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tv   PODKAST  1TV  August 31, 2024 3:40am-4:21am MSK

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imprudently presented at the time by calincourt, the ambassador of france, to the enthusiastic applause of the parisians, he was showered with flowers, he did it not without effort, because the mood in the army was such that it could have happened, i don’t know, a second st. bartholomew’s day massacre, because there was hatred for the french, prusakov first of all had a huge one, when alexander with these... rumors about a possible, possible reprisal, so to speak, went over to the king of prov, so to speak, well, i can’t do anything, so alexander with his authority, then, he managed to avoid a massacre, or what? alexander, in a conversation with yermolov, commented on his speech in paris as follows: well, alexei petrovich, what will they say now in petersburg, after all , there was a time when we great napoleons considered me a simpleton, that is, revenge, yes, revenge, for telzit, for the humiliation in telzit. for everything that he - that is, this revenge
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was not only before napoleon, but also before those, before his own, before his own, who did not underestimate him, it must be said that alexander during the coalition, this coalition wars, 13-14th years of these companies of the thirteenth, fourteenth year, more than once showed will, when the allies after another defeat wanted to make peace with napoleon, to which alexander said, yes, that i can not everyone.
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he thought that his son could become napoleon's heir, well, under the regency, yes, he did not consider, he was familiar with the mood of the bourbons in general knew their price quite well, when the bourbons were restored, well, in order to restore the principle, the principle of legitimism, the principle of legal monarchy, when the bourbons were restored, then tolerant looked at all this, preserving his position, giving in his activity life... everyone who could, he said:
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"the bourbons have forgotten nothing and learned nothing, he turned out to be absolutely right, because firstly, 100 days at once, the fact that the bourbons began such a policy, revising everything that was done by the french revolution by napoleon, that they turned the population of france against themselves in a matter of weeks, yes, and then, actually, the bourbons' grandfather ended in 1830, when they, with their policy in in the end, they forced the french people to finally rid france of this."
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here, not only war, but also peace can be a test, here, his former allies, so to speak, they did not stand the test of peace. that is why , at first, at the congress, while teleran was still in power, he defended the interests of france, and then alexander himself defended the interests of france, because the prussians, for example, had the idea of ​​​​division in general, dismemberment of france, that there would be no such state, they were very offended by the defeat of their army in one day at the end, that's in the end.
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he doesn't have a single acquaintance, so to speak, in france, that he can at all, in fact, richelieu, was in power until the moment of the withdrawal of the allied troops, that is, and the withdrawal itself meant that a certain stability had come to france and this is proof of the effectiveness of richelieu and including, so to speak, the effectiveness of russian policy. in france at that time, so after the 100 days of napoleon, the situation seemed to have turned upside down again, russia found itself in a different situation, but nevertheless continued its authority, its power continued to act, well
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at that moment it must be said that in general we must give credit where credit is due, well, of course, we can talk about the extent to which this met the interests of russia, if alexander had behaved this way and not otherwise, then, but in principle, alexander demonstrated some moral strength, because at that moment he could dictate terms to europe to a certain extent, the strongest army was the russian one, he even spoke in connection with the solstice, when all this talk about the duchy of warsaw began, he said: "i conquered the duchy i have 480 thousand soldiers to protect it, that is". he could act from a position of strength and he did act. here, by the way, a big question arises: was it worth annexing poland? catherine ii in her time, during the partition of poland, did not annex the actual polish territories, populated en masse, not only by ethnic ukrainians, belarusians under polish landowners, she did not annex the actual polish territories,
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fearing, among other things, a source of instability. alexander annexed the source of instability and became part of russian empire. two violent uprisings of 1830-1860 respectively.
