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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 1, 2023 10:00am-11:00am AST

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a little carbon credits essential. submitted some environmental protection, enhancing investment climate. digital licensing. your better tomorrow the the hello them or kyle, this is the news our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. garza's health ministry says unlimited number of wounded palestinians will be allowed to leave the strip and enter egypt through the rough crossing. hundreds of 4 nationals are also expected to crossover. sifting through the depth, briefly. any one that still alive is randy as flight from more than
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a 100 pounds to me and civilians and gauze as largest refugee becomes completely cut off once again as well. and poses the communications and internet blackouts across the strip. i mean is ready. all me says, 11 of its soldiers have been killed in bottles with how much slices in northern garza in the last 24 hours. the . it's 7 gmc, that's 9 am in gone, so i'm going it says a lining up at the roof across thing with egypt to and to gauze. that strip is a live pictures of the rough across thing. this is from the gauze, the side where people are waiting to get house goals as health ministries, as unlimited number of seriously wounded palestinians. and for nationals have been authorized to enter egypt, a number of palestinians killed in the past 25 days has risen to move in 8 and
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a half 1000. that includes around 3 and a half 1000 children, meaning one child has been killed every 10 minutes. as well says it's carried out 11000 as strikes in gaza. so far, mabel and the occupied westbank have been a number of raids. 130 people have been killed in the past 3 weeks, including 2 prisoners in his writing custody. and his waiting government says more than 1400 is right and these were killed and how masses attack on october, the 7th. and his way the army has confirmed that 11 of its soldiers have died. and then they just grown baffle in northern gauze. in the last 24 hours will take you back now, to these live pictures that we're seeing from inside gall is that now this is at the roof of crossing and southern garza, which leads into egypt. and now you can see a number of small crowd of palestinians gathering, waiting for that gate to open these we believe all foreign nationals or
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palestinians with jewel hospital. they will understand things have been reported to be allowed to leave the strip as the roof of crossing opens. today, wednesday, they will be the 1st honest and in some need gauze that since it's rainy invasion began on the 7th of october and the on the other side. earlier we had some pictures from the chips and the side, though we could see a line of ambulances waiting to enter the gauze. uh, they are slowly moving through the crossing at the moment, being checked by the is ways before they go into the strip and they are going to be picking up the most seriously wounded from inside garza and taken full treatments in egypt. this is the scene at the moment at the roof of crossing, where we have been understanding that the gate will be opening imminently. we were expecting it to open
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a couple of hours ago and now waiting for that to happen. and it looks like things are happening that at the moment for mines with these will be the 1st palestinians to leave the golf. this trip since invasion began coming $18500.00 people in this densely populated area out as there is honey, my foot joins us now. vast stuff, lightning from con eunice, inside the guns and stripped so honey, this is a pretty momentous event that this gate into egypt will find me. be open, not any for the trucks to come in, which a few have been doing, but for people to get out. what more do we know at this stage? yes, lilian will uh before this announcement that people almost lost told completely that there would be a way out of dogs that were there's for the when the palestinians or for the, for
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a national, palestinian, the citizenship says she's the announcement, etc. at least hours of last night, coming to from the ministry of health about the limited number of the seriously a one that individuals palestinians who were injured during the uh, the erie strikes on garza uh, are going to be transferred to uh, addiction hospitals. and for, for immediate and more advanced medical intervention we, we learned from our source that the egyptian, a ambulance vehicles have really arrived to the egyptian side of the rock crossing . namely they gyptian gate and they are slowly moving toward the area between uh the, the palestinian uh side and the addiction side on here from a gaza strip. uh there are 3 uh location 3 hospitals where
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whereby a ambulance vehicles are going to move with the unlimited number of. ready people here from lots or hospitals, there will be 811, the palestinians will be on those ambulance vehicles behind me. i will be taken to the rough heck crossing there is another, a line of ambulance from issue out of that i last saw hospital in the city of develop the central part of the gaza strip. and as well as were allowed in line of, i'm going from a ship, a hospital carrying a limited also number of seriously wounded people of from the civil hospital, all the way to rough crossing. and now these ambulances will be arriving to the rough of crossing. and then it transferred those us. when did individuals to the age of sion? ambulance in palestine and ambulances will not be allowed into the egyptian side will be a transfer of wounded individuals to egyptian ambulance. and from that point,
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there will be taking to uh, designated hospitals, in egypt for the immediate medical attention that they required. uh, this is the latest that this plan would in terms of, uh, 3 as the one that people, the other issue that has a sparks, a lot of attention. it's the, uh, the permission of the foreign nationals or palestinians with abuse. citizenship have been uh, informed that the late hours of last night, due to make their way through up at crossing as they will be allowed to cross over to the egyptian side. and this comes after almost $25.00. these with the calls and appeals to their embassies and governments. and it seems that there is a sort of an agreement along with the uh, with the agreement uh, regarding the one that palestinians to crush all together. do the egypt sion site.
