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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 3, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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the undermine democracy to consolidate the power through the eyes of those who dare to stand and defy it. kind of thing is so much better than being ruled by a collective project succession opposing we'll talk proceed. democracy may be on al jazeera, the most of the 9200 palestinians have been killed in these righty, bump baldwin since october. the 7th. for thousands of children, the, i'm sammy's a them, this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up is there any authority send backs, thousands of palestinians from gaza, who are working in israel when the wall sconces us secretary of state anthony
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blinking his land in tennessee for his 3rd visit to as well since october the 7th and at least 9 palestinians are killed in overnight raids in the occupied westbank will be live from janine and hebron. the is just gone $1200.00 d n c. that's 2 pm in garza where the number of palestinians killed and is really a tax has risen to $9227.00. that's according to the gauls, the health ministry. it also says nearly full 1000 children are among the dead, over crowded hospitals of struggling to treat the wounded health care workers say they need 5 more medicine and supplies the trickle of a trunks which are bringing goods into gaza. they're also trying to conserve the little fuel they have. the top right generates highly must move joins us now from
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tanya is inside the gaza strip and honey, just about an hour ago we spoke, they'd be the and asked strike not far from where you are at the hospital. tell us what kind of damage that's left behind it, samuel, within the past hour or so, and a huge explosion near the hospital could be heard from here, right. a for more reporting a front. it's the western side of a ton unit in the japanese neighborhood. a residential home that was targeted damaging surrounding cones, residential homes within the vicinity, and the close by that residential home. a 17 people have been confirmed, killed in that house, in addition to people who were passing by or were out industry. and particularly children who take advantage of both a relatively quiet time to get out of the house and inflate. and in the streets, we heard that the deep,
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the resident of that home were killed in addition to evacuate ways. who move to that home a week ago, coming in from the northern part of garza and gaza city. and within the past, just 15 minutes. another air strikes in a different location in hon. eunice, we're still waiting for a confirmation of the number of people who have been killed or injured by that error strikes it. this happens as israel intensive by it's the ground invasion of gaza is city in circle. and if it's airily or hours of today and, and, and under moving under heavy and campaign of aerial attacks, mass bombardments, of the entire gaza stripped from north gaza city as well. as the central part and the southern part of gauze, gaza strip honey. we've had reports of
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a trickle of a trucks coming through rough crossing today. do we know what the carrying of the yes, that would mailing medical supplies and food supply. these are the only 2 items of the human at 3 am, but it's a human to 3 and can void being allowed into garza. the fuel is not one of the item that has been approved. the we're still, there's still an absolute rejection by these really sites that you will not be a law. 9 in 2000, so we're talking about medical supplies and it wouldn't be even when we talk about medical supplies, only basic medical supplies that are needed by the hospital. they will not help hospital to run a full capacity or sustain their operations. and that's fully limited to the southern part of garza, mainly hospitals and medical centers in the central part and in the city of hon
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unit and drop off city. none of these items are allowed into gaza city and the northern part of garza. we know this, a free condition was put forward by the is really prime minister at the time of the there, there was talk about the human a 3 and it's coming through guys about a 3 weeks ago. and none of these items that so far, none of the human, a triangle uh, a trucks intern garza, uh, had been able to reach guys out at this particular time. when gauze has to be turned into, i'm a close military zone. it's unlikely any of these items we'll, we'll get to guys up there, but i want to point out something to our is yours guys are still have many people who could not leave the residents. the vast majority of, of guys have resident artist still in their homes. are they are stranded in this war zone with no food supplies and with no, a clean drinking water, any, any ice,
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any survival items? the ship hospital alone has about a 40000. a vacuum is coming from the northern part on difference. the neighborhoods of gauze us if you are in desperate need of in need of intervention for food supplies and, and some drinking water supplies it to keep them surviving. there is a desperate need for that. as we talked, we talked to someone who made his way yesterday from gauze, up to the southern part, risking his life and the family of his wife and children, and talked us about the desperate situation of people are still there. bakeries are closed, any baker either opens it will risk getting targeted as is really military mix phone call and asking bakeries to shut down in entire jobs because they will want people to stay there. take the food away a lot. it black, the block, the,
