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tv   Segodnya vecherom  1TV  August 24, 2024 9:35pm-11:01pm MSK

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all my childhood on city day i went with my parents to our city to see the fireworks, the only day of the year when you can go to bed later and there is such beauty around, every guest had to go to bed late, but when you get into such magic, does it matter what time it is? lyubov filipova, andrey podgornov, konstantin posylkin, tatyana bakulina, channel one vladimirskaya! today, in front of the main entrance to the dnkh , a concert of greetings was held, in which military orchestras from different countries, participants of the international festival spasskaya tower, performed world-famous and their national melodies. for two hours , the groups demonstrated musical mastery, original instruments and costumes, bearing, and marching step. our favorite songs were performed by the guests. that's all, well, right
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now the program for this evening: what professions the stars mastered on the way to their dream, what's in their work books, first -person stories. excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the library, i need to give tanya bulanova a book, ask the gardener over there, looking at our artists, musicians and other representatives of show business, it seems that they would always be
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the first entry in my work book, i worked as a senior accountant on central television, they really didn't want to take me, i was 17 years old. hello, hello, is it you, are you taking? yes, and can we make sovkhs with you? yes, you said so? there will be a hedgehog, and
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what is this? we needed housing, so we worked as janitors, we were embarrassed that we were young guys, in general, sweeping, my favorite profession is a night receiver, i have the title of a slinger, in general, i have a lot of professions, hello, i taught for a whole year in ryazan in the teacher's house, a teacher in bayan's class. then this profession came in handy for me in two films, but without any red diplomas, i took my place, this is a cook's apprentice, a loader, a conductor of foreign carriages, there was a lot of everything, everything happens quickly, and then you, grandfather,
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of ​​course, about you, this is completely unexpected, it always seemed to me that you serve on television, how could you, yes, it's scary to say, i have 62 years of work experience. wow, who is this? who is this? it's me, but this is virgin land, well, tell me, where did you start? in 1961, so, since i was kicked out of school, i went to work, the tupolev plant, i came to work as a turner, so i worked on a machine called dip 300, we'll catch up and overtake, how old were you, 16 16, then i moved. and worked there for about six years, probably, and i rose to the rank of electrician for lifting equipment from the sixth category, then i finally entered the institute, since there was money
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nothing happened, i worked as a conductor on long-haul flights, that is moscow-varkuta, moscow vladivostok, and so on, in between my studies i also worked as an instructor in the district committee of the komsomol, and since there was no such rate of instructor in the district committee, they wrote me down as a cleaner, in my work book it is written cleaner yakubovich, yes, then i became, and cleaners could not be written, no, cleaner, i see, then what was the rate, yes, there was a rate, yes, then it turned out that at 50, i think, 3 years graduated. aviation school, i became a commercial pilot third class aviation, commercial, you can even, could, could, well, since ninety -one, i have been working on the program,
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how many years is that, 33 years, 33 years, tell me, please, how did you end up on television, completely by accident, because after a mechanic? and a carriage driver, you know, to come suddenly one day, yes, i don’t know, there was a wonderful company, we laughed, had fun, i lived on taganka then, and the davidovites guys came, vlad came with his wife, they were sitting, yes, they were sitting in the kitchen, he says to me, will you take program, i sent him, well, how can you come to television from the street, without experience, without anything, but they could convince the devil, well, they convinced me, you've been hosting this program for 33 years? there, you see, tell me, did all these professions come in handy for you later, one way or another, even when you were studying at a flight school, did you still have to be a mechanic? no, well , first of all, i still fly, although i've already moved from a helicopter, i asked myself,
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i wonder, if something happens, a person can land a plane, having set this idiotic goal, can he find out or not maybe i went to the boeing 737 simulator and hung around there for six months... twice a week, as a result i found out that it can't, it can't, a person is just, well, 5 percent, well , 10 percent, well, because i land on the simulator, of course, but psychophysically, i understand perfectly well, it didn't work out, well, big deal, i'll repeat it again, when you have 300 passengers behind you, your nerves can get the better of you, no, i won't get confused in the cockpit, of course, and i'll drag him to the runway, yeah... as god wills, it's a great profession, and you have to study it all my life, so in parallel, i now serve in the theater, still in the theater, yes , auto, motorcycle, bicycle, photo, film, radio amateur, you know,
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from what lyonya said about the cleaning lady, yes , there is a very interesting historical fact, the fact is that only men worked in the imperial service and... here at the table we have actors, yes, olechka, at least, for sure, seryozha, boris, studied at the theater institute, it turns out that you came out, oh, rais ivan, and you also studied, it turns out that you came out on stage without the theater institute, that i entered, that is, i went through creative tours, my dad, and
