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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 1, 2023 8:00am-8:31am AST

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and similarly to the day is that we have witnessed several intensive intensifying abutment by the occupation of forces. and also during the last couple of minutes it is very so was this claim that there is a, the, the, the, the sound of these bodies iron's ranging and in the fully to settlements. indeed indeed as many characters. so till now there was there any set of consummation release regarding deceased by a okay. i just want to show you the live shots. the sky is a clear as it stands. the time now is 5 g m t 7 a. m. in garza, the current cx, 5 deal between israel and how much has now officially ended so much. insurgency now surrounds the future of the move in 2000000 palestinians who live in the gaza strip . many of them who have moved to southern gaza. we know mediators have been working to extend the agreements through the nights. we did see a pause in fighting for 7 days as well as the exchange of prisoners,
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the distribution x amount of terran aid in gaza. but of course it does appear now. the time has run out if i, if i just pause for a 2nd. if you can hear that sound, that the ok if you can hear that sound was much clara just a little moment ago. but it, it is the sound of a, of those is where any drones back up in the sky. we know, of course, that more than $15000.00 palestinians have been killed as a result of the, the is really foaming and the besiege strip since october, the 7th. ok, so we have a team following all the developments manual report are standing by for us in washington dc and we're on con, isn't occupied, is sort of some with more on the diplomatic efforts. let's 1st start with tart. a
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boy zoom has an hon, eunice in southern gaza, so it does appear a topic that the deadline has expired, and the tweaks appear to fail to extend that cease fire. and off the 7 day pause in fighting israel will presumably restore and hit submit a treat operation in gaza in the coming hours. the yes as there is there any further announcements regarding the extension of the ceasefire? for the days it seems that we are waiting very long a flood the day of attacks that might be a real upset within the coming hours as the east valley draven's. and even the falling to just have returned again to the, to over in the sky of the gaza strip, in particular, inside of eunice city in the south of the territory. as we could clearly hear it just before a couple of minutes. um they are flying all the separates and different heights and distance on the sky of the gaza strip. also,
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if i exchange continued and the noise of the gods, this trip and in the north west of gaza, city between the, the policy in fights has any use without the patient forces where the occupation forces earlier today had opened fire against several building. c in the north of the territory. meanwhile, there was no any announcements right now. it seems that the negotiation assets did not really get any fruit for result in terms of reaching an extension of the ceasefire. as the occupation forces slips best and earlier said that they are about to expand and it admitted to a ration on the ground and even it might take long a months. the early weeks of fighting is like the gaza strip side for palestinians . this is something really desperate and even a frustrating, in terms of their renew fighting or for them, it means that they're going to witness more destruction and residents at houses and some of the infrastructure as they use and devote to the majority of that time. and
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during the previous days of truce that had been agreed between homeless and east belt in accessing and securing all kinds of, of foods, a water guards. and if you will, supplies inside the territory that's well forwarded by the humanitarian aids that have been delivered throughout rough processing and distributed by the united nation. so simulate right now palestinian is getting prepared for the renew of fighting and it seems that there is going to be much more casualties within the coming hours as israel might intense fight is military operations inside the gauze . this trip, if you are just joining us, i just want to update you. uh, so that terese between israel and how mazda has now expired at 4 minutes past 7 am local time in garza and israel 5 gmc, its 5 a 4 gmc, so that true stop fragile 7 day truce. devastating grew between israel and how much has now officially expired. it seems uh any attempts and talks between the
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us between the us council, egypt, israel has been frantic negotiations through the night to try and extend it. extend that's the small deal have appeared to have failed. let's return to hon. eunice and uh, to assume you say that people are now the palestinians. the johnsons are now standing by getting ready for the pricing to resume. how after 7 days of quiet, of clear skies, how do people prepare themselves for something like this as well. uh generally uh, people have been uh, really feeling called me during the last days of a truth that had been approached by original mediators. and they were a, securing themselves for outs, having access to different kinds of goods. and even so i food all the basic needs uh, in order to be able to coop with the new situation. if there was no any ceasefire
