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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  August 30, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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from 40 countries, today is the last day of the international forum technopron in novosibirsk, and it has already broken the record for the number of visitors, to see the advanced developments of our foreign scientists, 20 thousand people came, many joined online, artificial intelligence, unmanned systems, innovations in energy, cooperation with foreign partners, everything without which sustainable development of the state is impossible, the strategic task is to achieve a breakthrough by the thirtieth year to enter the top ten world leaders in the number of scientific research, expenses on ethyl. that's all for now, now on the first channel the program time will tell, good day to all, i congratulate our viewers on the end of the work week, live on the first information channel continues its work, the program time will tell, with you anatoly kuzichev, the topic is, you know, but on the one hand it is philosophical, on the other hand it is completely practical, absolutely concrete. one of the characteristics
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of the changing, as we regularly notice and record the world, namely, here we are talking about information technology, about people, about, excuse me, i only use this word in this context, about the masses who need to be convinced of something, and for this it is not necessary, now in our time it is not necessary to resort to some super complex, there are complexly composed technologies, chemistry in everyday life or outside of everyday life and so on, no, the special services take up the matter, social networks are at their service and so on and that's it, until the money runs out, all this of course works great, but here's an amazing story: in the usa the sru project was closed, if you believe, at least the press reports, the cia project on manipulation of social network users, at least that's what the businessman and former head are talking about, now what's much more important is that he's a businessman, the head of one of the largest file sharing services, let's read what he writes, please, the cia operation. the creation of bots to combat
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russian propaganda has run out of funding, it's officially closed. there are only a few zombies left. the failed project to manipulate social networks was designed to deceive users social networks, making them think that the us proxy war in ukraine had broad public support. now the managers who did this feel betrayed by biden and are openly talking about the inevitable defeat of ukraine. how have times changed? well. i don’t know, somehow it sounds suspicious, of course, roman vladimirovich, they ran out of money, we can no longer manipulate public opinion, you know, money, well, somehow even michael laughs, and michael very rarely laughs, he’s a gloomy guy, absolutely right, because in recent years, in recent decades, even american intelligence agencies have been switching to outsourcing, the fact is that it is much more profitable to take a contract worker on a contract basis, yes, than to maintain your own structure, moreover, and private individuals, as a rule, are more qualified, because they... live in
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a competitive environment, that is, it is like a private company, and accordingly, the personnel are competitive, and a cia agent, who was trained 20 years ago by some technologies came, he is no longer competitive, moreover, private individuals are cheaper, because they don't have insurance, if someone gets killed somewhere in some part of the world, then you don't have to pay insurance, that's why a huge number of contractors now serve the intelligence community of the us, another interesting fact, last year one retired cia officer said that so much...
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in the category that doesn't have such a system yet, yes, we have different special services that are quietly doing something a little, but look, how do we listen, you know, how do we... quotes from the film: how did we work not in the cleanup, how did we elect trump? we are sitting in information trenches, yes, we are engaged in defense, that is, we do not have offensive operations in cyberspace, we cannot attack, we only fight back, as you can imagine, how yes, no, well, how did we elect trump, imagine, i sympathize with you, it is very difficult to be, wait, and what does it have to do with it, wait, what does honest and dishonest have to do with it, manipulation seems to me to be a slightly more subtle technology than the type of honest dishonest, it is also a little bit they say that russia does not engage in manipulation, i... i am talking about this,
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that it is very difficult to be honest in such a way, if i i heard roman vladimirovich correctly, russia, unfortunately, does not have the same capabilities, yet, that the united states has, but of course, let's do it, so that it does not sound like some kind of, that is , so that it does not... it is strange not that the americans had such a plan for manipulation, it is strange that this plan was closed, i agree, it was supposedly closed, but it is strange to hear from, because he is such a critic of the united states, the tough united states, that he admits or he supports this version, but the united states believes that...
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content, someone will do it for you, then there is all this system anyway, it is not some kind of independent, that is , there is always a media environment, it is directed, and naturally, any respectable state with the purpose of spiritual nourishment
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of its own population, with some foreign policy tasks, inevitably has a question of what platform, or most likely even a set of platforms for this. to use, as for the fact that some project was closed there, connected with there voto farms and so on, this is really already such a slightly outgoing nature, because this the whole story of 2016, this is also a story connected with trump's first term, now we see that trump is already actively running for the second term, and indeed a government commission was specially assembled there, they investigated something there for 2 years, they were unable to provide any factual evidence, but a large number of such startups, projects, etc. were created, which yes... maybe they are slowly closing there, but you need to understand that one thing is closing, something else is opening, plus in the us between three departments, the pentagon, the cia and the fbi, there is very tough competition, that is , not only do they compete with the whole world, they also compete very strongly with each other, so i think that in one place
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it closed, in another, two with yes double opened, accordingly we finance with financing, as for manipulation, but it was, is and will be, and naturally. a certain task, issues with licensing of such products they already
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and so on, that is, the state has decided, as well as many european countries, but not very willingly, yes , they accept all this, we need to actually promote all this, that is , the pentagon has a task. at one time, the task was to somehow smooth out the shortfall in the air force, they made a film with tom cruise, who is now releasing another sequel at 500%, not five on... you know, fat, good, fry me this cockroach, history, so,
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in response to kiri lvovno, i'll tell you a stale story, and even two, and it turns out that since 2000 there, some kind of 2011 years, so the cia felt that the prospects were big, exciting and tried to decide, at least to take control of social networks around the world, and supposedly in the ussr there is even such a thing: a special unit called, they call themselves library ninjas, library ninjas, so they are engaged in monitoring, and in some way and work in social networks, i repeat once again since at least 2011, look, the unit's analysts view up to 5 million entries a day on twitter alone, in addition, they track posts on facebook and others social networks, and also analyzes information from local tv channels, radio stations, newspapers and local internet. all information in the form of reports is then reported daily to us president barack obama at
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internal briefings in the white house, while the library ninjas focus on information from foreign sources and emphasize that they do not monitor american social networks. this is especially piquant, well , actually, even though it is piquant, it is not news at all, because, for example, some voice of america, i don’t know, probably, it's a foreign agent banned in russia, extremism and all that, you know them. history, yes, they are financed by congress, everything like that they bring freedom to the whole world, they are banned from broadcasting on the territory of the united states of america, that's the story, now the second stale story, some time in the beginning of the 2010s, well, probably, there, there's the ninth, the tenth too, and one of my friends says to me, listen, what kind of potential political power is there on facebook, and i just remember 2010, cats,
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was elected, in general, his company was largely built on social networks and facebook, this made it possible to reduce costs and significantly increase coverage, i think that this experience, in general, is ultimately transferred to the external circuit, because the specialists are approximately the same, raman said it right, there is no need to create some special series of divisions in the cia, human resources specialists, the americans have elections, they take place every 2-4 years and generate specialists in
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public opinion analysis and management, and of course these same people can go to the external circuit, these are civilians, but on the outside as ngo workers, as workers of some subcontractors, they do all this perfectly well, so here i will for once agree with michael that the news project about the closure of the propaganda project. is real propaganda. yes, if possible, i will add this wonderful story, which says that american social networks have run out of money for propaganda, of course, there is separate access for special services, because if you are from russia , look at 5 million posts, you will be blocked on social networks, they will say that you are a bot, that means...
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and this is a question about telegram, because we know that one of the problems with telegram is that it is a refuge, a kind of refuge for terrorist groups, and if this is also, remember the question, this is one of the reasons why durov was arrested, these are good ones, that is why russia needs its own ninjas, michael, michael, as a real intelligence officer, do you want to know if we have such ninjas, we have such ninjas, we monitor all of these, we successfully identify them, including including, look, now they will say everything right after the commercials. well and what they write in the press, i think we need to talk about this in more detail right after the commercials, such a disaster happened, the antifake program from channel one was closed, during the time that our program was not on the air, viewers wrote to us
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on the channel, called, and unkindly spread all sorts of fakes about us, we expanded our program and i... historical justice, women are most often subject to anxiety when they receive some messages always wants to say, mom, don't panic, new season of the antifake program, new... rules, now i will personally go to the place to check the information together with you. antishake, season premiere, monday through weekdays on channel one. no need to talk, squat, our formidable house manager, now also a gym teacher, any roads, roads, no.
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see you soon, see you soon, look, you look, i did everything i wanted, thank you very much, no, saw the nose, walked all night until the morning.
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hello, comrade, good evening, wanted to live an interesting, exciting life , violating the rules accepted at that time, he created it and lived it. crimea, yuliana semenova, tomorrow on the first. the main thing is what will happen after death, because everyone, alas, will have to die.
