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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  August 28, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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and this is this is like from her biography, that she really likes to lie in the bath, well, damn, creative, darling, good morning, are you in the shower, no, don't worry, i've already had breakfast, i 'm off to work, i love you, have a nice day, darling , good evening! i came home from work, you're in the shower, well, i'll cook myself dinner, you soak, if anything, come, i 'll read a book in the meantime, darling, good morning, are you in the shower, well , don't worry, i'll take leshenka to the garden myself, and you rest, i'll be back soon, have a nice day, darling! darling, good evening, i have for
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surprise for you, alyoshenka got married to us, well we're going to a restaurant, come to us if you get out of the stuffy place, i love you, and she looks good in the bathroom in the frame in the frame, yes, darling, are you in the bathroom? god, how have you survived, we 're celebrating our golden wedding today, and i figured out how we 'll celebrate it, in short, he's playing it safe, i decided right away, she won't choose me, but at least i'll lie around in the bathroom with her, look at how beautiful she is in a bathing suit, get addicted.
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oh, now i have to get her out of there, she's really great in that regard, she's very she played it artistically, although of course she did n't have much of a role there, but she's great, i washed myself, well, like alena, there's no fear of spending my whole life in the foam, yes, i understood the joke of this scene, really, but... i probably don't spend that much time in the bathroom, i have time to do a lot of things, i wouldn't have worked several jobs then, if you spent 5 hours in the bath every day, from your words, how do you like it, fiance, how do you like it, vitaly, i wonder, eh, i think that in principle, for example, my daughter's question doesn't bother me much, but i think my language, it she won't understand it very well, because cringe, all the other words, well, it's complete trash, did you
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get it? you know, whatever she chooses, it will still remain, well, her choice, and i respect it, that's because you think like that, that's why she will choose you, iron man, tell me, please, intelligence, well, if i 've learned anything while working with you here, it's that there is a big difference between the groom who really suits the bride and the one she irrationally wants.
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so i don't know if this is a scam or not, but i i recommend vyacheslav. and you think with your own head, decide for yourself, whoever you go to today, in any case we will support you, because we want you to be happy, come on in. i invite everyone to come out and support alena. hello, once again, hello, sit down, i thought so, there is no worthy man, but i decided to choose myself, because you were right about the massage, what you do, it's simple, i'm going to die, that's what i need, then... you know, the distance, i'm in the car,
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the distance is not a problem for me, yeah, that's why i i think i would try with you, if you, i really that you. i, we have a couple, alena and vyacheslav, and i larisa guzeeva wish that your loved one would definitely tell you, let's get married, like the last alcoholic, yes, there's a bump, here's everything, in short, how did she stay alive, with a hammer to the head, this is, oh, what a nightmare, my god, this is all in the presence of a child, and why did she beat her, because she fell asleep. and the child fell out of bed at one year old, i love him, we feel bad without him, and how long did you wait for him the first time from prison, more than 3 years, well now you'll wait 4 years, no big deal, well rose didn't think she'd fall in love, a young thief, but
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who did he kill, a young girl, he stabbed her, help me, please, girlfriend, come, i say, and if he's there, he'll kill me, god forbid, i actually hit him with a hammer myself, your ex-husband's brother came because he thinks sasha has nothing to do with it, he needs to be let go and anyway he 's never laid a finger on anyone in his life. good afternoon!