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the flow of the food supplies and water supply and people will eventually leave. but as of now, there's no safe passage for people to live. here is the dilemma that people are asking exactly, but there's no safe passage. the old is it, but the, the people had was the rashid road that goes to line, but now it's being heavily bombardment by ears. right. and, and the naval power. all right, thanks so much. have a good day. this is rosemary tree says it surrounded gods assist the officer approaching from multiple directions. it says at least 25 soldiers have been killed in battles with palestinian sizes since tuesday is right. the troops have moved in from 3 positions in the north, and the east has been heavy fighting northwest of gauze, the city is ready, forces move through a thought the road towards they are cut on the neighborhood by funds have also been revolted. and jeff dick and the area north of that is right. the forces have been seen on the main. so had been by linking the north to the south. these right of the
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army and navy have been targeting vehicles on the other seed coastal highway. not means as well controls access to an movement along the main roads connecting north and southern garza, i expect begins are coverage. did you bother you reviewed you can on the environment for the food day in a row. this time the review in run school turn shelter for ordinary palest the . 2 the, the other who's saying school was a refused with thousands who would really lost their homes. and the is really the bottom of the repeat that it takes own jamalia, at least a 100 in the human rights office says that could amount to book
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may just strikes have also hit the but i huge refugee camp and in southern gaza. another journalist killed in an is really strong bahama double hot tub. was a correspondence for palestine, tv, deed as well as 10 members of his family. the plot is it was announced and what channel he with for his colleague saying there's no point in wearing protective gear because generalist a being killed regardless. no one of the high of the higher it is, the bone vitamins continue from the on the ground is when it will cease. its troops have now completely surrounded guys associated. busy with the lights on, the slim is really forces of publicity and circumventing because the city, the center of mass, terrorist organizations. and the last hours artillery and infantry forces incorporation with the air force. i'm going to talking bases headquarters,
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concentration points, and other tar infrastructure use by mouse and it's terrace and i've got some but the wing of how most sees it's 5 is continue to resist that middle part of the. now we are fighting on all of fighting and it's the sky. so i'm going to, we will make gaza as it was because of history for this entity hasn't. okay, and uh, israel has ruled as any ceasefire saying this would amount to a surrender. it is, it's troops presented with their offensive palestinian civilian spin. yes. another thing, searching through rubble for the loved ones and appearing to think that would speed, which is the us secretary of state anthony blinking is in tel aviv where he's met prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this is his 3rd trip to israel since october, the 7th. both a and president joe biden have pledged unwavering support. the u. s. provides
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israel with $3800000000.00 a year every minute. free aid, as well as the launch is cumulative recipients of us assistance since the 2nd world war sco life to alan fisher and occupied east jerusalem. so on before he headed out on that trip entity blinking was referencing seeking concrete steps for me as well . any indication of what that means? well, he will be raising in terms of civilian casualties. the mounting civilian casualties i should say, as well. he wants deliverables, sites diplomatic speak. you want something that he can say this between your teeth . this one thing he's looking for is a commodity and pause notice the spot. remember, he spoke on capitol hill the earlier this week and said the c spy would only mean good news for him. so he's against that idea, but humanitarian pause to allow them to get food and water into guys. i know there was some talk on thursday the,
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these really are many chief of staff said they could possibly get fuel into guys. and that would be strictly monitored. shut down by benjamin netanyahu within the of a, a statement from his office. a feel is not under consideration and it appears as to the meeting with benjamin netanyahu. again, the prime minister's office of ruled out the idea of that. but tony blinking will also be concerned about the possibility of this one expanding he's aware of what the pictures are doing to israel's reputation around the world. with the scenes we're seeing from guys on the rising desk tool. and he is aware that some out of countries have expressed the consent to key as president at the one, even in the last hour, criticizing the continuing war on guys. and he knows that to bite and is will be king, support at home. and this is going to be an election year. we're 53 weeks away from the election. and many people are saying that they can vote for him because he's not calling for a safe spot. and it would seem to suggest that at some point, that the united states may get behind the calls for the c spot. but at the moment