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so, if they continue to read me, then i have won. only a few people remain. and how many of them have access to secret documents? nine. she is part of the narrowed circle. yes. and introduce me to olga winter. help? help, if you understand. oh, bosch candles, where did you get them? i bought them abroad. what if conflict, breakup with her husband and relationship with dubov, a reliable person. with an impeccable reputation, this is just a screen, you will not succeed, why? the fact that russians feel the leak of information, this is really serious, our interest in winter should not be thrown at her. julian semenogo on the weekend on the first. here in the legendary multi-part film based on the novel
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of the studio gathered 100 players from all over our country. the main characters will appear on this stage, these are mothers, fathers, children. i am recruiting. parents, grandmothers, zitya, mothers-in-law, in short, everyone whom we affectionately call relatives, first time on stage, of course, first time, it's super, the most intense, musical detective show, dreams, relatives, with you we desire our own, we will all be happy on the first. look at relatives, guess the star , maybe it's one of ivanushki, the first thing that came to my mind, i don't know why for relatives, the season premiere from
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september 7 on saturdays on the first, look, the dialogue of our experts, now here on the commercial, you haven't heard it, it reminded me, something subtly reminds me of a dialogue from some movie, that... soon everything around there will be only artificial intelligence, there will be no television, no radio, no that, solid artificial intelligence, we will also talk about this separately, if we have time, of course, if artificial intelligence does not enslave us all, so to speak, but for now let's very naturally and logically, so to speak, we came to telegram, because michael, look what a rare expert consensus we have formed that yes, indeed, social networks, well, michael from the position that of course, how can we not monitor, there are all sorts of villains walking around there and so on, well... it's clear that if you're monitoring, at the same time you can help people a little bit to decide in the right, so to speak, direction, well and so on, in short, you see, from different sides we came to the same thing, to telegram, and it turns out that it's not
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just a very popular social network in the world, with more than a billion users, not only the sixth, in my opinion, in terms of the number of downloads of all applications in the world, imagine, so for a second, yes, it turns out that it's one of the most popular social media for recruitment and operations first of all, we just talked about how the cia, the state department and the us army love to use telegram to conduct operations, whether it's in belarus, moscow, iran, hong kong all over the world. the thing is,
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this social network has 1 billion users, so it's very easy to reach out to local people that you're trying to recruit to advance your policies through the channels that they use, and also to guarantee them anonymity , encrypted security, so that they could organize. i don't know about everyday life, but in work for sure, in control systems for sure, and so on, look at what bloombert wrote about this : at the cia, russia analysts are not
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allowed to use their desktop computers to access the social application telegram, popular among russian military bloggers. analysts are also prohibited from bringing personal devices to the workplace, which forces them to leave the cia premises when they want to access the application. and do they want to access it? to the appendix, that's clear, here in the background, of course, yes, here, yes, by the way, you're right , thank you, here in the background of these confessions, the first reason for the arrest of pavel durov in fact, here is what we were going for and came to, began to take on more and more obvious, as if political, not only here, as michael told us, there says, there is drug trafficking, they trade in weapons, god forbid child pornography and so on, probably there is, yes, although for some reason, when macron presented durov with french citizenship, all this was also there, but for some reason this is not... arrest
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telegram founder highlighted the messenger's outsized role in europe's deadliest war since world war ii and raised questions about the future of the platform that has come to shape public perceptions of the russia-ukraine conflict. telegram has become a vital source of military information in ukraine. soldiers on the front lines have turned to messenger to document their lives and deaths, changing the very nature of how information is shared during war. the app has become a portal to the worst combat videos that reveal the reality of war in the 21st century, where... drones and action cameras have created an unrivaled amount of footage in real time. russian soldiers also regularly use telegram to exchange military information with each other. comment, dmitry pavlovich? well , everything is very simple here, i think that we live to some extent in a world that is probably already ending, but this is the last such sign that civilian technology is somewhat ahead of military technology, in the cold
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war, before it, after all. technologies, but is used for military purposes, is under attack, i think that we are moving in the direction of what will be created in america and in china, in russia, of course, closed communication systems, such military tele-words, this is absolutely certain , of course, they are probably already being created, they probably already exist, they are functioning, i am concerned about another question, do i understand correctly that now that this, i don’t know, i don’t want to avoid pathos, but i can’t, the last bastion, so to speak, uncensored and so on, by the way, here’s another there, right there, in that very thing, that there are villains
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roaming around... in packs of gangs, because - let's say, in the states weapons are allowed, it is clear and known that in the states a huge number of crimes are committed with the use of firearms, people are killed, it is clear, well, well, in theory there is a direct dependence, so ban weapons and that's it, and there will be no crimes, which of course is not true, but why don't the states take this step, because they believe that the very... like a declaration, so to speak, of free ownership, it is more important than those costs, like, which free possession causes, therefore, of course, no, until recently, the costs associated with freedom, with freedom of speech in particular, were also acceptable, well, because listen, for the sake of freedom you can tolerate all sorts of, so to speak, excesses, for the sake of, so to speak, so that people have there a sacred and holy right to personal life, to privacy, there personally.
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and so on, one could assume, and then tolerate all sorts of dirty little secrets and so on, it was worth it, because, so to speak, well, the attitude towards the individual was different, sorry again for pavs, but now suddenly, you say, the world has changed, everything has turned upside down, with its ends, and now pay attention, now it means that these costs are recognized as unacceptable, yeah, unacceptable, and the costs turn out to be much more important than the very freedom that they were shouting about so much,
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in the first century, in terms of messengers and social networks , american products were practically the only ones, in fact, they monopolized the market so much that it might seem, well, okay, so be it, it’s convenient, after all, literally units, literally several states, including, by the way, i must give credit to the russian federation and china, understood already then how dangerous it was, because in the era in which, as it seems to me, mr. durov was intellectually and mentally formed, that is, globalization, a seamless world, libertarian ideas, all this unity.
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this is a free platform, but restrictions must be introduced, this state is obliged to introduce, platforms for telegram are obliged to obey these restrictions, how do you like this thesis kirom, it seems to me that it is generally key in today's program, and that in our time
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it is impossible to be, so to speak, the father of the mokhna information, so to speak, battles, you will have to choose a side, and durov is now sitting there in the closet, well, or rather he walks there, but so to speak under guard, precisely... precisely because he has to choose a side, he will choose it inevitably, even if you crack, you cannot be free, independent, i am a man of the world, you know, all this of yours, so to speak, does not bother me, does concern me, does concern me, will you choose, do you also think or not, he must choose a compromise option, it must be, this balance is very difficult, but it is a balance between freedom and security, and each country is struggling to find this balance, because it is a slippery path, as soon as you start.
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10 years ago no longer, there is already an active phase of the information war between the west and russia, therefore, if you are not with us, you are against us, such logic operates in the west, and i want to make another emphasis that any information technology. now, which appears as if from civil goal, yes, artificial intelligence has appeared, which draws pictures of cats and dogs, it seems funny, yes, it seems cool, but this technology can be used in the military sphere , sooner or later, developers must choose whose country they will be in, because today it draws cats and dogs, and tomorrow it's stop, stop, at the development stage it is already necessary to determine in that direction, it is already necessary to think, of course, because artificial intelligence is now capable of processing aerial photographs, identifying military and civilian objects, that actually. life, it can sooner or later
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turn into a military development for military needs, because to create automation of information warfare, now we need artificial intelligence, which will automatically generate that very content, audiovisual content, text content will throw this shock content at us, therefore now there is no freedom on the internet of course, what was there 20 years ago will never be and will never return, yes, alas, amazing, remember, friends, here - old-timers remember for sure, there was such a story, there was such - we had such, i don’t know, faith in confidence, a dream, or something, romantic, well, just about 20 years ago, at the beginning of the 2000s, the world, you see, it all becomes, as you said, kir, seamless, yeah, the whole world, to say, look, it is united, it is interesting, it is, so to speak, open and so on, so after 20 years, what have we come to, that... never before has the world been so divided, so squeezed, can you
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imagine, amazing, of course, well where to go, we will master it, advertising and we will return, fantasy, final, after the program time, we will talk about yulian semyonov, he is famous first of all for the fact that his hero stirletz became a cult character of russian literature, i will ask you to stay, he flew up like a meteor, he is friends with everyone, everyone loves him , they let him go abroad, what are you saying, writers hated him, he was incredibly charming with all his stories, fights, with boxing, to offend , bully, attack, somehow behave aggressively towards yulian semyonov is not it was worth it, he could easily fight, guys, he really loved the positions of impressions.