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this is a historical podcast of russia and the west on the swings of history, today our focus is on the personality of alexander i and his policy. alexander, the winner, unlike
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all the other participants in the work at the wendish congress, yes, he understood perfectly well that without resolving border issues, dividing up some of the victors, it was necessary. to repay and so on, without this you can’t do, naturally, any post-war congress, so to speak, must resolve some similar questions, but he was the only one - he also wrote, so to speak, a participant in the congress in every possible way supported the idea
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, so to speak, of some new world order, already by that time, since the internal transformation in alexander during these napoleonic wars had already, as it were, practically been completed, for him, in general, morality and the bible had united into something single, so to speak, therefore he... in many ways approached the solution of political issues, from the point of view, so to speak, of some christian morality, as he understood it, hence, strictly speaking, and the so-called sacred alliance, which is well-known, arose, we have of course heard of it, but i think that a rare person has read the text of this sacred alliance, the declaration, the declaration, it reminds me
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not so much a political one, but... this sacred alliance in practice, even when it came into conflict with the interests of russia, well, let's say, greece, yes, when the events of the uprising in greece began, yes, he sided with the austrians, supported the turks, without bothering at all to explain why, what it had to do with it pan-christian world, legal? ruler, legitimate ruler, yes, yes, yes, that is, he said at that time that no, i remained what, what, who i was before, that is, i am for liberal constitutions, for all this, but not everywhere at the same time can this happen at all, alexander i after this secondary expulsion of napoleon became - the most authoritative monarch in europe, he knew how to charm, that is his personal trait, he knew how... to win personal sympathy, madame destal, a french writer, the emperor said
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russian agamemon, the king of kings agamemon, who led the coalition of greeks in the war of the dynasties, a greek hero, a hero of the greek epic, respectively, here is the russian tsar handsome and powerful, seemingly merciful, but nevertheless the sacred union in soviet times was quite naturally called the union of monarchs against the peoples.
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well, even a simple one, i don’t know such a thing, such a simple thing, here he tried to build some kind of pan-european house, to establish some kind of i don’t know general rules.
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i would call it the first attempt to forcefully to make a person happy, partly, because there were some other pragmatic things, he traveled a lot around the country, died in the end far away in the provinces in taganrog, without even really publicly naming the heir to the throne, well, in the end, you and i know about the slahs - the version that in the end, that he did not die, that he went wandering, here is the old man, fyodor kuzmich, who suddenly appeared in tomsk, somewhere else, well, there are no real reliable information on this matter, as far as i know, and the reasons
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the appearance of these words, one can guess there, and well, he. was only 47 years old, died, one might say, although at that time it was already a respectable age, nevertheless , the death was unexpected, died far from the capital, no one, so to speak, was present at the solemn death, especially, the body was brought in a closed coffin, which is natural, where is taganrok, where is petersburg, while they were transporting, while they were transporting, well, naturally, yes, the previous reasoning, about which... it was known that in his younger years he wanted to retire altogether, carry out reforms and renounce throne, yes, to abdicate the throne, that he was ready there, i don’t know, to eat only potatoes , so to speak, and something like that , well, in short, there were certainly enough reasons for speculation and rumors, but that’s all, i
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don’t know what you think, but this is the case when a historian is forced... just to write supposedly everywhere, of course, the fact is that the russian people by that time believed that tsars, already emperors, do not die a natural death, because they either kill them, fortunately there were many reasons to think so in the 18th century, and either, accordingly, their care, as it should be shrouded in mystery, this is a coincidence, because impostors, in this case it turned out, impostors.