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"hello, hello, what happened, tell me, a very amazing woman from ufa contacted me, who first asked us through the media to find her husband, who beat her with a hammer, put him in prison, and then after some time she contacted me again, so that we return her husband from prison and return him to her home, because she loves him. he beat her on the head with a hammer, maybe she has just been out of her mind since then, no, why did i communicate with her myself, a completely adequate person, and how much they gave him, they didn’t give him, he is now in a detention center under consequence, oh my god, my god, and when all this happened, it all happened in march
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of 1924, i came to her home for filming, then she still had, well, there were residual effects, these hematomas, but then she really asked me to give her the eyelashes through... from the media, because her husband beat her and disappeared, ran away from the scene of the crime, so to speak, and why he beat her, she said, and according to her , it all happened on new year's eve, it turns out, because she fell asleep, and the child fell out of bed at one year old, started crying, and this is his child, yes, this is his the child, and interfered, as it were, with his plan, well , to abuse, apparently, alcoholic beverages, that is, he punished her. not because she had blown the child and he had fallen on the floor, yes, but because the child was screaming and interfered with his drinking, well , something like that, yes, but she lied a little, in fact, according to my information, the police officers came to them several times that day, that is, both were in a state of alcoholic intoxication, and apparently they
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had some kind of verbal conflict, and she asked the police officers to they took him away, but the local police officer didn't do it , well, since it was family, a holiday, he thought, they probably had a fight, they had a fight , it happens to everyone, and he left, and after that, apparently, she only made the situation worse, especially since he was a person with a criminal record, yes, she locked him on the balcony, eh, well, she called the police again, so that, apparently, this offended him, really hurt him, after which he went out, well , he took a hammer and just beat her, how did she stay alive, with a hammer on the head, it's... oh, what a nightmare, my god, it's all in the presence of the child was still there, she forgave him now, she forgave him, she says, what if he forgave her in the pre-trial detention center by correspondence, or what? well, as far as i know, he wrote her a letter, he paid her compensation, listen, and
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he paid her compensation, what kind of compensation, well, i don’t know about the amount, the story is kind of silent about this, but she said a decent amount of compensation, and where did he get the money from, too? i can’t answer this question for you, i know that he apologized to her, she loves him very much, she’s waiting for him very much, let’s hear what she tells you i said when i contacted you for the first time, and how did things happen in general... on that ill-fated day, i started making salads, getting ready, as if to celebrate the new year, at that moment my husband came back, yes, i said, we'll lie down for a little while, i said, i 'll go and rest with lesha, then he woke up, 2 minutes later they silently brought him to me, put him on our big double bed, and he crawled to the edge of the crib, it turns out he fell, my husband came running right away, picked up the child in his arms, like that with the child in his arms, like that on my legs on like that: on my legs, it turns out that i switched off from borya like this and he hit me like this on the head, she also
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hit me like this with her foot, he went to smoke on the veranda, i locked him there from the side of the house, called the police, the police left, after that, of course, he got even more angry at me, there was a hammer in the hallway, he grabbed it and hit me here on the arm, here i had a very bad bruise, i managed to snatch the hammer from him, he started threatening me and started to kill me with a stun gun really hard. that's how it is fists like this on the head like this i thought i was about to pass out i really thought i was dying already, left me beaten in a pool of blood, in general i have a severe concussion, a fracture of this part, a friend came to visit me, she saw my condition, my beaten face, by the way, she saw a pool of blood there, here she is sniffing my blood, yes, actually, here is my whole hand. the whole dog, i don’t even want to show it, like
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the last alcoholic, yes, there is a bump here, here is everything, in short, what’s offensive is still here this eye does see, damn , the one that was shot, this one, the one that is whole, it doesn't see a damn thing, according to a statement from a local resident, employees of the russian interior ministry department for the iglinsky district conducted a pre-investigation check, ordered a forensic medical examination, and after receiving the results, a criminal case was opened under articles 115 and 119 of the criminal code of the russian federation. tell me, what kind of articles are these that he is charged with? 115 is minor bodily injury, yes, minor bodily injury, and 119 is this is a threat of murder or causing serious bodily harm. and how can there be two at the same time? well, the thing is that i used the word that he was already in prison, yes, and under