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then i didn’t study, no, dad said, first get a profession, then do what you want, dad is right, yes, dad didn’t want you to be an artist, but you still. became, it happened, a bad example, of course, for young people, so as not to study, to go on stage, that i know many good names who never studied from old actors, old school. the first year i didn’t get in, failed,
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cried, a long, long time, then my mother said, stop crying, you have to go to work, i understood, well it just happened that that's why somewhere anyway somewhere i'm still in some school, i still thought they'd take me, that's why i went to work in december, and it was central television, because natalya valeryevna primak, the head of the theater studio, who still runs the theater studio in the city of odentsov, a unique woman, she worked on central television, as a music director, she took me by the hand, brought me to the central television to the personnel department and asked to take this girl to work, no one wanted to hire me, i was 17 years old, in the end not as an announcer, 17 years old, they didn’t want to hire me at all, because they had to answer for me according to the constitution, well... yes it’s true, i’ll tell you, as a master of labor law, that yes, yes, hire, then
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i had to have a short working day for an hour too, and somehow they really didn’t want to hire me, but there was a rate, suddenly a position opened up in the accounting department, a girl was going on maternity leave, and they took me there, and they took you on bail, i worked on central television in accounting senior accountant, senior? not chief, senior, such a position became available, yes, even 5 rubles was more money then, yes, very funny, a group of ladies was sitting, wonderful, all very different women, of different ages, well and also a country of paradoxes, you can't be an announcer at 17, but as a senior accountant everything is possible, in soviet times, yes, and even then these machines of ours were standing, they were still mechanical, so when everyone sat down to work, only ...
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children will still have children, so not you, don't deduct, don't deduct from me
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childless tax, i worked like that from december until the summer, and in the summer i was already applying, and the lord ordered it, i enrolled in andriy sandovich goncharov's course, to say that as you asked the question, were the skills useful later, no, i'm still not friends with numbers, when these cards were just started, well , to receive a salary, the first thing i did, well , when there were cash registers, and then they gave us, that is, these cards, and the first thing i did was go to the bank, inserted the card, typed something there, received the money and left, that's it, i didn't need the card anymore, that is , then they looked for me, so that, in short, it's funny, it's good that they looked, yes, it's good that they looked, no, everything is fine, that's why, that's how it is, yes, i am a senior accountant, so, well , your presence at this table surprises me in general, because my youth, it passed under absolutely...
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maybe i always, but professionally it all didn't happen right away. firstly, i dreamed of being an actress all my life, i know that i have problems with diction, and i found out about this when i entered school, the studio we have pre-music in st. petersburg, i was. that i pronounce all the letters, re, there, la, everything is fine , and evgenia ivanovna kirillova came to us . anyone who studied at the theater probably knows her . yes, she says, well, tell yourself. i say, well , i'm like that there, well, this is a speech disability. i think , what did she say? i'm a speech disability. well, in general , how old were you when you were twenty now ? well, you were already an adult, yes, an adult, an adult
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, no, i already worked for 3 years as a librarian. after that , what was my story anyway? yes, i wanted. to be an actress, it always seemed to me that it was like, right here, i imagined, people are sitting, people are like, faces, faces, i'm on stage, all this is an exchange of energy, well, in childhood, some kind of, i don't know, i had some kind of nonsense in my head, in general, in short, i understood, i was very uptight, and now i'm a little bit anxious in this regard, and i will never get into anything in my life, if someone tells me to say something, i'll just close myself off, i'll cut everything off, i've come up with a plan, i'm going to the institute of culture for some kind of cultural education there, then. faculty, i relax there and then automatically with such a troplate i enter, but it's really in my head in rhythm, well, yes, yes in the theater institute in our st. petersburg in st. petersburg here - in leningrad then still in general in short i failed the first exam at the institute of culture, because i cut out a ticket, i came with a guitar, us sister, but i think, now i'll sing as if all this you fell out
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bile you always as you always were, my mother always sang, my brother, my brother taught me to play the guitar, he sings, dad in principle too despite the fact that he was in... submariner yes this is my mommy so in general i came with a guitar and i think well how would it be now this is 12 now i will sing no one asks me for a ticket pulled out there organizing a celebration of the plant's anniversary i generally don't want me in general something such and such nonsense apparently wrote and there someone sat down who took the exam says well you come there next year in general who do you work in i say i just finished school well with us he says mainly by profession i say well i understand in general i cried i went out to embankment just sobbing there some mom what was there i say go away everything i have a life.