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it would appear to add to the blinking the by the administration is, i think, is we'll do it at once. and in guys a, even though the number of debt is calling up every of a. all right, let's talk as well, allen, about the palestinians, who is what it is now sending back to gaza. what is coming to light about the whole case as well? let's explain what happens every day. there are people who live in guys who have permission to go to israel to work. so they across the board, does it go and do their job was mainly low paid. but when the war started, they were stuck in israel. so they went there and there there's some guys who are visiting in the occupied westbank again, the permission to be there. and so as a run did them all up and they kept them in camps. no international human rights organizations were say, as real, couldn't do this. they had to let people know where the, where they had to do what conditions that were being held in. and it appears that
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many of those who were being held say the conditions they withheld. and what absolutely terrible the have to do. what we have is really what permits. so we went in and we worked for a week by just then after the 7th of october. but lisa talked to, you know, a homes while we were asleep. they took us as we were, without till shoes, without telephones, without money. and they held us un only released us today. so we've been in prison for more than 25 days. they didn't give us our things all our monet. how does one we don't even have our i the going to to the most of it was in nazareth, the rest of the me on the 1st day of the war on saturday. they took me just 3 different prisoners. they kept us for more than 20 days. and then we were simulated and beaten every day. they would torture us and we're not allowed to make calls and we can't do anything them until this moment. we don't know whether our families are okay and i have no idea my children are live or not. this is the hardest thing.
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send me only my only dream is to hear the voice and my family, my children and my parents. my siblings were a piece of me, i want to know if they're alive or dead. the level of my bottom of the human rights organization say that it was their pressure that helped to get these people back to god. so there's still a few 100 being held somewhere in israel, and they are looking for more information than that. but these groups say that the people who are being deported back into guys a could have a possible best sentence over the because of the continuing bombardment all across the guys district. all right, thanks so much allan fisher, that hey, is there any minute for you? is rated the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank, killing 5 palestinians. that brings to 9 the total number of palestinians killed and is ready the operations. on thursday night into friday morning,
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child stratford has more from jeanine in the morning. also, another is rarely meant to say right on the refugee campaign in jeanine. locals here say that soldiers came into the camp around midnight last night and stayed until around 7 30 in the morning to step out of the frame. so you get a better idea of the lives of destruction. locals is a but to ministry homage is really bulldoze is basically the blades. and so that's all back here on the street and destroyed the entire road. they're all hundreds of civilians that live along this straight. we'd be speaking the sound of the one woman broke down into describing how terrified she was for the safety of her children. people say that they've got no electricity. now the water has been caught they, i'm human rights groups around the world describe this kind of operation. by the way, the medicaid is a form of collective punishment. we understand that the focus of last night's
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operation was on 2 homes belonging to lead is of the palestinian resistance groups . in this area. we've seen one of those houses completely destroyed. we understand that both socially. it is a skate to arrest by the is really ministry. but these rights as i say, all happening on a nightly basis here on this city. jeanine loan being considered the best in the palestinian island resistance groups were expecting funerals in the next hour or so . the next couple of hours, but yeah, another morning where people here picking up the pieces of their lives and living in fear for more expect seed right in the coming days, child stuff. but i'll just you jeanine refugee camp in the occupied woods bank. another 2 palestinians were killed by his very forces in hebron during a separate rate that they've been several protests in solidarity with palestinians
