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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 20, 2023 12:00am-1:01am AST

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central bank says the conflict is in major, sought to its economy, plus how the war is. disney lebanon's, economic price, that's counting the cost on alpha 0 the the client has them. so you can, this is the use live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. so that's the one newborn babies have been moved from gauze as main hospital. but more than 200 patients are still stuck in a ship. unable to lease a desperate plea to salvage causes strain, medical system health ministry says the region is in dire need of make ship, hospitalized fuel and medicine. you and human rights chief says the civilian
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desktop for me is really strikes is staggering and is cooling for an immediate cease fire. and humans who these take control of it is really own ship and the red sea trying to carry out further attacks the horrendous and beyond belief. that is how the human human rights chief is describing is really strikes in gaza at least $13000.00 palestinians. i've now been killed, thinks october 7th, including thousands of women and children. people have been using their bare hands to reach those, still trapped onto the rubble as israel targets residential areas in garza. and these are pictures from a shift road, one and neighborhood in the news. many buildings have been leveled by heavy is riley bombardment, a w h o humanitarian team reach the ship, a compound in what he called
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a high risk commission to assess the situation and reported seeing a mass grave at the entrance, cooling the hospital. a desk is of a 31. premature babies have been moved from a ship, a hospital to the thought they would like to be taken to egypt. the health ministry says 259 patients remain inside the hospital. these really ami forced thousands of people to leave and shift on saturday or so you'll know, i said, is that the limit all to your hospital and reflect whether you premature babies have been taken to one of the premature children. that's where in chicago, medical complex have now reached the in there on the hospital in dropbox. the total number of these premature children was originally 139 was a to the ultimate to after the ease really forces taking over a shift the medical complex had destroyed the oxygen station. and
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because of the last of fuel destroying off all generators and solar panels industry for medical complex, there was no electricity for the incubators of these premature baby. 8th of them died and compared to one has come here and the doctors tell us that 4 of them are in severe condition. and as you can see with us, at least, every incubator has from 3 or premature children because of the lack of incubators in this hospital. that'd be some upfront and we'll get in while the the majority of the children presents were clearly exposed during the last 8 days when they were transferred from incubators to other departments that were not prepared to receive them to services below the standard required for them. and it's clear that they lost weight and that there is
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a clear drop in temperatures yesterday, 2 of them died. it is clear that some of them suffered from vomiting and diarrhea and blood poisoning. the medical staff here of pushing the limits to try to save these premature to try and push with the lack of resources as capital t. this struggle is great. you me see, i was just the wrong, the more us you hospital in rafael, honey who the joins us live now from a hon, eunice inside to the gaza strip. so honey, what do we know about the patients who are still in the ship? a hospital? the, the right well there are about 250, the critically injured palestinian inside su, 4 hospital. the de could not evacuated as they were 1st to evacuate everyone and from the hospital we,
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we knew about the babies. the premature babies were taken from the hospital to the more at the hospital in rough hospital, in preparation for across over yes, the tomorrow. as we were told by uh, the crossing official, there will be taken for better medical attention in a field hospital in a different way in the area in egypt. but those who remained in the hospital are in critical needs of medical attention. but unfortunately, as of now the conditions at a ship, a hospital are very complicated, with no medical supplies. absolutely. 0 medical supplies inside the hospital, constance power outage. in addition, there's no food or access to water. so these are injured palestinian critically injured individuals inside the hospital in need of that immediate medical intervention somewhere else, other than the hospital now the due to their serious conditions and the complications the experience because of their injuries be,
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were not able to evacuate a the hospital they are in need of medical teams, ambulance, the nurses to assist them in the evacuation of process. but absolute rejection by these really military and the man and sharply that everyone should leave should leave the buildings of the hospital on their own with their hands of, of their head. and they start to evacuate the hospital for. unfortunately, those people could not leave due to the seriousness of their condition. now their faith is unknown and we as people were very high of the end that does hear about the relief of the 3 months for babies. they are very concerned over the unknown faith of those 250 injuries. and we heard from the spokesperson of the ministry of health, who stated that there will be an arrangement to transfer those 250 injured individual to from the hospitals, but did not clarify what mechanism who are the involved parties in the process. and
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that's what makes the matter more complicated as their faith is unknown and unclear to add, the vast majority of housed indians who the life where it says they're in hong use. thank you. hi leah, my colleague that he never hate a spoke to doctor. as i said, i will sit there. he is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who was forced to leave garza. he worked in the last lea baptiste and a shift the hospitals. they told me that does it at the age of trickling into the strip is not enough. when a that was eventually allowed, been in the saw, it was prohibited to get to the north and the amounts were so many ski, so miniscule in terms of the proportion of you know, 2425000 warranty and the number of trucks that,
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that'd be allowed in what was in these trucks, then that you out, you did not see it on the ground, that there was anything being replenished that you use the and then that fits of mind, read all 3 to 420 our street. and in the morning after the last surgery, our colleagues in the subjects, the department told us that that's it. we had consumed the septic medication and that there is nothing else that we can do in the operating room under general. understood what sorts of injuries were you're seeing because there are reports. in fact we've seen video. busy as if is really, is shelling garza using white phosphorus for example. so. so what sort of injuries did you see this time around? there were blast injuries, which meant that you would see the huge,
