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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 25, 2024 1:50am-2:35am MSK

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he says: no questions, if he takes off his clothes in a thong and puts a cherry in his ass, in this form, in general, we won’t object, and i honestly just told the pr people word for word, well , we laughed and that was the end of it, although it didn’t end entirely, because she said, well, you know, at least once such a hitch, can you at least go to work, then, since we have such a large package with... let's see what kind of girl this is, the girl arrived, parked right there on bolshaya androenskaya street, we had an office of the publishing house building, there are tram tracks there, she parked right on the tram tracks bentley, everything as it should be, arrives there already while she reached my office... already a couple
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of trams from both sides, comes in, well absolutely nicely without any show-off, that is , i would never have said that she arrived in a bentley, but i could not resist, i say, and i say, who is your dad? she says: dad, mine is a builder, - she said, later it turned out that he is in charge of the development of our entire north, there is arkhangelsk, murmansk and so on, but by the way, she worked very well, everyone was all there. i am happy, that is, this the story didn't end with the cover, but it ended with the fact that, uh, i found a very efficient employee, who actually didn't have to be uh paid a salary, and who, by the way, didn't claim to be on the cover, because there were such employees, i even once in this same magazine - decided to arrange, uh, in order not to pay models, i offered the girls working in the publishing house, i repeat, there were about a dozen publications, to do
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a photo shoot, if they were ready to undress, then that's how our our girls of our publishing house at home, i thought, well, i’ll have to persuade, you know, i had to build a filter, because well, a lot of people wanted to, my niece worked in this publishing house on the blocks, and i couldn’t refuse her, although i must say that... then i got a very strict scolding from my relatives after this issue came out, we practiced these kinds of sessions, that is, in addition to covers, we did there, for example - well, there are restaurant chains, when a restaurateur has several establishments, we did girls , a waitress from one restaurant, a hostess from another cafe, the director of the third coffee shop , so...
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so that it would not be mentioned, that is, i had a special person sitting in the editorial system, checking that the name of this airline did not appear in any material in any of the magazines at all, decent money was paid, that is, somewhere around 10,000 euros a month for each publication, that is, 100,000 euros a month was paid, that is, more than about one and a half million a year this airline paid, so that it... was not mentioned, well, that is, when it
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it is necessary for her to be mentioned, she paid separately, sent, and to be honest, it amazed me, because for this money it would have been possible to do some, well, i don’t know, well , do a lot of some, well, really some cool things, i don’t know, build a hospital, some kind of boarding house, some kind of charity, then people would have simply written themselves, there would have been no need to pay for it, it would have been possible to come up with some great campaign, but that means they were so afraid... the same story, that very big money is paid for what you, dear viewers and readers, you just don't see it, otherwise the end of time would have come, this was actually a podcast,
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from the end of time, and i, evgeny dodol , told you about such a phenomenon as jeans. you can watch all the episodes of the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel this is a podcast grief with fire and me and its host denis gorelov with a story about the most important, most relevant cinema and tv series premieres of this season. the season, as already mentioned, is somewhat sagging, now. summer, vacation time and , accordingly, the time of not the most active shows, however, in the tv series field , some shortcomings, sagging and so on have already emerged, all this is happening due to quite serious changes and reshuffles in
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the production groups, the first issue of our program will be the most interesting for the entire public, the american film civil war, which some smart guys from steamboat: renamed it to fall of the empire, of course, no fall of the empire is happening there, because even if the fall of the american empire happens, we will be the last to know about it, the americans will tell us about it they will never tell, in the film in question, we watch how the american people, in general, having become aroused against the degenerate president, storm the white house, kill the president in the finale, i don’t think this is any kind of spoiler, the name of the degenerate president... the film does not name, however, due to the fact that his death is likened to the death of gaddafi, firstly, mussalini, secondly, achiusescu , thirdly, we can generally guess quite easily who we are talking about, of course, not biden, accordingly, in the storming,
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government residences militia from two american states, texas and california, participate in the picture, among other things, there are constant disputes about the great american truth, drinking in ... at the end of the last century, all the films about american journalists were filmed and under fire and a year of dangerous living, el salvador, killing fields, they all necessarily received some oscar, and a prominent american.
