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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  August 28, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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aline, look, you were so afraid of age, you were afraid to go shopping, to buy yourself new clothes, you clung to these clothes from the past and thought that if you suddenly exchange them for something else, then you will turn into an aunt, you turned into an aunt, in no case, i turned into a cowboy's girlfriend would take off my cowboy hat in front of our wonderful team, who not only picked out this wonderful suit for me, i would not have thought of it in my life, i would not have compared the thin, lightest trousers that fly and that phrase that i would say: you give me fever. super, tanya, what do you think? i can already see
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alina on stage, in all your outfits, in this one, in others, you have awakened some kind of slightly, slightly different artist. now i want to try absolutely all genres, go on a long journey, fulfill my old dreams, or you know what to do, or go to paris to introduce your daughter to her dad. evelina, how do you like the transformation, what do you say? i will say that our heroine is changing before our eyes, you know, if three sets of clothes can do such a thing degrees to change your plasticity, your rhythm, your volume, what will happen when your entire wardrobe changes? can you imagine how this wardrobe has held you in a vice all these years, just before our eyes , before our eyes. yes, alina, we
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congratulate you, your loved ones can come up to you, finally, hug you, kiss you, congratulate you on your transformation. zhenya, angelina, hug alina. alina, we applaud your new image, the work of our stylists, all three sets of clothes, we give you from the program fashion sentence, wear them with pleasure, well, and if you, like our heroine alina, want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website.
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sunscreens, did you know that the correct use of these creams requires applying two tablespoons of cream to the human body, here are the toxic substances contained there and what is the benefit, all the details in the program live healthy, we educate help, we begin our program here about. these numbers of blood pressure, the fact is that today is the world day addressed to people with hypertension, we we celebrate this together, as our common holiday, andreyevich, do you take hypertension pills or not, that's good, that is , we have a lot of hypertensive patients, but today our first topic is called myths and truth about hypertension, so dear doctors, we have a pediatric ophthalmologist, hermann schech and i are in the know.
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look, because in the head there are more structures that hurt, these are usually the muscles of the head that tense up and lead to headaches, there is no connection with the vessels in the whole. body, here are the vessels of the brain, where from pressure can cause a stroke, they do not have pain receptors, so the pressure does not cause headaches, but from other reasons, the basis is muscle spasm, the head hurts, by the way, another reason for headaches is a cut in the vessels, pathological relaxation of the vessels, and with hypertension, a spasm, so a headache, and like any pain, can cause an increase in pressure, but pressure does not ... i feel great, and i am sure that it is not necessary to reduce it with any pills, because nothing bothers me, working
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pressure, germshevich, explain what is normal, what is the same pressure for everyone, 120 to 80, such pressure should be in a person who does not have hypertension. hypertension on drug treatment, hypertension is considered when the pressure exceeds 130 mm of the stomatal column, and the higher the pressure, the higher the chance of complications, the complication was a stroke, and the most important thing you should understand is that the longer your body is exposed to high pressure, the higher the chance ...
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hypertension is treated in courses, high pressure, pills were prescribed, the person took them, the pressure returned to normal, the pills can be stopped, this is a myth or a complete myth, because as soon as you stop treatment with drugs, your blood pressure will immediately rise, high blood pressure , brain damage, stroke or just dementia, vision loss occurs.
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so, most likely, the pressure did not rise, we already started taking medications, and you had an accidental finding on the matter, the check was 160 at the peak of 180, so i started treating blood pressure when it rose above 130 before it was included in the recommendations, because he is a genius, we know him, we all consult with him, i had a hypertensive crisis, before that i didn’t know at all. by the way, a hypertensive crisis, someone asked us about headaches and blood pressure, i had a headache, i was taking headache medications that increase blood pressure, when i measured it, my blood pressure was, i don’t remember,
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either 220 to 110, it was some kind of hellish pressure, i started to lower the pressure, i couldn’t do it myself, called an ambulance, in general, all this is already unimportant, they took me to the hospital. from that day on, i take antihypertensive drugs every day, our men are just great, they are at very low pressure numbers, which are already elevated, they began to take medications, we have another question, ask it, please, the last couple of years i have gained weight, because of this, high blood pressure has risen, so if i lose a few kilograms, the pressure will normalize, is this a myth or not, that's how interesting, is it true,
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start treatment with pills, and with a decrease weight we can reduce the dose or remove the pills, like this, the next question: i suddenly discovered that i have hypertension, i heard that other organ diseases can be the cause, is this true? it is true, in fact, in medicine there is a concept of secondary hypertension, that is, when high blood pressure is associated with some specific disease, this can be in patients with kidney disease, this can be in patients with diseases.