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could be approached generally. so clearly there was, there any safe space is thought the 2 or 3 they just go to like to make sure soldiers are resigning. right? right now, the odds of hospitals. so they mainly costs and treat right now and being safe as much as they can. um, its grabbing hopes that we may be within the coming minutes or hours could beside the announcement an agreement that must be approached between from us and east belt, broken by regional cuz all the data is okay. uh, stay with us start assume that for us and con units, because i want to chance him wrong khan, who is also the live person. okay. part east jerusalem. and i believe you may have some updates. uh, what are you hearing and one a 7 am local time on the adults, a high official speaking, who is really on a radio headset, the sci fi as officially ended, as well, has not really received a new list of those released for today. that says clear and as close to the official confirmation that the c spy is now actually over right now though,
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it's all about was us secretary of state and to be blinking as achieved in his missing mission here in israel. he's me things on now over, but he's put tremendous pressure. he said to israel, if you go back in a copy with the same level of intensity as it was before, you cannot copy both those areas that we've seen. i'm paraphrasing here that we've seen in the past. he doesn't want a hospitals being attacked, in fact, once a significant reduction in the type of fire power being used against. because this is now going to be the litmus test has he succeeded. and that's all the is right, and he's going to go in with that same level of intensity as we saw before, the cx, 5. in the coming days, we'll find out the onsite in facts, maybe even in the coming hours. so 8 the sci fi, i mean, effectively now is over. i think we can say that with
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a certain degree of confidence now that we're hearing from is really on the radio and things and other officials of that nature. so that's why we are right now. yeah, as you say, reports now coming through on the why is the score one second one second while the yeah. uh yeah. these are the armies issue to say, man, i'm just getting it now. he is resumed coming back against the mass terrace organization, as they call the number in the goal is to strip a yeah. as you say those that the, the, the, the, the news was now full of the confirmation from these right. the ministry that the truth is now over the sci fi is now of us fighting is expected to resume just another quick news flash here, according to this riley ministry, they say that how much violated the truth and 5 to ed's is riley territory.
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iran, do you think they were firing to uh that work at 5 that we were discussing a little earlier that took place at about about an hour ago. now. i think that's the only thing they can be referring to. what happened about an hour ago as far as what head in areas and then it goes to a strip. instead they're all in a beam and they are fee. um then these ready? uh army issue, the statements i me and i had successfully intercepted the rockets, there was some confusion as to where that rocket may have been a misfire. and then how may i split the up and said yes, we sent a rocket in to the area. but was that the actual? i think the thing that violated the truth, probably not the ceasefire. probably know it's about getting is ready, captives out the list. the i'm not state clearly was an acceptable to be is res. i'm asked probably realize this about an hour ago, and that's why they send
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a preemptive strike in a to is really territory. um these raise the army like you say in our reporting that a mass violated deceased by an agreement. but if there was no agreement an hour ago and certainly nothing publicly, then we're gonna see this a tit for tat, blaming on both sides as well as i am not violated. i'm not saying we gave you a list, you didn't accept it. so we had no choice. okay, for now. thank you and we're on conk that 1st unoccupied. east jerusalem. i just wanna show you that image now that as the sky line in gaza as we approached 10 minutes past 7, am in the morning. see the sky blue sky? very clear still, but that just to confirm that deadline for the extension of patrice between israel and how much has now cost it was expired a few minutes ago. at 7 am local time. at 5, gmc gmc and neither side has announced an extension to that 7 day truce,
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so presumably the slicing will re stotts. we don't know if that's mean in the coming minutes or in the coming hours, but the sky still clear and blue for now. now we had that from him wrong tom has been friend take diplomacy from the americans. the us actually of state onto the blinking has been in israel. and he and the a cold for an extension to the seas font and garza to the 8th day and beyond. he added, if the conflict continues, the ministry operations must protect civilians in the south till the end of how made has this report from ramada back in israel, america's diplomat. that's down on wednesday evening. just as another group of captives was released by hamis and 30 pallets pinion, prisoners were being freed from is ready the jails. the secretary of state came with a clear message. the us would like to see the temporary ceasefire extended. and then
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the meeting with israel's president, isaac harris. so anthony, blinking called for the release of captives to continue but his main focus was to exert some influence over the next phase of is was offensive in gaza. which is expected to focus on the selves of this trip. with the vast majority of guys as 2300000 people with forced to flee meetings today with the prime minister and seniors. rarely officials to make clear that before is real resumes, major military operations. it must put in place humanitarian civilian protection plans that minimize further casualties of innocent palestinians to the us. and israel, believe her message, leadership is hunkered among them. washington is where we have the enormous cost this war has already had. but stopping israel's will, machine is not easy even for the us administration,
