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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 18, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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drivers to maintain in depth analysis of the case headlines. do you think even the president of the united states, when he hasn't been able to get to humanitarian schools, he's been asking for days and days has a nice way of a private. as i mentioned you often inside story on al, jazeera of the is around the text to schools and the gaza strip. more than 200 people have been killed, including children and with the me. bulk of this is just a real life, though. also coming up survivors all for school of tax over crowd the innovation hospital in the northern past, the strip the desperate journey out of gauze as largest hospital. this really ministry is forcing doctors, patients and displaced policies to please ship
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a complaint. i was a doctor known chief hospital and were forced to leave the hospital by to a patient of horses. i reached my case to got to make you suffice. president joe abide and reaffirm says view that a 2 state solution is the only way to solve for conflict between israel and the palestinians. for neg makes no mention of a cease fire in gaza. the welcome to the program is 20100 gmc, that's 10 pm and gaza. whether she minds having situation is getting worse by the hour. israel has once again attacked out for chorus school. un run school in the body of refugee camp in the north of the gaza. strip and other school at po atalla has also being attacked by israel. the 4th is the death told how for cora is at least $200.00 people. that's according to the goals of health ministry,
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including showed him the death toll that is expected to rise. many of the injured with rushed to hospital, so the end a decent hospital is overwhelmed. folks just have to put the injured in court orders and all the fluids that come out of one hospital. the situation isn't any by the, the time the hospital's out of $35.00 a bailey operating and goes up for the management of the engine. nissan hospital has been forced to dig a mass grave and buried all the dead because the hospital can't keep up with the sheer number of casualties. i was just curious, but that might, she begins our coverage or united nations run school with 1000 sheltering and it will literally saturday, it became clear once more that there is no refuge for posting and it's been cause the. busy for the and all the bodies lay scattered between the desks in what was once used as a classroom at the elsa who are a school in the north. this facility wants to can thousands of children and prided
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itself on its support for vulnerable students. but these days it's been a shelter for families displaced by funding. now it's grounds resemble a graveyard. what we're seeing is another one of these horrific incidents where civilians, people who sold the shelter in protected you and bill they are paying the price based off the promotions there. they would have a bit of safety has nowhere a recent golfer, not even our schools. it's a familiar scene. alpha flora was bombed in 2009 in 2014. and earlier this month, it's located in jamalia because as largest refugee camp, an area that's faced some of the heaviest bombardment and recent weeks. the debt had been taken to the nearby indonesian hospital, which just days ago declared it was completely out of service because of a lack of supplies and fuel. they claim that you in schools are protected for the
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is riley, is founded. the only school again. where is the un, wherever the, where is the free will only 10 out of the $35.00 hospitals and does that are still open, just barely operate the boats. health facilities and schools have come under is really attacked. both meant to be protected under international law. bit admin, peachy, i'll just 0. well, i'll just say era has gain access to alpha core school in the optimal solve that it's fairly attacked. here's a look at what happens when actually medicine for what we are entering through alpha kuda. you in school one time, 2000 to solve internally displaced, palestinians phone bay till noon. and baby here is now totally deserted and that's thousands of families took refuge in the own ra school building. that's going to be at $200.00 innocent civilians. mostly women and children were killed of the night as a result of his writing the solid tax. so if you need it for food, you can,
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i'm sure i don't know. you can clearly see the often math. so these ready will planes pounded these classrooms with hundreds of unsuspecting families with sheltering mental. but this seemed the location in gps coordinates on know into these right. the occupation forces, as we speak on board ment, resumes in the vicinity of the school decimals for him. and it's kind of cool with the students with many of the displays came from the north villages and even nearby hospitals and can see it when they were forced to meeting the inventor. it's not related on there. you can see the only individual remaining. tell us what happened the country to how many till i don't know exactly, but for sure it's more than 50. how about injury must the same or even more than
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that. so then where do you think they left to most probably towards the south and when they should have these, all the possessions of the displace palestinians who took shelter in the school had the status of blood body parts and remains. all of this we had early, i'm afraid the troops of wouldn't don't trust patients and the space people have al schiffer hospital and gaza to evacuate the medical compound. hundreds and now fleeing south. hard for us. it has the latest, the, the desperate scramble down go, is this main north, south road, away from one danger towards what no one here can know. the idea of a safe refuge in garza is an ocean from another time. certainly causes hospitals no longer safe. this is an exodus from its largest one o scheaffer. this dr. insist is ready. troops gave the order to evacuate
