my ninth surname
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voskresenskoye. all my books were for children. i have not written a single line about foreign intelligence, which gave 25 years of life. i can't live without you. premiere from august 26 on the first. the big game is on air, and today's germany, it seems to me, is very a telling example of what happens to a country that voluntarily renounces its own sovereignty and begins to serve not its own national interests, but the interests of the hegemon. they wipe their feet on you. and you don't even dare to object to this, look, the german investigation came to the conclusion, and we won't talk now about how plausible this conclusion is, but nevertheless they came to the conclusion that these ukrainian divers are behind the explosions of the northern streams,
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who acted on the direct orders of zaluzhny, and zelensky, they kind of took him out of the game, but nevertheless, yes, and poland sabotaged the german investigation, how... poland reacted to this, let's listen to what donald tusk, the prime minister of poland, said. to all the initiators and patrons of nord stream 1 and nord stream 2. the only thing you should do now is apologize and keep quiet. it seems to me that this is the greatest insult to germany without germany losing a big war, yes, because in fact, the german the economy was raped and knocked out from under it, the foundation, this rape victim should still apologize for being raped to keep quiet. how did germany itself react to this? listen to the wall street journal. german officials from across the political spectrum were
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stunned by tusk's statement, but decided not to respond to it. according to an informed source, the reason was the reluctance to stir up a dispute at a time when the two nato allies should be acting together in support of ukraine. it turns out that today germany not only deprived itself of its sovereignty, it decided to take away its dignity, you know, at that time there was a very important concept, which was called dignitas, so they asked, dignitas is a funeral mask,
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how many consuls were in your family, germany today is not a country that can independently determine the course, it cannot even independently give change, by and large without consulting with big brother from the white house, germany cannot even give an answer to poland, if they give an order from the white house, we will answer exactly the same in words, as it should be said, but in any case, we understand that not only germany lost, all of europe lost and lost very badly, poland can shout as much as it wants that it won, but poland also lost very badly when it took a path that was not its own choice, when it broke off relations with russia, when it destroyed centuries-old ties, we have always had difficult relations, but poland earned well, worked well together, you know, the world has changed so much that the benefit ceased to be relevant, well here is another important topic, today in cairo negotiations on a peaceful settlement in gaza and the release of hostages are continuing, but the truth is no one
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expects any successful results from these negotiations, the negotiations are based on the so-called american proposal, which on monday tony blinken, the united states secretary of state, spent 3 hours coordinating. with the prime minister of israel netanyahu essentially accepted all of netanyahu's demands and most importantly - the permanent presence of israeli armed forces in so called the philadelphia corridor, that is , the border between the gaza strip and egypt, this is unacceptable for hamas, this is unacceptable for egypt, but nevertheless, following this meeting, blinken said that israel accepted our conditions, now it's up to hamas, well, hamas naturally did not accept these conditions, the question arises, what are the negotiations about then, don't you think, vladimirevich, that in essence, the united states, well, as if they have already appointed someone to blame for the breakdown of these negotiations, well , then, probably war, yes, dmitry vyacheslavich, you said everything very accurately. let's go back to our last part of the program, when we talked about the american
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approach to negotiations, yes, to the approach to international relations, a wonderful approach, kill the negotiator, yeah, that means dictate a list of what is needed, and then everyone should agree, why should everyone agree with what is dictated by the united states of america, they think that if they decided so, then everyone else should follow this logic, but it doesn't work that way, negotiations are with... this is de facto complete control over gas
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from israel, and well, and so many are discussing the fact that israel is actually expanding its territory, yes, well, that was the case as a result of all the arab-israeli wars, and now the same thing is happening, everyone is discussing this in the world outside of israel, as a question of, so to speak, israel's occupation of territory, but there is also a problem connected with the fact that this war can expand further, nowhere...
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hamas, hamas did not accept this ultimatum, then there is war, yes, and apparently, the united states came to the conclusion that a truce cannot be achieved in as a result of netanyahu's position it will not work because of his position. it needs to be headed by appointing a culprit now firstly hamas will be appointed as the culprit, and secondly, iran will be appointed as the culprit, which after the failure of the gas negotiations will most likely strike a retaliatory blow in one form or another against israel, well and the united states. will really untie their hands, they will say: we are defending israel,
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this is iran's aggression against israel, we did not want this, but iran is to blame, it went for it, now we have no choice but to defend, how to defend israel, it is very hypocritical, really a position that can cost the united states big problems in fact, yes, because well you are absolutely right, in the middle east they are already tired of such american, in quotes leadership and hypocrisy, and we pass the floor. on the news and the big game will be back at 17:00 don't miss this news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablyov, in this issue, taken under control, the village of zhelannoye in the dpr was liberated by our military, in this footage another shot down abrams at successful repelling of a massive drone attack in the moscow region and beyond.
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special forces university, native village.


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