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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  August 29, 2024 4:05pm-5:00pm MSK

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if polina came to you with such a problem, what would you advise her, i would first ask what you want to be heard, well then it is a question of communication in a couple, a question of dialogue and talking about your feelings, about experiences, without blaming the other partner, only then can we hear, psychologists say so, she told you a story, so she allowed her husband, her husband cheated on her, because she physically and mentally could not cope, and he went and cheated. so after that she decided to get a divorce, came to you for advice as a sexologist, what should she what to do next? i'll repeat the question: what do you want? she already said that she doesn't know what she wants, then i'll help her determine what she wants, because betrayal, betrayal is never a reason, it is always a consequence of some circumstances, decisions, events, everything she had, she worked, she was tired, her body physiologically did not want, could not, because she was. came, we
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also know this, to move on to the council, filming i'm a cake, let's do it this way, i have a metaphor, i'm a taxi driver, palina is a passenger, she gets on with me in the car and says, i want to leave here, where will i take her, straight, where, straight, how much, how much is needed, until she tells you to the right, to the left, a very tasty cake, thank you, i'm very hungry, i say, larisa does it simply masterfully, a question. on the material component, because we had a wonderful talk about the soul, how many children do you have? two, two, and are the elements formalized, documented? oh no, i 'm helping like this, why the elements? okay, show me the surprise then, yeah, do you need a bride? yes, i need a bride, polina, i know what you you want, i know about your dream, i know that you want to rest, and i will send you on maternity leave, wow, yes, come in. listen, well, in fact, he
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produces the seal of such a good man, but i'm not sure that this is exactly what she needs, and i'm not sure that their characters will really suit, polina, so that you can rest, i will send you on maternity leave as many times as you say enough. thank you, take your vitamins for now, watch your favorite show, well, and i 'll work, i'll take care of the crib for our future baby, in general, a man knows that such a maternity leave, now all the mothers of the country have simply turned upside down and become indignant, well, i'm already drawn to cucumbers, i'll tell you this, there will be cucumbers, i can also work in the garden, hurray!
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to extend your maternity leave, i ordered a child for us on the internet, take everything, yes, we'll take it, thank you very much, but now i need to work even more, lesha, well done, in general , the idea is great, ordering a child on the internet so that there are no health problems is just a thrill, are you planing a second crib, i'm already planing a second one, here of course work. a lot is needed there, the family is growing, how are you feeling? oh, thank you, everything is fine, dear polina, there was a sale, yeah, and already ready ones, yeah, but we are still waiting for ours, what is this anyway, you sit, sit, wait, wait, sit, rest, rest, nothing, hold on, hold on, so, i'm holding, rest, you're holding, yeah, i'm holding, well, and i... because i signed up for this myself, until you
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say, enough, i will provide you with children and maternity leave, how do you, great, like it, yeah, really, but you don't work, super, what happened, mom, dad, i got it right, hooray, i don't know, i touched it, but i can handle it, we'll live, and you'll rest on maternity leave, great, thank you, no, really , such a surprise with the script, so to speak, no, the level of creativity is off the charts, i agree, but now all the mothers of the country probably crossed themselves and said, what kind of rest is this, this psychologist sexologist's idea of ​​relaxation is of course interesting, maybe give the younger ones, who else is there, no, did they call the screensaver, enough children? "no, well, actually i brought
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a bouquet for your large family, alina, so great, these are just flowers, fuck"? you you've had enough, i want your dreams to come true, no matter how crazy they are, thank you, thank you very much, it was really great, thank you, it was a wonderful surprise, well it reminded me of the cartoon the golden antelope, i won't stop until you say enough, it seems to me that at some point she already wanted to say the stop word, she just didn't know which one it was yes, you need to warn her, it seems to me in advance, well, darling, tell me, how do you like the surprise, is it really great? i think it was also super i liked it cringe-worthy yes as much as possible alina, how do you like it ? i liked it exactly, yes, his ingenuity is very cool, funny, very figurative, but of course, as a girl who just left maternity leave, i would like him to sometimes
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bring food to the young mother, it would be more useful than a husband building, yes, when i went on maternity leave, he specially took a vacation, he took remote work by all means... by all means and for at least 3 months, that's the first, he was there, during this period the support of a man is very important, and if a man goes into a childish position, sulks, gets offended that he is not enough attention, then unfortunately, it creates a big crack in the family. you liked the groom, as i understand it, and his profession, because you would readily accept him in moscow, then, listen, okay, he is in stavropol - it is the warmest, generally the richest place, the children will have a place to spend their holidays, there are relatives there, it is warm, there are tomatoes and watermelons.