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the last moments they want, whoever was inside the hospital. they had to leave accepting those through that the surgeon and some of the medical, the nursing style of the higher side of the wounded under bets are badly injured. their condition is very bad because of the lack of medical supplies and treatments . bacteria had started growing their feet and allow me to say, there were rooms coming out of their rooms. manjeet, but he was one of the patients forced to flee law. russell was next to my front door on the boat and the place next to is. so like an injured me and my cousins and my other cousin died and i was chief of hospice. well, there's no food, no drink, we get short tides. these ladies and so whenever they want evacuation began, i was only a doctors saying is where the troops gave them just one hour to leave and take patients and displays people with them. israel says the hospital management request
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of the evacuation. so the months of all my wheeler infants in newborn babies, i left without oxygen is nothing but a med, evil case is no longer a hospital. the occupation forces draw the medical teams out of the hospitals on the palestinian health ministry says 5 doctors and some of the assistive stayed behind to attend to a 126 patients who company moved, including 34 premature babies. one senior doctor said they would do to die without proper medical transfer. well, no, got a lot of good in the one of the month, i called a palm the international organizations on the health organizations on the united nations and the red cross again, to put pressure on the occupation army and work on the transfer of the perimeter babies to be off the days of bombing in the hospitals, vicinity is rated and released this video with no substantial evidence supporting its claim. that how must use the hospital as a quote come on sent to the south in the direction the vacuum. ease with headings,
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the mold plumbing modesto. this was the human cost if it is very striking. in con eunice on saturday, is right instructed hundreds of thousands of palestinians to flee here ahead of its incursion to the north. now it's um use telling the cities residents to leave bathrooms as well to signal that this ground invasion could soon be following us chief is doctors and patients in the southern guns are very close it out you 0 because it's going to had removed who joins us live now from con eunice, inside the goal is to strip it and how they will to come at the hospitals in a 2nd. but this has, of course, being a truly devastating day. the series of strikes hitting these un schools. when will, can you tell us the, this was schools seem to be the new target of the is really relentless airs. right across the gorgeous trip. and today's a school are not the 1st,
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then certainly are not going to be the last one. so within the past, a few hours a through all did the, the, the, the horror of school in your body, a refugee camp. another school in the northern part and tell me is that there is good. both are honor was schools designated schools, protected by the owner. why have uh, both have the owner with flags, if the uh, the, the rooftop of the building, they are visible to everyone. there g, p as a directions are known to the is really monetary yet the where the target of multiple berlin plus airstrikes the vast majority of the people who have been killed in those areas right and injuries together. almost a read seeing at 200 people and this is not the 1st time a schools have been the target that we've seen in the past 2 days. they declare that high school in a densely populated area was targeted as well. most of the people inside the school
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where evacuees coming to from the northern parts and gauze, and city seeking shelter and the refuge in it, yet they found themselves the target of those relentless error strikes indefinitely at going to continue as there are no turns to this war, the whole sales slaughter of civilians is going on and it doesn't seem to stop any time soon. all right, honey, as we just sort of the previous a pool of people who was being told to flee south. and i also being told that they need to flee again, is what appears to be the next phase. and this is friday operation is pushing further towards the way you are and con eunice of the is will it seems like that because not only we'd expect it to expand to the funding the central part on the funding part of the gaza strip given the past a few weeks there, there was
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a surge and error stripes across the southern part of the central part, just within the past few hours on you and it was targeted repeatedly the eastern side of the western side of the city of tanya is that was supposed to be a safe designated area by the idea for a fact we do both to but they're not safe at all. in addition to that, the central part of the gaza strip named in the fire out there. but i also have been targeted repeatedly what seems to be an expansion of the, of the military operations, to the central parts and the, the southern part of the gaza strip. but we can confirm that just listening to that press conference by these really prime minister, benjamin antonio and his award minister a gallon who is repeatedly said that the operation is going to move south. and we are going, namely at these, doing what he said,
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that we're going after. how much element in the southern part there is a growing fear among people and the southern part and mean the evacuees who just fled the wars on under heavy bombardment. that the same scenario is going to happen and, and just find themselves the target of those ventless airstrikes. i'm going barton honey, money science for the on the train. the honeymoon in con eunice, the families of israeli comp saves held by a mass, have been protesting in tel aviv demanding the government to more to secure their relatives release. some of the families say, as well as long causes endangering their loved ones from us on other products. and you know, i'm groups took around $240.00 people captive during the october 7th attack on israel with a separate group of families of these right. you can't see what's of how a 5 day much thousands of israelis joined the riley along the main tele vive jerusalem highway. they faced a protest in front of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office?