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the rules accepted at that time, he created it and lived it. crimea, yuliana semenova, tomorrow on the first. the main thing is what will happen after death, because everyone, alas, will have to die. so if they continue to read me, then i won. better than everyone, premiere. tomorrow on the first. soviet counterintelligence has established that an agent of foreign intelligence is operating in moscow, the security officers only know the call sign of agent trianon. nagonii on the verge of a coup. if agana overthrows griso, the americans will immediately deploy their bases. the committee leadership expects the most decisive action from us. please read this message,
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tell me if it looks like a fake or not. you, vitaly, urgently fly to louisbourg. we need to find the author of the letter. he is a kgb colonel, here under his own name. report to me every step of this slavin. it is necessary that the fleet be redeployed on the day and hour when we begin our operation, which we called the torch. this kind of intensity of work is only possible on the eve of events. and here in africa, the russians are to blame for everything, we are interfering only to keep them out. yesterday london broadcast a very interesting commentary. this is undoubtedly the one you are looking for. the legendary multi-part film based on the novel by yulian semyonov. tas is authorized to declare. on the weekend on the first. i can't live without you,
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the premiere is on monday on the first, 100 players from all over our country have gathered here in the studio, the main characters will appear on this stage, these are mothers, fathers, children , parents, grandmothers, networks, mothers-in-law, in short. everyone we affectionately call relatives, the first time on stage, of course, the first time, this is super, the most a thriller, musical detective show, where are you?
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september 7 on saturdays on the first in the new season. on the first, rumors about this crime are already circulating in the city, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi, shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was quite easy to pick up, you have been awarded a great honor, moles, honor and trust, remember this, i after. i was looking for my son's colleagues, i was interested in what was happening there at the end of the war, and anything could have happened there, photos of coolies you don't have it, it's strange, where are they, were they here, oh my god, how similar to my son, you are the only real witness, the only
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person he came to openly, well, major, the hunt has begun, the confrontation, the premiere of the legendary... the drone was destroyed on the territory of the kursk region, that is, they are there, they continue, so to speak, to try, and on this occasion there is also a statement by the head of european diplomacy, it's even funny in fact to pronounce this phrase head of european diplomacy before this name, what kind of diplomacy is this what are we talking about, but nevertheless, okay, european diplomacy, so, the head of european diplomacy
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jose borrell said that it is important here, i quote verbatim, many eu countries at the meeting of the heads of the eu foreign ministry supported the attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the course. end of quote. in addition, barrell called on countries to increase military aid to kiev, well, this is understandable, such a regular mantra. but what is interesting is that, yes, many eu countries supported it. if i interpret it correctly, then many eu countries did not support it. otherwise, he would have said that there was rare unanimity in the ranks of the minister of foreign affairs of the european union so say union. it. that is, many did not support for some reason. interesting. we are now, so we are now establishing a connection just with.
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who is ready to listen to us, who have long ago, you know, when they draw a caricature that the roots of the tree are in africa, where europe gets all its resources from, this garden of this gardener barel, these fruits, they are in europe, this is already kind of sounding everywhere now, that guys, you yourselves, as they say, are exposing yourselves, here is the european king, he is becoming more and more naked, that is, it is already clear to everyone that europe is trying now continue the neocolonialist model that they were leading them yes.
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has not changed dramatically in the last few days, now the confrontation is moving into a positional stage, when the enemy understands that he no longer has the resources to advance further, but nevertheless , inertia still remains, and he continues to try to put pressure on us both in the korenev area and towards lgov, and he has such napoleonic ambitions regarding rylsk, but we see that he has not made any progress in the last few days, moreover, in some... in the areas of the front we are starting to slowly put pressure on the enemy, this is not yet a counteroffensive, not a counterattack, but nevertheless we are stopping the attempts of the ukrainian armed forces to penetrate deeper into
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our territory, the intensity of the work of the sabotage and development group of our team has decreased, although this danger still remains not by chance, the authorities have actually closed the city of kurchatov, only those who have a residence permit can easily go there, the rest are forced to get passes, but this is a measure necessary to prevent any provocations in the city, where the kurdish nuclear power plant is located. the enemy has increased the intensity of work with kamika drones, fpv drones, unfortunately, part of the highway that connects ryshsk and kursk is now within the range of these weapons, so the authorities are calling for the use of bypass roads, but i drove through. civilian cars are still driving along this highway, while along it there is no picture that, for example, is observed on the sudzhan
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highway, where new burned cars, civilian cars, constantly appear, in as a result of the actions of the fronts, well, and i worked for several days in the sudzhansky district compared the situation with two weeks ago, a completely different picture, now you can hear how our artillery works. it works actively, loudly, with different calibers, and suppresses firing, suppresses enemy firing points, this happens on a regular basis, well, and here our fishers and landsetters work very actively, every day a large amount of equipment turns into real estate on kursk land. it is clear, with for sure you have at least an opinion on this matter, and at the very least it is no less interesting for us, so to speak, than... all sorts of foreign analysts, after all, you are on the spot, you have experience and so on. well, uh, we read and
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now many foreign media outlets have become a common place, a kind of consensus among analysts, that the ukrainian armed forces will not be able to hold out for long on two fronts, if we assume that donetsk and kursk are two fronts, and will have to either give up positions on their own territory, or somehow, so to speak, retreat from the kursk region, as you do you relate to such considerations? well, we... see that the enemy has more than serious intentions in the kursk region, he is already digging in and starting to consolidate in some areas of the front, that is, this is probably not being done in order to flee the territory of the russian federation in a panic, tearing his hair out, after all, they apparently have plans to consolidate and remain on our territory as long as possible, moreover, the movement of enemy trawls with equipment between sumy and kharkov is very active now, our air. reconnaissance and the enemy is trying to confuse us, driving equipment back and forth, sometimes this plays a cruel joke on him, like the day before
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a stunning blow was dealt in the hangars, several units of military equipment, mlrs and so on and so forth, all this is revealed, but the enemy is trying to show that he has not yet used up everything in our border area, that is, some provocations are still possible in the belgorod region and in the kursk region, for example, in the district. region and so on, while yes, we see that his front is crumbling on pokrovsky direction to the west of avdiivka, the south donetsk front, it feels like it's been farmed out, there may be one, as it seems to me, option here, kiev has repeatedly shown that it acts more based on political circumstances than on military expediency, it seems to me that in the inflamed brain of the expired president of ukraine there may be some kind of trade plan with russia. yes, he wants to talk to us on the terms of an ultimatum, on the terms of blackmail, where to say, now we need
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to bite off more land, pokrovsky to hell with him, we'll do everything later we will exchange it there for kursk. thank you very much, alexander kots was with us on a direct line from the korsk region, a special correspondent for the komsomolskaya pravda media holding, we don't have much time, let's quickly transfer it overseas now, just like this, well, masterpieces can't be released, friends, if there is an opportunity to look at a masterpiece, look, you never know how life will turn out later. kamala harris, kamala harris gave her first pre-election interview, they say, they say a month, because she
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prepared for it, they gave her a special interviewer, here you see now yes. questions, answers, it still turned out cool, so, 18 minutes of the cnn channel, by the way, it’s interesting, she never said anything, didn’t touch on the topic of the ukrainian conflict, from the international they only discussed the middle east, the rest of the time, well, naturally, was taken up by insulting donald trump, this is their, so to speak, such a tradition, and a little, how to say, more delicately, such strange, ambiguous, i would say, comments regarding the present and future of america, let’s listen to a piece, i was a little surprised, others think so too, that you 've never directly interacted with trump, never met face to face, that's going to change soon, but i want to ask you about what trump recently said, that you suddenly became black for political reasons, the question is: so what happened to your identity? the same old broken record, next question,
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please, i believe that the american people deserve to move on and turn the page on the last decade, which in my opinion was contrary to the very spirit of our nation, wait, but the last 3 and a half years of this decade fell on your administration, apparently she said, she should have too, but just not about that time, well, that is , you learned the phrase, a good whip, well, komala, i also prepared in the style of hamala, komala haris for you. the speech is short, don't worry, i want to tell you firmly, alexey evgenievich, yeah, kiri lvovna, dmitry pavlovich, that our determination of support, it is, how can i tell you, supported by our, well , as if consistent determination, that's it live with it now, okay, let's see now how donald trump, reacted to this brilliant interview, please, boring,
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when we sat together, she did not impress me. leader, i can't imagine a situation in which she would negotiate with the chairman of the prc xizenping or the leader of the dprk kimjin-un, as we did? i do not want to laugh at their candidates there, their country, their life and so on. another thing is that their country their life affects our country our life. therefore, we have several there minutes literally, so i will ask you to briefly express yourself directly to each of you about this race, about the candidates, each of them is of our interest. well, really , kamala harris's interview was awaited. in american society , just like a nightingale in summer, several critical articles came out, one publication allowed itself such a very interesting phrase that joy is not yet an election strategy, and this is really very fair in relation to, in fact, mrs. harris, because when trump says that she is not gives the impression of a leader, but she
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is not one, because the impression is appropriate for... many, it would seem, suitable characteristics for the agenda of the democratic party, but with all this, of course, she is not a leader, she is, in my opinion, much more a lawyer, actually, what she is, than a politician, she actually ended up in politics after forty, i can’t say that she is really good at anything, that is, she is really a confident number two, she is really a person who
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always looms with a joyful smile behind his back. smoke yes, said the same hero, but so the hare was not taught to smoke, this is what we are really seeing now, and kamalo, maybe she is a good prosecutor, but as a politician she clearly did not take place, now such a caricature has appeared, she is depicted as a flat tire and they say: you do not need to drive on a flat tire for another 4 years to understand that it is no good for you, and dey is good for us, well , from now on, excuse me for these well-such.
