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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  September 17, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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in winter, like, well, this is a specificity, you fall in love with it. sergey ponomarev, sergey zolotavin, yuri shatokhin and tatyana bakulina, channel one novaya zemlya. that's all for now, we are following the developments, well, right now on channel one, watch the program, time will tell. hello, live on channel one, the program time will tell, i am artyom shenin, i hear myself in the studio somehow very loudly, yes , probably everyone can't hear me now, it's become good now, but the country hears as it should, and somehow i am, yes, so i am artyom shenin, and today we will, as always, talk about the most important, the most relevant events, but we will start with an event that at first glance does not seem to be the most important, the most relevant, because...
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in paris, oh, horror, what does that mean? and this means that just now, that he, like a huge number of athletes, whom we have seen more than once or twice in all sorts of competitions, including olympic ones, they, well, they kind of cross themselves, in fact, this is accepted among christians, like until recently it was considered not just normal, but kind of natural, pole vaulters, wrestlers, football players, there are many sportsmen you can cross. and this is a story, in
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my opinion, i wrote about it this morning, well, how can i say it, in detail, if you are interested, you can read it, it seems to me that this story is not about sports at all, sports are just a field on which, one of the fields on which this story manifests itself, and this story seems to me about the fact that, as if the devil, so to speak... the world's evil, it has recently miraculously stopped even pretending that it does not exist, it is no longer modest, it is already it doesn't disguise itself as anything, it just actively acts, read, so how did they justify to him that they are suspending him for 5 months and so on and so forth, they write to him, imagine, on july 31 , 2020, he demonstrated this gesture, today we have how they should have been
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re-arranged so that after a month and a half they would charge him with this case, so, because no object or religious gesture can be shown before during or at the end of any fight, they wrote to him from the international federation about what he did on the olympics in that very olympics.
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and well, like, they apparently think that this is, yes, what am i getting at when i say that this is not about sports and that this is just one of the fields, and that recently they have somehow stopped even somehow hiding, the point is not even that we need to be glad that we did not go to these olympic games, and we do not need to be especially worried about holding back at the door so that they will let us back in there for our money, we need to understand that this is ... what the
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world is really fighting against now, that there is a military site, that there is economic, financial, promotional, ideological, whatever. but in fact the main conflict is between, to put it simply, light and darkness, between god and the devil, if you call a spade a spade, everything else is very important, but the details, well, it seems to me, that's how i see it, we'll discuss these details after a short, as always very interesting advertisement on channel one, in the new season: on channel one, a gift is a huge responsibility, tomorrow we'll go with tobfor gracheva, it's not about the voice, he doesn't know the notes, but you are all born like this with notes or something, who asked you, wait, well,
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yures, you are now a beer drinker, another artist on my head, we are going out on the road, and where is the south, where are the dates, it turns out we can go to angansk, you are not going anywhere, you
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understand where you are going, hello, and you don’t know dmitry kipen, he lives in this house. oh, so it is, we know, how do we know, south, the premiere of a multi-part film, on friday, after the voice of children, we are going, suddenly i receive an sms from the bank, a debit from the account of 50,000 rubles, balance zero. fraudsters are amazing people, they can probably be better than the most experienced psychologists, he pulled everything he could out of me, i had to sell everything i had, at that moment his... sister - just starts to be aggressive towards me, because she was just his push, they asked me to apply for a loan, how much he asked for 1,300, i open the closet where
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i had my 8 million, i understand that these are just pieces of paper, the premiere, manipulators on saturday on... "are you lying to yourself or to me? well i'm not lying to you. who are you? major larin. who? alexey nilov, a star of the nineties and noughties, captain larin of the tv series street of broken lanterns, opera, and chronicle of the combat department. my father didn't really insist that i go to a theater institute, not out of principle, because he knew that it was a difficult profession. in 1962, we filmed 3+2. it would seem that the actor's life was a success, but there was a downside to his enormous popularity: his first wife left him because he drank, his second because he drank a lot, his third because he drank even more more, our exclusive today alexey nilov, his life after death, i am a warrior, a railroad worker, a miner-demolitionist, his new family after a whole series of divorces and breakups, pozaskom i was well known both as a best man and as a groom, i
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never poked him, i never tried to change him, he arrived almost at the moment of our son's birth, i was under anesthesia, i had an emergency cesarean, with children without... children, but i think that these are families, such are five families, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday, on the first, in the new season, on the first, rumors about this crime are already circulating in the city, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into taxis and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive , although it was picked up quite easily. you have been awarded a great honor, moles, honor and trust. remember this. after the war, i was looking for my son's comrades-in-arms, interested in what happened there at the end of the war, and
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anything could have happened there. you don't have a photo of kolya? strange, where are they? were they here? lord, how similar to my son, you? the only real witness, the only person to whom he came openly. well, major, the hunt has begun, the confrontation of the prime minister according to the legendary. the program time will tell, we continue to work live, starting the program, i am using the example of how the international sports federation took up arms against the sign of the cross, which the bulgarian athlete crossed himself with, the serbian athlete before the performance said that everything that is happening in the world today... well, on such a high metaphysical level, it is determined by the struggle between light and darkness, the forces
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of the divine forces of satanism and the devil, but of course, all of this has an embodiment in specific processes, in specific people, in specific forces that act on earth, including political forces, or as we perceive them as countries, because when we say americans this, americans that, we understand perfectly well that... for a huge number of americans, for example, the same sign of the cross is not reprehensible in any way, a huge number americans would not see anything in this, but the people who are now governing america and want to continue to govern it, they represent those very forces that i was talking about, and the people who govern the british now represent these forces, and many of those who govern european countries represent these forces, so when we...
