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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  November 17, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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line, the houses medicines that are running out of the our patients lose. we could see all the tests those, the guys that we don't buddies explore and abundance of the world class program. i don't think we have another decade before. machines are smarter than us. it's time to raise your lot international. so make us and world class john and bring programs to inform and, and spying on challenges here as well as dismissed the un security council resolution calling for urgent pauses and concepts as meaningless. and it continues to palm refugee camps and pull those costs of goals as big as hospital. so what's the credibility of the security council now at stake? this is inside store the
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hello again on james bays, off the move in a month to bring it in. the spring by israel, and after the 5th attempt to un security council finally found the woods to cool for humanitarian pauses, and the release of captives held by him. us 3 permanent veto holding members. the us, the u. k. and russia abstain from voting, must go to set it, abstain because it's cools for a permanency spot. not being heated while washington and london wanted the resolution to condemn him on his attack on october. the 7th will be bringing a panel of guests to discuss this in a moment. but 1st, this report from alger 0 is katya lucas hold, are you on raise their hand for a vote to pause finding in gaza. the resolution was passed by the united nations security council to stop the attacks temporarily. so humanitarian aid can reach those who need it most about 40 days into israel's foreign cause. a hell of science pop diplomat. say the move comes to little too late. the security concept should
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have cold for a ceasefire. a long time ago. it should have cold for a ceasefire. now the humanitarian crisis is dire. the un is urging israel to allow more a trucks to cross into garza as families ration food and water. lack of fuel is another issue. today what we're seeing is, if the fuel does not come in, people would stop to die because of the in that goes to a, as now, exactly as from when, i don't know. but the to be rather soon. the nato, sputtering out of 15 security council members 12 voted in favor of the resolution. the us, russia and britain, which holds council veto powers of stained israel and its allies, denounced the fact that the resolution does not concern the attack on october 7th,
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a mazda israel says is solely to blame for the blood shed. reality is that is one has no choice, but to continue with our mission to obliterate comments as capabilities and bring hostages home should come, must choose today, down their arms, turn themselves in and hand over the hostages, unscathed this world. and immediately, critics say israel has been of violating international law in the occupied palestinian territories for years without consequence. now, some question, if the resolution is merely political theater, we also know that while this resolution is critical, its passage alone will not save lives. actions on the ground will israel's attacks have cause widespread destruction in missouri for the people of gauze? much of the focus now shift to whether diplomacy is reach will be enough to make a difference on the ground. cod see a little bit with again for insight story. well
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let's discuss the whole list now with our panel of guests in new york. we have richard going, the you and the right to the international crisis group in london. yara, hawaii, the right to and senior. i wanted us to our show back of the policy and policy network and independent think tank and into golly, adama, the young a former you and the special adviser on the prevention of genocide. thank you all for joining us today. on inside story to discuss this, i'd like to start with you richard. in new york, you have a background of it as an academic kind of well, lo and it's a bit like a journalist. you spend a lot of time talking to diplomats, we'll get to what is in the resolution in a moment, but there were 5 weeks of impulse. do you believe that the credibility of the un security council was on the line here? i think so. i think that's about as it is in new york, we're beginning to feel that the security council's silence over the war was
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untenable. and it seems that at some point last week, senior diplomats from the security council got together in private and said, we have to come to some sort of consensus. we need to show the wells that we do cat . and what very settled on was a resolution that doesn't coal for a ceasefire. that focuses pretty not really on humanitarian issues. and especially on the protection of children. but at least allows everyone to come out of the line and say, we are talking, we are making a tiny bit of progress on this. well, i mean, i have to be honest, it's primarily a diplomatic face saving device. the impact on the ground is very uncertain, but it does at least slightly reduce tensions in new york, which have been very high indeed a. okay, well let's look at the resolution. i've got
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a copy of it here in my hand. security council resolution 2712, and i'm going to to and to the 2nd page, the 2nd to the main paragraphs and tell you exactly what it cools for. it says the security council cools for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses in cordele throughout the gaza strip. for a sufficient number of days to enable consistent with international humanitarian law, the full rapids safe and unhindered humanitarian access, the united nations, humanitarian agencies, and the implementing partners adama. you're a former un under secretary general. you are familiar with these sort of resolutions written in diplomatic speak written there's one big long sentence. what do you make of what they've actually come up with here? all right, i must say that i'm a bit disappointed for 2 days after the sides trace and this type of the, you know, are coming with that the, so the mission which i found you to and to late the reason being