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the areas of soft tissue being torn away from the body and multiple fractures, shrapnel, there were what phosphorus burns which door very distinctive which sold them. we sold burns from incendiary bones, where there's a fireball, and we had over a sauce one stage and ship over a 100 patients with burns over 40 percent of their surface. well, i then started seeing a strange injury. betcha, which i'm up to a sold was a missile from a jewel, where there is no salt or burn on the edge of the moon. and the name is where guillotine. there were a rated edges of the woods and the amputation is that they, these,
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these tropical mate were not at the weak parts of the body, like the joints, which is what happens at a traditional exclusion. but we're in the mid song for the mid r to and i saw that when i was in, i mean when it was attacked by a does re the missile 9 member, one of the 1st patients i got to have had a clean guillotine, like congregation in the middle of a sign and after that i started seeing more and more of these the wounds that i'm stand, the missile i like the tradition traditional 19 eighties. 1990 is flexible. i the midst of this group, bose off multiple layers of shrapnel that like an army dental with on food and release these disks at causing these to run this out to dish i. so once again,
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on the last night when they targeted at one of the box in softball, where the patients were coming in with these are and this shopping the engines. and then lastly we started seeing this quote culture in the gun shop. and this is a, a drone that is a slight patrol and it was targeting the patients that were trying to come to the hospital with single gums like the most of the gun shop. and we, or one day we got for 20 of to one of the list is really a tax on sunday was in the, in the say that the refugee camp that's on the side of the reports. hospitals are close to guns asleep or open while with this rounds on the left in the tax business move to the right. there are not enough rooms for patients. most space in the news before the down in northern gaza. kim all at once. hospital floor is now where
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medics have to take the one survivor say, there is no way to go. my family and i was sitting at home. and suspecting, one of the sudden we hit the missile and attempt to send me a peaceful citizens sitting at home. what can we do? we can go, do you want to push us to sign or it's a residential area militants in the area because that's a residential square. dozens are still on, but the problem is really heavy. bombardment level the area that that goes on. why people use the of their hands to recover the bodies of the loved ones from under the roof. no civil defense. and because this is basically the outside world has deserted them. you see for yourself the whole world abandon us. only god is our rock. this building alone had more than 50 persons inside the same
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and dead one and that one. also, those are my flesh and blood in law. you see for yourself has to god only complain . the urban wisdom countries turn their back on us. the sum of all those were killed were innocent families, women, and children. the scared then horrified, this boy doesn't know yet how many of his family members had been killed. you were all sitting in that room. all of a sudden a muscle hit, the house you called us from under the ruling. we are using how big hens to retail families under the rebels. there's no help coming to us here. with his rad, expanding this operation, deepening together, there is no sign of the war stuff in any time soon. the violence inflicted on palestinians has already killed more than 12005000 of them children
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on saturday, mid yvette created homes of patients from guys as large as hospital. i'll shift that they said is vast. forced them to listen for the and we will already display small home inches you i you oh, your range with missiles every week i was injured and move to of ship a hospital or have an open wound. often surgery, i held my garden to the last minute trying to protect my children. a boy h 2 and a good age 12. but she was killed, she was hit in the head. me so too much. now i'm separated from who was left for my children, and i want to hug them. i missed them daily. i hope you're well could feel of pain . the world health organization is now preparing to move nearly 300 of patients and stuff too nice. that hospital is southern got the body to see this maximum capacity that 2 weeks ago. yes, i mean this will save that one, but i'll just do that to the, on the wing of high mass, the low cost,
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some brigades has released, the video said to show fighters, attacking is really military vehicles in gaza. the customer guys say they killed a large number of his reading troops in fighting south east of gauze. a city on sunday, the evans, who the rebels to say that fighters have seized a cargo ship linked to and is really businessman, in an operation in the southern red sea. at least 22 people were on board. the galaxy leader, which was on route for the key to india, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned what he called named ronnie. an attack of the galaxy leader is sailing under the flag of the bahamas ship tracking agencies show to travelling in the red sea on saturday. but they haven't received any locations signals since the ship pos, southern saudi arabia who these are threatening to take further. military action,
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you know, how to cut the silver the, the many armed forces. are we new bill warning to old vessels belonging to or dealing with these really enemy? the day will be a little full talk it over on forces and call on all those countries were subjects are operating in the red sea to refrain from and steal away from dealing with is really vessels or is really agents for john holman, is in washington d. c for us with warner. so john, we know the u. s. navy has it has a presence in that region. so they were in a position to uh, to make uh, some sort of verification of this and, and talk about it, what does they've been saying? yeah, we have actually just go a response to this and from the us national security council, that's the top body of advisors to the white house. just gonna tell you what they said that the who, to militant caesar at the most professional galaxy leader in the red sea is
