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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  August 30, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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thank you very much, well, we are already ready to see our heroine in the third final image, so irina, come out to us quickly, here he is, the acid dj is back. acid, so i did not expect such a turn from our stylists, usually the third image is an evening out, here, here is exactly what i was talking about, an option. i am going to work on my
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acid styles, acid clothes, everything has already been done for me, alexander anatolyevich, i really like the trousers, how they sit on you and how you wear them, how you walk, what a gait, and do you like it, evelina, how do you like it, i really like it, and i would say that this vest is a wildly fashionable element, the most fashionable element of the entire triumverate, which our... stylists have selected, and this vest can work well in an evening situation with a long fishtail skirt, there you will also need a platform, and you can easily wear it on your naked body, slim, and if you wrap it tighter, and i see that there is a connection that allows you to do this, then with a high-waisted skirt, you have it will just turn out to be a fairly voluminous neckline in the front and a beautiful neckline in the back, and such a jacket will become an original top for...
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an evening dress, i imagined it, it's great, irina, you are just super, you are just a ray of light, and you always want to please and inspire people, and today you have also pleased us here in the studio, thank you very much, i am simply happy, i am already happy and will strive to be happy in the future, we congratulate you, loved ones, hug your beloved ira, congratulate her. transformation, kiss her. irina, we applaud your new look, the work of our stylists, all three sets of clothes, we give you a fashion verdict from the program, wear them with pleasure. well, if you, like our today's heroine irina, want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website of the first channel, using the link that you see on the screen, or point the camera of your mobile device at the qr code. see you on the first, all the best. the first channel
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presents, this liver, friends, is where the gallbladder is located bladder, something from the life of the gallbladder, important and interesting. and not only that, in the program live healthy, you will learn the most important thing about life and health. this liver, friends, is an absolutely unique organ, this is the gallbladder. today we have a guide for users of the gallbladder. you know very well, we buy refrigerators, washing machines, tvs. there is always
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an instruction, here is an instruction for our body, today we will receive this instruction from a very famous gastroenterologist, endoscopist igor vladimirovich gorodokin. so, igor vladimirovich, our gallbladder. yes. i want to ask our viewers a question. the question is absolutely fateful. why do we need a gallbladder? please, i'm listening to you, to process food, to process food, yes, and the remains of unprocessed food turn into stones, that is, our food is digested there, what is not digested becomes stones, right, and what do you think, girl, and the gallbladder is needed to produce bile, respectively, and bile is involved in fat metabolism, that's it what a clever girl.
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and why is this important, because often now we will talk about stones, the gallbladder has to be removed, and people say, how will we live without bile, bile is not produced in the gallbladder, but in the liver, therefore the amount of bile produced. remains unchanged, this is the function of bile to process fatty fried foods, as the girl mentioned, absolutely right, but since we do not eat fatty fried foods all day, then between meals we do not need this yolk, it settles in the gallbladder, is stored, yes,
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it is preserved, concentrated, collected in large quantities, during the intake of fatty or fried food, the yellow puce contracts, we secrete a hormone that contracts the gallbladder and relaxes this sphincter odi, which allows bile to be thrown out by contraction of the gallbladder into the duodenum, where digestion occurs, and not in the gallbladder, as the young man said, so, look, the liver produces bile, through the bile ducts, here they are green, it gets into the gallbladder and is stored until we haven't eaten anything, by the way, there's already a drama here, a stone has formed here, when we eat fatty or fried food, the gallbladder contracts and releases bile into the duodenum, this is where the digestion of food occurs, fats specifically, and not only fats, everything is digested in the duodenum, but specifically bile participates in the emulsion of fats,
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there is no digestion in the gallbladder itself, this is a mistake, bile is simply stored in the gallbladder until the moment when we eat something fatty or fried,
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liver, gall bladder, this is where bile is thrown out, let's throw it out with all our might, look, right now before our eyes these little yellow fats will start to digest, this is normal, this is all good, what are the enemies of our, of our gall bladder, the first answer would already be a hint to you, fasting is one of the enemies, not food, it is fasting, this is exactly.