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but i'm not at all on the one each month and i told him that we so i swore to eliminate hamis and nothing was still possible. we will continue this war until we achieve the 3 goes to release all the duct t's to eliminate how much completely and to ensure that such a threat from gaza, who never read again. the budget administration is also looking forward to guys after the work, a conversation that includes the palestinian authority based in ramallah. the us is seeking ways. would it be a to have agreed to roland this trip? what policy and is don't expect much when it comes to the u. s. defending their rights. many are also skeptic about their own leadership. some say it's week others, it's hands are tied, but everyone would agree that the real power resides in that building, which is the headquarters of these really military occupation in the west bank is from here. this is what keeps its firm control and palestinians issuing orders and
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coordinating that the rates that have seen more than 3300 people, the team since october, 7th, and president without best, gave the secretary of state a fine with a list of illegible crimes. committed by the occupation forces in both the west bank and gaza, a blinking then we turned to tell of eve for more meetings, a clear indication that the old days of us shuttle diplomacy in the region of back for the i mean, i'll just see the run my la okay, if you're just joining us, i just want to repeat that breaking news for you in case you missed it as well as ministry has said in the last few minutes that it has resumed combat against how much in the gaza strip. and they've accused the palestinian group of violating the terms of the truth and firing to what is really territory. so that truce has expired in the last 15 minutes or so. let's go to corresponding manual we're part
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of who has no i for us in washington, dc, and manual that frantic diplomacy by the us next year of state in the last 24 hours in israel, appears to have failed is going to be with an associate. and yes, by all accounts, that's certainly what this appears to point to. this certainly has to be very frustrating for the americans. we had heard just a few moments ago from our colleagues or colleague him or on con, who is confirming the of is really military operations. resuming now, all of this following this visit by a secretary of state entity blinking, who for just before the announcement of the last extension to the cease fire, there was a sort of general sense that may be the fact that he had come down to the wire when that extension to the cease fire was announced, had everything to do with the fact that you
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a secretary of state anthony blanket was in israel. so if there were 2 of been an announcement that could have been seen as a sort of limits witness test to exactly how much influence the united states does wield when it comes to israel's decisions to, to continue its military operations in gaza. and again, that frustration stemming from the fact that this visit by secretary blinking to israel, which began in belgium later in, in north macedonia. before arriving, it is real, really did have everything to do with a mission to exert more influence on israel to ask is realty show moore's restraint . and what this is doing is adding to the, to that already existing challenge that the, that the united states was facing when it came to not only working in terms of mediation, not only working in terms of placing pressure on israel to show restraint in its military operations but securing a more sustained cease fire so that that much needed humanitarian aid,
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whether it be medical supplies or food or water could make it to the people in need of palestinians in gaza. with that said, during the course of friday, secretary blinking did meet with is rarely prime minister. and that's and yahoo! he did meet with the is really war cabinet in west jerusalem. but those meetings are now over. so what was said, secretary, blinking told israel that they can no longer count on international backing if the sort of the military engagements and guys are carried out the same way that they were carried out in north guys over the course of the last 50 days prior to the announcement of that cease fire secretary blinking board, these really were a cabinet that is real, may not have months to conduct its military operations to achieve its goals against hamas in in garza. so in terms of pressure, what we are hearing from the united states, again is seeking
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a way to influence israel to show restraint, to narrow the combat. so to be more precise in its targeting of how much. but all of this, this also is one thing that that's worth noting here is that this is taking place under abrupt backdrop of increase pressure. here in the united states, toward the bided administration to condition israel a, a to, to is real condition aid to israel, to be contingent on israel's adherence to international law. so it's a tight rope, so it's a by the administration is walking. but if this was a living, this test of influence, the results don't seem very, very positive. no indeed. okay, thank you for that money. we're part of that for us in washington dc. well, there we go. that's the live shot of the the sky line in gauze of the time now is approaching 20 pa 7 in the morning. 20 past 5, g m t a minute ago when we were talking, i was referring to the sky being blue in color and being clear. now you can see