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a flagrant violation of international know with the mom, the immediate release of the ship and its crew will consult with the allies in you and partners as to appropriate next steps. so that's what they've said about this. and i just, as you said, has in the us has the stuff it's presence since the start the war in the middle east and the in the seas. and the middle east, they've sent to a croft carriers with a company, was ships around them to in the woods, assist in the defense of israel. but they obviously haven't been able to prevent this from happening in this case. all right, john, home and live 1st. there in washington, let's speak now to home the cell who didn't occupied east jerusalem. so honda what i is res saying about the ship as well. the use rally is releasing a number of statements about the matter. the 1st thing they wanted to address was the fact that the shape was not, is really, but rather british registered under
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a british company. and while that is true, we have done our own research to find. but part of that company is actually owned by and is rarely a memo from these really prime minister's office is saying, but the hijacking of this ship came at the guidance of it on and it is essentially a new level of aggression from the it on in these really are me going on to say that there were citizens of the many, many international citizens on the ship, but not is really not the hijacking of the ship has serious implications for the security of shipping internationally. now remember that the who these released the statement overnight saying that any vessel that was deemed to be is really passing through that area. 6 would be targeted by them. additionally, this is not the 1st time we have seen any sort of activity coming from young men or the who would be since this war has begun. know, we've seen
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a number of ballistic missiles and drones fired toward southern israel from their territory. now, the international maritime organization has deemed back in january that this area was secure in the area that goes from the red sea to the indian ocean. essentially a short cut for ships so that they don't have to go all the way around the african continent when trying to sell through asia and in europe. but they deem that this area didn't have a quite a security threat anymore because of pirates that used to be in the area. so the security presence there was low it. but with all of that in mind, these really are still slamming this and directly blaming it. on and what i want to ask you as well about this uh, another development, these really ami releasing this video. it says uh tunnels onto the as she felt hospital in garza. what more do we know about that?
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well the v is really army has been trying to prove their claims, but how much is using as ship a hospital and the grounds underneath it as their main command center? they've been saying it's the reading of heart of their operation. it is the focal point of their military activities, but the reality is they have not provided any proof or evidence to back up those allegations. today the video they published essentially showed a hole in the ground near the ship, a complex, and they said they placed a camera inside. so the tunnel went down 10 meters and it was 50 meters long. at the end of the video, they show what they call a glass door, which is essentially a protective barrier with a shooting hole inside a bit of firing hole right there. so these really army is saying that this proves how this is using and shift, and it's patients as a really,
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it's compound using them as human shields. but again, these really have not brought sufficient enough evidence to back up those claims. and these images and videos they've been publishing, we have to say can not be independently verified. and that have mass and doctors that a ship all deny the claims. all right, thanks. hi, i'm the, i'm the son who lived 1st there and hopefully part east jerusalem. plus, oh more about that video now we spoke earlier to model, i'm a shot, i just need a senior political analyst. he says, that's what age released by the is really all me doesn't seem to prove that she felt was a come on center for home us as the international public opinion, international media. there was some allies. i'm not convinced that they have much of a proof for what they said. there's the headquarters of how about us on the ship. a hospitals with multiple layers of uh floors and, and 1300 kilometers of tunnels. 40 to 70 meters deep. that was the
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estimates by these radius and the pundits and was some capitals. none of that is there. of course we know that they are on the panels and guys, everyone knows the 1000 guys. so what if there are 1000 guys? the question is, what is there a doing now to us and to others in the international media is what we call deflection. they are discredited. they are involved in war crimes. today as we speak about some dental, some hold some diaper left somewhere. some calendar is laying siege to the event. try to call that mom at any hospital in garza now as we speak, but we are all keeping busy with their obligations. remember when our colleagues, she got a boxley was killed by these rays. they did pretty bad action immediately. deflections a certain amount of funding has given that we know that the kind of thing is go generated and we spent weeks on, on trying to prove. and they trying to prove that way. but we missed the point that
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they killed journalists, that they can innocent people civilians engineering like they do now and goes a message to hospitals. in fact, this war turned out to be a lot on hospitals. now they're trying to walk back the pretext and why they that is not that there is no evidence, not a sure the evidence. this is not even circumstantial evidence because they have now there's also show a video is about about how must apparently, i mean, according to them from us taking patients into hospitals from the main gates. right . i mean, if, how about for sticking on injured a captive hostage thing to the hospital, they should be sent for, for trying to save the lives of captives. that is not approve. that's a shift. hospitalized is use as his quarters. that is approve, that they're trying to keep the captors all large in order to exchange them for one of the same children and women and sole and held in his very presence. it cuts us 5
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minutes to a headset, a deal on the possible release of how much held captives has become major challenges. and it's just a matter of time how much been. i'm that i'm on his side. he spoke in a meeting with you foreign policy chief, joseph brown, who is visiting the region that's causing tens of 5 for israel to end. it's war on garza. i assume i bought a ripple. it's a crucial stop for the use foreign policy chief, joseph burrell tools. guitar, re, officials, the you and the international community iga for a don't have broker deal. that would see how mass health captives released in exchange for prolonged humanitarian pools as well and more 8 into gaza. goal cuts us probably minutes a but how much but out of the amount of money was quick to respond saying a deal could happen sooner than expected the challenges that remains and then english, it shows are very minor compared to the big of china challenges. they are modeling
