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tv   Vremya  1TV  August 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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it's not good, it's brother, we have kind people, not evil yet, we'll manage, really, don't disgrace the family, kirill, the children are whispering, what are you doing, and you understand what you're doing, you 're ruining, you're ruining your own life and hers, i can't live without you, premiere, watch after the vremya program. hello, the vremya program is on air, katerina andreeva is in the studio, the main events of the day: -1 at 16, ikea is no longer hiding, the first of the american fighters delivered to it was destroyed in ukraine, and the russian army liberated two more settlements in the zone
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special operations. advanced financing of defense projects, assistance to our defenders. meeting in the kremlin of vladimir putin with the head of promsvyaz bank petr fratkov. one-way ticket. moscow's lefortovo court arrested two colombian mercenaries who fought against russia in ukraine and were detained at the caracas airport. they acted like nazis during the great patriotic war, why did the ukrainian military kidnap civilians from the kudskaya region? support for border regions and energy development in donbass, kherson and zaporizhia regions, the government's decision. the most powerful weapon and impetus for the development of peaceful technologies, 75 years ago the soviet union conducted the first test of a nuclear bomb. bail of 5 million euros, a ban
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on leaving france, a requirement to report to the police twice a week. in paris , the founder of telegram pavel durov was released from custody. all-russian charity event children instead of flowers, the first good deed in the new school year. how to participate? and at the beginning of the situation in the special operation zone. the strategists' calculations that the kursk the adventure will weaken or stop our advance in donbass, did not come true. the russian army is not slowing down. the offensive towards pokrovsk, which until 2016 was red army and will probably become so again soon, continues. the central group of troops took control of nikolaevka in the dpr, and the fighters of the west have succeeded in the luhansk republic, stelmakhovka, which was the most important stronghold of the enemy, was liberated. meanwhile, it became known about the first lost f-16 fighters of ukraine. zelensky
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begged for them from the owners for a long time, and finally begged: these planes have become a cult object, here is something. more about everything, valentin gvozdev. the count of destroyed f-16 fighters in ukraine is open. the loss of the nato plane was confirmed by the armed forces of ukraine. western media reported on the plane's downing due to a probable pilot error, but even they admit that it happened during a massive missile strike on military and energy facilities in ukraine on august 26. on the same day , a deputy of the lutsk city council reported the death of ukrainian pilot alexei mes, who had been training to fly the american plane for more than 2 years. by plane. today, the loss of the first fighter transferred to the ssu was officially confirmed. fighters of the voice center group are actively advancing in the pokrovsk direction. our fighters have liberated the settlement of nikolaevka in the donetsk people's republic. the russian tricolor is waving over the administrative building of the rossiya mine in neighboring selidovo, less than 10 km from here to pokrovsk, the most powerful fortified area of ​​the vatsion. in this direction. the pace
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of advance of russian troops along the entire line of contact has not weakened since invasion of the armed forces of ukraine into the kursk region. a rapid breakthrough through the abandoned positions of the dpr militants leaves vys no chance to hold pokrovsk, through which the enemy group in the donbass is supplied. under the division of the group of troops-center continued to advance deep into the enemy's defense, defeated the formation of the forty-fourth-fifty-third mechanized ninety-fifth airborne assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and the fifteenth brigade of the national. guard of ukraine in the areas of rozovka, grodovka, karlovka and mikhailovka. for the militants of the kiev regime the situation is further complicated by the fact that west of pokrovsk, vysna has no defensive lines. if the city is abandoned, they will have to retreat almost to dnepropetrovsk. the militants' supplies will be cut off. on the right flank , fighters from the southern group of troops are advancing, as a result of strikes by army aviation and artillery. in just one day, the enemy lost more than 700 people killed and wounded here. by units of the southern.
