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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  August 26, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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civilians, to their homes, looting, everything, i think, needs to be destroyed in general , ukraine's thermal and hydroelectric power needs to be reduced to zero, nuclear, let it be, i think that they have enough nuclear energy to heat kindergartens there, hospitals there to solve social issues, everything else, because otherwise there is no other language, the command of the armed forces of ukraine, and zelensky with his, so to speak, though yermak immediately came out with...
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it can't cope with the russian ones, of course, it can't cope, but well, what's there, there are four complexes, three complexes, two complexes, well it's just not serious, well , many people are really saying that this massive strike is part of the response to the provocation of the kiev regime in the kursk region, really part, dmitry peskov today emphasized that the response to the kurdish operation in the armed forces of ukraine will not be one decision, and once again emphasized that there is no talk even of negotiations with kiev in the current situation.
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at the moment, putin has resisted the temptation to throw all his forces into the kursk region, and to compromise and has not abandoned his main efforts in donbas. perhaps it was a wise decision, firstly, ukraine, experiencing a shortage of soldiers and equipment, is even less prepared to wage a war on two fronts than russia. the withdrawal of some of the most experienced troops from the east is already bearing fruit; over the past two weeks, the ukrainian defense of villages in donbas has been collapsing like dominoes. secondly, further escalation could change the rules of the game at a time when, by and large , putin is winning the war. this could, for example, draw the west further into the conflict, but the track record of the former agent the kgb is telling us something else. at some point, when he deems it appropriate, putin will strike. before he does anything, he will want to make sure that his domestic position is strong. in the meantime, he will think about how best to take revenge on ukraine, even if
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he realizes this and, it seems to me, he is acting correctly, another question is that we of course need to understand that for now, for now, unfortunately, ukrainian forces are on russian territory, actually, it is still very important for us that they stop being there, that's what i i think that when this goal is achieved, then we can say that we have, as they say, had significant success, now,
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well, yes, yevgeny petrovich was right when he said that in general we have been carrying out such strikes for quite a long time, in general today, apparently the most... a major strike, but we need to see what they will lead to as a result, how much will this help our troops achieve those goals directly on the ground, and how will it work? well, it seems to me that it is very important that we have already stabilized the front line in kursk regions, stopped the further advance of ukraine, and at the same time we are increasing the pace of our offensive operation in donbass, because ukraine tried to play a gambit with us, as a result we are... outplaying it in this same gambit, that is, instead of removing all forces from the direction of our main attack, we are increasing our main attack, in fact, it seems to me that the liberation of pokrovsk will play a more important role from the point of view of the strategic goals of the special operation
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than the immediate squeezing out of the kiev regime from the border zone in the kursk region, what do you think? i think it should not...
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fully realizes the need to protect the border regions, and we see that this is done on a systematic, permanent basis, well , as for pr, then yes, the kiev regime is betting on pr, often even more importantly betting on pr than on the real, let's say, material aspects of the war, well, the kiev regime really did not achieve its goals in terms of transferring russian troops from donbass to the kursk region. the kiev regime did not achieve its goal in terms of forcing russia to negotiate on unfavorable terms, with part of the kurdish region as a supposed trump card. but the kiev regime is trying to achieve another goal, which is not only not being removed, but
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is actually accelerating and strengthening its efforts to achieve it, this is to encourage the united states to remove the last restriction that separates a hybrid war against russia from a hot war against russia, i mean the delivery of long-range strikes by western missiles deep into russian territory. and certain successes here the kiev regime has already achieved this, because great britain officially supports the lifting of such a restriction. the official representative of the european union for foreign and defense policy, borrell, officially supports the lifting of this restriction. and now, as the british writes. the kiev regime is already trying to achieve the right to carry out some demonstration strikes near moscow and st. petersburg, which is really very dangerous. let's listen. ukraine wants permission from the west to use long-range stormshadow missiles to destroy
