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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 4, 2023 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the rescue mission because one of the, the challenges with the is right, the strikes hit a school in gaza, killing at least 20 people sheltering that the time, sammy's, i them, this is i'll just hear a live from dell hall. so coming up is riley strikes target at least 3 hospitals.
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i'm the calling boy of ambulances in garza. the fresh raids in the occupied westbank is ready forces make arrests in janine and have her on a powerful last quaking the poll kills more than a 120 people with a desktop expected to rise will be live from come and do the as it's h a m g m t, that's 10 in the morning in gaza at least 20 people have been killed all through as well, bump the school and the northern parts of the town and tre displaced palestinian families with sheltering their separately and is riley. ara targeted, a convoy of ambulance is outside the hospital, killing at least 15 people. i said vague begins on coverage with a report on those attacks. first, we should warn you,
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you might find some of the images were about to show. to be disturbing. the blog doesn't drain, cause that is written and collected in this thing, does they areas around 3 supposed to be to the district, the gates of doses largest for speaking as you find these people had to hold the candle of i didn't seize, was heading to the roof of trusting to enter egypt and its occupants to get treatment or but he's really strikes cause any glimmer of hope, the heck of the scraping. this will the these are critically wounded that we cannot pretend to at the hospital. every one was a way off. the red cross, the red crescent, even these really occupation were aware that this is a medical convoys in line with the geneva convention. any professional hospice has fully read the breaking point. inundated with the injured treating patients in any face they can. these are the scenes for them to strike in the outputs. hospital
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window chatted. blood in the so people inside shells drink wondering if the next strike would be the last another hospital tenant. inside these are the conditions. stuff at the indonesian hospital, most work and the bolt in seasons shaking and damaged from his reading strikes. people have flocked to hospital believing vast acreage a safe space. essentially a school bump. it was sheltering display sams. this one has proven there is nothing safe and goes to nothing sacred. nothing is relevant strikes the design of children paint as for the inside and control it's been replaced with the cries is real. told people to evacuate north of gauze for the south. yeah, this is what they do to this country have cause a lot of civilians trying to get to
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safety. the bodies now lay in the street too dangerous for anyone to stop to recover the michelle to the fall. i use the cruise to receive vote to flee from northern garza, about 500 meters from the cause of valley became measured by a rush of sales from his very warships and cut off shore. also is rarely snipers was stationed, kilometer and a half away at all, separate area. but all the vehicles traveling on the road were riddled with shells and bullets. host carriage was hate on board with killed even the animal was torn to pieces for us secretary of state. and to me blinking was instead of even friday, he said israel should do more to protect posting and civilians is will answer because it would be a new posting into that said big i just 0 now these right, the minute tree confirmed it targeted the ambulance convoy outside the ship a hospital and said how much was transporting finances and weaponry and ambulances,
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but didn't provide any evidence to backup that claim. one of the ambulances hit belong to the palestinian red crescent. in the statement they said the vehicle was struck by a mis solve 5 by his right the forces only at a distance of about 2 meters from the hospital gate. the deliberate targeting of medical teams constitutes a great violation of the geneva conventions of bull crime. to meanwhile is right, the army as attack the loss of the children's hospital in north garza, at least 5 people were killed in that attack. thousands of displaced people have been taking shelter at the hospital. algae 0 is honey. my mood joins us now from han. eunice, in southern gaza. so another hospital this time, a children's hospital where people were taking refugees being hit, talk us through the off them off of that it
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certainly will and vision to the error strikes on the gaze of a ship, a hospital on the convoy carrying out injured palestinians to the right by crossing another, hospitals was targeted in unless the road, the hospital, it's a specialized hospital for its children and right located right, hon. and that's the road that is the central part of gaza city connecting the northern part with garza. so the was targeted earlier, our destroying it escaped, leaving more than 10 people killed, right on the spot was and multiple, other seriously injured. we don't know exactly the, the figures of the people who were killed at that effect. but we were told that it's more than 10 people. we're waiting for our source to confirm the exact figure of people who were killed at that target. not only the dates of the hospital were
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destroyed, the the, the solar panel on the roof top of the hospital. we're also destroyed these a solar panel where the old tentative of the hospital due to the shortage extreme charge. you use this as being the operation of the hospital, but would that gone now? we're, we're not sure how long the hospital can sustain itself for the coming of the hours . and now it's important to note that the hospital is also aside for evacuation. 1000 people have moved to the hospital in the ticket as a refuse from these really ongoing errors. right. there's also a 3rd hospital right here in garza city again at the center. it's not, it's not far away from another hospital. it's a what the rehab has to be done and also serve as a senior home, a residential. they also at the power generators of that hospital. the main power
