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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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because i see where this is all coming from, you are a terrible person, you absolutely calmly, in a cold voice, told here in this studio throughout the country that the child should be sent to a boarding school while the grandmother is alive, you understand, you can complain about the guardianship authorities by writing to the prosecutor's office, you can complain about the boarding school, there is nowhere to complain about you, only if heaven, you are now.
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her location is really in treatment, if the father really wanted to be a father, he would have established paternity long ago and taken the child to himself for upbringing, so this means that he it is simply not necessary, that the grandmother addresses in this way, yes, to hand over the child to an orphanage, indeed... she had these intentions before, but here i think we will bring the issue to the guardianship council. a neighbor came up, she would like to express her desire for guardianship. in case of refusals of relatives to further accept the child into the family, of course, the current, foster parents, who are registered with us, these families, including foster parents and strangers, will be involved. he arrived followed me by car. i liked his appearance,
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he is a very handsome man, how much money did you spend on your alphonse? 1 million rubles. i couldn't even think about it, how cool, it's a pity that he is not mine, yes, yes, yes, he got married a month before he met me, literally right away i transferred him 50,000 rubles. they don't give him loans, he is registered in dagestan, so that you give him your money yourself, he scammed competently, really gains trust, that is , he wins people over, he was in prison four times, in total about 11 years, he did not go to prison further, so i...
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good evening, the big game is on air. today , the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs sergey lavrov held talks with his counterpart from senegal and , following the talks, once again stated that after the kiev, after the kurdish adventure of the kiev regime , there can be no talk of negotiations with this terrorist regime, that the topic is simply not relevant today. let's listen to what the minister said. in june, president putin once again put forward a peace initiative after... all previous initiatives and agreements were destroyed and sabotaged by the kiev regime and its western patrons, our readiness for negotiations should not have caused any doubts in anyone, although of course after the adventure in the kursk region any talk on this matter becomes irrelevant. and besides, russia continues to successfully.
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losses in manpower to western equipment, for some reason to hold several villages in the kursk region, diverting scarce reserves to this, including from the eastern direction, where the front of the armed forces of ukraine due to this strategic mistake finally collapsed. the pace of advance of russian troops there has accelerated significantly, every day more and more settlements of donbass are being liberated. the average area of ​​daily liberated territory in august has grown more than twice, compared to... let's ask our traditional
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military observer boris rozhin. boris aleksandrovich, good evening. and good evening, yes, indeed, against the backdrop of the enemy getting bogged down in battles in the kursk region, is forced to throw in reserves there, trying resume the offensive pace, our troops are successfully advancing in most directions. if you look from the south to the north, then on the rabotin salient our troops continue to expand the control zone to the east of rabotin, new positions are being occupied there, and our troops also continue to actively operate for a while. to the east of urozhozhny on the uglyudar direction the enemy front has obviously floated, after the loss of konstantinovka our troops are expanding the control zone around the village, and our troops also continue to expand the control zone along the highway konstantinovka uklidar, moreover, our
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troops have seriously advanced today near pavlovka, there almost 8 km from the day they waited for the enemy, who retreated to the north, it can be expected that in the near future the front in the uklidar area will actively move, and ... the private sector to the north of the city, in the red army direction events are developing really fast, and novogrodovka has already been almost completely cleared of the enemy, there is still a point presence on the northern outskirts, in grodovka most of the settlement is already also under our control, a significant part of selidov has also already come under our control, we own the dominance.