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that that has been replaced the page the 1st 5 interrupt gets you and that. and then now asking that does it include contamination of how much that is not what i was expecting. i was expecting to stick with the counselor to read these 10 for the defense team. i proceeded cards to the committee in guys that i was expecting to stick with the account to not only to say ceasefire because you might have to pause but say stop to what kinds the committee guys up to date. i mean, it is to that, to the destruction of guys that is to the 5 and the 1010, some of the targeting and destruction of not a model to live is truly disturbing. i'm assuming children have paid a very high price tiles and some of these in the sense,
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like human beings are being killed now, ice cream. it is important that besides the us to and it is military located gather because the bookcase alone, the constitute i would say a crime of very great met me too. now what are we going to expect? we do know that there has been motor citizenship in the past. from them they just try it back without any photo of action. and this time i simply, oh, that's a secret to cons to. when really perfect. it's only clicked, ability and not fail. you mind that you're getting the records, it's faded durango people. can me unlock the sequel to kansas city? the sea you know, to run the 1994. they failing, the people can book the heads of these 191995 and to be in the ice. we are afraid that the secret to counseling is unfortunately dragging its feet to not
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really being to and what is happening, what be? well, it's ready that the people of a start, the people of these trial, this in listen, people back be killed in both sides. you know, they have to be respected. that life, that is human dignity. okay. you all right, you off the power to send you an on the panel. you are currently loved them, but i know you're speaking to people. how would people, your speaking to responding to what the security council's done when i mean, the fact that this is the most the security council could come up with this is not just disappointing. it's morally reprehensible. i mean, what use is it? a humanitarian chords is when the bum, bob and an invasion of gospel review. your if we deconstruct the concept a little bit, in essence what it means is that you'll give people a little bit of food, maybe some medical supplies, and a sick with before you allow them to be killed. it's the equivalent of giving
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someone a fine meal before the rec, situated, and it's, you know, it's not only morally sensible, but i also think it makes me hungry of international. this is not the correct response to an ongoing bombardment campaign or the cap to people. the only response to that should be an unequivocal demand for sci fi and an end the patient of the palestinian people. anything short of that is complicity and what these weigh, the regime is doing. and we've seen the, the cx 5 is not only something that palestinians, according for it's actually what people in the millions around the world, according for so many have have st calling for a c spot. and so the fact that the, the security council, connie even reflects the will of the people globally, i think, as says a, know about not just the u. n as a body, but also international don't moving forward. richard, this resolution passed, i think, mainly because it was an extension from the us and not
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a beat. so there was a somewhat similar resolution on the 18th of october, which also cooled for humanitarian pauses. and the us vetoed on that occasion. have you managed to work out was changed? why the us way to 29 days. why they'd be towed the 1st one and didn't veto this one . the i think foot earlier in the war, the us hope so that it could manage the conflicts, you know, like for me. but as time has gone by, linda, tell them the screen failed the us on by send it to the un has been very conscious that america's blocking of security council action over the war is doing it enormous damage and will actually also affected the ability to gain support on other issues such as ukraine from you and members. so from what i hear about that it's on the screen failed low, be the white house. very hard to get this resolution through. she went down to
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washington in person to explain why she thought it was essential to get a resolution at this time. and india and her argument one out of this week. so the us abstain rather than using its veto. once again, i do think the biting those ministration is profoundly conscious that it's is hemorrhaging goodwill in the cycles global south and worldwide because it is refusing to support the ceasefire. i think the, the us team at the u. n. feels that even more acutely than most, and that is why they felt they had to let this tax go through. yara, in those 29 days between the point where the thomas greenfield, the us on basset to put her hand up in the security council and declared a veto. and on wednesday, when she decides to abstain on a pretty similar resolution, i did the calculations, grim calculations,
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and we're going by the ministry of health. so it goes from garza, which most people not these riley's but most people's think of property under reported that were $7600.00 additional das, $3653.00 of those with children. i mean, the situation is, is catastrophic. and, and we see with each resolution that fails to cool for the cx, 5 thousands of palestinians will be killed. i mean, the un agencies have been, i've been waiting of starvation, severe dehydration, outbreaks of diseases. so we're not just talking about palestinians who were killed from the bottom and we're talking about posting is that it's going to be a that, that the, i'd been killed because of the intensification of the seats. and i say intensification because of course golf has been on the seas for over a decade and a half already. you know, the i think 5 percent of the water needs i'm currently being met. something like 10
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percent of its food supplies are being met. this the few trucks that have been able to enter gaza and not even meeting. you know, the very basic has done the set that the basic a need to sustain the population in gaza. and now we've seen that talks about truly a been how to from entering there is no current, be no communication system and gaza that out. and so there's no possibility to coordinate the, the delivery of, of the very few humanitarians because the, the all being delivered on the tragedy is that hospitals, hospitals, which were doing so to put in was basically no one else with service. and they have the comedy, the, and the situation every time a resolution for seized by it is not cold or not voted on. this inevitably will result in a more desk of palestinians,
