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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 29, 2024 3:40am-4:21am MSK

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alena, hi, i'm delighted with your lifestyle, when we're together, don't put out this flame, thank you, what, thank you. rustam , 29, fitness trainer, lives in moscow, dreams of learning to do a one-arm pull-up, is proud that he can admit his mistakes and ask for forgiveness, admits that he spends time with his son every thursday, warns that he won't let his girlfriend throw tantrums. after the birth of his child , rustam realized that he would have to completely change his life and give up hanging out with friends. hope that alena is easy to compromise. "hello, good afternoon,
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also with a cake, yes, i made it for you in honor of our meeting, i am very happy to meet you, i made it myself, well, tell me honestly, my god, well , everything is right, and then this, and then why lie, to give flowers is somehow too banal, i at least stood out a little, gave a cup, this at least somehow intersects with her story, rustan, well, i was just glad that you came so young, young, how old are you, 29 years old, help yourself, just such a fitness trainer, oh which our bride dreamed of, and it turns out that you already have offspring, yes, a child, yes, there was a relationship, here, and this is the most vivid response from that relationship and... in principle - this
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brightness now fills my life fills it with boundless meaning, you are now talking about a child, yes of course, he already has experience raising a child it will be easier for him if he wants a child with his new girlfriend, with your wife or what, you were not married, but we were married, we lived with her for about 4 years, in principle, i think, we have some kind of everyday ... still youth and stupidity in everything all this in one bottle somehow made itself known and well our relationship gave in somewhere and what specifically in everyday life began to irritate well it started with small things it all started with banal cleanliness i if i see such yes it is not good but when a child and crawls there on the floor rustam maybe she was so exhausted?
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with a child not enough sleep you know i at that excuse me eh at that time i was working on a construction site and i worked for 10-11 hours sometimes so i came home at 8 o'clock, that is, i picked up the child, he jumped right on me, everything we did like that i until 11 o'clock either went outside with him, then there was no such thing that she was constantly busy, but she just wasn't busy, you just didn't see our mess at home, i have three children. a large family to you, why? you don't have a mess, you have everything, everything is in its place, we'll stop by again, i'll show you the places you need to look, i showed you everything today, don't worry, you wanted to see your friends, she made a scandal, probably true, yes, in this too, that's what i'm saying, all this in one bottle, and i kind of told her about the relationship with my friends, because she completely cut them off, but the position was: i don’t communicate
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with friends and you shouldn’t, that’s the same with the breakup where are you from rustan? and i’m from, i’m from tashkent, so they live in moscow now, yes , i live in moscow now, she also lives in moscow, also from tashkent, but no, she’s a muscovite, well, this moment, of course, that his ex-wife didn’t let him go to his friends, well, well, this is a little wrong, how do you like alena, who works at night for three, 3 years older than you, mm? here’s the work of a stripper, i really appreciate this in a person, since she herself tried in many areas, as i did, until i found myself in sports, namely in fitness, i went through a huge, simply huge path from a courier to a security guard dolo, alyon, and how much do you still owe in loans financially, well, in monetary terms, at the moment to the ex, yes, how much more is the loan, and 4000, do you need a woman with debts? that i am not against such
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a woman with debts, and of course, yes, i will help, great, you see, i have already solved your financial problems, and you have prepared a surprise, yes, i have prepared, with your permission, we will be happy to see, i alena will be needed, your, okay, help, so, now there will be a surprise, we will need to see , evaluate how interested she is in this candidate, you and i... we will pass some kind of flexibility test, on my, on our salts with you, you will really like it, so the rules are as follows, we must not touch this one with any part of the body, here it is ready,
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come on, let's go, it worked, yes, well done, for five, a little we... we will complicate it, yeah, we are ready, so let's go, it is a very original way to go through it, this is still in heels, listen, well you well done, straight ahead, there's still more to go, yes, yes, even lower, no, let's go even lower, lower, lower, let's go, at least, like this, let 's go, like this, like this, yes, we can, thank you, like this. let's try, if we do this, we are definitely made for each other, just, let's go, let's go, i'm not flexible,
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i understand, guys, he is an oriental man, he is from tashkent, he had a certain family model, the relationship between mom, dad, neighbors and relatives, it's all a completely different mentality, there a man plays backgammon, eats pilaf when he wants, walks with friends, a woman has her own
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orders, i don't consider myself some kind of white prince who offended me like that, no, i'm exactly 50% guilty, like my ex, because we both did something. meet the third groom, come in. alyonushka, hi, hello, my name is. i heard that you work as a taxi driver, yes, well, i would like to ride on the happy for life tariff, thank you, thank you, vitaly, 42
