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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  November 14, 2023 4:30am-5:01am AST

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storms are knocking out the heat in assaults, the on the southeast of brazil, this same strong system brought flooding to point to a sorry is, but it's going to do little to kick out the heat in sao paulo and rio, for example, over the next little bit really storms just to the east of the andes, extending into that active weather in southeast brazil in central america. the trade winds are picking up so that steering ran across the caribbean coast up and down. central america on tuesday. and still this storm system for the southern us. by the time it's all said and done, new orleans could see a months worth of rain in about 24 hours. and then we've got this storm system in the pacific feeding right into northern california that will impact us stuff on tuesday. and we've got some warrants through the northern plants. look at this. billions in montana is 17 degrees breezy for the canadian prairies. and then we've got this northerly wind here, so that's going to put a cap on temperatures. for example, in toronto, just 8 degrees. and the best i can do for you in new york on tuesday is 11 with a sun cloud combo. see the weather brought to you by visit cuts on
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the the that the there's limited damage at the bottom. it's all been on the road so that you guys live as a general come see me did the way i get the work done. i believe,
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i believe is the most of the side the we don't companies focus on the public, it's of the conflict. it's the consequence of wars, the human suffering definitely the 4th time. it is one of the most serious thoughts of violence. in recent years. we brave bullets involved because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides. um its the world slow down. we stand for as homes, with tips of global nickel reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global,
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the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harnessing, offering 75 percent of global carbon credits, essentially submitted by mental protection, enhancing investment climate digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the hello i. my name's by a business counting the cost on al jazeera, your weekly account, the world of business and economics. this week. israel
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keeps dropping tons of bones on gauze a wants to replenish its stock. west in ministry contract is up on big profits. also this week, more american wesson's, the being delivered to israel house fall when we us go with ministry age, the nation and israel's major offshore gas field is shots. could your political tensions threaten the nation's ambitions to grow if gas export, the russia's invasion of ukraine sped, a global rush to buy ministry equipment last year, defense spending across the world hit moving 2 trillion dollars. that is the highest level since at least the end of the cold war that's according to be still co international piece. research institutes of a subs in on sales has boosted the bottom lines of defense. giant's ministry
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contract is an invest as a now on and explosion in financial returns as a war on golf. the drives up demand arms in israel says, in located all tex northrop grumman, and general dynamics have risen sharply since thomas is attacked on israel. on october the 7th. and while the aerospace and west and the sect as a whole has seen an increase of 7 percent in value. this is of course, as thousands of people have been killed in golf in time neighborhoods flattened and even hospitals attacked during israel's ministry. offensive on the strip you and ruins will crimes may have been committed by both sides of the conflict. the military contract is discussed how the war could be good for the business during the company earnings calls outs, according to report published by the guardian newspaper and the responsible state cross think tank, general dynamics, executive vice president of technologies and chief financial officer. jason, a can,
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was quoted saying the following. you know, the israel situation obviously is a terrible one, front k and one that's just evolving as we speak. but i think if you look at the increment of demand potential coming out of that, the biggest ones, the highlights, and that really sticks out, is probably on the on talerie side. meanwhile, the bottom administration is set to deliver hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons to israel, and us defense companies are ramping up production to meet the increase in demand manager contract is direct sales declined to represent a major portion of the global straight us on manufacturers, commercial sales, a broad authorized by the pens, again, reach nearly a 154000000000 dollars last year. i to, well joining us now from london is andrew fine state and his executive director shotwell investigation is also the author of the book,
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the shot of wealth inside the global stride. many thanks for joining us from counting the cost. so we have seen this surge in demand for defense companies defend says, is that something you see that will continue for awhile? but absolutely these, these companies and the share price is obviously dr. conflicts, especially just sort of conflicted. we're seeing an in palestine the moment where there is a constant need for new equipment, particularly what recalls them. and so miss housing involved. because as israel drops the bones and gauze that they need to replenish says that stopped immediately . so that is a huge boom to these companies. so you'll see a company like lockheed martin has seen an increase of 18 percent in it share price over the past month. and since the 2nd the settings of october, and is it u. s. companies, us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this,
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or is this your opinion manufacturer as an u. k. manufacturers as well? so the prime beneficiary is obviously the united states, what is sometimes referred to as the military industrial complex. so the defense companies in the us, the us surprise, anywhere between 70 and 90 percent of, or israel military hardware that it imports from outside of israel itself. back britain, germany, italy, in particular for a fairly close behind for the remainder that. so companies like be systems to some crook clear nowadays with benefits alongside the lockheed martin's the know through romans, the race young t x as it's not cold. in general, dynamics say it's a combination of american companies and european weapons make is, as we had mentioned earlier, i mean we've, we've had how some defense companies been criticized for framing the israel gone girl is the conflict is good for that ball some lines. but they are all in the