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as well as we saw at the beginning of the program and catch you as report. we didn't see a comment from these riley, i'm boss of that to the you and not that meeting because he didn't even attend a get like a done sent a deputy. and the issue statement then saying the resolution is disconnected from reality and is meaningless. so israel is going to, you know, of this and it isn't the 1st time that israel is ignored. un security council to mom's back in 2016, nothing you all who refused to recognize the un security council resolution judging a hold to illegal is rarely settlement activity. in the occupied palestinian territories in january 2009, the van un secretary general bang t moon expressed disappointment to then is really prime minister at whose oh much violence. and the continued off to the council passed the resolution cooling for an immediate cease fire and concept in 2004. israel continued to demolish homes and the raffle refugee camp off to the un security council passed the resolution calling for it to stop. i'm the israel is ignored. numerous resolutions passed by
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the un security council denouncing its occupation of east jerusalem, the west bank and gaza since 1967 adama, you know that history of israel is defiance of the un security council. how should the security council now respond? give them, i've already rejected this, another resolutions, punitive power sections. is that what they should do? and it's about the tool likely? what that is rector ready to switch trade to a minute the butler management, but the front desk around the world. i mean uh when you see, as you described earlier, the demonstration or thoughts of the rules, the system, the, the new situation where we would expect the secular to counsel a whole randy, it's a model of ethical responsibility. and unfortunately, we missing the public to come games. yeah. and that when it is
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about his humanity and i used to say that i was a little disappointed with the pro by a u. k. simply because u. k. m file after only 2 separate accounts here, permanent members who have assign the in the city. the coding on the secretary council, members coming in members to never use the heat. so when there is a situation which may lead to the risk of genocide converts against somebody to work on which the course and the address of the class. but yeah, the yeah we, i think this time on this is big certainly important that also the united states shows ready its own literacy. i remember at the time when the above, i was in power. and when i visited suntrust came to the public with mike, could you play that zip zip? so i was in charge of 2 things in conflict. when i address of the council at the
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end of my presentation, which was assuming clearly that there was a dissertation which may lead to genocide. some of the power then from another presented to the state police specialized strategy and has spoken tomorrow. now when we say we didn't know and he was, he's clearly what's up front of you. ok, because what she say and feeling that decision, somebody across the white house and for the 1st time to ask how i agree that there was a need to do something. and the 1st decision was to put a foot to me to get to that far or central that's going to be and distract nicholas . they think that is the reason which led it to the status when i mean this guy, the un mission on the dog. and i think this is what this is a very important and i would expect president biden to have heard. so the sins from
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coverage that he's a doctor present about might be this is a box you might need to do because i don't know if i'm not safe inside it. just a couple of days ago, a dissertation continues the young policy and for straight it will become tomorrow, was done. what you asked seemed to do today when you come to a condemning, come us. so i back members of the cons to, to ready make every effort must up then in 2005, all of them i would say in front adopted the principle of responsibility to protect . meaning that we actually need that really not allow for supervision life. the one we allow and this led to the killing in 100 days of 1000000 people simply because of that identity. and so we didn't know what, what the defense,
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what happened, the slipping, it's what now the concept is waiting. what the concept is waiting. i think this is the question we need and to get an answer because tomorrow is started with just those members in the counseling who have allowed the keeping of these. but it's an empty book because it's not only about gas. uh, it's also about what is happening in the west bank in westbank, where re, uh, phone was with missing, i would say, actually, quincy. well, you mentioned the best of the samantha power. of course, you're still a senior figuring the bite and administration dealing with the the us is international aide efforts you all right is, was noticing that since this resolution was passed, it was supposed to not only give humanitarian pauses, but get aid flowing into gaza, both on the 16th and 17th there's been no age going into gaza because of a lack of fuel to transport. it is rather still blocking fuel. yes,
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and i think that's a very significant point. this isn't simply about food, a move to about few which is needed. but for most aspects of life not needs to transfer the very much needed aid on on trucks into, into goals. but also to paula hospice tools to compile a basic services at the moment. it is nearly impossible for any of these services to operate in garza. i mean people are not able to cool. i'm getting answers, they're not able to go civil defense. so when a home is boned, the likelihood is that you will be trapped onto the row and this was once again a communication block of israel has been imposing these communication blackouts on garza so that they can hide the times. and so the palestinians in gauze i cannot tell the world what is happening in that, that i think is a crucial part of the story that the only journalist who are allowed into gaza at