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generator was also destroyed. what seems to be what seems to be and is really toxic to, to destroy any elements that could keep people going in garza or keep them spinning themselves around and surviving unfortunately. and honey, bring us up to speed with those have been injured. those injured power stands the fall national is trying to get out of gaza. all right, well in terms of how is the injured palestinians who were supposed to leave, we just heard the statement of from the general directors of gauze, the hospital saying there is a great amount of fear and concern of the transferring those injured uh to the roof i crossing on as, as the result, they're not going to be taking any of those injured palestinians through the rough
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i crossing there is a hold on the process right now giving what happened yesterday on the convoy of ambulance a from a c fall hospital as a v for it and that she knows where informed to lead some 704 and naturally went in for a fairly are our late hours of last night to get ready and hit the rough i crossing in order to move to cross over today. gibson's side at the scene as we spoke, dollar source, it's very, very busy, very chaotic as everyone is a trying to get into a gyptian side at this particular difficult, difficult time. we don't know how many people will they be able to make it by the end of the day, but we'll wait for more updates coming to from run across. all right, and we've had some pictures come in handy. maybe you can help to across through about shelling from the see what can you tell us about that as well
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with this, i mean, within the past the few hours the is really a naval a gun boats. right. this is parts showing all the, the parts, fishing boats, palestinian fishing boats right at the ford side of gaza. a near rough uh, uh, short destroying the vast majority of these fishing boats. a bid for palestinians causing a great deal of fire and not only in the boat but with the surrounding good properties . and this also. 1 involves the selling of rashid, the role of the receipt, the coastal road. that's the next thing. the north thing goes off with the southern god of the southern gaza strip and leaving no safe passage for anyone. it would be highly dangerous and risky as we're here to prompt a directly across the uh, the uh, rashid codes. the road is becoming very dangerous dental for people to move on or
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try to escape through the central or the southern parts of garza. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much, honey. my mood is ready for us is have stepped top. the raids in towns in refugee camps across the occupied west bank in east jerusalem of an item this morning. the false is rated communities in hebron. novelist, bethlehem jeanine, unsure of thoughts and by tomorrow around 25 pallets the indians were arrested to let's go live now to a non con. he's in hebron in the occupied westbank. so we're seeing more raids that and in some cases, very provocative acts of raising is re the flags on top of mosque minarets. what can you tell us about that? that's absolutely right. the radio full refugee camps are place. early in the morning, the israelis went into the camp, they turned it into
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a close to village residing and then they went house to house. and then that's when they raised the flag is really flag on top of the most in the center of the town. pretty much see the minarette for most sides of the refugee camp. it was a very provocative gesture in the town. a bit more. they did the same thing. they went house to house, post indians, the telling us that actually what they did was they came into the house, they destroyed furniture within those houses. they actually put the flags on top of people's houses. and they also graffiti dispel a david, into children's textbooks, the palestinians, both in of what and in a much having us. so this is simply nothing more than intimidation. now the rates that take place that used to be before october, the 7th, it will be coming to one ready today. those rates will take place on a nightly basis now with a multiple locations multiple rates across the occupied westberg. this is
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a campaign that has been stepped up massively suddenly and dimmer on it meets the raids or monks, the different places the roads. hebron where you are one of the few places where you have is randy sacrament, inside the house of that. so our old town area bluecross through what that effectively does to life that well where i am right now is hebron. this is the heart of the old city effectively and it's divided into 2. let me just show you the holding fact gates, which actually looks like the engines to a prison on the other side of the something known as heights 230000 palestinians, lift that, but that under is really military control. now that's where the $800.00 settlers lived. they live in the old cities, readings and even the old city,
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but they defended by a brigade of the is really oh me. and this is when we see that violence from the secular was the policies which happens. rig that brigade is ready, so just the, the protects, the settlers will simply stands by and watches the settlers attack, the palestinians on that side of the defense as cold hates to it's a tiny area that which is where i'm stood right now, is the palestinians thought known as h one, h one is actually normally under how assuming for as he controls of a 170000 palestinians live here. but the surrounded by sacraments as well. and they face a set, let pilot steps to give you, even more of the geography is out of hand round and just show you these blocks that i'm not allowed to actually go pulse these blocks. if i do, i try the attention of these ready. so just the in that check for every that,
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that checkpoint is actually closed. it's been closed since october, the 7th. there's only 3 check points to allow palestinians from this site to go into the other side to visit family members, etc. too. those check points are close. i'm one of them is now only open every 48 hours, just for a few hours. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. and ron con of these lights, this raids following his riley military incursion, targeting the janine refugee camp on friday, 5 palestinians were killed. charles stafford reports on how jeanine is awesome. the target of his right. the aggression this is what promised. it means wake up to virtually every morning these days that you need rick g can more destroyed streets, calls fallacies, doug off and pulverized by the use way. the all me, this isn't all with those. those are work ripping off a palestinian neighborhood and protected by one witnesses say with thousands of
