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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 24, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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for the offense that our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man regions. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we tear straight the, [000:00:00;00] the alarm 0 venue, keep them here with us. this is the news our lives from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes. a ceasefire has taken effect between israel and homos. after 48 days of ro lift this compartment in garza to palestinian families of trying to return home, but the israeli army is attempting to stop them going to northern gossip. during
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the ceasefire. the roof of crossing has opened. the palestinians were stuck in egypt and making their way back to the gaza while those wounded are heading to egypt. the women and children held in his really jails are set to be freed as part of this inspired deal. while these families of these really captives held in gaza, wait for news of their loved one, the it is 10 o'clock gmc, that is 12 noon in gaza where ceasefire between his re. busy and hamas has been in effect now for 5 hours. it has brought some respite to the palestinians who have enjoyed almost 7 weeks of relentless is really bombardment, the strength of hun eunice in southern gaza. are now for the 1st time in weeks busy . it is the 1st opportunity that people have had to move around without the threat that is really airstrikes since october the 7th or is really army is trying to
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prevent palestinians from moving from the south of gaza to the north during the ceasefire, but tens of thousands of palestinians still remain in the north, in gauze, northern city of bay, blah here, displaced families or trying to get back home. the injured have also been seen being carried around through the streets in hospital beds. bait lies just about 60 kilometers to the border with israel, the roof of border crossing and the southern part of the gaza strip. now that cross border crossing with egypt has been opened trucks carrying much needed humanitarian aid or entering the gaza strip of the trucks. have been refueling on the egyptian side and bringing fuel into gaza. people who had been stuck in egypt are returning to the strip while those wounded are going the other way for treatment in egypt. so here's what we're expecting in the coming hours. as i mentioned, the ceasefire and both northern and southern guns, it is currently in effect. these really military says the troops will stay behind
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a ceasefire line inside the gaza strip. hamas will release the 1st group of 13 is really captive at 4 pm local time. that is 14 g m t 4 hours from now. they are is really women and children. the 1st 50 captives were due to be released. the red cross will escort them to the roof of border crossing with egypt and hand them over to the is really military which will begin the identification process. the captives will be taken to hospitals and tell of even better shape of the physical and psychological examinations. for its part, israel will release $39.00 of the $150.00 palestinian prisoners due to be freed. they will be moved from 2 is really jails near haifa to the ofer prison, the south of ramallah in the occupied west bank. then they'll be taken to a nearby crossing and handed over to their families. and the villages in areas that they come from. and as we heard, the roof of crossing administration says humanitarian aid has already now started
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entering gaza from egypt almost as to a 100 trucks of aid and fuel will enter daily dream. what is supposed to be at least a 4 day see slight. we'll see if there are possibilities of extension that depends on what happens on the ground. now we have a team of correspondence keeping us across all the developments in gaza in the occupied westbank and in israel this, our tar a couple assume is in san eunice life for us inside gaza. dark for the last 4849 days that we've spoken, i would hear the sounds of is really drones over your head. i would hear the sound of ambulances as they carried the injured to a nicer hospital, which is right where you are. and sometimes we to hear bombardment behind you today . i'm not hearing any of that right now. it seems a very different picture. tell us how people are using how gardens are using this window of time. of the yes,
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all the scenes have been disappears since the truths took place on the ground a bit. we come off and israel optimisation or military acts from both sides on the ground of palestinians as they clearly got the confirmation that the ceasefire had comments on the ground. these started to get faxed in order to read time to check the houses in separate areas. of course, the church we have talking about even the people who were taking show 10 sides of the another hospital in this house of gauze. us trick. if on you, it is a city they told the returns again to the houses in the eastern area, as well as the themes that have to adopt and throughout different media outlets. it shows how much devastation took place, even in the eastern areas or kind of in the city. so what do we expect from the level of destruction that might be really taking place on the north central areas above the city? the batch of the bit choose to release from the patients in separate areas in the north and in central areas of cause. a city from people who managed to get access to those areas are really horrific as complete neighborhoods
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a shops. and even if it's ever specifically in facilities, happy to be wiped out to do to the relativist attacks that carries out like he's male on the ground. he's also stripped. meanwhile, gardens are really investing and even exploiting these precious moments in order to upset to afford their basic needs and even to check on the houses. some of them one to approve. the relatives under the reckless will have been stopped for days without having any access by the palestinian civil defense cruise. who did not, i knew where he gets ibex. is that due to the as rarely, relentless, i'm full control over these areas. now clearly palestinians see this a short time, so as far as a very good opportunity to be invested and to be even a take him to bob to wait for a long time to choose that might end this aggravate, aggravating crisis on the ground as palestinians have been running low and sewage visa, and even with ongoing black to