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we don't know if this will happen again at this moment. if the, the crossing will open one more time and that, that definitely people are hoping that there will be a permanent safe passage, at least for a human, a 3. and a convoy is to enter the gaza strip, but not just for this time, the just want to see more of this happening just to reduce the, the, the pressure and the, the stress and the suffering on palestinians in the gaza strip. how do you said the 18 people would do to be transferred from nestles patrol? way you all the do you know anything about who has been chosen to be transferred? what is the nature of the injuries? yes, well the situations are not, their hospitals are very complicated then in dire and we learn it throughout the
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past. if you did the some of the most serious the surgeries took place on the floor of the operations rooms without, without the necessary medical supplies. so priorities are giving to those with life threatening conditions for adults who are of, if they're going to a face, for example, amputation due to lack of the proper medical intervention and the shortage of a necessary medical supplies, then that, that explains the limited numbers that are going to be taken from this hospital, those are with life threatening conditions. and the same thing applies to the, the number of one that they're coming to from show deluxe la hospital and did it by law and from a ship, a hospital and situation like like these. what about the
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gardens are experiencing the priority are given to those who need it the most at this time, and hospitals of this, at this point, they're unable to, to give what needs to save lives here due to it. so many complications as a result of the 25 days of, of mass bombardments, short digital, the fuel, a lack of medical supplies. we're talking about like simple elements that should be available in every hospital on the subject. for example, i've been out of shows for the past 2 weeks, most of the medical intervention take this without the proper medical supplies that are needed. okay, honey, my, who isn't joining us, that from connie's and southern garza via satellite link. thanks very much, honey. that's bringing the time a come me to use professor of public policy at the hines to for graduate studies, kinds of tests in the studio to speak to once again. so i'm a, just a kind of festival, the significance of this morning with the roof across the crossing,
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potentially opening those. i need some things to come in, but for people to go out. no, no it's, it's, it's good news. it's a, it's the light, the fault, things that i just hope to put a sentence, but the entire operation. it has many questions mark wanted to take as many question marks. when we talk about aids, one of the basic principles of, of create that came with it include those that i want people to, to leave or, or even in think, 8 insights any conflicts affected the country in the world. we talk about basic principles, do no harm, avoid pockets of exclusion. so my question, what's, why the dual citizens and the, for the privileged one, whether the students will be left behind. the 2nd issue is, is that a still has an up of having that that process? meaning it's vince who has who, who can leave for treatment and who will come up leave. and that's according to many sources that the lists are coming from days of 8. that's sort of these now
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with these what i really want things on it. so the 81 patients who haven't been allowed to leave the bodies, right. so is there a decides who has that to put through the order says to get treated and who doesn't sort of buttons as a slowly and that's also a lot of and so what i'm saying here is all these are thoughts should be applied indiscriminately, meaning we come up just to discriminate against groups of palestinians by allowing this to happen. so either you create a human to kind of go to the every but a senior citizen and civilian can benefit from or, or out of this is more than a space into is our hands. which to me is like kind of like, you know, we, we show some, some 50. so that's the initial and we, we have to international communities demand, but we're not getting to with that much anymore. but anyway, so the thing is that the community, why is it engaged in this? in this, in this politics of dividing unzipping interventions, you must have included those of playing and engaging with is ready to play
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according to its textbook left the, you might have had a little textbook. so that's mike was but one of the problems is and we've addressed this before as egypt doesn't want to see the crossing open and have a rush of people meeting. the goal is a strip into its country and it's a very legit concern from the side load up. but, but let's not forget that there was an international that is an ocean that was best the week ago with the national community support. and egypt can act within this resolution on an emergency, on temporarily basis with international, committed to support, to have a free opening of the board, the onset of these extra the open it as a consensus, the world and the best a section of the beginning of gaza so they could do more egypt as a loves country and it has the financial support, the backup of many owners, many donors, you know, the u. n. so if it wants to move to, to do more than they could do more and they should not, in my opinion, play the days that a, the, the book of, of, for like one thing,
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a politics on these instead of inches. so they could do more with the communications back out once again across, gone. so we're unable to talk to people that because of satellite links. so because of people having international symptoms, but anyone with a palestinian sim cards now cannot access the internet, they cannot speak to people within the goals a strip. why do you think that is being placed? and is it perhaps connected for the rough across and being open? so i just took it to question it cleared it load. so the thing we know that most of the telecommunications infrastructure and especially in the north has been destroy . yeah. so so kind of thing is i have no access to information now and even days. busy and the ottoman spokesman on his daily believes he keeps him, got his it and kind of think it for the students and then also move self money for them. they don't receive these messages. so like me from outside, i have some time to wait for a 2 or 3 hours and kind of connection for my family members. so i thought that