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soldiers fighting the surrounding streets, trail of destruction and seemingly gratuitous violence against the civilian population, which many governments, human rights groups and the people who lift gate cool, collective punishment. always always multi is food, but without this level of destruction we never expected this. everyone was so good shaking. thank god, nothing happened to my family. children sits amongst the rubble were only an hour or so before he's ready. soldiers protected the bulldozers as they worked on the company. when you talk to you, they destroy the sewage system, the voltage, electricity, infrastructure, and effects on like deep clean everything stops, it will show us new transportation. most schools are open to a market store,
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a complete paralysis of life. they're trying to hurt the people more than they come back to me to help them. israel says the rates target suspected members of palestinian armed resistance groups. not far away down the bi kindly is the bones outhouse of one of the affections. lead is that he wasn't at home with the time, so escaped arrest. would this know that he's right? he made a tree right on the refugee camp of janine see the level of destruction here. hundreds of civilians, families live along this road. it has been completely destroyed. and they tell us that these all let me write on this area of the city are increasing in intensity and frequency all the time. how that addition to what we expect. anything from the occupation forces as the storm, the camp to sabotage and destroyed to release their anger because they failed to achieve their goals, such as i have 4 children at home who live a tragic life policy,
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me and fights is mingled among the male daily few little possessions, jeanine has long being the best students of the own struggle against these rows decades long, impatient. but many of the cities say they are being punished for the actions of men who believe they have a moral right to find child stuff without a 0 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank will still i had on, i'll just say era. the protection civilians must take place not just in gaza, but also in the west bank where incitement and extreme, his violence against palestinians must be stopped. us secretary of state and to berlington says more must be done to protect civilians on the slightest visit to as well. the
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as you know, the name of the game. however, one and other storm system comes crashing into western europe. this will be bad for western france, northwest spain, and northern portugal as this batch of what weather sites down the coast of portugal. you're not just going to get striked with rain, but also powerful winds as well. i think gus will easily push past a 100 kilometers per hour, so there will be some damage here. now this same storm system is also giving rain to west and east england, including london, whether it's in play here or for how much room we're about to see today on saturday and dos with rain troops at north macedonia, bulgaria romania, and will dove in ukraine. no, for sophia bulgaria, we could see in months worth of rain in 24 hours. so the very real risk of seeing some flash flooding is wet weather also pours into greece and eventually turkey is we get into the evening today on saturday to africa. we go with all that disturbed
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weather in the mediterranean. i think we're going to get clip with some showers for the coast of morocco, algeria and denise the and to the south. we go still more severe. thunderstorms bubbling up through the cape provinces in south africa because starts here will be some powerful winds and the potential to see some hail durbin coming in at 28 degrees today. israel is still refusing to allow international journal into jobs to cover the carnage. they're all that they can report on 1st hand is the is really saw power sending and reporters risking everything to get the story you 15 members killed in an ass. dr. sharon company, one that we don't cover the news we cover the way the news is the listening post the
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or the you're watching, i'll just do a time to remind you of on headlines as well as from the school and northern gauze that killing at least 20 people in, in, during thousands, the building was sheltering, displaced palestinian families, 3 hospitals in gaza, of also being hit. at least 15 people were killed. things, variety armies, confirm it struck ambulances. it says how mice was transporting finances and lessons and those vehicles but didn't provide evidence to support. looks like the is riley falls is a step top. the raids in the occupied westbank and east jerusalem on friday nights
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and sunday morning they stormed communities in hebron. novelist investigate him, janine, and show on font. now protests in suppose of palestinians have been taking place in sydney, australia. hundreds of people gathered in the cities hyde park on site today waving flags and holding fi calls, holding for an end to the violence and gone. so active as se, the outrage that the international communities response to the conflict say no, did office being done to push for a see saw the secretary of state anthony blinking is in jordan where he's meeting latest from several our countries to discuss the situation and gaza then can match the cause, those prime minister mohammed, but not that of mine as the sign in the capital on mine. he also met the lebanese, the done, a gave me a call to who stressed the need for a seas far and cold for us. talk to is really aggression in the south of lebanon