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a complete black house of electricity. since the beginning of this fighting the stuff, the deluxe, they lost their beloved ones. the, the even comparable conditions are out there at the destruction of full means of life. of course the gaza strip. so these moments concepts be very precious for them . they are happy that they had every deceased by us. but people who did not really manage to return or to have kind of access to the houses. they've become frustrated, waiting for further chances to reach the areas and even to take a look from what had been destroyed for them on the ground. regardless truck or a t r, a couple assume reporting for us from inside the guns, the strip. we have plenty more questions the topic, but i'm gonna have to let you go for this hour because i understand that we can bring a note as the home on member of hamas is political bureau, sir. we have many questions for you this hour. we're 5 hours into this truth now, 5 hours in a few minutes. if either from us or is real, do not respect the terms of this deal. it could very easily break down on your end
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. are you satisfied with how it's going so far that i took the test specialist, the cut, the adjustment to your house as a member of the addition of the agreement on the ground. because we think that we are deeply interested now to have a fair picked and at a specific i implementation of the agreement on the now we have some special code to assist us produced a lot because i think we expected to reach a motor talks about to know that there is no one to fix, nobody's the north. and i think we already conduct special would they on the line and the not to the nation in order to guarantee that the trucks will reach you the, the north. uh no, the ground about the sea is quite uh about the hostages and the present. i think the process no, but i think though we are doing very well, but okay, do you need to, as i said them more a month,
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it guarantees for their assistance. so each don't know if this is maybe one of the them. now, are you confident that you will indeed be able to release the 13 captives whose names you have provided? you have 4 hours to do so according to the schedule that we've all been getting. i think we discuss a very short yesterday and day before uh, 2 days with the custody under your shows. and i think we put all of these on the grounds and the names and everything, but i think everything is good for us and even the process then we can assume how we can deal with this. how can we, uh, uh, do something in order to implement this process in, in the way. i think i said that through, i see what is going on in the ground. i expect that everything will go when the site is, is uh,
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i'll always pick the agreement. and i'm sorry if i can jump icons. if i can do that, there's been some still some, some hindering done some, some offers that goes into way. but those are the weight, obviously times a day. when do we get us to overcome and what are the obstacles and i think the style you have some of them is the. busy the deal is though and the tv, but i think we are in contact. busy with the, with the items where they just shows with the category in order to overcome. i don't know what is the ceasefire going to allow you to find out where all the captives are and who's holding them because that's been an issue. the spokes person for the mediators because already foreign minister of foreign ministry yesterday was saying that's one of the aims of these 4 days a ceasefire. is for him us to figure out where all the captives are and how we may move forward after those 4 days. and i think we are looking for,
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i'll bring it out. we have to use the favors. and the 2nd, the tentative it to stop murdering and must have cause and genocide against all the people. this is our part of it, you know, data because what does it, what the i've been and in gaza. soup is a big and a huge months ago. and huge made it genocide, a huge it, it's like uh cleansing. so i think now the reason i see that most of this i, we just thought we succeeded to break they, they, the determination of things like to continue on the cushion on gaza strip. and because all the time the how some of the song guys we are going to guys in order to destroy, i'm us, to destroy garza, to destroy everything guys, even though they they, they send me the soonest. me and let me know accept our conditions as uh um do you dial is or did you uh uh to, to spend the conditions and to. busy uh 20 some prisoners. i think this is a good the achievement for the us team and the resistance on for the policy, you know,
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society that we just called the question. we stopped in the thing we spoke the rest of the site. and the also as for the existing site, some of the put us in prison right now, the agreement is to stop the fighting for 4 days. but there is a possibility to expend that cease fire if the prisoner and hostage swaps continue. is that something that you are looking to do look uh we are doing, we are, we are doing very hard in the extent the ceasefire because it is, oh and does. does that mean i really understanding what happens in the site to look, i think we are, what are we are we are looking to to do able to think that the able to take in order to extend this just wait until something to ship the party about uh, we have some, some the, some the contacts with the, with the, it does in order to uh, to think about this deeply,
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i think we are walking in this in order to extend a, this is for you. uh, we are going to sit down to dissolve the, the, all the hostages in gaza. and i think we are in contact with them in the it doesn't know how to implement this one to grow. so you're saying am i understanding this right, that you are not opposed to releasing more than the 50 captives that have currently been agreed upon after the 4 day window? is that correct? no, no, i think we don't. we don't if it is to to, to use more prestigious, i think we are in place there. total is more to be on hostages. but i think it depends on the, the agreement. what is going on on the ground? what, how is it in the movement edition, on the agreement, i think that we are the smallest. so currently you're starting with the release of women and children. would you in the next few days consider releasing either men or perhaps even is really soldiers. i think know,
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industry is we are to think about the symbiont hostages, to be the host, and i think especially at the time of the, of the c. so regarding the others, i think we all look for a comprehensive and entire as well. an exchange for the prisoner to release all the prisoners in the is already detention center. this is our law and this is all in but now we are picking about sabina hostages, including men civilian hostages, including men. you know, i'm doing all the procedures including women and women above, above dominican. you was, i think there is another story that we, they need some more more details, more mckenzie and more uh, maybe a new new prize. and uh, so i think, yeah, we talked about this before, the doctor used all day with suggest including serious as even the letter that was in order to what it is,