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targets deep in russia, believing that doing so could force moscow to negotiate a cessation of hostilities. senior officials in kiev believe that using anglo-french weapons in a show attack would show the kremlin that military installations close to the capital itself could be vulnerable to direct strikes. a senior ukrainian official said russia would only consider talks if it believed ukraine was capable of threatening moscow and st petersburg, but that was a strategy is high risk unless it enjoys us support. zelensky insists that the consequences of ukraine's invasion of russian territory show that the kremlin's warnings about red lines are exaggerated. yevgeny petrovich, well, it's obvious that. the kiev regime is trying to drag nato into a hot war against russia, drag the united states into a hot war against russia, do you think that the united states also thinks that talk about red lines and escalation is exaggerated? i don't think they think so, i think that the united states understands perfectly well that they are already playing, so to speak, on the edge, but
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that is not even the point, i will answer your question about these so-called permits, first of all, i do not believe in any permits, all this, so to speak, who let it slip, that this was a week ago, in my opinion, that all the permits have already been tacitly given, you understand, the speech, so to speak, could really, could cause damage to russian infrastructure, to russia in general, this is really some kind of massive blow with the participation of hundreds of missiles, storm shadow, and, if we talk about missiles... then their launch from ground installations to moscow and
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st. petersburg will naturally not reach. we can only talk about aviation platforms, so to speak, using aviation, and they must enter the airspace of the russian federation. considering the not very large number of aircraft, i 'm not even talking about the notorious f16, which is generally a mystery to me, they appear somewhere, these are hiding somewhere. four aircraft or six, which were allegedly transferred, but in the air they have not been seen in real combat operations, that is, we are talking about our old soviet aircraft, taking into account our air defense system, i repeat, and the number of missiles that have already been delivered, and we are talking about dozens, not even hundreds of missiles, then we can really talk about some kind of, you know, demonstration launch towards moscow.
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the united states obviously does not want this, because the scenario that you described, a lightning-fast non-nuclear strike on russia
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by a large number of western missiles, is an automatic transition to nuclear escalation, so well they must understand this, they cannot help but understand this, so i very much doubt that they will take such actions, i must say, as another western publication, a political publication, writes, the biden administration does not want to give such permission and cites three arguments: first, escalation.
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elections in the us, will the us and its allies be able to simultaneously contain all rivals,
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including iran and north korea, given the decline of the west's military-industrial base and the reluctance of voters to increase spending on defense, and if they cannot, should a compromise be sought, if at all , with one of the opposing great powers, and if so, which one and at what cost? one possible approach being considered by those around trump is to try to reverse kissinger’s scheme – his deal with communist china that cemented beijing’s break from the soviet union in the 1970s. this time, the idea is to use ukraine and europe to coax president vladimir putin into…
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there is the concept of a goal, and there is the concept of a means, the americans did not promise anyone that they would necessarily fight in all directions, not necessarily, they have other methods, ideological methods, remember that they did not overthrow the soviet union by conquest, in general, but by embraces. therefore, they traditionally always go in parallel in two key directions: the first is military pressure with elements of even war when they approach this matter, although now we see, that's why they are there, this is new in general, the thing is to give weapons and then negotiate
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whether they can be used, where to use them, and so on. what is this connected with? this is connected with the fact that we are talking about a nuclear power, so they are constantly doing this reconnaissance in force, they are watching, from what time this concept that we have a weapon of deterrence, will begin to manifest itself as a weapon of deterrence, while it is simply located, with us, well, we know this, they know this, but it is such a hypothetical deterrence, well... and they are trying to understand in practice, to feel it, from what period containment will finally start to really work. now, as for this military-non-military ratio, i think that now we have those who are not against war , there are certain
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completely unexpected allies, but, let's say, the special services of the united states of america, intelligence, counterintelligence, which... are very unhappy now that there is no, for example, the opportunity to go somewhere to serdlovsk region, you know, to work there with all sorts of elements and so on, after all, it is necessary to constantly feed on intelligence information, in a situation like the current military situation, well, of course, nothing works out, but they do not discount the second possible, so to speak , pseudo-political agenda. when it comes to some half-hearted negotiations with concessions from us or softening our position in order to stick their tentacles somewhere and so on. we must always proceed from the fact that both components of the policy of the united states of america will continue. the first is military elements, military pressure, up to