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missing this, that asking you to move. so, but again, so there is no play safe in the guise of slip. so people, many people have chose to stay with the north or south. and that's the problem because there's no such thing as safe, quoted doors in the guys are set up. it's not applicable, it's not happening as we watch and see. so again, uh, yeah, the, the, the boat uh is open now and so, and it just opens up roughly so out of the new like, you know, so i'm sure the thousands of newest citizen, not only but as soon as i mean it gyptian, but us thing is the thousands of them in the gods that if i bring the question, please put it. well. i mean, what sort of supposed to your citizens, i mean the thousands of receptions part of the thing is within the goes. so we're talking about the very limited number of people that out the x as well. and the big issue for me, after these photos and the citizens are allowed to leave. so what's next, the, this with this, what do leave is that, how much is the responsibility? we'll see more than minute 3 at exposing the solve for these up. and when most of these people not concentrate them. so would this like give is or the hands on
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moving ahead on marketing and the marketing because it does not have to worry about getting any citizens? well, again, that's a question. i mean, that's the metric with us about that as well. so, but i don't want you to play and so is there is fixable, close off of controlling for like month thing and dividing a policy is if you want to fit into the dimensions and doing and everything processes that are doing over humans and 8 as well. and i will keep asking those questions to stay with us. we'll come back to for more analysis in just a moment. is going to tend to north of gall set where people continue to search for survivors. often more than a 100 civilians were killed in is really strikes on galls of launches. refugee come on tuesday is what was meant to talk to the devali a comp with devastating consequences. 19 family members of bounce. there were bull cos engineer and how much of our concern was it killed in that strike? is our claims that killed a top. how much come on during the attack? that's all said all has this report. i got tons of exclusives dropped on their time
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. the m s tuning of more than how many it is. one of the guys a stoops biggest refugee is been, has been with several times the roots came on tuesday. the 6th last 2 of them come back together to definitely research as well. most of them women enter us. great. there's no heavy machinery movers. get the survivors desperately try to pay every civic guest. that was uh, is it the displays they are trying the best to reach elizabeth to go once busting the plane. children is now, as you know, the best solution, the occupation was play, have destroyed this,
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this system politically with 6, you as smooth softball is thrown through these places, thrown on these people and everybody's think good one. and this does that have lots of the lives and have been wounded. these indonesian hospital just over a week is pro rated well by patients. the injured tip of writing, but many didn't survive. the 4th 2 surgeons are pretty quiet. there's sometimes we don't anesthetics due to the lack of stop lice. 50 is a more disaster for us now. if we kind of stop this, i'm the hospital out of the night. you electrical power, water and medical supplies. why would we accept the bed? yes. some buildings are stupid, that's from the impact of the certifying children the kids,
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the children. oh my good luca, there's a section. most of the victims of kids, children, the women to video is home to more than $100000.00. but it covers an area only one house click on making it one of the most densely populated places on there on the cost is really bumping. palestinians use a day of chat. i forgot to buy though. so this was sort of that was reported downstairs mohammed. other out who's, who was on from the ongoing office, no 19 members of his family image. a bali attack network has called for justice and a statement saying, i'll just say the family condemns the heinous and indiscriminate has really bumming . this has resulted in the beginning of 19 family members of all dedicated engineer mohammed. i'm out to move some extend awesome vacuum done. system mohammed and his
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family and stand in solidarity with them during this time of profound. sorry, i me cool for justice and accountability for this sense was matter of innocent lives that spring, that time accompanies again here on the set time a another very significant event. talk about right now. this should just tack on that jabante a refugee comes 6 strikes who are having sex problems, drops on one of the most densely populated areas in the world. as well as has it killed a top thomas come on to do you have a justify the coming of 100 plus the civilians for the take me off of one. come off . come on the i mean load. i mean it's, they are now, they don't shy away from, from, from, from admitting this in public like sort this, these are the efficiency the statements more or less and like, you know, or they say yes, it does, it how much stuff gets. and we know with a weight of uh,
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all the civilians at all just starting it. but we, since i went ahead and took the decision to get everyone. and of course it's, it's, it's, it's a crime by all it's, it's my old international is, that's a, that's a, that's a huge cry. and the thing is, i don't think there is that i need headlines for them left. a basically what's happening is your body a, i think this massive at the it's signals of, of, of more motor booth and tactics to empty the gaza strip. so basically this is a serious indication that they want to go inside guys from, from a neighborhood to a neighborhood, you know, and, and start, you know, the finish mass or whatever. but it's, it's a serious indication that there will be a serious escalation and it's not pending of guys as board them now. so it's going to be, we'll see street fights from a c plus need and they want the civilians out the plots. but that's not the way to, to actually get us out because 1st of all, you, if you want the people believe,
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don't know, you have to give them assurances, you have to play it safe, go to those for them to have to feel safe in the solves then people might be able to, to leave the north and go south, but many of them decided to stay because they see people dying in the south. and there is, there's no way of saving the gods us with it. so again, it's is an in violation of old international news and it's, it's, i mean dyson, c a has to, to, again, to back to getting fund again what, what people do needs and is a little fission coming on tv and say, yes, we thought to get to the how much lead that we are with that for honda civic, those would be could and we spend we plus the bottom. what else do you want more than this? so i've spoke to you, but we have to us. the question though is rails objective is to wipe out how much, how much has exist nancy in these underground tunnels. do these tunnels exist specifically? or they congregate under these heavily dense places? i always, i mean it stays the hold up because the strip is heavily densely populated. so is
