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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  August 31, 2024 9:45am-10:00am MSK

9:45 am
goodbye, irina muramtseva was with you, i wish you a good, warm weekend, it was an unusual summer, i don’t know about you, let the autumn be good, and the winter even better, nature has no bad weather, indian summer, next week only confirms this to us, focus on pleasant chatter, friendly communication to everyone in what gives you strength, stay with us, stay on the first, for now.
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let us all pray, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, pray to everyone, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy.
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consecration and eminence, dear fathers, brothers and sisters, i heartily congratulate you all on this wonderful day, when we in this temple, magnificent, recently built, had the opportunity to pray together, to turn to the lord, as always happens, with repentance, with petitions, to feel each other's support, because when we pray together, then even if... someone
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weakens in prayer, is distracted by the mind, then thanks to the fact that the one standing next to him is praying, this invisible, spiritual, fiery, the pillar of grace, prayers are raised to the lord, that is why prayer in the temple is always heard by god, and the lord answers this prayer, of course, according to our faith. faith is part of this process that unites god and man. when god, having the power, can help a person, when a person asks the lord about it with faith, then wonderful miracles of god are performed, which often open spiritual eyes even to the most callous person and help to see the divine presence in his life. here in today's gospel reading.
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divine power, revealed in the procession of his power, and as if in response to this savior on the waters, peter turns to the lord and asks him: give me the opportunity to come to you on the waters. the lord said: "go." and
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peter stepped onto the water, went. but as a fisherman, understanding all the danger. of what was happening, because after all, water, especially during a storm, can easily destroy a person, he became afraid and began to drown, and what did this fear mean? and the fear of the elements became stronger than faith in the power of the teacher, savior and lord, and after all, everything was very it's strange, because the savior walked on the waters, not from the shore, from somewhere he said come, to me, well then it seems like you can doubt, he is on the shore, and i am here in this abyss, but the lord himself walked on the waters, giving a sign that he has power over this element, all the same fear and the elements of the world became stronger than
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the contemplation of god's miracle, this story, of course ... probably relates to each of us, because we are all believers, we pray, we ask the lord, but sometimes such a dilemma arises: to believe, or maybe not to believe, but from the point of from the point of view of faith, this is how it should be done, from the point of view of common sense, yes, perhaps it is risky to do so. and often, without even realizing it, we act in life as non-believers do, as if there is no god for us, and there are no miracles, as if the power of prayer does not exist, as if there is no connection with god,
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this state of abandonment by god is unconscious, but rather instinctive, when we turn to anyone for help, but least of all to god, and so ... and spiritual drowning, when it weakens faith, when god goes somewhere to the periphery of life, when visiting god's temple becomes completely unnecessary at least once a week. sometimes we do whatever we want, we go to the shops, to some fairs, which often open on sunday, and
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some can even start repairs in the house, cleaning, and even washing the floors, and what does this mean, and this means that god... we give preference to what concerns us directly in this personal life, in this earthly life, we leave the lord far, far from our attention. well, and then, as one of my neighbors told me, when i was still in petersburg, in what was then leningrad, i lived in an ordinary house, there was some woman living nearby who from time to time , maybe out of boredom, would knock or ring the doorbell to talk, knowing that i was a priest, well, and one day she comes to me
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, all tearful, and says: well, listen, what's going on? i kept praying and praying, i carried and carried blessed xenia, candles, and they took my thief vaska. and put him in jail, that's all. i asked, why did they put vaska in jail? i said, well, vaska put in jail for a reason? yes, of course, for a reason. what are you asking the lord for then? do you want him to cover up your vaska's lawlessness with his mercy? let vaska sit for a while, nothing terrible will happen to him, maybe he'll gain some sense. that's what happened later. this is such a mundane attitude to god. god certainly owes us something, after all, it's not for nothing that we go to church, and sometimes, as i said, we light a candle and put some money in, well, he certainly owes us, well, of course, the lord doesn't owe us anything, we owe him with our lives, our health, with their well-being, with the mere fact of a peaceful
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sky above their heads, yes, we can list it endlessly, what god gives us, in response, that... he asks nothing from us, he only asks for faith in him, because how can we give something to god and grant something if a person... does not believe in him, wisdom will not enter the hearing soul and does not dwell in a body guilty of sin, the word of god teaches us, the grace of god cannot come to the evil soul, the evil soul cannot find divine favor, that is, if the evil soul brings repentance, changes his life, then the lord with his love and mercy... covers any evil-doing soul, and it finds hope for salvation and
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a divine answer to its prayers, often coming from a truly sinful person, but still based on faith in god, these prayers become saving, we are taught all this by today's gospel reading about the salvation of peter, the lord saved the doubting apostle, because he saves us too, even despite our doubts, our spiritual weakness, our weakness, he saves us, but there is one an indispensable condition is... faith in the lord. if we do not believe, then what connects us with
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god? nothing? and why? if there is no connection with god, why should he save us? after all, wouldn't that be what he himself said, do not cast your pearls before swine? because they can pounce on you. that's why. the lord does not help those who do not believe in him, deny him, and especially fight against him at different levels, political, ideological or simply everyday, but i do not want to believe in god, there are too many any restrictions. the lord teaches us today how the apostle peter was saved, despite his unbelief. maybe the last moment, when he was already drowning, this is how it is with each of
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us, even those who do not believe in god very strongly, maybe do not always and regularly attend church, do not fulfill other divine instructions that the church gives us, everyone still has hope for this saving hand of god, which he extended. to the drowning peter, each of us can extend a hand, if we ourselves do this we want, because peter extended his hand to the lord, he took this hand in his hand, that is , the movement is in both directions, the movement from god to us, by mercy, generosity, and from us to god, pure, sincere faith.
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rarely received clear signs that the prayer was heard, god's help came. so i want the smolensk icon of the mother of god, which is very close to me, to remain in this temple, i call on all of you to remember to turn to the queen of heaven in your sincere and heartfelt prayers,
10:00 am
hello, there is a release on channel one news, in the studio maxim sherfuddinov and briefly about the main thing. the night attack on belgorod, five dead, dozens injured, moments of chaotic strikes of bsu on peaceful infrastructure were caught on recorder cameras.


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