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what article? 105 murder, this is murder, but here are two articles, because the threat of murder in this situation of a person can be perceived as real, since the person already had a term for murder, this is 119, and 115 is minor bodily harm, why minor, this means that harm to health, roughly speaking, well, it squeezed all this, but at the same time this article, which provides for a real deprivation of liberty, there up to 2 years 119 and up to 2 years 115, he faces, i think, up to 4 years, if he adds, if he is not absorbed, and as soon as she realized this, she backed down, naturally, and they are married, no longer, when they divorced, but at the moment when he committed these atrocities, he escaped, it turns out she filed for divorce and well , divorced him, now we will watch a video, where it feels like a completely different person is speaking, not long ago the whole of bashkiria... found out about what happened to me and my ex-husband on new year's eve, on at the moment my ex-husband is in
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a pre-trial detention center, but he realized his guilt, apologized very much to me, almost got on his knees and transferred a fairly large sum of money to compensate for moral damages, and it turns out that i accepted his apology, accepted everything and do not want him to be given a real prison term. he is essentially a good person in himself, he just can't drink, i wish him a speedy release and recovery, so that everything is fine with him, where is he in a pre-trial detention center, given that before that he was running and hiding, obviously couldn't work normally , money, a mystery shrouded in darkness, i think, or maybe he scared her somehow, maybe he said, when i get out of prison, i'll stab her, i don't care, but it seems to me, he didn't scare her, he's just a person who has served time and again, it seems to me, they even... there are such very good psychologists, well, since he picked her up from the zone, probably, of course, yes, they
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actually met when he was serving his sentence for murder, oh, the scribes, they are something else, they need to write books, well one way or another, ekaterina romanova came to our studio, here she is the victim, the sufferer or the unfortunate half-widow who lost her husband, who is no longer her husband, now we will find out. come to us, katya. yes, i myself am to blame for everything, i was the first to provoke him, i started throwing myself at him, to be honest, i love him, my son and i feel bad without him, how i would like him to come back. home, yeah, you forgave him and are waiting at home, yes, i forgave him, and how long did you wait for him from prison the first time? the first time about 3 years, more than 3 years, well now you will wait 4 years, nothing terrible, maybe nothing terrible, but i would like him to come home, and for the reason that essentially he is not guilty, what
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is he not guilty of, and did you cause all this damage to yourself, no, uh, did you? i really did it with my fists and feet, yes, i kind of provoked him, let me, maybe, tell you everything in detail, how it all happened, i would like to just let me, if you tell me everything in detail now, you will not lie, because the first time when you invited journalists to your place, you lied like gray mirin, if you are ready to tell the truth now, but keep in mind, he will be released, you will be charged with an article, giving knowingly false testimony, and for giving false testimony there is no real term there , either a fine or correctional labor, as far as i know, listen, well, what do you think, you are dealing with a fool, she has a baby in her arms, she has already checked everything out a long time ago, i
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can't live without you, i will wait, he pestered you again yesterday, valya ikiri... this is impossible, where is natasha? they told me that she is in the city left, but that can't be, why do you need this max, well, he'll finish his agricultural studies, he'll be an agronomist on a collective farm, so what, do you need someone like him, and you and i will move mountains here in moscow, i can't live without you, premiere, watch after the program, time, we'll talk about yulian semyonov, he is famous first of all because his hero shterlet became a cult character in russian literature, i'll ask you to stay, he flew up like a meteor, everyone is friends with him, everyone loves him, he's allowed to go abroad, what are you saying, writers hated him, he was incredibly charming with all his stories, fights, with boxing, to offend, to bully, to attack, to behave aggressively
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towards yulian semenov was not worth it, he could easily fight, guys, he really loved the story impression, for example, to come there in the military uniform of the nikroguan partisans, communicated with ordinary people. hello, comrades, good evening, i wanted to live an interesting, exciting life, violating the rules accepted at that time, he created it and lived it. crimea, yuliana semenova, on saturday, on the first. the main thing is what will happen after death.