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i worked as a library for 3 years, i really didn't like it, but we have a story about how you returned to your native library after more than 30 years it was terribly exciting, let 's see, this is the building of the naval academy where i worked as a librarian for 3 years, tatyana, would you like to try yourself in the role of a librarian again? you know, i'm interested in asking, it seems to me that i can't handle it, because now everything is computerized, but at least get acquainted why not, hello, oh, hello, it's you, it's you taking, yes, so what's the date today, i 'm a bit nervous, like this, please, hurray, i
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feel like some kind of idiot. i can't do this, i don't look there, i'll do something wrong there, oh, tatyana, can i take a selfie with you, yes , that's why i came, so that, hello, hello, yes, it's me, can i take a photo with you, please, yes, i 'll write it down now so that they give you a book. thank you very much, thank you very much, glad to see you see here, thank you, i want to tell you, the work of the library has changed a lot in 30 years. thank you, thank you, goodbye, thank you, well,
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by the way, there was a foreign department at the academy and there were. such naval officers, it seems to me that they were very old guys, although i think that they were probably all young people, poles, germans, vietnamese, koreans, and we also had - well, they organized - russian language lessons, it was called an open lesson, when they gathered, that is, some group there, and - the workers were mostly women, they were faculty members, they told some traditions ours who, what can a woman there tell us how we have tea with pretzels, there she showed us, like this you take a pretzel, like this we look, no one does that, well, in general. and for me go i can sing in general my guitar came in handy and there was some evening and i sang some song in general with a guitar and there were two more yugoslavs studying too , it seems to me they were some kind of tsars in general they were sitting next to me. so the uncle was sitting , i sang it, i returned from my place at the table, he says: are you going to sing again? i say: no, then i'll go, i think, joke around, or something, but he liked it, really, someone
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told me, he says, here we have this school-studio primesikole, try there, you definitely need to go study somewhere, in general, so i entered in principle and met there - my future husband, who did gurpalisad, from there i also left everything, in short, a complete dropout, but you didn't get a diploma anywhere, just the stage. we are all happy that you finally started singing, and we will invite you to the stage.
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again one night spring, i passed my leafing, above me, a night voice circles in the air, not melting, it sounds in the dark night, a simple song of love, pays and calls. my beloved, my pain, my beloved, i'm yours, only heaven knows how i love you, my beloved, my life, my beloved, i'm yours, happiness and more, i sing, boom-pam-pam-badum-para, pam-pam-badum-parapum pam, pam-badum-parapum , pam-pa-pu, parapum, pam-pam-badum-parapum.
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my beloved, my pain, my beloved, i 'm yours, only heaven knows how i love you, i'm my beloved, my life, my beloved, i'm yours, happiness and more, i sing, boom, pam, pam, boom, paraboom, pam, pam-badum, parapum, pa-pa-pu, parapum, pam-pam-badu.
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which of our guests had to earn their living by hard physical labor, we will find out after the commercial. old barrel cognac is a product of steller group . steller group bourbon stirsman is a product of steller group. mancacher whiskey is a product of stellar group. cnop gin.
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what went on with the neighbor, listen, remember, you taught me about the village, morality, this chastity, and where is all this, where, if my neighbor is climbing on my wife, brazenly stupidly climbing on my wife, and what should i to do, i can't live without you, the premiere, on the first since monday, the neighbors have become somewhat unfriendly, they refused the bathhouse, i'm disgusted, or what, there's no point in imposing myself on them, they want me,
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i do n't need to, this evening we're discussing what professions our guests mastered before they became very famous. let's watch the plot. the box, the secret enterprise that i was staffing, i still don't know, i think i didn't work there for long, well, maybe half a year, but thanks to this i was able to save up a little money, come here to moscow, well, no it turned out for me not sofi kovalevskaya, not maldin terezkov.
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mogi sailor. the third life is a scientific life. that is, from the third year i was already writing a dissertation, in fact, a diploma and a dissertation. and in parallel i was studying music, in parallel. but the girls always found something in me. the seventies of the last century, when i graduated from school, there was a law on tanyuyatstvo. that is, it did not allow you to be a free artist. then you had to work somewhere. and i wanted to play. at dances, so all my professions, whether a student cooks, loaders, conductors of foreign carriages, they were selected taking into account that there would be as much time as possible to do what you love.
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it's amazing, yes, how life shuffles this deck and how everything happens. seryozha, you know, wikipedia says that you dreamed of being an artist, but you were registered in the juvenile police room? yes, for what? and i don't know, it seems to me that there was a time when everyone was registered.
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so five pmg cars arrived, were there then or police cars arrived and for some reason began to take us away and push us into these cars, and we started to fight off our own comrades, and in doing so we did turn over one police car, so you did misbehave , well, you did misbehave, yes, it was for such misdeeds that we were registered in the children's rooms of the medical center, tell me, parents, who did they see you as, according to their dream, who were you supposed to become, an engineer technologist of meat and meat products, a lucrative position, by the way, at that time an astronaut, in the end, seryozha, tell me, who did you become at first, at first you became, well , first of all, a stagehand, after all, in
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you write theater right away, i immediately have this. let's go according to the work book, selin sergey andreevich, will you help, so there is no work experience before entering the youth theater, the theater of young spectators, so the assembler of the declaration, then some welder, welder, here is canteen number 24, the canteen of some kind here, the canteen i worked as a loader, but of course i really did not like this profession, not that i did not like it and ... i liked it, i was forced to work there, i was forced to earn money, since my mother did not earn much, then i considered it my duty to help somehow, tell me, how many years did you apply, it turns out, 3 years, all these 3 years you worked at different, yes, you went through , let's say, fire, water and copper pipes, you even worked as tomada at weddings, our dear young people, you also worked as tomada, right?