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years old, sales manager, lives in the city of ramenskoye, moscow region, plays football, table tennis, goes to discos, dreams of raising his daughter as a good person, is proud of the fact that he does not remember offenses. admits that he has not had a single fine for violating traffic rules, warns that he has not consumed alcohol for 5 years. after vitaly found incriminating correspondence on his wife's phone, he stopped being an impeccable husband and went to all lengths, hoping that alyona would not provoke him. hello, glad to see you. oh, how respectable and interesting you are! looks like a villain from an action movie from the eighties, well, there is that's possible, and what was there, what kind of incriminating correspondence, well, a text message, let's go have a coffee, we saw this by chance, yes , by chance, my phone was just lying there, i don't like
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to look through phones, well, and you approached your wife, asked what kind of coffee, yes, i approached her, asked, and she said raf, lavender, well, she answered me that i don't want to communicate with this person, that's all. and that's it, yes, and that became the reason for the divorce. no, not only that, we were already living as slightly different people, or we had had enough of each other, well, i don't know, but how many years we lived, we lived together for 12 years, children, yes, a daughter of 14 years old, well, well, it is clear that the person is respectable, but again 42 years old, she is 29, 13 years difference, and... she is 32, no big deal, 10 years is also a big enough difference, the wife worked a lot, took care of the child, and we
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raised our daughter together, well, i tried to give the child as much attention as possible, because i always put the child first for me, safety is everything else, and you think that the wife, for example, devoted more time to her mother and sister than a child? to introduce to people, at least until adulthood, this is very, well done, this
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commands respect, vitali, do you want more children? i can see from your eyes that yes, but alena doesn't want to, no, i must have missed something, then, then, i'll introduce you to my daughter, it's just that to me, it seems to me that a woman who doesn't want children, there are more questions for her. than for the one who does want children, maybe she just hasn't met someone with whom i would want to have a child together, no, at first you really want a child, and then you understand, it was like that for me, well, okay, for you i had decided to live for myself, but when i met my husband, i realized that the only thing i could give was children, we probably have these boxes, children for ourselves, give us these boxes, the only thing is yes please, of course, and there's a little doll, he just got lost, well, in general, he... pa , as for me, it seems to me that he feels somehow lost, maybe, well, he has a wave like this strip, you can insert a coin,
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maybe he only turns on when you insert a coin into him, that's why he's so black, dear mendelson, our bride wants a big baby, and we have a respectable, serious man sitting here, yes, uncle, what do you think, maybe you should conduct a test with him, maybe after all the big baby got encrypted there, now we will decipher, so, i don’t understand, what do you think, vitaly, we
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are shaping you with salt, have fun, i am the best man, she is the best man, oh well, we are already going by the stupid dictionary, well, what flat do you prefer, low or high, repeat the question, repeat it, i don’t think that if i repeat it, we will get an answer, but... in general the test zhiza, you're just yo, how young, that's it , you're behind the times, maybe you were going to surprise us with a surprise, yeah, i'm not behind, no, of course, with a surprise, well, we need to get ready together, go and get ready, and this is like from her biography, that she really likes to lie in the bath, well, damn, good evening, creatively,
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darling, good morning, are you in the shower, no, don't worry, i've already had breakfast, i'm running to work, love you, have a nice day, darling, good evening, i came home from work, are you in the shower? well, i'll cook myself dinner, you soak, if anything, come over, i'll read a book in the meantime. darling, good morning, you're in the shower, well , don't worry, i'll take leshenka to the garden myself, and you rest, i'll be back soon, have a nice day, darling, dear, good evening, i have a surprise for you, alyoshenka got married to us, well, we're going to
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a restaurant, come to us if you get out of the shower. i love you, she looks good in the bathroom, in the frame, in the frame, yes, darling, you're in the bathroom, god, how have you survived, we're celebrating our golden wedding today, and i thought of how we 'll celebrate it, in short,
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well done, i washed myself, well done, alena, there's no fear of spending your whole life in foam, yes, i i understood the joke of this scene, actually, but i probably don't spend that much time in the bathroom, i have time to do a lot of things, i would n't work several jobs then, if you spent 5 hours in the bath every day, from your words, how do you like your fiancé, how do you like it, vitaly, i wonder, i think that in... in principle, for example, my daughter's question doesn't bother me much, but i think he won't understand my language well, because all the other words are cringe, well, it's complete trash, you helped, a little, it was there behind the scenes, but you just didn't pay attention nobody pays attention, i got her out of the bath, carried her to the dressing room, yes, yes, in my
