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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 1, 2023 7:00am-7:30am AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing, offering 75 percent of global carbon credits essential. committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing. your better tomorrow the with well now it's a go still know confirmation if a deal to extend the israel, how much space 5, which is seen 7 straight days of prison accounts of exchanges, the hello online site. this is out there in life or so coming up model with every day we were beaten and tortured. they still in the rooms and the food was very bad. they didn't bring enough food to everyone. and now,
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besides the palestinians have been freed from is there any prisons we hear the experiences of beatings and torches? 6 more cap tips of arrived in israel off to being released by how much in gaza on thursday nights. i made clear that before is real resumes, major military operations. it must put in place in mandatory and civilian protection plans. the us secretary of state reiterates washington support for the was it says more humanitarian a month reach. gone to the as it is now for g m t that 6 am in gaza. israel, where a 7th exchange of captives and prisoners has taken place mediation f. it's though all still ongoing as the extension to the current goal is to cease 5 drawers to an end in just under an hour as well and says it's mid as you campaign and goes and
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will continue when, how my stamps released and captives. that's despite international pressure to extend the seas. fine. let's go straight to our correspond in wrong con was life personal key part is towards them. and i believe you have some breaking news coming to you. what are you hearing? that's right. so the 1st time since the ceasefire sirens have been heard in the area surrounding garza in need, i'm a sore throat and it'd be loud explosions are heard in the area according to the residence. now these ready all me about you issued a statement following the initial report regarding sirens, and they say that sounded in communities nay. the goal is to ship the aerial defense already, which is the ongoing rocket defense system. successfully intercepted a launch from the gaza strip. so that's the 1st time that we've seen something like this, happen since the cx 5. now control space is what was happening just 24 hours earlier
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. when the negotiations were still going on. we didn't have those hurts. we didn't hit a rocket being intercepted by the is raised, and then 20 minutes before the deadline, the sea spot was extended right now though it feels, it looks like the situation is, tends that rock it could have been a mistake. we have seen rockets been fired from gauze that before, that have been intercepted by the wind. i have massive latest that was simply a mis 5. or it could be a message to try and put some pressure on these readings to try and extend the seats file. this is now all about who gets released be, is riley's, are insisting the, the on no dead bodies on the list. what we're hearing from various sources is how much may have put dead bodies on the list of the people overnight. and this has been rejected by the is raised on. so i'm going to come back to the events of it
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yesterday. those dramatic events of yesterday of the is right and he's put so much pressure on him as that's when they rejected the list. they actually said to him as if you don't give us a list that is acceptable to us at 7 o 1 am, we will begin bombardment, and i obviously put some pressure on her mouth and that's why that list got changed . that language likely hasn't been changing from these right. these, like probably said the exact same thing. and so now we're in a position where we've got an hour to go. this happened yesterday, malia and we will, but yeah, and these dates right, about the same time. we have, i was wondering whether they were going to get 2 of these 5 bucks with these real kids. the calculus with this rocket rather it's just one. the calculus seems to be changing slightly. so let's see what happens in the coming out as the same on it. no one really knows, right?
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indeed, as a, as you say this time yesterday, it didn't go down right to the out. it was 10 minutes before the deadline was due to expire. before we had about the extension to the space 5, but we also have more information through the nights. we knew that the uh, the cabinet, the wall is where the wall cabinet had been missing through the night. we know negotiations had been continuing. we knew that a list had been released and also rejected. is there any more information coming out that could lead to us to believe that we could see an ex, uh, an extension to the se is fine on that alice time. the only the only are experience only what the precedent has been from last night. so remember almost everything that you've just said also happened the night before. the list came out from her mouth. it was rejected because at dead bodies on it, that's what we're hearing. has happened. busy evening as well in the coming hours
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above that last minute compromise did happen. and these ratings and outs of these fights here with 10 minutes to go. we're in english, the exact same position right now. and so it's simply a waiting game. the only thing that has changed is this interception of the rock. it's coming from. the goal is a strip. is that a signal from him asked the truth, is that the cease fire? all the is over that they've been told, right? we're going to come in at 7 at 1 am and this is a probably a, the pre emptive strike from a mouse. or was it a mistake? we've seen that in the past as well. no one can also these questions definitively. i'm the clock is ticking, mulling, but right now everything that we saw last night could possibly happen still 10 minutes to we might get back is ready on the announcement or even from the catch, we mediators, or even from a mouse saying the ceasefire has been extended but right now, this rocket is the one thing everybody is talking about. what does that rocket mean?