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nelepovka, and also advancing to the west of the city, a large part of druzhba has already come under our control, also our troops are advancing, advancing in zerginsk, in the chasofyarsky direction, our troops are having success behind the channel, expanding the bridgehead, and also selling attacks to the north of kalinovka, on the seversky ledge and in the krasnolimansky direction so far without changes, but on sivatovo kupyansky today there was a message liberated. the battles for it lasted for several months, accordingly, our troops also advanced near peschanoye, and we can say that now about 99.5% of the lpr territory has already been liberated, there is very little left there, well, in the kharkov direction, our troops fought in the area of ​​​​the deep ellipse, there it is
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of an expansionist nature, well, and continued sub-offensive battles in the center of volchansk, there our troops have an easy initiative, gradually taking away houses in the center of the city, in general, as we see, the counteroffensive in su... will allow them to avoid inevitable defeat, they tried, firstly, to provoke russia itself into this escalation by invading the kursk region, so that we ourselves would turn over the chessboard on which we are now winning, and secondly, now they are seeking the lifting of restrictions on strikes
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by western high-precision long-range missiles on the internationally recognized territory of russia, thus creating the preconditions for a direct military clash between... russia and nato, this lifting of restrictions, the only ones, in fact, that separate a hybrid war from a hot third world war, this is now the main diplomatic priority of the kiev regime and its henchmen in europe, today there was a meeting of the eu foreign ministers, let's listen to what the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry kuleba, who was present at this meeting, said. if we get a sufficient number of missiles, if we are allowed to strike, we will significantly reduce russia's ability to damage our critical infrastructure and improve the situation for our forces on the ground. russia's success depends on one thing: the willingness of its partners to make bold decisions. if
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decisions are made, ukraine is successful on the ground. if they are not made, then don't complain about ukraine, complain about yourself. well, this is already the second western edition. they will bring a certain list of targets on internationally recognized russian territory that the kiev regime believes need to be hit with western missiles, let's listen. two high-ranking ukrainian officials will personally present the biden administration with a list of targets in russia this week. they want the us to lift restrictions on the use of american weapons against moscow, cnn reported, ukrainian mp, head of the ukrainian presidential office andriy yarmak and defense minister rustem umerov will meet with us officials to try to convince the white house, using specific examples, to lift
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restrictions on the use of long-range weapons for strikes on russian territory, they will present a list of priority targets, without which it will be difficult to achieve a turning point in the war in ukraine's favor, the mp said. your assessment, ivan pavlovich, of this happening? well, the situation, of course, is not easy for them, on the one hand, we understand perfectly well that the americans with all their hearts want ukraine to strike at any. on russian territory, this is perfectly understandable, but at the same time they understand that as soon as they sign this list, then accordingly they immediately sign that they are directly participating in the conflict, they leave us the right on their territory, they leave us the right in this case to absolutely act as we want and this and these goals will extend not only to the ukrainian territory and everyone understands this, because the us heads nato, nato supports ukraine, a huge number of nato targets, located at
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the belarusian borders, and close to that side of ukraine, the same romania, for example, and so on, where the same aviation hub is located, where the f-16 is located. ah, they understand this perfectly well, i think that - they will not sign any list, but they will make a specific declaration, which will sound like this: we allow hitting any targets.
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who will give it, they will have to give target designations, which means they will sign up for it anyway, in general, the americans should be scratching their heads, well, apparently, because the elections are coming soon, they have this fuss, they cannot, as it were, make specific, truly adequate decisions, this is the most dangerous thing, they, they are really scratching their heads, because while the united states creates the appearance that they are such a grown-up uncle who has...