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all the results and days already detention centers. are you satisfied with the ratio? forgive me for saying it this way, but the ratio that you have obtained of one captive released in exchange for 3 palestinian prisoners release. this one to 3 ratio. the reason i ask you is because from us in the moments that followed the sup, uh october 7th attack, said we have enough captives to get all the policy and prisoners were and is really jails released. there are 7000 of them. so are you now that we're in the 7th week of fighting and that you have accepted this deal as it stands? one for 3. are you satisfied with that? you know, i think this is a temporary cease by i just don't really know agreement. maybe part of it is under think we also have the slides for what we have done and i think we ought to do still here, but met few numbers with the present us, but we are looking for a hold of prison. i think that business hour long, maybe they maybe the more even
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a phone the to find the alexa operation in order to release all the because it's not 6 or the 7000 from days like the tension. but i think we one, wait, i'm sorry, we have 4 patients. yeah. for the color, for the energy to do that. i think that we have supported by people. a lot of i see not people. and i think this is a funny good for the how much i'm all going to see and affection for these all the prisoners from days already detention. i want to ask you do to have trust right now with israel, and i understand that sounds like a strange question. but in order to achieve any kind of deal, including this at a critical moment like this, there needs to be trust, not just with the mediators, but also with the people that you are in directly dealing and negotiating with. so is their trust right now on this between almost in israel? no, there's no trouble between how much of these are in order to grow working and all of them know you're look, uh, i've done this wrong and i think everything is
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a clue for us is a, is, is a pronto. and i mean, is there any, is there a state based on this cause on the ceilings or may have the unified caring, ethnic cleansing? there is nothing good. and as i loved being good, i can say they'll have a short survey. it is mostly that's only, that's not the question. i'm sorry, the respectfully, that's not quite the question that i'm asking. there needs to be trust between parties that negotiate to achieve a common end. and right now, i'm austin. israel are in directly via guitar negotiating the 8 to reach the, the, the, the jointly desired outcome of releasing is really captives that are in gaza and releasing is re, um palestinian prisoners that are in his really jail. so there needs to be a minimum amount of trust and my question is, is that trust there right now between hamas in israel? this is the question,
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as you started that we've gone to the stairs or yes. we know how the thrust is. i must know before 70 or before 50 is all the time you're going to post is we tested in many times in different locations, and i think that is what it is in a we hold up on the scene that people under think the last for this for instance, own guys or prove that is a and is it, is it an amy is a product and i mean we put loved no, we never trust them because i think though, what does that we're doing now is just killing sylvie, then destroying everything. this really cost without destroying, they want to kill the life in golf and they want to destroying the policy and of people. these people i look into this and that i need things related to the piece or existence or david or for for a ceasefire. we're going to trust him, but i think that when the re for the our condition because it'd be that because not do more. because now, till now there's a lot that you, anything in my life to the side or the political decide to just click this to be,
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this is the big of the huge i q, but oh is right, is took a lot of, you know, most of you though, but i think i'll be there to use the biggest problem that we are going to. busy have to destroy us to destroy their sisters, to destroy the plan is to bring the hostage in back to the sun, but they do not anything, anything, but they need to put the score. so i think the bank printed though, but this succeeded in a pro more so the us and to killed as those. and it showed the more the pfizer i'll do. it shows the doing this a big problem officer in the internship community. so i think i was in, in, in, in confidence that is one of the family in guns law. and the, when the acute, nothing can. so you told us that a mazda is open to releasing to negotiating the release of further civilian captives that are currently held in gaza. aust or civilians are released. what
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about is really soldiers the hey, i think there's a little bit of story. well, these are to deal with this on the think we, we got and also across books might have come up against me already to make us well an extra asking, is there any children in these, all the prison noticed and designed attention? we have no. so you're ready to reduce as really prisoners i beg your pardon is really so must yes. okay, is the most of you just call that brings us and we all need to do these days. i just want to show all right. how's the ahmed a member of how mazda is political bureau? thank you very much for joining us on the program. as we've been reporting, how much will release the 1st group of 13 is really captives at 4 pm local time. that's 14 gmc a little less than 4 hours from now and for its part, israel will release $39.00 of the $150.00 palestinian prisoners due to be freed. let's take a closer look at the conditions of palestinian prisoners and is really jails. and
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the laws governing their lives. since 1967 is real has imposed a separate legal system in the occupied westbank palestinians live under military law. while is really settlers a subject to the civil and criminal legal system. under is really military law. detainee can be held for questioning for $75.00 days, 2 and a half months without charge. detainees can also be barred from meeting their lawyers the 30 days, which can be extended to 60 days. israel is also the only country that tries children in military courts. many are interrogated without a family member present or made to sign papers in hebrew language that many palestinians don't speak. some child prisoners are held in solitary confinement before they are charged or stand trial under military order issued after the illegal occupation of palestinian territories. israel criminalized civic activities such as organizing or participating in protests and occupies the east. jerusalem is really police, have been accused of using ordinance is meant the crew public disorder to arrest