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okay mon, as we wait for any more information on whether the cx 5 will be extended to or if there is any updates on that rocket fide from garza, that one roll kits which was intercepted by is riley ami. a. can you uh, recap for us the vents of yesterday. we had a more. is there any captives released by how much in the last few hours to that's absolutely right. actually what happened is quite early in the afternoon. 2 captives were released by how mass into a is ready to custody the rest with then release the stagen slice target released a well then taken um, given medical treatment and psychological evaluation. and then now back in is right, he's hired street. the is right. he's been released palestinian prisoners no annual hearing more about that for my colleagues in the occupied westbank who have been
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covering that story and those releases. so it went smoothly. and that's really something these right. these are looking for. they're looking for a smooth exchange of prisoners. now let's just recap um, since the cx 5, again, these riley's of always maintained that this is about getting is riley kept it out . it's not about getting humanitarian aid. and so what about getting anything else into the strip is about getting that people out and so we bring can be your secretary of state, has been in town. he's been in jerusalem, he's been speaking with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been tough with him. he has told him in no uncertain terms, this is well, public opinion will not accept an end to the will. a multimillion truth. they will only accept the complete defeat politically and militarily of a mass. there was also these ready will cabinet us 2 days ago saying that
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the absolute deadline for any extension would be sunday that was actually backed up yesterday by e, like co and who's the is where the foreign minister. and i'm in the of the wood cabinet. you said potentially they could get to this house today, but beyond that, um, probably not. and the reason for this, and we're hearing this from several is right. resources that these raise believe a mass of actually run out of civilians. people eligible to be released within the ceasefire, but to give it to the is ratings. but my will be the case because uh, the palestinians am, as uh, fights as um, the mislead is going to negotiate a lot harder over military age, males and soldiers that they have in custody. this will never be part of this current cx, 5, this is a much longer term negotiation for them. so if they all running out to civilians, to give back to the is randy's and that will be tense. and this is perhaps why i'm
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asked is insisting on returning civilian dead bodies. and israel is outright rejecting is okay for now and we're on, we'll leave that and we're on call them that for us in occupied east jerusalem. and just doing a quick time check. it's about 10 past 4, g m t. so in about 15 minutes, that deadline, that's the slide deadline. x will be over to meanwhile, a as in ron was saying that that's been the continuation of fix. the exchange of prison is on both sides. that was celebrations to welcome the latest group of palestinians for age. so i see people detained in his writing. prisons have returned to ramallah in the occupied westbank. many were overjoyed to be reunited with that families just as needed. abraham spoke to some of the palestinian prisoners, whoever nice they what they have to say was distressing. do you want me on the do you want me to not said, of course things have me as a tough but they have gotten worse since the 7th of october. and if you cannot
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compare something, it was very different. we got to watch it for one hour and the electricity for 4 hours of day only as they used to bring one plate of rice for 10 prisoners every day. there is oppression and violence to guess in our sense and transporting prisoners from one prison to another. most of the people 99 percent of the people have been depressed. i missed my family and everyone. i now have seen my family. while on, on the opposite of how to buy, i have the risk that before the war, the situation, the prison is very hard. we don't have windows, we don't have hot water. we don't have any blankets in one room, there are over 10 people. the food is not enough and the situation is horrible. for me personally, i haven't showered in a week every 5 days. we shower once because we have no new clothes or towels. the laundry room and cafeteria are closed. we haven't had any warm food for 70 days. we don't have sugar or salt since the beginning of the war. we can't even have access
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to the news. even to the prison there was killed. we didn't know anything. we were waiting for new prisoners to come and they would find out what was happening when they told me i'd be released. i was surprised. i didn't know anything i on one of the most up in model i would, i could, every day we would beats and, and tortured. they still in the rooms and the food was very bad. they didn't bring enough food for everyone. every 6 or 7 hours they would bring one meal for 12 people and it wasn't enough. i was in also of prison and then they took me to nesta . there was no medical care inside. every time i told them about my medical condition, they said nothing. we've also heard from a mother whose youngest son has been released, her husband and all of a sudden remained in his writing presence. i'm very glad that abdullah was released today. what do you know about the other members of your family? since the beginning of the war, i don't know about the others in my family,