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and his lights, his trip to the region blinking is cooling for humanitarian pauses, for a deliveries into gaza. the lincoln met the is ready, the prime minister. ben, you mean nothing? yeah. in tel aviv on friday, and these 3rd visit to as well since the world began. lincoln says palestinian civilian deaths need to be minimized. this is riley false, is target how much sciences and hum for hostages in gaza. official reports from occupied east jerusalem. after 2 visits before the great war began, us secretary of state was back in israel. i see that it was the usual expressions of solidarity, but with a death to rising by the hour and increasing the goose and pictures, the matching from guys a on to the blinking said it was important. how israel tackle come us. it matters because it's the right and lawful thing to do matters because failure to do so plays into the hands of from us and other tear groups. there will be no partners
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for peace if they are consumed by him, had turned catastrophe, and alienated by any perceived indifference to their flight. came looking to secure humanitarian pauses in the fighting pauses to get 8 in. and for the nationals out. we need to substantially and immediately increase the sustain slowly monitoring assistance, indic garza and getting american citizens and other foreign nationals out of guys. but in perhaps a sign of division between the 2 allies. these really prime minister ruled out any pause with the conditions go down upon him. we're continuing with all of our strength and israel is refusing a temporary truce that doesn't include the release of our hostages. israel will not enable the entry of fuel into gaza and oppose this transferring money to disrupt the door and to be blinking. believes morning, it will soon be heading together. but he is aware, there is a growing consume at the growing number of deaths at home and internationally. and the feeling american could do more to put pressure on israel to stop up until the
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blinking was hoping that his trip would be productive, that there would be some way that they could introduce to mandatory and pauses in the fighting. but what is clear is because really war cabinet have their teams and goals. and at the moment a ceasefire of any kind is not on the agenda all and for sure, i'll just see that it will keep pipe east jerusalem. and washington, new details are emerging on temporary seas. 5 talks happening within the white house. there are reports and unnamed official from the national security council says a significant pulls in the fighting is being discussed to allow the release of captives held by hamas in garza. i'm john 100 has moved from washington dc as well as senior us official says on condition of anonymity that there is a conversation going on about having a significant pause and hostility that you heard that on the record benjamin
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netanyahu. the prime minister of israel said, absolutely not, that won't happen until those captives are released by from us. however, there are indirect talks going on haltingly and list of the captives have been exchange, although the us officials as those lists are not complete with hamas saying and that some of those captors have been killed in his railey air strikes. but the official also said that earlier when 2 american citizens, women were released, that was a kind of pilot program in which they would test whether that was possible. and they said, what happened was that it actually worked. there was a cessation of hostilities that how much was able to deliver those captives. and so according to the u. s. official, that is where those conversations are going to try to get a large number of people released. but israel is going to have to agree to that. and so far they say that nothing is going to happen,
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at least for the next few days with the us as it is pressing to get an agreement on it. a large residential areas in gauze or as being leveled, vice riley strikes during the past 4 weeks of wool. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been displaced and out of hay is just one of them. she escaped to her before as strong level lodge residential blocks engaged as divinely a refugee camp. she struggles daily to find the electricity, which she needs in order to take her medication. and i'm asking, i'm asking about the, this little black. let's let me method in the hands of my head, the main method. and the best way to do that, and i didn't know the name of the m as in the
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as you would know that when you have to have them like i live in the middle of the nice book database. what the title of the top this remember? and i said at this time because the summit, the vision i'm a bit is just the study with the zip codes. my database age of my mother. she
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had turned in and that isn't the and i haven't been on the spring. you some news just coming in. that's an unreal a school for quote. a school in gaza has been hit, spine is really strike. this is in bali, a refugee camp in the northern gaza strip and we understand dozens of the sliced people were inside. it's the largest school in the north of thousands of evacuate. of course, in that camp i believe we have now human. the said she joins us on the phone from garza city in the north human. the. what can you tell us about this strike? yes. saw me. so the strike is on as a hoot out. a school, it's a new school and it's the largest school in the north and part of cause districts, it falls into a valued refuge account, and there are dozens, dozens of injuries,
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and people killed in that strike the target could the school, the school has tens of thousands of people, it has almost 10000 people in that school since it's the largest and people have been moving inside the school or into the school running away from the boardman, injured by the a and in the north, in different parts. now we still don't have the exact figures for that useful environment on the school as thousands are now being taken to a she saw hospital where they're going to be hospitalized in these instance, sammy or the human. the, just to clarify, this is an under a school in the same refugee camp that's being hit. i think this is now the full time. right. that's, that's true. this school isn't. no,
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that's cool. it has been hit now after the body has been bombarded, the refugee camp has been gone well guarded over 3 times in the past.


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