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i apologize, because i began to confuse the names of the young bride and groom, that is, i called them, apparently for their health from time to time, you see what a good wedding ended in a fight, everything happened, this is, well, this is certainly, but real, this means everything is their life was happy then, then they had, they had a happy life, my mother told me, stop, because this is already serious, it's already off the charts, well, basically , you know,
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missions and i didn't get a scholarship in my first year, so with my friend yura galtsev we got jobs as janitors on the same street where the theater institute was on makhovaya and so we threw coins around to see who would go clean, me or him, well, in the end, someone went early in the morning and we got it, what time did you get up, well, at 4 or at 5 am say something in my opinion. but then, when you finally became an artist, did these same professions come in handy in your work? no, just when you need to cry, you remember how you worked with galtsev and you cry in, yes, alekseyovich said it right, no, so really, no, let's
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watch a clip from the film after which you all woke up famous. andrey, tell him, what's the humor here? you said there would be hedgehog. and what is this? good afternoon. captain larin, is he here? larin, it's me. when did talyan dukalis work for us? well, he worked, what, now it doesn't work? but he always approached this matter creatively. come on, guys, let 's go.
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he'll dream about pasha for the rest of his life, i don't know about dreams, but you punched him right in the face, well, after such popularity, you probably became one of the policemen, yes, of course, remember, they came up to me, for example, they said, a real policeman, that you work in the kirovsky district, to us novosirievsky it was yes it was so i stood there and didn't know what to say to this they said that after the first episodes came out, the competition to get into school increased a lot
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the police almost like a theater institute became that is, here are the young guys watched this series and began to enroll there we have a lot of gratitude from real cops for the fact that in general we raised the prestige of the profession a little prestige of the profession. alexey, and before this profession, how do you also have a work book with you, yesterday i went to my father, visited him, he lives near st. petersburg, we got into a conversation, i said that i was going to a program about professions that were and we got into a conversation suddenly i realized that i immediately i started working in my profession, that is, at 2 and a half years old... when i was 2 and 2 years old, my father took me on an expedition to dombai for the first time, they were filming - the film the first russians, ivan ivanovich krosko starred there, my father, uh , vlad zamansky, in general, the old
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guard, and then i already, well, i didn’t play anything there at 2 and 2 years old, at 4 and 2 years old pavel petrovich kadochnikov was filming snegurochka in kostroma, and there i was even shown a piece of snegurochka. i’ve been sitting for 4 and a half years under the porch of the uberendey, and there is such a good company and zhenya zharikov, my godfather too, well, i started working in my profession right away from the age of 2. in fact , there were a lot of professions, because my first entry was in the book, my favorite one, night receiver, what does that mean, where is that, that's exactly it, that's something so romantic, i bun, bread, bun, i came to the bakery at night, at 11 pm i came to the bakery, opened it, at the same time i worked as a janitor on nikrasov street, where the big puppet theater is, i received an increased stipend and i worked on one-time... i received
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around 300 rubles a month in 1982 for several months. that's a million in 1982 you were very much a long-distance captain received 180 i think officially well yes yes these are the two professions i had at the institute then i went to a construction team there i got the profession of a second-class slinger. that is, i hooked loads with hooks and stood with the remote control, lifted, loaded, this affected my health, because at some point a concrete slab fell on me and broke my knees, that was the end of my construction team, i flew home, it was in ukhta, i also have a profession of a second-class turner, but i got it at school, in chernobyl i was in the army, this was the army, this is when you were in the army in chernobyl, i was called up in november of 1985. in chernigov, and chernigov is 80 km from chernobyl, i was
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in military service in april, chernobyl happened and we were there in july or august, i don’t remember, because there were a lot of business trips, oh, looks like me, yes, yes, it was all a secret and now i have a first degree liquidator certificate, there was nothing scary there, i'll say so, because no one knew anything, then we asked, they told us, well, look in 30 years. probably, probably something will show up, well, in general, something shows up, well it doesn't matter, in the acting profession, after all, how did you manage to get a job after such a number , no, this number is before i entered the theater, i worked only for 2.5 years and in 4 with it is clear, here you studied, so in principle it ends, you then they invite you to some theaters, it turns out you are not in your profession. i didn't, i was assigned, i was assigned to the city of vologda with my wife anna,
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well, but when we arrived in vologda by assignment, we first got a job at the theater, and then anna took off her coat, she was in her eighth month, and i had a summons to the army, so we apologized, said: forgive me for god's sake, but you pay her maternity leave, and i won't be able to work for you, i went into the army in november of eighty- five, elizaveta, my daughter, was born... well, almost on december 12, that is, just about the 14th i took the oath, if i hadn't taken it by the fourteenth they would have let me go see my daughter, but since i showed the telegram, my daughter was born, i ask to let me go, they told me: no, dear comrade, you haven't served six months yet, i saw liza, i think, when i was one and a half years old, for the first time, that's understandable , such are the memories, it was a dark path, i think that everything came in handy in fact, because everything went into the piggy bank and... somewhere we somehow, probably came in handy, that they
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turned over the cop's car, that's why he got into the cops, well, somehow everything works out, you and i worked on the scenery, you had to sweat a lot before you came to your main profession, which knows you all, here is lenochka, in order to gain nationwide popularity, she left a prestigious profession. prestigious, yes, but unloved unloved, who were you before that, an economist, then a financier and i worked in the gazprom structure, not bad, it's beautiful, beautiful, well, that's where it started to break me, i changed professions at 27, it all happened like this, i realized that i don't like my life, i stopped smiling, i...