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people who raise the palestinian flag. i was able to draw the drawings, this from novelist in the occupied westbank zane among the palestinians who are set to be released today. we expect that there will be a number of them or from the occupied westbank. can you tell us what the anticipation for that is like in the west bank a well behind each and every one of these numbers, the $39.00 expect it to be released today. the more than $7200.00 policy is remain, is really custody behind each and every one of those numbers is a personal story. is a family that is worried about a loved one and is hoping to see them again soon. i'd like to read to the words of a mother in her seventies who has 4 children for men serving life sentences, one of them, a 5th son killed by his really forces his body still in his really custody. i'd like to,
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i'd like to read what she said today. she said we are also happy about the release today. it is a significant moment. every released individual brings us happiness. our hope is that those with long sentences will also be set free. i dream that my son's body will rest in palestinian soil. these are the words of one mother reflecting really the sentiments of so many people across the occupied westbank prisoners. the issue of prisoners is a very important one for a palestinians. and to discuss that more with me now i'm joined by ryan debbie, the head of the political sciences department at on the national university here in douglas. sir, thank you very much for joining us. could you give us a sense of why the issue of prisoners is so intrinsic to the posting and experience? thank you for having the yes, as you just mentioned, in spite vision a site which is commented by the is that you like to and government in the previous
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50 days in guys as well as the crimes in west spine. but i can say that today is probably day for or the, but a scene in specially that the issue of the scene and, but it's kind of present about, especially when we speak about women and children. unplugged 30 people, it is a very sensitive and it is, but it's such a big part of the policy and people, especially that told the successive is the government's denied the right of 3 of them. now that exist on site sites where it's and that is 3 them. um the current situation means that last, at least it gives us a book, a flight, and that of the whole dark we bus on the current situation. we can see there today is not just the heavy day for its about a senior people but politically as well. it does assign that that is a sense, got a cheap, i'll put it to cadillac treatments and that's nothing. the whole is forced to withdrawal his mentality and his way it's in the very 1st day of the ag edition that but his assistance has to give up on to hunt or the present not as they have
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in the and goes us to you know, the issue of preserves, of course, is very, very key, but this has also been one of the most violent episodes in this conflict. the war and garza, this cease fire now this swap deal moving forward. do you see any of this things that have played out in the last nearly 2 months as being an inflection point, as, as a point of some kind of permanent change? how do you see things moving forward from here? well, there is a lot of, uh, is there any other headlines has been pro, can about this aggravation. one of them this as the administrator session of the conflict and instead of sort of being this, a conflict having peace without palestinians has been broken because nothing. yeah . whole eh, for that is the community that there is no need to deal with, but a scene you ins, we can make peace with the word that the incitement doesn't make any and the consequences. and now we see that is there any incitement against the point of
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seeing young people, how that lead, but this escalation and that means that kind of thing. and people will never accept the sustainable of the set. the school, which is a daily, about a tide and a daily aggression against the people at any ward of crimes against the people in westbank. the continuation of the seas on guns as they own of this is the lines has been broken off the 7th of october. it is assigned to the international community to recognize the senior people as humans. does that have a self determination and freedom otherwise i do believe that off the 7th of october, but a senior people will never accept to live at this equal event or the people over that where we are much less human then cleaning or creating young people or any people all over the word, what we'd be mind as about a senior is vice and been anything that your patients and the condition that i took, but of sending people into send for the 3rd investigative determination. and then
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in the day of the old people in this vision could enjoy sustainability and peace and security. a thank you very much for your thoughts. so there you have it, a demand for a quality and end to the status quote. with regards to this conflict, now we have to note that the ceasefire now the swap deal that is ongoing comes in the midst of ongoing pressure being down being brought down on the occupied westbank. there have been raids ongoing today. 2 people have been killed in altercations with this really forces in the last 24 hours just since this morning. and 10 more people as 39 people are meant to be released as part of this deal. these really authorities have detained, arrested, and are now holding 10 more people since this morning in the occupied westbank. as a investor, all the reporting from novelist cindy occupied with bank. thank you very much. the ford a ceasefire and gaza is soon meant to see the release of some is really captives and palestinian prisoners. the captains will be taking the medical facilities to
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undergo health checks once released is really government says until now mouse has not given updates on the health that is really captive red cross officials. they're supposed to meet them, check the situation, see that everybody's receiving the medical care their need, that or that they are in need. and that way, as everybody knows that everybody's safe until today, 48 days. nobody received any information regarding their medical uh, situation. sarah, hi rod, this standing by and telling me so sorry, the captive is supposed to be brought to somewhere near where you are in the medical facility. tell us about that. also, i'm looking at what's happening behind you. i think i recognize this as, as one of those, those, those tables that had been laid uh and set to represent the absence and to mark the