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you know, do they think or do not think about moscow's reaction, this question has split today nato allies day, as reported by the british financial times. let's listen. kiev's top diplomatic priority has been zelinsky's push to persuade washington and other western capitals to allow strikes on air bases and other military installations deep inside russia that are used to strike ukraine. the issue has divided kiev's allies. britain and france are seeking to allow ukraine to carry out such strikes while the united states and germany are opposed. why kiev's allies
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are so reluctant? in fact , the biden administration and german chancellor olaf scholz worry about the risk of escalation if western weapons are used against russia itself. ukraine and its more hawkish allies say washington and berlin have repeatedly cited the risk of provoking the kremlin to justify not sending precision missiles, tanks , and f-16 fighters to ukraine, but each time those weapons were transferred, moscow's threats came to nothing. yet washington persists. well, here the question arises: why is great britain not afraid of escalation, why is the same one who today again called for lifting any restrictions on strikes on the internationally recognized territory of russia, not afraid of escalation and so on and so forth and so forth, and you know, a stunning answer to this question, simply an unprecedentedly stunning answer to this question was given in a conversation with the newspaper telegraph, a high-ranking
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british military official, i suggest you listen to this line, a high-ranking... military source said: the us is afraid of escalation more than we do, because they have to deal with it, we don't, he added. in the end, they will have to deal with the consequences. little britain cannot fight with russia. can you imagine, elena vladimirovna, well, first of all, i propose to call it little britain, forget the word great britain, after this statement little britain is called, they themselves, they called themselves that, no, but can you imagine, that's the logic, and what about us, we are small, we...
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were the first to start conducting an investigation into to the one who started the war in iraq and so on, they were again running ahead of the locomotive, so here the americans are in charge of everything , they reign over everything, the british are fulfilling the role assigned to them in advance. i completely agree with you, elena vladimina, and sergey viktorovich lavrov also agrees with you, who just said today that they are painting us such a picture, when... there are some underage rascals, yes, who are misbehaving, and there is an adult uncle who is trying to limit, so to speak, the degree of irresponsibility and their behavior, yes, these scoundrels mean zelensky, great britain and other small europeans, the grown-up guy is naturally the united states, which
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really has not yet given consent to strikes on the internationally recognized territory of russia, but here...
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to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, this is written in their doctrinal documents, they repeat this daily, weekly at their various meetings, each time they pump ukraine up with more and more modern weapons, and now there is a discussion about how to use these weapons. ivan aleseyevich, well, first of all, your reaction to what the minister said, after all, your assessment here...
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at the level of the top officials making strategic decisions can be interpreted in different ways, and i personally expressed the following interpretation, that this is more reminiscent of a game of pass, that is, the task of the americans, they have no other options except escalation, but if a year and a half or two years ago they went for escalation relatively easily, then over the last year russia has been able to demonstrate that deterrence works, yes, they can pretend, they can to brag that it doesn't work, it does work, especially since russia is going
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to calibrate its nuclear strategy so that it works even better, so it is very important for them to escalate in such a way as to avoid direct responsibility, that's what they care about, it's not an adult uncle who tells children - so, don't make noise, there is no such thing, for some reason britain believes that there is no responsibility for them a priori, i'll get to that now, this is the situation that the united states, having gone through several stages of escalation and faced with what russia is now seriously telling them is not that you will cross the red lines, but you have already crossed them, you are in a minefield, anything can happen on ours at any moment, they are very concerned about the next stages...
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the position is that in the worst case there will be a nuclear war in europe, and the united states will remain overseas, on the sidelines. the europeans take exactly the opposite position. well, in this case britain is not exactly european, of course, but in general, it also falls into this category in this case. yes, their the position is that in the worst case, russia and america will exchange nuclear strikes. and they will sit back, well, yes, some dust will fly to them, but they will not be hit, because , as you say, it is a pity
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to waste charges on them, i am exaggerating a little, but their logic is that in the worst case , it is between russia and america, and for america it is exactly the opposite, in the worst case, they will hit each other with a nuclear club in europe, and we will be on the sidelines, so this is again very traditional. responsibility, but russia, in fact , sent all the right signals, now a little advertising, then we'll continue, we'll meet in the evening
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at the barn, they say, your neighbor has gone too far, it's not good, it's my brother, we have good people, not evil yet, we'll cope, really, don't disgrace the family, kirill, you see, what are you doing, and you understand what you're doing, you're ruining, you're ruining your own life and hers, i can't live without you, premiere, watch after the program time, we'll talk about yulian semyonov, he is famous first of all for the fact that, that his hero stirletz became a cult character of russian literature, i will ask you to stay, flew up like a meteor. he is friends with everyone, everyone loves him, they let him go abroad, what are you saying, writers hated him, he was incredibly charming with all his stories, fights with boxing,
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this is a warning of the third world war with a completely unknown result for humanity. the atomic bomb is the personal business of man x. premiere. on sunday on the first. and then such a disaster happened.