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there are reasons that we can eliminate, and blood pressure is normalized, and there are reasons why we continue constant drug therapy. whatever the cause of hypertension, the pressure must be lowered with pills, of course, against the background of normal pressure, look for the cause, because if the pressure is not lowered, there will be a stroke. and one more question: i take pills for pressure together with other drugs, but i feel pretty good, but recently i heard on tv that there are drugs that are incompatible with pills for pressure, is this true? is it a myth or is it true that there are pills, pills to lower blood pressure
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and take pain pills from the group of non-steroidal antispasmodic drugs, this will interfere with the action of blood pressure pills and blood pressure will rise, or drugs that we use for migraines, the purpose of which is to narrow blood vessels, they will naturally increase blood pressure. or nasal drops, which you drip to narrow blood vessels, they can also increase blood pressure, but since a lot of people take blood pressure pills and it is impossible to stop every time, we give these drugs under control of blood pressure, if necessary we change the dose, that is , if we see that your drugs increase your blood pressure, then we must increase the dose of the drug.
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per week, my husband does not have hypertension, although he is older than me, he measures his blood pressure every day, but you know, mine is the same as not changing, no, no, i am much less disciplined, it's just that my husband, he is a researcher, he is recorded, he is not just, he has everything analyzed, he even has a program for checking sleep, you can you imagine who i have to sleep with, germanshevich, in fact my husband is just an ideal person, for me it's...
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why do you need this max? well, he'll finish his agricultural studies, he'll be an agronomist on a collective farm, and what do you need him for? and you and i will move mountains here in moscow. i can't live without you, premiere, watch vremya after the program. we'll talk about yulian semyonov, he is famous first of all for the fact that his hero stirletz became a cult character in russian literature, i'll ask you to stay, he flew out in... like a meteor, he's friends with everyone, everyone loves him, they let him go abroad, what are you saying, writers hated him,
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he was incredibly charming, with all his stories, fights, boxing, it was not worth offending, bullying, attacking, somehow aggressively behaving towards yulian semenov, he could easily fight, guys, he really loved to experience, for example, to come there in a military uniform. wanted to live an interesting, exciting life, violating the rules accepted at that time. he created it and lived it. crimea, yulian semenova. on saturday, on the first. the main thing is what will happen after death, because everyone, alas, will have to die. so, if i will still be read, which means i won. here in the studio there are 100 players
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from all over our country. the main characters will appear on this stage, these are moms, dads. september 7 on saturdays on the first. so,
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dear friends, we are in the kitchen, next to the professor. navalov. mikhail yegorovich is an outstanding ophthalmologist, microsurgeon, absolute surgeon, but he is also a culinary genius, and a garden genius, and in general, as a child, he wanted to do something like that. raise rabbits and be an agronomist, but he became a great ophthalmologist. today we have three superfood for the eyes. oysters are coming out to the square. clarity in the eyes, clarity in the mind, and now arugula is coming out to the square, the eyes are not afraid of nitrates, now spinach is coming out, good eyesight for everyone, and now i want to invite
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an amazing guest to us, world champion, champion of the summer olympics... games in beijing, two-time european champion daria shkurikhina, i want to pull myself up a little, yes, huge height, how tall are you, without heels 177, oh well, well in gymnastics it is and we thought gymnasts are little girls, well no, of course, little gymnasts grow up to be olympic champions.