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absence of the captives. tell us about all of that. yeah, absolutely. i'll get to that in a moment. just an answer to the 1st part of your question and what about spokesman was saying is that the families have for a very long time. now, one of the demands they were making is to the right cost to insure the metric to me . so. so how is cap too far? ok, many of them have already had pre existing conditions that didn't have that medication when they were house taken over to gauze or unhealthy captive. so what we do now is that the red cross is going to ensure that they will be taken across to the boulder . it's still not clear whether they'll be released or individually or in groups or in couples. but the cause of the sensitivity of most of them being children. when they get to the other side, there's been very strict instructions that have been given to the security, the as ratings courses, rather on notes, on storing questions. you've got to remember that some of these children have a right,
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the last parents and they don't realize that they opens just yet. they flaw siblings as well. um, so it's fairly sensitive and then once they all hands it over to the is ready for assist, then they will be able to make a phone call to the family with the kinds of professionals that because they get into the sensitivity of it. oh, they'll be information they don't pregnancy for the 2 or writing these children. and once they've been assessed medically and of and mentally, they will then based on how important or how crucial is to get them to the hospital sooner rather than later. they'll be sent to one of 6 hospitals. 5 of those are within the tel aviv area and they will be highly compensated across to ensure that they get hit sooner rather than later. and then at some point, they'll be able to meet with family members. the message, so this time will the feeling and the place where in which is known as hostage square rights in front of the area where will cabinet meetings take place? this is where people gather. this is where some of the families of those health
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cops who have been camping ever since the family members were taken in reference to what you were talking about. i'm just going to give you a little bit of a description and an idea of what's happening. have this table right present the families coming together on just about that's a very important jewish tradition where they will gather every seat right? presents every single person house and goes with this one. for example, you just saw is tall gold sign and 9 year olds that hasn't been able to return whether he'll be on that list. it's very unclear, but more importantly today also that seems to be a message of hype space that i just got nick some time around. how just wants to show you what's going on on this side as well. you have brands, which is a very traditional bribes for sutton salves. it's given out where people eat fit, and they put the yellow ribbon this. the other ribbon is representative of bringing those house cap to home. as soon as possible, the normal places cooks by the communities here,
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different communities was being we've seen scout member of the scouts young says also many people wearing dog tags, which is symbolic. also the psalm just being held captive. but my call was saying, what's different here is this time today, there is a message of how they said, and this is shown here. well, i'm going to show you that hanging out and yellow flowers by calling them the bouquets of hope. and the idea is that people can take some home with them so that when that observing shabat sale able to think of those are held captive. and it's also symbolic of the re tons of those 2 high. and we've just hugs and found out that one family member hayes thing here has found out that her child is not on the list. and of course that's going to be very difficult for many of those families. as they find out that that family members are not on the list, but just in reference to what we had earlier from the,
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from our folks post and saying that they would be willing to release more. that would be very much welcomed by the families had because one thing that one person told me say, whose brother is held captive. he said that he knows is going to be a long johnny. but he is hopeful that pause thoughtful day. these 5, if potential extensions could exist, but more of those held captive will be brought back home safely. sarah. hi, rob reporting from tennessee. thank you very much for all of that. i want to try and complete that picture with mohammed drums, you mohammed, you're an occupied east, jerusalem. i'm wondering how the country certificate in so far as you can assess, it is absorbing all of this. there has been a great push, a lot of pressure put on the as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu to make the release of captive his priority before any other war goals. and today is a day that carries a lot of potential. there should be a release that we'll see in a few hours. then there should be more in the coming days, and there might even be more if things, you know,
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go continue to go in that direction after this 4 day window. how is all of that starting to, to penetrate the psyche of his release? so let me 1st just mention we have heard a bit more from the is really army with regards to the army warning the residents of gaza, not to move to the northern part of the gaza strip. we've spoken about this earlier in the day. we've just seen a new warning posted by by our dry, he is the spokes person in arabic for the israeli army. he posted this on ex, formerly twitter. he said, the movement of the population from the south of this trip to the north will not be allowed in any way, but only from the north to the south. we ask you not to approach the military forces and the areas north of the gods of valley take advantage of the time to replenish your needs and arrange your affairs. the area north of the gaza strip is a combat zone and it is forbidden to stay there. the war is not over and we urge
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you to avoid the teachings and warnings for your safety. so this very much in line with what we heard earlier in the day, even though there is cautious optimism amongst is really officials with regard to the ceasefire. there is concern these really army has said earlier in the day that they believe how much would try to push residents of gaza from the south back to the north. and these really army headset in the past few hours that they were going to use crowd dispersal methods if that were to happen. so that's where we are on that. we'll get you more developments as we have now with regard to your question and public opinion. it's quite tricky because while we have not yet seen any broad surveys done with regard to public opinion, since the announcement that there would be captives in gaza is really is that we start being released. as of today, we have seen indications of where public opinion is laying right now. now 1st of all, we must mention that is basically conventional political wisdom. and israel holds that during a time of war. a prime minister gets a boost in popularity and