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we are better off than donald's inflated wheel trump, dmitry pavlovich? no, no, not the best, i want to draw attention to the fact that this is cnn, this is a pro-democracy channel and... 18 minutes, that is, edited and cut, i think, a lot, and even the cnn host, who should 12, yes, should drown, she seems to be very surprised, this means that we can get, probably, the first
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american president, who without a piece of paper, is generally incapable of formulating a thought, even biden, with the remnants of cognitive abilities, if you pay attention, tried something on his own somehow say, hence the huge number of his all these pearls, yes you know, that this is at... look at sports commentators there is such and such those on the skill of the sign on the skill of the sign on the old one, yes karis does not even have skill or talent and this is alarming why because of course this means that this will be a collective government and she would not be able to make individual decisions and individual responsibility and a serious conversation - for us, we are just so to speak, well , not personally, here we are drowning, well, conditionally, i am zakhar or not zakhar, but it is important to us.
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in our program, i wanted something in the style of kamala harris, but i won’t, it won’t work out, i’ll just say directly what i wanted, uh, to have a position now in the west, i wanted to say about the russian, no, in general some more or less sound position, my own, in
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general my own, sound, in general it doesn’t matter, my own, this is generally quite a serious luxury, it’s difficult and fraught there now, nevertheless such people exist, one of them is the british human rights activist and former ambassador, publicist craig murray, and my colleague, ekaterina strizhenova i took a very, in my opinion, interesting interview. i suggest that you and i watch it together now, i lived in russia, i lived in st. petersburg for a certain time, for me russia is an integral, essential part of europe, it is part of european culture, according to the new approach, russia is supposedly not part of europe, like tchaikovsky.
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this is an attempt to make something else out of russia, to remake russia in the minds of europeans, so that russia, russians become some kind of dangerous external element, not a european element, all this, like politics, it seems to me is allowed. tas is authorized to declare on the weekend on the first. yuliy borisovich khariton, i know what bombs were dropped on japan, wrote a technical assignment in which he says that we will work on two types of bombs. tromer asked when the soviet union will be able to create an atomic bomb.
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in fact, the creation of the first product rds-1 is a warning of the third world war with a result completely unknown to mankind. the atomic bomb, the personal business of man x. the premiere is on sunday on the first. antishake, the season premiere is on monday. on weekdays on the first. kvn. summer cup.
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oh, what, ah, you were simply amazing, and your partners too, my name is mark natansh borshak, i kind of look after this city and its environs, i need your talent in one very interesting and risky case. ninel - the premiere of a multi-part film, on monday on the first, and you know that she has a patron, an adult has appeared. here in the studio there are 100 players from all over our country, the main characters will appear on this stage, this is moms, dads, kids. parents, grandmothers, wives, mothers-in-law, in short, everyone who... we affectionately
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call relatives, the first time on stage, of course, the first time, it's super, the most intense, musical-detective show, dreams, relatives, with you we went through ours, we will all be happy, on the first, look at the relatives, guess the star, maybe it's one of ivanushki, the first thing that came to my mind, i don't know why, relatives, the premiere of the season is september 7, on saturdays on the first, in the new season on the first, come on, come on, come on, come on, can i have you ask, of course, it's time to quit this choir, he's the soloist, finally, daddy, daddy,
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hi, lettuce, why haven't you been here for so long, why did you come to the kids, i remembered, i met a woman, it happened that i love her, i've loved her for a long time since school, your hair on the back of your head is wet from the shower, there's lipstick on your collar, for everyone my perfect match, i don't want to be a thief, you understand, right? but it seems to me that you yourself, even she asked me, left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, don't bring her back, i've gone out of my way for him. you at least know how much they cost, you were not asked, but i will ask you now, properly, choir, premiere of the multi-part film, soon on
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the first, i think that the situation between the usa and russia is growing from...
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grateful for the even greater contribution that julian's enormous intellect and his ability to think radically will make to the development of humanity in the future. i am crying with happiness. murail's position on russia is fundamentally different from the official position of the british government. he was skeptical about the uk government's version of the case about the skripol poisoning in saltsbury in march 18. in his view, russia had no motive in the case, and after visiting a chemical plant in uzbekistan. the united states long before the incident. however, he says, anyone who expresses skepticism about russia's involvement in the poisoning is seen as an enemy of the state. murray is a scot, from one of the oldest nation states
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in europe, which lost its independence. for him, there is nothing in history more interesting than the question of the formation and disintegration of national identity. having historical education. believes that the russian president is right when he says that russians and ukrainians are one people. putin has not made a mistake in history. i am inclined to think that he is right. there is little evidence that the people who lived in ukraine hundreds of years ago ever considered themselves a separate national unit. his search for truth leads him to conclusions that contradict the position of official representatives of power in the west. i think that putin's actions were justified. previously, i did not believe that the west would sponsor mass. ethnic cleansing and genocide in donbas by extremist ukrainian nationalist forces. i thought the west was more civilized. now i have to admit that i was wrong about nato countries. probably the alternative to putin's actions really was massacre national cleansing.
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race riots in the uk, genocide in the gaza strip, attacks on civil liberties, the decline of democracy in the western world for murail, as a human rights activist. a reason to continue the fight for the right of every person to know the truth about what their government is doing. i can't remember in advance my life, when so many events were happening so quickly in the world, with which i, as an involuntary citizen of great britain, would feel a direct connection and even responsibility. craig, the russian foreign intelligence service confirmed that intelligence from the united states, britain and poland participated in organizing the special operation in... kursk oblast. according to available information , the ukrainian armed forces operation in kursk oblast was prepared with the participation of the special services of the united states, great britain and poland. the units involved in it underwent combat coordination in training centers in
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great britain and germany. military advisers from nato countries provide assistance in managing the units that have invaded russian territory. the alliance countries also provide the ukrainian military with satellite reconnaissance data on the deployment of russian troops in the area of ​​the operation. what is the purpose of this particular attack on russia? the first goal was political destabilization in russia. this is the desire of western services to simply undermine the trust of russians in the government. and moreover, the main goal was also a distraction, a distraction from the constant losses of ukraine and its territory during today's conflict.
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took place across the border today, at the end of the day, the decision about how ukraine conducts its military operations is a decision
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that ukraine itself makes. ukraine's invasion of the kursk region is consistent with the united states' understanding of what ukraine can and cannot do using american weapons. is consistent with our policy, we are going to continue to support ukraine in every way possible and provide the weapons and systems that they need. in any case, the situation escalates, ukraine is doing what it needs to do to succeed on the battlefield. you went into russia, we are proud of your government, it is brave and wonderful. i am glad that you did not warn us about it, did not tell us, but just did it. hopefully in 2024 you will get more
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military aid from congress. we will have a new president next year, and of course, we are well aware that ukraine's success is in the interests of the united states. it must be said that this is a standard operation. we have already seen such examples with the attack on pipelines, the northern flow.
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russia, they openly said that no, we do not allow ukraine to attack russia, literally a few months later we see that the conditional atacoms and other, practically other types of weapons that were delivered to ukraine are used for... russia went into a more direct conflict with the west, and this, this is madness. they think about the consequences. in fact, we must not forget.
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the regime in russia does not automatically follow the western narrative, does not fall for it, does not fall for the western fairy tale, and simply because rocked the military-industrial complex. were you in istanbul when the negotiations took place, was there a chance to finish at that stage? i can say for sure, everyone knew about it, that there was already good progress, there was already progress. boris johnson played his role, he was in kiev, this us emissary was already in kiev.