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broad-shouldered girls, narrow-feathered athletes, athletic ideals, what is your usual weight, but in fact, everyone has different proportions anyway, because even heights of 177 and 170 are different heights, and even more so, well, and weight depends on this, so they somehow calculated it for us according to the table, i want to stand next to you, so that's why they calculated it for us according to the table, during sports i weighed somewhere around 55-56. after sports, but when we trained, we trained 8 hours a day, that is
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the load was phenomenal, now there is no such load, there is sport, but not in such volumes and not in... the product to you, please, from professor kanovalov, an outstanding ophthalmologist of our time. so, mikhail yegorovich, name them, the first product is arugula, the second
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product is oysters, the third is spinach. that 's it, dashenka, don't waste time, please, we'll have a salad of arugula, spinach, you can add whatever you want, we have some lemon here. mikhail yegorovich, and you will illuminate the olympic champion, why do we need it? under the influence of hydrochloric acid, they promote the release of nitric oxide in our body, which in turn
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dilates blood vessels, respectively, here is our vessel, here i am dilating it, if we are talking about the eyes, then the most important part of our eye is the retina, the back of the eye, where the light enters, and the better the vessels, the more elastic they are and the more blood and... oxygen comes to the retina, the better we see, that is, it does not suffer, so for the eyes, how great, let's add a little more, let's add a little more, so that vision is immediately restored, here is the second the product is oysters, the whole life of the program to live healthy, we talked about oysters, that they contain zinc, and zinc rotates the tail of the sperm, the sperm becomes super-mobile and... then ophthalmologists came and said, we also love zinc, for which, by the way, zinc is contained not only in oysters, but also in other products, in particular in sprouted
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wheat, which is much more accessible than oysters, it’s just here, yes, there is a lot of it, literally 10 daily norms in 100 grams, that ’s why the zinc is very important, it’s the most powerful antioxidant that fights free... and we know that the more free radicals, the more our blood vessels suffer again, here is the optic nerve, the central part of the retina and many, many, many blood vessels, the better the blood vessels, the better we see, accordingly, this is especially true for older patients, so zinc is included in all the dietary supplements that we recommend to our patients. are oysters in the diet? i really like oysters, yes, very much, well done, the third component, michal, the third component is spinach, spinach contains people, and lutein
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- this is such a natural filter, a yellow filter, which we need in order to protect the retina again, let's go, dora, i 'll show you, i suggest that i give dasha a yellow filter. the thing is that we get this very lutein from the outside with food, it is not synthesized inside our body, what does it do, it migrates here to the central part of the retina, it creates almost a filter, like this, like this, we see very well with this part of the retina, and rays that are refracted also get here.
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that we see his face very clearly, clearly vision is a point, the rest is not very clear a small point, a millimeter, the diameter of everything, there are more-more cones, yes, michal igor cones that are responsible for visual acuity, yes, here the yellow pigment covers, it is so important that if you compare how much lithuin is in the eye and how much lithuin is in the blood, where there is more lutein in the eye , 10,000 times more than in blood plasma, that is ... almost all is directed to the eye, and spinach contains how many daily norms, two daily norms, 100 g, like this, dash, that's it, spinach should be added to the diet every
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day. spinach should be added to the diet every day, let's go back to the kitchen, so, three components: arugula, spinach, oysters, if you don't have oysters, you can replace them with wheat sprouts, but our chef alexey kovba prepared a salad especially for you, dasha, this is not even a salad, i actually prepared a pate, which can be used as a salad dressing , in fact, or served separately, that is, what we have here, we have an oyster. here you mentioned sprouts, please, give them to dasha, lyosha, you mixed them in everything is oyster, blended and also added oil from ancient russian wheat, so that it was so bright and active, not only oysters alone, well, what doshu is delicious, well , interestingly, you can feel both arugula and mi as professor avtolmol, tell me daria, how did your life turn out, great? you
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are years old now, i am 32 now, are you married? at the moment, no, have you already been married? no, i am just planning to. yes, already have someone? well, i hope, i will not tell all the secrets, just after sports, in fact, when you every day you train, i really wanted to live , just enjoy life, travel, experience life for myself, what is it, now i understand that i want to go further. marry children, and do you work? yes, i organize sports events in our country, for gymnasts, these are competitions , training camps, that is, i pass on my experience to children who are engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, now you have production, i liked it, all the vitamins, all the benefits that professor kanavalov talked about will also be preserved, dashenka, we wish you all
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the best from the bottom of our hearts zhenyakha. thank you, happiness in your personal life, thank you, and health, we admire our rhythmic gymnastics, i admire , thank you, i hope next time i'll come and tell you that i got married, and we're waiting, you'll come with your husband, our program continues, and you know, dasha, this will be clear, because big-time sports are always about overcoming pain and suffering, so, dasha, yes, we have a will service working in our program, people from different cities of russia write to us, tell us about their problems, our doctors watch these video messages, invite these people to us, and we try with all our hearts to help, let's listen to such a message, i ask you, please help me get rid of the pain, i walk hunched over, i always lean on something and no way...