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arms, she walked, she didn’t walk on her feet, oh, i don’t know, let me shake your hand, but a real man, that’s it, your victory is guaranteed, go. she’ll divorce you, actually , you know, whatever she chooses, it will still remain, well, her choice, and i respect it, that’s because you think like that, that’s why she’ll choose you, iron man, tell me, please, i wonder, well, if i’ve learned anything while working with you here, it’s that there’s a big difference between the groom who really suits the bride and the one she irrationally wants, so i don't know if it's a disgrace or not, but i recommend vyacheslav, and you think with your
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head decide for yourself, whoever you go to today, in any case we will support you, because we want you to be. happy, come in, i invite everyone to come out and support alena, hello, once again, hello, sit down, i thought so worthy of a man, and i decided to choose. myself, because you were right about the massage , what you do, it's simple, it's me i am ready to die for this, this is what i need, then you know, the distance, i am in a car, the distance is not a problem for me, so i think that i would try with you, if you, i am very glad that you chose
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me, we have a couple, alena and vyacheslav, and i... hello, the vremya program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main events of the day. under heavy fire , our fighters told how they were saved. with children, who found themselves surrounded by ukrainians in the kursk region. exclusive report. they liberated
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kamyshevka and are moving deeper into the defense enemy. the success of our defenders in the donetsk direction of the special operation. the whole country is helping. on the day of the military medic , our doctors who work in the svo zone were given new equipment purchased with funds collected by the people's front. reconstruction of the bridge across the volga, modernization of the transport system and medicine. vladimir putin brought the governor of the yaroslavl region mikhail evraev to the kremlin. preferential loans for business creating innovative production. meeting of the prime minister with the head of the industrial development fund. a historic event for russian railways. the first unmanned swallow with passengers from.
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the story of salvation, courage and love for one's neighbor as for oneself, the place of action is the kursk village of malaya loknya, it was there that the russian military stopped the invasion of the armed forces of ukraine into our borderland, fighters of the sever group led a family with children out of enemy encirclement, under heavy fire, covering themselves from bullets and shrapnel. the civilians were then picked up by our film crew together with a brigade of veterans, so the fate of the military remained unknown until today, now the heroes found. and told amir iisupov how it all happened. watch the exclusive report. i remember, govor, govor, head, he says, cover, i
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put my hand, calm down, i promised that you would live, what do you think, if you weren't around, i don't know, a soldier of the thirtieth regiment with the call sign govor recalls how he saved. but they were surrounded, the heaviest battles began, not all civilians managed to leave, but govor and other servicemen saved the pugachev family and their neighbors, took them out of the combat zone a week ago, we, together with the soldiers veterans of the brigade picked up civilians in the car of our film crew, we are going after them, they are going after us and jumping. hooray, the people were delivered to the temporary accommodation point, but nothing was known about the fate of the soldiers who saved the family, the civilians only knew that the soldiers were wounded, now
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it turned out that they are alive, being treated in the hospital, hi, zhenya, hi, al, how are you, fine, health, super, we are very worried about you, how are you doing, i just talked to you and it got better, you have become like family to me now. and you to us too, and you to us also, what, we love you. it all started with the pugachev family and their neighbors losing their homes, and terrorists wiped out an entire street. people were moving from basement to basement, hiding from the militants and shelling, the fighters of the ninth and thirtieth regiments came across them during another attack in the ssu. there was shelling, artillery, tanks were pounding, they started to dismantle the house, from the middle, in short, to collapse the floors, they clapped, clapped, me, he says, get behind the armored vehicle, so that you can't be seen. well, they grabbed this one from behind like that, all i little by little, little by little, so along the house together with them behind the houses and miraculously got to
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another basement, the last one, you could even say , food, here they fed them, here's the first thing they fed them , they gave them some blankets to take cover in , they deprived themselves of something, but first of all , they fed us, gave us something to drink, and then they themselves gave us the best, always, after a couple of days they were taken away to another house further away. they said to me straight out, take me away from here, she grabbed me, well, that was when there was a fire in the building, she swallowed
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a lot of smoke, leaving civilians in small locks it was becoming more and more dangerous, the encirclement was already closing, the fighters decided to take people out, although they understood that this sortie could be the last, they put on frontal vests, here are ulyanochka and vika, an extra 15 kg of equipment on fragile children slowed down the whole group, they had to abandon protective equipment, they had to move quickly and at the same time for a long time, they were waiting for people for 40 km, the main thing was to get out of the village itself.