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in garza, in wrong con, has more from have run in the occupied westbank. this is one of the largest protests in the occupied westbank in the centre of hebron. uh the process does have uh, showing that solar dorothy with the people of garza, this is actually been organized by uh, 5 to and how many seduce big political parties it. but it's not just about guns that either. we've been hearing about the treatment of palestinian prisoners in prisons. the hebron palestinians have told us that those prisoners are actually tortured. and we have now a statement from the geneva base to your own med human rights. opponents, who actually says that they have evidence of power thing is they have gone on in the south of the westbank being dragged and assaulted by is riley soldiers ah,
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published indians civilians. in footage, they say, i've been strict to the clothes and about their feet tied, and a page will be left out those for hours. so that kind of thing is also making people very angry here. now the war from here, down to a been received as a roundabout rec, clashes regularly take place between the palestinians. and these really ami around con out, is there a hebron? the still ahead on al jazeera rocket science from lebanon into northern israel. coles extensive damage. more on that escalation officer, the break, the the, we have a temperature turnaround coming in for parts of the us and canada, those details in one sec. but for us, i gotta let you know about this. so k,
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rain coming into hunters believes in guatemala, over the next 24 to 48 hours. there is likely to be some funding here. okay, promise. do we talk about that temperature turnaround? we're going to southern us temperature is bounce back into the twenty's. temperatures also coming out in the us northeast, but a big deal here for new york because i think for the 1st time and what 8 weeks, it's not gonna rain this weekend. mix of signing cloud temperature walks in to 16, which is above average for this time. of the year to the west, we go a storm system brewing and the pacific that will crash into the pacific northwest, western canada. this will be bad, lot of rain and a lot of wind to the us. southwest we go with temperature is running on the high side in los angeles at 28. also quite hard for brazil is amazon. but now you're about 3738, lot of rain feeding into the coast of columbia. and then we've got a vigorous line of thunderstorms for se brazil, about 50 millimeters of rain, and there was winds will whip up to a 100 kilometers per hour in time,
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this temperatures will rise once again in patagonia and so weather alerts in play for how hot it is this time, so take care. so you in a bit, the thought provoking on. but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate, but there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think the democracy is a process basically, entities. do you feel that the fracture is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side? china and the brakes on the other. i assume there is a huge piece of that to happen to the stores on tools to how does era the
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i a watching out. is there a time to recap on headline phase. right? imagery says it's in so cold garza city officer approaching for multiple directions and the besieged tower 3 more than $9200.00 pounds of students have been killed and gone. so since the war began us secretary of state and today blinking is an as well . hey, sped trip this until october, the 7th. he's met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i had a visit. lincoln said he would try to ensure, as well, takes concrete measures to minimize out of spending casualties and goals. thousands of palestinians from gaza who are working. it is right when the was thought to they've been supposed to return to the deceased territory. friday, groups of workers and vehicles and to gaza at the count them up asylum. crossing the leader of lebanon's has the law group has some sort of low set to speak for the
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1st time since will, bro? counting garza or off is of a whitening regional conflict officer and escalation on the border between his around 11. and it's got more now from addie. how should he joins us from the quota in southern lebanon? so ali quite, quite bought in tens must be a bit of an understatement, given everything that's happened in the last 24 hours the as well as, i mean we can say that it's quiet as though it seems to be quiet. lots of, uh huh. uh, things happening uh this morning, this really what plane striked uh, as you been he is the solar system project that provides the town of that how to far with the water. this is the 1st time that hitting services. i also has what law or any of the groups working under that umbrella? launched a guided, midsize towards the mid talked settlements on the other side of the border. and
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there were several shunting storm is really water planes and out to larry, including now over here in this area goes to the what i we've been hearing explosions every now and then don't. it's not always possible to know where is the explosion and who's lunching, and who is, you know, what's in your, what's uh, going on. what's coming? so it's a bit complicated. however. yeah, situation was intense since yesterday 19 of tactful 20th talks about his line tutoring. one with a suicide jones on his really command and control center in the trip. our farms also is right. it was showing several has will infrastructure targets, and it has will amount more than 5 of which site does have less significantly launched it. smith size from 11 on to our security actual now and we saw the impact uh with a couple of minutes size hitting residential areas. so yeah, it was,
