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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 26, 2024 4:10am-4:57am MSK

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to our territory, it must be driven out, everyone must drive it out, and from the little one, that is, even the young army soldier, with whom we work, from them, if starting, they also either write letters, and draw pictures, and minimal humanitarian aid, well, that is , you can’t tell all this, while some save people from under-fire, others do no less important work, here in the rear, thousands of people arrived in kursk, in the first days at the points of distribution of humanitarian aid , many-hour queues formed, volunteer svetlana kozina admits, one of the hardest
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periods, worked to the point of exhaustion. the queue is long, many hours, you have to stand, it's hot. there is still no specific algorithm built with the volunteers on how to speed it all up. everyone is nervous, but everyone is trying to help each other. after almost 3 weeks, the number of people in need has, of course, decreased, but the work does not stop. every day, humanitarian aid, water, personal hygiene products, diapers, canned goods, cereals are brought here. here. we see that volunteers are now packing food, cookies here, and they bring cargo here to kursk from all over the country. among the volunteers now and those who were forced to leave their home. work here helps me to distract myself, here with communication, with help, time somehow passes faster. yuri maklakov and sudzhan could not stay in the country, first he hung out his family, then he returned several times to help others.
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dmitry keynovsky, alexey ivanov, amir we do not abandon our own, no, tatyana kozlova, what kind of life they returned for people, i do not know, yasupov, maria martanova and alexander gusev, channel one. but how do they deal with the enemy, more than have already been destroyed in the kursk borderland 5,800 militants, 72 tanks, 31 infantry fighting vehicles, more than 550 other military vehicles, 11 mlrs installations, this is the data of the ministry of defense. it identifies equipment and manpower. and in the rear areas of the armed forces of ukraine in the sumy
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region in glukhov, the su-34 bombed a command post of a large arsenal of militants. reconnaissance directs artillery and drones to the sabotage group. thus, one of the armored vehicles was attacked. during an attempt to evacuate the militants, a second strike was made on the truck. then the work of the cannons. no one managed to escape. the lancet patrolling munition destroyed the enemy vehicle with a mortar, while the ammunition exploded. the same effective strike on the tank, which was trying to hold the crossroads. armed forces of ukraine, then 18 more. in the destruction of ukrainian formations , helicopter pilots, crews of k-52 and mi-28, provide enormous assistance, using guided missiles, whirlwind. the fighters of the brigade veterans of the volunteer corps also testify to the huge amount of weapons of the invading ukrainian militants.
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they are on the borders at malye lokni, destroying the enemy. such a figure: only one artillery crew fires more than eight shells per hour, if without any breaks at all. in omir iusupov's report from the front line, it becomes clear how much it is. roll after roll. and the boys stand, while no one has moved a meter yet. literally standing to the death. two weeks already, the third is underway. this is brest, really, this is malaya loknya - this is brest. malaya loknya near the village forty kilometers from lgov is not just like that compared to a fortress. it was on these lines that the veteran's brigade and units of the sever group stopped the offensive in the ssu towards lgov. the militants got bogged down in positional battles. the settlement has been on fire for the third week. the tension is that there really are a huge number of them. and a sea of ​​equipment. i have never seen so much equipment from them. i have only seen this in films about the great patriotic war. patriotic.
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exploding missiles force the militants to disperse and retreat in an attempt to save nato vehicles. bradleys, hummers and so on down the list. our drone operators and artillerymen enter the battle. the car is driving, the car is driving, along the prison, along the prison, how did you receive it? the crew to battle, the car to battle, we start up, roll out, we received coordinates from our scouts, who are currently cruising the enemy positions, they report that a black car is moving. now the calculation of the post will work, oh, handsome, he got it, he, even the door opened, they are finishing off the armored car, cossack, you will not make fun of your fellow soldiers
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because of the call sign similar, similar to the car, this is our cossack, that one is not ours, that one is definitely not ours, he will not burn here, he will not burn out, at the same time, the car will be killed in another way with a d-30 howitzer. received you, received, they are leading, what is it called rapid fire, they send shell after shell, by decree there too, another one, 122 flies into the cabin, the truck rolls by inertia to another burnt armored car, runs into it, no one can steer to the side, they hit the car right away, they supply this equipment to them there, of course we need to smash them, drive them out of here. it's very nice, especially when it's still burning, so nice, and we understand that it burns like gunpowder, it's just that all this vaunted armor, it just burns, the same iron tin can, the artillerymen work, it seems, without any breaks, they shoot about 200 a day , how much do you sleep in the hundreds, it varies, sometimes
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3-4 hours there, here what you want, to get enough sleep, yes, to get enough sleep, but to sleep normally, especially the heavy one...