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foreign affairs, i, i held the post of first secretary of the british embassy in warsaw, then i wrote a note in one of the newspapers in the 1990s, this was, and i wrote the following, approximately, that poland had a very
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strong orientation towards the west, but i said that the main issues related to the future of europe... will be decided in ukraine, already then in the nineties, because ukraine will be required to answer, where are you looking? as a country, to the west, to the east, and for us, i wrote then that it would be necessary to use ukraine not as an iron curtain, not as a dividing point, but as a bridge over this dividing point, and this is my thought, with which i now live, you have a historical education, so if you compare the period in which we find ourselves... now with everyone, so life, it is much worse than everything that i have, it is difficult, as today, if we take a segment of my say, previous, when it was the same i remember, yes, there was the cuban crisis, connected with these missiles, you remember about it, that cuba was ready, let's place soviet
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missiles, literally in cuba, and it was too close for the americans, the americans then said, it is too close for us. it is impossible for enemy missiles, missiles of the ussr state to be near us. accordingly, the same thing, they already then understood that it is impossible to place missiles, for example, on the territory of the baltic states, you can't deploy missiles near the ussr, that is, look how it all changed, we see nato's constant movements towards modern russia, and we see that more and more missiles literally surround russia, and where they are, they are in countries, in new countries, members of nato.
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in large quantities are in the hands of billionaires, this class of billionaires, let's call them that, these are people who are engaged in investments, they own part of the military-industrial complex, they definitely also suitable are the media, today it is not just the media, it is complexes, huge media complexes, they serve up information under their own sauce, so any voices of dissidents who do not agree in the media are simply absent, i... appeared 100 times a year on the bbc, i was asked about my opinion, for 7 or eight years now, i am not invited there, not invited, because my opinions do not correspond to the western narrative, that is their agenda, which they must pour into the heads of their viewers listeners, now comes censorship is already on online platforms, mass media, what happened to pavel durov is
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terrible, it's a real horror, in fact, this is an attempt to go further with censorship. as if he is some kind of terrorist, he should have spoken together with me, and you know, for example, i was interrogated in exactly the same way by the british authorities in october last year, again this is because i publish my own opinion, my opinion, when there were hearings on the extradition of julian assange, he is my friend, he is my colleague, i respect him very much, you you know, when his extradition hearings started 5 years ago, i was writing daily reports from the courtroom, i was publishing them on my website. somewhere around 10 million people on different social networks saw my reports on giuliano asanju, people who tried to repost my reports somehow,
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were advised not to do so, that is, there was a banner at the bottom, no, please, don't do this, this is false information and so on, that is, tens of millions of views, i went to several thousand views, you see, this is an evolution, this is the evolution of censorship, which is going exactly the same way in the digital environment. wikileaks - that was our golden age, the golden age of free information. then the information was free, now there are so-called guardians, these are members of some kind of cult, they are trying to ban anything, we are now literally closing ourselves off with everything, from traditional freedom of speech, from traditional freedom of the media, and it is so offensive that those same countries like great britain, the usa, which criticize all other countries for their media policy, they are going into the most difficult times, they started to persecute julian asange. for publishing material about how american troops were shooting civilians in iraq. why now, when photographs are published about how american
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troops are illegally present on kursk soil, we do not hear the indignation of the world community, and civilians are also dying there . i honestly think that this is one of the amazing.
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for russia to enter ukraine with troops, it was a provocation. i understand why the russians entered ukraine, but strictly speaking, from the point of view of international legislation bases, international law, i don't think it was strictly legal. and they said, well, go ahead, these are your words, you can say whatever you want, and i did, i said, i said my position on rush today, and well, it was shown, i wasn't cut out, i wasn't re-dubbed.
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weapons and the entire population of this little island were simply evicted from the island, the british, in order to serve the interests of the american military, that is, in order to put an american base there, they told the locals, get out, and in order to, so that the locals could not return to the island, they introduced a special law, according to which the locals can live, please, you can live, but in no case can you fish, they are fishermen, beggars, they can not do anything else.
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spy games have been going on between russia and great britain for many, many years, and the skripol case is proof of this: in 21, you published an article called 10 points of the official version of the skripol case, which i simply cannot believe. these are 10
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questions. without an answer to which, well, it is impossible give an answer, these are physically impossible things that we were told about, they can't be true, and i invited people, and i asked them, well, give me an answer, in fact, no one was able to refute all 10 points or somehow give a reasonable logical answer, let me give you now literally a couple of points, a newbie, so-called, whose door handle was lubricated, two people touched it, and somewhere after... 3 hours these two people, after they went to lunch, ate well there, even drank wine, everything was good, so at the same time after that they fell and simply collapsed there, they were immediately given help, but these people were of different sexes, different ages, they had different weights, that is, if this chemical had worked, that is , well, not in one second they would have fallen not...
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and in general, this whole production, this whole story, in fact, give any serious journalist 10 minutes, and he will definitely expose this, maybe the british did not want to release skripal, maybe he wanted to come to russia again, maybe he wanted to hand over his new master, that is, to hand over some data about great britain, so they just decided to stop it from
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great britain's side. we don't know this story. years, then maybe they'll reveal something to us, for sure, but i think it will take a long time , but what definitely wasn't there, this is not a newcomer, it's obvious, what do you think, that's the goal that great britain set at that moment, it achieved this goal, a large number of britons, they look at this story skeptically, they don't believe it, but the goal of this story, the goal of this whole crisis, which big name newbie, the very goal, this is just incitement of russophobia, so that russians are afraid, so that russians are not loved, so that there is more history, that russians are villains, russians are bad in order to... dancing and other europeans opened their pockets and said: please, take my money, tax money and spend it on weapons, let's defend ourselves from the russians, from russia, there was a real panic, everyone began to fear chemical weapons from russia, which
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are scattered throughout the country, the same the narrative is always the same, they always tell the same thing, yes, there are chemical weapons that assad is allegedly using in syria, the same style, the same information style, and my contact told me that they are somewhere near toronto, somewhere in canada, but i can’t vouch for this, but on the other hand, i can’t think of anything right now, why should n’t my source tell me the truth, how
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do you think this situation will be resolved now, it will be resolved between britain and russia at some point anyway, we always think, we like to believe that intelligence will win, that... it will win, and i am also a positivist, i am very concerned about the direction of the west, where the west is going, i am worried about what has happened to this so-called western democracy, we have destabilization, we do not have significant, intelligent democratic systems today, i think that the golden age of democracy, they have already passed for us, the government in the uk, today they are... in crisis, because it is a crisis of confidence, the citizens of the uk do not trust either the government or the parties, in fact, fewer and fewer people are turning out to vote in order to cast their vote because we are sinking into apathy
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like britain, it is very difficult for me to say where we are going to go in our relations with russia, because i don't know where the west will point its pillars, i don't know where the west will go, i hope that this... this era that we are living in now, of extended authoritarianism masquerading as democracy, will turn into something else. craig, now is the time to say the most important words. well, let's do it? i think we need to rediscover what empathy is. we need to feel each other. this is the central point from which i begin to approach the evaluation of anything. now people are becoming more and more materialistic, we are isolating ourselves from each other, we are becoming more and more consumers, we want to
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eat more and more of this gum that is fed to us from the screens of our mobile devices, but we forget that there are living people next to us, i am adjusting my view of the world, on... feelings, on the feeling of kindness, on a good disposition and on what is called a common interest, i am for a common interest, it was the time of craig murray, time will show who is who and put everything in its place. craig, i spent our entire conversation looking at the painting by banksy, which is hanging behind you, a girl with a balloon. yes, a beautiful picture.
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look, you look, i did everything i wanted, thank you very much, he ruined people like you, no, they saw us, we walked all night. after the program time legendary
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multi-part film based on the novel by yulian semyonov taz is authorized to declare on the weekend on the first. we will talk about yulian semyonov. he is famous first of all because his hero stirletz became a cult character of russian literature. and i will ask you to stay, he flew up like a meteor, be friends with everyone. everyone loves him, they let him go abroad, but what are you saying, writers hated him, he was incredibly charming with all his stories, fights, with boxing, it was not worth offending, bullying, attacking, somehow aggressively behaving towards yulian semyonov, he could easily fight, guys, hip, hip, he really loved the impression positions, for example, to come there in the military uniform of the nicroguan partisans, communicated with ordinary people.