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well, speaking at a press conference just moments ago, prime minister netanyahu, i acknowledge the protest. i have seen the demonstrations of the families of the compensation, and i would like to say to them, we will work with you. i will work with you. all of israel walks by your side. as for the competition, there are many rumors and inaccurate statements, and that's why i want to clarify no deals have be made until now. but i promise you, once we have something, i will tell you, i know the horrors you are dealing with. alright, i would have the software didn't occupied these to be slim, and i'm to what else of the apartments to have to say? well need these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu in tonight's press conference, really stressing, but one of the main objectives of this war is still to bring back the captives. but he did want to know that he wanted to dispel any sort of rumors around negotiations for captives and weeks that were needing a saying that if they
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a delta balance of the captives what's and that's these really is willing to agree to any pauses in fighting or any sort of ceasefire unless the captives were brought back. these really prime minister also mentioning the immense pressure that israel has been under from the international community. and he said that he was defending the decision to allow fuel and other types of a into the gaza strip, because it would help its diplomatically because we're national support when this war, something interest of noting though, is that the war cabinet speaking tonight didn't really have an en game for how long was going to go on. they simply said that they were going to continue in their ground operation, and that they've killed bout eaters, according to them. and that they are operating with in the rules of international
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law. something that has been going on and i haven't done what we're just gonna leave it there for now because we're having a bit of break up with the old. yeah, we'll leave that for now. i'm to solve it and occupied east jerusalem. okay. well, still a have here on out just so you're a full protests and cities around the world. courtney for an end to the coming in because the, the weather brought to you by visit cut off. however, we got more heavy showers moving into east and possible strikes me very stormy, across the central areas. at least those will graduate. my great little further rates as we go through the next couple days and see these trucks in place here. ahead of that, be larry blood pressure very close to new zealand. it will be wet for a time,
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particular cross and all solve it here. it will move out to the way as it does so you'll see the stones increasing across queensland in particular. some live you down polls. possibility we do have moldings full severe storms. sadly for a good part to sunday, the stalls become a little more expensive as we go 13, mondays, or even into the eastern side of victoria. you can see some lobby down polls again, the possibility of some localized flooding central in west and pops on the other hand. not looking too bad. last you try and find post, getting up to 3334 celsius as we go on to the parts of next week and still quite accomplish as to the 8th. shout was to back up across mc loading areas of w way. we have got to share, i was to wintry and night to for time because parts of western and northern japan blustery conditions over the next few days. but not too bad allows you dry, stay as long as you try to across the korean peninsula and also into a good part of china. and on the one side to basing with a height of 30 the weather brought to you by visit, cut,
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some thought provoking ons, but the patient doesn't have time to wait. extremely unfortunate, but there are no quick wins and eventually such odd hating interviews. do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think the demography of the process facing realities. do you see that the fracture is already starting the g 7 in the u. s. on one side, china and the brakes on the other. i think there is a huge piece of that to happen to the story on told to how does era the of the to watching obviously raise their mind about top stories this out. at least $200.00
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people, including women and children, have been killed and those ready attack or the alpha course school in the north know the gaza is the united nations run school, the legit body of refugee camp. and other school at the top of the top has also come under attack. mice ready forms. thousands of palestinians are fleeing to southern gauze after being ordered something if the i'll ship a hospital compound by israel ministry, 5 doctors of state behind with at least a 100 points of patients who are unable to move because of the conditions. now it's friday as strikes of also hit a residential bulk and con eunice and southern gaza. alas, with thousands of evacuated to heating his rouse warning, which suggested they would be safe from bombardment that from the outside hospital in a recent is really air strikes. the targeted to family homes here in the west and part of con units. as you can see with me, the civilians now are trying to dig with their, their hands,