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the fighters protected the children from the explosions with their own bodies from us, the serb covered vika, took off his helmet, covered her with his body, did not even thinking about what could happen to you , hurt you, kill you or something else, the serb was badly concussed, just such a shock wave that it was as if you were being hit on the head with a sledgehammer, govor hid ulyana behind him when they started shooting really hard, he managed to cover me with his back like this , and that's why i wasn't hurt.
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people of the world, no matter who it was, russians, ukrainians, we were taught to protect civilians, to protect the civilian population, everything that happened, of course, left its mark on people, it's hard to believe, everything that we we got out, i dream of war, still, for several days, i dream of the house, my hand doesn't work well, my hand is constantly numb, a wound in the elbows, and my whole palm hurts,
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our birthday is now not everything, guys, saving ulyana, he treated her like a daughter, and i also gave her a memorial, lera, i put her as from now on the call sign lera, here she is, everything is clear, and why such a vertebra, that's what my daughter is called, in every child, i see her, they haven't seen each other for 9 years, i was afraid, maybe, i don't know, that's what i'll tell her, that's how i'll be able to explain to her,
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what... i was not there only now after saving ulyana he finds something to say to lera? lera, i always thought only of you, hand on heart just forgave me, so that after the hospital, if they give me leave, then i will go, i will go home. amir yasupov, roman serebrennikov, sergey naumov, maria mortanova, dmitry matyushin, larisa nikitina, channel one. now the operational situation. in the kursk border area the systematic destruction of ukrainian formations that penetrated our territory continues. in a day the enemy lost 380 people in this direction three dozens of armored vehicles. here is footage of the destruction of one of the armored targets. intelligence of the sever group spotted a ukrainian armed forces tank. a direct hit from a drone, explosions, detonation of the bekomplekt and the tank is gone. in this video , komika lancet's drone sends an enemy grad rocket system to the scrap heap.
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the enemy's manpower and equipment were successfully dealt with by missiles from the crew of su-25 attack aircraft, and in the sumy region, scouts discovered a hangar with the american highmers system. the pilots also put a final stop: a launcher, six ammunition. the loading vehicle and the escort vehicle were destroyed by an aerial bomb. near the kursk npp, rosgvardia engineers defused an american hars rocket, shot down by our air defense systems. the cluster warhead, containing many submunitions, did not explode and posed a serious threat. our specialists decided to destroy the dangerous find on the spot, which was done with all precautions. the group. set out on a mission at the request, kursk region, kurchatovsky district, where there is a nuclear power plant, the group arrived at the site, raised a drone, well, a drone, inspected the site, discovered what was
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a hamers missile, went out to inspect the object, cluster submunitions were discovered, 183 munitions were discovered, they were destroyed by an overhead charge, we are so grateful... the fighters also help civilians, this elderly couple was evacuated to a temporary accommodation point, the spouses spent several days there, now they are at home and are very grateful to the fighters. early voting started today in the kursk region on gubernatorial elections. polling stations are open , including at temporary accommodation points, so that all citizens can exercise their constitutional right. why is it important to participate in the elections? our correspondent tatyana kozlova asked residents of kursk oblast this question today. stability for a peaceful sky above our heads, for faith in tomorrow, in kursk oblast for the difficult situation, the elections of the governor, as well as municipal deputies, started early, people go to the polling stations even despite the missile danger siren,
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which is heard here several times a day. today is a difficult time for our region, but not only for our region, for our great country, so we give our vote for... for people to return to their homes, for life to improve, for victory, for our land, early voting, i think, i believe that this is the right decision, you can vote online through the public services portal or in person, by personally coming to the polling station, there are 774 of them in the region, it is very important that every resident of our region comes to the polling station and voted, as of today we have... nine municipalities that have been evacuated from their places, they are located, if in the city of kurtsk, they have the right to come to any polling station, enter their last names and patronymics in the additional list and vote at our station. today we already had such people from