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i want to go to ostankino school, i want to become a tv presenter, let's go together, i say, let's go, when i came to ostankino, i studied for six months, it was very difficult for me financially, in the evenings after work i worked.
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at the very beginning, when i showed up this evening, i'll say more, and i worked in the special projects studio of channel one, and i didn't just work here as an editor, but we launched this program with our team this evening, so i am especially pleased to be here, and it happened that way, and i - i quit, and for a long time , it seems to me, fate was testing me, you know how it happens, so i tell my students: well , everyone has different life situations, and many all the time, when they look at the success of another person, it seems to them that this person had some other conditions, i always say, we are all cowards, it seems to us that if we take some step to the side here or there, leave this
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comfort zone, then it seems to us that well, something will be unimaginable, scary, i always say: take that first step, how many times have i changed something in my life. i have always won in one form or another, so that abrupt step that i took at 27, when i quit the gazprom structure, went nowhere, i remember now and think, my god, how brave i was, but i am so grateful to myself, i really liked it, i liked the topic of your program today, because here is the path to the dream, we create our destiny, and we ourselves...
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peace in the name of ivan nikolaevich tolstoy. there would not have been the first world war if there had been tolstoy is alive. by the way, on the initiative of the russian emperor nicholas ii , the first peace conference was convened in gad. and this was connected with the appearance of the first weapons of mass destruction in the form of machine guns. well, one of the first peacemakers was, of course, christ. the idea of ​​faith is the idea, so to speak, of peace, not war. you are not fighting with god. the devils are fighting with god. there is such a view, unfortunately, yes, that history is a continuous conflict. there is no escape, this is precisely a question of education, the responsibility of politicians, yes, like a bonus world can save peace, this is one of the channels one of the tools for the emergence of truly people whose responsible opinion will be significant in the global space. podcast love on monday on the first. we will talk about
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julian semenov. he is famous primarily for the fact that his hero stirlets became a cult character of russian. the rules accepted at that time, he created it and lived an interesting, exciting, violating life. crimea, julian semenov, next
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saturday, on the first. the main thing is what will happen after death, because everyone, alas, will have to die. so well, if they continue to read me, then i have won. this evening at our table our guests open their work books and tell the whole truth about the beginning of their journey. rais ivanovna, where did you start? from school, finished eight grades, yeah, and my grandmother had six children. five girls and the last son, my mother was the first, then there was the second, the second worked in ryazan, her son studied at a music school, and that sister... says to my mother, so give her here, what are you, mom, me quickly-quickly, and before that, when i was still in school
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, i went to the pioneer house, i sang there, and there was our accordion player, he said: rayechka, if mom buys you an accordion, i will teach you, do you want? so mom buys me an accordion, here it is, yes, yes, yes, this accordion is heavy, but not heavy, and so, to the music school, and there i learned some kind of volsko and polka, and i played it, and i turned out to be an accordionist, and so, my sister calls me, she has a place to live, and she says, come on, and i have volskoy polochko, they accept people from a music school into the school, yeah, and i don't have one, and nevertheless, that means... she practically pushed me out, she gave me some kind of mattress in this mattress, wrapped a pillow in a blanket, so i'm with
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this stuff on my back with an accordion, here i am, how to proceed, yeah , the teacher is sitting, looking at me and he says: come here, sit down, i sat down, he presses a note, sing, presses another, sing, and two, i sing two, then he takes a chord, sing, i sing, then he takes four notes, i sing, he takes a peternyo, well , something like that, he says, well well, well, that's it, and he makes me an arpeggio, well , that's where i am, and those, and you just caught the ear, he says, what should we do with you, i say, what should we take? i say to the teacher, he says: well, since you say so, let 's take it, this training began, and