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stupochki and konstantinovka. active advance of our troops in the kharkov region, in the direction of kupinsk. fighters western group of troops liberated the village of stelmakhovka in the luhansk people's republic from militants. our unit has consolidated its positions on new lines and continues to improve the situation along the front line. as a result of decisive actions, the unit of the western group liberated the settlement of stelmakhovka. and defeated the living forces and equipment. mechanized, fourth tank. operational-tactical aviation, disembodied aircraft, missile troops and artillery, within 24 hours, a warehouse was hit long-range cruise missiles, manufactured in great britain, an oil depot that supplied fuel for military equipment in the ssu, as well as the accumulation
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of enemy manpower and military equipment in 135 districts. valentin gvozdeev, larisa nikitina and sergey romanov, channel one. the equipment needed at the front was handed over to our defenders by the united russia party and the nasha pravda foundation, the unit that solves problems in the pokrovsky direction in the donetsk people's republic, as well as in the kherson region, delivered communications equipment, drones and systems electronic warfare. in addition, the military received motorcycles and quad bikes, which will help them get from one point to another faster and get away from enemy drones. now about the price that the kiev formations are paying for the invasion of kursk land. in one day, the enemy lost more than 400 militants and 29 armored vehicles there, clearly showing what the enemy faces every day, these shots show comic strip drones disposing of an american stryker armored vehicle and a tractor that was trying to evacuate it from the battlefield. the m113 armored personnel carrier, also american, was spotted by a reconnaissance drone and burned
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by a lancet loitering munition. and this is the work of our helicopter pilots. the crews of the k-52 alligators are raining down air-to-air missiles on the manpower and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. the air controller later reported that we were all defeated. and this is footage from the kursk military hospital: to support the defenders of their native land, russian pop stars grigory leps and shaman came there. the concert turned out to be informal, warm and soulful. the artists and fighters talked together and sang the most famous songs to the guitar songs. afterwards, the instruments with the autographs of the performers were handed to the military and medical personnel. such as it is and i can't be broken, all because.
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now the news that confirms what has already been said more than once, foreign mercenaries participating in military actions against russia will not escape responsibility, the lifortovsky court of moscow arrested two... from colombia, who thought that they would earn money in ukraine, return home. they decided to get to their homeland through venezuela and were detained at the airport of caracas. the topic will be continued by kirill branin. colombian hase medina loves social media, and it seems he documented almost every step of his soldier of fortune in ukraine. his compatriot alexander ante may have preferred to remain in the shadows, but he got a joint photo with hase. they then flew home together, but a layover in venezuela ended with their detention and transfer to russia, where the lefortovo court arrested both of them on charges of mercenarism. the colombian press describes this event as a family drama, and cites the good relations between caracos and moscow as the reason,
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and they really should have thought of it, travel through a country friendly to us, having earned money in the war against russia, and this is still lucky, other experienced residents of sunny columbia warned, it is necessary to spend 10 times ... hours in the jungle, while the same soldier in ukraine receives 3-400
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dollars a month, provided that the ukrainian employer does not hold back combat, for which no more than 600 dollars, considering that he 24 foreign mercenaries often complain, but still the most common ending of this kind of earnings is different. he voluntarily joined the foreign legion 15 months back, spending most of his time on the front line. this is about a retired us army corporal, destroyed by an iskander strike in kramatorsk. strikes at locations of foreign mercenaries regularly make it into the defense ministry's reports, whether it's a hotel in chernigov with its characteristic two-story bunks or a base in kharkov, under the rubble of which several dozen french citizens ended their combat career. note to president macron, who likes to talk about the possibility of officially sending a french contingent to ukraine. exhaustive described in a spring interview with the vice-speaker of the state duma pyotr tolstoy in the language
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of balzac and dumas. we will kill all french soldiers who set foot on ukrainian soil, all of them, because during the entire conflict 13,000 mercenaries have ended up in ukraine, of which 367 are french, 147 of them are already dead. 147 french citizens have already been killed in ukraine, and we will kill them all, have no doubt about it. these are the march statistics of the ministry of defense , they have not been updated since then, but it is obvious that the ranks of mercenaries who have met their end are constantly being replenished from the recent message telegram channels about the destruction of militants of a private military company from the usa in the kursk region. however, ukraine's western friends regularly supply new cannon fodder. yes, they still go, but many go voluntarily, forced, someone is sent on unpaid leave. in quotes unpaid, because they receive money from the other side, and the trend is
