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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 1, 2023 9:00am-9:31am AST

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all it is a tenant of journals to produce objective these coverage stream items. think that there is a fair, objective and impartial representation. the listening post covers how the news is the the sci fi in gaza has officially come to an end of a 7 day pause in fighting israel has resumed its assaults on the going straight to the on monday inside. this is i was, is there a life from also coming off? and the find allows of this, the spot, another group of palestinian prisoners that were released from is there any presence in exchange? 6 more is there any captives held in gaza were released by how much on thursday
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nights. also ahead i made clear that before is real resumes, major military operations. it must put in place manager incidentally protection plans. the us section of the state reiterates washington support for the war, but says motion monitoring a must beach. the . this is just off the 6 g m t dots 9 am local time in gaza and as well as ministry has resumed its fight against thomas. the ceasefire extension between the 2 officially expired just over an hour ago now lies are and gaza with a lot of on such and see of of what will unfold within the next few hours. these all the life pictures of the sky line of it, northern gaza negotiations led by cats, all egypt,
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and the us to extend the see spot on the star to so be on going. but it leaves moving to 1000000 people who live on the strip onto the risk of more strikes. the truce pause is ready a tax allowing for 7 straight days of prisoner and captive exchanges. while we have all correspondence following the story across the region and amendment will go to iran con, who will join us for monkey bodies, risk them 1st. let's get the view from one unit in southern guns, or we can speak to our reports. part of the assume, so this is a moment we were hoping wouldn't happen, but we are now an hour into the is really ministry restarting until peroration on the ground on india and gauze at what can you tell us a yes lane uh the uh, entire gauze was type, had been on the east valley relentless bombardment for more than an hour from now where the east bed, the occupation forces had launched
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a wide military campaign against the gaza strip. now, starting from the north of the territory where it has been to a building has been completely destroyed into a valley at refugee camp at the north of the gaza strip, where confrontations also has been erupt. it again, but we palestinian fighters and the east bulky piece of soldiers in the schiffwood, one neighborhood, and even in the north west of the gospel city. now the text continued also in the midst of goober nights of the gaza strip in particular. and the kazi, a refugee camp where a number of palestinians had been injected due to the destruction of a residential building. also initial repub size that a residential house in russell had been completely destroyed with the policy you have to report of kills. and now right now the sounds of usable explosions, right now, continue at could be clearly overhead in the south of the territory and area which must be safe as is ready, forces had, recommend people earlier to flee to is since the beginning of this round of fighting also, during the last our residential buildings was just close to the uh,
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to the hospital where we are right now has been bombarded by the east valley uh drones where a number of palestinians have been injured and now they are receiving treatment. and i'm not sore hospitals. so largely during the last hour we have been on the he is ready attacks. that is, expect that all expect it to be carried out as the supplier ended, without reaching the sub extension of the twos between our mazda and east village on the grounds. and what is the mood that it does look relatively calm behind you at the moment, but we did see that ambulance, a rush, pos to how to put people in goals a feel given that we are now going to see a return to the fighting. i guess uh the majority of guns who have flats from the hospital and now they've returned back again to the house as they have returned back to the hospital as the fighting
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continued. where the majority of gauze and have a glimpse of host earlier that to be seized by it might be extended. but now with the continuation of the fighting between how much a fight isn't even the occupational. so just to have a sense of depression and even frustration. in terms of the fighting words you, bombardment took place, you victims have folded and even though afraid to lose the loved ones where the you have left such her rustic and even in human conditions. since a long weeks of the abutment of classes between time us and isn't that what it's also important to say that there is no any will. humanitarian aids are expected to enter the gaza strip as the funny thing will continue and taking place right now. meanwhile, own negotiations and diplomatic efforts continue to convince both sides to reach to most east buy it to more days of supply and to, to witness will extension of the truth between almost an east. but right now the majority of guys and switch them back to shelters. which in back to the odds of the