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september 7th on saturdays on the first, you told us all this on the spot, we 'll watch it now, and then what wasn't included in the story, you'll tell us more, okay, yes, that
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fateful evening. happened here, in this house, on december 31st, just a holiday, we were getting ready, he came back drunk, he started to get upset with me, my son already wanted to sleep, for his second nap, we went with him, i put him to bed in my crib, i lay down next to him and after a while sasha brings him back to me, that's how we dozed off, i didn't notice how he fell out of bed, well accordingly he started crying at all this and came running to the noise. sasha was already completely freaked out, picked up lyoshka in his arms and started hitting me, kicking me in the legs and head, well , like that, really hard with his feet. this is the veranda where he went out to smoke, right here he opened the window, smoked, at that time i
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locked him there from inside the house, called the police, sasha got even more angry, we had a hammer standing on the veranda, in short , the official version, as i told the cops, is that first the hammer, and then only the hammer he was standing in the hallway, it turns out, sashka grabbed him, once he hit me with this hammer here... and i snatched this hammer from him and threw it away, well, anyway, if this is how it really happened, i swung the hammer at him myself , until he, i locked him on the veranda for the second time, i came with the hammer myself, started throwing myself at him, he was already sitting there on the veranda, drunk like this, falling asleep , at that time i started hitting him, he actually didn’t hit me with it, then he got even more furious, started beating me with his hands, feet, there was also a stun gun there, hammer and about the stun gun, which is not true, although there was a stun gun, but better, but to hell with it, he pushed me closer to the closet, closer to the door, like this, and started
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hitting me, like this, he was hitting me with his fists, i was closing myself off, well , naturally, it was all useless, no, i wasn’t afraid that he would kill me, well, i knew that he was not capable of murder, and you knew what he was in prison for, yes, i knew that he was in prison, under that article, murder, but i also know that he did not commit this murder and was in prison for another person, i understand that this is not, he hit you with a hammer, no, he didn't hit me with a hammer, i swung the hammer at him, you swung it or hit him with a hammer, i swung it and hit him a couple of times, but not hard, and who called the ambulance for you , i called the ambulance myself, and where did he go, after that incident, he kind of left. didn't he wait for you soon? listen, as i understand it, he transferred you a certain amount of money and you decided to forgive him? no, it's not about the money, not about the money, but how much, how much money, this
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must be disclosed, well, we need to understand how much love costs, it's not for money, i'll repeat myself again, how much money did he transfer to you, he transferred 100,000, and where did he get it from, well, it wasn't he who transferred it directly from the pre-trial detention center, not he personally, but his relatives for him, give it to me like this, here you go, you have 100,000 on your card and some kind of message, probably , forgive me, i realized everything, here for your medicine or what, how was it? well, of course, forgive me, i realized everything, he started saying this and calling me even in january, literally a few days later, when all this happened, i had to transfer a hundred in january, it would be faster sorry, wait, i understand that you met when he was serving his sentence, right, and how did that happen? he wrote to me on one of the social networks, what did he write? hi, let's get acquainted, yeah, let's listen to the story of how you met, sasha met in november 2018 on
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social networks, after a month and a half, after corresponding, as if we had already confessed our feelings to each other, he hinted, i told him, listen, damn, i think i love you, he's like that, and i don't think so, i adore you, so i met him and even went to the colony, we got married on april 18, 2019, he wrote to me: if you don't mind, then let 's get married, as if i understand everything, i can say, i practically didn't think at all, i immediately agreed, okay, let's go, i bought a white dress, well, not quite chic, but beautiful, here are my favorite white roses, gold wedding rings. i take out his mirror like this, i look, i remember all this, it was a happy time at that moment, our relationship ended, after
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the incident on new year's, we divorced, i filed for divorce, of course i regret it, that he essentially has an addiction, problems with nerves, instead of supporting him like that, i immediately went to the police for a divorce, but not quite. it was a beautiful thing to do, no, we didn't destroy the family forever, because we resumed communication, now he writes me letters, let's go there, don't get sick, son, take care of ours, kiss him from me, i love you our son very much, i love him very much, try everything from the beginning, people change, i hope that i will wear this dress again, well , if i have to play the wedding again in prison, then we'll play, what can you do, and we'll be the happiest anyway, remember. at the moment when he wrote you the first message, he wrote 20 of them at the same time, and absolutely identical messages to different women, whoever responded, i'll respond,
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it's called a veyer. according to the official version, he killed a young girl, wait, who was this young girl to him, his girlfriend at that time, and why did he kill her, that is, his common-law wife, yes, according to the official version, we need the official version, because he sacrificed himself for her got it and served time, so please, voice the official version, and not the one that was written to you in letters, and they also had a quarrel in the kitchen. in a state of alcoholic
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intoxication and he stabbed her with a knife, so, and his version is written, and he was drunk and sleeping, his friends came to him and there she had a quarrel with these friends of his, these friends got mad at her and they stabbed her in the throat with a knife, then what else was there, what else was the catch, they washed her later, these friends, they washed the knife, how would sasha have done it alone, especially drunk, could do that, that is, he served time for nothing, he is not capable of murder. are you seriously talking to us now or are you pretending to be a fool? no, you absolutely seriously think that the person who beat you to the state we see in the photographs is not capable of murder? no, he is not capable of murder. i will explain to you why? because in the state you were in, maybe another not very heavy blow would have taken your life.