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interests, although this is all called geopolitics, within the framework of this geopolitics all sorts of different things are discussed, for example, so to speak, devilish or satanic expansion of the geography of strikes on the territory the russian federation with american british missiles about... yes, recently, a week ago these conversations began, i have spoken more than once in this studio, very intrusive conversations from the anglo-saxons about expansion, that is, they themselves started this topic, then they themselves seemed to stall, it is not clear why they started it, and it is they who are stalling, or is it some kind of combination, well, just listen to what matthew miller says, and therefore, the official representative of the us state department. and at the same time look at his facial expression, he always has it like that, that he writes two there five in his mind and so on,
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but nevertheless here it is very vivid, by the way, listen to how persistently the journalist asks him this question, how she tries to drive him around the corners with this, well, in general, look, it is interesting, the meeting between biden and starmer, at which the issue of ukrainian long-range strikes should be decided, has ended, but we still have not heard anything from you.
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i have no statements about any changes, such a persistent bloodthirsty blonde, well, sometimes this happens in life, so let's leave aside the persistent blonde, she only embodies some kind of so to speak, as if forces, here is matthew miller, who obviously shirks, and also raises questions, why did they themselves start. to say this last week, practically already giving a leak that the decision was made, they will announce it on friday and, and now this, well
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, so what will you announce, i have nothing to tell you, no, well, you, i have nothing to tell you, what is this, what is this about, you from the height of your political, i think, i think that this is such a warm-up, that in principle the decision has either been made or will be made in the near future, and as for all these discussions, this is such an imitation of doubts, yes... politeness, because you understand, the problem is that they believe that there are no red lines left in relations with russia, they are not afraid of us, they have some grounds for this, no?
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well, well, this is a visible embodiment of how it happened, it happened in such a way that we continued to conduct diplomatic negotiations with them and trust them promises as if, well, how was it there 20 years ago, 40 years ago, and they have this norm, it has shifted, they say: yeah, we talk here, we don’t talk here, we play here, we wrap fish here, the whole story with nato expansion, with the coup d'etat in ukraine, this is a consequence. of what kind of policy, and the fact that now it is not for him to announce the decision to strike deep into russia, this is clear, this decision will be announced when zelensky comes to biden and outlines his next plan to him, and biden will say goodbye, well, okay, fine, okay, there at 500 km or 600 km, yeah, but
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the problem is that biden still refers. who shot down this target, he, or he received the hero of the soviet union , everything was shot down, everyone knew this means the pilot, the union, if he shot down. if for some reason he did not shoot down, then he kind of ceased to be a pilot, so i will say carefully, in principle, some rigidity of this approach, it is condemned by many, but the fact is that this approach did not provide an opportunity for these maneuvers, roughly speaking, this approach did not allow blondes to persistently ask the question: and you will allow, and will you allow or not allow, this is politics, after all, will you
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allow or not allow, therefore if, well , for example, it turns out that all the american drones over the black sea are shot down on the same day, well, by accident, a technical failure, well, by accident for now, or two were shot down since then, either they don’t fly, or we don’t shoot them down, they fly, they fly, they just put the wrong pager in the drone and that’s it, by accident, that’s one option, the other option is what we also really think about in the leadership of russia also has different approaches, so to speak, relatively.
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objects as much as possible, but unfortunately it is impossible to prepare for everything, in this sense it is much more important, perhaps, than they reproach there that they do not weld iron gratings somewhere, perhaps, in themselves, in the soul, many need to weld some kind of grating, you understand, and this will give the opportunity when this happens, well, to be ready for it, so maybe i am a pessimist, but once again i want to say that in my opinion this is how it will be, i just now want to just... very much i wonder about your and not only your pessimism, if this is pessimism to say, regarding the grilles - if you mean tanks, equipment and so on, which are not welded on. they are already welding on the garage, they are welding on the garage and they are doing the right thing, an extra grille will not hurt, the questions that arise about the fact that they weld grilles on tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, there are no questions there, they need
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to be welded on, questions arise about why they are not welded on at the factories, and then the guys , so to speak, themselves weld on these grilles at their own expense so that the mass, what for their own money, that's all, but i hope that now they will put things in order with this, it's just a question from the same series, how do you with...
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sit in moscow cafes that do not have time to reach the front and many other things, for which people who do not have time to finish knitting people who chip in as before, there are many things about which rap, and well, i won't even start right away , i don't even want to, yes, loaves of bread, everything else that people do not have time to finish, it does not always have time to reach at the right time, and well , it's kind of late, it's clear that, by god he knows better who will leave when, but in general it is such an open question. so, returning to this geopolitics, to your pessimism, yes to geopolitics, when you said this, i thought that this is a really paradoxical situation, that the americans and
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the british seem to be crawling away in form, even i heard today some of my colleagues have already announced, they heard our warnings, they seem to be crawling away, i doubt that they are crawling away anywhere, the paradox of the situation is that they, at least in the form of rhetoric... really somehow deflated, and at the level of sergey viktorovich lavrov, we speak very confidently that the decision has been made for a long time, and we have no doubts about anything, and today, opening the corresponding, first, as i understand it, session of the state duma, the speaker of the state duma, let's listen to what he said, today the us is not embarrassed to discuss the possibility of inflicting.