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such that there is a certain constant of those who fight against russia, western countries, they try to maintain this balance without reducing them, this does not mean that by killing or destroy 10,000, we have only 3,000 mercenaries left, no, they will give money, they will buy more, and the most important thing is that they don’t care where to buy, they don’t care where to hire those who will go to death. and even more so, no one cares about the fate of those who will return home in a coffin or remain in an unmarked grave with a cross made of birch branches. in this sense, 15 years behind bars, which the arrested colombians are threatened with, is not the worst outcome, but at the same time a reminder that the opportunity to escape legal punishment for the committed crimes are just an illusion. you know, at one time, the war criminals of germany, the ss men, they thought that they would sit back, that everyone would simply forget about them once and for all, but they are remembered, but only... let's not forget that remembering them when there were no digital media is one thing, now, when
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digital power is very strong in the world, it will be much easier to find you, and they will definitely be held accountable. this is what russian investigators are actually working for, documenting every fact. this work is not public and can seem unnoticeable, but only until the handcuffs snap onto her wrists. kirill braynin, ekaterina belova, andrey mikhailov and sergey deyev - channel one. "our researchers, of course, will not ignore the shocking facts of abuse by kiev regime militants in the kursk region, the victims were peaceful civilians, the ukrainian military treated them like the german nazis in the forties of the last century. retribution for this is inevitable." report by dmitry kulko. these shots are irrefutable proof of the military crimes of ukrainian occupiers in kursk region. here they drive in trucks to the village of goncherovka on the outskirts of sudzha, catch people in the basement. one of the occupiers of zabava radi
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beats the defenseless with a machine gun before they are taken to ukraine. of course, this does not look like an evacuation at all. this is how wehrmacht soldiers behaved on this land more than 80 years ago, driving away civilians like cattle. they drove away en masse, how many of our citizens have been kidnapped by neo-nazis today. it is yet to be established, the monstrous story in the village of goncherovka became known only because the ukrainian armed forces scout who filmed this video was captured along with the camera by special forces soldiers akhmat. your action camera shows you loading civilians onto a car, what kind of event is this? i don't know, our task was simply to transfer them, i don't know who and the infantry handed them over to us. during the great patriotic war, the nazis drove people to concentration camps to work in europe. but why does the kiev regime need this today zelensky admitted.
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there are thousands of ukrainian soldiers and officers captured by our soldiers in heavy fighting, whom zelensky decided to exchange for civilians kidnapped from their homes by armed militants, this is a brazen and cynical violation of international law.
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the kiev regime has been practicing this terrorist method of blackmail for a long time; even during the civil war in donbass, the ukrainian side demanded that captured punitive forces be returned to them in exchange for their own citizens arrested on trumped-up charges. but former sbu employee and verkhovna rada deputy ivan stupak recently came up with the idea of ​​exchanging priests of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church on the radicals of the banned azo regiment. if the russians can see the demands of these churchmen, then...
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shoot civilians trying to leave the combat zone, including pregnant women, hundreds of testimonies about how ukrainian nationalists in the kursk region shell and destroy civilian objects, including residential buildings, schools, hospitals, abuse civilians and take them hostage, demonstratively using nazi paraphernalia and symbols. ukrainian militants in hitler regarded the sss as revenge for the defeat in the battle of stalingrad, and how it all ended is well known, so zelensky decided to go to obank, but the bet did not pay off. having adventurously started a new kursk battle after last year's failure of its counteroffensive, the kiev regime is unable to contain the advance of our troops in
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donbass. dmitry kulko, khristina ivanova, irina bliznyuk and sergey prokofiev, channel one. the attack of ukrainian punitive forces on our borderland became a boiling point for many russian men, an ironclad argument for to come to the selection point, sign a contract with the ministry of defense to defend their native land from the neo-nazi threat. the story of those who could not stand aside by dalmira beryukova. andrey from the lugansk people's republic in the svo from the very beginning went to volunteer at the front, met a girl made her an offer. now the couple in voronezh does not have their own apartment. at the selection point for military service. under the contract offered to use a military mortgage, this is one of many benefits, as well as a one-time payment, more than 900 thousand rubles, but as andrey himself admits, he is not here for the money and benefits, at the moment the situation is such that a man should not sit on the couch, but i appeal to all men, if he is a man, he