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but for up till i read his name on the list of the deal with this by the how are you hearing about all the beatings and to try our kids are kids. the best course of course, they are brutal with the way they deal with the prisoners, the 6 captives who are being held by homeless and gaza, back in israel, getting treated in local hospitals to women were freed early on thursday and handed over to the i. c, all seemed gone says palestine square. so requirement reports from tel aviv, of your with me everything is okay. the words of the car and sham who's been very united with the daughter mia? the 21 year old was attending the nova. does it festival when she was taken captive on october 7th from us late to release the video of how it was the proof of life? her family, 12 weeks late to me is mother find the received
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confirmation. she was fine. me coming home also released all siblings aisha underlies the them. they were among 6 palestinian bed wins taken captive and father in a sibling all still amongst those housing garza. last week the family which holds is ready, citizenship spoke to al jazeera country. so what all does a picture of how most scientists with full men detained on the flu? sure, to have them a hands on zillow. it's clear that they would kidnapped for the 1st 2 weeks. we didn't know anything. if they were alive or dead, we didn't know what has happened to them. about a she says they saw the lowest number of captives released in a day just 8, including several foreign nationals with catch all congress lines at 2 additional captives released on wednesday may not be agreed. number of 10. caps is a day. the temporary c spy has been extended a number of times and well,
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policies say the willing to continue with that momentum is really defense ministry . i've got a lot has told senior military stuff to be ready for a quick transition to full combats at any time. a meeting with you, a secretary of state on sunday, blinking, he added that israel will resume as strikes and a ground dispenses if more captives on the law report suggests that all of the children health captive have been returned to israel. the fates of the biggest family remains on 9 from us claims, as i'm as ready, as right killed the mother and her 2 children, including the youngest captive just 10 months. sol, so really the video said to show that father met the 2 of us. his claims about the beavis family have not been verified. i repeat, they still have not seen verified discuss, that'd be. and this again emphasizes what mediators must have mon, from us,
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in my dying repatriation of adults and children, but the examination of the medical condition of hospital that the folks at it. and also being released 18 year old liam or pasted this on social media. se is fine and very, very happy moments like this have confirmed to many and as ro, that's extending the sci fi is needed. now, more than ever, to ensure the return of all the captives satisfied. that's all just sarah teletubbies scare now to target. assume using con eunice in southern gaza and tarik. uh, i just want to put to you some reports that we're hearing on the news was from how most affiliated media they are reporting sounds of gunfire and explosions in northern gauze. and now i know you weren't southern gaza, but we are approaching at the end of the ceasefire extension. what are you hearing? what is moved that the yes,
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the majority of the media outlets that softly to to have lost movement in the gaza strip. they clearly reported that the sound of explosions, i'm gun fight exchange or upsets in the north of the gaza strip at even in particular in the north west of gauze city. if a shift towards one neighbor whose now this incident also has been echosign and also with the whole range of the east, really military drives and policy jet. so in the sky of the gaza strip brought you to the official announcement that is to, to be healed. as even to be released within the coming hours as also the expiry should all of the cease fire is also far away from us with only about a few hours. so clearly this, these kinds of some of the incidents had been happening before prior to the official announcement of the extension of any of these fires that took place earlier. it was, sounds of the explosions also took place in separate areas. of course the gaza strip as the incident that happened before in a garza city in the north of gauze,
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or where these really forces tried to re position themselves in separate areas. and 3 explosive devices had exploded on the has exploded and close to the injury of a 5 is really a soldier. so clearly, these kinds of incident regularly happens before the official extension of the spy . and even before the announcements of any extension, the via the, the ongoing events on the grounds are completely supervised by the you a, the, a tradition of officials the, the are following. what is happening will grow underground till now there is no any further information about the and regarding the extension of the ceasefire. initial report stays back as a group, sion sources claiming that there is had an agreement for, for the extension, for, for the one day. but until now, there was no any further announcements released by the cut to hurry for a ministry and even by how much regarding this issue. but the disability defense