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there is a mortar working on the left side, on the right side, on the left side, in short , a heavy machine gun is working, they have two
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machine gunners, there is also a sniper, ags, mortar, that's it, everything works, only where it is located is unknown, but it is there, they call the polish mortar a polka, silent, the shells fall without whistling,
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advice from those who have been here for a long time, i already knew when i was coming here, i understood that here, like here, that is, i was already psychologically prepared and, but i think i won’t panic, of course, still in direct combat...
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a draft card, all that ukrainian, a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, here’s another supposedly mobilized person, he said that they got into the military registration and enlistment office from work, they didn’t teach him how to shoot, but they made grandiose plans, he entered the territory of the russian federation, what was your goal anyway, they want to go to the nuclear power plant, they wanted seize the exchange of the nuclear power plant for za, what they were counting on is unclear, our president has repeatedly stated that russia will never negotiate with terrorists.
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everything and here is a call, yulia, you passed the certificate, honestly, it was of course unexpected,
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at least some hope that i will have some kind of house, or it will be an apartment, that the state did not leave us in trouble. by thursday, 209 families received certificates, residents are asking to allow the funds to be spent on building new or renovating their old houses on their own land, in their native settlements points after the end of hostilities. people do not want to leave, but without the support of vladimir putin, the issue would hardly have been resolved, as for the request of alexei borisovich, regarding the received housing certificates, so that the property on the site is preserved, that is, today according to the rules this goes to the municipality, we will work out the legal component of this issue taking into account that you agreed, we will find the best solution, as for ... housing certificates as such, they have only just begun to be distributed, so for the first 300 families almost 1.8
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billion rubles were transferred to the kursk region. yesterday, we allocated another 10.7 billion to the government, which will allow another 19,167 to purchase housing. also , 300 million rubles were allocated in the kurdish region for capital repairs of housing for those affected by the shelling, which will allow 397 to be paid . at the same time, the authorities admit that right now, due to military action, the assessment of damage to citizens' property. payments in connection with the loss of property are temporarily not being made, since the operational situation does not allow the commission to assess the damage, after its stabilization, this work will be organized. the government is discussing a set of measures to support businesses in the korov region, which also suffered during the fighting or were stopped as a result of evacuation. the government has already made a decision on belgorod to defer taxes in border regions; this week , the prime minister made a decision to make a similar decision on kursk. this week, we
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will make all the necessary decisions on the kursk region. in the ukrainian direction, all border regions of russia deal with similar risks.
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all this needs to be done help small and medium businesses provide certainly cellular communications and where necessary fiber optics help extend children to safe places for study for a certain time help prepare for the heating season certainly vladimir putin asked the heads of regions to report on the quality of interaction with federal agencies.
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the financial component is an important component, many, like me, closed the enterprise, many left their positions, are forced somewhere earn extra money, they would no longer have the opportunity to waste time, health on some kind of extra work, and fully devote themselves to the work of our territorial association, go more shooting, do more
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tactics, so the decision has been made, as for financial support. the activities of the territorial defense unit this morning i spoke with the heads of the federal security agencies, they have such an order, i ask you to do this with joint efforts immediately, all these decisions will soon be formalized in in the form of presidential orders, the execution must be imposed just right now on thursday at the same meeting the president reported on ukraine's attempt to strike the kursk npp. the enemy tried to strike the nuclear power plant today. at night, the international atomic energy agency has been informed, they promise to send. themselves to come, to send specialists to assess the situation, i hope that in the end this will be done on their part. in an interview with bloomberg, rafael grossi has already confirmed that he will soon arrive at the kursk npp. concern for
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the fate of the nuclear reactors of the stations is not an exaggeration. they do not have a protective dome, only a regular roof, and this means that the active zone of the reactors is quite vulnerable, we must take into account the fact that the fighting continues, and the station is within artillery range. from kiev from the ukrainian side that they will not strike the npp. we are working on this. after visiting the kursk npp, rafael grossi will go to kiev for talks. konstantin panyushkin, maria martanova, tatyana kozlova, nika vishnikova, channel one. new terrorist attack ukrainian militants, last night, they struck civilians in the village of rakitnaya in the belgorod region. five people were killed, 13, including three children, were wounded, eight are in serious condition.
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the enemy's attack on our border areas should also be viewed as a series of war crimes condemned by international law, the kiev regime declares its commitment to at all corners, let's see how this is actually done. collected an example. military impotence, growing into hysteria, both in headquarters and on the battlefield, gives rise to military crimes. zelensky's office and the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, which initially relied on terror and absolute lawlessness, reached the highest point of contempt for human life with the start of the invasion of the kursk region. here are the shots of civilians shot by militants of the armed forces of ukraine . they are not wearing military uniforms. the shooting was carried out from a drone in the kursk region. this operation itself, or rather, the raid, has a clear characterization within the framework of international law, the self-invasion, or rather the sortie that ukraine organized with the support
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of westerners, should be regarded as a terrorist act aimed at destabilizing the state, invading adjacent territory and organizing a whole series of crimes that violate the norms and principles of international humanitarian law. kiev's motives are simple, plus an information explosion in the western press, where the kiev nazi regime has already begun to be quietly buried, despite the still victorious circulars from washington, london and brussels. kiev needed likes from nato, and how many lives of ukrainian soldiers and russian citizens should be spent on this, zelensky and the company doesn't care.