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just to get it, they are more practical. and i believe that to, with the willingness of both parties to engage and to have this data uh, moving, we can, we can reach there a tabio for silkwood decides the international community for what i said was a double stand that of failure to press as well to end this bombardment of schools rough as you can and residential areas earlier, the use high representative for following up as and security policy was an as well what he expressed. so the data to with local communities. but also described what happened in gaza. us cottage and the time us browse spoke to us as you write in more detail about the us you that plan. you had over control of guys that was a policy and a pharmacy which is based in the occupied westbank support. that sort of moment. i put it to go set them, it would have to be found. the nice thing that the usual is should not stay in gaza
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. that's how much non state and guys are. the only one who can take seriously control can provide shorter issues with the population is the listing and i thought it they had ready to do so much replacing how much they not to be an easy task. the groups these controls the south of gaza and it's submitted to capability is still largely intact. many out of countries have dismissed a push to create a joints police force to secure gaza for a transitional period, allowing time to train and equip boddeson or for the full says to step in, in bottles, policy and presidents by mode i bass has face growing resistance in the occupied westbank, when many blame him for giving concessions to these varieties and failing to deliver on his promise to establish a palestinian state. how much needed have wound any attempt to take over this trip
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. with the met with full house you buy a 0. the still ahead on i just had a more on the war on gaza and investigation. finds in is really minutes. we have kind of come to may of 5 on some policy. goes at a festival, 2 and a half months of tax on september 7th. and in other news, former us 1st lady rosalind costs or wants of jimmy concept as died at the age of massachusetts. the the, here's your forecast for monday, november 20th, across europe and africa. good to see you. so it is still unsettled for turkey's ne black sea coast, the potential for some flooding here. rain will turn to snow over the higher ground and this storm system drifting colder air. look at on corrode just 6 series for you
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on monday. meantime, central europe looking pretty typical autumn weather is here are some showers rolling through cloud cover for the balkans, but also the sun poking out as well. now the st goes for the northwest. we've got rain swirling around ireland, britain, west through northern france, belgium, and the netherlands. it's not going to be a washout, but some showers to be expected on monday. still plenty of sun in the forecasts for portugal and spain and as a result of that, sun temperatures are in the 20s. for example, malaga 25 for you. the top $10.00 to $5.00 for got fairly quiet, but it is breezy through the coast of egypt. costs here 40 and 50 kilometers per hour, and we're also pump in, in the heat from botswana rate through as in bob, wy and zambia. this could be record huge for the month of november. so we take a look at the 3 day forecast and habit eroni, your temperature over the next few days will be around 40 degrees. so well above average, we're in the thick of a heat wave here and the seats is here to stay. we'll see you soon. take care. i as the
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stream is back and you can be part of it. join me out of these forces in the rest of the team for a 1st hand look beyond the headlines and have a say on how your stories told. for new voices and unique perspective. the stream on i'll just say are 2 medium sized collateral. this massive is really a top sirens going off warning citizens that are heading this way from even hospitals. i'm not yet protected from the is what i'm going on with several 100 people and the numbers are growing all the time. so the victims of the attack at all actually hospitalized, gone by them is requesting congress provide a 100000000000 and security funding for 6 meetings. still no
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resolution still no unified the the, [000:00:00;00] the bug in your watching. i just need a reminder of our top stories. this view and human rights chief has described his radio strikes in the last 48 hours in gauze as horrendous and beyond belief on the west strikes on sundays. he doesn't understand that the site has refugee camp. at least 13000 palestinians have been killed since october 7. 31 from a to a babies have been transferred, some causes main hospital. but more than 200 patients, combi moved from a shipment or
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u. n. team has visited the facility and describes conditions there is desperate. very forces for thousands of people to leave the hospital on saturday. humans who the say they have taken control of a ship owned by and is really businessman in the southern red sea. these 22 people were on board, the galaxy leader, which was on his way to frontier kiera to india. oh, but i ship on is a how many political commentator he explains what this move by the hood. these means for you i'm to many is um, have been a meeting and we are, they were very close to sign. uh, but it looks like a permanent ceasefire. uh, but this seems to be a constant challenge with uh, with the, with the who sees which is kind of going to be now a similar situation like suitable where basically one party is deciding on behalf
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of everyone that whether they can engage in a 4 in conflict or not. now, in general, the many people have been supportive of the palestinian flights of the public and official, a statesman. some position of human as a country has been in general, supportive of the, of the, a postilion cause they in general, of course so many is do not support. it's not a normalization with, with, with israel. now that's the public's funds, but they want to engage with this within the hour of a framework. so they don't, it would like him and not to be engaged with a, with a, for in conflict because he is joining and actually the think that actually it is better for you. i'm going to be part of this, you know, so called access of resistance. as a young man has always been importance. i mean it's, it's kind of an interesting thing because when both of choice and the complex happens in the, i'm in the main interest for the international community is this for this conflict?