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you didn't have music at all there is no music at all, i don't believe it, everything is in voices, i like to command, are you the commander? yes, which of you is older, who is younger? i am older, and i am younger, that is, you are the older, and the younger one commands, this is the biggest shark that existed on the planet, it seems to me that you will not be very pleased if... a shark with transparent skin, from which the skin falls out, lives in your house -
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eye sockets under strong pressure, forgot what you wanted to say, yes, martin, of course you have no chance, you have to become a star, oh yeah, better than everyone else, premiere, tomorrow on the first,
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if you dream of seeing one of the wonders of the world, then just watch our project, every family duet is amazing in its own way, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, i can't live without you, premiere from monday on the first, once... apple trees and pears have grown, fogs have floated over the river, let the pedestrians run awkwardly through the puddles, and the water along asphalt river, i whip my horses, whip, drive, lelyushki leli for a handkerchief
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davtanochik old man so that me, with september 6 on the first. good afternoon, on air big game, today one of the closest allies of russia, the president of belarus alexander grigoryevich lukashenko turned 70 years old. vladimir putin awarded him the highest award of russia, the order of st. andrew the first-called and noted in a congratulatory telegram that their good relations have fully passed the test of time, and we, of course, with all our hearts congratulate alexander. grigorievich with this anniversary. good news
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is coming from ukraine today. yesterday evening it became known that on monday , august 26, the names, this is the very day when russia carried out. the most massive missile strike in recent times on the entire territory of ukraine, an f-16 fighter from the first batch that was recently delivered to the kiev regime was destroyed there. so, here is the first one. the fact of the crash and death of both the fighter and its pilot alexander alexey mes was confirmed by the ukrainian general staff, here are the reasons for this clearly are trying to hide. officially, it was a pilot error, that is, the messiah himself. however , many of the and...
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that ukraine has were shot down, and one of its most famous pilots was killed, a serious blow to kiev, which had been pleading for the planes for months before president biden gave european countries the green light to hand them over last year. kiev hopes that advanced western fighters will give the ukrainian armed forces an advantage on the battlefield, in particular allowing them to shoot down russian missiles to defend troops on the front line, but the f-16, many of which have already been in operation and have flown for more than a decade.
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the opinion of experts on this topic will still be expressed, that perhaps our armed forces had a hand in this, the second point, even if we consider the enemy's version that they were shot down by their patriot, well, here's the question, it's the same as if i come here to a big game, start a fight and don't recognize you without flashing the system , yes, that is, relatively speaking, i know you well, naturally i don't even start i will, the same thing in the system, that is, this indicates that the complex system of support for the line of combat contact, in which... planes enter, patriots enter, yes, that is, there is inconsistency, they have a friend-or-foe system, even if this happened, it turns out that it did not work, this is a blow, an image blow to the military-industrial complex of the united states of america, this is an image blow to ukraine, and let's say this, i know the opinion of our air defense forces, well, they speak clearly on this topic,
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well, firstly, a challenge has been announced to shoot down this plane, secondly, he says, this is a can the can is exactly the kind that can be shot down, good and... the last point, the most optimal option, that when this pilot was seen off, the last flyby was made on mig-29 aircraft of soviet russian production, but i am sure that this is far from the last f16 that was shot down, that was destroyed in ukraine, and so it will be, i think, with all those that supply the west , western countries, well, russia continues to make quite stable, successful, increasingly fast and dynamic
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progress, after the liberation of konstantinovka, in the dadar direction , our very serious troops are already probing the enemy's defense in the direction of yekaterinovka, our troops have already reached the outskirts of the village of vodyanoye today, bypassing ugledar from the north, moreover, our troops are expanding the zone of control to the south of ugledar in the pavlovka area, here there are also serious advances in the krasnogorovka area , the clearing of the private sector to the north of the city in the krasnoarmeyskaya direction continues, yesterday evening the enemy abandoned karlovka along with the most powerful fortified area. he fled to galitsinovka, golitsinovka has already half of it is also occupied by our troops, our troops have already reached the outskirts of the city of ukrainsk and are fighting, they have partially occupied the village of lesnoye, in selidovo fighting continues in the central part of the city, grodovka and novogrodovka have already been practically cleared, fighting is underway on the outskirts of mirnograd and so on,
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that is, in general, the front here continues to move west to the southwest, here the enemy cannot stabilize anything yet... in the dzerzhinsk area our troops have already cleared 90 percent of the village of druzhba, they are advancing samov in dzerzhinsk, and also advancing to the west of the former new york, in the znatsky direction there are urban battles, there are small subdivisions. in favor there are movements to the north of kalinovka, which means on the seversky ledge krasnolimansky direction without changes, svatovo-kupyansky direction our troops continue to consolidate in the liberated strelakhovkas, battles for the center of makeyevka continue, and there is further advancement to the splinter from the side of pesochny, pesochny, and well in the kharkov direction positional battles continued not liptsy deep in vovchansk, in general, as we see, the initiative is practically everywhere on our side. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich, we will see you again later this evening, well, i must say. that the increasingly difficult situation for the ukrainian armed forces in donbass was also recognized by commander-in-chief syrsky, the day before he openly said this publicly, and
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the american magazine forbes came out with an article with a very interesting headline: if ukraine's invasion of the kurdish region was a diversionary maneuver, then it failed. let's listen to forbes. the ukrainian armed forces forces do not have many additional troops to transfer to the pokrovsk front. many of the reserve brigades it had a month ago are now participating in the surprise invasion of the kursk region. pokrovsk is located at a key crossroads of several railway lines, explained the ukrainian analytical group inside. it has become a key transport hub, facilitating the supply of ukrainian troops along this front line, from ugledar to the severo-donetsk region and beyond. if russia takes pokrovsk, it will be able to bring shame on the ukrainian defense along the entire eastern front, which would open the door for a broader russian offensive that could lead to the complete occupation of the donetsk region. one interpretation more favorable to ukraine and its strategy in kursk is that
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the purpose of the invasion was to draw russian forces out of the east and relieve pressure on pokrovsk. if so, it failed. as a result of the three-week ukrainian invasion of kursk, the russian offensive in the east not only continues, but gains momentum. igor vladimirovich, you have just returned directly from the region where military actions are taking place, well, first of all. tell us about the real situation that is developing near pokrovsk, near toretsk, in the ugledar direction, how justified are these western assessments that the liberation of pokrovsk, in fact, will collapse the entire ukrainian front in the donetsk people's republic, i would ask you to show a map, if such a possibility is possible, of these directions, dmitry, and you know, i want to share my first impression, 18'. hours ago i was in donetsk, yes, even for changes, i called before these 18 hours, colossal
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programs, colossal changes took place, there is a collapse of the front, and in fact the pokrovsk direction, this ocheretinskoye pokrovsk direction, it is divided into two parts, that is, there is a blow to the north, a blow to the south, why when in the south they started having problems in memrik, in mikhailovka, that is, the karlovy vary group retreated, which, well, on one side, covered the reservoir. accordingly, the ugledar direction, because there is pressure from the north and naturally there are quite favorable conditions for us there, you noticed, here and literally yes there, if we take there literally just recently there were battles, well there, well closer to donetsk.
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especially in the central donetsk direction, that is, it turns out, if we , so to speak, liberate pokrovsk, krasnoormeisk, where i was tried for 3 years, and i said on air in one of the programs of the first channel that i will want to go in the first echelon to pokrovsk, because me judged. in this city in krasnoarmeysk and i want to go to konstantinovka, because my friend, the legendary commander of sparta,
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vodyanoy and agronoich sergey comes from there, and well, let's say, i feel it already, you know, as they call it, like fish feel space and freedom with their gills, that if we get this direction, that is, we are already actually close to the border here, that is, here the border of the donetsk people's republic will fail kurakhova, everything we have already left here, and if pokrovsk we. passes through all of ukraine, it is already under our control will be used by our troops for rear support and maneuvering reserves, under certain circumstances, and the enemy understands that this is not only a military loss for him, this is a serious image loss, why, because they always, even when there was the lugansk people's republic and the donetsk people's republic, after all, they created the main echelons of defense for us in the donetsk direction, and the fact that we have now broken through this defense precisely
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in the center and are actually cutting through the enemy and ... will happen quite soon, and of course, the key to this is the liberation of pokrovsk, which we are waiting for with great impatience, now a short commercial, then we will continue, fantastic, the final after the program time. rum, castro, a product of stellor group.
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the best of all. premiere tomorrow on the first, domestic dance group rutyubushka, yes, it is not fast, but. yours, tvn. summer cup on the last day of summer on the first. vadim dalagin explains how he ended up on the jury in sakhalin. in short, i was driving home, they catch up with me, let's cut off, that's it. in short, i cut off bang, bang-bang, the empty ones flew away. julius borisovich khariton, i know what bombs were dropped on japan, wrote a technical
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assignment in which he says that we will work. on two types of bombs. tromer asked when the soviet union would be able to create an atomic bomb, openbery thought and said: " it's hard for me to name a time frame." trumar says: "and i know when, never. the creation of nuclear weapons required a gigantic concentration of forces, this is something new that had to be created in the shortest possible time. everyone was under great tension. it remains." 10, 9, i have a special there was no concern, zero, in fact , the creation of the first rds-1 product is a warning of the third world war with a completely unknown result for humanity. atomic bomb, personal matter of person x. premiere, sunday on
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the first. antishake. season premiere from monday on weekdays on the first, in the new season on the first, this picture interests me very much, you want to take it, yes, but it is not easy to do, he has 20 security people at home alarm, so what can i do, talented, think, hello, ninel - the premiere of the multi-part film from monday. on the first, are you a cheater? no, i'm an artist, 100 players from all over our country have gathered here in the studio, the main characters will appear on this stage, these are mothers, fathers, children. parents, grandmothers, network,
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pussy, maybe it's one of ivanushki, the first thing that came to my mind, i don't know why, leonti, relatives, the premiere of the season from september 7 on saturdays on the first, in the new season.