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the use of military force, the second is ideological, this is a softening of our system, work with those who are ready to get drunk and so on, well, this has always been , unfortunately, and will always be, so we need to watch very carefully and not reduce our activity in any direction and the last thing i wanted to say is that we are now constantly talking about the fact that the central direction of our confrontation with the west, the united states of america, ukraine, it is true, but at the same time we must not miss very important things, there is very alarming information, it's just. sometimes it doesn't fall out in our media, literally these weeks, these days , the interaction of the united states of america and the development of northern europe, finland, military development is intensifying, the physical presence of americans on the territory of the baltic countries is rapidly increasing, it seems that in principle they, if there is
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some kind of war, then of course they will, if not the most important, then one of the main blows to make. this new direction their military development of the north, so we do not have any either, now occupying ukraine , we must not under any circumstances miss other geopolitical directions, where the situation is complicated. the arctic has been declared one of the main strategic regions, the leningrad military district has been created, indeed , russia and china are increasing their cooperation in the arctic, so these risks are certainly taken into account, well, and if i return... with china, secondly, the united states has reached a dead end not only in part of its foreign policy, but even in its foreign policy thought, because
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they can't come up with anything fundamentally new today. yes, they correctly record the situation that they can't handle a simultaneous confrontation with several great powers, but instead of accepting the reality of a multipolar world and improving relations with all the other great powers, they are trying to arrange some kind of a scam and pull one of these other great powers over to their side, nothing will come of it, now a little advertising, then we'll continue, we have a very special issue, we're talking about the new peace prize in the name of ivan nikolaevich tolstoy. the first world war would not have happened if tolstoy had lived. by the way, on the initiative of the russian emperor nicholas, the first peace conference was convened in gad, and this was connected with... the appearance of the first weapons of mass destruction in the form of machine guns, well , one of the first peacemakers was of course christ, the idea of ​​faith is the idea of ​​peace, so to speak, and not war, you don't fight with god,
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the devils fight with god, there is such a view, to unfortunately, yes, that history is a continuous conflict, there is no escape from it, this is precisely the question of the formation of responsibility of politicians, and how peace prizes can preserve peace, this is one of the channels, one of the instruments for the emergence of real people. said: "it is difficult for me to name a time frame." trumer says: "and i know when, never." the creation of nuclear weapons required a gigantic
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concentration of forces, this is something new that had to be created in the shortest possible time, everyone was under great tension. there are 10 left, i was not particularly worried. in fact, the creation of the first product rds-1 is a warning of the third world war completely unknown to mankind. the atomic bomb is a personal matter of man x. premiere. on sunday on the first. on air the big game. exactly 235 years ago, on august 26, 1789, a very important document was adopted in france, which constituted, was intended to constitute, well, and for some time constituted,
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probably, one of the pillars of western civilization, this is the declaration of the rights of man and citizen, and the document was adopted in paris, and one within the framework of the great french bourgeois revolution, one of the most fundamental values ​​of the natural human right, which was proclaimed in this document, is freedom of speech. now western civilization is moving, as it seems to me, in a completely different direction, in the direction of total censorship, because the main news or one of the most main news of today is certainly the arrest of pavel durov in the same paris, and well, it is completely obvious that the purpose of this arrest is to try to set the purpose of this arrest is:
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france. i read false information about france that has fallen on france, completely let's listen to what the president said justifiably in connection with the arrest of pavel durov. after the arrest of pavel durov. france, like no other, is committed to freedom of speech and communication, innovation and entrepreneurship, and this will not change. in a state governed by the rule of law, both in social networks and in real life, freedoms are exercised within the framework established by law to protect citizens from observing their fundamental rights. the arrest of the founder of telegram on ... french territory was carried out within the framework of an ongoing judicial investigation, this is in no way a political step, the decision remains with the judge. here about the in no way
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a political step and judge.