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i didn't like the button accordion, well, because it's not a woman's instrument, well , accordions here and there, well, the button accordion, and since i don't like it, then i quickly-quickly do everything, and my mother then worked in a restaurant car , washing dishes, so she comes back and forth, back and forth, so they travel for 5 days, then she he comes, spends the night at home with another team, because they had to somehow get me back on my feet, and one day, well, the very first time i come to class, the teacher gives me an assignment, he gives me some little piece, and i also didn’t know the notes, you don’t know, and it’s impossible to read it, and there i have what he gave me, well, our fighter in the choir, when... he gave me some familiar song, and i picked it up from the lyrics and played it,
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he says: oh, what a good girl, and so i, and there are chords, and there are some symbols, where pauses, where the notes are different, where they are thicker, where they are rounder, and somewhere it is necessary, and did you finish music school, no? and where did you work? well, harmony, and i finished college, finished, i entered the conservatory, my god, in bayan's class, in bayan's class, and this, well, this is not natural, in what city was this, this is in the city, so, i came to gorky with bayan with notes, so, the first thing i did, well, of course, i submitted the documents, and there are documents about completing the diploma. practically all of the music colleges and i and they gave me a place in the hostel a bed, yes, and the conservatory building itself
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, the dormitory nearby, and such a small narrow corridor on this side of the rehearsal room, yeah, and i went down this corridor from somewhere sounds, sounds, sounds, and sounds, are they familiar? i went up to one door, i thought, what is he playing, why is he playing so well? well, why so well, and the technique is amazing, i listened, i thought, paradise, where are you going, with such, with such aces , with your concert, with your, with your technique, in general, you didn’t go to the conservatory, but, but, but, yes, i took the documents and back night. spent the night with this accordion at the station, bought a ticket, came home, and i had to tell my mother something, i went, she
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gave me money for a roundtrip ticket to live there or something. they don't take girls, what a good girl, she says: well, good girl, good girl, you'll go work, and who and who? and i returned to ryazan and worked as a teacher in the bayan class, in the teacher's house, but it was not a music school, don't you know how to do a circle?
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i fell in love with romeu, once i went to romeu or to a character, how did i understand, i liked everything, i liked it, i liked everything, i liked how he loved her, how she loved him, how they died on the same day, a tearful story, i have both, and i felt it there, i think, where to put my emotions, because i was twice.
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legs, well, judging by how the legs were also shaking a little, that's when they, when, when i was sobbing, these legs were shaking, moreover, her head was shaking too, because he was laughing, and her head was lying on her stomach, she, like this, and her legs were shaking, shaking here, and i was sobbing, well, just sobbing, and i walked like that several times, well, they took me out twice. and then i sat in the second row so that they wouldn't take me out, because it was inconvenient, that was also tricky, well, how did you end up getting to moscow? i worked in ryazan for a year, the school year ended, i went to moscow with this bayan, i thought,
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what would happen to me, and moscow didn't believe in tears? and there you don't have to cry, yes, yes, but like that, no, no, yes, in short, they took me to shchepkinskoe in a splinter, well, we can't help but remind you of your triumph, after all, you have to justify that you used the bayan in professions, well that means gulya korolev, and says that you won't forget sat, again in the spring under a shady green pine, merknits regnochi, blue handkerchief, sweet desired native, but did not
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disgrace the music school. well, your path was not so dramatic, i hope, not so not so cheerful, you know, here i am also probably a happy person, because it so happened that right from the first day from 4 s to years, it so happened that my parents, not being musicians, being just simple engineers, dad worked at a factory, in general people who are absolutely far from music at all, who don't understand anything about it, but they were told in kindergarten that you have a girl jumping out of...
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smolenskaya doroga performed by the senior group of the choir, soloist, student of the moscow conservatory margarita sukhankina, conducted by viktor popov. and the holy winds into the distance. smalenskaya doroga, which led to the stars,
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its own road to the sea, which led to the stars, boys.