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and what touched you? well, i want a chance, polina, maybe there is still something there, you know, it is difficult to find your person, you know, if there are tears, it means there are still some feelings, there are no tears without feelings, you know, something else is still hurting you, your patience is running out, no enlightenment, it seems to me that your tail is just in the way, you are untying your shoelaces to your tail and you have draped your arse with hair, was it possible? to invite three exes at once, what is it? why didn't you invite the rest? did you love polina? yes, you looked, well, how did you love, i love, you loved, i always look with an adoring gaze, do you regret that you were such a fool, very much, it was an extremely
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imprudent act, you chose who you would go to, that is, before he appeared, yes, now, to be honest, it's just... hard, but maybe i should really give him a chance, i want to save him, i want the best for my vlok, he's blind, my mother drinks for the children's, yes, for her pension, the total amount is about fifty, 50,000, and there's no money for a week, i'll buy, for example, a whole bottle, i'll drink it all day, do you want for a few.
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it seems to me that this proverb is very suitable for our program today. yes, we will also learn today that god, it turns out, works like radtsa, that is, he has a reception area, that is, if it is close to the church, it works, and if it is far away, it does not. today in our studio
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is tatyana vaiticheva. tatyana, hello, hello, what happened to you, tell me, i want to register. my grandson is in a specialized home, a boarding school for the deaf-blind, he is blind, there at the temple, with god. there they take care of the kids, they teach them, and what about the fact that your grandson does not have parents, his mother does not take care of him, that's the thing, his mother drinks, well, and you also drink, no, i do not drink, but you do not want to take care of him, this boarding school is specialized for such kids, well probably for such children, who, in addition to all the health problems, also have no parents, here it seems like the child has a mother, well, okay, i understand she drinks. this is your daughter, yes, yes, but there is a grandmother, you seem to be alive, healthy, thank god, well, i'm not
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young anymore, i can't give the fact that the child is blind, he was blind from birth or something happened, he was born prematurely, 6 months, yeah, why because the mother led such a lifestyle, did she drink while pregnant, she, yes, was born premature, as a result this vision problems, yes, detachment of the iris. it was impossible to do the operation yet, he was heavy, yeah, so we went, went to st. petersburg for the operation, went to moscow for the operation, came here, the doctor said, one eye should see, but mom doesn't take care of him, that's why he doesn't see, that's why he doesn't see at all, and how did it happen that you are the official guardian of this child, mom herself wrote to make it on me...
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he is at the temple, he is at the temple, yes, they agree to take him there, i started collecting certificates, but lena is preventing it, lena is your daughter, she prevents, wait, if i understand correctly, you... right, yes, but at the same time he is now at the boarding school for his holidays, he now lives with you, for word experts, yes, that is, he only comes to you on weekends. weekends, well , let's see what you do when he comes on weekends, i have lived here since
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1992, i raised a daughter, a son here, now i am raising a grandson, before , tyoma and i slept on this couch, i slept here on the edge, he is always against the wall, well , now he is already a big boy, already, as if and it's hard to sleep with him, he sleeps in that big room with his mother, he often comes to me, he... he reads to me himself, tema, let's go, honey, come to me, i'm going to have some tea, you'll have some with me, come on while the kettle's boiling, you read to me, where's the poem, what kind, you 'll tell me, let's try it together, come on, autumn has come, the flowers have dried up, and the sad bushes look, the waters have rustled, the fast stream, the birds have flown away to warmer climes, well done, come on, turn around here, for a glass, okay, what
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are we going to drink, here are some waffles, chocolate cookies, mom hardly takes care of him, well, i think that he is not needed now, i want to save him, i want the best for my grandson. wait, so who does he live with, i don’t understand, with you or with mom? well, we have two rooms there, two rooms, i live in one room, my daughter lives in the other, well, that is, he lives with his daughter, he comes with you to drink tea , read a book, that was before, now, well, now he is with me, with mom, he spends the night, wait, there is some confusion here, the guardianship entrusted you with the child, right, but this was with the mom’s consent. what difference does it make, you are a temporary guardian, right, for six months, and he lives with his mother, he lives
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with his mother, and you claim that as a temporary guardian, that is, still representing the rights of the child, you cannot collect the necessary certificates so that he can go to sergeyev for some reason? what should we do now, with sergey posad, you agreed, we must convince your daughter that we need to collect certificates, she does not want to let him go, it is completely obvious, she must be granted maternity on what basis? because she does not deal with him, wait, so the child is in a boarding school, you said it yourself, the child only comes to the boarding school on weekends, now you want to send him to another boarding school, but for some reason to sergeyev, what's the difference? there are two of these boarding schools, anyway , neither you nor the mother are looking after the child, because i'm working now, and these 2 days she's been drinking, he's practically with me or with natasha, with the neighbor, or hanging out in the hallway, and you always work on weekends, i have a flexible schedule, if you're not able to provide custody, why did you agree, well, he can't be left with his mother, okay, with
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you can't be a mom, you can't deprive mom of parental rights, but you can be a guardian, i'm not young anymore, what can i give him?
