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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 29, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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you see that others pinned off as far as i said, i'm going on the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference as a new democratic nations. just the part of this kind of behavior that pre lp is leading to what we're seeing out the vamps persecution is collateral damage. that's more, that's cool for w a r addressing tough question upfront on how to 0. the the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters in so high and getting and obligates are coming up in the next 60 minutes is really forces shoot until a 9 year old and a teenager and a raise in the occupied west thing. hopes for an extension of the ceasefire in
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gauze promises as optimistic a deal may be reached the scenes of joy as more palestinian prisoners return home. it's the 5th group released by israel as part of the ceasefire agreement. on some of those release of further 12 concepts from garza ton is released into tying nationals are back in israel. the we begin in the occupied westbank, where is really forces have killed a 9 year old palestinian boy and a 15 year old teenager during your rage. and janine, just a warning summer for viewers may find the following pictures disturbing. so there's the footage right there. it shows the moments they were shot by is really forces. and this comes after israel's army rated jeanine for hours and declared the area a close military zone is really sold,
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restoring the city and the refugee camp with armored vehicles. and boulders will get more of this from charles, struck for a trouser joining us from the janine refugee camp and the occupied westbank. and we've just gotten these pictures showing these boys uh, looks like they, they were targeted. obviously they've been killed. tell us what you've been hearing a decision that's right this, this right is being described by residents here. and so i the janine refuge account was being the largest, right. they can remember suddenly since the beginning of the war. and yes, i'm truly a ripping footage. video footage has a paid all the shooting of these 2 young boys, the policy and those are 2. you're saying that it was an 8 year old that was shot in the back, according to the people that we've spoken to. he was playing football at the time as the is ready for all of these were withdrawing that software rage at last it around 17 hours and seemingly defenceless. as you see the shows in the back being
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dragged on the a call behind a call by one of his friends, what evidence would suggest and also yes, a 15 year old boy also killed during this, right? that's according to the p a. and as i say, it is just being described as one of the largest is where the military right is the largest industry right since the beginning of the war residents of describing their being hundreds of soldiers. that not only came into the camp, but something that they hadn't seen since the beginning of the war. so just walking around the town as well as you brought the site was described as a closed ministry zone. full hours. we spoke to the owner of the house that was destroyed during this, right. it seems like these rarity policies with targeting specific lead is of the armed resistance groups that operate inside jeanine. now the owner of this house, and as i say the house is completely completely destroyed. he says that he was hiding in his house with his family and they became aware that they may have been
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published in the in flight just into the house. the hiding also, and he says one of his children, actually, so one of these a small is riley miller treat drive is coming for, we understand a hole in the wall inside the house. it was then that the house was destroyed even further. and once these riley's had left, they uncovered suddenly they, according to, to the owner of the house. they own covered one body of a palestinian fight to under the rubble. but most interestingly as well. and these film footage is certainly photographic footage of this, as one of these bodies was put inside the scoop of one of the is really all would bulldozers and taken away. now subsequent to this, literally in the last hour or so these way the military and put a statement out, they say they describe, this is a joint operation between the all idea. if that's these ready defense policies, what we call the, as rarely all me shouldn't,
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but which is their intelligence surveys and special policies. and they say that they, in that operation killed to what they describe as high ranking. and they was terrorists, including the come on the of the camp and cold my how much is a baby now my, how much a baby is you can imagine was very well known. it was very well respected amongst the all resistance groups for these writing. these are accusing him was being involved in various different attacks, shooting attacks in recent months and being behind those to be the supply of, of vehicles. it's unclear in this statement, but it implies possibly vehicles even use during the attacks that we saw on october the 7th. but as i say that is um clear. right? um they go on to say that they will call discussions of various weapons, explosive devices and allays, these rarely on the site was being used to make weapons. and they say that since the world again, all type of the 7, this is the is really all i me, they saying that a 2000 warranty for,