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the parliaments of the us, european countries understood and were aware of what could happen. and here you understand, an interesting point, that we are again appealing to their understanding, or you said unlimited patience. of our leadership, i, when i write about this, i call it responsibility, that is, our leadership is characterized by great responsibility, and we proceed from the fact that they also have it, these parliaments of the usa and european countries, but you yourself said in the previous part that in light of the shift that happened to them with the change of normality, they have no responsibility in the sense in which we understand it, which means that fear remains, we appeal to this fear, but again in light of this... they have no fear, then it is not clear what we should do in this situation, we are already saying this, their decision has long been made, they will beat, but we have an armored train and yegey, then
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they will understand, that is, in a sense, we are pushing them towards this, there is word and deed, here when vyacheslavich volodin says that, so to speak, this is not so, yes, that this will affect them, and what should they know about this, what channels do we have for conveying this knowledge, we appeal and here... parliament to parliament, executive power to executive power, we say to the government, stop, cease, there are things that cannot be done, in which one cannot participate, they sneeze at that, yes, and we know, unfortunately, that they perceive us as some kind of, i don’t know, cannibals who must be destroyed, dismember russia, that’s the point, they don’t perceive us as cannibals, if they perceived us as cannibals, they would be afraid, no, they perceive us as cannibals, but who have nothing, like toothless cannibals. on the one hand they paint us as cannibals, but at the same time they say: no, they are just complete cannibals, but without teeth, so i repeat once again, there must be some local,
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so to speak, event, which for now... they say there to wipe the banking off the face of the earth, but they don't give a damn about the banking to those we are addressing, it seems to me that they will be happy if we wipe the banking off the face of the earth, they will have a lot of those who need them, a lot of new motivations, something else, a few years ago i gave away a military secret about the presence of a sawfish in our country, which can saw through the cable between america and britain, then they won't be able to talk on the phone about their bad, worthless plans, now it 's time to use the sawfish, that's what you came up with. well
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, of course, yes, since you said that, i was still a young aspiring tv man, sitting in the third row of your programs, i've been waiting ever since, that's just a sawfish, that happens sometimes, you know, it already seems like it's gathering strength now, wait, that's a russian sawfish, it's at the bottom of the ocean, it's not going anywhere, it's somewhere a bear he pinned her to the wall somewhere in the den, and in order for the fish to swim out of the den , the bear must first crawl out, but he still can’t, so he won’t swing, he growls from the den, i don’t know, together.
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in general, well, people don’t understand everything either, and those who are trying to figure out what’s happening with this, first with talk that we will give permission, then with a kind of crawling away, that we won’t give it, then with talk that we will give it, but not quite, here are the headlines that you see now, it says that there are many who i would like, like ours, for their leadership to take more active steps, should... allow zelensky to hit russia before the negotiations begin, you should take more risks, and therefore, forcing them to fight with their hands tied, the longer washington waits, in principle this is reminiscent of many of our telegram channels, which, so to speak, are from the series there, what are we waiting for, it's time to finally, in principle in this sense, oddly enough, we are very similar in part with these public discourses, well, here you go, what is there there are a couple of articles, let's go, the uk
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will not... allow ukraine to use long-range missiles against targets in russia without the consent of the us. zelensky implored the uk the us to overcome its fear and show decisiveness on this issue. but london will not act alone. the reason is that american guidance systems are the decisive factor in hitting targets. the uk authorities believe that the us is likely to still give the green light for long-range strikes on russian territory at the general assembly the un in new york. although there is a split in the biden administration on this. you just said that we have different views, so the times writes that they have different views, well, let's listen to the economist, so that it is clear that this is a fairly common discourse. the biden administration is constantly changing the reasons for denying ukraine permission to use longer-range missiles against targets on russian territory. the latest reason that is being discussed behind the scenes is that washington does not want to jeopardize the future
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reset of relations with moscow. however , it is most likely that the real reason for biden's reluctance to change his approach on this issue is almost certainly the fear of escalation. that is, in other words, the authors of this kind of publication, including here in zaikonist, very indicatively, they are also trying to understand what lies under the bushel of all these conversations, statements, determination, indecision, this verbal, that is, verbal lace that i showed you. old ladies reproduce by budding and so on further. and what does some future reboot of relations have to do with it, suddenly, what reboot, of what relations, why did it suddenly appear in this discourse, where did it come from, maybe it came there so that we could read it, discuss it, on the other hand, fear of escalation, there is probably
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nothing written about the elections here yet, and so on. in your opinion, in their public perception of what is happening, and what, what is their basic mood and can it somehow influence decision-making, or are these parallel tracks in general? artem grigorievich, well first, toothlessness. i think i really liked this old soviet joke, a very angry dog, below it says no teeth, below it says sucks you to death, but nevertheless, let's have two levels, the first level is the level of legality, this is the level of the law, this is what we see now - this is dancing on legal platforms, we will allow it, we will not allow it, within the framework of the law or not within the framework of the law, but the americans, starting in 2003, when they created a coalition to go illegally. in violation of all international, in iraq, they created a coalition, yeah, what they are doing now, they carefully tested public opinion, they tested our legislation, their legislation and they think, listen, well, first of all, we have
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share packages, american owners have shares in british, all weapons manufacturers, without exception, in all, everywhere it is 25 plus, that is, everywhere it is a voting package, a blocking package, then, now we move to a more correct level, which they are approaching, the level of legitimacy. we don't need legality, we'll figure it out ourselves, we'll come to an agreement. sentamatia, a nobel laureate once said that any politician needs to learn to play umbrella legitimacy, it's necessary to open this umbrella of allies in time. what will they do now? kamala harris, with her wildest laughter, has said a thousand times that she has created a coalition of more than 50 countries against russia. their task now will be to enlist small countries, any countries, in support.