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the apartment in which we slept on these beds, we ate from these royal plates, practically tvovna, it is, so to speak, from families, she had bonds there, she also knew many languages ​​and so to speak, a bunch of nannies, all this fancy dishes were on the tables, when today it’s all covered with glass, i got to this museum, everything is under glass, i say, guys, silver spoons, all this, it just became wild to me, because we used all this, it all stood on the table, and now it’s a museum, and i think, my god, or i ’ve lived so long and somehow already. that is, no, we were just lucky to communicate with such people, yes, this is generally of course colossal happiness, that’s it then it so happened that after the conservatory there was a distribution, everyone had it, and in my third year it so happened that i
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married a foreigner, nina lvovna and i went to master classes in germany, she took us, and there you got married right away, no, i just met my future husband there, and so it happened that some kind of flared up at first sight, absolutely crazy passion and a mug. business in russia, he came to russia, then he said, no, no, no, what year did you come to ninety, in the nineties, i just remember that when i came to the theater, everyone was telling me, this, this sings, this sings, yes, no, not
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in a mirage, but about music, this, this is it, i say, it can't be, well, it can't be, he tells me, no, this, well, everyone knew from the conservatory that i was still a mirage. i'm standing in line at the buffet, a guy comes up from behind, with whom, well, popova also sang there in the choir in the boys' choir, music connected us, i say, listen, shut your mouth, i say, and i hid it, i , i forbade it, i say, shut your mouth, you what, red, well i know your timbre out of a thousand, well tell me it's you, well tell me it's you, and he 's been with me since childhood, well we grew up together , toured together, i say, not me, he says, look me in the eyes, he said, but it was n't offensive that everyone listens to you, but no one knows, it's just that since i had such an interesting life, i have a biography, it's just that i guess your life, then later and to me this offshoot from the mirage, which, so to speak, was behind the scenes for me, you understand, it didn't play any role for me at all
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roles, i don't believe that you were paid well for it , well, i got some there, no , something when i, yes, when i somehow hinted at something there, she tells me, well, tell me there, if you're really there, and i had a stipend of 15 rubles, well, that is, there were some, well, i got by there, in general , a slight lead, i lived quite modestly. summer, it was just summer, and my friend in yes, no, it's no, no, it was, it was just a school, we were still studying, summer 3 months, it was still a school, 3 months just nothing we did, and she tells me, listen, and she lived in the center, the school was in armenian, she tells me, listen, she says, don’t you want to earn some extra money, but there’s no money, our pensions are really pennies, oh, that is, pensions, the stipend is pennies, you don’t want to, i say, listen, go ahead, but she says, well , you’ll have to get up early, she, well, you can periodically spend the night at my place, because she lived there in
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the alleys, in pokrovsky lane, and in the end on kirov street, which is, well , central, that’s all and we agreed on that 7:00 in the morning we went, we stamped these letters, it was such a nightmare, they poured bags of bags on the table like this, we had to sort them by address, we had stamps, we had to put these stamps, we had these little hammers with a handle, that is, well, if it was just like that, well, it’s inconvenient, that is, they came up with these hammers, then i had this knocking sound in my ears, i just couldn’t get rid of it for a long time, we just tell us straight up hit harder , dip it here, well, here’s where the liquid for this is blue yes for printing just punch it out so that the seal is clear and we just sat there hammering away from morning till night for a whole month we sat hammering away on these letters we really earned a decent amount there but at that time 90 rubles was the salary my parents got 80 it was good and i brought it to my mom put it down i say mom here she tells me this is yours i won't take it. well i bought myself some sandals,
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as i remember now, these red ones on strings for 15 rubles. i still made my mom take everything else, i say: "mom, well the groceries are there for everything, well, how, well, i worked, let's go there, we all eat together, that's why there was such a story, there was a story when i was working part-time in the admissions office already at the conservatory, having entered, also there was nothing to do in the summer, he tells me, don't you want the admissions office, and by the way, i should say that i worked there so much that i saw, i saw that there really were good boys there, i remember how i. hung around there, well , i signed, they were taking exams, and i put in, well, in general, so that the answers were correct, so that he passed, and he passed, the boy there alone, here, here, well i want to take the opportunity to ask you of course to sing, yes.
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i delved into, hundreds of pages, the world, fairytale fleece, rhythm, strict power, but i'm in a hurry now, istro. to put in fate, my good new hero, you're here next to me, i know, you 're prevented from being with me by ordinary affairs, the plot, side of forgotten pages, i dream of you, bury the key krom behind a stone wall, u...
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i'm waiting for changes, away, time of changes, affairs, a lot around, and book wisdom. i don't care anymore where you are my new hero, you're here next to me i'm dressed, you're walking, a familiar narrow circle, it prevents you from being alone, i'm tired of waiting for you, break the locks and doors, rip off the capping throw behind the stone wall. where are you, my new hero, you
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're nearby here i'm a wen and not a familiar narrow friend, it prevents you from being with me, i began to wait for you, break the locks and doors, rip off the bouquet of the thorny cross behind the stone wall.