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to try to save some of the missing people from the 2 families. that where in these 2 homes when be a top top 10, dozens of injuries were taken by the ambulances to the hospital. a number of people have been killed while the civilians are residents of the neighboring homes. here are trying with your hands to dig and to look for other members of the 2 families that are missing and still under the rubble. this is the case with every air strikes now on residential homes in because this trip in different areas, there are no teams with tools or mission marie to help people or bring people out of the rubble. and this is where the residents themselves try to dig them out with their bare hands, with primitive tools,
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what ever they can get to try to save any person that is stuck under the rubble. they're gonna have to number, nobody showed up with one of the remaining people are left under the rubble. the people are still looking for that. there were 15 children that were still there. and those who were taken to the hospital or adults till now we're only bringing out pieces of people and all we find or pieces of people in a truly tragic situation. and the struggle continues as the civilians and residents try to bring out. i think about any of those people they know that are stuck under the rubble. you me see a 0 ton unit in the south and god's districts us present job. i didn't says gaza and the westbank should be reunited under a single governor's structure. head of moving towards the 2 state solution. i speak to john home and he's in washington dc from the one this and john, president biden taken to the washington post to cool for this new when you united
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the structure of governance and go the what else to be up to say to yeah, and he says that the governing structures should ultimately be under his words, revitalized palestinian authority. the palestinian authority was in control of both garza and the occupied westbank before 2006. so it would presumably be going back to that use. so i said that should be no forcible displacements of civilians from gaza. and he also says that the international community must establish a long term mechanism for the re reconstruct true, because so he's going quite a lot to what could happen off the this for off to this invasion by as well, into the goals and not really talking. so much about the things that everyone else seems to be talking about right now. there's no mention of a cease fire and he's full. it's about a longer term see spot. and this where he does mention that he's pushing or is
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ministration. we'd like to see for our daily humanitarian pauses, as he calls it in, in, in the fighting an indian violation at this point. there's also no mention where he mentions a about few, which is obviously the of a big issue, the amount of fuel that's being that's getting into gaza. they can then be useful hospitals and things like that, which is another key issue. the seems to be trying to be empathetic as well towards the plight of palestinians right now without in any way attacking or appearing to criticize is ro, which is consistent with how he's handled best so far. so i think some people might be looking this possibly, even within garza looking at well, he's trying to get involved in the future. but he's not really speaking about what we're going through right now. right, so slight shifting time, but not addressing the immediate challenge of the ongoing conflict. john holman, in washington dc. thanks a lot of the house being and and the occupied westbank from audrey palestinians who
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say that elite is not vocally and often israel's war and gaza. saying this for avi has more from a, as many palestinians have been critical of their political leaders saying that they have not been vocal enough throughout this crisis. but looking at the events at ocean for hospital at the ongoing events and guys of the palestinian authority minister of foreign affairs has put out a statement condemning what they describe as the crime of occupying all ship a hospital of evacuating citizens, patients and medical staff. and turning it into what they describe is a closed military post. they say that the actions of these really military ad will ship a hospital or another hideous facet of the crimes of ethnic cleansing and genocide being committed against palestinian people. the statement goes on to say that what is happening there at that hospital is representative of israel's insistence on completing episodes of execution and genocide against any palestinian presence in