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today we were auditioned for the choir gracheva, great, yura, you definitely need to sing, come on, sing, what a unique gift you have, you hit such notes, what an upstart you think you are, varka, it's you, don't you recognize me or what? andryukha, so your life is a success, you have everything that soviet women don't even dare to dream of, so what, the guys don't hit the chorus just because he doesn't know the notes. in order to receive official choir status, you need to have at least 50 choristers. you've been accepted, from today on a new life begins for you. if only there weren't this choir, we would never have met. if i see you with that man again, i 'll tell my father everything. you're mine, you're my wife. what do you want? give me back those 15 years. i thought everything was easy.
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i wanted slava, remember, gorachov and his choir shouldn't be on the song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. decided to visit beijing by us presidential national security advisor jake sullivan. let me remind you that first he spent 2 days talking with the minister of foreign affairs and a member of the politburo of the central committee of the communist party of china, responsible for international affairs, foreign policy issues wang yi, and today first he met with the deputy chairman of the central military commission of china, general zhang yuxia, and then he was received personally by the chairman of china xiding ping, which
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of course is a great honor. for jake salevan and to be honest, this visit left such a dual impression on me, because on the one hand, on none of the fundamental issues did the parties change their... position, at today's press conference salevan himself said that the parties failed to make progress in discussing the ukrainian crisis, which was actually what needed to be proven. moreover, the official statement that the white house released today following these talks also shows that everything remained in place. let's listen. sullivan emphasized that the united states will continue to take the necessary actions to prevent the use of advanced american technologies to undermine u.s. national security, without resorting to excessive restrictions on trade or investment. he also raised ongoing concerns about china's unfair trade policies and non-market economic practices.
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salevan stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability on both sides of the taiwan strait. concerns were also expressed about china's support for russia's defense industrial base and its impact on european transatlantic security. reaffirmed the united states' commitment to defending its allies in the indo-pacific region and expressed concern about destabilizing actions of the prc, directed against the legitimate maritime operations of the philippines in the south china sea. here the american position has not changed an inch as a result of these negotiations. but it must be said that wang also rolled out a list of chinese claims to salevan. here cctv chinese reports that he called on the united states to respect the sovereignty. political system of china, to stop suppressing china in the economy, trade, science, technology, emphasized that taiwan is an integral part of china, the united states must stop supplying weapons and so on and so forth, that is the parties remained at their own, but with all
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this, salewan was received personally by shizenping, with all this, wang yi and salewan agreed that in the coming weeks, shizenping would talk on the phone with joe biden, although he would not remain. for a second term, agreed to increase negotiations along the military line, which the united states sought, the official chinese global times gives a very positive assessment of the negotiations that took place, let's listen to the global times. chinese foreign minister wang yi, and us national security advisor jake salevan held a series of frank, substantive and constructive china-us strategic... talks, during which the two sides discussed a new round of interaction between the heads of state of the two countries in the near future. according to vani, both sides should adhere to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, implement the consensus
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of the heads of state of the two countries, and promote the stable, healthy and sustainable development of china-us relations. sullivan, in in turn, declared the us readiness to continue strategic contacts with china, to strengthen mutual understanding with... and america is in such a transitional period, well, it is clear for the americans, yes, the biden period is ending, it is unclear whose period is ahead at all, and as for
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china, they had a pause for several months, when the leadership could not reach a consensus on the future development of the economy, well, and accordingly... china's policy, finally, only in july a consensus was reached on the third plenary central committee, now the americans are interested in what, what new trends, and the chinese are interested in what new trends can be expected from china, because look, at the third plenum, contrary to the expectations of various experts from... that the chinese will completely turn away from the west, from america, will sever ties, on the contrary, a decision was made to increase openness, that is, contacts with the outside world, economic, political, to a new