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very clearly justifies, the point is not that will happen in new york, it's not that he can influence anything, well, we have a veto, china has a veto, it's all nonsense, they need to create this imaginary umbrella legitimacy, no, stop, we are not alone, there are 50 countries with us, share this responsibility, and how does it help now that they are vibrating, will we give it, won't we give it, almost gave it, almost decided, no, haven't decided, not yet, how will this help them, it seems to me that if there are some 50 countries that could join them, then looking at how they vibrate back and forth, it... rather causes fears in everyone, that they themselves are not sure that they are ready? the fact is that now they are simply not ready, they understand perfectly well that those statements that came from the lips of our president, from the lips of the speaker of the lower house of parliament, they say very clear and simple things: we have no boundaries of your
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responsibility, we are absolutely free from any actions, including nuclear weapons testing, we are free, nothing will happen to us for this, we are free from transferring weapons to a third side, what can you do to us, introduce more sanctions, no, you can’t, but... now much more than those sanctions that were against iran, the boiling point has already been reached, that is, you want to say that they are our american or british visas, that they have now moved to the level of practical calculation of the risks from our reaction, which we have repeatedly spoken about, remember, i always tell you, they really love this litmus test, they are here, and we smile at them, we think how they twitch, like that whitson on the road, remember, how did they hold it? so the next thing is, where is your boiling point, there are no red lines, but there are certain boiling points, we take
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instantly and, relatively speaking, testing in nuclear weapons, well, just without telling anyone: op, this is already a certain boiling point, it happened under such-and-such, such-and-such confluences , yes, it is easy for them to transfer any weapon to strike, yes, they can, after all, any expert who comes to american talk shows, what he talks about: any strike-retaliation, you said it right, this is banking, this is the center of acceptance the decision in ukraine, what do we have to do with it, will it fly to our base, well yes, the third world war. do we want the third world war? no, we don't, but we are still far away. this concept of vulnerability. what do they talk about most now? about financial hubs, what do they talk about most: vulnerability zone, we are very afraid of the russians, that they will destroy those superservers where certain currency flows are located, include crypto and everything else. they say: and these will be third parties, we will never be able to understand how this will be? here it is, the sawfish, where it will work, the servers with currency flows will be sawed up, servers, servers, you were yesterday,
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well, actually, this whole story, which is certainly some kind of political-psychological, that is, such, legally, legality-legitimacy, yes , legality, legitimacy, that is , jurisprudence, politics, psychology, history, all that, but it has, of course, a very specific military dimension, in the strikes that will give... really something or will not give them really something, in what our answer may or may not be, are they afraid or they are not afraid of it, that is, it has absolutely clear military parameters, we need to understand to what extent they can really think seriously about the military parameters of what we can do, that is, roughly speaking, this whole story, even with purely vague talk about missiles, these two steps back, two steps forward, one step back, on the contrary, a purely military dimension, as you see it, that is, if you remove
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psychology, jurisprudence from here, all this is there, from a purely military point of view, that is, this is their throwing back and forth, our answers, how it looks, this is now a conversation about what, in absentia, purely from a military point of view, ukraine desperately needs strikes on russian military airfields, their main zones, what is of most interest are the basing sites of our long-range aviation, namely tehrack. well, more than many hundreds of kilometers, but as we see, they are striving there, trying, in second place for them is the possibility of striking our airfields, where the aircraft of operational-tactical aviation are based, which carry controlled, yes controlled by aviation ammunition.
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it is precisely the media and information
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component, it is even stupid to argue, because it is now written down in all their documents, that is, if it is a strike, then it is carried out immediately everywhere in cyber, at the physical level, in cyberspace, in the information plan, that is, a defeat from a military object to the whole society, in this situation we have never encountered the real application of such a concept, such strikes in real life. this will continue in the confrontation
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fields of local conflicts, wars, for more than a decade, that is, we have entered such an era of confrontation and their task is to see how we act, our reaction and check their concept, edit it and for further application what we saw in kursk, how they planned an operation against us on the basis of their american nato guidance documents, studied carefully from what? from the svo has not yet begun on the american - in kiev this american tactical group was already working gray wolf, which was engaged in her air war, which is engaged in scientific collections, all of ours are being studied - grounded drones, the effectiveness of our strikes, here this kind of information is being accumulated, and of course, having struck , they will see how we react, how we react from a military point of view, how our society reacts, so of course there will be a strike here, and here they will be the ones testing
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what they have been preparing for so many years, discussing, and now it can be applied, should i understand you this way, you do not say this directly, but...
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our actions, unfortunately, we can reveal, therefore in the current situation we must be clear, understandable and rude, and as they say, not give in to provocations. in fact, this is a very, very interesting, let's say, point of view, which i recommend you think about, we are here discussing everything,
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so that, since you are now in front of the tv, you are not there to listen behind the icons, but to get some information for your own reflection, what is possible, that is, that they raised their paws, we take a reactive position and then this fuss begins, and what is this understanding that we are being studied, and this is accordingly, well, as if a counter-move, yes, that is, when they press on you, you move away from... this, it’s interesting, think about it, because everything is in its own way, my guests said that in addition to the purely military , technical and geopolitical aspect, there is a media and informational aspect to this, and how we react, and how this reaction spreads in society, what influences it, this is also a reason for our enemies to study for
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the future, because now they will throw a stone like this, remember, like when you were still here, that's how i'm leading here. beast, well, while another one appeared from the den , a completely different beast comes out of the den from behind, let's not get ahead of ourselves, but returning to what we're talking about, after all, this conversation about missiles, and you yourself started with this, it's tied to a very specific story on earth, that with the existing balance of forces and possibilities,
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apparently, the ukrainian reich can't handle it, it asks for these strikes, to equalize the chances, let's say. guys who i never tire of talking about this repeat, everyone who is closer to the front, the more to the enemy, namely as a soldier, as a military man, more purely military respect, that is, there is none of that, yes, they are here and there, i had a conversation with the guys, and i, frankly speaking, well, it made a big impression on me, when we are sitting... with the guys, well, like , there is a shelling, there is some tank working and so on, well, it is unpleasant, and they say, someone says, listen, and how are the hohols sitting there under our one-and-a-half-ton trucks?