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a boost and trust that is not how things have played out what we have seen since. the october 7th survey after survey showing that there is broad public support for the israeli military. and for the military campaign being conducted in god. so there is that rallying around the a flag effect, but it's still very much in place. but when it comes to the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu trust in his leadership, his approval ratings have plummeted to all time low as he is in political peril right now. he's under a lot of pressure. one of the reasons he's under pressure is because, as you mentioned, the family members of those captives who have been saying for weeks now that the israeli government needs to be doing more to secure their release. what's going to happen now that we started seeing potentially these captives released well, that potentially could change things the dynamic politically for an attorney out, but everything is in flux right now. there is a lot of concern about what exactly is going to happen when those captive start being released. and we expect that we'll start hearing more from the public with regard to their opinion and how the government is handling it in the days to comp 0 . am
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a how to do expect it to be released according to that schedule that we got in about 3 and a half hours and then is real supposed to release the $39.00 palestinian prisoners as well. we don't have a scheduled time for that, but supposed to be happening roughly in the same time frame. so we'll be looking at that very, very closely. of course. thank you mom in israel now order the evacuation of the indonesian hospital on thursday. the hospital in the northern part of the gaza strip, giving stuff just a few hours to move the remaining patients. the hospital is, as it is on your map in northern garza, near the largest refugee camp jamalia. it's coming to under repeated attack since october, the 7th. it opened in 2015 and it's funded by an indonesian volunteer a lead organization called the medical emergency rescue committee. the facility has a capacity of a 140 patients, but thousands of palestinians were sheltering their dozens or still believes to be inside of them on this list. bringing rid one has taught you,
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sir. are the indonesian ambassador to guitar. you are joining us in the studio. thanks for being with us. um the, the connection here to indonesia, the most populous muslim country in the world is that this hospital has been funded by humanitarian donations from indonesia. it's not government fund, it's not the government of indonesia. there's funded as it's indonesians themselves that have a direct link to this hospital. what is your latest information on what's going on there? yes, sir, thank you very much. i think uh, as you had mentioned, it is through to the hospital is actually in the city and funded by innovation people and these the proposals for the humanitarian assistance and support the palestinian people who meet in the house surfaces. and uh, it is also uh, believe that uh of the no,
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i mean the hosp, the setup is run by the government of the local authorities, even guys. so in the nation, government does support the process of federal. i'm the people right. it was funded by indonesians, but it's not run, administered or in any other way managed by an denisia. thank you for making that clear. exactly. you have 33 indonesian volunteers here working in the hospital. yes . where are they? and again, if i can ask you, what's the latest you know on what's going on in the hospital? yeah. so the latest information that would be god. the 3 in the nation volunteers who are working in that hospital is not already of acquitted. to solve it, didn't guys in the rough us inside the hospital, do you have up to date information? we don't have it at this moment, but we believe when the 3 in the mission bundling piece of acquitted,
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they went along with some of the patients. also, what were you able to find out about how that evacuation proceeded? how it went. we don't have at the get that information medication. so hard to get with us is right. right. um, how to invasions, i wonder since its indonesian people who funded this hospital. yes, we know there is a, there is a, a diplomatic political, and i want to say humanitarian solidarity between indonesia. yes and gardens. how are indonesians looking at this, or they, are they aware that the indonesian hospital has come under attack? the yes, uh set. then the because uh our community is uh closely follow the program. ready is the situation in guys uh from the b one that thing and uh, we strongly condemn the effective date losing hospitals. because as you might know, this is a what do you, monday to the end, proposes then they meet the really need the, the, the,
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the surface system. and then i think for us, uh, the community has a very strong support for the by this team. and for the purposes of the humanitarian assistance, and on a political level on a government level, indonesia has also been involved more and more so recently i have to add in the indonesian voice has been heard more, you were part of the delegation of arab and muslim countries that went to china to perhaps seek another another voice in this conflict, what is being the nation government's position here? yeah, we, we, uh, we won the peace process uh, in palestine and including guys happened to me to go with the east file is uh, das and the last the uh piece process. and of course like today we are very happy. we are welcome the, uh,
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the tools that facilitate the by cut daughter and you as a and a deep must have the need. we need a expected i thing to be a permanent one. so this is the hope of intuition people is. so you said expect and then we hope yeah. what, what do you think might actually happen within 4 days? do you think at the end of the 4 days you do you believe that we'll see an extension in the ceasefire or the i thing mostly we are expected and hold. put things that the, the, the, the, the progress. uh, we'll bring the people in that area to have a better situation and the peace process will be a seriously discuss it. so if i go back to the visit to china, the the indonesian, there was an invitation delegation. there do,
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do you think perhaps there's an opportunity for another voice in this conflict? yeah. because you know, uh the, the, the issue of, of the situation right now in guys uh, is broad uh, old park piecing the will that it is time to stop. the action is stop to do the bone being because this is not going to create according to $63.00 ition for the peace process itself. this one read one, assign invitation invested at the guitar. thank you very much for joining us. literally all this things. thank you. very much let's try and get more now on what's happening on the ground in gaza. mentor schumann is a palestinian canadian citizen who was chosen to stay in gaza to document the war.