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should get up and go, just go, if you can't, help. with a volunteer, don't sit still. in the rostov region, there are queues of volunteers with a passport, military ids, marriage certificates and birth certificates of children, if available, a questionnaire, it can also be filled out at the selection point. the state of health will be determined at the medical examination, age requirements from 18 years. alexander is 50, he has already passed the selection , he is training at the training ground. i came because i have two sons at the front, and i am not going to hide behind their backs. russia has never been under anyone... getting up, breakfast, getting a weapon at the training ground, i have already narrowed it down to this, so i decided, i went to help the boys, love for the homeland, especially since i communicate with guys
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from there, i have a lot of friends who left to defend the interests of our country, i need to help. help the homeland, protect my family. and here is a training center in khabarovsk krai where uav operators are trained. first, theory, then work on the simulator and the third stage is practice in combat mode. the specialty of a uav operator is considered one of the most popular in the training program for attack aircraft of the central military district, for example, there are lessons on working on a 3d printer. basic knowledge in 3d modeling so that in the conditions of the svo, in toll areas, on vacation, it was possible to print some parts. these assault units of the group. we train, not even the fact that the team is a family for us, recruits in general, when they come to us, the very first thing they do is 10 days of intensive training, then we take them to the unit,
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so we do not take them to the front line under any circumstances, when the servicemen go to the front, the family will not need anything, the recruitment points for military service under contract work on the principle of one window, specialists will arrange for small children, adults will be given quotas for studying at universities in kindergarten, wives will be assisted in finding employment or, for example, they can do house repairs, a contract with the ministry of defense can be concluded for a period of one to five years. dalmira beryukova, sergey pelyaev, artem tikhonov and tatyana shilina, channel one. now new stories of our front-line soldiers' heroism. guard sergeant anton tarakhkalo and his howitzer crew destroyed an armored vehicle, two cars, two automatic grenade crews, an anti-tank missile system crew and four dozen ukrainian militants. junior lieutenant kamalda and his unit stormed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold, catching the enemy by surprise. the militants suffered heavy losses and were forced to retreat hastily into the depths of the defense.
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the kremlin discussed financial services for our defenders and defense enterprises of the industrial complex today. vladimir putin received the head of promsvyaz-bank petr fradkov. he told how the work is organized in all areas. key moments of the meeting in oleg shishkin's report.
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in the sphere of the defense-industrial complex in the broad sense, of which 70% is the so -called preferential portfolio, which of course is now very important, significant
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factor for the defense industry enterprise, bearing in mind, well, such a macroeconomic situation in general, the bank is actively working, as financiers say, in the civilian segment: mortgages, consumer courts, loans to small businesses, psb was the first of the large credit institutions to start working in crimea, and then in new regions where residents are under...
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15.5 billion rubles. this is the amount the government has allocated today to support the kursk region, in addition to the funds that have already been allocated earlier. the money will go primarily
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to buying housing. for those who are left without shelter, also at the meeting of the cabinet of ministers today they talked about the development of the energy system of our new regions, donbass, kherson, zaporizhia regions. more about everything in the report by anna kurbatova. the situation in the kursk, belgorod and bryansk regions bordering ukraine is the main topic of the government meeting today. last week , the president gave a number of instructions, involvement to provide assistance to small and medium businesses, to establish cellular communications to provide access to ... and the internet, where necessary, to identify children to study in safe places, and also to prepare these territories for the heating season, here are the decisions taken, the government is expanding support for border areas, an additional 15.5 billion rubles were allocated to the kursk region. most of them will go to the purchase of housing for those who were left homeless, and earlier additional
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funding was allocated from the government's reserve fund to provide. every victim should receive such financial assistance, we are allocating additional funds for these purposes, also for one temporary payments to those who were forced to leave their homes. those who were forced to leave their homes due to shelling are being accepted at temporary accommodation centers, not only in the kursk and belgorod regions, they are deployed in almost thirty regions, people...