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stones are formed in bile, that's the thing, stones are formed, why are stones so bad, because if the bladder contracts next time, what will happen to the stone, when the gall bladder contracts, they begin move, they can even get stuck in this place, this is the cystic duct, in this case
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the gallbladder stretches and can cause acute cholecystitis, zabivuz acute biliary colic, or it can rupture, then there will be a more severe biliary peritoneum. then it can go further and get stuck, for example, here in the duct, then there will be mechanical jaundice, it will block the outlet of bile, not only from the bladder, but also from the liver, bile naturally goes back. ice can go, goes back to the liver, is absorbed into the blood and we turn yellow, well, not to mention severe pain, the pain will be and here and here, and even if it gets stuck here, there will also be severe pain, but in this place it will block not only the bile duct, but also the pancreatic duct, when it blocks the pancreatic duct, then the pancreatic juices remain in the pancreas, causing necrosis of the pancreas, the so-called pancreatic necrosis, inflammation, acute pancreatitis and can even be fatal, absolutely right. because when the pancreas cannot throw its juice here into the duodenum,
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because it has enzymes that digest carbohydrates and proteins, then the pancreatic juice remains here and begins to digest it, as a result , the vessels that are directly under the pancreas can be destroyed, and these are the aorta and the lower full vein - these are huge vessels, therefore acute pancreatitis as a result of the fact that ... the stone blocked the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct is the most severe complication of cholelithiasis, it is clear, these are generally the main enemies, and what friends does our gallbladder have, at least one friend will be found with it, well, we said, frequent reception food, let's go, i'm ready igor vladimirovich, other food, here be on fasting,
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man, your logic has betrayed you today, last chance, why is water a friend of the gallbladder, dilutes, dilutes the pancreas, so that the bile does not concentrate, yes, so that they do not form. there is also a risk of surgery to remove gallstones, we must weigh the risk of surgery against the risk of complications of the stones themselves,
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asymptomatic stones have a lower risk than the risk of the surgery itself, at one time asymptomatic stones were removed from diabetics, they higher risk of complications from stones than non-diabetics, but then it turned out that even diabetics have a higher risk from unnecessary surgeries than from the stones themselves, so the position is like this, the stones were found by chance, you don't have any pain, there are no attacks in the right side. very good, very fast, i don't want to say very simple, because
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the simplest operation is still an operation, but nevertheless, today it is done endoscopically without incisions, through punctures, people tolerate it very easily, they return to normal life very quickly, so if if you need to remove it, then you need to, but you shouldn't remove it for no reason, of course, we'll take a short break, and then we'll continue and the big... thanks to the doctor , well, catch a goldfish, i would choose in cans, when it's transparent, you can see them, then they're not broken, you can see how many there are, because sometimes you open a can, what a pejorative, a classic sprat in a closed can, after all, fancy cans, i agree with you, how sprats are made and how best to eat them, touch a sore spot, huh? put pain in us, in the morning i woke up and began, so to speak,
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to do my own thing i understand that my neck has returned to working condition, i can do everything and there is no pain. pain service, professionals work here, sweet dreams, you can turn on white noise, the sound of the sea, the sound of rain, so that sleep is even more comfortable. to be happy, you need to sleep properly, you need to sleep without clothes, if you sleep with someone, the effect increases, because touch gives us more you ... you had no music at all, there was no music at all, i do not believe it, everything is in voices, i like to command, you are the commander, yes, which of you older, who is younger, i am older, and i am younger,
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that is, you are the older, commanding, younger, this is the biggest shark, which creatures. on the planet, it seems to me, you will not be very pleased if a shark with transparent skin lives at your home, whose eye sockets fall out under strong pressure, forgot what you wanted to say, yes, martin, of course you have no chance, you must become a star, oh yeah, better than everyone, the premiere is tomorrow. on the first and then such a disaster happened, the antifake program from the first channel was closed in time, while our program was not on air, viewers wrote to us on the channel, called, and unkindly spread all sorts of fakes about us, we expanded our program, and geography, history, and what we will review here, they also contact me so that i comment