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business of selling weapons on the day. so it's not a surprise that who is good for business. well, no, it's not. but it raises a whole range of questions about the morality of this business. i mean, how i just started the business and in my book is a business, the concepts prophets in the billions, but it's lost as actually come to the human lives. so i don't think the fact that war and conflict is good for the business. shouldn't necessarily allow us to say that, you know, when radio know all the seo reg jay's says, as he did just the other day. the fresh new contracts resulting from israel from bottom into gaza would mean that across our entire portfolio, we're going to see a benefit of this restocking. is this, the less the most the hook? and in fact, it's even arguable that they might have a chase to answer for in terms of possible complicity in violations
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of international humanitarian law and will crime when it comes to the u. s. i believe us defense contract as need approval from the us government to sell weapons overseas. so does that moral decision then full on the us as well in some senses, but the reality of almost as full control in the us and in europe and countries in the united kingdom is that these controls. while larry exist on the paper, in theory, betty utilized didn't practice. so for instance, united kingdom, a few years ago issued what he calls an open license for export to israel. so we did actually know the quantum military equipment. and as i spoke to israel, because this license allows companies like the systems and others to export as much as they want to, is really without any sort of authorization. the same is just happened in the united states, but they talking about the mass of new $160000000000.00 authorization and to
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a number of what it would describe as friendly or allied countries. but in the case of israel with a $106000000000.00, almost full 1000000000. if that doesn't require any authorization, actual says the model input just lies. those with lawmakers and the executive members of government to effectively giving themselves free rain to exports as much as they want to israel, but also with the companies. and yes, it's good for company business, but because you're going to get to the enhanced return for shareholders, doesn't in any way mitigate the moral compromises of what your business is and what it's contributing to in golf estimate. and we now have 2 big ongoing conflicts. the warranty crane and of course, the israel guys a rule is that enough out, but is in weapons out bad to meet the demand. a caused by these conflicts.
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sadly, there is, there is more than enough western rays that is produced in the world. 40 percent of it produced by the united states itself. there is more than enough western rate to go around in all of these conflicts. and we shouldn't forget that what the situation in java does is it also makes the conflict prone areas like human. for instance, in a much more federal position. so it is quite possible that the end security, the instability that we're seeing in palestine could actually have impact on young men, whether it has been both a formal and informal ceasefire in place for. ready a while, but the sad reality is that there is more than enough military material of goodman to go around for the conflicts that are taking place and for any others that might arise and verify seemed weren't a good to get your thoughts executive director of shadow weld investigations, thank you. i mean,
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well belgian transport work is unions. cold on my work is to refuse handling arms shipments for israel. they said loading offloading. weapons would means supplying organizations that kill innocent people. the union cited a genocide is on the way in palestine, while workers have seen all shipments going in the direction as the rule. israel says it is targeting homage and not civilians in gaza. protests to supposing palestinians blocked us military ship, allegedly carrying weapons, israel at the post of tacoma in washington. the of israel has received nearly a $130000000000.00 in us, secure as the assistance since since creation in 1948. that's more than any of the country in the world. now, as a one, galls intensifies more american wesson's, including smartphones and interceptors for the on the missile defense system of
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being delivered to as well. president joe biden has found to keep supplying the nation with what it needs to boost its defenses. democrats and republicans boldly agree on ministry aid to israel bought. both policies have attached conditions to the bill. how did the customer reports from washington dc with just a handful of members voicing any qualms about sending more us military aid to israel? the question isn't whether the us congress will approve these really aid, but rather how and when this is not about party or politics, is about the security of our world security. the united states of america. president joe biden wants congress to send $14000000000.00 to is real and is part of the same legislative package. $60000000000.00 to ukraine. the polls show public support for ukraine among americans is bawling with conservative voters in
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particular expressing concerns about a growing us government deficit we want to protect or and help and assist our friend of israel. but we have to keep our own house and order as well. the republican controlled house took on the proposal 1st, removing the money for ukraine and insisting the money for israel be upset by budget cuts to the internal revenue service. that's despite warnings, the measure would reduce tax collection and ironically increase the deficit. so the house g o p proposal is not going anywhere. it's, it's, it's, it's, it's going to, it's dead before it even is voted on democrats control the senate and support keeping 8 for is real and ukraine together in one package. and in a rare sign of bipartisanship. move to senate republicans agree, a break from their party members in the house. everybody knows how strongly i feel
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about helping you. great and is really like, is real ukraine, what's the best dumb of an unprovoked attack by a repeat violent offender? so us currently sense $3800000000.00 a year to israel. it's sent a 124000000000 since israel's founding. now the senate is strong of its own bills. that puts money for israel and ukraine together in $1.00 package, which is sure to tip a show down with the house version one that will have to be resolved before any money leaves the country. honey, jo. castro, for counting the cost. washington. joining us now for new york is calling talk, he's the director for such a b c fun group, which is the global intelligence and secure st consultancy. i'm a non resident senior fellow in the national security program at the foreign policy research institute. thank you for joining the program. i think it may surprise some to learn that israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of us for an
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assistance since the 1940s with most of that money spent on military support. why have the us been giving is result so much cash a small rich country and for so long? well, it doesn't surprise me or, or most of the people in my circle. i mean, it's a common topic of discussion of israel, egypt as well, receiving large amounts of us for an assistance. a lot of the dates back to the relationship with us being one of israel's primary backers and being throughout the you know, the us political system, very strong links between israel and the in the united states as one of washington's closest allies for very long time. and is the bipartisan support for this ministry age within congress because it was some head it was recently with the latest aid package. by and large, there seems to be bi partisan support. uh, probably more so for israel at this point then for ukraine is that conflict