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not to sco over, i'm pressing the international uh, international security. now this seems to be the case of the case right now. uh, the other thing is that of course everyone knows about when uh the ships are being uh, you know, uh, uh, threatens across the red sea. this basically puts um, insurance companies. how, you know, companies have to pay higher price right now for any ship going through their, the, through the red sea. and the goose either himself had been a threatening. so right now with the who these are saying that we were serious when of the many companies he was announcing that he's going to hit targets in the public month ups rates, then we are serious and we mean business and is really newspaper is reporting that it is really ami helicopter may have filed on policy gods at the dance festival attack. what? how much fight is on october 7th? well, the $360.00 people were killed at the festival in the southern israel. hotspots
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quotes, an unnamed police officer citing an investigation. according to the paper, a combat helicopter, arriving of the scene, fired on how much fighters and apparently also hit some festival participants paper also says, how much did not plan the attack on the nova music festival, but chose to do it spontaneously. but he didn't leave. he is a hot, it's economist, he said, he doubts as well as investigation into the october 7th. the tax will mean accountability for its leadership. i don't see that serious investigation not taking place. so really, that's so many things to be investigated on what's happened on saturday morning. so many question box about so many mysteries and unprecedented behavior was the me of the police of every lot. so i can't tell you who is investigating what i have, big those, if anyone's started to serious investigation. do you know everyone to some kind of
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accountability except of one person. his name is benjamin antonio. he didn't take any accountability and he's not going to take any accountability. he didn't know he didn't see he was looking for. is just the private display that as he's been yes. but after the war, there's no doubt that public opinion with the model, serious investigation by your serious committee. the only problem is that those investigations, the most serious, the they take any question of minds and maybe even used on to everything would be cleared out. and then i have no doubt that nothing you all enjoy the rest we the phones accountable for these. unprecedented yes, cool. any occupied westbank at least 2 palestinians have been killed in overnight is riley attacks gun 5 was reported in the
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columbia refugee camp and in the city of jeanine is ready forces. use bulldozers to tear of rose st. louis probably has this update from the occupied west bank. it is rarely forces continue to bring pressure to bear down on palestinian communities in the occupied westbank palestinians describe the ongoing raids and killings in air strikes, albeit on a smaller scale that are continuing in parallel to the events and gaza hosting and say this is a can campaign of fi or intimidation and the human eye zation of the palestinians that are living in these communities overnight we start to major rates carry out, carried out on refugee tabs of less and well into this morning. the beloved, the refugee chem, your novel sauce, 74 homes being rated and wrecked, buys rarely, soldiers, homes belonging to active as the families of prisoners, the homes of former prisoners, palestinians, again complaining about this knightly campaign of fear across the occupied westbank . more than a dozen people were detained there, several injured is really forces even destroyed memorials and monuments dedicated
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to post indians killed in past conflicts, they even demolished a home or an apartment that was being used by the political group, fucked up somewhere. they carried an air strike out in a raid yesterday. they went back and demolished on the ground today, engineering and similar pictures really soldiers calling out from loud speakers and from their vehicles telling palestinian fighters to surrender themselves, taunting them. clashes broke out in those classes, one palestinian man was killed, someone in his mid thirty's to forty's, who had mental health issues, had special needs, simply illustrating the indiscriminate nature of these ongoing rates. same bus, probably older, 0 ramallah and the occupied westbank. iran supreme leader says most and countries should cut off political ties with israel at least for a limited period of time. highly from an a. he made the comments while attending the unveiling of the revolutionary gauze, new hypersonic ballistic missile code. fact that to the exhibition of featured an
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unmanned drone on iran unveiled in 2021, which it named gaza in tribute to palestinians dosage a body has more of the time wrong. you're wrong supreme leader i to law. i like how many was on hands for the unveiling of the new generation of their own type for sonic ballistic missile. that's called so i talked to the aerospace division of the revolutionary guards. the unveiling took place earlier on sunday and it was a chance for it radian officials to showcase the latest development to their commander in chief. i tell a lot of the harmony now. this new hypersonic ballistic missile that was on sale has a few features that have that are different from the previous hypersonic ballistic missile that iran unveiled back in june. first we, it has a faster speed, potentially, according to officials. it has the potential to reach the speed of mach 15 that is much higher than the top one. and it also has