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on where the truth is in the turkish media or in the russian media, well, and here i always... from monday to weekdays on the first. 100 players from all over our country gathered here in the studio, the main characters will appear on this stage, these are mothers, fathers, children. parents, grandmothers, sons-in-law, mothers-in-law, in short, everyone we affectionately call relatives, the first time
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on stage, of course, the first time, it's super, the most intense plot. september on saturdays on the first. so, friends, what are we doing here? we open cans of sprats and remember our student youth, herman shaich, and we send greetings with dr. gandelman, to the famous siberian surgeon, professor and doctor of sciences, alexey
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grigorievich koratkevich, and for us simply lyoshka koratkevich, that's for sure. in short, sprats are our theme, first, let's see how live sprats swim in the past, what kind of fish are these, guys, this is a sprat in pervolaka, this
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big one, a small sprat, well, in principle , a classic - this is kilkaite. just a fork for the hungry, for the hungry, please, so, and now how it turns into sprats, into sprats, yes, they catch it, wash it, here it is a little fork , they cut it up, put it on pallets, sort it like this, then they send it in this form, smoked fish, now we 'll see how it is smoked, look how - after smoking it is put into jars, pour oil, sprinkle with spices. beauty, yes, in russia there is a special technology, the thing is that during smoking the corresponding substances, carcinogens, are released, and yes, in our country
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these substances are prohibited, well, limited, so we are great, and we just use for taste we use liquid smoke, the so-called, which gives the same taste, the same aroma, but benzoperene - this is this very thing. we have a deeply humane way of producing sprats, of course, this is very important to understand, well, guys, before we call expert, and today we have an expert on sprats, let's please go to our models and note some of the main delights of sprats and herring remade from provi, about useful substances forward, well, let's start with the cardiovascular system, look, this is the vessel with which we are born, and this is
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an atherosclerotic plaque that clogs it, disrupts blood flow and can lead to a heart attack and stroke. so, sprats contain five daily norms of omega-3 unsaturated acids, and 70% niacin. these two substances prevent the development atherosclerosis, in addition, and the development of dementia, you always knock on the head like that, gerich, i always have little there, yes , you are a genius, you are a genius, andrei petrovich, well, i want to tell you about one of my favorite uh elements in the periodic table - this is selenium, once again, we remind you, our body does not produce selenium, look, i produce cancer. cancer can happen to anyone, why is it important to have selenium? because the presence of selenium does not allow cancer to develop, thousands of studies,
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the first studies that were published in 2016 on 350,000 people, showed that if a person has a low level of selenium, then cancer is more likely, now we know that infections and cancer are not ... but 50% of the daily norm, there is a lot of selenium in 100 g. a lot, this is a sea fish, so there is selenium there, and mikhail yegorovich is standing next to a model of the retina, i will tell you about the retina, about that part of our eye with which we see, the retina has different parts, but the most important is the retina - this is in the central part. the macular region, which gives us maximum visual acuity, the clearest vision, the maximum accumulation of cones, special cells give us visual acuity, the fact is
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that this very selenium, which andrey petrovich talked about, it is also a powerful antioxidant, it protects this part of the retina from the destructive effect of light, which falls on this part all the time, in particular from the blue... spectrum of this light, thus selenium protects our retina, and the drugs that we use for the treatment of macular degeneration also always contain selenium, this is important understand, now let's go back to the kitchen, why, because in the kitchen we have a podium, what is on our podium, dear doctors, in terms of the amount of meracin, so here is sprat... of which we ate sprats, which were in those years, it contains 70% of the norm, here in sprats only 30, so wait,
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how many germens are in sprats, the most of all, because sprats are sprats, that's why sprats took the honorable first place, guys, how to choose, how to store and how to do it right? how to choose? we have guests today the expert of our program, food technologist, candidate of sciences, alexander sergeevich grishin. alexander sergeevich, we are waiting for you. we have a holiday of remembrance here. here is also sprat in tomato sauce. raise your hands, remember what everyone eats this, and do they still eat it, my mommy, and i something completely, a basic thing, how to choose sprats, give us?