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continues to, to drag on. oh, that was that. i think it's fatigue tuesday. i think it's fatigue that the conflict has been going on for as long people are expecting different results. i think there was a lot of optimism that the ukrainians would defeat the russians. and now we're kind of it's the bright, shiny object. wrong to the new issue. and people are paying attention to this until this gets old it's, it's really the kind of evan flow of, of, i guess the amount of attention that the us public can pay to a specific issue at one time. there was some polls that suggest that they offer some democrats solve it in the minority who are not supportive of this ministry aid to israel. do see at some point the numbers increase very likely over time, especially as we continue to see civilian deaths. i mean, the numbers are staggering. uh, the images are, are horrifying. and so the longer this goes on, you know, frankly, i think,
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the more revulsion there will be at the just of the really highly for holiday count . and there will be growing calls for a cease fire for humanitarian pause and for diplomatic pressure to bring it into the conflict. does the us administration gave this ministry aid to israel unconditionally all that have yet to attached, for example, protecting the rights of innocent civilians. i don't think any data is ever unconditional, even if there are fewer strings attached to military aid to israel, it's always something that any us administration is going to be looking at us is continuously attempting to pressure these rallies to you know, to, to mind civilian casualties it's just, you're talking about fighting in a dense, urban environment which makes that incredibly difficult. and i think again, these images that are coming out or having a real impact globally,
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but also on the us population domestically. and as we see that we see rising protests and demonstrations including on college campuses, calling for the administration to, to, to really try to press harder for a ceasefire. yeah, i mean that's what i was gonna ask you. do you think we are seeing finding a moment where ordinary americans, even politicians are finally starting to question this a that has been going to ministry a that's been going to israel for so many years. i really hope so. i think, you know, it makes sense to take a step back and take stock of where the united states is sending money and what that money's being used for. we saw this a couple of years ago with u. s. military aid and weaponry that was being sent to the saudis, that was being used in the, in the evan conflict. right. and, and, and just some of the, again, devastating images coming out if you haven't pressure building on the administration to pull back and pull that support to that conflict to, to,
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to the warning. so it's not conflict. so there's always going to be a reassessment. but i would also caution not to overestimate the, the us public's interest in foreign policy because the issue is that tend to decide elections or domestic largely. and so i think there's a fleeting interest at the moment and that likely breaks down along demographic lots. i think the younger generation tends to be far more passionate that, that some older uh, older generations and, you know, just look at the polling. uh for that for proof of. uh yeah, i'll pick you up on that. uh, the fact that americans, when it comes to basing are affected by domestic issues. i guess the issue would be if this ends up costing that bottom line. i mean, that's been some concern, isn't that in order to pay for this? it's people on the ground that may have to pay for it. yeah. a 100 percent. and i think if you look around the country, there's a lot of areas within the united states where people are suffering they're,
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you know, out of work. you know, food insecure and so there's a lot of questions of people saying, why are we sending all of this money overseas when we have so much work to do here at home? and i think look, that's a fair question. right? and that's something that should be part of the political debate. there was the 3rd republican debate in miami, and these are issues that need to be asked to politicians. right. who are running for political office? why is this happening? yeah, very good to, to. so you called in clark director the research at b c fund. great, thank you. you is role is a significant gas producer and exports it to countries in the middle east. the nation was aiming to expand its export routes to europe off to the whole to russian supplies bought production. israel 2nd largest offshore field was suspended on october. the 9th, also, how much launched its attack on the country rising during political tensions could have investments in the water region. i'm stressing,
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as well as plans to grow it's exports. according to a report by the consulting firm video, israel, the nation's gas exports have dropped by 70 percent since it shot down the small field that is with more than $200000000.00 a month to well, the field supplies the is ready market and deliveries gas to jordan, as well as egypt which provides gas exports all the way to europe, natural gas fields, all these rarely coast accounts, maybe 70 percent of its power generation, as well as now seeking alternative fuel sources in order to meet its needs. i'm doing now from us to do in the hub. i estimate allow the use of practice direct to the mina region of the global council. thank you for your time, sir. so according to these figures by the accounts and see from b d. busy is rails exports of natural gas is dropped by 70 percent? that sounds like a lot. it's definitely, i mean, a gas export from these are all have plummeted by 70 percent. and the, the,
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the worst effected by this is it's, it's nearest neighbors. it's biggest customers as, as of today, egypt and jordan, the original volumes, reaching egypt now are 30 percent of the volumes that were reaching egypt. pre war . and egypt itself was the export platform and the export infrastructure in egypt, the location terminals there. israel depended on those to, to then we export, it's a gas to europe. so those exports are therefore affected as well. less is really gas is reaching international markets and internationally. this will create a bit of a squeeze. but with that said, we shouldn't overstate the role of is really gas and supplying it to national markets because it only accounts for less than half a percent of international gas supply as compared for instance, to a place like thought that where we're sitting today, which accounts for 20 percent of of global natural gas supply. but in terms of israel's own needs, is it good to have to find a tentative gas to fill the gas?