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partially lose people, in general, but what is important, the most honest american states engulfed in rebellion by shooting to the center, journalists constantly turn their cameras away from the shooting of government soldiers, because this is not the kind of burning truth that needs to be fooled into the heads of the american people, the american people need to film about the brutal murders of innocent civilians in order to arouse hatred in them for the bad guys. and as for the killing of government troops, that's what they need, and accordingly, in the film the bad americans will kill a certain number of innocents, after which the good americans will come and kill everyone, which should mean victory of good over evil, and what is good and what is evil, the press will definitely tell us all, on whose side it is, there is good, this is
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the most honest american press, so you should always listen to it. the empire, even if it goes, will not last long, and if for a long time, it will never tell anyone about it. what amuses us most in the film is the confidence of the naive american viewer of the naive american producer that during the national civil war they will have a single currency, hot water, press bars, petrol stations, fancy stores in some non-joined states and many other amenities, including the glossy press, for which you need to shoot chic reports from the front lines, for which this same press is sure to...
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mcgregor, if you climb into the terrible soviet russia, then it is always better to do it in
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the guise of a spectacular, imposing person, the image of yoan mcgregor is just right. his hero in 1918, according to the plot , comes to pull his grandmother out of the bolshevik clutches. it is emphasized that he does not lives permanently in russia, and comes there from abroad, here he falls into the clutches of the evil chick, and from... death or imprisonment in a monstrous gulak, he is saved only by the fact that once in his distant youth he wrote an anti-autocratic poem, americans always do this, they are always for freedom , always against the tsars, and the poem saves him, the evil council of people's commissars decides to imprison him for life in the mitropol hotel, this plot twist - brings the russian reader into incredible delight, especially because in 1922, when... the action of the novel takes place, the metropol hotel was called the second house of the soviets,
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the fact is that when the government moved from st. petersburg to moscow, there was nowhere to house people, and accordingly the entire savank was settled in the first house of the council in the national hotel , the second house of the council in the metropol hotel, at that time sverdlov's office was in the metropol, at that time there was bukharin's housing - in general, exactly together with them and ends up on the same floor, the hero count rostov, which, in fact, the author of the novel does not suspect, therefore he does not say anything about it tells, and it should also be added that the soviet government takes this man on full board, three meals a day with alcohol, he is moved from the apartment to the attic, quite comfortable and decent, so he has every opportunity to observe the terrible bolshevik atrocities through a semicircular window, make all sorts of caustic comments and... imagine himself a prisoner of the château des yves, when he really needs it, then even from time to time
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to naturalize some local movie star, that is, to have a pretty good time, time over the next 30 years, and of course, all this has nothing to do with the history of russia in the twenties and thirties, this is a cross -section of the brain of an ordinary american, if you can call it a brain, approximately - there is a complete list of things without which an american will never agree to go to the dungeon of the prison of nations, firstly, without tasty and healthy food, and the terrible tyranny offers the american prisoner the following menu: okroshka, fillet of sole, saddle of lamb with provencal sauce, plum cake, plus ice cream from the light.