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solovyov, study history with us, all issues of the historical podcast russia and the west on the swings of history you can watch on the website of the first channel hello, the program vremya is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main events of the day. they are aiming at residential buildings, ukrainian militants, as ... who were driven out of the kursk border, are taking out their anger on civilians, evidence of the military crimes of the kiev regime. seven
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liberated settlements of the attack and retaliation on the rear of the armed forces of ukraine, a weekly summary of the ministry of defense, the progress of special operations and a report from the front line on how our defenders are advancing to pokrovsk. attention to the regions, khabarovsk krai, vologda oblast, samara oblast. vladimir putin. held three meetings at once with acting governors. 70 years of alexander lukashenko, the path from the chairman of a state farm to the president of belarus. congratulations from vladimir putin the highest award of russia for strengthening relations between fraternal nations. white gyrfalcon, what the interior of the train for the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed highway will look like. a chance to look into the future. a window into the world of history, a new interactive approach to presenting the material. a line of textbooks for grades 5-9 was presented in moscow. the new site
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of the gorky studio on the territory of the moscow film cluster. how everything is arranged was shown today to the mayor of the capital, sergei sobyanin. andrei torkovsky's favorite actor, talented and selfless. 90 years since his birth anatoly solonitsyn, who became popular after his role in andrei rublev. and at the beginning, the kurdish borderland. our soldiers fight for it, never resting, and the land that the enemy invaded burns under his feet. the militants, losing on the battlefield , take revenge on civilians, shell residential buildings, attack with drones, remotely mine roads, in other words, try to raze to the ground what they could not hold, so russian investigators have a lot of work to do to ensure that no one escapes retribution. amir yusupov's report is the testimony of those who came face to face with ordinary fascism in its modern guise. kursk borderland, kamyshnoye village, another
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house burned by militants. we were here a little less than two weeks ago, there was a doghouse in the yard, we untied and fed the exhausted dog. grandma, elena afanasyevna, met us at the door. it was the fourth time that the head of the belovsky district and nikolai volobuyev visited her, offering to evacuate. how are you? i'm fine. and what about you, this same one, won't you go, i beg you leave, and no, i won't be able to drop it because, no, i won't go, nikolai volobuyev and yuri polskoy, the head of the geryansky village council, constantly brought food to grandma, the other day, he drove up, it was just awful, three houses were burning, the person was nowhere to be found, he went through the basements, shouted, i couldn't find grandma, my heart ached, i immediately felt sorry for the person. she almost never left the house, presumably she was at home at the time the bomb was dropped, i have no word, only fragments from a shell dropped by terrorists were found, the tail of
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an aerial bomb on such ammunition, they drop with baba yaga on our residential buildings, and you've already seen such, yes, yesterday we with the sappers only defused one that didn't explode, and one exploded, destroyed half the house, the second got stuck in the roof, let's go, this is a mortar at work, yes, the enemy mortar is working. the enemy mortar is working to dismantle the village , and houses are burning every day on the territory of the village council , more than 60 households have already been completely destroyed and an unknown number of others have been damaged. militants are dismantling building after building with the help of drones, dropping mines and incendiary shells even on abandoned houses, where there is no movement at all. another strike by the ukrainian armed forces on residential buildings in the belovsky district, several. three houses have already burned down, here the house has completely collapsed, this one is still burning, we do not see any military nearby, why did you
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finish off yours, it is not very clear, people lived here, fortunately they left, even before the ukrainian shell landed here, it was obvious from the sound, as is already customary, most likely, as they call it. yeah, it was a 100% drop, because they have repeatedly dropped on our territory schools, they open the roof, and then throw in a landmine, except for swear words , no more. so many houses are burning that the ministry of emergency situations employees simply do not have time to go to all the addresses, local residents help , administration employees stop the fire, not letting it spread to neighboring buildings. men, real men, you too, sometimes you have to pull the wounded out of the fire. the man did not leave, here is a burnt house, now he is. burned legs in the shchegorovskaya hospital, this was our first aid station, almost everyone survived, yes well, remember the street, you saw how everything was fine, flowers, houses, cattle just took and destroyed.
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they cut to the quick, so we need to destroy them, destroy and destroy them until the very last fascist, they also mine the roads, again with the help of drones, every night a hexocopter bbiga flies at all the intersections on the roads, where they see movement, where there is movement, they drop them, they drove around one mine, blew up on the second, one man was wounded, the car was smashed to pieces, the other one, which was on the path , burned out completely. a resident, here he is, living here, tried to drive in, pick up things, loaded up, started to drive out, ran into an anti-tank, here a man is alive, but with serious wounds to the legs, head, with a concussion, taken to the regional hospital, mines are camouflaged, wrapped in rags or bags, scattered and petals, one, two, there are three, he is four, five, six, and how many did they count in total on the site, everyone, well, i
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walked through a small site here. more than 15, they are lying in packs, there are three, four with whole piles, under yards, on roads, all against the locals, they are done specifically so that as you can do more harm to the russian people, the biggest danger is kamikaze drones, we run into one of them on the way, it apparently flipped over in flight, fell on the battery on the blade, the detonator did not hit the ground, accordingly the warhead did not work , it remains to approach close.