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he did not kill, i came here specifically to to shed light on all this, that i actually hit him with a hammer myself, and that he didn't commit murder, to protect him, i'm in search of what i heard there, you came here for some specific purpose, yes, yes, for what purpose, well, on new year's eve katya called me, told me everything, crying hysterically, she says, look, my husband beat me with a hammer,
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then says: please help me, friend, come, i say, when i get there, i say, and if he's there, he'll kill me, god forbid, i was scared, of course, here's the next one i went there during the day and looked at what was going on , i see a pool of blood, the walls are covered in blood, the furniture , everything, her face is like this, and what did she tell you, she told you that she provoked it herself, that... he slept, then she started waking him up, he was also a little beaten up, then he pinned her against the wall and started hitting her with a hammer, now she says that she lied, that he didn't hit her with a hammer, there was no hammer, really, you told me yourself, there was a hammer, it was on purpose, alina, please tell me, how long have you known katya, we are from the second grade, tell me, were there men in her life who beat her before, no, there weren't, and did she have men before
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, were there, what kind? any roads, roads, yeah, see you soon , see you soon, look, you look, i did everything i wanted, thank you very much,
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zagomiltaki. fantasy, the final is on friday on the first. soviet counterintelligence has established that an agent of a foreign intelligence is operating in moscow, the security officers only know the call sign of the agent trianon. nagonii is on the verge of a coup. if agana overthrows grisso, the americans will immediately deploy their bases. the committee's leadership expects the most decisive actions from us.
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and here in africa, the russians are to blame for everything, we are only interfering in order to keep them out. yesterday, london broadcast a very interesting commentary on nagonia for the 120th anniversary of das. this is undoubtedly the one you are looking for. the legendary multi-part film based on the novel by yulian semyonov. tas is authorized to declare. on the weekend on the first. pink flamingo bird sunset powerfully, brightly really wanted to dance, you just blew up the hall, everything seemed to be in unison,
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everything was great, but you are different, because you are different generations, that's the difference, that's my most valuable old people. if you dream of seeing one of the wonders of the world, then just watch our project, each family duet is amazing in its own way, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season, on the first, come on, come on, come on, well, ah, can i ask you?
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that i've loved her for a long time, i've loved her since school. "your hair on the back of your head is wet from the heart, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone we are the perfect couple, i don't want to be a thief, you know, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes, my wife asked me, she left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, don't bring her back, i 've gone out of my way for him, do you even know how much they cost, they didn't ask you, and i'm asking you now. look properly, just touch the guy, bastard, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, and when you filed for divorce,
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you filed for alimony, and you filed for the elements as well, now he has to pay the elements, well, yes, but he doesn't pay, because he's in the season. well, yes, before the program you told us how hard it is for you to live without ex-husband, let's see, since sasha was locked up in pre-trial detention, we have been forced to live here, here with his parents, here he has his own chair, a big playpen, toys, we get sick often, unfortunately, here are his medicines, here... here is all the food, of course, if it weren't for his parents, none of this would exist, here is our nest, where my son and i are now living, they've done the renovation, i don't know how much longer we 'll have to huddle here, a year or two, while dad is in
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pre-trial detention, i hope he gets out soon, of course it's not very comfortable, over there is the parents' room, lyoshka sometimes cries at night, before going to bed, in the evening, when i put lyoshka to bed, i told him... about what his dad is like, remember dad, remember how he always bathed you when you were very little, he will grow up to be an exact copy of dad, he looks like him in appearance, and in character. just as kind, cheerful, good, yes, this is the same house that i took out a mortgage in 1923, look how big and beautiful it is, sasha did everything here with his own hands, i remember it as if it were yesterday, how sasha screwed in every screw himself, we chose everything, i pasted the wallpaper, i installed the bathtub myself, now the house is for rent, here... the chair on which i loved to go out here on the porch, also on the street with
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a stroller, with lyoshka, i was once so happy, i lost my home, i lost my family nest, where the three of us once lived so well in principle. alina, tell me, please, you have known each other for so long, you probably know how katya's parents reacted - to her choice, they did not want them to live together, to date, why? because he... served time, but not rose thought that she would fall in love, you know, to go to the program, her parents flatly refused, and your mother, a very nice person, sent our film crew so far away, and to such an address, no one has sent her for a long time, but still we collected all the videos where they somehow speak about their former son-in-law, let's watch, she doesn't listen.