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and the idea that the new government is establishing
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a new monetary unit, and the old monetary unit can be rolled up into a tube and stuck in one place, i mean in the oven, of course, this idea cannot occur to americans, because this is a violation of all sorts of conventions in the eyes of a us resident, he is completely incapable of admitting that money suddenly ceases to be money, thirdly, without which... like an egg in a bag, you must definitely read the morning newspaper, stock exchange reports, news, etc., of course, he reads all this stuff, and of course, the domestic viewer has a question about what exactly he is reading, the gudok newspaper or the moskovsky rabochiy newspaper,
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probably, of course, the authors suspect that the author reads the times newspaper, but with... i hasten to inform them that until the twenty-sixth year , soviet russia did not have any diplomatic relations with any country except for defeated germany, due to which no times could fall into the hands of count rostov, nevertheless, all the same, faith in the press in the first amendment dictates all sorts of things to the americans the most incredible nonsense and the english, who are ecronizing this nonsense too, furthermore, an american cannot live in a foreign soviet russia. without cinema, cinema itself may not be very important or necessary to him, but a platinum blonde who can always be seduced must be walking around the hotel lobby, she will always respond to the erotic urges of the count. finally, the last factor without which an american cannot simply imagine life in russia is
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blacks. count rostov has his own maid completely black. there by the name of marina and a friend also black by the name of mishka. black friends terribly pissed off the entire russian people. there was a huge number of protests on the internet about the fact that even the people's commissar of education in our people's commissar turned out to be black, but people simply did not understand that this is of course not reality, this is the american looking glass. previously, in the american looking glass. they did without blacks quite easily, now they can’t do without them at all, so with antrikot, a wallet, a morning newspaper, a girl from the cinema and the black maid, an american ready to give up even his main fetish of freedom, can sit in the metropol hotel for 30 years, not
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blow the university, feel more or less good, because if everything is already there, why does he need this freedom? there remains only one question, how will an american want to end his life in russia, it is possible that he will suddenly become some kind of chief expert and archivist of the main luxury hotel at the foot of the kremlin, maybe he will even head the metropol hotel, and in general it would also be a good move, but unfortunately this is all going past, because the american brain sees the end only in returning to america, the main... hero, of course, will not go anywhere to america, but he will escape from the metropolis, and from his adopted daughter he will arrange a trip under the guise of a ballerina, dear compatriots, you will watch such films and read such literature, your brain will be exactly the same, i warn you, warning, this is
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a podcast of burning with fire and i, its host, denis gorelov, with a story about the most relevant premieres of theatrical release and
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mass drive, in mid-january at the time of course, the whole country, at least the whole of moscow, went out to demonstrate with the slogan glory to the soviet police, no maniac's head was twisted so quickly, neither on the planet nor here. the series itself was still just feeling out its genre and its direction, so i quite openly grumbled about the fact that the genre was clearly such a comedy. noir, but if a black hat is acting on the screen, creepy black shadows on the snow, some piggy banks with gold and other and other things, then what the hell is there next to all this.
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such telephone women's chatter about crimes, when women start chatting about something that happened just recently , something so terrible, so monstrous... on the neighboring street, they always know all the details, they say so, they entered with eight, killed 12 people, took half a million with kopecks, their main ones are in a checkered cap with a mustache and one-eyed, they smoke cigarettes herzegovina flor leaves behind candy wrappers dunno little red riding hood, in fact, that's exactly how the series mostgaz was built in the first in the second in the third season, and it is obligatory.