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this is not easy, he has 20 security guards at home, an alarm system, so what can i do? talented, think, hello, ninel - the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, are you a cheater? no, i
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artist, tonight we are discussing what... how did you become an artist, what was your path? well, let's start with the first profession, which i also felt by smell, by taste, here leonid yakubovich and alexey said that they worked as a turner, and turners, i also worked as a turner in the sixth grade, we had an internship, this is... riga carriage works, and this is absolutely remembered for the rest of your life, leonid said it right, that this smell, it will just stand there reminding you, yes, this is the first profession, the second job is an illuminator in
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the builders' culture house on lachplyasha street in riga, so, at the age of 13 i went to the theater in the reciter's studio, there... to tetov konstantin grigorievich, my teacher, and at the same time we helped the lighting technicians, in short, when i was also tired of studying in the eighth grade, and i decided to go to school, well, if the truth be told, then the school principal, nina dmitrievna, a wonderful principal, i loved her very much, she told me, borechka, let's do it this way, you submit an application for resignation, this is your voluntary desire, i say, nina dmitrievna, how you will say, i love you endlessly without edge. we part lovingly, because i got on the school with my bad behavior, the last chord - it was, i climbed up the drainpipe, climbed to the third floor and wanted to enter my class, mixed up the windows entered the teachers' room, nikolai
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nikolai osipovich, a geography teacher who loved me very much, i always got a's in geography, he says: oh, borechka, come in, at the same time i worked as a lifeguard at a rescue station, so, at first i started working for my mother in the baltics in a holiday home, this a gardener, but i was also a janitor, because there it all fell on me,
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by the way, 70 rubles a month, so i work as a sailor at a lifeguard station, which means i work 2 days at a rest home and 2 days at... during this time we save three men, well , with my participation, as a rule, they drowned while drunk, all three were drunk, but the third, unfortunately, was already dead, we, i was late, love's cupid got in the way, then i wrote poetry, was fired for being late and received a bonus of 37 rubles 50 kopecks for the fact that i pulled out drowned man, how did you just get into acting in all this? yes, yes, well, how about us - besides everything else, we already had acting programs, with titov konstantin grigorievich, on sergei.
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sveta, how did this happen for you? well, i always told myself: sveta, there are always doors in front of you, you just knock on them, there are 100 of them, and they can say no to you everywhere, but at least one will say, the door will open, so i am not a co-teacher of russian language literature, i am not an accomplished artist, cook, i danced, i did not an accomplished correspondent, all this came in handy, that's it.
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she's alive and well, but i don't remember her very well. well, there was this editor there, i hope she 's good, on the one hand, on the other hand, thank you very much, i mean, yes, i'm leading the news, that means, i wanted to say so much with such experience, you know, let's do it this way, let's write it like this in the introduction, and here like this, let's not let our correspondents be afraid.
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i tried to hold on to my job, because somehow they couldn't fire me by law, in the end she told me she took revenge very well, she asked all the people who worked in our news team to write libels about me, i was late, how i love such people, she gathered this tolmutik, she gathered this tolmutik, wow, my god, my dear team, of course, in the end it was also very beautiful. i take the last issue, here she invites me to the work book, says: svetlana, write a statement of your own
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free will, i simply advise you to do this, here this tolmutik puts, i mean, i ate with these people, drank, sat in the canteen, with these people, these people, i was late, i refused to write leads, something was explained in an obscene manner and so on, how familiar it all is, in general i put this fat point... that's how i said it with my little fingers, no, i'll still go and do my immediate business, thank god, then a big difference arose, and theaters, but now svetoshka, you're on channel one, and she's still there, probably, yes, yes, here, dear friends, i want to say, wish everyone, that really, no one was afraid to close the door, no one was afraid open the door he wants, so believe in yourself. go ahead, you can do it.
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drilling speed 2.0 rpm, contact with the diamond layer every 10 m, 5, 4, 3, 2,
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seismic activity is increasing, i warned you, viktor aleksandrovich, this is a geological foundation. jet units, there is a launch of jet units, maximum power, the speed continues to fall, high rpm, full stop, vistanovich, nuclear energy
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is powerless, we need a... catalyst, we can increase the energy by millions of times. the development of the nanocatalyst was conducted back in soviet times. the research was closed, but it is still stored in some forgotten laboratory. we must find this laboratory. what is this? there is nothing of this on the map?
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oops, is this a car or something? holy shit! silence in the audience, no way, the assessment of investments
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in innovation is based primarily on oops. as for intellectual cinema, that's already lyosha. dani , two weeks, i'll prove it, hello, hello, hello, hello, of course, a smart car, yeah, yeah,
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cool, to ride in one, yeah, dream about it, yeah okay, take a ride, well, where are we going, it doesn't matter, i go everywhere. girl, what's your name? nastya, my name is maxim, maybe i can give you a lift, i don't have the strength to give you a lift, but i can give you a ride, you'll play out that wrong case.
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by the way, i forgot to introduce you. dmitry, my driver, hi, driver, hi, i was just telling you about venice, by the way, you haven't been to venice, you can fly, i can order a ticket right now, go, nastya, i told you, thank you, dad, it's very tasty.
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well, not everyone has a car now.
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happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday, forgive me big, don't be a noodle, birthday, happy birthday. birthday, dim, dance, dance, when a letter, i know, when a car is also
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