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minister has stated before that the military operation in gauze i might take long months, early weeks and even they have sit separate operation plans on the ground in order to continue fighting and giving targeting to the gaza strip a. okay, start. assume the 1st and con units in southern gone, so we'll leave it's uh, we can speak now to antony low and state, and he's an independent jonas and all of the of the palestine divorce. very just a book on israel's alms and savannah's industry. he joins us now live from said they could have you to join us this morning. so i want to start with some of these reports we're getting is right. it is, randy ami saying that it's intercepted rocket fide from gaza. what you read into that? i mean, this is the 1st time it's happened in 7 days. does not bode, does that not bode well for the extension deadline? we have about just over half an hour to go before that x don't expires. it doesn't died. well, i'm and obviously what happens in the coming hours. is it possible to say,
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but i think, but it does show very clearly that on both sides, i would argue including these riley side, where there was massive pressure to actually continue the war. restart the war when i side pressure, i'm talking particularly about pot. so knitting yahoos, coalition. the more extreme elements have only said that it's the will stops that the coalition will collapse. and certainly on the homicide, it's obviously a mixed picture, but there is certainly some pressure that so we'll say continue. and i think ultimately physically goes to the heart of most of the women and children. that how much have power apparently asked or about to be out. so that's what we're down to the main and ultimately what, how much the cost is once and really for years long. the full sense of upside is huge amounts of palestinian prisoners out of prison. men and women and frankly, children and the price is going to increase for that happening on both sides. but i see that the presence of anthony blinking in the region at the moment is actually not really going to help because the us is spacing on both sides of its mouth. on
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the one hand, it's expressing mostly through the media concern of israel, restarting a war in the south. whereas the north has been obliterated in the south and causes way. so many palestinians now uh, well the same town is still giving these real huge amounts of weapons to continue the war. so america's role here, as usual, is hypocritical. let's talk a little more about the exchange of you say, i mean the concern is that women and children have a you know, that they all know more women and children for how much to release. so no doubt, negotiations becoming a little trickier with do the is rarely stand on the release off. uh, is there any soldiers? how far would they go to get them out from gaza? the full, the precedence of this, the cost is give us shalay as you, a number of years ago was taken by hamas. here was an he's really solved yet. he was kept for about 5 years and these were all relates to that. a 1000 tell us standing prisoners,
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including in fact the current. i'm oscillate who's king counsellor as far as squared away. so the shop shop showdown series, probably quite a loss. but at the same time, within these riley coalition with each time of right wing that it was many years ago, there was massive pressure to continue on these riley public on one level is not place. yes, they want their hostages back, understand that they. but there's also a huge pressure to eliminate homeless, assuming that's even possible and missing yahoo himself is on the immense pressure . i noticed in the last 24 hours, there was a blog post and you know, time story consuming. some of the information we've been receiving that i've had my cell from various, these rally sources in our, etc. he's really nice paying for that. he's riley government, and military you were aware around a year ago of a planned, a mazda attack, relatively similar to what, how most eventually did on october 7. but it's dismissed as a possibly unrealistic. and that really goes to the profound failure on these riley
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government and military son, hendrick and a half the role. so that the question of course, is, who and when, when we, when we look at, uh, when we look at the possibility of an extension, let's say we, we go up to 10 days, is that concern within israel? do you think that the longer the sci fi continues, how much is guessing more? if an up a hand, if you like, over the, is writing psyche? i think in many ways these riley psyche and i spent many is living in east jerusalem. and i've been visiting there for over for about 20 years. is it these rarely psyche and i really use getting and levy the amazing is village and let's just kind of a touch tone here. the vast majority of these rarely jews do not generally regard palestinians as equal to them. and i'm not saying all is really jews. of course i'm saying many and that's spring, reflected by is really policy for years and gals are in the west bank where the occupation is saying as cost free. obviously october 7 shot of that illusion. but
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certainly if you read most of these, riley pressed and there are some exceptions. but most of these rally press, the message is pretty similar, kill him, oscillate is destroyed him, us remove them from any controlling or governmental influence in gallons, limits the closest easier said than done. and that pressure on the government is massive. and of course, at the same time, whereas much the most looking and gals, and rightly the westbank is exploding, there's been hundreds and hundreds of palestinians killed interested. i might add thousands, in fact, i'd be interested in the last 6 weeks. so it's combustible. and what he's so disturbing is that was really amazing, reported 972, which is in his riley, media or outlet in the last 24 hours showing how israel has increased the using artificial intelligence in its target gathering in gaza. the impacts of which is that the 0 will kill huge amounts of palestinian civilians under the guise of apparently trying to get one level home last night. and we've seen the reality of