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a different forehead capability, which allows the ballistic missile to significantly change its trajectory after a launch, meaning it can evade most air defense systems. now this is seen as a major development for iran ballistic missile program, which, according to many officials, is a part of their ron's missile program. that is the biggest in the middle east is the supreme leaders presence only highlighted the importance of this achievement at the i to the company rarely attends these on valence. but he did so today and also took the opportunity to express his point of view about the ongoing war in gauze are urging error countries to separate diplomatic ties with israel, at least for the foreseeable future. and also to not supply is route with goods and commodities for the time being. this is being seen as a step for iran to showcase it's defensive capabilities. and
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a warning to this rights it's been receiving from israel and western powers. the door such a part alpha 0 to her on the crowns in japan's capital, held the rally and solidarity with palestinians protest as much to tokyo, calling for a ceasefire. earlier this month, they will protest in front of these rainy embassy in the city. depends government has urge both hamis and israel to advise by international humanitarian law. aside, and march has been held in the french capital organized by office cooling for peace . natasha butler has moved from powers with thousands of people have joined to this will cost paris to cool for peace and sa colfey units. aid was organized by fonts, his artistic community, so as to the hedge of the cortege, the french actors, isabella, johnny, amongst others, several, no political slogans allowed. no banners, people are carrying a white flag,
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so nothing is who this is about coming together. that's what the organizers saying, they've chosen a symbolic root is saltisha. i'm phone, says our wells institute and will and near with your center in the center of the city. and people say that they felt it was important to be here. this is for peace . this is to see all the horrors that are happening and there was so many hallways happening in the world right now. i think it's important, at least we could do, really the artist, the children, people who work. everybody just wants peace or phone is home to the biggest jewish muslim communities in europe and what people are really worried about here. just as a war between israel and a mouthful craig's decisions, we seem to say the governments in recent weeks rising number of cases of anti semitism. and as i'm a savior in the country, well, this will comes as the french presence has announced. the fact phones will take in
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children from garza who are sick, who to feed injure they'll be treated here in the countries, hospitals following a conversation on the telephone between them. i know my crow, i have to fossil see. see if you get you can present. tasha butler, i'll just sarah power still ahead on address here in other news, polls closing origin. see now with voters while picking the next president in a type run off election the the between the 1800s. and as recently as the 1990s in canada, over a 150000 children were taken from their homes and forced into schools that stripped them of their identity and to offer their lives. as the search for unmarked graves continues and harrowing revelations emerge. people and power examines the long term
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consequences of the government funded system. residential schools, canada shame on a jersey to the land of the free america has never been a real democracy. the black people never experience that democracy may be excludes divisions and struggles in america's electoral system. aside for and against equal representation. and the democratic process is the country that's learning how to be a democracy, but it's not there yet. one person, one vote on al jazeera, the again, let's take
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a look at the other world news making headlines. former us 1st lady, rosalind content has died at the age of 96. she been suffering from dementia. her husband, former president jimmy carter, described her as his equal partner and everything he accomplished had to go home and it looks back on her life. rosel and smith was born in the small town of plains, georgia in 1927. her next door neighbor, a 3 year old jimmy carter. the 1st day rosen was alive. i went to the next door to look at the little girl who had a newborn baby on the street. so i have known her ever since the 1st day she was born, the daughter of an auto mechanic. she faced tragedy at a young age. my father died when i was 13. i was oldest of 4 children. i had 2 brothers and a little sister, 4 years old. my mother had never written a check. it was a difficult time for us. but um, i was put in charge of the little children. and that,
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that was hard. she married carter when she was 18 years old, while raising her 4 children she campaign for her husband to become the governor of georgia. and later the 39 president of the united states in 1977. so help me god in her role as firstly, she lobbied for more government help for people with mental illness and for senior citizens. and she actively supported the equal rights amendment for women which eventually found. so did jimmy carter's re election bit suffering, a bitter defeat to ronald reagan in 1980 the carters into a new role as unofficial goodwill ambassadors. they opened the carter center, which sends monitors around the world to oversee election. they met with leaders of nations hostile to the united states, to encourage better dialogue and promote a greater respect for human rights. and the former 1st lady led efforts to bring immunizations and health programs to communities in the caribbean and africa most the time. it's the 1st thing that i have ever seen that was successful. and it's joe,