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approaches the house, this is the same thing shoots, after a while the house catches fire, with a machine gun, with a machine gun machine gun, i do not well this is a shooter, a drone is the passion of the lord flies in this this this explosion this to him from a wooden injury, shrapnel in the temple, so there there horror, thank god there.
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i came to kanopelka on vacation shortly before the invasion of the ssu to check on my grandmother's house , it was on fire all around, there was a boom, there was a boom, god , everything was burning red, shelling, listen, i don't know
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how i didn't go crazy. then something whistled, some pipe burst, we were sitting in the cellar and boom on the cellar, it was shaking like this, this barn above you is about to collapse, it's already on fire, we go out, again tu-tu-tu-tu shelling from all sides, when there wasn't a single intact building left in the village, people went into the forest, no water, no food, only on the road comes out, i am amazed, the military are walking, and my eyesight is bad, from afar on this very thing, i can’t make out what...
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guys, i bow low, this is generally, i thought that’s it, here i saw ours a red stripe, but i saw this red stripe on...
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our air defense forces shot down several air targets from the shelling of the fsu, residential buildings were also damaged. on the approach to belgorod - the head of the region vyacheslav llotkov reported on his telegram channel. operational summary of the ministry of defense on the situation in the border areas of the kursk region. units of the north group repelled five attacks of su attack aircraft. the enemy's losses per day are over 38. over the week , the kiev farming left over 3,500 soldiers, six tanks, and almost two hundred units of other armored vehicles on kursk soil. now
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it is clear how this happens, on the footage the su-34 crew destroyed a concentration of enemy manpower and equipment in the case of a gliding aerial bomb. here is a lancet loitering munition burning a tank, the ukrainian armed forces on a camouflaged. position and also the work of the lancet -2 enemy infantry fighting vehicles of the sumy region, the detonation of the ammunition after the hit left no chance. and about the results special operations in a week, seven liberated settlements in several key directions. the western group of troops took control of stelmakhovka in the lpr and senkovka in the kharkov region. a unit of the southern group drove the enemy out of konstantinovka in the donetsk people's republic. there in the dpr , a rapid dash of fighters of the center towards pokrovsk on the same route , the settlements of orlovka, kamyshovka, nikolaevka and novozhelannoye were liberated. dmitry tolmachev will continue the topic, he will start with how our special forces captured an american armored personnel carrier max pro.