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level, yeah, here we see the same china that recently refused to accept phone calls from president biden, yes, accepts sallevena. at the highest level, the chinese economy, a decision was made at the plenum to strengthen the market... they need time to overcome this point after the covid development of 5% of gdp due to. new productive forces, the so-called electric vehicles,
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solar panels, lithium batteries and so on and so forth, to move forward, they now need to go on the offensive, now look, and regarding the meeting, sizinpin and baiton, there was even talk that they would meet for now only by telephone conversation. but the maximum program was supposed to achieve a personal meeting, yes, well obviously, here xiding ping decided not to present such a gift to his old friend biden , to limit himself to a telephone conversation, why an old friend, because they spent a lot of time together, drank a lot of tea, chinese, i think they drank a lot of american whiskey, because in 2011
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biden accompanied him, and then biden came to china and accompanied him, that is, they know each other very well, they probably feel some kind of warm feelings, i think that there was actually quite a deep exchange of opinions between swan and xizinping from the first. received information and salvin will take biden and the deep state information, again first-hand about what happened in china, so do not think that if there are no agreements that are set out on paper, that this is an unsuccessful visit, this is a good working visit, many in the united states believe that this is a successful visit by salvin, well , firstly, because he was received by xizin pinom, because, secondly, because after all, for some... including at
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the level of commanders of specific theaters, yes, what, what did not happen before, and many write that china now wants to stabilize or even form some kind of positive groundwork, or something, in relations with the outgoing administration so that in the event of harris's victory... this positive dynamic will continue, well, or at least there will be no sharp deterioration, how accurate is this assessment? well, from the point of view of the americans, the visit can really be assessed as not bad, because well, what can you compare it with, a year ago, indeed, austin, the minister of defense could not get through to the chinese minister of defense, they did not pick up the phone, here is the program of meetings that was planned, after all , in bali it was still agreed that this program would be there.
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china, so that the united states behaved more or less, more or less politely, in general did not limit chinese development, that is, china must get out of american restrictions, the american goal is exactly the opposite, they failed to create conditions in order to completely remake china, like... they hoped that during the course of market reforms, economic ones, china would change
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its ideological, social, social essence, but i would say that the americans still hope to put some kind of muzzle on china, so that here it grows less, so here china's voice would be quieter, in general , it is especially clear from the economic program that the americans demand that china limit economic growth in the end.
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and look, look, i did everything, what i wanted, thank you very much.
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wow, fantastic, the finale, tomorrow on the first, soviet counterintelligence has established that a foreign intelligence agent is operating in moscow, the security officers only know the agent's call sign, trianon, nagonia is on the verge of a coup, if agana overthrows grisso, the americans will immediately deploy their bases, the committee leadership expects the most decisive actions from us, please read this message , tell me.
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russians, we are only interfering in order to keep them out. yesterday london broadcast a very interesting commentary about nagonia for the 12th anniversary tas. this is definitely the one you are looking for. the legendary multi-part film based on the novel by yulian semenov. tas is authorized to declare, this weekend on the first. in the new season on the first. no, no need, it's just that no one met me, and i met you, there is contact, ninel,
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the premiere of the multi-part film, from monday on the first. thank you, tolya. robert, taras. let's play. the apple trees of toys blossomed. the fogs floated over the river. let them run awkwardly, pedestrians, through puddles, and water, along the asphalt like a river. i'm on my horses' legs.