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there is a strong suspicion that fake invalids, wheelchair users, rich killers, who are covered by relatives of high-ranking position, girls of easy, though not sufficiently irresponsible behavior, terrible revenge, in all this, of course, the shameless hand of the screenwriter mikhail zubko should have been recognized already somewhere on the third series, because he used all these motives in his previous picture centaur, deservedly enjoying the people's love, all these motives, of course, appealed to the creative team, and series moskgaz, series stories about major cherkasov. this time the major with his orava,
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unwinds spectacular, bright , attractive, ae murders near the philharmonic mafia, which earn money on all sorts of left concerts with the printing of an additional circulation of left non-revenue tickets, and e suddenly begin to die one after another, e, the laureate soloists fry right on stage by replacing the sprayer with hairspray before the concert, a sprayer with a napalm mixture, he sprayed himself as a result caught fire right on stage burned alive the forwarder uh the author of the fake tickets m drowned in the local pond, ae the former cop who covers this whole gang, killed in his own car with a pistol, the director of the... concert hall named after bauman hanged on the grate, that is, they do a lot of important useful things, which really have the corresponding article of the criminal code of the russian federation and which must
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be stopped, respectively, major cherkassov together with his kids. as always, the state security puts a spoke in their wheels, frankly interested in some leftist concerts, and a group of afghan veterans who want to lay their hands on unearned activities. the fact that we have before us absolutely frank nonsense, the authors declare almost immediately, a certain popular aura, which allows not
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to take everyday truth too seriously, has been maintained in the series for 12 years now, respectively, for which special thanks to producer denis esteigneev and producer konstantin erts, this season in the very first episode... eh, so the tone is set by the fact, that the director of the mosconcert in the wonderful performance of igor zolotovitsky, brakuya, the name of the punk group aliba and 40 robbers that he didn’t like, there was such a name, there was such a group, in passing, casually, just walking along the corridors of the mosconcert, he comes up with a new, much more digestible, suitable name nautilus pompilius, actually, this very group was called:
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the girl from the theater box office said that if you want, here are the resellers, you can pay them three times as much, for everyone who did not live in the soviet union, i inform you that a ticket to the theater there it cost about 20 rubles to get into the amphitheater,
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50 rubles to get into the parterre, and 5 rubles to get into the master magarita. only the most naive alien could imagine planning. well, against this background, of course, some procedural inconsistencies were already going to waste, people didn’t pay attention to them, although, of course, they still grumbled online. therefore, those who, uh, are still interested in soviet life, and not in popular prints and nonsense, need to catalog all these. the most inconsistencies: firstly, the state security has its own temporary detention facilities, and if they grab the criminal investigation major to himself, then she could not possibly end up in the same cell with female criminals, simply because the kgb does not hold them in detention centers, secondly, she still could not have ended up in the same cell with female criminals, even if ordinary police officers had taken her, because
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there are special prisons for employees who have misbehaved with... in the first years of the afghan war, the last year of brezhnev, eighty-second, when the events of this picture take place, the afghan veterans still sat quietly below the grass, did not raise their heads, otherwise they would have they quickly tore off this head, the soviet power was still in force, it could well give a slap on the neck, besides, no arlikina restaurants with shiny, barely dressed girls with... songs
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from foreign pop music could exist then, in principle, here the authors rushed by about 10 years, and even the definition of an expensive restaurant in the soviet union was excluded, there simply were no expensive restaurants in the ussr, there were restaurants of three markup categories, and even the third , highest one was quite affordable for ordinary people a hard worker, because of which there were always no seats in all these restaurants, so the phrase "this way we will lose all the clientele", it is of course... hastened by about 10 years, like the whole story about the restaurant, but nevertheless the authors clearly do not pay attention to such trifles, taking advantage of the fact that they have absolutely gorgeous acting, on the screen are sergei kayomovich shakurov himself, andrei igorevich smolikov himself, the rector of the moscow art theater school igor yakovich zolotovitsky himself
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and... the metronome, the metronome is ticking, counting down the end of the series itself has a local name , the last moment of brezhnev's life, the last days of orthodox socialism , because everyone who lived then remembers that with the arrival of andropov, some liberties had already begun, contrary to expectations that the chekist would sit at the top and tear everyone's head off,