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gaza. that these are very strong words that come out at a time when the palestinian authority is under pressure to be seen to be doing more . and as the events in gaza carry on, there is an ongoing concern here in rome, a lot in cities across the occupied westbank which have come under is rarely rates as well as aerial attacks. in recent weeks there is a concern that the circumstances for people here could also continue to work and continue intends to intensify as they have been since the events of october 7th the were here. is that what is happening in gaza now? the conditions in gaza now are a window into what the conditions could look like for people in the occupied westbank in the future. same bus robbie o 0 ramallah in the occupied west back at least 5 palestinians. it'd be killed and several others injured. and this really as striking the occupied westbank that happens in the block to a refugee company, annapolis. another power steering was killed and this ready rate on the city of 2
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of us. he started, he already has conducted daily rates and they'll provide westbank can at least $212.00 products to engine since october. the 7th of you and human rights experts have continued to call on the international community to do more to prevent genocide against the palestinian people in gauze. frank, a group that looks at the language used by astray, the latest and other figures since the beginning of the war behind the depths of suffering and the cycle of violence and garza woods of vengeance, hatred. and the reason is the whole, the bullet need stuff in the him don't even come in. he's referring to a biblical passage that called to an ancient israelites to wipe out it's arch rival nation of i'm, i like to avenge a surprise. i'm bush took a man, women, child instant and animals a reference use now to justify the slope to of thousands of palestinian men,
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women and children. it is an on and be us genocidal statement. right? because the idea within the tradition, right is that you have to, to destroy, oh, i'm like an all of i'm likes, descendants, and rid that people from the world. and it's a completely dangerous genocide, all idea to invoke that. israel's fluoride government has freedom the war and gaza added people as a fight to get good and evil light and darkness. familiar rhetoric invoking the maze of a just war during the brutal impact of 75 years for patients in the 1st month in my zone and mine and daily, according so cool. how many pilots have done is on the why getting better? i don't, some is really a waves,
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there appear to be no editorial and red lines that have not been crossed the cause, the result because i've seen him hook it as i've seen or could come up with some issues, blah, blah. so for some different thousands of family patients, i'd be to pay out shotwell, middle school, c, n o feel, seal. yes, name in your head. see, federal is obviously they say you have to see if i don't know, show beginning beds and it's not because they don't say nothing because of the incendiary rhetoric of ethnic cleansing and genocide of palestinians normalized on live television by pundits and petitions of like active a say this type of explicit language of hate. i'm revenge, is repeated in thousands of posts online. we use the next id and then a few days ago, over a 1000000 conversations, the violence,
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an ex and on man. the good i'm we, this is one of those nations that calling for the, for, for it inside sort of biomass, including like flattening guns, the main goal is not getting delayed, being the kind of a inside point that you can imagine is that the effects of on the posting an incitement are already being filled across israel, in races, chance, and songs, and even comedy sketches, seemingly normalizing the dehumanization of palestinians, and israel's war crimes. bianca looked up on sir, 15 injured palestinian. some guys including 8 children have arrived in the u. a of to being evacuated through the roof of crossing. they included people with critical injuries as well as cancer patients. and the 1st to arrive in the emeralds,
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following a promise by the government to treat a 1000 injured palestinians of hospitals in the u. a protest. happy and taking place and cities around the world, calling for sci fi and gaza, hundreds took part in a much in the city of side on southern level, denounced israel's aggression and the gaza strip. thousands gathered in the french capital to again show support for the processing and cause large crowds gathered in paris despite the wet weather that i may use the pictures from london demonstrations of being regularly taking place in support of the pulsing and people and was also being a demonstration in solidarity with putting into the chilean capital b c and even was there and santiago outside of the presidential palace right now, whether it's a pro palestinian demonstration taking place. there are several, several 100 people here. as you can see as they are holding.


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