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from september 6 on the first here in the studio 100 players from all over our country gathered, the main characters will appear on this stage, these are mothers, fathers, children. parents, grandmothers, networks, mothers-in-law, in short, everyone whom we affectionately call relatives, the first time on stage, of course, the first time, this is super, the most intense, musical-detective show, where you are cute. you cried relatives with you we
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will be with our simplicity everyone will be happy on the first look at relatives, guess the star, maybe it 's one of ivanushki, the first thing that came to my mind, i don't know why, relatives, the premiere of the season from september 7 on saturdays on first. the big game is on air. jake sullivan's visit to beijing and the fact that he was received personally by chairman xidingping suggests that china is seeking to stabilize relations with the current administration, to create positive preconditions for the fact that if kamala harris wins, us-chinese relations will at least not deteriorate sharply, that they will be manageable, but at the same time. china is making attempts to reach out to trump's team, to establish working relations with them, too, although, as the financial times writes, so far china has
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nothing is working. let's hear it. chinese officials have been unable to secure meetings with donald trump's campaign and supporters, a sign of the hostile mood in washington and concerns about espionage and influence operations. beijing has been trying to reach out to trump's team, including with the help of cui tiankai, china's ambassador to washington during trump's presidency, but those efforts have largely failed , according to eight people with knowledge of the matter, including u.s. and chinese officials. success. the disappointing attempts to shore up relations with trump come amid growing bipartisan hostility toward china and beijing’s realization that u.s. policy is unlikely to become less hawkish, no matter who wins the election. i think the last part of that quote is the most important, yuri.
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for china, on the other hand, you see, the chinese are long-distance runners, while the americans have a hundred-meter dash, yes, four years of team change, four years of team change, while the chinese have a perspective of at least until ’32. years, when it is obvious that it will still rule, therefore, well, that is the reality, well, it will be. china will continue to pursue its own line,
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these two states will still be on the planet, they will still be in contact one way or another, the achievements of these 30 years of openness reform, what is called a marriage of convenience, will not go anywhere, yes, they are very closely connected, well, we will have to live in such a reality, which... maybe it will be a little better, and maybe it will be a little worse, but great china will remain great, that's for sure, and it will remain great strengthen the russian-chinese partnership, absolutely right, well, we mentioned donald trump, one of donald trump's important foreign policy decisions was to destroy the so-called deal to resolve the problem of iran's nuclear program, let me remind you that in 2015 obama signed this deal with iran.
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the supreme leader of iran suggested that his country would continue negotiations with the united states on the nuclear issue. on state television , he told the government that nothing stood in the way negotiating with the enemy. it was unclear whether ayatullah ali khamenei had in mind anything more substantial than the recent informal talks between the us and iran on the status of tehran's nuclear program on western sanctions, there is no contradiction in the fact that...
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ismail haniyeh, former leader of hamas' political council, you must agree, the signal is quite positive, and certainly means that iran does not want a major escalation, if the supreme leader himself talks about the possibility of direct talks with the united states, how do you assess all this and to what extent in general likely to resume these negotiations, not to mention the nuclear deal itself. diligently keeps himself in hand and does everything to ensure that his proxies or organizations close to him, scattered throughout the near middle east, also remain within certain limits, it is noteworthy that simultaneously with the statements of iranian officials, statements and comments are heard from representatives of the democrats of the united states of america, such as
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jol rubin, former obama adviser on... in iran following the results of these elections, and the government is very interesting, in the spring of this years at one of the international conferences in the region i spoke with abbas araghchi, who
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did not plan to return to politics, at least in the near future, now he has become the minister of foreign affairs of iran, this is the man who, together with zarif, oversaw the negotiations on nuclear issues, who helped achieve an agreement, and russia made a very big contribution to the fact that this agreement almost worked, if not for donald trump, who destroyed everything, china is also interested in this, so there is a very seriously... relations between america and china, this also concerns russia, this also concerns iran, what is the problem in the middle east, the problem is that netanyahu does not want this at all, the israeli prime minister is afraid of this kind of negotiations, and even in israel the other day,