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can, what does this mean, you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know the notes, for that, to get official status of a choir, you need to have at least 50 choristers, you are accepted, from today you begin a new life, if it were not for this choir, we would never have met, i will see you with this person again, i will tell my father everything, you are mine, you are my wife, what do you want? "give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember gorachov and his choir, there should not be a writer of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir,
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premiere of a multi-part film, soon on channel one!". there is a big game on the air. the fact that the kiev regime with on the one hand is suffering defeat in donbass, on the other hand is invading the kursk region and demanding that the west strike at strategic depth in russia with western missiles, says that kiev believes that they have only one chance to avoid complete defeat in the war, and that is escalation. and what exactly... escalation is what ukraine needs , russia does not need at all, this is what harvard university professor stephen walt writes about. let's listen. states most often
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escalate when they lose a war, and ukraine's actual decision to invade russia can be seen as a risky attempt to reverse the current negative trends. putin, on the contrary, has no reason to escalate while his troops continue to win in donbass. well, in order to achieve escalation, the kiev regime literally every day demands many times that the west begin to strike with long-range missiles on internationally recognized russian territory, this topic is the main topic of today's negotiations in washington in the pentagon, us secretary of defense lloyd austin and ukrainian defense minister rustam umerov, let me remind you that in recent days several western publications at once.
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biden, until recently, did not give the permission that kiev is seeking from them, some european countries, do you think that following today's meeting between austin and umerov, will anything change? i
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believe that the european card will be played now, because in the united states of america there are a lot of articles dedicated to the fact that the americans do not need to be given permission, for ukraine to strike with american weapons, similar european weapons are enough, and the united states of america is not obliged to do so. after all, when we say any escalation is not a weapon of victory, it is a weapon of the losing side, you gave a very good quote from stephen walt from foreign policy, he clearly says: what it can lead to,
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this is, of course, a kurdish operation, because it is no secret that britain, the united states of america, and poland are those who initiated this operation. we see, as far as our mfa, the ministry of foreign affairs is trying by any means to make the american government come to its senses and somehow come within the framework of, well, at least international law, which they do not respect so much, because they say there is global law, and international law is for everyone else. there was one dictator who said a... for their own everything, for friends everything, for everyone else the law, now america is acting precisely according to this principle: for their own everything, for everyone else the law, but i believe that this will be a rather empty position, it will not lead to the desired result, even if they try to strike, it will not lead to the result they need, panic , internal disunity, and they also always say that these strikes will lead to the activation of the fifth column, they will not, in no case, well, and you have very correctly touched upon the european topic, which i
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just want to bring up, because in europe many are really actively advocating, first of all great britain, for delivering such strikes against the internationally recognized territory of russia, yesterday we were discussing a statement by an anonymous high-ranking british military officer who said the following: little britain cannot fight russia if escalation begins, the united states will be involved in escalation, and great britain is generally, as they say, out of business, that is , monstrously irresponsible. in addition to great britain, as the publication politika writes today, france, the netherlands, sweden, poland, latvia, some countries in the european union are against, italy is against, foreign minister taiani made a fairly unambiguous statement on this matter, well
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, of course, hungary, slovakia and germany are against. the head, so to speak, of the diplomacy of the european union. made another statement, which, to be honest, reminds me of some statement either from the pages of george orwell or from the pages of soltykov-shchedrin, i even, to be honest, somehow doubt to whom it is closer, because in terms of irresponsibility and madness, well, perhaps this the best, barel has outdone that very one in my understanding representative of the british ministry of defense, who believes that little britain... we are not in a state of war with russia, no one wants to wage war with russia, i think it is absurd to say that the use of weapons on russian territory means war with moscow, it is generally like nikolai viktorovich, well, i think that you have correctly found the source of inspiration barel, this is really.
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responsibility, and here, why is the name barel important, they want, i mean anglo-saxons, shift the blame not only to the kiev regime, but as they say, second in line for distribution from our side, put the european union, not even nato, because this is the head of diplomacy of the european union, what is the difference, it is fundamental, the eu does not include the united states of america, britain, australia, new zealand, canada, that is, the entire anglo-saxon world of concerns. either left the eu,
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or was never in it, therefore shifting the blame - the eu sends military supplies, the eu allows, the eu hits russia, this is essentially a push.
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that i really agree with you completely, and the minister of foreign affairs too, well, even if we leave the issue of escalation out of the equation, which of course cannot be done, because president putin has said unequivocally that we will perceive strikes on our territory by western high-precision missiles not as ukrainian strikes, but as strikes carried out by nato countries, but even western military analysts write that these strikes in themselves will not fundamentally change the situation on the front, and in kiev the regime does not have the strength or resources to combine these strikes with those ground operations that could change something, so i suggest listening to what
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columbia university professor stephen beadle writes. strikes deep into russian territory will have a noticeable effect only for a short period of time, in order to break through russian fortifications, ukraine must use long-range weapons on a huge scale all at once and integrate them with ground maneuver operations, this is not at all easy to do. during the summer the 2023 offensive, the ukrainian military has not demonstrated the ability to coordinate forces on a scale that was then far short of what would be needed for a decisive breakthrough. there is no reason to expect that ukraine will be able to carry out a large-scale and dynamic integration of deep close-range strikes, given that they faced a simpler task last year, but without such an operation, a small number of expensive long-range systems would eat up a significant portion of the u.s. aid-in-exchange budget. a slight increase in ukraine's ability to cause damage by continuing the positional war. the game vladimirovich, dmitry vaslavovich, here
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i would divide it into two political components, namely the military component, in terms of political, i'll say briefly, like a man, yes, it stinks of politics, you know, and what 's interesting is that this is it. all the stench is european and you were right in saying that the europeans are being pushed into war, it's clear that the anglo-saxons and americans are responsible for this, the european union will bear responsibility, but who will suffer from this, the residents of ukraine will suffer, here is the latest strike on the territory of ukraine says that the energy system is cracking, it is all, it is already falling, winter is coming, they are provoking in this way, roughly speaking, the people of ukraine will be held accountable for their political mistakes, and in our case , by and large, we will be...
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on the territory deep in russia, they will not be able to create this, our air defense system will shoot down individual targets, they even themselves say that this effect can only be achieved by using frontline means in combination long-range weapons, the second point, we are also ready for this, yes, we can’t underestimate them, and let’s say that today we are receiving more damage not from missiles, we shot them down over mariupol, shot them down over donetsk, we are receiving more.
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no, from the kgb. by the way, it would be nice if
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you could put him to bed too. i am the only one here who knows about this, and no one else. come on , they don’t write about you. the legendary multi-part film based on the novel by yulian semyonov. on the first channel on the weekend. pink flamingo. if you dream of seeing one of the wonders of the world,
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then just watch our project, each family duet is amazing in its own way, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first. antishake, the season premiere is on monday through weekdays on the first, in the new season on the first, well tell me, is it possible... that you, such a sly hell , fell for a simple scam, and everything
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looked so convincing, and you are not afraid at all that we will get bogged down in these affairs, but they are bad, dad is good, he needs help, unfortunately, you can't do it without money, five, seven, oh, what, ah, you were simply delightful and yours partners too, my name is mark natansh borshak, i sort of... look after this city and its environs, i need your talent in one very interesting and risky case. ninel - the premiere of a multi-part film from monday on the first. and you know that she has a patron, an adult appeared, thanks to whom i am here, and not in a cell. and what is it worth, you know? i can't live without... you the premiere from monday on the first,
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scattered, i am a bunch of toys, floated, fogs over the river, let them run clumsily, pedestrians along puddles, and the water on the asphalt like a river, i whip my horses, i lash them. i drive lelyushka lelya by the raft, i give her a davtana that at night she soaked me.