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so wonderful. just to see the hope and if there's something good is happening made to get emotional us in her later years, champion the causes for caregivers and mental health support for her decades of work. she and her husband were awarded the highest civilian honor in the u. s. the presidential medal of freedom work that she continued to do into our 90 to sell them one in 2021. the carters celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary. the longest married presidential couple in the country's history. and then along came jimmy carter and my lives been an adventure of us. it was a small town woman whose compassion and influence spends the globe. and because of her lives around it were changed. oppose had closed the knowledge of the tina's presidential election. run of the governing coalition. candidates said you are
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messa, he's running against fall, right? new come i have a nilly because he's crippling economic crisis. and soaring, inflation have been the key issues skim on this. now from today sub oh, who is in the origin time capital when a sorry, so the right. so when we, when can we expect some results? well that's correct. the poles are now closed on the pounds and pro says has to be got an argentina. there's a manual bolting system. so inside each one of the schools, the counting process has begun. the candidates have asked the representative there to remain in those schools to prevent any type of with irregularities from taking place where i am right now. we're at the headquarters or far right the, the way he calls himself belie on he says he has the strength to carry out reforms in argentina that we put it in the country. economic was wants to dynamite. the central band dollar rise the economy among many other nations. he's also running
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against economy ministers that a few months back who's been battling very high inflation, a 140 percent inflation weights in the past. you're not size from a thing to and to pull that right finish and that exist in this country is promising to jumpstart this country's economy by, in a way, uniting different political parties and creating consensus, which is something that this country desperately needs. but you just mentioned this election is happening in the middle of a massive economic price is a 140 percent inflation rate in the past year percent from the bank. we service in the red. there's no credit line. there's 14 different types of exchange rates for argentinians. i'm just a very, very difficult for people to make ends meet. we've been talking to all sorts of people during the day. and people have been telling us that their main priority if the inflation rates in argentina. so what is the start and who's that who never wins, that both is going to have to take some drastic measures harsh economic measures
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that would certainly have a huge impact on people's lives. yeah, a very close run thing at the moment. that's about twice about life 1st there in when it's not nearly 300000 atkins, have left pockets done off to an order for undocumented migrants to leave the us as many face to rest and had their property destroy, come out of high to reports from islam of a, it gave me those thousands of on my getting cut on the move on the progress on each side of the board, while others wait in a long queue for the final paper work. after crossing the border into a run, it's done. they wait for that done in the open air to get there showed many head homes and livelihoods in focus, gone by god. now living in a make shift scan for no vehicle and his children live in a den and worry about what comes next. mind that was on him by the field or we did not believe the news,
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but then the authorities came and told us to leave or face arrest. we left in a hurry, i had to leave my live stock money owed to me by locals and even a mode right. now i have nothing and don't know what i will do this and we'll give it out the door to the way it goes. keep are driving and these families wait for their turn to get that thing. go my didn't get it. that's about it already. and the oh, going to go to what i. we had no time to pack our belongings, including the poles, rice on the stove, about a cost to buy just the cam keeps growing, and more and more people drive objects. suddenly ordering the expulsion of 1700000 unregistered of on didn't get him. government in the summer bought it now getting the 1500000 registered and documented of wants to leave the country by the 31st of december. the united nations is expressed concern about the exposure and of of the nation is from focused on, including what did phase or the abuse,
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arbitrary address and detention destruction of property and personal belongings. an expulsion, however, focused on government said that there is no other option. our policy with regards to indigo, foreigners, will be applied across the board irrespective of the nationality. and this includes of, on this one is done nationalist, but not just of once it, it will be applied across the board into individuals irrespective of their origin and nationality. the and did him over run. government said the movers unacceptable and in you made of one is done, isn't the grip of another harsh went up unaided organizations. one of our looming, your many carrion does such stuff come out of height the, the, uh, it's not my, but are you in sponsor talks are being held in it. can you to reach an international agreement to find plastic pollution units?