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attention, so we, in fact, at the end came to the harlequin restaurant and the atrocities of the afghan warriors, judging by the fact that the frame already includes both the restaurant and the warriors, the afghans, launching rockets all over the world, a metronome in that russia, about which tells the series mozgast 10 there is absolutely nothing left, everything has already happened, this is the podcast grief ognem and i am hosting it. denis gorelov with a story about the most relevant, most striking premieres of theatrical release and tv series production of the season. and finally, the last fragment of our review is the series mutual consent 2. as you know, all the most
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terrible, most hellish, most indecent crimes in our country occur in the cities of ozersk and primorsk. this time , the center of all sorts of hellish outrages is the city of ozersk. in the city of ozersk. they kill with a knife in the stomach, a wonderful doctor, everyone 's favorite, a huge giant, a rich man, the author of methods, miraculous practices, some methods of restoring mental health and so on, a man who himself appears in his own painting surrounded by household members, approximately a painting in the style of nikos safronov, such a noble family in the open air, over the corpse arrested. the widow of the murdered, she held her hand on the knife, in a state of effect, finding her husband, grabbed the knife, who held this knife before, wasn't it her herself, and the investigation will have to find out, the whole city is absolutely sure of her guilt,
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therefore both the city and the authorities are interested in the quickest possible closure of the case and the burial of the body, because the mayor has his own corrupt share in the clinic, he does not want to lose it, the head of the ogvd is constantly being pulled from above, the case is high-profile, the city is terribly jealous, in fact, of the widow for her deceased husband, for the fact that she is rich, successful, fertile, they had three children, in general , it really wants her to be sealed up as soon as possible, the only person who can do this to destroy the blissful picture - these are the majors of the investigative committee, played brilliantly by arbenina, girls with a clearly nasty character, which... is on her face, and a girl who, due to her past and generally her calm hatred of the quiet whirlpool, are able to break the whole structure , finally find out the main thing, that the wonderful doctor, of course, cried on the orient express,
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who remembers this novel, all the heroes had some reason to kill the scoundrel , everyone took part in this case, so all the characters of the city of ozersk, who had some... to settle accounts with the wonderful doctor venishev it was worth lining up and passing each other a smoking blade, who did this, the investigation is doing this, the doctor constantly beat his wife, tortured his family, children and dog of all the others, in general, a common theme of our own national feminist valeria gaigermanika, the director of this film, in general combination, we have as... in the city around the murder the following characters are grouped: firstly, a widow who was constantly beaten for preventive purposes, but whose beatings and
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powdered bruises, the whole city didn't pay attention, since they have such a happy model family, the eldest daughter, already an adult, a gorgeous beauty, slightly short-haired, played by maria mikhalkova konchalovskaya, of course. daughter of yegor and actress tolkalina, the girl is quite attractive, but with some steroid intonations, which are quite justified by the plot, and her brother, the younger brother, a teenager who constantly breaks pencils, punching bags, jaws of classmates, the same freak, and in general the former partner of dr. venishev, who was fired by him for being unsuitable, but... who receives some dividends from the common cause and expects to continue receiving them, and the mother of the deceased, an honored teacher of russia, who claims custody of the children if their mother is put in prison, and accordingly
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, a part of the inheritance, a mysterious manager who smiles very badly and claims a share in the clinic, judging by her bad smile, it becomes clear to everyone that he is well versed in the black shadow accounting can always... state of effect then sister mera, who was in some amorous relations with the murdered man, she is an absolute socialite, but she can also have her own motive in the form of jealousy. finally, all sorts of frostbitten teenagers periodically roam the city, who rob stalls, can kick the guard and, of course, blame everything on them is always the most convenient, but at the same time they can very well be wine.
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previous heroes, from a raped teacher who takes revenge on her offenders, does not lead the situation that she is raped again and the plot is completely profaned by the repetition, she takes exactly the same city, cute on the outside and disgusting on the inside, imbues a current , quite exploitable name with a new meaning, as for mutual consent, there is even... to use
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the number of people, that's where he belongs, well, if he wants to kill him, a large enough analogy with the orient express, even this would be more relevant, because after all , people of that size never die from one stab in the abdomen.