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since i've been arrested across to day and scenario, which is what israel coles. the occupied westbank for. bear in mind, according to the promised and imprisoned, the association number needs to be a lot higher. they say it's $3300.00 to be interested. so here's disparity numbers today, but the society is really saying that it's 2001 to 2 persons that they have arrested since the beginning of that will. okay, charles, thank you for keeping us across this developing story. charles stratford is reporting from the janine refugee camp. we're now joins of biologist 0 senior political analyst by the one beside us. so why don't you know ever since the war began on october, 7 dentists before that, but ever since the war there had been a war, regular raids into jeanine by the is really army. and now we understand that an 8 year old palestinian boy and a 16 year old boy had been killed in the slightest raid. what do you, what's your response to that? you know, i saw i saw this a few minutes ago and the 1st impression has no words,
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right? no words. but then of course we work on and television and we have to sound smart. we have to outsmart the kidding of children and try to explain it. there's nothing to explain here. i mean there's nothing to justify for sure. but there's nothing to explain politically speaking, any way. i mean, it has to have, uh, the 2nd psychology and psychology is not the of the soldiers were doing the killing is this like ology of, of a state that continues to target children. so, you know, it's a number of things, right? first of all, it's sadistic because it is a child playing in the street. it's criminal. it's not going to, i'm not doing right. it's deliberate. right? but it's also part of the i tell her campaign instead of resting. because it is there, as is as actions now in jeanine mix ups, you know, sense of the van they want to satisfy a 2nd loved last as there's a pause in,
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in gaza. they want to keep that kidding machine going, right. i mean, is there an explanation to these raids that are taking place in geneva? we know that jeanine milan has always been described as the epicenter of palestinian resistance and has often been targeted by the is really, is about why this uptake now. okay, so just answer that actually i would say that there's a war on the post and use theirs. and the war on guys, guys as palestinian is there as ward is there, as when data is riser adventures that gives the, by the city and people us. and yes, is there any and there is a symbol of resistance to the better sense. but having said that, that i think what do you need to focus on this, on this very particular image? because this says a lot more than just everything else we've been saying the past 50 days, or there's a war and children. i mean,
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we need to understand and we need to understand that because it's in comprehensible . what does it mean for the states to be thought of getting children in the way it's been brought to think children, it's been kidding, children indiscriminately. we talked about more than 56000 children killed in gaza . but yesterday we saw the images on that one particular child that sort of got to be more than any other when they decided to break his arms. he was in prison, he's a young 14 year old, the thing, but then decided to go sadistic and break his arms. now we're seeing the images of a mother of a deliberate murder. it's just like we're seeing the, the, the clinic or the shootings of complex spite of sydney and children and young people. just like we're seeing the general side. and guys i, i think, you know, sometimes when something happens again and again by a 2nd party like, you know, we say twitter, we say tweets. certainly we can extract a version of a name. i think now we probably should start talking about is there a side?
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is it a side is a new is a new word is a side, meaning you get a, a general side. you target children, your target hospitals. you thought good schools, your target children playing in the street, just as deliberate, sadistic criminal killing of another people. there was a lot of way because we don't have the category in our human vocabulary that explains this kind of sadism. either that we quoted based on our side. what will we be here? i mean, i'm trying to scan any reaction that's come through so far to this killing of these 2 boys, add them in the wood and best and aboard wifi. i haven't seen anything yet. will we be hearing a condemnation written over this? i'm not sure to know because eventually, but let me present that because we've been there, we've done that. been there on that. so many times is right is
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a state of permissions is a straight to investigative committees. they're going to say, worst case scenario. they're going to say we wouldn't investigate right? forgotten those. what does that mean? because they always investigate that because there's always no done in getting that or is that myself so they wouldn't investigate. but that was not do anything that was not bring as you see, even if they couldn't, they may even if they investigate that's, that's not the answer. because the soldier chatting the said this, the killing is not the only one response. so, but he's only pulling the trigger he or 2nd order is for my comment that i'm the commander is implementing policy. and that policy is the policy or the is there any government of that anyhow? government supported by the united states. probably the gun could have been american for all i know. so the idea here is not just about this very particular incident or the soul just behind it. so select the soldier who killed or call the