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the only way that as well is going to achieve its objective by wiping out what's above ground. but what, ok, let's, let's, let's go and listen good with this right? and that other than say yes, that's what's happening. does this give them to execute? consider units again, is that mostly what's the, what, how much does or what that does or what any, any other but 2000, you know, that's the beauty of the kids. that should things, you know, so is, does, this is this and enough excuse for them to go and mess it could be civilians. but i mean, but according to one of the most of those, of course, most of time, i mean, you cannot do this even. i mean, let's assume the civilians are out of hosted, you'll find us what is that? but let's put this assumption. does this give is what in the lives of most people and a messic of them this way? $66.00 bombs, each one once on throwing them on the one of the most, the dense camps in the world like, you know, what it is you come to the door. is this really? does this make sense? so that's the national community. i mean, this is the seat of how a civilized state. one bucks what i'm i'm but it's in the things that are now assistance turned out more questions than answers. yeah. because this is where
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we're at right now. we would have been calling you to sign us up at the national community is, is shameful on this shameful, shameful. i'm the see, i'm, yes of the we, we, i mean that's something, but there wasn't news coming from new york. that's one of the senior you and the human rights, the officials in your going to design over this, the, the, the only claiming that you on is implicit in this genocide, the 10 devices you have a lot of genocide. so we're hitting no more. could it just people coming out and say, lots of our names, we have nothing to do with this view and this feeling, the 1st thing that people are that doesn't say if it's the same, like the one the same back subleasing, there's no difference what's happening and does is a genocide, according to old international rules unto the textbook of genocide and his artist from the thing is okay to come in. we will come back to throughout the day with more moments. thanks very much. okay, let's get one out on the death toll of is rainy soldiers in garza, in the last 24 hours that speak to so
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a higher up she joins us from occupied. is to really so i'm so sorry. what, what can you tell us about this rise in the number of soldiers that yeah, well they saw has a total of 11 soldiers that have been killed in just 24 hours. the biggest number of deaths so far, and this just shows that. so with that then moving in deeper into gaza that off for a much stronger resistance by the how much they'll cost on brigade fights is as well as groups like is not make you have and you know, they have confirmed that they are moving into the port with more ground troops, they've been spending increasing the number of tanks that have been sending reinforcements and very much what we're seeing is fine saying we've seen videos of these is rarely soldiers using that guns and spine saying that on the ground with these how most fights is we have heard from the minister of defense y'all. glance
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who had said that despite that being significant achievements of the powerful fight thing, he said that it's a hard and painful blow. and this comes, of course, as a heavy price. but he says, we're ready for a long and complex war. we will win and it seems desperately, even though it's rather of course, militarily has to be off behind. it's definitely a lot more complex. and that going to not want those numbers to increase approximately because they already had a huge number of soldiers killed on october. the 7th. as far as you say, as role playing sort of changes, military objectives in the devante, a refuge account, but we must constantly remind all of us. this is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. in one of the most densely populations areas in the world with about a $100000.00 people in less than 2 square kilometers. yeah, and you saw that in the video is how close those buildings all to each other. when i was that a few months ago, you can see it's very difficult that it's very narrow,
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not narrow enough between the buildings and so thought, but what we do know, and it's been confirmed by the is ray, the all me today is that they've targeted since the beginning of october 7 rule, and these just over 3 weeks they've targeted 11000 targets. of course, the last of that has included a huge number of civilian deaths. in particular to delay account. they said they entered the width of the ground soldiers of putting out for fights as well, but they targeted uh, for example, they said the group has how most flights is the barricades themselves in the building. and they were able through a reinforcement to target those, as well as a those that were fighting back towards a time could says. but also interestingly, in the last hour, there's been another development actually nothing garza but to the south of israel where they've now quotes a reinforcement of navy ships of arrived, which is just off the coast. so why that city a lot is
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a nice thing because of the increase of tax during the tax and ms. all types from a young man from the pro iran to see group that's on, in your mind because of that increase especially yesterday, even though it was in some sense it is getting close to a lot and that's a major concern to them. so now we're seeing those navy ships that reinforcement just back in the living room, the red sea between israel and georgian. okay, so all right, we have the latest that from occupied east joyce. and thanks very much, sarah. this is why the forces have been carrying out more waves in the occupied west bank. now this happened in the cities of jeanine until come in jeanine and asked like hey, it's a refuge account. 3 people have been killed in the occupied palestinian territory in the last 24 hours of correspondence in wrong. come live for us now from ramallah and the occupied west bank and the emerald. what's your times about this latest operation in janine as well?