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you don't have to worry, i emphasize for now, sooner or later feminism may still become the same bogeyman that it is now in the us, but for now people are maintaining a good standard, the script for this film was written by two people named talal, a man and a woman, i still haven't managed to find out what kind of relationship they are to each other, whether they are brother and sister, husband and wife or father and daughter, i don't know, but the script is still very good, and as for the actress
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mikhalkova konchalovskaya, you can find out in advance predict that she will receive a lot of curses on the internet for her kinship, but nevertheless, the short haircut suits her very well, and an additional bright brunette will not hurt our acting pool at all. this was the gary ognem podcast and i, its host denis gorelov, with a story about the most relevant, most striking premieres of the season. in theatrical release and in tv series production. you can find all the episodes of the gori ognem podcast on the channel one website. hello, you are watching the triggers podcast on channel one. and with you is its host, a psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya psychologist psychotherapist
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sergey nasebyan, our guest today is tatyana, hello, tatyana, hello, hello, well, tell us, tatyana, what did you come to us with, it is quite difficult for me to clearly formulate a request, i have quite painful reactions in family conflicts, i am married, every time we have some kind of quarrel with my husband on domestic grounds, there are just some little things, usually they hurt me very much. that is , internally i somehow separate for myself, then there is some rational part of me that explains everything, calms me down, supports me and... there is some emotional part that is probably in the shadow of this rational part, which hurts, especially painfully when my husband, for example, is late at work, it can be even for a small amount of time, 15 minutes, and for me it’s like a drama inside, it already hurts, it already hurts, that
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, for example, our agreements were not kept, well, that is, we initially agreed, for example, on some time, and for me it’s like like this... what do you mean my word means nothing, i'm not needed, anyway, and i don't know these 15 minutes for me they are very painful and the worst situations that happen in our relationship, when , for example, he leaves somewhere or i leave somewhere, and at the same time there is some kind of conflict, well, like, well, go, this is from the region, and i start to get sick, physically sick, that is , even literally last week there was... the situation there, he left for the weekend and it was a planned trip, everything is fine, he left, and i start to get sick, i have a temperature, something else, that is, i am physically and somehow apparently experiencing this, such a situation, and this is your first marriage, no, this is your second marriage, yeah, you have a child, i have two children, a daughter from my first marriage,
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now my husband and i have a son together, it turns out the second, little, little he is one and a half years old, or maybe it is banal jealousy yes, i thought about it like that. and how, but no, well, that is no, well i admit it, that yes , of course, this is mine, but no, i do not associate it with jealousy, because well, i am calm i let him go there, we agree on somewhere, he has some of his own events, i don’t know, some men’s business, trips, there are no problems with that, the problem arises when there is some kind of conflict, for example, well, i don’t know, for example, we had a fight, he is emotional - he can leave, yeah. and he leaves the house for a short time, so that, well, apparently, well , to calm down, that moment when a person leaves, and i even know that he will come there, everything is fine, everything, well, inside, well, i don’t know, i feel sick to the point of nausea, that is, somehow like that, but what exactly is happening at that moment, well, he went to get some air, so that i don’t know,
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not to kill you, yeah, yeah, and what’s with this nausea, why is it so bad, what are you afraid of at this moment, that he won’t return? or that he will do something while he’s walking, rather, that i have this feeling that, well, i didn’t want to cry, well, something, well, that i feel so bad now that i feel like i ’m going to die now, and he left, well, okay , you’ll die, he’ll come, that’s it, you have to die in his presence, or you have to, what or you have to not die, i don’t want to die, not to die, ok, it kind of depends on whether he... or not, with a purring one or not, no, it doesn't depend on that at all, well it doesn't depend at all, it's just that there were some painful moments in life in general, which were, i lived alone, i didn't die, so i kind of understand that, and what moments are you talking about, if we take super early childhood, for example, i was in
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intensive care twice, i had problems with my lungs and they always took me away, my parents weren't allowed there, naturally, that is, i went there, for example, in an ambulance, alone, arrived in... alone and i remember it very well, then there is anesthesia, also one, but you are very scared, well, naturally you don’t remember, but you wake up , for example, and how old were you, well, about three, but it’s not for example, it’s exactly the place that hurts, this feeling now is similar to what you experience when your husband leaves, to that feeling when you woke up in intensive care, it’s similar, yes, well, that is, it’s not about him, the thing is that this fear hasn’t gone away, this is the same, and why are you calming yourself down? because calmness is easier, well, calmness may be easier, but it will be more difficult to live through what we are now trying to understand and sort out.


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