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with her daughter, that is, i understood that you
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are saying goodbye to this creature, the murderer, yes, he will live in such a drunken state, i saw him, and where will we have him again or what, if i only see him, i will strangle him with my own hands, you understand, no, i i'll strangle him and you together, he's already been deprived of parental rights, now it's your turn, that's it, we've already paid for everything and are paying you, especially this... bastard, it will be our child, that's it, goodbye, let's go, everything you've done, officially according to the documents, you did absolutely right, you filed for divorce, you deprived him of parental rights, and you filed a police report, these were the three most correct things you did, i think that you simply had the right upbringing that your parents gave you, you just have to understand,
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it was just his addiction that sometimes ruined him and the fact that he served 9 years, and my mistake was also in what, when he had just been released, i, let's say, didn't even give him time to adapt, any person needs to adapt, somehow come to his senses after something like that, as they say, out of the fire, yes... i immediately flew him to st. petersburg, there one of his
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acquaintances invited him to st. petersburg, he asked me for advice, well, how, well, damn, i had just been released, maybe somehow, come on , i'll come to my senses, like this, no, come on, and what, i didn't understand at all, i didn't even understand, that, that a person who has spent so many years in places not so remote, he simply does not know this life in our free one, he is even simply afraid to cross the road, here i am on his plane to st. petersburg, he is there with... his friend, well, naturally, maybe a little phase shift began, and he started drinking with this friend, and there our quarrels all began to a greater extent, your ex-husband's brother, pavel romanov, you know each other, right? yes, he came because he thinks that sasha has nothing to do with it, he needs to be let go, and in general he never laid a finger on anyone in his life, and so on and so forth. pavel, come to us. katya,
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answer me, why did you rush, you'll end up like an idiot, i told you there would be consequences, that you should have waited a little while, met. calmly, soberly talked, yes i know, calmly, yes i know, i didn't listen, because i was very emotional, very angry at him, now your brother is in jail, and you're crying and constantly, why is he in jail, for the consequences, for what, for the fact that well, there was a fight, well, your brother is in jail for a reason, well, now it turns out that yes , for a reason, well, he received a statement, he already served time for something that wasn't his. in your opinion, too, yes , my brother didn't commit murder and was in jail for nothing , this is the first time , yes, to officially prove it, of course, there's no way , wait, maybe you know who killed him? there's no exact name, wait, you're dodging now, you told us something else before the program, when you were asked who did it, you said someone else did it, yes, that's right, but i don't
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i can tell you who it is because everyone is afraid of him, he is a very dangerous person, who is this, the person just left, i ask again, if your brother did not kill, but was the killer, and you know the killer, then you are covering for the killer, no, now yes, i only know his name, what is his name, mikhail some, mikhail some, of course, our correspondent went to the sverdlovsk region specifically to figure out why alexander actually received his first term, let's look at the story, the killer, he mocked her, well, he says he was a jailer. he was in prison before that, he he beat her up, he beat her up, he beat her up, olya complained, it was her mother, she died, he got together with her mother, she was 9 years old, they were against all these meetings in general, he didn’t listen, and why were you against it, about him,
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there weren’t many rumors like that, it was sasha or, what do you think, who knows, there were three of them there, he was with that, with his friend, he says, he was drunk there, they a... he says, silence, she, he says, was going to the kitchen, she only told him, you only come here to eat, well, one of the brothers said, she told him, you only come here to eat, yeah, to this impudent one, and he says, this, she went into the room, and he went to her, he slashed her there, she squeezed her like this, i don’t know who
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did it, that one was sitting there, they say he was kind, that one was very angry, like a beast , the second one, who did it, but he didn’t sit, even the grandmother herself, alive, said that he says he took a sin, she cursed him , that it’s not your fault, this is tyumi, he himself is afraid, like a little calf he was a guy , he couldn’t do this and that, sasha couldn’t, yeah, they met when we were still in school, with this sasha - killed, they said that he sasha, yes, yes, he wrote to me from prison once, supposedly i didn't... i would like you to be on the road to what the neighbors say, and he beat him, not he, it doesn't matter, but under him, in such circumstances, do you still have some illusions, these are not illusions, this is the belief
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that people change, people don't change, never change, don't count on it from me. the first one thought and said: "it's hard for me to name the term." trumer says: "and i know when, never." the creation of nuclear weapons required a gigantic concentration of forces, this...