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it was intense and it's kind of eating golf, just the head of the sort of speech today. and talking about that speech, any indication of what we can expect, testing us all to say, especially when it comes to expectations of whether he will or will not commit to a bigger role in this conflict. while the small about the expectations analysis. but the fact is that given a, you know, house on the smallest experience with such situations, if you go back 2002000 and so you got any time off as an overlay speaking is joining kind of a framework for the conflict. when i'm linking the intent on the situation to the extended one. so, but here we have the lebanese front or the as internal. the fact that we have also that that's the one. and you guys are the, is very encouraging and drugs at the bottom and then drugs and how's? well, i from the beginning has been linking this a frontier 11 on to the full of high math and before the guys and they, they,
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they've set on several occasions. this is a red line now. it's so long it has will la, there is a, the whole axis of resistance, as they call it back by iran. and we've been seeing rick rockets being launch from yemen, from iraq. and i media reports, i saying, the fellows, the one right now who's come minding these false is what that any rock or in yemen on and 11 on. so he is going to give more off at region if you, besides concentrating on focusing on the price. uh gulf is really shelley and gun is really bombardment of lebanese territories. all right, thanks so much on a house you well, as we mentioned earlier, the number of palestinians killed in guns or in the past 28 days has risen to 9227. and that's according to the palestinian health ministry. to put things in perspective, as compared numbers from the full weeks of the war on galls,
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it's almost 2 years of war on ukraine. only challenges explains, or how does the blood shed of this conflicts compact to others? well, that's how we look at another major conflict going on at the moment. the war. can you cry? now? in a 563 days from the russian invasion last february to september, the 10th this year, more than 9 and a half 1000 civilians were killed and 17 and a half 1000 injured of the dead. more than 500 children. now let's have a look at israel's war on gaza and it 26 days from the operation stop to november. the 2nd, at least 9000 palestinians have been killed and 32000 injured a figure that is going up as we speak of the dead. maybe 4000 our children. that's given the nature of active was that means it's not always easy to verify exact numbers. we also don't know,
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the number of palestinian fights has been counted in the cause of death, toll ukrainian gauze at all different boys between different types of fighting forces in very different environments. and we don't know the future trajectory of either of them caveats aside. the reality is clear. israel is a sold on casa, has very quickly killed and injured, a huge number of civilians and a particularly large number of children. why? well, the short on so it's garza is tiny, it's densely populated and is red is hitting it with extraordinary fire power in just the 1st 6 days. he's real dropped 6000 bones, amounting to 4000 tons. to date is real size. it's hit 12000 targets. what is it talk at the well, could be a fight to the suspect to cause a rocket launcher, a tunnel or a building these radio and we things might be on top of that tunnel. these right,
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the army says if not targeting civilians, but it's also not holding back. if it think slices might be in no, i'm the passivity in building be that a school, a hospital, a bakery or homes. the attack on your body, a refugee come, makes this clear. that is an incidence that you and the human rights. so faces consent could be a war crime. let's take a look at some of the news now. impact get started. at least 5 people have been killed in a bump last time getting a police station that happened in the northwest. the city of that us, my hon. explosive was reportedly fond to in a mode to bike. another 21. people including several offices, have been injured. it's not yet for you and kind of down the bloss oregon otis, a category 5 store, most devastated parts of mexico south west in coast help. is there any just starting to make its way to remote communities? i was just there is don't. holman, joining the navy on
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a mission to deliver humanitarian night it's the moment that the villages and suddenly see through got you and it will have been waiting for the one of the many isolated communities around the mets concurs compel if i could put cold food yet to receive the aid of the hurricane. no, to hit the area last wednesday. now the navy's find the right. they told us what they've been going through, and then the boss all the level. there are a sick trojan vomiting because we're having to drink water from the stream. so me that the, this is it, the to stream, the cloud, the well, the only sources of water of to the hurricane. so the main trees in daybreak looking the road to they say a lot of children become sick and the last week maybe because of the stuff because she has some lucky eyes and marks on over her body. and there's been no medicine here either or food supplies on top of the.


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