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"i met a woman, what happened, that i love her, i've loved her for a long time since school, do you have hair?" "on the back of her head wet from the heart, on the collar lipstick, for everyone my ideal pair, i don't want to be a thief, you understand, yes, but it seems to me that you yourself, yes my wife asked me, left for another, why don't you go after her, don't fight, don't bring her back, i went out of my way for him, do you at least know how much they cost,
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you weren't asked, but i'm going to ask you now, properly, just... guy, nit, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, big game on air, when in moscow today it was already early morning, kamala, cnn channel finally showed the first in 38 days. kamala harris's candidacy and her interview, it must be said that this interview did not clarify her position on - the most important issue of american domestic foreign policy. kamala harris still remains a pig in a poke in terms of her real real position on this or that questions, she actually said little in
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essence. so she said nothing at all about the russian-ukrainian conflict. the only foreign policy issue she touched on was. they just published a rating that 48% of americans are ready to vote for harris, 43% for trump, despite the fact that again it is unknown what position she takes on important issues, moreover, in this interview kamala harris gave an answer to the question of why her position on many issues fundamentally changed in 2019-20,
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when she participated in those presidential elections back then. which i defend in the issue of border protection have not changed. in both my terms as california attorney general, i prosecuted transnational criminal organizations violating american laws on transportation, illegal transportation, weapons, drugs and people across our border. my values ​​have not changed. nikolai viktorovich,
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how do you like this formulation of the question, yes, the position can change like a weather vane, here are the values ​​allegedly has not changed, this is her election position. you know, increasingly, western politicians, well, first of all, american ones, are starting to use words, the meaning of which eludes the listeners. what are values? when they talk about the conflict in ukraine, they also repeat all the time, our values ​​are defended there, what values, no one says anything, this is done so that each listener and viewer understands in their own way, well, yes, values, this is valuable to me, which means that the candidate i am being asked to vote for, he too shares these values, it is manipulation. in fact, kamala harris, it seems to me, should remember some of the origins of the american , not only political establishment, cinema. this is not my movie, she is asked a question and then the topper starts playing the piano, because what she says does not make any sense. this is the first thing that catches the eye, but the second, it seems to me, we, maybe not for the first time, but very
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clearly are present at western elections, when candidates do not say anything, why we should vote for them, they do not say anything.
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yes, i am ready to appoint, but i don't have anyone in mind yet, there are still 68
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days until the election, so i'm not going to run ahead of the locomotive. it is important to me that people with different views and experiences are sitting at the negotiating table when the most important decisions are made, and i think that american society will only benefit if a republican appears in the cabinet. here she says that... republicans are a threat to us national security, which means that trump will turn america into a dictatorship, and trump enjoys the support of almost 100% of republicans. and here it is like this, oops, i will take republicans into my administration, sometimes its technologists should just be applauded, they are great, but today these are the same technologists who at some point brought obama to power, because obama made a very good move for the first time, he gave away two very important posts to the republicans. in his obama administration, it was the post of the minister of transportation, and it was the post of the minister of defense, that is, he simply exchanged them, is the minister of defense free in
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the united states of america, no, absolutely not, we have the general staff, and there is a committee chiefs of the joint staff, this is more important, this is functionality, this is the person who is not a knocking political figure, she does, she is now knocking the chair very hard, as you said, from under those who are not magicians, those who are not trumpists, she said a very good phrase, i have years, he was actually in power for 10 years, i am a genius, i think, he says: trump's ideology has been living with the americans for 10 tried to read these 10 years, no one reads them, but she read them, but the americans began to be very ironic about her interview, she really wanted to do , including creating some kind of intellectual lady who can avoid any question, the americans immediately began to make fun of them when they say, biden and kamala harris are holding papers, the question is with them
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because sociology says that in this case he will be a spoiler for trump and will pull away just a part of his votes for himself, this is how the american pseudo-democracy works, now a little advertising, then we will continue, no need to talk, squat, our formidable house manager, now also a physical education teacher, any doroki.
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yes, it's not fast. but it's ours. kvn. summer cup. on the last day of summer. on the first. vadim dalygin explains how he ended up on the jury in sakhalin. in short, i was driving home, they caught up with me, let's cut it, that's it. in short, i cut it bang-bang-bang, the bushes flew away. yuli borisovich khariton. i know what bombs were dropped on japan. i wrote a technical assignment in which... and i know when, never, the creation of nuclear weapons required a gigantic concentration of forces, this is something new that had to be created in the shortest time, everyone was tense.
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big, 10 left, i was not particularly worried, in fact, the creation of the first product rds-1 is a warning of the third world war with a completely unknown result for humanity. atomic bomb, personal matter of man x, premiere on sunday on the first. here in the studio gathered 100 players from all over our country. the main characters will appear on this stage, these are mothers, fathers, children. parents, grandmothers, zitya, mothers-in-law, in short, everyone whom we affectionately call relatives. first time on stage? of course, the first time, it's super. the most structured plot.
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from september 7 on saturdays on the first in the new season on the first, today we were auditioned for the choir gracheva, great, yura, you definitely need to sing, come on, sing, what a unique gift you have, you take such notes, what an upstart, imagine yourself, larka, it's you, don't you recognize me, or what, it
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's me, andryukha, that means, you have everything that soviet women don't even dare to dream about, what does this mean, you don't take a guy just because he doesn't know the notes, in order to get official status of the choir, you need to have at least 50 choristers, you are accepted, from today you begin a new life, if it were not for this choir, we would never have met, if i see you with this person again, i will tell my father everything. you are mine, you are my wife, what do you want? give me back these 15 years, i thought everything was easy, i wanted fame, remember, goracheva and his choir should not be on the song of the year, sing so that the sun rises, choir, premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first.
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united states, kamala harris is not at all on inch has not moved away from the current position.
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defend itself, and that will not change. israel had the right to defend itself, but how it does it matters. too many innocent palestinians have been killed, and we have to... make a deal, but there will be no change in policy on weapons and so on, no, we have to make a deal, well, you see, yes , exactly the same thing, by the way, kamala harris said at the election convention in chicago, the democratic party, well, i think it's very good, exactly, in absentia - answered kamali harris, and in person to the representative of the united states.
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all those bills that we will present for payment, and there are already a lot of these bills, so they will laugh later, you know, as the british say, the anglo-saxons, this is their proverb, he who laughs last laughs best, in this case now the situation is not on the side of the united states of america, gradually the world majority comes to the understanding that the united states of america does not play for anyone's pocket, only for its own. the situation between that conflict that exists, to me i really liked the question that was asked to kamalo. the current administration is unsuccessfully trying to make a deal, unsuccessfully trying to resolve this situation, it essentially answers, and we will also continue to unsuccessfully to make this deal. the question is: will you make a deal for how long? for a month, for
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two, for three, can you settle this at all? no, we don’t need this, we just need to win the elections. absolutely, well , that’s actually why i called on the united states not to interfere with the international community. that the security council should deal with this settlement of the palestinian-israeli conflict, well, in brussels, where the meeting of the defense ministers of the european union is taking place today, another issue, in addition to long-range strikes deep into russia, which is being discussed, is the use of frozen russian assets for military aid to the kiev regime, that is, the theft of frozen russian assets, and borrell has already reported that 1.4 billion euros from income from russian assets.
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in agreeing on the technical details of the deal, which will allow the unblocking of aid to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion dollars at the expense of excess profits from the frozen assets of the russian central bank. the talks are moving very slowly due to us concerns about how permanent the asset freeze could be, given that the eu must renew its sanctions against russia every six months with the consent of all 27 eu member states, including hungary, which could theoretically establish a veto. washington is demanding a longer period.
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in fact, in short it can be described as follows: the main enemy is china, everything the united states does must ultimately come to lead to china being weakened, subdued and returned under the control of the united states of america. in this sense, what is being done against russia is part of the grand strategy of the united states of america. and they, implementing this strategy, want to retain the role of the good investigator. and in this same strategy, the europeans must be the evil investigators. let me remind you.
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it will not be collected in any way, that is, even close to this figure that they hold for themselves, there is 50 billion , but they are constantly stubbornly trying to pretend that where they can steal, or rather, the europeans 2-3 billion, they can steal 50 from somewhere, this is once again the framework of the strategy against china. yes, i completely agree, well, and another issue that
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is being discussed today at the meeting of the defense ministers of the european union, this is actually military assistance to the kiev regime. berel reported that well, the million shells that they promised kiev did not work out. 700,000, he says, were allegedly transferred. moreover, he said that they trained 61,000 ukrainian soldiers in the countries of the european union collectively, do you remember?
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what the ukrainian soldier
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can't teach anything by and large then just well let's say so official losses and official coffins will go to the european union and what is this to what will this lead to the fact that the population will be indignant against its policy the number of our targets that we will hit will simply increase and in the meantime we pass the floor to the news and we will see each other again days at 17:00 don't miss. hello, on the first channel there is a news release, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov, here is the main thing today. aerobatics against felt armor. in the pokrovsky direction, our drone operators shot down an american maxpro armored personnel carrier, before that there were abrams and bradley.


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