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you're joining us from han eunice. tell us what it's like today. after 48 days of war, what have you spent the last 5 hours doing? what's been your priority? the hello. yes. uh well the philistines, ethan here is. how do you want us just finished uh, paying the find it pay is the weekly july pay us. uh for the 1st time and 7 weeks on the mosque switch off the bill up and running. uh, had the settlements delivered by the different til shakes. and people after the friday tires of each other. uh, you know, as transmits for the 1st 5 and 7 weeks. uh is relatives, uh, when told together their lease more the today the, the, the, the total is what extremely busy with the horse carts and cause uh, with furniture on top of them together with women. sure. but i've been going back
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all over the boxes at homes in the south, in the west, in the east of thousands. also back to the north. uh, there is a sense of happiness, a sense of times that central put it leave. especially knowing that the honda itself, by the speedy and presidents all the women and shows that it will be done at least over the next the 4 days. so at the same time the there is also essential. ok, hopefully this, these fire will remain on the 20 days and he is wants pre k again by, by you know, breaking some of the terms that have been agreed upon months or what about you. you've decided to stay in gaza. what are you going to spend the next 4 days doing? yeah, i know you said that hopefully the ceasefire will last, but there is no certainty beyond 4 days. in fact is no even certainty that it will last the agreed upon 4 days. so what is your priority today
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a oh, i certainly have a very busy schedule. um i wake up early in the morning. i said i was 5 am to pay the, the subject, paying the $110.00. and then i start working. uh my calendar is for last the interviews with the tv stations uh which social media and store says that they are the core, the tour to pause for a tour 7 i should as broadcast as the 60 percent of my time is also spends hoping to keep it on the grounds, whether it's by buying and distributing close blankets associated for this cold weather. so yesterday we smell sort of a few cows today. we are cooks even men distributing them to the people here on the grounds. so everyone here is trying to do what they can in order to ensure that the cd and civilians here remains that fast. hopefully with this cease fire and the hundreds of a talk stuff come in together with the fee is most because the got to be set up all
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$20.00 and life would be better for the, for the stadium civilians. here, after the 7 weeks of all, spite is like these, these basic things like eating, drinking, buying the basic necessities. this is exactly what i wanted to hear from you. you said that people are going out to buy coats because winter is setting and what else are people buying for those who can afford anything? and so, so the, so right now, the 1st few hours of the day, the focus that ice now is for the hundreds of thousands of people will have seek the refuge in schools, hospitals, mosques, periods, edited the, to go back to their homes, which they flipped from due to the war, this is the basic concept and highest priority. that old since the morning have been on needs the over arrived by people try to go back to their homes. i also
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earlier went to the smoke in downtown the, the main uh, the main area where people buy things. and yes, it is busy this. if it were having um breakfast, some people were taking money off of the atm banks. uh, getting timestamps from the friends that it just uh so exchanges. uh and yes, that all spaces open to buy those vegetables, fruits and other fluids and the other 2 items. so hopefully the life when come back to normal, even attempted in the for the next for these. all right, thank you so much for making time. as you said, 60 percent of your time, i'm quoting you here. you spend trying to help people around you say, what do we appreciate that you are able to make a little time to come on and explain how people are living in the show, months or few months posting in canadian citizen, you're staying and gaza to document the work, thank you my so thank you. a spring in omar shore professor, a security, a minute,
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military studies at the doha institute, the graduate studies together with our, our correspondent, russian hill bar. gentleman, thanks for being onset with us were 3 hours and 12 minutes away from the time when a mazda is supposed to release, 13 captives that have been held in gaza for 48 days. i beg your pardon, 2 hours and 12 minutes. so let's start with what i've shown you've been covering this. let's start with what guitar has been describing is this central operations room from there, which they're kind of running the show. it's somewhere here in the hall as far as we know they're, they're being very coy. on, you know, short on details. what does that look like? what does it do? was they all prices will, has been the focus point of the discrete shuffled diplomacy of the spots as more than 4 weeks ago to try to bring to keep players on opposing ends of the political spectrum. how much and, and israel to agree in
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a settlement. it was almost impossible, it was massive international pressure on this to happen. i told him to go, she ation well into the night. you told us who in for an executive and then outside because of the he was leverage it has on how much and the it has managed to bring all the parties to agree on over the i'm because this deal is not similar to previous deals. it was a really, a d of a takes shape by the minutes and by the by and by the hour. so nothing was set is, is telling us a day or 4 weeks ago. nothing is set in stone today. we don't know what is gonna happen tomorrow and we don't know what happens by the end of this is fine. but what we do understand is that about an hour from now. and i see obviously people are operating in the law and also in gaza. will be ready to start facilitating the release of the comparative and the presidents.