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some secret advice, and the first thing i will give you, a secret advice, of course, is that you need to choose sprat, the one that is produced closer to the fishing grounds, this is accordingly, the atlantic, this is, from our side, the kaliningrad region and st. petersburg, well, closer to pskov , kaliningrad region, several factories, let's start with the fact that the first canned goods were actually produced in 1850 in riga, in latvia, yes, but ours, so to speak, the russian federation picked up.
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thus, the champions of the kaliningrad region catch there, they make there, so everything will be fine there, one more thing, it's true, here we told you that in russia such technologies, where direct smoking is prohibited, benzopyrenes in in principle, the degree of safety in terms of cancer risks, and benzopyrene is a cancer risk during smoking, we have quite a high one, well, let me tell you, that is, the classical technology implies mandatory smoking, this is alkha, that is, this is a slight smoking to give a certain color, the color is golden. and accordingly the taste of the aroma, then from this smoked fish it is then extracted into vegetable oil, the aroma of smoking is extracted and we actually get this whole well, aesthetics of taste, yes, that is, aroma flavor, and you did not answer my question, is our sprat the best from the point of view of safety or not, now i will explain, and there is also another technology for using liquid smoke, what is what, we take vegetable oil, take liquid smoke, insist, liquid smoke
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acquires a golden color, acquires aroma. smoking, and what is liquid smoke? and these are products of incomplete combustion of dreversine, benzoperine without access to oxygen, that is , roughly speaking, we take bere, well, conditionally alhu, and close the access of oxygen and simply we burn this liquid with water we get this smoking preparation, so it is - experts experts have confirmed in principle, it really has less carcinogenic properties, because they are oxygen scientists of the food industry. let's applaud, this is good, this is a plus, good, so, choice is the most important thing, the kaliningrad region is where it catches, and it catches only there, well, i, well, we can't also enterprises of other regions, well, you tell us, we will support everyone, yes, well, classically, again this is kaliningrad areas closer to the baltic, i would say choice, i would choose in banks, when it is transparent, they are visible, they are not broken then, you see how many of them are there, because sometimes the bank
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youth, eat, well, how is mikhail yegorovich, delicious, alexey grigorievich korotkevich, professor and doctor of sciences, we transmit to you the fluids of our love, our group is one solid professors, yes, germanshe, just joy, professor korotkevich now works in novokuznetsk, heads the department at the institute for advanced medical studies, such personnel cooked by the kemerovo medical institute, well, what a delicious, lyosh, what have you done, look, well now you will say dandyism, but in fact it is. a super restaurant dish, but the simplest in terms of cheapness, look, we take zucchini, regular zucchini, cut it into slices, marinate it with lemon, put sprat, that's it, i also dyed pearl barley, we had accordingly, necessarily together with zucchini
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and sprat, we understand that here is a bombastic taste together with the benefit that we have here, the program removes, after all, put a stain on the dress, because of you, so, it's all about food, it's time for us to talk. about medicine, i'm leaving this food debauchery, well, friends, this neck, here it is, the thinnest joints between the vertebrae, the biggest problems, if the neck hurts, i go to our medical site, where a wonderful doctor works, mark yakovlevich golperin, mark yakovlevich, and he is helped by another amazing doctor, doctor kan, who is a doctor of both russian and korean medicine, our patient, beautiful, came to doctor galperin, barely alive, let's look at the screen. doctor, hello, you are my last hope,
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my neck hurts so much, i have no strength, turning it hurts, so, bend it to the left, so, that's it, so, to the right, to the right is better, turn it. so here it's about 20 degrees, in this direction, well , almost 80 degrees, you know, even bending over like this to do housework is problematic, because my neck hurts, it's almost immobile and yes, and a headache comes , so exhausted, galina borisovna came to us, the first examination, without which nothing is done, is magnetic resonance imaging, unfortunately she does have it osteochondrosis, we saw it in the pictures. and this osteochondrosis causes her pain oh basically the whole cervical spine is affected by osteochondrosis you see opening and we do a blockade from the occipital nerve and we do
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a blockade of the cervical facets. the procedure that dr. galperin does is an interventional treatment of pain, strictly under the control of an x-ray the doctor injects a contrast agent at the beginning only after making sure that it is at the point of pain. the active substance is injected after the contrast agent, the result is checked immediately after the procedure, so let's get off slowly, i'm standing here next to you, insuring you, yeah, you'll behave well, i'll give you a ride, yeah, yeah, so, turn to me, how warm does it feel there now, so doctor, it's warm there, and not less has gone, so, and turn your head away, now we'll try it a little scary, well... better than on the right, how do you feel, so to the left, go, go, better, even good, well, it's already better now, well, we've already received an answer to our question, much
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better, because you see, i can tilt it here, yes, there is still fear, what is it i see, well, that's the brake, well, bend over now, bend over, oh no, when i hug you, i can bend over, please, you can hug me, bend over as much as you want, thank you very much , that's it, we'll see you in the studio, all the best, well, it's time to invite galina borisovna to us, galina borisovna, doctor kan, please come to us, so, come here, galina borisovna, so, now we need to do the following, mark yakovich, we couldn't move our necks, that's right, yes, now we need to.