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jeanine is by far the largest and longest ray that we've seen since october. the 7th is one. certainly one of them. it began around midday and ended at 7 am in the morning a large contingent of israeli soldiers full way into the account. they met with step resistance from the palestinians. they, i'm that that's when the drone that came in. but interestingly, in jeanine camp, it was a mass leader that was arrested. it was a member of the football policy, the other big party and polished, and in politics. he was then his family side beaten severely by these ladies before being taken away. these ready bulldozers that with 3 of them this time that's more than we've seen in the past. i actually went into the account and they were digging up roads and bringing down monuments to the resistance. we've actually seen this twice now. we saw this a few days ago when they dug up roads, palestinians that were actually telling us when i was that i think this is just
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simply a campaign of harassment. trying to make life as difficult as possible for the people of jeanine refugee camp. just ordinary people who just live in that camp. like i say that raid finishing around 7 am in the morning. about 2 am in the morning and other rates of place in full. got them where a 65 year old man was killed. that brings the total death. so just in the last 24 hours, the full palestinians since october, the 7th, but a $130.00 published indians have now been killed. but the rest number is going is going out by laura some a 35 people in the last 24 hours a lot in. but that figure is due to rise once the palestinian president society manages to get hold of people within the camp and get communications and get actual figures. okay, and one comedy installations the from the west bank st. occupied west bank. thanks very much and run on the head head on out to sarah. i left this revival in south america. olivia costs times with israel was chilly and columbia. the cool that i'm
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boston is how do i out of americans support for presenter buys and as plummeting. central to effect next year's presidential election. the the, how do i, what is shaping up to be? you have a life the old way can to get parts if you, if any weston area say so for example, some strong winds as we go one through the next couple of days. i stayed even to east and past. we've got these couple of friends here which will continue to drive away for the race with. i will see it land say, well we have got this next system running through. there's another one behind that and that is spelled care on that. we'll develop quickly a move across the atlantic. here it comes wednesday night going on into thursday that will bring some reading off the weather damaging when so we could see some
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power outages widespread flooding as well as the system makes it way through. winds could be an excess of a 100 kilometers per hour. maybe a 160 that pushes for you the english channel, the what the weather will say, making its way up into pulse of scuffling that weather. that when the weather will stream for care runs in place, but the stays a slow move aside, they will be flooding across many parts of english. well, scott said that even the some positive audit for a time, at least as a study one to watch, the warnings will be wrapped up. so the heavy right to pushing into the out snow. the pots of, if lea see some snow white with a high ground spray the push go not looking too clever over the next couple of days as well, but i, which was eastern. but as far as the 5 woman study on the list as well, it says like for palestinians and his radio occupied territories, every day of the year, arbitrary security checks the day, the old deal,
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especially for young palestinian men. i didn't do it. you asked me for my house, didn't you say they're not going out unless they have to to avoid arrest check points and harassment from angry is really odd. non side tells us he feels the situation has less than to palestinians. on sunday he was chased by launch group. this is randy settlers, one on his way to what i think his rating supermarket, the security guard came over shouting about pointing a gun at my face and forced me to the ground. it was discrimination only because on palestinians with formright groups quoting on his re, these, to its high palestinians, they come across regardless of age palestinians a warrant that they'll be collectively punished more than they already have been the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, again, you are watching on to 0 main developments this hour, a number of serious a wounded palestinians, and hundreds of foreign nationals of wasting for the gates to open at the rough of crossing between casa and egypt. they've been authorized to enter egypt for the 1st time since the stock of the gospel. on october, the 7th. hundreds of palestinians remained critically injured, offering his wiley as strike, and the giovanni a refugee camp was killed, morgan, and his people. hospitals stand by our is away from losing power and communications have been costs across casa, as well as meditation says, 11 soldiers have been killed in northern gauze when the last 24 hours stops, the heaviest loss stays expensive to ground. defensive to can. last week. i'm us as
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the total number is much higher as well as expands, it gets ground assault deep and the goals are on several fronts as well. so continuing to pound the strip with strikes, satellite images and reports from the ground. so is why the troops and fading the tow truck from 3 locations in the north and the east is where any times have been seen south of gaul just says he, on the main cell i'll dean right. thinking the north to the south is where the media says the ministry is trying to reach rashid street along the coast, if it succeeds because of strep will effectively because into, as that's happening, is there any forces also attacking in the cells with a continued and intensive involvement around the con goodness as big now to move them and run, he's the agent for data, for the global collection, for palestine and outcomes. new joins us now from calling them for. thanks very much for being with us. how do you characterize what's happening and goals?
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are right now a thank you laura. i think what's happening goes out of 2 different the a part of the situations. one is a minute that is tuition the other is the human side in situation on the military front is or even has been trying very hard to penetrate because it's been trying very hard to make some gains. but it's very clear that there is there any military forces are unable to score any proper gains to brag about and to set of today's early society. so the alternative is of course genocide attacks the of the scale of the do by the almost a kid or the baptist hospital, the most accurate. this is only a to cover the failure on the back of the field, although is there is the military things have managed to penetrate from certain corners in the north and east of garza. but it's very clear that the tanks are going through a good culture of the land is empty land, no man's land. when, when there are really military counters,