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western society, especially in recent times since then, has been developing in the wrong direction, what can you say about this in particular about the arrest of pavel durov? in fact , i was shocked when i found out.
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and we have just talked about such situations, and i just want to say that we would like to avoid all possible such situations, which we have, where human rights are violated, the red terror and so on, in the 8th century or not only, if we go back now to
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the modern history of france. also, that today is the eightieth, the eightieth anniversary, the anniversary of the liberation of paris, and from the nazi invaders, and indeed, far from everyone in france remembers the role that the soviet union played in order for paris to be liberated, the charles de gaulle you mentioned walked along the avenues of the auven again, and liberated paris, as for - here
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the death of the soul of europe, what you said, well, from a geopolitical point of view, europe has died as an independent, at least for now, as an independent unit, because. and we understand, we understand that with regard to such situations, namely, to say whether there are
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affiliations of american intelligence services and so on, well, it is impossible to say for sure, i think that the french intelligence services would not want, of course they would not want their... well, their actions were somehow also attributed to american actions, which are, what is happening in washington, london and so on, or some actions that are happening, i think, that despite cooperation in many issues, i understand that here it is such a very delicate moment, i think that the french are acting in many ways, in your opinion, the arrest of pavel durov and the desire?
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for reminding us of one of the main monuments of classical austrian literature, the process karen georgievich, your reaction to the arrest of pavel durov in france? well, of course, there is so much symbolism here,
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in general, that's how it is. firstly, firstly, it is true that what we see, but, but it is more and more a european society more and more.
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deglobalization and the role of the west in
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deglobalization, because it is the west that deprives someone of the opportunity to be a person of the world, which would be possible in the conditions of globalization. if you can briefly, evgeny petrovich, do you agree that the american special services may be behind durov's arrest? undoubtedly, and in general you understand, i think that the americans are basically setting up the french, because this absurdity accusations, well, you brought them up in the introduction to this story.
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say, hand over these codes, turn telegram into a completely accessible messenger for americans, there is an analogue of whatsapp, although they also, of course, do not particularly need competitors, but nevertheless, and either he will sit, or he will turn into a second asanje. well, here is another example of an obvious, drunken violation of human rights, in this case, the right to freedom of religion, this is ...
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the council of churches made a statement that it is alarmed by the possibility of unjustified collective punishment of the entire religious communities violating the principles of freedom of religion and belief in accordance with this new ukrainian law, but andrey glebovich, we see that things are still the same, and the kiev regime is consistently, even despite this criticism, of people like pope francis, following its course of destroying the canonical orthodox church, well, it must be said that this criticism, which is from the pope and from some representatives of the western
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community, it still has such a character as an outbreak, yeah, because for a very long time, decades, decades we saw that we actually played along with the nationalistic tendencies that were always there, in general, we didn’t fight them very well in time once we learned, well and of course there was support, here i remember the conversation. on these issues, what happened 15, 20, even 30 years ago, from representatives of our clergy, from representatives of other clergy, well you know that with the border there are representatives -
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believers this is not just some kind of discord in the field of ideas, which is also generally not very healthy, this is already physical influence, deprivation of opportunities to attend church, and so on. i think that we need to more consistently pursue a line to seek allies in all areas, and to speak out more energetically, perhaps involving representatives of other faiths in these issues.