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the premiere is on sunday on the first, here such a disaster happened, the antifake program from the first channel closed, during the time when our program was not on the air, viewers wrote to us on the channel, called, and unkindly spread all sorts of fakes about us, we expanded our program and geography and history and what we will review here, they also contact me so that i comment on where? truth in turkish media or in russian media, well and here the antifairy program is always to my aid. this season you will find a huge
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number of new, interesting headings. this symbol of the fact that historical justice is being restored. women are most often subject to anxiety when they receive some messages always wants to say: mom, let's not panic. new season of the antifake program, new rules. now i will personally go to the site to check the information together with you. antifake, premiere. season from september 2 on weekdays on the first in the new season on the first, tell me, is it possible to do business in my city without me, you komolov, oleg viktorovich, here is the resolution on your detention, last night the museum was robbed, what does my dad have to do with it, well tell me, the director is local from leningrad, with his wife and daughter, they came, the daughter is an adult, she is going to be an artist, that's how the museum was robbed at night district.
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oh, how wonderful, you were just amazing and your partners too, my name is mark natanovich barshak, i kind of look after this city and its environs, i need your talent in one very interesting and risky case. ninel, the premiere of the multi-part film from september 2, on the first, and you know that she has a patron, an adult appeared. to whom i am here, and not in a cell, and what is it worth, you know, in the new
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season on the first, rumors about this crime are already circulating in the city, wherever you go , they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was quite easy to pick up. you have been awarded a great honor, moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades, i was interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and there could anything can happen, you don't have any photos of kolya, strange, where are they, were they here, oh my god, how similar he looks to his son, you are the only real witness, the only person.
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before i scold you, and i really want to scold you, because you are responsible not only for your own lousy life, but also for your one and a half year old child, you constantly forget about this. and what did you bring your parents to? you brought your parents, and your parents will bring you to hell and take your child away, you'll see, and what did you do to me? i'll tell you, what did you do to me? because you want to continue living with him, that's why, but anyway, it seems to me that you know some things about yourself, since we asked you, we see it from the outside, we are interested in how you see yourself from the inside, and you told us honestly, let's listen. well , my life was difficult in general, of course, a lot of different shocks, at school they made fun of me, well, the fact that
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i was overweight then, of course, i cried. of course it was offensive, well, so that parents, well , in words, of course, sometimes could say something, but forget about them, but for me i need there were also affectionate words, hugs, there wasn't much of all that, they can't understand my situation, somehow fully understand me, my soul, my emotions, no, i don't love myself, i love my loved ones, like sasha, my son, my parents, but not myself, i think there's no reason.
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of course, all the girls there are normal with hair, with eyelashes, damn, and i'm like this, only sasha fell in love with me, as if from here, naturally all the huge complexes, well, that's it, i don't want to talk about it anymore, it's just how to say, deep down i'm still a child, a little one, who got lost in this life, but who needs support. perhaps understanding, a small child, like leshka herself. ekaterina, you have developed post-traumatic stress disorder, that is, after this physical trauma, perhaps organic matter, mental damage has occurred, yes, don't be afraid, i can help you if you want, to work through the victim syndrome, you just told me how
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unloved you were, about the boiling water from the teacher, yes, as if... you understand, you were born so that someone would torture you, someone would humiliate you, this should not be it so, you are already a responsible person for your alyoshka, you understand, your hair will grow back, and you will not be a victim, if you want, of course, to work, yes, and most importantly, forget sasha, forget, he is a murderer, you understand, the whole country is telling you about this, i will work with you, if you want, i think you will want, we will try and...
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the ex, let's call this husband, you are actually slandering yourself, well, you will destroy your life to the ground, absolutely, completely, here you need normal psychiatric help so that your nervous system comes to more or less adequate condition, that's the first thing, and then you will have a perspective on your family, that's what was just said, yes, your family is you...


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