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that weather is now 15, so maybe 20000 palestinians killed in gas or the vast majority of human civilians. so on these riley saw it over can stop this war. frankly, restarting is washington. that's the sad reality. hm. okay, we'll leave it the for now. anthony lowenstein, independent journalist on the, the post on lubarski, a book on israel's arms and surveillance industries. thank you. a, thank you now. so you, me a, how much spikes best than osama hom, done told out, is there the group is willing to hand over more captives, but the deal would only happen if israel agreed to look. let's have been the last 50 days. it was a 2nd committed by is, are in against. so if you, this, the trembling and goldman destroying the infrastructure of the philistines in cuz saw a going back to the window for this is a really hard line government to con, cost. anything from our fight. we are following up the political and diplomatic
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efforts fund by categories and egypt options in order to extend the seats file, sending more of captives and we, we would clear and that we will continue that on the basis of these are in understanding that there will be no chances to continue the attack against the state. yes, let me ask you is how mass able to accounts for these ready kept it? does it know where they will not? they for the able to agree to is ready to mountains, even if it, once it's what i've everyone, how have understand now that we don't start with the out old, we are willing to bring them on this day with in our hands, but they are not. but the option to find them is right is continue the attack. that would be no chances as everyone knows that some of them were killed under the heavy bump up mental states, right? either force. so that may be another way to kill those hostages by going back
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to, to attack just the us extra of state. and the blinking has cooled for an extension to the sea spot in garza to the 8th day and beyond. he added, if the constant continues and military operations must protect civilians in the south, all the time made reports from the a back in israel, america's diplomat. that's down on wednesday evening. just as another group of captives was released by hamis and 30 pallets pinion, prisoners were being freed from is ready the jails. the secretary of state came with a clear message. the us would like to see the temporary ceasefire extended. and then the meeting with israel's president, isaac had sold anthony blinking cold for the release of captives to continue but his main focus was to exert some influence over the next phase of is was
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offensive in gaza, which is expected to focus on the south of this trip with the vast majority of guys as $2300000.00 people with forced to flee meetings today with the prime minister and seniors. rarely officials, i made clear that before is real resumes, major military operations. it must put in place humanitarian civilian protection plans that minimize further casualties have innocent palestinians to the us and israel believe how much as leadership is hunkered among them. washington is where we have the enormous cost this war has already had. but stopping israel's will, machine is not easy, even for the u. s. administration among people on the one each month. and i told him that we soul, i swore to eliminate honda and nothing was still possible. we will continue this war until we achieve the 3 goals to release fully of duct t's to eliminate having us completely. and to ensure that such a threat from gaza,
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who never read again of the button administration is also looking forward to guys after the work. a conversation that includes the palestinian authority based in ramallah. the us is seeking ways. would it be a to have agreed to roland this trip? what policy and the don't expect much when it comes to the u. s. defending their rights. many are also skeptic about their own leadership. some say it's week others, it's hands are tied, but everyone would agree that the real power resides in that building, which is the headquarters of these really military occupation in the west bank. is from here, this is what keeps its firm control and palestinians issuing orders and coordinating that the rates that have seen more than 3300 people, the team since october, 7th, and president with our best gave the secretary of state a fine with
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a list of legible crimes committed by the occupation forces in both the west bank and gaza blinking. then we turned to tel aviv for more meetings, a clear indication that the old days of us shuttle diplomacy in the region of back for the how many jersey the remo. okay, let's go ahead. manual reporter who joyce. we now live from washington dc manual. so as we had the us extra estate on sneak blinking, had a very busy schedule. and israel yesterday meeting with a host of seeing if it goes in the few hours he was that he still the uh, took us through some of the highlights of his meetings yesterday. and what we're expecting from him you we, we have to be under the impression at this point that this has to be a very frustrating scenario for americans. very frustrating scenario for us. secretary is.


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