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literally the former minister of defense of the country. moshe yaalonna said that iran does not want an escalation, hezbollah in lebanon does not want an escalation, netanyahu is interested in escalation, and what i am very afraid of is that the israeli prime minister will try to do so that this escalation happened again to disrupt these plans, yes, in fact, in palestine the aggravation has already spread from the gaza strip to the west bank of the jordan river and the shelling continues on the border as well. yes, elena vladimirovna, i completely agree with you, indeed, let me remind you that it was israel and netanyahu personally who were categorically opposed to the deal on the iranian nuclear program back in 2015, and netanyahu used all his lobbying resources in the united states and the republicans to try to disrupt this deal, and he is very i was glad when donald trump unilaterally withdrew from this deal, and
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now israel has actually opened a third front, without ending the war in gaza, preparing for war with hezbollah, it really has, in recent days , carried out a very serious attack on the west bank of the jordan river, it is conducting large-scale military operations there, there are already several dozen dead among the palestinians, what does all this indicate from a military point of view, ivan pavlovich, and how do you assess the prospects in this context and nuclear new. nuclear deal iran's behavior towards israel. well, if we talk about iran, it is obvious that its position is very strong now. and, since the americans, seriously, in principle, failed in the region. iran has a huge number of forces, which we call proxies, and this, by the way, balances any nuclear programs at all. what iran has, which it
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can use if it wants, a simultaneous strike from several sides, this. quite possibly, even the same hazbala, but this, by the way, is not the only one, but a movement, and a good one at that prepared and well equipped, which are influenced by iran a. now about the third front, it is really interesting, because we all know perfectly well that the gaza strip is one thing, the west bank is another, yes, these were two different categories of perception in general, everyone who well and there is a different government in gaza, hamas in the west on the west bank, the legitimate internationally recognized government of the poles, everyone knew about this perfectly well, yes, that on the west bank of the jordan river there cannot be some kind of there would be a planned confrontation with... towards the state of israel, but since this situation is being used, it is obvious that this is simply the last chance for mr. netanya, and to maintain the degree of intensity, because in principle it has started to decline anyway, i am not
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talking about the fact that people have not stopped dying, yes, they have stopped, they have not stopped, they are dying, but the fact that the level of support is less and less for him and for israel, that means that this is really so, listen, well, let's compare... here are the kiev nazis, having lost everything, whatever, they invaded the kursk region, it's about the same, there's nowhere else to go, they went there, and naturally, they won't achieve anything there, but now he 's maintained the level of tension, and the most important thing for which this was most likely done was so that possible negotiations between the us and iran, they would not have any, would not have any specific result, because no one can yet, actually. iran has a huge number of its own claims, yeah, on the one hand, if it wants other negotiations, but did not take revenge for what was done, and after all, deaths are not the only thing that was done, then israel and the usa, there
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is a whole bunch of claims, they need to be resolved somehow, the usa cannot do this, although their only way to agree with iran is to resolve these problems, israel is in the middle of this, where to dress, it naturally. arranges another escalation, it simply has no way out. elena vladimirovna, do i understand correctly that the invasion, well, not that israel occupying the gaza strip, yes, but the large-scale military operations that israel is currently conducting are an attempt to force iran to escalate against israel. iran is showing with all its might that it does not want escalation, even the statement of the supreme leader on the nuclear program is evidence of this, but israel is still trying, trying, tugging, not even that... tugging at the moustache, just poking iran in the eye so that it would strike at it. dmitry vyacheslavovich, the problem here is not only iran, but the problem is the americans also. netanyahu wants to disrupt the negotiations
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that the americans are continuing, despite all this escalation with the palestinians, this escalation on the west bank of the jordan river, it pursues precisely the goal of disrupting the negotiations, especially since there are also disagreements in netanyahu's team, there are important officials, who are even the heads of the special services, who want to conduct these negotiations, and not tanyahu under any circumstances, well, all this will end badly, it seems to me, even for the state of israel, we give the floor to the news and the big game will be back at 23:00. hello, on air. evening news in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. attacks of assault groups are repelled. enemy positions are ironed by artillery and aviation. how.


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