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the bolshesoldatsky district. each vote is entered into a single database, for this a person must write an application, polling stations operate in temporary accommodation points. 18 temporary polling stations polling stations, which are formed in temporary voter placement points on the territory of the city of kursk, these commissions will organize mobile voting on the territory of nine municipalities, where polling stations have not started working today due to the operational situation, there will also be 16 temporary polling stations in health care institutions in a pre-trial detention center, they will work only in those who were evacuated to other regions will also be able to express their civic position, you can cast your vote early will be until september 5, the main days are september 6, 7 and 8. good afternoon, single contact
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center, hello. another important issue that is currently being addressed in the region is financial support for residents of border areas. the one-time payment is 10,000 rubles. for 20 days, which we have been working incompletely, we have made a significant. large number of changes to the regulatory framework, if initially we only had permanent registration, now the payment is received by persons who are temporarily registered in these areas. at the moment, more have been received 125 thousand applications, most of them were approved and sent to the bank, if errors are found in the documents, the situation is resolved promptly. on the eleventh, i submitted an application for a payment of 10,000, then nothing worked out for me, i came, and they told me... you have the wrong bank account, well , they called me on sunday, i am very, very glad that such people exist, how can i introduce them, i don’t even know, such good people who, well , how they worried about me, about my
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child, about my grandmothers, continue to the region deliver food, essential items, humanitarian headquarters of the people's front today visited the plenipotentiary representative of the president of the russian federation in the central federal district and... channel. now a special operation. russian troops
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continue to expand the zone of control in the territories of the donetsk republic occupied by kiev. we are confidently advancing in the direction of pokrovsk. today the ministry of defense announced the liberation of the group center kamyshovka. active actions in novogrodovka. and according to sources, ours are already in the center selidova. advancement in other directions , the situation in their areas of responsibility has improved the troop groups of the west, south and east. the enemy's losses for sudki. areas, including the camp of foreign mercenaries, was destroyed, and today it became known that as a result of a high-precision strike by our armed forces on the location of mercenaries in krivoy rog, the former head of the cherkasy region, sbu colonel and active participant in the so-called ato in donbass sergey sergeychuk was eliminated. today is a professional holiday
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for military doctors, and not where it is more dangerous in all, risking themselves, saving others, under fire in bulletproof vests, performing the most difficult operations for courage and heroism, are worthy of state awards, in one of the regions of the svo, orders and medals were presented to the medics of the group center. how the medics of the winged infantry detachment celebrate their working holiday, our correspondent, guseyn guseinov, saw. field motorcycles for evacuation, an ambulance and backpacks of the so-called tactical medicine. on the day of the military doctor , the thirty-ninth separate medical detachment of the airborne forces accepts gifts. such a huge number different very necessary things at the front, collected with the money of the people's front. this is what channel one helped us with. all this is being transferred to the front to the soldiers, it is going to the front line, it will save the lives of the soldiers. we managed to help our soldiers. as part of the collection of military correspondent anastasia mikhailovskaya, in addition to
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transport and medical equipment, the paratroopers were given night vision devices, thermal imaging sights, drone detectors and electronic warfare systems. rep, now this is one of the most important weapons against everything that is flying at us from air. 100 million we have already collected in the framework of the big game, every week we hold a collection, the whole country helps us, we see that we are ... we still continue our work, despite
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everything, 24x7, until the victory of the special military operation. in the near future, all rap complexes will be installed on the hospital's evacuation vehicles, and the ambulance transferred as part of the campaign from the emergency medical care center of the presidential administration has already arrived, equipped with such a complex. thank you very much for the provided car, since this type of transport is very necessary for the military, for transportation. this is treatment, so special thanks to all those involved. in recent months alone, thanks to the caring citizens of our country, more than 500 electronic warfare systems have already been delivered to the military along the entire front line. guseyn guseinov, farid muslimov, nikolay volkovy and dmitry matyushin. channel one lugansk people's republic. more about our defenders. private danila klima discovered a group of ukrainian militants during aerial reconnaissance who were trying to bypass positions ours. from the flank transmitted the coordinates to the commander of...


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