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there are ointments, there are examinations, these are the examinations that are mandatory for pain, why don't you treat anyone without these examinations? the most important thing is that we must see the source of the pain with our own eyes. the study that allows us to see this is an mri study. in mri
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research. three programs, that is, we can see the bone structure, we can see the swelling, we can see the inflammation, and most importantly, the degenerative changes, which are mainly the sources, the cause of this pain. why do you need to do an mri? because it is not always the pain, it is the spine. what are the most unexpected things you have found in people who were sure that this is a problem with the bone structure. most often. oncological cancer, what kind of cancer do we find? metastases, that is, when there is a breast, it is very common for a woman to have metastases in the bones, men, this is a problem with the prostate, that is , prostate disease, also metastasis, intestines, pancreatic cancer, so point number one, you need to come to the doctor for pain treatment with an mri, if the doctor did not prescribe an examination for you, but prescribed
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pain treatment, what ... something is wrong here, and one more thing i want to say, before we invite a patient, pain appeared, this is the order, globally make an appointment with a doctor, but before that for an mri. but the pain needs to be relieved, especially with chronic pain, people take pills for a very long time, there are different pills for pain, there are selective, there is non-selective, pain ointments are also different, there are some with selective drugs, there are some with non-selective, so with long-term use you need to choose selective drugs, selective, which means that for the most part it affects pain, but does not affect, for example. or has very little effect on the stomach, because the main side effect of all pain pills, so, vitalivich, is the effect on the stomach, and now i want you to show us where the pain was in this unfortunate woman, vitali viktorovich, during the examination it was
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it was found that the maximum source of pain is this zone, that is, this zonal iliac joint, an almost immobile joint. yes, but in the female body it performs a very important function, this is the reproductive function, when the pelvis expands during pregnancy, it itself does not perform the reproductive function, but this joint changes when we are pregnant, the pelvis opens, the configuration changes, yes, that is why this joint often hurts, so we, of course, called our guest, invited her to our clinic, right now, let's see, how our wonderful vitaly viktorovich protsenko, valentina vasilievna works. let's start, first of all we need to bring the needle to your joint, the next thing is to try to enter this joint. so, the whole procedure is strictly under
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x-ray control, first a contrast agent is injected to make sure that it is in the right place, only if it got where it should, the pain medication is injected. so. we inject the medication, well , it's a little pleasant, how are you feeling, normal, that it's bearable, now we'll do it in the hip, in addition another injection is given here here, this is the so-called transhunter, to exclude another cause of pain, that's it, valentina vasilievna, slowly get up, see how quickly we lay down longer with you, oh, that's it, let's stand, wait, wait, that's what happens to a person, when the pain has passed, you understand, a decade of torment has suddenly passed, a little on the spot, take two steps, now you're going in your hip to berry,
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it's become easier, i'm walking straight, straight, well, but i couldn't do this, that's it, that's how it should be, a completely different matter. i was looking at you all the time on tv, get well, don't get sick, just imagine, a person lived, walked only like this, leaning on a stick, couldn't straighten up for many years, i want to invite valentina vasilievna to our studio,
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fell apart from excruciating pains that nothing helped me, so when i came here, i knew everyone there, because i had already seen them all on tv, i just wanted to hug everyone, i had never felt such joy in my whole body, in my whole body, thank you so much for inviting me, thank you for the help you provided.
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after filming, discuss everything, decide everything, and of course we will try to help, but i am happy for you, even more to say, i learned a lot here and in general, and we will definitely show the exercises that you should now do at home, vitali viktorovich, what i have already done here, i am already a good boy of this joint myself.
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like this, and little by little, carefully , like this, take it with your hand, lift it and pull it, that is, try to stretch all these muscles of the thigh, buttocks, deep muscles, now let's stand on the other side in the same way , let's try to pull this leg with our hand, the same thing with the same leg, that is, yes, little by little we even feel how it all stretches , this is the exercise. i like it when they do it standing, this is the exercise, you can
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do it lying down, but just standing and especially like this, it just stretches great, don't get sick, we are glad that we helped you, thank you very much, we will take a long break, and then we will continue, yuliy borisovich khariton, i know what kind of bombs were dropped on japan, he wrote a technical assignment in which he says that... we will work on two types of bombs. tromer asked when the soviet union would be able to create an atomic bomb, and pimberi thought and said: "it's hard for me to name a time frame." tromer said: "and i know when, never." the creation of nuclear weapons required a gigantic concentration of forces, this was something new that had to be created in the shortest possible time. everyone was under great tension.