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everything went away right away, that means, after the procedure the pain went away, but there was anesthesia, this is normal, because there is a local anesthetic, when everything was restored, but in the morning i woke up and began, so to speak, to do my own things , i understand that my neck has returned to working condition, i can do everything and there is no pain, my blood pressure even dropped by 20. pain increases blood pressure, this is understandable, sit down, please, i always ask dr.
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kan to show simple exercises for all of you, since we are talking about the neck, everyone can do this, tell me what needs to be done, we will need to grab the chair with our right hand, the chair, and bend a little to the side like this, stretched like this, and now grab the ear and just grab the ear too. pull the head down, that is, this is a static exercise, the point is that you pull these muscles, you hold them, you feel this load that goes to this group of muscles, not fast, change hands, now grab with your left hand stretched here no, now yes pulled up, and now grab the ear and support yourself, of course, not like this, own weight pulls. feeling of warmth,
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because blood flow improves, this is a very good exercise, well, our service works, our service works more, where did you come to us from? i am from moscow, muscovites, people often come to us from all over russia, how many come from the caucasus, my god, a girl just recently came. from the united arab emirates, such a need in general for people to relieve pain, on the health program website you can leave your request to us, and we will definitely help, i say we, in fact, of course, wonderful doctors, headed by mark yakovlevich golperin, thank you to dr. galperin, thank you very much to dr. kanu, we'll take a short break and then continue, no need to talk, squat,
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the traffic cop stopped the general's car and he
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was punished. nadezhda kadysheva had a terrible dream about sony, ugh, i thought i'd forgotten. kvn, the summer cup on the last day of summer on... "i 'm already ashamed of you in front of the jury, yes, don't worry, i'll sort everything out with the jury, i brought a gift to ekaterina mizulivnaya, a shell, who are you going to surprise with a shell here, do you hear, by the way, ovechkin himself played in it, antishake, season premiere on monday, on weekdays on channel one, in the new season on channel one." tell me, is it possible
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to do business in my city without me? you are komolov, oleg viktorovich, here is the order for your arrest, last night the museum was robbed, what does my dad have to do with it, so, well, tell me, the director is local, from leningrad, with his wife and daughter, they came, the daughter is an adult, she is going to be an artist, that's how, the museum was robbed at night, the area is quiet, the only people awake are in houses where they sell wine and more often, so what is going on here, maybe we can come to some agreement somehow, and 500, what? ok and how did such a clever poke fall for a simple scam, and everything looked so convincing, and aren't you afraid at all that we 'll get bogged down in these affairs? well, they're bad, dad is good, he needs...