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we would listen to this: some higher ukrainian army commanders, including former ukrainian armed forces commander valeriy zaluzhny
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, questioned the logic of the kursk offensive when zelensky first floated the idea earlier this year. according to ukrainian officials, zaluzhny's objection to the invasion was that there was no clear second step after successfully breaching the border. zaluzhny wondered: once we have a foothold inside russia, what next? he never got a... zaluzhny certainly had nothing to do with the plan for this operation when this plan for the operation was being developed, there was already a zaluzhny, they are talking
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about something else, as i understood them, and i think that i understood them correctly, they are saying that zelensky from the beginning of the year and even earlier began to talk about the fact that we need this, well, they were preparing for some kind of close krieg, in belarus, this is clearly visible, but judging by how they planned, organized, there was no opposition from the outside. there was no zaluzhny there, there was just such a full-fledged work of the general staff, full-fledged work of the commander-in-chief, that is, the work was going on, it was planned, groups were being formed, there was no opposition here, here again the zaluzhny is taken out of the dusty closet , it is put on display again, because well, as if in the west there is always a, no, not a plan b, but there is a commander, he is still perceived as a politician, yes, let's remember hauer, well, what is this? isenhauer carried out an offensive operation, yes , he even writes in his memoirs: i was precisely a politician who maneuvered between england and
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between england and the usa, that's how he balanced all this, that is, other structures were already planned, in this situation, as if, well, they got it zaluzhny and got it, well, well, got it and got it and got it, but m a how would you explain here in the strikes... in these strikes, well, here 's my opinion, kiev's participation will be, well , minimal, because nato will work it out, the same tactical group will study it, and nato will provide the information, nato analysts will process it, here zelensky is simply asking for some kind of favor, well, it is said that he provided them with a list of potential targets, and now they think in one way. i think that the list targets most likely also developed by some tactical group gray wolf, most likely also then passed it on to zelensky, and zelensky passed it on, well
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, some kind of such depicted some kind of activity, so that ukraine would participate here, what it asked for, well, so that it would not look completely stupid that the pentagon itself found, itself planned, itself struck, yes, and how is it here in this situation, how is ukraine here, it is necessary to somehow maintain some kind of political balance, yes, here , as if we support ukraine, but how it turns out that the pentagon itself plans the strike and carries it out with american missiles. but then, you started with the fact that ukraine is asking very much, because they need to level the playing field, and now it turns out that it is not ukraine that is asking, but that the americans have developed this, and the ukrainians simply have to understand that they are maximally intrigued in the decision-making process of planning the operation. therefore, they understand perfectly well which airfields pose a threat, there is nothing secret here, we will not reveal any details here, all these airfields are on the map google maps, here you go, yandex maps has it. no secret information, they understand perfectly well, they know where what planes take off from, what strikes they carry out, well then they see them, i see everything online from satellites, from satellites, long-range
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radar detection aircraft , technical reconnaissance equipment, which... exactly the technical part, exactly the technical part, they take it all on themselves, here they will work it out, apply it, and at the same time check how they have learned to transmit russian air defense, pro, as well as russian electronic warfare equipment, yeah, well look, let's remember the same use of these bombs, which we all so happily, just now happily talked about, that it wasn't us who said it, in the west, well... a missile launched, they tested the concept, it will change the situation jlsdb, yes, which they tested, the concept worked out , it didn't work out, they sent it back for revision, they sent it back for revision, the same thing will happen here , the same testing will happen here, everything is clear, now we'll take a break for a short, as always very interesting commercial, and well, and then on let's discuss those processes, which are, well, parallel,
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because here they are talking about missile strikes, and here they are talking about some kind of... like negotiations, well, the guys always work, as it were, in different environments in different spaces, don't switch, it's incredibly beautiful, very mystical, well, risky, but just no other people, nothing like that , we want no one to interfere with us, and we want to do it with your hands, if these are the people i think, they have eyes everywhere, on kenya evgenievich boyko, in fact, a gray cardinal, very... soon you will be rewarded according to your merits, if i find out that you have exchanged me for someone, i will curse, from midnight on july 26, the banknotes of the above denomination will be considered withdrawn images, an interesting offer, it is interesting for a man, what could be better for a woman, we will play ninel - the premiere
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of a multi-part film, today. on the first whiskey mancacher product of stellar group gin сnop product of stellar group cognac monteshoca product of stellar group rom castro product of steller group vodka pechora product of faith ready, if you see some gun on a helicopter, in an airplane, it is made at the tula instrument-making design bureau. zu-23 is installed, yes, we had it on a kamaz, work on drones, yes, the guys worked. today, our main direction is anti-aircraft systems. pantsir is a whole
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family of machines. calculation, readiness number one. the newest anti -aircraft missile and artillery system of the air defense pantsir m. it covers ships in the near zone. the combat vehicle is amphibious, its main feature is that it can be dropped from the air to occupy some well, the advanced position. the whole charm and all in this design, to achieve simplicity of the design with its reliable operation. for the day of the gunsmith, the god of war. tamers of fire. tomorrow on the first. we are going suddenly i receive an sms from the bank. write-off from the account 50,000 rubles. balance - zero. fraudsters are amazing people. they, perhaps, can be better than the most experienced psychologists. he pulled out of me everything that was possible, i had to sell everything i had. at this moment his sister just
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starts to be aggressively disposed towards me.