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hospitals in order to be protected from the is really, really interesting strikes that did not stop for more than one hour from now. okay . at heart, i assume that for us in southern golfing hun, eunice, no doubt we will touch back with you a bit later on. now let's take a closer look. it won't be as ready ami has been saying in the past hour, the minute tree announced it had resume showing in northern gaza, minutes off to fix the spot expired. and that was at 5 g m t 7 am local time. and as we were hearing that from tarik at the, at the, the, the, the bombing is now very much well in hand. we've been hearing the strikes the northern gauze. and now in a statement the is rarely all me said, how much violated the terms of the deal by firing a real kit to was is really territory. as guys and wrong connor joins us live from occupied east jerusalem. i wonder what you're hearing from is really authorities. is there any hope that we could see a return to
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a cease fi or is this it all we now back very much in the world is at 7 55 am local time. the problem is office released a statement, this is what it said. i'm asked, i says a violate to the outline did not commit to its duty to release all the kidnapped women today and launch rockets at israel with the return to fighting. we will emphasize these ready government is committed to achieving the goals of the will to release of duct t's to eliminate how much and to guarantee the gaza will never no longer pose a threat to the residence of israel. take got statement as you will, but it is a resumption of the war. that's the one definite thing you can take away from that statement. now, click timeline. what we're hearing is that's how mass did give a list to these, right? these it was rejected over night,
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then at $545.00 local time sirens began to be heard in of the communities around the gaza strip. one rocket fide by him, us into the, into the south actually was intercepted by the i in the defense system. then we were hearing that there was a dilemma within these really government as to whether to accept this list that included dead bodies or not. and then around 6, the se, uh, we were hearing more sirens that go off in the south. and then at 7 am that statement that you've just read from these ready all me announcing the re resumption of the war on garza land. around 713. we had those 1st strikes into the strip and then at $755.00. that statement that i've just read from the is ready problem is that benjamin netanyahu, this violation of the traces war to israel, is going to be pushing. they going to keep saying that how massive,
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why they to the truth by firing this one rocket into the cell. we're also hearing now that the v is really analysts and now briefing that there was no list given to them that there are 10 women still inside. the goal is to ship. i could have been released today, the ones i'm not having reaction to that. i'm sure they will in the coming hours, quite apart from everything i've just told you right now though, it's a litmus test to how much influence the us has on israel and to the blinking was finished all these meetings. he was very clear. you don't have months, he said that his role to complete this operation against how mass. uh um. and if you do go back in, you have to go back in uh, making sure that that is a humanitarian aspect to this will. let's see if these riley's paid any attention to that. certainly from what my calling to eric i was a, has just been reporting. the south of gauze is on the attack. the cell was supposed
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to be a safe start and it was where is riley is told residence of gauze. it's a go to and said they will be safe. and now we're hearing that that is under attack . yeah. as you say, anthony blinking the us extra state to spend the last 24 hours in israel, having plenty of meetings. he's been incredibly busy. i want you to tell me a bit more about what he said while he was in israel because his, his tone and the us, his tone has become increasingly hauled a towards israel in recent weeks as war has continued. but as you say, the question is, how much is israel going to pay, heed to what they've been saying and the pressure from the united states. and i guess we're going to see that in the coming hours as well. let's talk about, well, israel said in response to all of that pressure, the us was pointing on the med tech, keep the sci fi guy, and almost to look for
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a new permanent solution to all of this. the wall cabinets. and israel jeff 2 days ago said we have delivered a message to the americans. we will run this war as we see fit. and all the americans know this. that was a power afraid statement that came out of these ready will come from the he like coming to the defense with us. i sorry, the foreign minister of israel and the member of that little cabinet spoke 24 hours ago. he reduced rate to rated the fact that, you know, israel was going to do what it was going to do. and the sci fi was only useful for as long as you could get, is riley citizens out. and that seems to have come at 2 and then now is ro isn't going to negotiate and how mass isn't going to go to negotiate or the ministry age many holes. and so just not right now, that is not something a, this was all about the civilians. so has it as america changed?