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shooting of actually also in jeanine. everyone wanted to have an investigation. i never on wanted proof and everything i could care less about. oh, exactly that soldier, that kitchen in a box i could care less. who is this very particular soldier who's getting this varies young child. what i care about are the people who are getting the old there's what i can about are the people who are writing is really is behind especially stick general side, the war against the for this thing. and people who are the focus children that queued thousands upon thousands of children and it goes on a base, it, it goes with both an impunity and it continues. and when they have a pausing, does a big deal of children and the worst thing. okay, one will leave it there for now. we'll continue to cover this developing story. thank you so much. well, those rates and they all can probably westbank come as talks are under way right now to extend the ceasefire in the gaza strip. and it's a deal agreed between him,
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us and israel. so bees in the meanwhile of the live pictures, they're coming out of as a right now. and after a 2 day extension, it's set to expire on thursday. well as part of the agreement, both sides have been releasing prisoners and captives on tuesday is real. freed, another authorities, all the spending ends in exchange for 12 captives farmhouse was holding in garza, it's the 5th such 6 change under the ceasefire. the agreement is also allowed more a to enter the strip through that f border crossing, at least $750.00 trucks across than 2000 since friday, but that's far fewer then before the war started in october. that's where nearly 700 trucks brought in supplies every day. meanwhile, cuts are, has been helping to mediate negotiation. since we have high mouse and israel, the for administrative says the main focus is to secure an end to the war. how's it? how about this a member of how much political bureau and earlier he told us that he's optimistic about a ceasefire extension to the it just shows to
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the i the ration from relies most of the to extend the easiest way. uh, we don't even, i think the last and the drug send this like this. all, we all waiting for the disposal people. got uh what was that was there, but i think the we all the, the is useful for more news of the read each the, the, the. ready the i think we are going to submit the policies as well as we said the some of the policy of ours to the table for the whole chapters. i think we just to discuss it with the final i think
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the the, the new issue that goes with the rest of the, of the contract is the focus in the d. d. i, we go all the coordinators of the north east. okay, let's bring it out as there was a sign up. and jeff, a somewhat more you're learning about where things stand right now on whether there is going to be an extension to the cease fire. so there is an intricate sensitive
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negotiation, but it does happen wanting to try and build on the 6 days to get at least 4 more days. we know at least from how much the spot that it is willing to extend it. but we've also heard from these families who say that they might be an extension, but nothing beyond the 4 days that might be added now, which will take us to sunday and nothing beyond that. but even these 4 days are not a done deal. we know that the intelligence chief from egypt from the united states, from israel, but on here, the reason why the is really intelligence chief was here. he's one of the most trusted men from benjamin netanyahu. and he did get a call from the prime minister himself as he went into those meetings. so there's a lot at stake here. obviously all the and to look at is trying to build on this, trying to get in more aid if they can. they're hearing from the world have to organization that other commodity and work is there that the situation is so dire. but in the last 6 days, the only amount of aid and supplies that have a being able to reach. there are the ones that would have usually gone into gaza on,
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on monday. right. so obviously, i mean, there's been a lot of diplomacy over the past few days and, and cuts are, has a thing, a leading role. and it's what color is smack in the middle of it. and it has been thing this will to try and bring all of these sites together. and it is extraordinary to see that you've got all of these intelligence keeps coming in. and the world knows about it has been so clearly the there is a pressure of on all sides to try and show that they're serious about the ceasefire . you also have to see the conjuncture that is happening around this negotiation. just yesterday, the financial times posted an article about as a senior c, a u official, using a palestinian picture on her private profile. so all of this kind of goes into she goes to show that there is, there is pressure that all sides are trying to put on israel to try and at least extend the ceasefire for a few more days to save a few more lives and try and get a and but again, all of this hinges on so how is real, sees this a pause, there's
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a lot of pressure has been given that now you've been hearing is between the pressure that he's being put on by his own couple is on people as well. as the international community, and then once he gets out of it, so if from us agrees to release more more captives that it has. if those include the people that israel does, there is the likelihood that it could be expanded for all right. oh, i still have more time with you. i still have more time to do is how okay so, so do we expect? i mean obviously this the cease fire is up tomorrow, which is thursday morning time. so we do expect to see something perhaps this evening or you're hearing from your sources when any announcements may be made in whichever direction it goes. well, because this is, this whole process is so delicate, it's so shrouded in wraps up as we would expecting that the, the intelligence to sort of here might be able to extend their stay here and might