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today we will also extend this measure to specialists who work in the kursk region, where such additional payment will be available to more than 2,500 people starting in august,
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those who do. to save lives, preserve the health of our defenders. another topic on the agenda is strengthening power systems in the kherson region, donbass and zaporozhye, for which the cabinet of ministers today allocated more than 2 billion rubles. these funds will allow promptly eliminating emerging faults in the power supply system so that people, industrial and social facilities in the new regions are provided with light. today, we discussed the execution of the federal budget for the first half of the year, expenses of about 18 trillion rubles, income.
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closed other doors of nuclear blackmail threats from the country of america, which by this time had already killed hundreds of thousands of japanese in hiroshima and nagasaki, and would not have stopped further, if not for our times...
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the tests of the first soviet nuclear charge were successful, the ussr atomic project, which until then had existed only on paper, reached a new level. the abbreviation rds... is a special rocket engine, but there are also many unofficial decodings, one of them is quite symbolic: russia makes it itself. it is important to take into account the realities of that time. the great patriotic war had recently ended, the country was in a dilapidated state, bread was rationed, the usa had already dropped nuclear bombs on japan, and few doubted that the next target was the ussr. in the year of the sixtieth anniversary, the first atomic bombs in sorov were experimented with, when they gathered. all the young talented nuclear bomb makers and gave them all 60 years of experience, to improve the quality of the first product with all modern technologies,
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it was possible, well, generally within the margin of error, well, for me this is you know, such an incredible fact, confirming the genius of the people who solved the problem of the atomic project in... soviet years. a significant contribution to this success contributed by soviet intelligence officers who were able to obtain secret data from the american manhattan project. this saved our scientists a lot of time and allowed the us to quickly establish nuclear parity, which washington clearly did not count on. as a result of this painstaking, dangerous work, the soviet union's leadership received a detailed description of the first american atomic bomb 12 days before its testing. today, as 75 years ago, any attempts by a potential aggressor to damage the sovereignty of the progressive development of our country, are invariably suppressed.
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for this we have the most modern high-tech means of deterrence, and most importantly - unique specialists, scientists, engineers, designers, true patriots of our country. then in 1949 this bomb was seen only as a weapon that stopped the attack of yesterday's ally. today, 75 years later, we know that in the outlines of the rds-1 you can see the world's first nuclear power plant, the world's first nuclear icebreaker fleet, medical discoveries and much more that we have not even we think about it. for example, the face id facial recognition system also grew out of discoveries by nuclear physicists. the explosion at the semipalatinsk test site gave a powerful impetus to the development of civilian industries.
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i can't live without you, prime minister, watch after the program vremya. rom castro is a product of stellor
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group. vodka pechora, a product of stellar group. vodka in veda, a product of stellar group. productlar group burbon stirsman productlar group wiski mancacher productlar group. gin snop is a product of stellor group, no need to talk, squat, our formidable is at home manager, now also a gym teacher, any roads are roads, yeah, see you soon, see you soon, ah! look, you look,
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i did everything i wanted, thank you very much, no, saw the night, walked all night until the morning, saw this yes. fantastic! the final, tomorrow on the first, what dance do you have? the traffic cop stopped the general's car and he was punished. nadezhda kadysheva had a terrible dream. hey, yanarinna, yana. oh, ugh, i thought i forgot.
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tvn. summer cup. on the last day of summer. on the first. i'm already ashamed of you in front of the jury. yes, don't worry, i'll sort it out with the jury. i brought you a gift for ekaterina mizulina, a shell. and who are you here with a shell? surprise. listen, by the way, ovechkin himself played in it. in the new. in the first season, you komolov, oleg viktorovich, here is the decision on your arrest, last night the museum was robbed, what does my dad have to do with it, so, well, tell me, the local director, from leningrad, came with his wife and daughter, the daughter is an adult, she is going to be an artist, that's how, the museum was robbed at night, the area is quiet, they don't sleep only in houses where they sell wine and more often, so, what is here happens, and maybe we'll agree somehow, and 500, what's up, okay, how did you , such a clever little hell, fall for a simple scam, and
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everything looked so convincing, and you're not afraid at all that we'll get bogged down in these affairs, but they 're bad, dad is good, he needs help, unfortunately, you can't do it without money, five, seven, oh, what, ah, you were just amazing, and your partners too, my name is mark natanch barshak, i'm in some...