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throw away this vision, throw away the empty one, why don't you want to send the child, i 'm sitting with him little by little, like little by little, drinking, and adding, if no one, years, didn't get me going, then i break down on him, make him, give it here, i won't give it, you have another one,
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gave it away, gave it away, mom, or what, well, come on here, i'll go have a drink, are you a sheep? she's at you because of the bottle, that's always the case, she's been drinking for a long time, she's been drinking for a long time, it's still dark she was pregnant, she was already using, and 10 years ago, he was already 10, yes, yes, and five years ago she was already generally... she wasn't there for a single day, and how useless it is, she doesn't go, how much i talked to her, how much i tried to be nice to her, let's get coded, go lie down, i haven't worked yet, i'll be with tyoma, tyoma is with me, and does she work at all or not, no, she gets child care, what does she drink for, for children, yes, for
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a pension, a pension, he's disabled, the total amount she receives is about fifty, 50,000, there is no money, well where do you think she will send him, what will she be left with, what will she have, that's what she is afraid of, let's ask her what she is afraid of, what is she thinking about, elena, come to us, hello, elena, how much do you drink, tell me, well, in general, sometimes i buy , for example, when there is no one there, well, there, well , even someone is there, i buy, for example, a whole bottle, i drink it all day. what vodka, i prepare it for half a day, well, little by little, of course, this is every day, it happens, no, not every day, every other day, what do you you drink, sometimes i'll lend, sometimes i'll lend, you pay back, what, they'll call you, you pay back what, when you're busy, i pay with money, what kind, where do you
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get it, no, i don't work, who sometimes invites you to drink, well, there and then... the girl there to have a beer or something, and where is the child at that moment? he's independent, he sits at home, i say, come sit with me? he says: no, i'm at home. we'll talk about yulian semyonov, he is famous first of all for the fact that his hero stirletz became a cult character in russian literature, i'll ask you to stay, flew up, a meteor, is friends with everyone, everyone loves him, they let him go abroad, what are you saying, writers hated him, he was incredibly charming with all his stories, fights, with boxing, it was not worth offending, bullying, attacking, somehow aggressively behaving towards yulian semyonov, he could easily fight, guys, he really loved to make
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an impression, for example, to come there in the military uniform of necromancer partisans, communicated with ordinary people, hello comrade, good evening, wanted to live an interesting, exciting life, violating, accepted at that time ruled by... created and lived it. crimea, yuliana semenova. on saturday, on the first. the main thing is what will happen after death, because everyone , alas, will have to die. so, if they continue to read me, then i have won. only a few people remain. and how many of them have access to secret documents. nine. is she entering the narrowed circle? yes. and introduce me to olga winter, help, help, if you understand, oh, bosch candles, where did you get them,
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acquired them abroad, and what if there is a conflict, a break with her husband and a relationship with dubovy, a reliable person, with an impeccable reputation, it's just a smokescreen, you won't succeed, why, the fact that the russians feel the information leak, it's really serious, our interest in winter should not cast a shadow on her if she is not involved in the matter. the legendary multi-part film based on the novel by yulian semyonov. on the weekend on the first. yuli borisovich khariton, i know what bombs were dropped on japan, wrote a technical assignment in which he says that we will work on two types of bombs. forces, when the soviet union will be able to create atomic bomb, and pimberi thought said: "it's hard for me to name a time." tromer says: "and
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i know when, never." the creation of nuclear weapons required a gigantic concentration of forces, this is something new that had to be created in the shortest possible time. everyone was under great tension. there were 10, 9, special. there was no concern, in fact, the creation of the first product rds-1 is a warning of the third world war with a result completely unknown to mankind. the atomic bomb, the personal business of man x. premiere. in sunday on the first. in the new season on the first. in the city already. rumors about this crime are going around, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find,
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this knot seemed very massive, although it was picked up quite easily, you are worthy of great honor, moles, honor and trust of the reich, remember this, after the war i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, i was interested in what was there why did your mother come to us so that we could help her deprive you of parental rights, it was not
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your mother who came to you, but her sister who advised her, yes what are you, and since her sister speaks, she speaks in her words just like she does, it was you who suggested it, it was our common decision, because it is simply impossible to look at this, the child, stop, your common decision, what? how can it not be, we will get on the plane, we will fly, we need him for the new year holidays, for the summer holidays, and you are rich, i forgot, i will find him, lena. wait, you will not have the opportunity to take him every weekend, now the child is at home every weekend, good? no,