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be able to get something more concrete. but that did not happen, but according to sources here in cut their, their optimistic that them leaving is not necessarily a bad sign because of the heels. you've got the, a secretary state entity blinking, arriving in tennessee in the late hours of the morning. it is, it will be late, is real time when he arrived there, but it will still be before the deadline. that 7 am deadline that lose with the biggest sphere is the 7 in the morning is really just having to stop pounding gaza again. that can be void and that is something that they are or working towards. would it happen in the next few hours? would it happen at a $659.00. we don't know, but the push is to try and emphasize that it is not just the release of hostages and use you've seen the statement that is shifted in the united states as well. that it's not just talking about the use of hostages and going off from us, but also the delivery of a into gaza. the millions of people are desperately need. okay, thank you so much, miss hamilton. jeff, thank you. well, for more than 2 weeks services at the and shift the hospital,
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that's guys us main hospital they've comfortable hold as is really forces laid siege to that health facility. many patients often shift have experience since experience severe complications. a number of them have died. the hospital is trying to restore critical operations, at least for now, and doctor motor one beside the chief surgeon, i can ship a hospital. he says that a huge number of patients are still unable to access health care. despite that seems fire. it says this is 5. ok, nothing is coming to the house with that i don't think so. most of the medical aided goes to the south in area 1000 in hopes, but that nothing is coming to the end of the thing head of gather just the food under water and other stuff that and if you will, some of the fuel which it related to the brother surface about the filter in god. i said that the said that we don't have any fish or now most of the visions are
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either way to, to the south and hope to be done. but the huge number of patient data tom data asking for the surfaces to complete the management, not the vision. so good enter to do it in this war. they are the one to the south and it helps me, does this, did he or in guidelines? and then all of them, but as a huge number of things, just based on what the facts are, they are coming in to ask about the health services, but okay, to close the shipper, that's the model we all of that will open the emergency department and to start to receive then you come out of a new. busy new based on the shape of what we need the fuel is that the. busy the, the fuel and to the vision of that does okay. awesome. and then i let it sit and you have a dozen zone. but the most important thing is if you would go on the genetics of the home, because without the fuel, they cannot do anything really. and these folks with a ok, let's get an update from gaza and spring and how the muscle which is joining us
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from kind, you know, some of the south of the gaza strip. piney. so what are people they're telling you on the 6th day and what could be the final day of the spar? the. 7 yes, very we're, we're, well there is a little over 12 hours for this. these fires have come in and people have been expressing mixed feelings all day long. victory and optimism causes optimism that issue that it will continue to hold under will be on extension. but on the other hand, there is a frustration looking at doing day by day or 2 days by 2 days. it's through a 01. that temporary through is what they are looking for. is a permanent seas fire that not only hold for a couple of days, but old, but for a longer period of time where they will be able to survive the destruction of everything that happened. the destruction of all means of life that was caused by
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is really liberal in plus years, right. gumble martin in particular group is this frustrated over this, these fire because they are not included in and to return to their homes in the northern part on gauze as they were talking about the 1500000 hello simians displays the from the northern parts all the way to the central part of garza and the southern part a given their living conditions are very, very difficult. the lack, black basically is lack marketplace to stay. and if we look at evacuation centers are one of designated to really hard on one, or if there is a fear of a spread of diseases as the w, it's sorry, so my apologies. uh honey, we will leave it there for now. but thank you so much for giving us our update from finding us in the gaza strip. thank you. well, as we mentioned,
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another 30 palestinian prisoners have been reunited with their families as part of the exchange agreed between hi mouse and israel. the youngest palestinian prisoner to be released on tuesday was 14 year old man said i meant how much of drew met him and his family at their home and occupied east jerusalem the moment they've all been waiting for. the 14 year old today, my one of the youngest palestinian prisoners to be released as part of israel cease fire with him us home. at last all through the evening. a roller coaster of emotions are at one point, panic and silence as family members where it is really police would rate the house color. yeah. okay. it's can, we can go live a resident of occupied east jerusalem was accused of throwing stones at the car full of israeli settlers and injuring one woman. he was 1st put under house arrest,