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positions in religious matters are located, well, and it is necessary with our partners, and for the world majority, of course, to discuss, to show and identify the monstrous hypocrisy in western policy, which on the one hand declares liberal values, including freedom speech and freedom of religion, on the other hand, they condone the direct violation of these
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very freedoms in ukraine, well, they introduce the most terrible censorship, they organize repressions already at home. now a small advertisement, then we will continue. soviet counterintelligence has established that an agent of foreign intelligence is operating in moscow, the chekists only know the call sign of the agent trianon. nagonii is on the verge of a coup. if agana overthrows grisso, the americans will immediately deploy their bases. the leadership of the committee expects the most decisive actions from us. please read, here is this message, and tell me, does it look like... a fake or not, you, vitaliy, urgently fly to louisbourg, we need to find the author of the letter, he is a kgb colonel, here under his own name, we impose on me every step of this slavin, it is necessary that the fleet be redeployed on the day and hour when we begin our operation, which we called fakim, this kind of intensity of work
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is possible only on the eve of events, and here in africa the russians are to blame for everything. we are interfering only in order to not let them in. yesterday london transmitted a very interesting comment about nagonie. 120th anniversary of das. this is undoubtedly the one you are looking for. the legendary multi-part film based on the novel by yulian semyonov. tas is authorized to declare, on the weekend on the first. we will talk about yulian semyonov. is famous primarily for the fact that his hero stirletz became a cult character of russian literature, i will ask you to stay, flew up like a meteor, is friends with everyone, everyone loves him, lets him go abroad, what are you, writers hated him, he was incredibly charming with all his stories, fights, with boxing, to offend,
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you shouldn't bully, bully, or behave aggressively towards yulian semenov. he could easily fight, guys, he really loved to make an impression, for example, to come there in the military uniform of necropolis partisans, he communicated with ordinary people, hello, comrades, good evening, he wanted to live an interesting, exciting life, violating the rules accepted at that time, he created it and lived it. crimea, yulian semenov. on saturday, on the first. the main thing is what will happen after death, because everyone, alas, will have to die, so if i i will continue to read, which means i won. there is a big game on the air. on the night from saturday
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to sunday, there was an exchange of blows between israel and the lebanese hezbollah. hezbollah did strike in response to the murder of its commander fuad shukr, who was killed by israel a month ago directly in beirut. and according to hezbollah itself, the strike was carried out with 32 rockets and...
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nothing, since netanyahu put forward completely unacceptable conditions, unacceptable not only for hamas, but also for egypt, in particular the permanent presence israeli military on the philadelphia corridor, this is the border between the gaza strip and egypt. in this regard, andrey glevovich , i have two questions for you: first, what will happen next in the relations between israel and hezbollah, has this escalation ended or is it just beginning, second, how...
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but in fact, they certainly don't want to fight a big war, so here's some kind of - strange, sometimes similar to a custom-made
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football match, but - what's bad, bad, that people are dying anyway, people are dying in principle, the region is sliding into such a uncertainty continues, continues to take place, and the gas negotiations, as i understand it, are far from complete, it is impossible to agree on anything yet. they also do not really want to agree to the end there, they also need the negotiation process for both sides, the israelis generally want to push all this back as far as possible until the situation changes and netanyahu gets out of it dry as always, he has succeeded in this more than once, well, the deadlines are a bit far away here, but nevertheless he will try to do it now, it works out for now, you know, under the noise of what is happening and what is resonating. the israelis are doing very serious things, in general, about which little is written, but we know, we have a source
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of information in order to get, you know, they are currently conducting such a very serious reconnaissance in the territory of sinai, and apparently they are dividing sinai into two parts, into the north and the south, they will squeeze the maximum amount out of the north, continue to squeeze, they are building some very suspicious... a structure similar to such a rampart, which will be - here between the north and the south and they are leading, apparently the point is that they will develop further with their settlements or something else or military settlements, until now settlements of such a mixed nature were more economic than military, although there was a military component, well, they will shift the emphasis, they will make more military than economic settlements, and the south, probably, they, in view of the fact that to survive entirely... the entire population died out in egypt, other arab countries are not issued, well, they will probably make such a reservoir there, and as they have already decided, they will hang
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the maintenance of it on saudi arabia, on the arabs. and so on, i want to remind you that there are already such cliches that have been worked out, here is this famous beaupor, after all, this is a huge organization, there is one official for every 35 people located on the territory of palestine, huge funds, 98% of these funds were in the private sector, therefore, in principle, it is necessary to solve the issue of maintaining a fairly large number.