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well, for israel's fortunate and the sense that it tomorrow isn't the only active gas field, it's. it's larger gas field also off the co, the southern coast of israel, the device and a much bigger field, also operated by the us major chevron can continue to supply, continue to step up. other fuels like resource will continue to step up and meet as rails power generations needs. so the energy security risks remain contained. but if, if the shutdown of tomorrow does become a pro long situation, then it will have to begin thinking about procuring gas internationally from other suppliers. it talks about egypt and jordan, to what extent are they going to be affected? well, respectively egypt and jordan at important a 7 percent and 4 percent of of their total gas supply from egypt. so after the attacks, those exports, egypt ground to a complete halt or increment to lee back now, but egypt will, is as i would see,
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the worst effect it. and it has been since the summer when it had an unseasonably hot summer, and we can domestic production method. egypt was introducing rolling blackouts and has serious energy security situation on his hands because of a vist interruption of supply from israel. so egypt is now having to buy from, from becoming a net export. the natural gas is having to buy energy tankers and an energy supply from international markets. and what about here? because they were already seeing an issue in terms of russia and receiving gas from russian. they were looking for an alternative supply and the 10s israel. now will they still be able to fill that gap? that is where i was feeling. i think they will because israel was a marginal supplier of gas to your after the run, the, the, the europeans kind of rated the response to the russian shots of gas by diversifying their export base. so they went to guitar and are now signing in other countries in the us and signing long term supply deals. so i think they've,
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they've diversified enough to be able to, whether this shock now the war has caused a surge in, in european gas prices. and the dutch ford, the dr benchmark that's, that's looked at in order to gauge what's happening in the gas markets. there are 30 percent higher than october the 6th, but that's not just because of what's happening is really and gaza. it's what's happening in australia with energy, industrial action over there. and a, a shuts off in a, in a baltic region, a pipeline. so it's a multiple are to of, of, of factors that's causing a supply to be squeeze. it's not just as well. okay, those really good to get you perspective. i'm it. hello, practice. director of mina region up in global council. thank you very much for having to and that is uh so this week get in touch with us on x full me 9 us to us to at my insight, to use the hash tag a see to see when you do of course you can drop some e mail counseling acosta out of there at dot net is addressed as mostly
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online out is there a dot com slash c to see that will take you straight to our page, which has individual reports and links an entire episode for you to catch up on that is that this edition of counting the cost? i'm writing science and the whole team. thanks for joining us. news announces are coming up next as the situation in gaza escalate. we bring your expertise engine honestly for ease time use re u r. c. is that the, the, the palestinians have to south south to where the, how much they've got to comply with international the israel can do what it really . and that's the reason why is well keeps behaving. so really i would say this particular operation somewhere between the crime against humanity and genocide, it was really important that there was
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a jewish boy saying not in our name. you don't believe that this kind of progression excuse, safer. it doesn't make is rarely safer state with us doesn't make just developments on out just saying my thoughts providing honestly, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate. but there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. do you feel like america is less than a day to see you today is or is it just a different full? i think that democracy in the process facing realities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen to the story on talk to how does era, israel is still refusing to allow international journals into jobs to cover the carnage they're all that they can report on 1st hand is the, is really saw palestinian reporters of risking everything to get the story you 15 members and 5 killed and,
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and asked dry sharing company one that we don't cover the news we covered the way the news is. the listening post examining the impact of today's headlines, explorer, and abundance of world class programming international. so make us and world class john and bring programs to inform and inspire on challenges. era the, the goes as youngest victims fight for life is near the little hospitals are forced to close while surrounded and attacked mice ready for the bulk of this. so just their life. and so also coming up this idea strikes kills 31 palestinians in giovanni or.


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