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this doomed act of military desperation by former president zelensky and the generals of the armed forces of ukraine has stumped american curators. the washington post, the mouthpiece of the us presidential administration, writes about this directly. the americans say they are unsure of kiev's overall offensive strategy, and ukraine's dependence on american weapons has revived fears of a direct escalation of us and nato relations with russia. so far, the administration says it has no clear idea.
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to the armed forces of ukraine. its militants have taken on specializing in kidnapping russian citizens to send them to camps in sumy oblast. these two were captured by special forces fighters from akhmat
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and the 810th brigade. immediately after the ukrainian armed forces' attack on kupskaya oblast , work began to record numerous crimes committed by ukrainian militants against civilians. the investigative committee and the russian foreign ministry are involved in this. a summary document on this will be submitted by an international commission. they sought , first of all, to prevent the evacuation of people. that
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is, they got there before the junctions automobile, that is, they set up their checkpoints, began to fire or shoot point-blank at passing cars, how many people exactly died from such actions, it is very difficult to say, we have testimonies of people who were direct witnesses to the shooting of a civilian car from a tank, and shooting from small arms, just like in a shooting gallery they shot at civilian cars that were taking out refugees, children, adults , disabled people who were simply trying to get away from this horror of war. telegram channels are increasingly showing evidence of war crimes by the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region. these pictures show civilians killed by militants who were trying to leave dangerous areas. a war crime is a disgrace for a soldier or officer, a grave violation of the laws of the customs of war, a violation of the norms of international humanitarian law. but the ukrainian armed forces militants are not warriors,
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they are bandits and... just imagine, what bastards, what are you doing, you have nothing human left, did you want to indict someone? a detailed list of war crimes is enshrined in article 8 of the rome statute of the international criminal court, now after the treacherous and criminal from the point of view of international law attack on the kursk region, kiev immediately ratified the rome statute, but with a reservation
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for 7 years.
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criminal cases, they will be prosecuted in accordance with international law, and in an international format, they will be prosecuted will be held accountable for the fact that they violated our border, violated our national legislation, while they violated international law. the american pmc mercenaries will be simply destroyed if they haven’t already fled after taking a selfie, and the western press will face the maximum penalty for illegally crossing the border.
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parents are hiding their children from local authorities to avoid mandatory evacuation in the strategically important city of pokrovsk, in eastern ukraine, amid warnings of a rapid advance of russian troops. according to the ministry responsible for regional reintegration, in the donetsk region, children with their parents or other legal guardians will be forcibly evacuated from some areas, including pokrovsk. but the local administration says that many people do not want to leave, even going so far as to hide their children from local authorities. which leads to military visits to their homes. in the fight against neo-nazis in donbas, novorossiya and kursk oblast, russia will achieve its goals in the same way it achieved them in the fight against terrorists. this is what vladimir putin said on tuesday in the north caucasus.