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it's very clear that the policy and fight doesn't have the advantage on the. the other situation is that he want to tell the other one is what i eat as soon as the 7th of october is trying to do some free saving measures including increasing the number of the state and casualties. so there is any other humans that increases the cut over the electricity. the water supply medical supply movement into an outside of garza. and they are now conducting a genocide and the muscle curves almost every day, you know, dislike what happened last night in the value that wouldn't sort of thing. they have no impact on the military front on the ground. so what nothing else is doing now is trying to buy more time, stay empowered as much as he can and try to sell it to his the population that he is actually in a position of followed by the any minute that he's strategist knows the is there is policy since the 7th of october has been a big failure. it's not a military strategy. what happened? one 7th, looked over from the policy has side was, i mean,
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look at the strategy. is there is a tax on guys a 2000 a sort of says or to thousands of was, i mean, is that a strategy? but what this really is doing right now, since the 7th of october, is a genocide. the campaign coming in a sense inside hospital getting 3500 chosen 7 times more than the children that were killed in 2 years of fighting. and you'll claim that does not mean that the district that's not going to save nothing, you know, has the face in front of his population. however, it was just the same, the genocide that is starting to enter public discourse more and more was we've just had from time i'll come tunnel coming to the top. you and human rights officially use that recently in his resignation. tucker's prime minister has used it, but why won't most countries use this web genocide when it comes to what's happening in the gaza strip? as you see a western countries, those who have been on the side of his right and no matter what would not use such words, of course,
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because of some of these nations who had actually found it up on genocide. we know that nations and north america were founded up on genocide or vetted indian. so to them, claiming that is a human side doesn't look good for other western countries who have a lot of interest in supply and with the american hegemony in the middle east. they would rather not use such words as unified, but the legal experts that talking about getting aside a companies of the south we have talking about doing site people don't guys are living through decide what do cause the bombing of one whole neighborhood where the whole place is wipe out of the a met that that's the literally genocide, however, is the in the middle school to start to cover that with the use of the terms like military operation. uh, the the so that what, what matters more actually is not how we frame the situation in goods. that with my thought was more is how it will end in gaza. we need to know a ceasefire of course because i mean you called
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a genocide or not what's happening is disaster us. we should bring them into this ongoing campaign and gaza. what the, any legal expect to tell you? what's happening is genocide. i mean, of course by that is not going to say there's a genocide when he was the one who propagated the 4th. the baby's light in the 1st place. he provided the play that a context and the critics for the is there any military to cut the all these the decides on the ground? so i don't think he's going to ever admit that the, what's happening? you guys doing site, but he is poverty to the genocide if there are proper international litigation activities taking place. companies that provided military aid to the is there any military companies that provided a form to cover today? is there any campaigning does that shouldn't be actually questioned by the international uh, criminal court in the national court of justice for the facilitating of the ongoing a deciding does the stealing, i just want to jump in the green at the moment. we are saying the people gathering
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as the rustle crossing in something gauze they have been waiting for that crossing to open to let people leave for the 1st time since as well as evasion of the gaza strip. we don't know when those gates will be opening, but i was we needed to search towards some of those people. people with jewel possible it some for a national possible hold as have been told that they will be allowed to exit the guns and strip along with some 81 seriously injured palestinians. but keeping a very close eye on that situation that in the roof of crossing because it will be the 1st time as we've just said, the people will be allowed out of the gauze at strip. must have just to come back to you. it's been 25 days to allow this to happen. that's been talk of people, some people leaving the goals a strip from the beginning. it's only potentially happening now today $25.00 days. and why is it so difficult, but it's actual community to access
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a humanitarian code or in sure you're monitoring code on the safe passage of people . how to solve the do you see the best know some properties in dentist national community claim that how much is taking a few 100? is there any soldiers and such lives? a captive? is there any is taking the 3 as a whole stage? they have been locating because 3 or 4 years they have been preventing a basic necessities from inputting does. and they have been preventing, not only governance, but also for the nation of, from inputting or leaving does that for the past the 25 or 26 days. so of course the international community is to be honest, why are you allowing this to happen? had the uh, any of the pop, the done this with the international community stance been had this happened in the ukraine conflict with the international community to allow this to happen. i'm pretty sure that the,
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the western powers who have allowed this genocide to stop in the 1st place a on kind of being for all of that also is going to ongoing and does that and are responsible for the safety of that on the nation as why are the americans, very bothered about the security of the nation is in, is that you but not more than about the security of the palestinian americans who out of spin, stuck in garza, or many of the, for the nation of inside goods or nothing. you know, has literally taken everybody. allstate, the godson population international community, is there any people that's the bomb computing the 7th of october operation and there are a lot of people. it's not coming out about that. and if any i was thinking of anybody else they should. so if the international community is actually to save the region from a mass uh mod, done from regional, which can slip into any information of the war, a global war, they have to stop. nathan, you know, they have to really put an end to his era of the hold, or it would be good for not only the front us been and people both but for the international community. so i understand there are
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a complex relationships between the american and some wisdom the. busy power is with the is there in the redeem. however, such a complex relationships should not allow the site to have been the 21st century. should not allow a single man to stay and follow the committing murder and crime the expense of everybody else in the international community muslim and we're on the grades, get your thoughts thanks very much for taking the time to join us that from all of them pull up these online pictures of the roster crossing as we've just been bringing you them up. the crowd seemed to have swell slightly in numbers of expectations of growing so that gates to open. and for some people, a limited number of people to need gone to an end. so via the roof of closing in southern goals into egypt. not a huge number of people gather. that was a huge number of people being allowed outside of me. but hearing some few 100 people who would do