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in the series, you are the prototype of one character, nikolaev, did you learn the scores? yes, when the mutation took place, what did you do? zaporozhye to the airfield, combat aircraft, parachute packer. i did not even dream of singing in this choir, but 5-6 years ago i finally got there. i sang in such a wonderful group, just happiness, this is our golden childhood. children should laugh, children should laugh, children should laugh. on saturday, on the first, i offer my candidacy, a performance at the moscow art theatre school studio, this was my turning point in fate. quiet, quiet, and as something for myself in
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head, and you are afraid, he is just an impulsive, emotional person, this rather speaks about your shortcomings than about your merits, what i think now, what is his mystery, what is the secret, great intuition, he is a clear person, the program time will tell, we continue to work live, discussing in the first part of the program the situation with the statements of western
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politicians, well, first of all, naturally , american and british, about the fact that they continue to discuss permission for ukroreikh to strike deep into russian territory, well as if for obvious reasons this is necessary for the ukrreich, more or less we understood the reasons why... the anglo-saxons sometimes talk about it, sometimes don't talk about it, sometimes they give it, sometimes they don't give it, then later, but we believe that the decision has been made, and many times in our studio we heard about it and not only today, that of course, our vezavi, our opponents, they always have not one plan, but several plans, each plan is calculated for the political sphere, for the media sphere, that is, they decide something on a practical plane, and therefore they put something there in our consciousness, well, not to us, but to those to whom they...
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now it was somehow entrusted, apparently to scholz, well, because it seems like the elders are busy, here it seems, well, scholz needs to be occupied with something, so, in short, scholz, you will push the topic about the need for peace negotiations, well , scholz pushes it, let's go, it is clear to us that it is necessary to study the possibilities for the beginning of a peaceful development of the situation in ukraine, discussion formats, such as the conference in switzerland ended with a common opinion about the need for another conference with the participation of russia.
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but i think that here it is still a little more complicated, in in any case, i am convinced of this by the fact that our ambassador, the federal republic of germany, mr. nichaev, noticed these statements by scholz, although i think that mr. nichaev understands even more than we do what domestic political reasons scholz has for this, nevertheless, he says that we willingly accept the chancellor's words as the average, that is, but... we have not yet seen the text of the peace plan, well, in my opinion, i wrote about this in my teleleg, that well, it seems to me that this is trolling, such diplomatic trolling, well there, as if you can't tell with icons on the air,
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but the fact that we pay attention to this at all, well, it says that maybe in this in this line there is also something interesting, here bloomberg also pays attention to it, we listen to the west. officials are seriously considering the possibility of ending the conflict in ukraine through negotiations and exiting it. as winter approaches, the war continues on the battlefield, there are no signs of a breakthrough. this prompts the allies to begin exploring the possibility of breaking the impasse with the help of diplomacy. some allies believe that the time between the november u.s. elections and the presidential inauguration in january could be a window of opportunity during which the outgoing biden administration could have more political leeway to strike a deal. a deal? when they write this in bloomberg, they are probably not only talking to each other, yes, they understand that we also hear it, uh, read it and
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somehow react to it, or they do not take us into account at all in their reasoning, that is, this is their internal discourse, a deal is not a deal, negotiations are not negotiations, a conflict, well, that is , some kind of internal distribution, and we, as it were, are happening on our own, they consider us as simply, well, the conditions of the task, well, in principle , yes, the second is more likely, because here is the conference in switzerland, the so-called, it took place without the participation of russia, yes, well, and here they are talking about a deal, a deal, do they understand? the problem is that they do not yet feel a military defeat, the ukrainians feel it, but the westerners do not feel it, they see that yes, things bad, but their propaganda shows with all its might every day that the ukrainians are fighting bravely, holding on, driving out the occupier, they entered kursk and so on and so forth, they are constantly encouraged by these reports, well, it's clear, well, the thing is that they haven't felt the defeat yet.
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so a deal, we need to make a deal before they beat us up, and it seems to me that we need to beat them up first and then talk about a deal, well, in any case , that's how the yalta agreements were made, the idea is that now we are somewhere there with them let's agree that we shoot here, we don't shoot here, but she is extremely naive, she can convince some - inferior voters of scholz, in germany, or readers of bloomberg, but you can't fool a russian like that, it seems to me.
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well, i'm not a military man, so it's hard for me to make any predictions, but as experts say, that after a certain point there is a steppe, where there is movement in general, but you are saying this again, this is all that you are describing the energy system yes oh yes, but we will again
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beat up the europeans, we will beat up, no, no, the thing is that the europeans are so involved in this solidarity with ukraine that they really feel involved in the ukrainian theater of military operations, and let's say, the capture of odessa, for them it will be, well, a tragedy, got it, that is, you, you say, if i understand you correctly, that at some point, when we achieve certain military successes in...