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he rightly compares the ukrainian invasion of our borderland to strikes basayev and khatab in dagestan. august 1999, 25 years ago. most of these terrorists have already been destroyed or are behind bars. the rest are being sought and... found, their crimes have no statute of limitations. among the participants in that bandit underworld were also ukrainian nationalists. today's banderites seem to have forgotten about their participation, it is worth reminding, everyone will answer for what they did. no one has forgotten at what price russia won the war on terror. september marks 20 years since the tragedy in beslan. the president came to this city ​​in north ossetia, to share with people the memories of children who left for school in the morning more. returned, to share the pain of a wound that does not heal. elena pich, will continue. here they dressed up, went with the whole family, bought flowers, and for the director, the teacher, like this. and here they were driven in. on
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the very first day , my son was shot. all those buried here died from the hands of terrorists who took more than a thousand people hostage on september 1, 2004. on solemnly. "soslan fraev admits, all these 20 years lives with a sense of guilt for not being able to help the hostages at that time. that day
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, nine of his relatives were at the school at once when the bandits burst in, frayev's brother ruslan tried to stop the terrorists, he became the first victim of the militants, the frayev brothers' mother also died there. they came deliberately to kill. they kept them without water, without food, children, women, there, well, everyone for three days, because those who could resist, the men, they shot on the very first day, too, in such an odd, i think, all our relatives were there for three days, so initially they had one goal, it was just destruction, next to the graves of relatives of fraeva, a monument to the fallen special forces, a children's book toy under a bulletproof vest. the inscription: you are always in the heart of beslan, guys, who covered children with their hearts. walking through the memorial cemetery, vladimir putin laid flowers here. in the school building,
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where terrorists broke in 20 years ago, there is now an international cultural and patriotic center for the prevention of terrorism. chapels and church. beslan, because she knows what it means to be but for the first time she found the strength to come to the hostage, in 1988 the bus with her fourth class g was seized by bandits, for the lives of the children they demanded then 3 million dollars and travel abroad, thank god, my class, it is alive, healthy, and these children, of course, everything is deplorable and ... very hard, well, very hard, but this pain will never go away,
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especially since, well, i understand that these are photographs, toys and bottles of water, here in the unbearable stuffiness, in a hall mined with explosive devices stuffed with bolts, the bandits held most of the hostages, they were forbidden to go to the toilet and were not allowed to eat or drink, even the smallest ones, both of them were almost 15 then, he still... it's hard to remember how the thirsty children sitting next to him drank their own urine, sometimes there were situations when you understood that what you were seeing now was generally, well, this is not normal, it shouldn't be like this, when a child could drink from a shoe, not water, let's say, then... i couldn't even imagine that such a thing could happen in principle
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happen anywhere on earth. adults tried to protect children as best they could, putin stopped next to portraits of school workers, he was our boilermaker, when they were seizing him, he brought all seven children into the boiler room, he himself was shot, and he still managed to get them out of the window, they ran away. on the neighboring wall are portraits of those killed then, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and special forces, if it were not for the officers of alpha and vympel, there would have been even more victims. "the bandits shot at the backs of the fleeing children and women, and the guys shielded them from the bullets with their bodies. among those who the hostages were freed by brothers dmitry and maxim razumovsky. the operation was being prepared, but everything happened spontaneously, the first explosion thundered, then the second, then the command to storm. it was impossible to approach the school unnoticed. a barrage of fire fell on dmitry razumovsky's group. it was then that he was mortally wounded by a terrorist sniper. dima always said, this is my job. yes, the work is dangerous, the work is the highest risk. yes, they performed a feat, they, sparing no effort, saved
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a lot of people, hostages. dima was a great patriot of his homeland, he was ready to defend his homeland at any moment, and he always said that you need to serve your homeland completely and to the end. for the first time in their existence, these special forces lost ten fighters at once. the first photo in the row is of the hero of russia, lieutenant colonel dmitry razumovsky. and he was, he passed through ugan, all the most such points, they call him bateria, i kept them, later vladimir putin also.
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fsb special forces, who covered children with their bodies, remember our fallen comrades from the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations, we - in previous years tried to help bezlan, built a whole program to support the city, the people who live here. and of course, we will continue this.
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we must not forget about the islamic tragedy, in memory of the dead, and so that no one ever has any doubts. those who fight women and children are terrorists, there can be no justification or explanation. our enemy, he is different, he is not like us, although they seem to have a head and hands, but we know very well that from abroad not only tried to justify, well... this whole terrible crime, but provided the terrorists with all kinds of assistance, moral, political, informational, and financial.
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we have achieved our goals, we will achieve these goals in this direction in the fight against neo-nazism and will certainly punish the criminals, there can be no doubt about that. justice triumphs in the country or later , the only terrorist who survived the storming of the obiland school is serving a life sentence. all the rest were destroyed by special forces on the spot, even those who
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it seemed that they had escaped retribution, sooner or later they are found and punished. ramzan kadyrov, the head of chechnya, where putin flew. north ossetia , announced the destruction of all those involved in the murder of his father, akhmat kadyrov, four years after the incident. few now remember the inglorious names of those who were so unhappy that the region adopted a constitution after the referendum, became a full-fledged part of russia and returned to peaceful life. akhmat kadyrov died on may 9, 2004 as a result of a terrorist attack and was buried in his ancestral village of akhmat yurt. there vladimir putin honored his memory and talked to his cousin khojahmed kadyrov. a very talented, very decent, devoted person, devoted to his small homeland, his big homeland, and of course, a real man, very courageous, a very courageous person, a real koet, did a lot for the chechen people, i think that
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he saved the chechen people to a large extent, including the victims of the cathedral, you entrusted him.
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all this has already been mastered by the next group of volunteers, with whom putin met. the creation of a russian special forces university supervised by ramzan kadyrov. he himself is a warrior and a fighter who knows what we live for. we live for the sake of our small, our big , huge country. we live so that it is strong, so that our children, our grandchildren, feel confident. on our own land, despite the fact that our country is complex, it is multi-confessional, multi-ethnic, but always all the peoples of russia, representatives of different...
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did the work that they began to do several years ago.


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