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kim spoke to one of the south korean officers to as partnered with green piece to highlight what's become a major threat to our environment. this plastic creature appears to be breathing and with the cheese to just a vision of what the world's consumption of plastics could bring to life. on the south korean artist, even china explains that plastics became central to his work. when he realized how wide spread they were, all the things that the ponies always looking between always in school, i often board give them diamond and cop new tools at convenience stores. a be handed to me in a plastic bag time and time again. so much that they became an integral part of my life in the city on to put these creature is recession to amplify. campaigners call for change, toys. he were demanding. the plastic production be slashed by at least 75 percent by $2240.00, based on various research. that is what's required to revert
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a climate crisis. according to the un, 2 thirds of the $430000000.00 tons of plastic produce each year are thrown away after only one or just a few uses over flowing landfill sites. micro plastics had been found in c life sheet, ice and human blood. as negotiators debate a treaty with a deadline next year, lease says the see change that's needed can start today. the tech doesn't go to tell me to say, i never regarded myself as an environmental this. but when i was starting out, i was buying less clothes, less things, and organically came to think more about the environment. if people just take a moment to consider the environmental impact of the actions, i think that would make a difference with less than 9 percent of single use plastics being recycled. the un says the world stands to see a tripling of plastic pollution within decades. that's why many are calling for
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a legally binding international path that not only regulates the way plastics are reuse, but also produced and design unit skim. oh to 0. so how strongly i have beaten india to win the cricket? well, cut for record 6 times the results of disappointment for the 1000000000 indian cricket fans. and those in fact, the now ran remotely stadium and i'm at about to watch the game. but i hope i talk with holes. what a difference. 6 weeks, mike, from losing to india in the art meeting. welcome back to beating them in the for the in front of 130000, mainly indian fired. this was billed as the guy where india would fulfill the destiny of winning the well comp for the 3rd time. the indian captain row had serv . i certainly look eager to set the tardies off to australia when the tungsten field at 1st and early wicked, brought in india's other backing super stop that our colleagues invite. he and sharma look set to help in the opposed to
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a big school. that wasn't too glad maxwell betters to sign at 130000 people almost instantly. the dismissal of rotate for 47 but the cold is still in india still had high in the semi final against the zealand. he scored his 50th or the r century, but here he was out for 54 in the eventually bound down for a relatively disappointing 240 a 100. so i knew early what case would be the key to coming back in this final. and mohammed show me or just the raw provided just that is india found how the crowd found that voices sounds at 47 to 3 from his head a be assisted by motors. lab shane rested. the been to back to a straight you had scored 163 and the final of the well test championship against india back in june. and he showed once again that he has the man. so the biggest of occasions getting a 137, he had never shane put on a 192 for the full weight. and it proved to be
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a match winning partnership. australia reaching that target with 42 bowls to spend reading by 6 wickets. the welcome victory coming at the end of the year, which is see the when the well test championship retarded the ashes. and there are this victory in india truly a year term at that for us right here, right across our account is 0. now to the us where the white house says it plans to impose visa bands on his riley settlers involved in violence against palestinians. satellite attacks against piloting is in the west bank have increased in 2023 all white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has moved from washington of what we have heard the latest coming from the deputy national security advisor john finer on sunday at goes what the us president put to and spelled out in an op ed, he wrote in the washington post on saturdays that as a result of the escalating violence towards palestinians in the west bank by is
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really settlers the u. s. as now drawing up a policy to put in place visa bands, that means that is really is that want to come to the united states potentially if they have been found guilty of committing such violence would not be able to come to the united states would be bad from coming to the united states. so this is something that the u. s. is looking at the you as president has directed not only the treasury secretary john ellen, but also the secretary of state to anthony blinking to begin developing this policy . but this is just one part of it. of the other part in all of this is that there has been concerns, but the israel's also not complying with something that's known as the visa waiver program. and so what this is, is that since october 7th, there has been a restriction of movement to, in other words, those that live in the west bank have not been allowed to come and go to in to israel palestinians. that is. and that is something that is necessary in order for,
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as really is to visit the united states without a visa. that's it for the use of back in a moment with more today's the as the situation in gaza escalates, we bring you expertise and analysis what the world is allowing these really wanting to know only have the 2 children, but now they are going to tell patients in the hospital the people that suffer from children. now you cannot make people are starving. the whole system is collapsing. was broken off of that. stay with us for the latest developments on tuesday,
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or israel is still refusing to allow international journals into jobs to cover the carnage they're all that they can report on 1st hand is be, is really saw palestinian reporters risking everything to get the story. you 15 members killed and, and asked dr. sharon, what's happening? we don't cover the news. we cover the way the news is the listening post. the me in the us citizen are risking their lives to secretly film the ongoing persecution for people. 101 east reveals the never before seen footage on all just minutes the world slow down. we stand for as homes with pits of global nichols reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play
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a role in solar energy, harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits, essentially submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments alignment digital licensing, your better tomorrow the the hello on have them see can this is the news live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes off the days of his radius sees 31 to permit you babies. i'll be back. you waited to southern gaza for more than 200 patients are still trapped and then ship the you and human rights chief says the civilian debt. so from is really strikes is


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