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the moment of going in with these really regime forces. i know being showed exactly what these reservation wants them to see. there is no international janice in areas that are being bombed. and so how did students, once again, having to, to try and get the testimonies that they are experiences of genocide out for very limited communication. and i have to say how close to all the policy and journalists who are, who are doing an incredibly difficult job. i'm really showing the world what is happening in regards to despite really terrible conditions and life threatening conditions. while the recent hours we've had a statement come from more than 30 you annex books. i have it here about the situation in gaza. they say it's a genocide in the making in this it also says, we think we distress that the finder of israel to agree to and the willingness of
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the international community to press more besides simply for let me just see spots, the failure to urgently implement as the small risk, the spiraling situation spiraling towards the genocide conducted with 21st century means and methods of warfare. adama, you are a former un, i'm on the set country general who dealt with the whole issue of genocide full, a full, full bang, keep moving on for antonio terrace. do you agree with that? and i do know by the way that you are speaking to us from the capital of a country that witnessed a genocide. what, let simplicity mine our listeners, i reverse what keeps you on a site. it is the intention of this text, some of the people in ho already bought. and the 1948 the genocide convention for adopted as a matter of fact, one day before the adoption of the universe at the close on a few months west. yes,
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the breaking to 75th and just sorry for this conference. you know, it's probably 5 the know size of any of the 5 couldn't meet the intent to destroy in voting by the national escreen racial really just and these 5 for us where getting members of the room closing than cities, physical or mental, imposing, leaving conditions intended to discharge the crew defense in bed and possibly transferring to the other. i mean the victims i've tried to get to because of their v o o. c group membership. no, i don't have to be clear and that, but the 5 i mention that wouldn't be enough and would lead a lot. that's what is happening in gas and what these are increasingly happening or other okay, by policy instead of tories too fast, you think, you know,
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the size of the company, and that is why i was very pleased with the statement issued by a defect to t. u. and expect to go through what because especially for should use because i think the cool was me and that will this quarter will be by the secretary council members so that they go down to sponsor because the cost of these sites and the about these experts don't actually work for the you and the independent experts. all they rich and what do you think this all means for the set country general? do you think the fact even if israel is not going to comply with the security council resolution, the products that exist? do you think that empowers the set country general to speak out more to act more? and i think in fairness, secretary general guitar rush has been speaking out in very frank times over the
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appalling humanitarian situation in gaza. and this is not typical for him. i mean his, you know, james guitar us is a very cautious man and have been all the horrible was such as the war any see repair a couple of years ago on which she really avoided speaking house in strong time. this because he didn't want to lose access to key leaders this time around. he has been enormously buns about the scale of the crisis. he's repeatedly cold for a ceasefire. i think that at least in rhetorical terms, he has gone up. but while normal levels from his, his normal approach, the problem is that israel from the get go, has adult through the strategy of trying to ignore. and d, legitimize any criticism that comes from the un, whether it's from the secretary general or the general assembly, or the security council. the israeli view is the un is fundamentally biased against
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them and they are going to ignore it. so the security council does create a framework in this resolution focus address to report more on the facts on the ground and to bring to the council. a lot of the information we're hearing here today. but i think these riley's will, as a matter of policy closed, there is to him a thank you very much, richard design q to all guess you are a hawaii adama. the young and richard going out is there is extensive coverage of who were on cause a continues around the top with reporters in the region around the world, including the un or you know, who was find more context and a lot of analysis it out is there a dot com we want to hear from you to find us at facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story, or on x family, twitter at ha, inside story for me, james face, and all the team here in the hall, please stay safe. i'll see you very soon. bye bye for now. the
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oh no. okay, hold on. let me look into them. look, i'm gonna pull them up with me in the little say that they will see the
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levels as the shed channels. issues. lot of these are all feasible just by us. it does say that friends a lot. sure to say that monday that actual the how to get us out of town. i just saw it on the thought of a good. yeah. do you the some of the just put on the head. it is according to the un since the conflict broke out, and suzanne, in 18 more than 700000 people have fled the country. most of them have fled to chatter egypt, but now some are arriving here in libya. some people bring this food a more set, but it's not enough for all the children. if the fighting continues in neighboring through that many fear that could possibly be an influx of refugees and possibly
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fighters crossing into libya, you in which the yours is libya is not a safe place for refugees and asylum seekers. and that they try to give assistance to those who are the most vulnerable, which for the women and children here. that's just not enough. the the other one, my name's sight. this is a nice life from death. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the director of gauze is i'll see for hospitals, health i'll just there is some new bones and all the patients in intensive can have now died. israel steps office as strikes across gauze and targeting schools and houses according to the latest figures moving to.


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