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and then such a disaster happened: the antifake program from channel one was closed. during the time that our program was not on the air, viewers wrote to us on the channel, called, and ill-wishers spread about us all sorts of fakes. we have expanded our program and geography, history and what we will review here. i am also asked to comment on where the truth is in the turkish media or in the russian media, well, and here the antifake program is always to my aid. this season awaits you. a huge number of new, interesting headings,
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this is a symbol of the fact that historical justice is being restored, women are most often subject to anxiety when they receive some messages always wants to say: mom, let's not panic, a new season of the program antifake, new rule, now i will personally go to the place to check the information together with you. antifake, season premiere, from september 2, on weekdays on the first, in the new season on the first. that everything is fine and how did you
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, such a sly little hell, fall for a simple scam and everything looked so convincing, and you are not afraid at all that we are knitting him in these affairs, but they are bad, dad is good, he needs help, unfortunately, you can't do it without money, five, seven, oh, what, ah, you were just amazing and your partners too. me my name is mark natanoch barshak, i kind of look after this city and its environs. i need your talent in one very interesting and risky case. ninel. the premiere of the multi-part film from september 2 on the first, and you know that she has a patron, an adult appeared, thanks to whom i am here, and not in a cell, and what is it worth, you know, so, friends,
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sunscreens, the moment is coming when we will smear them on our ... we are for you to get ready to go to the beach, and going to the beach, you can see on the screen now, this is a joyful event, at some point we don't care how we look, of course, we all want to be built in, some dresses to take off, they are embarrassed, but different figures are all happy, point number one: sunscreens are created to protect us from the sun's rays, because the main threat of the sun is cancer, so i will remind you what rays reach us, these are rays a and b. rays b do not penetrate the skin very deeply, but they are responsible for the fact that melanin is produced, a brown pigment, and at first we turn this ozhok red, and then
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sunbathing. darkened skin - melanin pigment - is protection from the sun. the second type of rays are type a rays. they penetrate deeply into the skin, the main disadvantage of the ray is that they break collagen fibers, these are the rays associated with photoaging, so if you do not want to age, do not sunbathe, if you sunbathe, protect yourself with sunscreen, now mikhail egorevich, sunscreen, the main thing we see, which has already been discussed 100 times, the fact is that all creams have inscriptions like this: on you need to pay attention to them, spf sunprotector factor, this tells us how much this cream protects us from ultraviolet radiation, and 50 is a very good number, in principle it is very useful for children, well, for adults too, for all of us
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, yes, so this number is very important, so the first spf, sun protection, the second inscription, the tube, this inscription says that this is usually not on the front side, on the back of this cream protects us from cancer, so this factor should also be and must be present without fail, i immediately want, so that you could say how much cream at least you should apply to your mortal body, well , there should be a lot of cream, that's about...
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question, because now we are starting an examination of sunscreens, i want hermanshech, so that you name four substances that are prohibited for adding to these creams, if you find them there, do not buy them, that is, aminobenzoic acid and salicylate, trolamine acylate, these substances
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are prohibited, now two drugs are the best with... the beginning of this study was in 2021, it turned out that if you use fresh, just bought, just
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unpacked cream or sunscreen with octorilin, everything is fine, everything is good with it, but if, as elena vasilievna said, we smeared some, left some, then octocrelen ceases to be safe, it decomposes and produces a substance benzophenone, this benzophenone, instead of protecting us, is absorbed through our skin affects the liver, and destroys the liver, and may even be a substance that promotes the formation of cancer, but the fact that it has a hepatotoxic effect, this is us we know, many people think that you need to use sunscreen, you don’t, but here... after my story about sun rays, i want to show you some photos, a long time ago, when this scientific work came out, we
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quoted it all in detail, now i just have some memories, here is the first photo, a person, due to his job, he is a driver, he drove in a car in such a way that one cheek was always exposed, the sun was always on, look at the difference in aging on the right and left, the next study was on twin sisters, one lived under the sun all the time sun, worked in the field and so on, and the other one is not, here they are as representatives of different social classes or women of different ages, and another photo is exactly the same, again two twin sisters, similar as two peas in a pod, one is always sun, sun, sun, the second is not, this is how the sun affects women, that's why women smear themselves with sunscreen from head to toe. don't forget about the ears, because no one greases the ears, necessarily, and they just burn, that's what we wanted to tell you
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today, we had a good time together, may you will live great, the imaton channel on the first one starts its broadcast, the program time will tell, we are working live, in the studio olesya losyeva, ruslan ostashka. yesterday, our ministry of defense reported that our forces liberated the settlement of orlovka in the donetsk people's republic. a video appeared on the internet of our soldiers hoisting the victory banner in the liberated settlement of kalinovo in the donetsk direction. telegram channels report that the guys are further breaking through to krasnoarmeysk, which is the most important the enemy's logistics hub. yesterday, almost at night, news appeared in telegram channels that, according to unconfirmed information, our military began to storm selidov. the footage
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shows the recent situation in the city, the streets are empty, the ukrainian authorities declared a twenty-hour curfew in it. now ukrainian publics are complaining that russian advanced assault units are already deep in the city. we will definitely monitor the situation and tell you as soon as there is news. in general, the enemy is carrying out major losses in manpower per day more. united states of america, in the area of ​​responsibility of the south group, in the ssu lost a german leopard tank. the network got really amazing footage of how our guys stood together against a whole invasion of drones, dodging attacks, they managed not only to get out of this trap with... with minor injuries, but to beat several enemy birds with small arms. real heroes.


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