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a passport hold as have been given the green lights or even just been given messages that they can make the way down to the roof of crossing in anticipation of it. i think we've also been saying ambulance is line up on the inc. gyptian side way things have come in as a goal. so we understand they'll be taking us on the 18th patients from inside palestinian hospital, 3 time to send in hospitals back to egypt for a minute, for medical treatment fast. ms. jones cases also being allowed out of the palestinian gauze that strip. meanwhile, the us present, joe biden, and jordan's king abdullah cooling for more a age to get into civilians and garza and a phone call. the to need is a way to ensure the kind of students would not force to be displaced from the strip shepherd. tunzia is in washington dc with the latest this has now become a seat chest of the read out. so we're getting from the white house when joe biting towards 2 arab leaders. so we had
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a similar sentence in the readout when biden told to presidencies you of egypt on, on sunday. and this is because we're getting more and more reporting that the user id cabinets have been actively considering a proposal to ethnically cleansed, full so be displace whatever time you want to use the gardens into the sign. i does okay. straight back now and say you can see the gate has just opened. it is 745 g m t local time in the morning in gaza. the 1st people from gauze of being allowed out of the goals a strip is streaming through that gate through the roster, crossing inside egypt into safety. they have put up with 25 days of intense aerial involvement from a, from israel. also a ground offensive underway, indiscriminate bombing that's killed,
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moving 8500 people in this densely populated area, the golf and strip 2300000 people living that in the strip a few 100 here of being now allowed to leave for the 1st time since israel starting, forming some 25 days ago on october, the 7th. this is quite a moment's his name and full. these few people who we understand to be jewel possible holds as dual nationality and also foreign nationals. we had heard that there was some 500 people inside gauze and we'd been given messages to go down to the roster. crossing this wednesday morning. and they would be allowed for the 1st time out of the gaza strip that spring in time of homage. he is a professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies is here with me in the studio watching these pictures at the time of it. it is a significant moment. it is usually significant,
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especially from these people and the families. but as we was saying before, it just highlights the number of people who are being left behind exactly in order . i mean that it's very emotional for me to see. these are the scenes, i mean, and i'm, i'm very happy that these lucky procedures would do a citizen ships unable to, to leave the strip and to leave the, the hold always happening in the split. but again, my heart and my sympathy and those to the, the, to the majority, what we don't have the split of it is, but this than that human being seemed like these other students who have left for seemed like i know they're human be, i mean, i mean for me, international she'll be applied equally to all human beings, regardless of what citizenship they carry or have. and all the students need to have access to safe to meet inside the slip or outside the ghost. but sadly, we don't see this happening to know this is the, this is like,
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this is abrupt and i will, of, of, of the dimensions that i need lots of dimensions of, i'm not needed to stop this mess that getting. and also what the settings mean is that all what we, we have now, and what we see now is, is more or less cosmetic and dimensions to, to uh, for the deals, the suffering of some segments of the people in gaza. that there is no proof whatsoever on on ending the work, we're just talking about the sci fi of human, the data included doors. but i haven't it, i don't hear about any, see this discussion or talk to in the world. and for me, this is very worrying, i mean that because if, if, if, if we stop normalizing the seems like every one months is that i just model this opens up allows somebody to get in. and then the community starts adjusting to these realities of is of 80 tactics. then then what does this end?
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it was as and why do you think more people are being allowed out today? uh i think the manufacturers and play days that he does have an up at hand. of course. i mean, the board does not on the control, based on the, on the, on the fact that these are the spend, the de facto if you're planning forward. and that goes to that depends on notice from the displacements scenario. of course, they don't want to see uh, thousands of students fluffing into the board. does they don't want to see the futures and sign that. i mean, is that in egypt for the vicious world with a 160 is what i mean to put anybody to sign up to get it back in 22, and 3, a 3 inch of general. so there are, there are also in a sense of the position and they also want to protect the posting and cause meaning they don't want to give any of the $64.00 days of an empty garza from its own citizens into egypt. and then that is, that is then that is no, no, there's no point of cnn cause or case to, to be to, i mean, i don't see any sort of for the policy and the state, the guidelines emptied. and that's gonna click lens that has nothing left for the
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same as of who's of the west bank. and then is there any meet up to a ship that's the pension for the what's back a problem with that would be another scenario waiting for the, for the westbank as well. i don't that ethnic cleansing. i mean we see the set that is out there. the acting with the behavior at the very, i mean vicious, i mean for the student adina threatened that, i mean we see we see also some brochures of being so like, you know, the liver to put us thing is, is preparing them for the semester, ethnic cleansing, needs to jordan, this is not from your whole your homeland. so when we look at them to fix it, i mean, this wouldn't because it could have severe to percussion on the front seat and caused by loss. and i think that a punk is a nerve, especially egypt, you know, and then we have been hearing some reports that the members of the government have been communicating many european. the need is to urge them to put pressure on egypt to open the borders and follow up on a scene is in masses. police and the zip just ignored setup law will not engage and