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when you say, facilitate, do we know how i listen to this press conference that you were asked? and i saw you. i heard you trying to tease information out of the spokesperson for the guitar, a foreign minister there's, you really didn't want to give any details on that. the reason being is the have boss to insist on massive secuity arrangements that are going to take place with this task, moving comparative strong guys all the way to, to total total 5. whether would it be handed over to to, to the ice here. so yeah, and from that it was crossed into is right. it is the moment when how much is insisting they would like to see a clear skies no, into a subset of these signals no draws mine go. thank you. so there's like, is there a close? no drones. exactly. then the uh, the same time the monitoring best to do this,
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a call todd is the how this operations room, which has a simultaneously, it is in touch with the most odd with these writers with how much political bureau and what, how nice, commend in gaza every single issue that you've been debating today in your shows is exactly the same thing that they have been trying to relate to all the boxes on the status of watching this. we're getting this report. can you confirm it? can you deny it? can you make sure it does not further evolve into skirmishes, particularly those people who are moving south all the way to was the noise. and people said that 2 of them were killed, old came on the fire. they have, it's an extraordinary logistical operation which is on the way home are homeless is very feeling vulnerable during that period of time when they are bringing out the captives. can you explain that to us or it is very vulnerable in general. it's the weakest side in that the but in the conflict, but uh, when the, the, the main card is a captive. so yeah. so, you know, it's a domain protection,
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get an t, a, is the captives on one end, but also it is that how much is very worried about the us all have to reduce the intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance activities because they know that this is not the end of the conflict, so after 4 days, assuming the truth will hold the. ready they don't want days where it is together, enough information to know where exactly to strike or where exactly exactly all the rest of the hostages, or what exactly is the the command post. so they are very worried about the, the drones as one is hash mentioned is one issue, but also the electronic fulfill the, the, the electronic activities including the infrared and attempting to find that a significantly reduce the signal intelligence activities. can we get a little bit more granular? i think people will be interested in this. yeah. they have got to get captives out of we believe, captives or in tunnels. maybe not all of them, but probably many of them. they have got to get captives out of wherever the
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captors have been held and they have got to achieve this without being detected without the. busy leaves really and perhaps other surveillance system is being able to say, pinpoint this is where the captives were. this is where a mazda is. this is where they're holding them, right? yeah, this is, this is part of it, the, the, the foot for them. if the 2 sold 4 days then. ready detection destruction cycle is very slow. so you know, way to, to compare that in ukraine. the detection destruction cycle is about 4 and a half minutes. you know, if you, if you get detected, if you're, if you lite top between conditions, meaning that unit of tronic uh or your, any part of your suitable signature to gauge you up, then you have 4 and a half minutes before you get destroyed by the activity or by the air force or by or anything. so how much has a wider detection destruction cycle in that sense? because it has 4 days now, so there will be a lot of blindfolding. uh,
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there will be a lot of, uh, uh, very uh, minimum signature of all sorts uh, including electronic consumer. uh there will be a lot of, uh, uh, fulls exit. so they will exit from somewhere from, uh, metal or some, a lot of detroit and, and, and uh, exactly, and footfalls uh, exits, um and then uh, that will be a lot of movement as well to, there's a lot of movement because they would need to add it, so this is the main, what it is is the, is the detection on one end and the surveillance activities. that is where it is my due to position themselves better for the upcoming a few days or more. sure, thank you very much and i'll help bar. thank you very much to speak to both of you again in the coming hours as we of course, continue to watch this very, very closely. just 2 hours left now, but alison 0, sorry, a couple a zoom spoke to ash rough, sean, a local resident who has lived in gaza for 27 years and whose own was destroyed on the 3rd day of the war. he says he is worried about the psychological effect that
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the conflict will have on his children and other guns a residence us. i have no way to go back. so even if they allow us to go back to the house, my house was bombs and completely destroyed on the 3rd day of the war. at the same time, i'm happy for those people who lost the loved ones or the loved ones are missing. at least they can go pick up the pieces and try to search for their loved ones. we're also happy that some sort of aid is coming maybe some fuel, some cooking gas, because we haven't had any gas in my house for 3 weeks now and we using firewood and coal. charcoal, sorry to chill cool. can provide proof of that for the kids. and my family is rid of 12 people and we are i the peas and turn the displaced persons. and this has, this is the 1st time this happens to us. we've been, we've been through was since 2008 and the, even my youngest boy,
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he's almost 13. you have to go through 5 boards. i'm really worried about the trauma, the psychological trauma that most of us are going through, including myself, of course, of all traumatized by this war. and we are hoping for peace beast for everyone. okay, do you expect to that's at this short term ceasefire with that the way to reach a long time? uh, a truce that would seemed a little bit wind from us and he's real. well, i hope so, but i don't think so because a living here for 27 years in gaza and seeing the is ready to aggressions on slots on wars. i don't think it will last for long because skirmishes, good start and for me, the side and this could lead to the end of, of this. and so this is the material called or that doesn't from me, several venue for this news hour. we're going to take a very short break analysis 0, but we're going to reset will be back at the top of the hour. and we will have
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a full slate of continuing coverage of israel's war on gaza as we come down to the schedule 2 hours before a mouse is set to release captives in gosh, the officer oppression for generations. there comes a time to fight for freedom and survival. as one of the highest ranking members of an indigenous civil defense force to columbia and grandmother fiercely protects her community and the world's largest cocaine for reducing regions. then, or that. a witness documentary on a jersey business latex to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant.
1:59 pm
the business slate has to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant examining the impact of today's headlines. the out of medicines that are running out of every single some ideas our patients lose. we
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could see all the stuff to the guys that we don't buddies explore and abundance of the world class program. i don't think we have another decade before. machines are smarter than us, it's time to raise your life international. so make us and world class john and bring programs to inform and inspire on challenges here. the safe fund has taken effect between is rather and her last off the $48.00 days of residence as bombardment and cost. the color that i'm associated, hey and this is out of here at life from the also coming palestinian family is trying to return home. but these really ami is attempting to stop them from going


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