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it's a, as a jew towards israel has it become a lot harder and wanting them to try and stop the war? possibly no try and stop, but they was sent me very hurtful about the seats. why no negotiations are still continuing. these riley's are involved in negotiations with the international community, capital, egypt, and america, at least. but israel has significant backing from is the international community, the germans, the friends, the french, the brits and certain parts of the american government are still saying in a hard line aptitude, the israel has the right to defend itself. okay, for now, and we're on con, that 1st unoccupied, east jerusalem or well, in the last few hours of thoughts these $52.00 more groups of is there any cap davis is what is palestinian prisoners were released? fast? the people detained in is riley presents, have returned to ramallah in the occupied west spike. as you can see that many
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people are overjoyed to be reunited with that nice mid apron and spoke to some of the palestinian prisoners were released. and some of what they had to say is distressing. do you want me on the posting tells me it's a tough, but they have gotten worse since the 7th of october and you can not compare with them. it was very different. we got to watch it for one hour and deluxe to city for 4 hours that they only use they used to bring one plate of rice for 10 prisoners every day. there is oppression and violets to gas in our cells and transporting prisoners from one prison to another. most of the people 99 percent of the people have been oppressed. i missed my family and everyone. i now have seen my family. while on, on the opposite, how to stop by. i have the risk that before the war, the situation, the prison is very hard. we don't have windows, we don't have hot water. we don't have any blankets. in one room, there are over 10 people. the food is not enough and the situation is horrible. for
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me personally, i haven't showered in a week every 5 days. we shower once because we have no new clothes or towels. the laundry room in the cafeteria are closed. we haven't had any warm food for 70 days . we don't have sugar or salt since the beginning of the war. we can't even have access to the news. even though the prisoner was killed, we didn't know anything. we were waiting for new prisoners to come and they would find out what was happening. when they told me i'd be released. i was surprised. i didn't know anything about the most up in model. i would, i could, every day we were beaten and tortured. they stormed our rooms, and the food was very bad. they didn't bring enough food for everyone. every 6 or 7 hours, they would bring one meal for 12 people and it wasn't enough. i was in also the prison and then they took me to nesta. there was no medical can side every time i told them about my medical condition, they said nothing. we've also had from another who's youngest son has been
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released to husband and all the sons, though, remain in it's really presence. i'm very glad that abdullah was released today. what do you know about the other members of your family? since the beginning of the war? i don't know about the others in my family, but for up till i read his name on the list of the deal. with this, by the how are you hearing about all the beatings and to try our kids are kids the best course? of course, they are brutal with the way they deal with the prisoners, the 6 captives who are being held by homeless and gaza, or so back in israel being treated at the hospital and the 2 women were handed over to the i see all see in palestine square in kansas city now we've been talking about this, the us x ray of state on to the blinking. he's been saying to israel that they must
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account for the safety of palestinian civilians and it's submitted to your probations and gaus he is also stepped up, cools as well to comply with international law that's getting his report from how the hell need, who is in ramallah us back in israel, america's diplomat. that's down on wednesday evening. just as another group of captives was released by hamis and 30 pallets pinion, prisoners were being freed from is ready the jails. the secretary of state came with a clear message. the us would like to see the temporary ceasefire extended, and then the meeting with israel's president, isaac had sold anthony blinking called for the release of captives to continue. but his main focus was to exert some influence over the next phase of is was offensive in gaza. which is expected to focus on the south of this trip with the vast majority of guys as $2300000.00 people with forced to flee meetings today with
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the prime minister and seniors. rarely officials, i made clear that before is real resumes, major military operations. it must put in place humanitarian civilian protection plans that minimize further casualties of innocent palestinians to the us. and israel believe how much is leadership is hunkered among them. washington is where we have the enormous cost this war has already had. but stuff in israel as will machine is not easy even for the u. s. administration. but i'm not at all on the one each month and i told him that we soul. i swore to eliminate honda and nothing was still possible. we will continue this war until we achieve the 3 goes to release all the of duct t's to eliminate having us completely and to ensure that such a threat from gaza, who never read again. the badge and administration is also looking forward to guys
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after the work, a conversation that includes the palestinian authority based in ramallah. the us is seeking ways. would it be a to have agreed to roland this trip? what palestinians don't expect much when it comes to the u. s. defending their rights. many are also skeptic about their own leadership. some say it's week others, it's hands are tied, but everyone would agree that the real power resides in that building, which is the headquarters of these really military occupation in the west bank is from here. this is what keeps its firm control and palestinians issuing orders and coordinating that. the rates that have seen more than 3300 people, the team since october, 7th, and president, with our best gave the secretary of state a fine with a list of legible crimes committed by the occupation forces in both the west bank and gaza blinking then we turned to tel aviv for more meetings,
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a clear indication that the old days of us shuttle diplomacy in the region of back hold up there how many digit remo. okay, let's go to menu or a product who is live in washington d. c. and despite us secretary of state and to me blinking diplomacy, all attempts at diplomacy of the last 24 hours. that trip to israel, i believe is still that as we speak it's it's so but at least for now that's the spy has expired. and the fighting has restarted. what sort of reaction can we expect from washington? it's it's now been an hour and 19 minutes since the ceasefire expired. we still have not heard any reaction publicly as of yet from any us officials. it is 1 in the morning here in washington. so it's, it's uh, quite late. uh, i would imagine that within the next few hours, at least we shouldn't begin to hear reactions on social media from us officials.