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this is the time program and we continue. only at night did the fate of telegram founder pavel durov become known. after many hours the judge announced the verdict of the charge to leave six of the twelve counts, release on bail of 5 million euros, prohibit leaving france and reporting to the police twice a week. the mother of durov's children added fuel to the fire, very timely, by reporting that he had also treated them cruelly. in general, they are actively creating for... an extremely negative image on all fronts, at work and in their personal life. our correspondent pavel krasnov met the founder of telegram uzdaniya suda in paris. leaving the courthouse the day before, telegram creator pavel durov has officially disappeared into the night, and nothing is known about his future plans, but if you believe the rumors circulating in the french media, this is the hotel where durov spent the last night after he was released from custody. the hotel is far from the most fashionable, but it is certainly more comfortable. than the detention center where pavel durov spent 4 days after
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his arrest, in the future he will probably have no trouble finding housing to his liking, especially since now it is his responsibility, according to the court decision pavel durov is prohibited leave france for the duration of the investigation. the businessman left the paris city court building late in the evening after several hours of questioning, exchanging a few words with his lawyer at the gate. durov got into a black minivan, slipping past the journalists waiting for him. firstly, telegram complies with european digital rules in all respects, it is moderated according to the same standards as other social networks. and finally, i would like to add that it is completely absurd to think that the head of a social network can be directly or indirectly involved in criminal activities, which do not concern him. however, this is exactly what the french investigation is charging durov with.
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the list of charges brought against the creator of the popular messenger after the court hearing was halved from 12 points to six. according to the paris prosecutor's office, several more points on the list of charges actually boil down to the fact that telegram users' messages were encrypted, the security forces did not have access to them, that is, the confidentiality of correspondence was essentially declared illegal. the prosecutor's office even specified what punishment durov could receive threaten. aiding and abetting
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the management of an online platform for the purpose of carrying out an illegal transaction as part of an organized gang, a crime that carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of half a million euros, and this is only one of six charges, meaning the final punishment could be much harsher, though only if these charges can be proven, even in the west the press is inclined to believe that this will not be easy, and in general, by arresting durov, france has stepped on slippery slope. critics have long complained that major online platforms do not sufficiently police the content they allow to be posted and shared online, but holding an executive accountable for allegedly failing to monitor the operation of his encrypted messaging site is an extraordinary escalation. that is probably why french authorities are trying to bring to light pavel durov’s family scandals. the mother of the businessman’s three children has accused him of child abuse. the head of telegram is also under investigation for serious violence against one of his children,
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a source close to the case said. the investigation, which has been assigned to the juvenile department , has just begun, the same source added, specifying that the actions were allegedly committed against one of his sons, born in 2017, when he was a school student in paris. this has nothing to do with the case related to the functioning of the telegram messenger, but apparently, lacking evidence, the french authorities are now trying to accuse durov of all sins. one way or another, in the near future he will have to communicate frequently with representatives of the investigation, according to the published decision, pavel durov was placed under pre-trial supervision, he was ordered to post bail in the amount of 5 million euros. and twice a week he must appear at the police station, well, in the meantime, dissatisfaction with the detention of pavel durovo is expressed not only on the internet, here is graffiti that appeared in the center of paris, a call painted on the wall of a building to free durov. pavel krasnov, dmitry volkov, dmitry malyshev and kirill danilov,
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channel one france paris interesting arithmetic, the head of european diplomacy josep barel reported that brissel on... sent income from russian assets to eu countries and ukraine - this is almost one and a half billion euros, however , ukraine will receive very little from this stolen money, because the lion's share will go to european countries as compensation for weapons supplies. barel is dissatisfied with the laws that the european union itself adopted. hungary is blocking money for kiev in the european peace fund, and this legal veto very annoying diplomat barel. we have already started using the income from frozen russian assets, one. the money is already in the accounts, but one of the eu member states continues to block the decision. 6 billion euros for ukraine remain frozen in the account due to the will of one eu country.