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that he is at home, you see, he is at home, we wanted peacefully, so that she would give her consent without depriving him of maternity, to take him there, to live, to register, she seemed to agree, we called each other, they answered us, these are the documents, register everything and come, we will receive you, she became stubborn, there is no one, wait, but she agreed at first, you agreed at first, well , that was 3 years ago, everyone is pressuring and pressuring, i am already thinking, okay, fine, but how will he be there alone without me, it is very far away, you will spend your whole life in this i will not have enough money for the trip, if the boy were sighted, there would be no there was no trouble, she would have taken him, she has a nice big house, went to the village, there are three grandchildren they would raise all together, he is blind, in the village, that there is no such school, that she, a grandmother, can give this child nothing and the house is in ruins, not
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in ruins is good. as a father, he is not a father, who is he, where is he? what do you mean he is not a father, he is not listed in the birth certificate, no, we live for a day, we do not live for a month, he raises his hands, he also hit him three times, and how many times did you hit him, well , yes, well, not with all his might, but on the head lids, wait, for what? well, for the language, he swears at me, snaps, stubborn, and he just does it, nazon. how
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can a child know swear words if no one in the family swears, you know how he swears, like a coward, but you don’t, and i, yes, and his dad, we live in a dorm, what claims can you have against a child, every time you hear swear words from his lips, come and hit your head against the wall, because you taught him, no, we live in a dorm and what, everyone swears there, so you provided such living conditions for your child, he here...
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alcoholism, lifestyle, absolutely not directly extremely low, and why? long-term rehabilitation potential is extremely low, there are no anchors left to cling to, attitude to the child, this is a very difficult job, nevertheless, you are ready to take it, right? well, we will do everything in our power. let's see how you live with artyom. we
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are abnormal, this is a plate for one moron, and this is for another moron, eat, and you too, i don't know, artyom, i mean, i'm a moron, this is the sofa, we sleep here with tyoma, his dad sleeps there with cockroaches, here. the jacket that you, i don’t know what, go ahead, disgrace yourself, don’t put it on, i mean, you should have eaten chocolate normally, as if you were 2 years old, you can’t eat, or something, warmer, put something cool on there, it won’t freeze, the lock is broken, why are you touching it, don’t touch it, why are you hitting me, in front of them, in front of people. i spend the day in the chair, and the topic
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spends the day in the hallway. “i don’t want him to be here at all, in general, i don’t want mom to come in, i want to be alone with the child, like a blind child
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can see that he got his jacket dirty, like explain this nonsense to me, i explained it to him calmly before, now he has brought me out of my misery, i am carried away again, the scar on my forehead is from whom, from him"? he hit, well, he hit me three times in the same place with a board, my skin burst, well, and there is a fountain, well , let's go and get the beating taken off, who is stopping you from writing a statement, not joking with him, i just quickly forget, do you really think that you can raise a child now, that you are able, well honestly, yes, yes, you are not able to answer for your life, how can you be responsible for the life of another person, moreover, those who have serious health problems, i know, and where were you before, when you had to do eye surgery, so that at least one eye could see, and where were you before, when
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you didn’t have to drink while pregnant and there wouldn’t be premature births, i didn’t drink while pregnant, where were you before, when you did, i could drink a can of beer, and that’s it, where did you get it from, and how you drank beer when you were pregnant, i dragged you boxes of it, and where are you from? and you? and me, i’m not that. and who are you to this child? a father? no. you are nobody to this child. why? therefore, we don't give a damn about your position . i am ready to take a dna test. well, go ahead
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and take it. just earn enough for it first, and then take it. why isn't the child registered in your name? well, so that she would be a single mother, so that she would earn some kopecks there. i understand. and there was, so that there would be more income. and what do you do? forwarder loader forwarder currently at a brewery how much do your services cost you how much do you earn well somewhere around 300 a day 5 days a week 60 a month with kopecks and how much do you give to your son we with him we go out more, we go for walks, we spend money on entertainment , sweets, isn't it strange to you that we are your son. and i don't live at home and i have to rent somewhere, my friends spend the night somewhere
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, now let's do it this way, look, look, do you agree that your wife is an alcoholic, she copes with the child when she doesn't drink... an ideal mother, so she always drinks, well, it happens very rarely that she doesn't drink, and why do you go to her if she doesn't want to see you, eat or sleep, well, why, well, i'm more worried about the child, well, what have you done for child, well, i still love her, for many years, not on you, we'll meet in the evening by the barn. they say, you've gone too far with the neighbor, it's not good, brother, we have good people, not evil yet, we'll cope, really, don't disgrace the family, kirill, they'll whisper, what are you
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doing, and you understand what you're doing, you 're ruining, you're ruining your own and her lives, i can't live without you, premiere, watch after the program time.