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overcoming fundamental problems and contradictions. evgeny petrovich, from a military point of view, this exchange of blows is also a factor of the united states, which maintains its armada, two aircraft carrier groups are still in the region, that is , two aircraft carriers and a whole group of escort ships. well, i must say that from a military point of view, the strike by israel, which raised almost half of its air force there, more than 100 combat aircraft took part in this strike. this. in general, is not an ordinary case, that is, israel demonstrated, well, let's say, their determination, although i completely agree that no one wants a third lebanese war, of course, especially a repeat of the lebanese war of 1982-85, where three-year-old israel is used to waging short wars with arabs, so the lebanese war,
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it was out of this series, and so a week, a month, 6 days, so if, if there is some kind of continuation, although i repeat once again, neither lebanon, nor hezbollah, nor iran, nor the united states need any of this, despite the fact that they two aircraft carrier groups were brought in there, but this is more likely a demonstration, a demonstration of force, than a demonstration of determination to intervene in this conflict, so i think that now everything will calm down after the exchange of these blows, iran , i repeat once again, especially after the coming to power of such, well, let's say, as everyone says, a pro-western or western-oriented president, i think that iran will hold off on a sharp escalation of the situation, well, iran is really not interested in escalation, iran is not interested, especially in direct war with israel with the united states,
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at least right now, let's see, yes i. the united states, too, oddly enough, contributes to the success of these negotiations. let's listen briefly to what bloomberg writes. the exchange of views between israel and hezbollah is more likely to help the ceasefire talks than complicate them, said mike sink, executive director of the washington institute for near east policy, sending a signal that israel is ready and capable of escalation and that washington
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will support it, the united states and israel in this case emphasized the consequences for hamas, hezbollah and... it in case of continued refusal of the deal. well, that is, the united states says that we have demonstrated force, and we are ready to demonstrate it again, yes, so let's negotiate on our terms. let's see how events develop further, and, we say goodbye to you, until tomorrow, goodbye. hello, i am dmitry bak, we have a literary podcast here now, let them not talk, let them read. we have a very special edition today, because we we are talking about the prize and the non-literary prize, and
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the new peace prize, it is called the international peace prize named after.
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also peacemakers, well, why am i asking, what is this idea, i think, i don’t know about leonich, i think that the first, well, one of the first peacemakers was, of course, christ, in his philosophy, in general the philosophy of christianity, the idea of ​​such reconciliation between people, reconciliation with life, with god, the main thing, it is very important, the idea of ​​faith, it is the idea, so to speak, of peace, and not war, you... do not fight with god, the devils fight with god, and god is the universe in some sense, but i think that we will not go into other philosophies now, but also other mythologies, but i think that since ancient times, from ancient times, man has had
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both, so to speak, a thirst for satisfying instincts, and a thirst for some kind of compromise, because any community, even if in the head there is some kind of alpha male in a primitive society, that's all. from the old, just young, born, this is this idea, after all, it exists in human nature, an attempt to find some kind of consensus, which not only determines force, not only
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iron, so to speak, but also the state of mind, this is a very complex topic in general, as i think in the seventies, even in the swiss such meticulous statisticians counted the seventies of the last century, yeah. that humanity - in its entire history has only had 290, in my opinion, well, about 300 years of peace, the rest of the time there were wars. well, you know, i would come down to earth a little, let's have a formal start of such a struggle for peace - in 1899, on the initiative, by the way, of the russian emperor nicholas, was in the gad the first peace conference was convened, and this... was connected with the appearance of the first weapon of mass destruction in the form of a machine gun, then there was the conference of the seventh year, but we know that all this, unfortunately , ended sadly in the fourteenth year, well, it would have been adopted there about the charter, by the way,
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the charter on the rules and customs of introducing land wars.


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