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the west's line on escalating the conflict in ukraine is doomed to failure. russia is monitoring the pumping of weapons into the kiev regime and takes seriously the discussions about its use. this was stated by the head of russian diplomacy following talks with his senegalese counterpart. sergey lavrov answered the question about the possibility of peace talks with kiev. president putin put forward another peace initiative in june, after all previous initiatives and agreements had been destroyed and sabotaged by the kiev regime and its western patrons. and our readiness for negotiations should not have caused any doubts in anyone, although, of course, after the adventure in the kursk region, any talk on this matter becomes irrelevant. an important historical date: 85 years since the victory of soviet and mongolian troops over japanese militarists on the khalkhengol river. in
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lanbateri, in a ceremonial formation, and the military of our eastern district. mash armored vehicles in the sky combat helicopters. vladimir putin sent a congratulatory telegram to the president of mongolia. in our countries, the memory of the soldiers who fought shoulder to shoulder against the invaders, at the cost of enormous losses, defended the independence of the mongolian state, is sacredly honored , the russian leader noted. and on the same day, only 80 years ago, the red army soldiers finally defeated the german troops in belarus. about operation bagration and its significance for further offensive, petr deryagin will tell. the white arrow on the armor of the t-34, which was the first to break through to occupied minsk and indeed, it would seem, the indestructible german defense, as if pierced with this menacing arrow, and then another blow and another. as a result , the fascist group armicenter was defeated. operation bagration was thought out to the hour, each link of our aviation, infantry, and the setting in
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motion of the entire soviet-german front, that is, for operation bagration, literally like dominoes, the group began to fall army northern ukraine, defeat and thrown back beyond the vistula, and the army group of southern ukraine, the iasko-kishinev operation. defeat and withdrawal of romania from the war. operation bagaration was planned in such a way as to shock the fascists, surprisingly, tens of thousands of units of equipment were transferred to belarus literally under the noses of the nazis. an unprecedented level of secrecy. a whole series of deceptive maneuvers, the germans were sure that the red army should strike in ukraine, when they realized it, it was too late. belarus is a forest swamp. in order to tanks were advancing there, special fascines were made, they were prepared so that the tanks could move through the swamp. that is, the germans did not wait there, where ours had never attacked before, even in winter, there the tanks were advancing along special devices in order to pass and
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went to the rear of the germans. the allies, who at the same time were undergoing an operation in normandy and were going with difficulty, at first could not believe what was being reported in the reports. the red army literally swept away the strongest army group advancing hundreds of kilometers. the whole world has seen confirmation of this already 17 july forty-four. if we are talking only about captured germans. at all stages leonid eremin met the occupation as a boy and almost immediately joined the underground movement. they
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began shooting communists and soviet workers in the very first days. they drove the jews into the ghetto. and in december they shot them. our apartment became a safe house. and there the groups gathered. underground members, when the threat of arrest hung over the whole family, they went into the woods, yesterday's boy took up a rifle in his hands and became a real partisan. our brigade destroyed railways, derailed trains, made ambushes, smashed police garrisons, in general, did not give the germans any peace. the impossible happened and seemed impossible, one day a german came out to the partisan detachments. hans reichert, he had just arrived in belarus and promised himself: i am not a fascist, there will be no blood on my hands, they believed him, and during the entire period
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of operation bogration, he fought on our side, and after the war he came to siberia and built a new life here, everyone called him ivan when they began to send them back to their homeland, the germans, the italians, well, all of them, when italians lived here too, they left, my father didn't agree, he said, because he says, i already had a son, he says , i like it here, it's already a second homeland. we also had front-line soldiers, well, it seems like they, well, when they found out that he fought, well , they all admired him, they thought he was a german, like a prisoner of war, but it turns out he was also a partisan, well, you were in shock, having liberated belarus, the red army went further, during operation bagartion they managed to clear most of lithuania of the fascists and eastern regions of poland. on august 29, we stopped to regroup and prepare for the decisive blow, because it was... forty -four that the road to berlin was essentially opened, and hitler's armies were stunned, reserves were destroyed, positions on the fronts were lost, if
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not for this march of soviet soldiers, it is unknown whether we would have achieved our... world problems, one of the topics is greater eurasia, free from the dictates of washington and its satellites. we will certainly increase practical cooperation in eurasia. russia also came forward with the initiative to form eurasian architecture of equal and indivisible security and equal cooperation. of course, it is obvious to everyone that these efforts