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decided to have a cultural rest inspired by the works of anton pavych, so roma walked in the cherry orchard. current took three sisters, uh, andrey ate some tea, here is kvn, the summer cup, on the last day of summer on the first. i met a girl, i invited her to go for a walk with me, but because of the weather i couldn't rush to her, the wind knows where to look for me.
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why did you beat her, you beat her, i don't know what's going on there, well for the purposes of, for what purposes, education, education, and who are you, you lived with him, who am i, what are you, who am i, let me start educating you now, listen, why are you beating the child, educator, i beat the child, no, i am alone for him once in my life i gave him a belt, i gave him a spanking, and now he understands me without... words, yeah, listen, there is another person in your life who takes part in your life, helps you when he can, of course, a stranger to your family, not an aunt, this is a neighbor natalya turkina, a friend, you know that she was even ready before to take mother's custody of artyom , let's ask why he's a good boy in general, natalya, come to us, come on!
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recovered came to her senses the child has a mother first of all tell me during lena drank during her pregnancy with artyom? well, when she was lying there, i didn't... i have two fears now: lena won't lie down,
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god forbid she gets treated, this hell will continue for me, because it will remain in reality, i'll be running around again, not tanya, tanya is resting in the village there, i'm dreaming, you showed us one video of artyom's overnight stay, you, let's see how it happened, the child is alone in the hallway, let's go knock on mom's door, it's 11:00 pm, that's it, knock! tyoma, i don't want to go home, no, no, no, tyoma, you're in your underwear, knock on home, i won't go, lena, let the child go home, no, i won't go home, i went into the room, i'll go where the woman is sleeping, why are you crying, tyoma, lena, give the child a blanket, mom, give him a blanket, thank you, come on, you opened the door at 11:00 pm, gave the child a blanket, and where is he?
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to a ten-year-old boy who doesn't wait, you didn't even offer him anything, sees at 11 pm, so what? well, if it's nothing to you, i'm very glad that you voiced this here in this studio, because this is yet another proof that you need to. urgently deprive parental rights, what legal grounds do you find now for in order to directly remove the child under article 77 of the family code, they are all there. parents who drink, this is actually written in the law, that the presence of parents, persons brought to administrative, criminal liability for causing beatings, causing bodily harm to the child himself or one of
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the parents, this is already grounds for depriving parental rights, as we see in this situation, all this is present and alcohol, and ... beatings of parents to each other, beatings against the child, so all this is already a reason to deprive you of parental rights. our film crew spent 3 days with you, it was a nightmare, horror every 5 seconds, because it was not only in the hostel , mind you, not only in the hostel, you even managed to organize a concert in moscow in a hotel, we will see it now, but you did not let us communicate with artyom, but we managed. we talked to him, you know what he says, i imagine, he says that he does not want to live with you, asks everyone to take him away, everyone he can see, take me to your place, take me away me to your place, let's see what you did at the hotel, i told you, we're not home, the movie is going to be on, what do you need, when a person wants to sleep, he'll stand there and sweep him away, well, who,
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well, in what sense did i humiliate my mother in the face, and he also says that i'll get it. he gets the throne i get it i what yes i have vodka you know what we've already drunk together go together two hands knocked out no fucking way go 805 quietly quietly i don't want to come up to you who don't want me a little bit well that's it goose to hell with myself i remember this theme you're here here here where where so? anastasia eliseeva, that's the name of the psychologist who talked to the boy, he insisted that he wanted to come out to the studio, to say one thing, anastasia, artyom, come to us. everything is fine, yes, artyom, don't be afraid of anything. hello,
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hello, step, carefully, lift your leg, lift your leg already. hello, alexander garievich! yes, hello, it's good that you know my name, in full, okay, this is dad sitting next to you, i'm here, meet him, this is anastasia, artyom, please tell me, everyone's gathered here today your relatives, hi, hi, so, look, all your relatives are here today, can i sit next to you, yeah, sit down, you were saying now, everything will be fine, you were worried, why are they all here, what do you think? i don't know, i'm sorry, but i don't know, they're just deciding where you should live, i 'd like to sometimes, like two days at natasha's, sometimes at grandma's, yes, sometimes at grandma's, sometimes at natasha's, yeah, yeah, and sometimes even where to be at home, i have a cat at home, how can i live without her, oh