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a serial film on monday on the first, and you know that i have a patron, an adult appeared, thanks to whom i'm here, and not in a cell, and what is it worth, you know, this is the program to live healthy, and once a week i stand next to this number, 52, 52. weeks a year, 52 steps we take together with you, one step a week, i think that these are steps to fortunately, these are actually steps towards a healthy lifestyle, so we must understand that we cannot immediately change, we need to take small steps, but everything truly great
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is done by slow and imperceptible growth, this is one quote, the second: we consolidate information, this is the first, secondly, during sleep, during sleep, our brain is washed and all the toxins are washed out, washed in the literal sense of the word, this is not a metaphor,
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the brain is really washed with cerebrospinal fluid, recently we have everything, everything, everything is washed out, so in sleep time, straws that happen are corrected, because this is the time that they can be corrected, during sleep substances are produced, brain ones that allow the body to grow , destruction processes are noticed, during sleep our immunity is formed, immune protection, in general, sleep is a necessary part of our life, and all the information is also stored in the brain. these stories about mendeleyev opening the periodic table in a dream, this is true, because the information received during the day is laid out in files at night, and really systematization at night, why are the eyes closed, there are no external stimuli, and the brain can calmly sort everything out, topic after topic, topic after topic,
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so, we need sleep, andrey petrovich, the floor is yours, well, it has also been shown that people who sleep... 6 hours are more unhappy, they are more often depressed, they are more often stressed, they will have more problems in life, in health, this has really been proven, and i also want to show you how sleep affects the formation of short-term and long-term memory, because what elena vasilievna just said, about the fact that the brain puts everything, as they say, on the shelves, this information gets, for example, into the area here of the cerebral cortex, and if we sleep somewhere from 6 to 8 hours, then it then begins to be transmitted to other areas of long-term memory, and we form stable connections, and this is done in sleep,
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it is clear, i emphasize that you should sleep no more than 8 hours, because the more... sleep herman shavich. i want to sit down herman shavich, because i am in heels, it will not work to lie down, because when women are lying around, this raises questions when men are all for him. he is happy, you can lie down, i will sit next to him, but i want to say something else, it is very important to understand what time we should go to bed, this is a key question, which of the doctors? will answer, well, from the point of view of an immunologist at 11:00 pm, because from 11 to - it is already time to sleep, so that ours work correctly
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, at 10 you need to get ready for bed, at 11 you need to sleep, period, really 10 is a normal number, 10, 10, 30, now mikhail yegorevich, how to go to bed, again, what should we do, we should ventilate the room reduce temperature, the temperature should be between 15. you need to sleep without clothes, if you are not sleeping alone, then you touch, then the effect
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increases, because touch gives us another production of oxytocin, the hormone joy is tied to, then you need to turn off all light sources, including your mobile phone, because it is irritating, light hits the retina, melotonin does not ... white noise, the sound of the sea, the sound of rain, in order to make sleep even more comfortable, i suggest turning on the sound of the sea, because all my fell asleep to this noise grandchildren, but i was the first to switch off, the grandchildren just immediately closed their eyes, and you know what i want to say, i want to say that i am wearing a dress that was given to me... by students from the kursk polytechnic college, they have a special course in fashion design and construction, and this is
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a special collection called a fairy tale, a russian fairy tale, i and our entire costume shop are delighted, so thank you very much, dear guys, i wear this dress with pleasure, it is really beautiful, and finally one more, we had a good time together. may you live healthy, hello, the information channel on the first one starts working live, the program time will tell, in the studio ruslan astashka, olesya loseva, the iskan complex. a precise strike on a hangar with military equipment in the sumy region, the parking lot with weapons was discovered with the help of
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a reconnaissance drone, as a result , the mlrs uragan and grad installations were destroyed, as well as seven armored vehicles and other equipment. the russian army raised the flag over senkovka in the kharkov region during the offensive on in the kupin direction , units of the western group of troops were able to destroy the enemy's defense. war correspondents report that small groups... hid in a basement on the outskirts, ceasing to offer organized resistance. the village is located on the approaches to kupinsk itself. footage has also appeared of our fighters installing the russian tricolor on the building of mine number one in novogrodovka, which is currently being cleared by russian servicemen. in karlovka, fighters of the central group of troops from the 60th separate assault battalion samali raised the unit's banner over the residence of a local oligarch. it is reported that the last forces.


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