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are encountering increasing opposition from the united states and its allies, with their aggressive desire to retain dominance of world processes, the desire of westerners to solve their problems at the expense of other states explains the line of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia. the targeted line of our policy, our diplomacy, is aimed at creating today the framework of the future world system,
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training of personnel for the state marine technical university is in the center of attention of the presidential aide, chairman of the marine board nikolai patrushev. today in st. petersburg he discussed the development of shipbuilding, new conditions, new large-scale tasks, new companies, ambitious plans: to train 80 thousand specialists, welders, fitters, engineers in 10 years. for high-quality training of engineers, for shipbuilding of related industries, it is necessary to more actively. implement specialist programs, in this case the student will receive the necessary amount of knowledge in fundamental, general professional and special disciplines, combined with skills acquired during industrial practices at enterprises. the first moscow region children 's hospice turned 5 years old today. the center's team was thanked by
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the region's governor andrei vorobyov. in his telegram channel, he noted: doctors, teachers, educators, volunteers do everything to fill every day of little patients with care and attention. together with the whole country , the hospice helps our border regions, who found themselves in a difficult situation due to the actions of the kiev regime. we accepted all children from kursk suffering from palliative diseases. today , there are 23 children and one accompanying mother on the territory of the hospice. on the territory of domodedovo, we have five children, respectively. 18 children and one mother are on the territory of kolomna, all children are accommodated, all children are diagnosed, all children receive planned palliative care. and here is an important social project aimed at helping children: do not give flowers on september 1 teachers, and transfer this money to charitable foundations and hospices, children instead of flowers, it is so powerful, merciful teaches everyone real compassion. olga
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knyazeva knows, for this money we can. drink strollers, toys, special drugs, and so we could buy flowers that will wither in 2 days. for 10 years now, this formula has been working, parents spend money not on bouquets, but on helping seriously ill children. teachers, refusing flowers in favor of charity, teach, perhaps, the most important skill. kindness is also such a skill that is instilled, they understand, they empathize even more than we do, they are more touching about many things. sochi, khabarovsk. charity has become the norm of life, so that people are not afraid of someone else's pain, but want vera racked their brains, how to do it so as to ease it. thanks to this campaign, a huge number of people, teachers, schoolchildren, parents, tried. and what does it mean to help? and i know that for many this step
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really was the first, and it was followed by volunteering in a hospice, some help, school. at home, suffering from her helplessness, she can do a lot, thanks to the fact that children all over the country come to the assembly with one flower or just with a badge, children instead of flowers, and kristina from nizhny novgorod
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now knows what it's like to become a first-grader. i've just never been to school, so i'm worried. everyone who chose the action children instead of flowers gave kristina the opportunity to read, write, laugh, play with friends, and kristina's mother time to relax a little. while the girl is at school, and this the feeling when you are just a child and just a parent without the burden, diagnoses and procedures, at least for a short time, is very necessary for such families. the strength of this campaign is that it is so lively and simple that you think, again september 1st, we will all still go to the assembly, yes, how i really want it to be a real holiday filled with meaning, when you understand that we can really now - rethink it, add it to such a unifying story. last year, more than 74 million rubles were collected by almost 700 children and young adults received help to fill your september 1 with new meaning, right now you can scan the qr code that you see on the screen and go to
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the campaign website. find out how many children need help. for example, veronica from angarsk, she is 2 years old, one and a half of which she spent in hospitals. every day, i say: you are my fighter, you have come such a long way with me, you are strong with me, and i believe in you. stay up to date with events, now on the air of the first channel, the continuation of the multi-part of the film "i can't live without you".
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children, children, children. they launch a kite into the sky, and the higher it flies, the brighter the soul, they lift their heads higher, higher, higher, those who walk the earth, and those who stand on the roof, that... what have you done to me, this bright autumn, tied me to my heart, no, you threw me up in the sky and i'm flying on a thread, i'm flying on a thread, i'm
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trembling with happiness, there are smiles on my face.


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