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it's covered in smoke. so it does appear that to the bombing and the israeli military attacks on gauze or have especially restarted, let's go to tart. assume was in con eunice and southern gaza park took us through what's happening of the yes, as the truth between homeless and israel has ends. it's just the for a couple of minutes fighting had read tons again, and had been resumed between our mazda and israel, on the ground in separate areas across the territories, starting from the north of the gaza strip, where the east valley occupation at forces had carried out to strike in the ship roads, one neighbor who was in the north of gauze. this trip. also often the re shooting and targeting continue in the middle of the corporate needs of gaza. a generally, as they are trying also to expand the military operations on the ground. now the sounds of the usability trends could be plenty of heads again and had to return to
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hole in the sky of the south of the gaza strip, where the documentation forces earliest at that time. i've had that you late at the ceasefire throughout launching rockets. how these when you settlements and they had decided to renew the attacks on the gaza strip as old domestic assets has failed to convince pull spots on having more extension in terms of the ceasefire. so right now, the gods, this truck is heavy artillery and even a aerial bombardment by the occupation forces and the coming hours, we might witness a surging increase of the there of the number. and the rates of the is very strikes, of course of the turn 3, which palestinians only in one options that they will live again. um the, the is very bombardments that will destroy old means of life inside of the gaza strip. and you are, of course, in southern golf and con eunice where many of the policy is that used to be in northern cause or have moved to a to escape the fighting in northern cause and,
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but also before the fighting stopped. 7 days ago we was starting to see more attacks in southern gauze, and the concern is that is now only going to increase. what are people saying to you? how concerned all the about what us to come i. yes, of people in the south of the territory are really concerned. i'm worried regarding the resuming of fighting between how much and isabel, because the majority of palestinians, who had a fleet from the north and central areas of gauze, the city and the headed to the south. so they wanted to be secure and to be protected by the use really up to you by the is very, uh from these by the occupation forces, as they didn't really have to inform them to fleets, to the south in order to be safe. meanwhile, a number of palestinians, families have been completely attack 5 years, but occupation forces, despite the fact that they have select from the north of the gaza strip. so literally, almost like the south of the 2 or 3 is witnessing the same line for the same level
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of apartments as in the notes. where is where the occupation forces are destroying residential buildings. attracting bakeries and also the targeting civil infrastructure in the south of the gauze is truck. so we can clearly indicate that the whole gauze is strictly sounds of the is very funny, is a new one inside the gaza strip is safe and away from the east. very buttons. okay, thank you for that topic about assume that for us in on eunice. well, earlier they were celebrations to welcome the latest group of palestinians fried fuzzy people detained in his riley prisons have returned to ramallah and the onto pod westbank many overjoyed to be reunited with the families. i'll just there is needed for him, spoke to some of the palestinian prisoners who are police. some of what they have to say is distressing. what do you want me on? the posting tells me it's a tough, but they have gotten worse since the 7th of october, and you can not compare with them. it was very different. we got to watch it for
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one hour and deluxe to city for 4 hours that they only use they used to bring one plate of rice for 10 prisoners every day. there is oppression and violets to gas in our cells and transporting prisoners from one prison to another. most of the people 99 percent of the people have been oppressed. i missed my family and everyone. i now have seen my family. while on, on the by, i have the risk that before the war, the situation, the prison is very hard. we don't have windows, we don't have hot water. we don't have any blankets. in one room, there are over 10 people, the food is not enough. and the situation is horrible. for me personally, i haven't showered in a week every 5 days. we shower once because we have no new clothes or towels. the laundry room in the cafeteria are closed. we haven't had any warm food for 70 days . we don't have sugar or salt since the beginning of the war. we can't even have access to the news even to the prison there was killed, we didn't know anything. we were waiting for new prisoners to come and they would
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find out what was happening. when they told me i'd be released. i was surprised. i didn't know anything about the most up in model. i would, i could every day we were beaten and tortured. they still in the rooms and the food was very bad. they didn't bring enough food for everyone. every 6 or 7 hours, they would bring one meal for 12 people and it wasn't enough. i was in also prison and then they took me to nesta. there was no medical care inside. every time i told them about my medical condition, they said nothing. we also had from a mother, his youngest son has been released, her husband and all the sons the remain in is really presents. i'm very glad that abdullah was released today was what do you know about the other members of your family since the beginning of the war? i don't know about the others in my family, but for up till i read his name on the list of the deal. this about how worried are