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then move to a jail under administrative detention. a comment is really practice where a person can be incarcerated without charge or trial, and definitely back in the embrace of his loved ones. physically tired and traumatized, told me about the warnings he perceived before being free. the bed of dogs. they told me you're not allowed to celebrate. you're not allowed to leave the house on the day you are released. you're not allowed to have signs or flags you can't talk on loudspeakers can of parties. anyone who makes noise around the house or sets of fireworks will be taken back to jail. for him and some other relief and concern. i worry that they might come back and take him away at any moment. a constantly worried and afraid, because at any moment they might return, you can expect anything from them. what would succeed in these families is that
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this is a moment when they want to have a collective sigh of relief and they want to be able to read a little bit easier and they want to be able to celebrate. and they're essentially being told that they can't very frustrating for them. despite the worries, the mood lightened when the feast 2 minutes, right now you're saying smiles to throughout the evening we've seen faces of a panic stricken. we've seen a lot of tiers right now people are happy and the others can last doing everything they can to save at this moment. as long as they can. how much dramas is either occupied the suicide. we're now going to speak to college was model who is the general director or for the foot of defense for children international pa, this fine, who's joining us from a less thanks for your time. so we're obviously we're keeping an eye out on developments in janine because we understand a short while ago is really forces killed an 8 year old palestinian boy. and
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a 15 year old boy junior. re there tell us what you're hearing about this gets out of some of the bargaining gear. following that the janine for more than 50 . now of those really out of me with all that, are the tanks there to meet the jeeps, the 60 and that then they get out by their online crime committed the by telling them and buses. and so it says something shocking and it isn't messages in professional communities, since you will get to the file and about these crimes will continue. since that is not comfortability would continue with these the crime. this is the message that they received from the silence of the community. and this is the message of that action from base. what are they out of me that they are going to go ahead and buy going thing via the crimes, even against a good individuals, is what have you heard anything of what the is really army has said so far about
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that? the yeah, the slight care of it, it's like 10 better. busy yeah, and now say and told him, is that the, there's an investigator to deal with the automated being the right the on this particular incident and what's happened in jeanine with these 2 boys? have you seen any reaction from these really already so far? mice myself. no, but i would be not surprised here when. busy the beat to better is starting by saying that that front of us are they are. there's a button, victor, that says this is the same scenario at the depth of the fittest was the that's, that's a lot of kids that are one or $100.00 products to get in can since the beginning of the year in was back and the other ones over most of them fit to serve as a 6 to 1000 a but it's interesting to think as a right look, i know that you are organization documents
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a children and those that have been killed. so i wonder if you can tell us just expand a little bit on the latest numbers that you have and tell us how many children have been killed. let's start 1st with october since october, the 7th. how many children have been killed and the occupied westbank and how, as it says it was back since the beginning of the year, 142 green can and that was back. and of course, the number in goods is not fixed yet, but this, but this is what we just did the from the minister of the else and gives a that the motors on 6000, but assuming just been killed and that is more than $60000.00. i bet better, but so it's a huge number and need a presented before. this is the 1st time for us to. busy can give this feed for more than 50 years. this is the 1st time we a ridiculous that is such a number of that to me. unfortunately,
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i'm so sorry. percent talk about to didn't and number of those watkins. but the, to be a nice the we have been and know capacity a to the to month. and that was the spoken details about each case because we believe that it is a big, distorted, it's guy who does the hubs, who lives in greens. but unfortunately, now we're dealing with them as and i'm, but how do you think that these children can be protected? we know that children should be protected, but they're clearly not very easy just to go back to the human 30, a north or the drug that's convincing. churches they should be able to protected in any circumstances even did you want to go to the bank board as late as a could bank. but they have the addition to the for the protection to the children and to avoid any kind of effects. busy i mean i didn't have to that just didn't at all for them. busy and very protective and.


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