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just ethnic cleansing. so there's up to the principal fight. as i understand, they want also uh they want to protect their own interest. also they want to keep the funds to them because i live at the same time, i think of something they can do more in terms of age. because if they don't allow enough enough enough, 8 percent of the guys us, they wouldn't eventually with these numbers like 100 bucks a day or a truck. so they, they wouldn't be an explosion like the people wouldn't end up in a situation. would there be no food and water and they wouldn't mess the numbers please you have no. does. i mean no one gives you options. no it is. it's an army. i don't think anyone was shot on on, on people just crossing the board. the cause that hungry or tie up to one safety. so it might end up dealing with this if they don't smartly overcome, is it a, the tactics and politics for the $68.00. i mean, is it from uh some of the defense perspective from the subject of the edit perspective should allow it into. busy as a, without any instruction, and this will take this responsibility on the button because they have a, under the impression that suppose this decision is what. so it's been
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a good situation. but let's see what, let's see how well the civil but most importantly we need the discussion on ending the will not just this you meant that and for those was enough with all this getting investigating, it's when food and flawed. i mean, we've been saying patches from the egyptian side of i'm doing says lining up, moving slowly through checkpoints is ready to check points. we understand checking them before they cross over into garza to transfer some of the most seriously wounded palestinians as well. that is still, i think underway, excuse me. not that should be seeing any evidence is crossed into gauzy yet, just from the egyptian side. to all correspondence, honey must moved was an excuse me saying that there are some 81 seriously injured palestinians being allowed to leave 3 hospitals. that is a, again, a tiny tiny number. do we know anything about who these 81 on and why they is being
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chosen to get specialist medical treatments in egypt. tama us for me. awesome. um. so i can and laura its, uh its uh, as we are with i mean some of the folks coming through got it from, does these vain as well? though i have put a hand on deciding who gets out to receive treatment. i mean, they have everything processed and everything processed means, any kind of thing. and it was, it is, it has blacklist. and for the, for sure, they will not be on this list 0. so it's, it's, again, isn't it has off at hand. and this process and, and i'm, i'm not sure even how would this really like, you know, respond to that in a nissan because we're not coming up if you want is nothing it's, it's a very, i just said it's a very tiny number. i mean just the, the, the, the, the head of the nissan hospice in the middle of only one hosts pip in small hospice
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. and i'm going to say that they have a more than 80 patients in one house, but then that's the, that's a be a transfer police report. they meet the treatment. so if we look at best needs it's, it's filled. it's betty, it's a dining number. and the fact is what it has control is that, that's what is the other because is what is it? is that, that god in this case is a loss and this modem goes up. so it, for me doesn't make sense why it, i mean, is a, has, is that it isn't shots of this war uninstalled also of deciding who, who can live, but who can die even in hospitals. i mean that's, there's another interesting area. what israel has thoughts from take control, at least in the last few hours, and that's communications and narrative. because communications have being costs for number of hours now and goals as a well on friday night with the ground operations began. we don't know why there's communications. have been caught, so what speculation can we so discuss around the minute, specially at the same time that as well as the costing is i have some uh, i think,
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i mean i'm, that's my opinion. it's a scenario. i didn't want to to see thousands or of, of people messing towards the borders, know because of the thousands of the citizens. if i send to a citizen, this does a slip suppression of egypt and hold us in the ship. that ins solves this problem be let, let us put the 6. that's what coming if my memory is, but i don't 405-0000, but a single family is got a different passport, including the phone. and as we work for you a for you on agencies, and by the way, i'm not sure if they are included or the trumpeting, also leaving the slip today. because if that's, if that's confirmed that the u. u. n. testing i'm in for and those of leaving the guys that it's also what is me because that oppressed sense maybe maybe would be the loss for protection that us transfer protection for the students up in the south. particularly, like i said, all these you on premises and can you instead of the, you look at the from goes up to the south. most of the problem with it would not
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target to because it knows that the un. busy in person on staff the, the, the, most of these people are leaving. i also hear that some also international and like . busy some doctors, the lions, yours also for them as a leaving it just if somebody submits a thing like you know, you and the like the you on 1st left. ok. we will have you on 1st thing guys about its own is the less than in the present, the present that isn't guys i leave at this point and i, i also, i understand the concern and we have very grateful for them to stay all this time in the gaza strip, but the leave now is just 40. that is what i am when become very good candidate for the schools because there would be no one to watch them or even the comments or, or even provide limited protection to you. i have patients and a sofa, so tom accommodates thanks very much for joining us. that on that, as we watch these pictures on a rock of crossing south garza, a number of people, sometimes a few 100 people being the 1st palestinians to leave the gaza strip and,
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and to teach at sunset for me. laura kyles. miss news. uh, i will be back in just a moment for the move on for special development the as the situation in gaza as soon as we put a new expert analysis. this is not a convention of war between 2 armies institute through states. this is a symmetric award, these really all means is not purposely so to kill children. unfortunately, children can be the casualties of the wall, the test. in real time, we use radio only, taking them to call of the task. this government is mostly to solve to, as you said, there wouldn't be no peace without justice for patterson. stay with us for the latest development on our thoughts providing on sundays. but the patient doesn't
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have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate script. there are no quick wins and events or research odd hitting interviews. you feel like america is less than data for you today is or is it just a different form? i think that democracy is a process basically, entities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen here. the story on talk to how does era the challenges with freight companies, fig passports, international banks and the proceeds of organized crime in the bushes, barry, p l,
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a. bunch on the field. but he's seen the picture in a remarkable 3 pos people, the power investigation into a complex, secretive world. to a journalist, go in search, he'll be tale in my fears, 13 months. the longer part 3 on the jersey to of the away out of gauze or the rifle crossing into egypt opens for the 1st time, allowing entry for a limited number of injured people on foreign nationals. the


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