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you hearing about all the beatings and to try any of our kids are kids under my bath cost? of course they are brutal with the way they deal with the prisoners that will 6 captives who are being held by homeless and gaza. on now back in israel, getting treated in local hospitals to women west fried early on thursday and handed over to the i see on see in gauze this palestine square sort of hire, it's has a story of your with me. everything is okay. the words of the car in cham, who's been very united with the delta mia? the 21 year old was attending the nova. does it festival when she was taken captive on october 7th? from us night to release the video of how it was the proof of life. her family wanted weeks away to me is mother of fine. the received
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confirmation. she was finding, coming home, also released all siblings aisha and belies the then they were among 6 palestinian bedouins taken captive their father and a sibling all still amongst those housing, gaza. last week the family which holds is ready citizenship spokes, houses era countries. so what all does a picture of how most scientists with full men detained on the flu? shiftless 2 of them, a homes and below. oh, it's clear that they would kidnapped for the 1st 2 weeks. we didn't know anything if they were alive or dead. we didn't know what has happened to them. there's a so the lowest number of captives released in a day just 8, including several foreign nationals with catch all clarifying that 2 additional captives released on wednesday may drop the agreed number of 10 captives a day. the temporary c spy has been extended a number of times and well,
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policies say the willing to continue with that momentum is really defense ministry . i've got a lot has told senior military stuff to be ready for a quick transition to full combats at any time. a meeting with you, a secretary of state's anthony blink, and he added that israel will resume as strikes and a ground defensive. if moved kansas onto the law report suggested all of the children hells captive hampton returns is ro, the faces of beavis. the family remains on 9 remodel from us. claims system is ready, as right killed the mother and her 2 children, including the youngest captive at just 10 months. it's also released the videos set to show that for the month of the 2 of us is claims about the beavis family have not been verified. i repeat, they still have not seen verified because of this again emphasizes what mediators must have mon from us. and my di repatriation of adults and children, but the examination of the medical condition at all costs low as long as that the
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adults at it. and also being released 18 year old liam or pasted this on social media. se is fine and very, very happy moments like this have confirmed to many, and is ro that's extending the sci fi is needed. now, more than ever, to ensure the return of all the captives satisfied it's all, just sarah tell if he's a spring. and luciano secada, here's an associate professor of golf politics a castle, a university joins us here in dow hall a thank you for joining us this morning. so that's the spot now. uh we're approaching hoff cost 7 in the morning. local time has now officially expired. i think the fighting, we were getting a sense from these res for some days now that the, the response advising was inevitable. but with pressure from the united states and others. and with the constant negotiations on going with section of state blinking
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in israel, the hope was that we would see an extension for at least a day or 2 more. what do you think's going wrong? as well as actually it's a bit of difficult to, to, to, to know what goes off and goes wrong because the invention of nathaniel has been here since it but the beginning that he wants to eliminate the how much. so the question was not what went wrong wrong is what would happen as soon as the old, the that what it is and which will be released. i mean the, if the objective is totally meaning thomas, once all the list of the hosted is, are finally released. they will switch him attack. so i had the expectation that this said to us could be extended for a while at least to show that the sort of has some uh, we wanted to go with 2 of these, the situation. but the sense of the, the, the main object is still there and, and just apologize just to interrupt you. what when you say, oh the hostages, are you including in that? is there any soldiers? is there any men or are we just talking about women and children? i assume to be as far as anthony,
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who has said he wants all the hosted visits releases. so i assume that they are included in the military men of the well and so forth. so what now i mean is it seems like the slicing has already started and what do you expect it to happen in the next few hours? i mean, we all hearing some reports, the negotiations are continuing behind the scenes. do you think there's still hope that a cease fire might start again? it all depends how they, uh, the being can cut the another as they hold those are pressuring israel on how much to buy life on the lease for a while, at least to not to start for the place that we're at. we have with this and now they'll be starting to launch rockets on the resolution from the study side. so it depends on this. come in few hours. how is going to happen to see if there's the hope to at least to not to see if was less work again? yeah, as you say, i mean, the big question is if the fi saying well.


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