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well, let's see, returning to what the economist writes, actually, which i already gave you, to listen to and what we are talking about with pyotr alegovich, me i was surprised by the fact that here, as if apropos. in the course of the text, some future reboot of relations with moscow appears, is this some kind of, so to speak, figure of speech simply for some kind of political politeness, or is this some kind of hint that they assume that it seems like everything is so terrible now, terrible, terrible, but as if
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now it is terrible, and then it seems like you can rewind this stuff back, well, like remember how with the pandemic, yes there in the spring of 2020 it seemed that horror is horror in this nightmare. forever, then suddenly, february of twenty-second everything is a pandemic, where are you? there is no pandemic, the pandemic is over, now everyone remembers that everything was so terrible and it seemed like that was it, and now you think, that is, artyom grigorievich, here we are - at the beginning of the program with petr olegovich we exchanged some news, i was talking about vietnam, here is an interesting thing, long children, here is the most interesting thing, as always without me, yes. yes, here are interesting things, for many decades vietnam was perceived as exclusively evil for americans, all vietnamese perceived absolute evil america, now you look at their economic structure, as if nothing had happened , yes, that is, you look, all the enterprises
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work with american ones with the participation of american capital, new branches of the economy are being developed, american hotels are being built and some kind of deification of american capital is happening, you think, what happened? americans feel very comfortable in those regions where they feel like masters. there is a good phrase in english: you know: master and honor, not just master, that's exactly absolute the owner of master and honor, in this case the honorary owner, yes, in this case we are talking about a deal, deals can be profitable and unprofitable deals, they do not say what kind of deal they want, and what kind of deal they see as profitable for themselves, we understand that for themselves this will be a profitable deal. this is a deal, because now they want to sell us another golden carrot, but what does it consist of, the fact is that in many analytical publications there are red lines, the following: freezing of the situation that is, russians, most importantly, should never
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mention two words: nikolaev and odessa, this is a taboo, this is absolutely tobo and accordingly, if nikolaev and odessa, then between them there is also ochakov, absolutely right, then. this part, it should not even be mentioned anywhere, further, further the united states of america is ready to take on certain functions, but under the conditions that now there is not peace, but a freezing of the conflict, military actions stop, there is an advancement of the demilitarized zone, which should be controlled by the un plus another plus, plus plus, but the most important point that they answer is, further, when everyone presents bills... to a friend, negotiations will be possible, and reparations, naturally, then it will be possible to talk about somehow moving on to revising the sanctions regime against russia, a proposal, a brilliant proposal, i have another question, imagine, wait a minute, yes, your question, i have
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my question: reparations imply recognition of defeat, yes, but they believe that these are parts of the deal, here is the deal on their part - this is defeat on our part, there must be a deal... we do not give up, no one admits guilt, we do not pay anyone, our task is to realize those interests, and we protect our interests, we move on, let's say we ever sit down for 100 negotiations, within the framework of which legal system do we agree, i have a fundamental question, i want to understand. for example, as an internationalist, i must understand within the framework of which legal system i am signing, the anglo-saxon system, the american system, our system, some eurasian system, who is it will it be the guarantor of the adoption of this system, will it be india, will it be china, who will it be, look, you have already
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seriously started discussing the deal, very convincingly, as if convincing me that they are talking about the deal not as an equal deal, but as a... they are suggesting a deal based on the loser principle, i am talking about normal negotiations, a deal based on the loser principle, this is their, this is their rule, this is the rule of any of their negotiators, a deal. this is when you lose, this is, this is not a contract, in a contract there are two the parties won, the deal, when you lost,
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i won, it's important, i'm talking about that deal, i'm talking about us, when odessa, nikolaev, well , somehow voted and went in the right direction, when we took those steps that are impossible to object to, and pyotr olegovich said a very important thing, a very important thing, different space, about the train, about the train, about the train, i think when these things coincide, you have nothing to counter, and what kind of? corporations you can talk empty on the political level, on the geopolitical level - not so much, further, there is, there is still the last one psychological factor, americans talk about it very openly: 50 states, they are still able to hold on for a maximum of 9 months, there is, when you have no success in your financial investments, when you do not get a quick result and return, your pessimism goes away, no matter how you are whipped, i understand, by the way, the space is very interestingly arranged, i started to talk to sergei sergenvich, stood here, the director tells me once, step back, well, that is, as if
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you understand, here for now, as if we are not talking, that is, here normal, here it is normal, here it is normal, here it is up to here, by the way, i got here in september, right here it is up to here, by the way, this is about what you are talking about, that is, i looked from here to here, how all this talk about deals, not deals, although now the word deal looks different, from the point of view of a military expert, they look, they, from their point of view that in a military sense they can consider that everything is bad for us, they have no such grounds, although they have some grounds there to talk about a deal with they are pumping it up with the media, but what about i'm not talking about the media now, i'm talking about well, in fact , they don't have one, they are quite, if you read them more like other, let's say, not first-level media, but some specialized publications, everything, then it's clear that they don't have any deal yet. they don't perceive this situation as our defeat on the battlefield, meanwhile, no, and
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meanwhile, but they are already preparing a plan b, well , let's say, not so plan b, a freeze-in-case plan, that is, they basically already have an idea of ​​what they are going to do if will happen - some kind of freeze will be created, a gray zone, yeah, for a long time the american special operations team could not understand what to do in the future, because their main force is the green berets, and they don’t fit into the modern concept, now they have already come to the conclusion, they have already started training, education, they want to create from ukrainians, as well as from residents of those regions that went to the territory of ukraine, which have now joined russia, to create some kind of reform paramelito that will to conduct military operations in the zone - this gray zone, which will develop if we conclude a certain peace, and they will constantly create certain problems for us, why is this? why is this being said, they, i said this at the beginning of the summer, now they are basically already writing this in
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their publications, if we are going to fight china, if china is our main threat, then in military terms we cannot ignore russia, and russia has now demonstrated this with the ocean exercises that ended today, what we have the capabilities to project forces in the pacific region, this is long-range aviation, this is a hypersonic missile system, this is our fairly large fleet in this... situation, we must create such problems for russia so that it is more restrained in the use of its forces, how to do this, create a soft underbelly in the form of newly annexed territories, using this gray zone, a paramilitary formation created by the american green berets, constantly create problems for russia there, if russia somehow does not act as it is interested in the united states of america from a military point of view, some exercises, immediately create problems for us, and how a problem. create they trained well in the ob in kursk, as we said, there the concept
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of a surgical strike was worked out, when against the background of a combined arms operation, some kind of surprise attack is carried out, and here the para-world of reform comes in, they create some, they try to conduct some kind of combat operations, immediately carry out a surprise attack of a media nature or some kind on some important object, well, that is, in fact, everything is within the framework development of the very same story that they have been dealing with for quite a long time, they started doing this, in fact, in the south...