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yeah, and how do you feel about grandma's idea go to live in sergeev posad, no, that's it. everything, everything is fine, you don't want to, you are safe, no, it was very important to hear, well done, dad, you have already met yulia, she is so beautiful, yes, thank you, tell me, please, look, and you said that you categorically do not want to go to sergiev, that's right, right, yeah, and why, well, it's better for me at home, grandma, i hope, serves, no, of course, and you are afraid to tell grandma that you don't want sergey in passad, how many times have i said it, i don't want, you will go, you will go, i don't want, you will go, said, yeah, but tell me, please, you are now, as i understand it, grief is with me, grief is with you, well, i don’t want to go to the landing in my heart,
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that’s it, we’ve already heard it, we called you here for this, so that you would tell us about it honestly, imagine for 5 years, yes, here with... look, you also go to a boarding school now, as i understand it, right? yes, i’m in my school on a five-day week in the thirty-ninth, so, are you okay there? okay, do you like it there? yes, you like it, so grandma decided that there’s exactly the same school only in sergiev posad, something like that, yeah, at the temple, at the temple, well, at the temple, yeah, and why were you scared of that school, although you now go to almost the same one, well , i don’t know, it’s just... i wanted to reason with you, it’s just why? it’s far away, 3 days, i can at least imagine, hi, hi, yeah. it’s just because it’s very far from home, right? 3 days on the road, can you imagine? does your mom get it? sometimes, rarely, does she get it a lot?
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yeah, not very much, now honestly, at all, tell me, would you like your mom to quit drinking altogether? yeah, a little. and dad, and dad? well, yes, yes, is that so that he quits smoking, smoking, yeah, well, he drinks sometimes too, rarely, really, and he offends you, no, but tell me, please, mom said that you swear, it happens, well, it happens, and where did you hear all these words, obscene? children swear at school too, so at school, yeah, tell me this, why are you standing in the hallway for so long, what are you
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doing there, but sometimes children come out into the hallway too, and you talk to them, well, yes, i talk to ulyana from the second floor. there are only a few people left. and how many of them have access to classified documents? nine. and at the entrance to the narrowed circle. yes. and introduce me to olga winter. help. help, if you understand. oh, boshed candles, where did you get them? i acquired them at the borders of the fatherland. and what if the conflict, the break with her husband and the connection with dubov, a reliable man. with an impeccable reputation, this is just a screen, nothing will come of it, why? the fact that the russians feel the leak of information, this is really serious, our
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interest in winter should not cast a shadow on her, if she is not involved in the case, legendary multi-part film based on the novel by yulian semenov, on the first channel this weekend, ninel, premiere of the multi-part film, from monday. on the first channel the apple trees of toys blossomed, fogs floated over the river, let the pedestrians run awkwardly, through puddles and water, on the asphalt is smooth, i whip my horses, lash them, urge them on.
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anastasia, well, what are your conclusions about the child's condition? that the child is very scared, that's for sure. during the dialogue, he said that his dad will be there at night, beat him, his mom beats him, throws him out, in this institution where he is now he studies, that is, he also has this bullying there, children make fun of him.
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i'll start with the medical part, since i am an ophthalmologist surgeon, yesterday we conducted such a comprehensive diagnostic
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examination, unfortunately with... from a surgical point of view, help is now no longer possible, because premature babies with such, in such a condition, as a baby was born with retinopathy of the fifth degree of severity, these are detachments, bilateral retinal detachments, they are operated literally, well, at two or three months of age in order to preserve visual functions, but unfortunately the first operation was performed in a large research institute, but...
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have you ever been there, of course, you went, he promised and what, have you talked to anyone of those who are offending your child? no, well, that's it, although to be honest, i can't bring myself to say anything about you now, i'll explain why, because i see where all this is coming from, you are a terrible person, you are absolutely
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calm, in a cold voice...


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