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this is what is called aerobatics, controlling an fpv drone, to hit a moving target accurately. one bird was enough to stop it, then there was just afterburning. and now we are inspecting an american armored car, known as max pro, worth more than half a million dollars. well, it is quite a good technique, modern led headlights, large wheels and excellent armor, but it did not help, the first hit was in the engine area, which caused the cabin to catch fire, well, then it was a matter of technique, the guys simply burned the car from all sides. the special purpose armored personnel carrier is protected, firstly, by a specially shaped bottom, and secondly, from ambushes, for which a powerful armored hull is responsible. in general, the vehicle is very strong and... it has few vulnerable spots, but they exist and we know about them. the operator with the call sign rescuer was watching this beast in advance, having studied the enemy's rotation route and understood where, where and what to hit. they aimed at the engine. yes, yes, this is one of the vulnerable spots to stop this
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equipment. too many managed to escape. the vehicle remained on the battlefield, the enemy was preparing evacuation, but our fighters literally took the armored car out of the enemy's tray. we prepared from the beginning, broke through the route, how to approach it, flew in with... collapsed, the defense of the armed forces of ukraine is disorganized, the troops are tired, weakened, and many units are demoralized, the reinforcements that come are mostly busified and do not help, on the contrary, complicate the combat work of the units. busified, that is, seized on the streets and
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forcibly sent to fight, as a rule, such, to put it mildly, unprepared for battle soldiers, kiev is trying to shut up diverging in donbass brezh. we are talking about the largest hub of the supply command of the ukrainian armed forces, the so-called pokrovsk agglomeration of a network of small mining. orlovka, kamyshevka, nikolaevka and novozhelannaya of the donetsk people's republic, a defeat was inflicted by the formation of seven-mechanized, two-jaeger, airborne assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, two brigades of territorial defense and an assault brigade of the people. national police of ukraine, 50
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counterattacks of units of the armed forces of ukraine were repelled. and here are the shots that flew around social networks russian flags on the shakhta building in novogrodovka in the vicinity of selidovo. the enemy does not hide the fact that our troops are already here, showing how a drone is trying to shoot down the tricolor shakhta russia installed on terikon. meanwhile, fighters of the donetsk assault battalion samali raise the flag in karlovka, where the closest to donetsk ukrepleniye district of the ukrainian armed forces remained, impregnable due to the terrain during the operation in recent days. actually found itself surrounded, further pokrovsk, as the city was renamed under the ukrainian authorities krasnoarmeysk, a crossroads of important railways and roads, through which kiev supplied its entire donetsk group, to the north of it there is an exit to konstantinovka, slavyansko and kramatorsk, to the south of kurakhovo and ugledar in the west there are continuous fields of steppe all the way to the dnepropetrovsk region, which opens up operational space for the further advance of the russian army. dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, vladimir afanasyev, dmitry matyushin, larisa nikitina, channel one donetsk people's republic. the latest technology for the front
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kurgan-mashzavod, which is part of the rostec state corporation, sent troops modern infantry fighting vehicles and airborne troops, made taking into account the experience of special operations, all bmp and bmd are equipped with electronic warfare systems, additional protection against drones and armor -piercing shells. among the innovations that have been introduced this year, this is, respectively, a complex for protecting the upper band of the sphere, for all vehicles, a system for jamming from. chevrons, documents and bank cards.
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the story of the hired killers, who now face 15 years in prison, we told the day before. the colombians who decided to make money on blood did not make it home. they were detained in friendly venezuela at the caracos airport and sent to russia. to answer for their actions. the incident with the loss of fighters at 16 did not go unnoticed for the top ranks of the ukrainian army. as it became known, zelensky fired the commander of the air forces nikolai aleshchuk. information that one of the six existing nato fighters was lost appeared the day before in the western press, then the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine confirmed this, but the versions of what happened differ. according to one of them the f-16 was shot down by its own fighters using the american patriot air defense system. the argument is that the pilot did not have time to eject. the patriot missile approaches the target from above, leaving the pilot no chance. be that as it may, it all happened on monday, when our army was delivering a retaliatory strike for the attack on the kursk region. speaking of which , the washington post writes.
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an informal meeting of eu defense ministers ended in brussels today, where they discussed assistance to kiev. there are practically no results. as stated by the chief european diplomat, jusepe barrel, it was not possible to agree on lifting restrictions on the use of western weapons for strikes on russian territory. each eu country that pumps weapons into kiev must decide this issue itself. the ministers also decided not to train ukrainian armed forces servicemen on ukrainian territory itself. they will be trained somewhere nearby. barrel, i repeat, the head of eu diplomacy, was clearly upset by this turn of events and shared his personal opinion with journalists. it would be entirely possible to train soldiers in ukraine in the conditions where they action is to be taken, but the military consulted and decided otherwise. at the same time , borel added that it was precisely at his suggestion that a small coordination center for the training mission would be created in kiev. they are planning to train 15,000 fighters by the end of the year. to russian news. vladimir putin in novoogorev.


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