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georgian politicians are preparing for the elections and are talking about the fact that they need to apologize, reconciliation, well, if they apologize, i think that - the peoples - they are probably saying that this is a mutual apology, no, no, what mutual apology, for what i, that is, they started shooting, but they need to apologize mutually, well, let's hope that they , the people of south ossetia, not the people of abkhazia, will not forgive georgia for this attack and so on, but okay, an apology, this is the way to... to have bilateral relations between the states of abkhazia, south ossetia, georgia, this is a very positive sign for us, and as for armenia, of course, there, the chairman of the parliament alen simonyan danced around the pole of european wishes, he tried to say that armenia does not need the csto, that russia is to blame for everything, for
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all the troubles of armenia, an irresponsible statement for a politician, because in principle. today's armenia cannot exist without russia, and it seems to me that before making such statements, by the way, i also told him this personally, it is better to weigh the possible consequences of these statements , and for armenian voters, this is of course a signal, i think that they combine it, a signal about what, about what kind of, what kind of politician this politician is in this case, representing the ruling party in armenia, well, wait, the thing is that everything that exists in armenia today, infrastructure, security, border protection and so on and so forth, it did not arise by chance, and the current leadership of armenia in the face of the speaker of parliament is trying to justify his efforts in resolving the karabakh problem, trying to blame it all on russia, and is also trying to drag belarus into this, i
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think that this is simply not good, not in an allied way, that is why this too will pass and i have no doubt that these countries will be with us, since the people of these countries want this, yes, i also really hope that - armenia will not have to, at the behest of some politicians, go through the difficult path that georgia has gone through in its relations with us for so long years, well now - some understanding comes that maybe it wasn't worth going in that direction, but it's worth living as good neighbors, well time will tell what will happen there, americans - i think the same way georgians can just jump off. they won't let them, and they don't leave armenians alone, well let's wish our neighbors fortitude and reason, reason is always needed in politics, advertising in the new season on the first, and excuse me, do you by any chance have tickets for the evening one, no, excuse me, they always laugh,
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captivating us, cheating. watch after the program time, this is common the vocalist will have another solo, attention, please. he 's gone crazy, it's impossible to sing, attention, faith is ready, if you see some kind of gun on a helicopter, in an airplane, it was made at the tula instrument-making design bureau, zu-23 is installed, yes, we had it on a kamaz, work on drones, yes, the guys worked,
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today our main direction is anti-aircraft systems, pantsir is a whole family of machines. calculation, readiness number one, the newest anti-aircraft missile and artillery system of air defense, pantsir m. it covers ships. in the near zone, combat vehicle landing, its main feature is that it can be dropped from the air to take some kind of forward position, all the charm and all in this design, to achieve simplicity of design with its reliable operation, for the day of the gunsmith, the god of war, the tamers of fire, tomorrow on the first, we are going suddenly i receive an sms from the bank, a write-off from the account. 50,000 rubles. balance - zero. fraudsters are amazing people. they, perhaps, can be better than the most experienced psychologists. he pulled out of me everything that was possible. i had to sell everything i had
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was. at that moment his sister uh, just starts to be aggressive towards me, because she was just his push. they asked me to apply for a loan in my name. how much did he ask for? i open the closet where i kept my 8 million, i understand that these are just pieces of paper, the premiere, the manipulators on saturday on the first, are you lying to yourself or to me, well, i'm not lying to you, hello my dears, this is the most intense, musical detective show rodnya, closing, as you think, that ... is hidden behind our screen, who is a close star relative of boris, that it is yuri nikolaev, boyarsky, but the confusion in the clues was capital. paris, in addition to the fact that he is my
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father-in-law, he is my closest friend, any information can be valuable. your assumptions taking into account the clues. firstly, this is irina's grandson or granddaughter. we think that this is beer glucose. it is clear why i am like this, in whom. did your star relative participate in the star factory? no. beloved, beautiful, only wife. radnya. the season premiere is on saturday on the first, in the new season on the first, rumors about this are already circulating in the city
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crime, wherever you go, they say everywhere, women are lured into a taxi and shot in the back, i wanted to ask you about your find, this knot seemed very massive, although it was quite easy to pick up. you have been awarded a great honor . well, major, the hunt has begun, confrontation, the premiere of the legendary book by yulian semyonov, in conclusion i want to say
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about what pyotr olegovich just spoke about, as a kind of image, but a very clear image about people who weave networks, because really half of our country pretends that nothing is happening, half of the country, well, in the broad sense of the word, is weaving nets, but not only in the broad sense of the word, but is really weaving these nets, i'm just now on my trip, as i said, that's exactly what you see on the screen, it's about here, in this place, and i was also visiting the guys and talking to them about the nets, in particular with the artillerymen, and well, honestly, sometimes i had a moment, what are they doing with these nets, why do they carry these nets all the time? a detailed video, i i took it off right away because it was a revelation to me, it would seem that everything is so simple, but for me it was a revelation, if anyone
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is interested, look at it in detail, well , roughly speaking, five shots of that weapon that are camouflaged here, all these nets that they are camouflaged with, they are already being sent to illiquid assets, and new nets are needed and so on constantly, this is a very important story, that war, war is a story in which everyone... must participate to the point of actually knitting nets every day. knit networks, so we will win.
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he has such a new car, he has this ganina, well of course, tell me, tell me, what, i was talking about the restaurant, caviar there, asitrina, tell me about the cards, yes, in this new car, we went with him to the boarding house 35 years of victory in zheleznovodsk, everyone knows there, respects, now yes ...
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and how did you, such a young girl, go at night to the boarding house with a man? yes, what does vazgan have to do with such a big money, he hides the car, how did the director of the museum get a car? i was interested, but he is a player, maybe a good player, that's why he wins more often than he loses, hence the car, money, everything else, i'll go, you can, yes irish, go. thank you, wait, i'll write you a pass, but i'm afraid one word from nenali olegovna won't be enough to get out of here. thank you, and he made an earring out of the photograph, and put a water bottle on his ear so it wouldn't get wet. goodbye.


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