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but what we can expect is those frustrations, especially from us diplomats, the teen traveling with us secretary of state antony blinking to israel. the trip itself. the mission was designed to exert influence over israel for is realty show restraint, given that at this point, more than 1700000 palestinians have been displaced into southern gaza. it's arguably the most densely populated section of land in the world at this point. so we can point to the concerns that president biden expressed in during a phone call with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. on sunday we learned about this week, the president biden said that he's concerned over the next phase of is really military operations. he does not want to see a repeat of what took place in northern gaza and this is a slight change in rhetoric, at least in the tone from us officials toward gaza. we're at,
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we actually heard this this week as well, from secretary blinking while he was meeting in those meetings with the premise submits and yet nothing. yeah. who then those meetings and these really with these really were a cabinet where he said that this is not a matter of months is this could be a matter of weeks that israel has to achieve its admissions against hamas. and this has more to do with the pressure that the us, that the by the administration is under here domestically not only from pressure of pressure from lawmakers on uh, on capitol hill, who are uh, increasingly urging the binding administration to condition a to is real to make sure that any aid to israel is contingent on israel adherence to international law, but also pressure from civil society groups who are growing tired of seeing images of death and devastation from guys. others eroding support of. ringback for
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israel and the united states from the international community as a result of this. and this is something that americans in general are paying very close attention to. it's also about the attitudes that americans are expressing. not only are we have to know that we're less than one year away from the national election here in the united states and support for president biden, especially among young voters, the voters who helped elect and is eroding voters. young people here in america just of the last few days that i've been here in washington and been hearing for many americans who say that there's a general concern over what's perceived to be an increase in hate crimes. whether these be attacks against jewish americans or attacks against arrow been most little americans who say that the climate of islam, of phobia here in the united states is like it was during the days, weeks and months after the september 11th attacks here in the united states. if not worse, so there is
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a growing course of voices here in the united states and want to see an end of this conflict. that pressure is being translated on to us. diplomats changing their tone, changing slightly, their rhetoric toward, toward israel, saying that they do not want to see a repeat of what took place in northern ga. so they want to see the combat zone narrowed. they want to see israel's targeting, of who must be more precise, to avoid mass of civilian casualties. like what we're, what like we've the international community is witnessed over the course of the last 50 days. okay, thank you for that money over part of that for us in washington, d. c. to. well, we can bring in luciano as the car. i as associate professor golf politics, accounts a university good to speak to you again, luciano. so i just want to do a quick time check. it is now 23 minutes past 8 local time in garza and israel. and that fragile 70. busy a truce between as well and how much is now well
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in truly over we've seen the resumption of fighting in the last hour or so. now we knew that there were tons of fighting was a very serious possibility. but the hope had very much been that we would have an extension, at least one or 2 more extensions a for a few more days. but that clearly hasn't happened once anything went wrong. well, actually, nothing when actually wrong. i think that the conversation, the blinking on this idea of who has was pretty clear uh, being can ask anthony, who before restroom in the box. you have to guarantee that there was waiting on the bill submitted. she might have it in closer to us before. so she can see that also that of that next week, which you'll eventually, i mean by now was pretty clear. and we are going to keep talking until we eliminate the how much. so there was never a doubt that anybody who has a medical objective that this, the media thought elimination of it after military and threats that they can see there is all over the strand. so a, maybe there was
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a mean the nice thing that this screws would have been extended to reach a find out a set the men or i'm working for them, i think a long term solution. and in terms of how much do you think this is what they expected or didn't do you think they still had a few more days under the slaves exchange of hostages? i think that the thoughts that it's possible to extend this, this with a little bit as far as they were able to negotiate all their remaining and hostages in for the military. and you've been cops of people that they already died in custody. and the problem is, is what they were expecting us to have that's, i mean, we all understand that that box would, would resume eventually what was the following bargain into that? how much was, was, was having, or what the expectation that how much was, was holding in terms of extending the truth or also continuing the about the, to find the liberation of progress. i'll do this, i'm going to, i'm,
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i'm still possible to, to understand. it's still also very clear what the is, ryan is in game is a and you know, who is going to run gaza once the we will find the finishes when it comes to d, as riley's and the americans. that is again, something that they disagree on. how much of an issue is that gonna be? well, the problem is, is the expectations of the, i mean that the people from, from westbank would take care of what is going on. and gus is totally ridiculous. nobody would really engage into in. yeah, just to remind not be with why that is ridiculous. why do you think that's where the people in ga, so they don't think that the ones that they are in westbank for reasons of their westbank. they replaced some of them, a, something you aware of whether the thing that's how much this will be sending them at least part of the body. so they can defend it by how much. but nobody believes in guys had that there. and that's how i policy. i'm afraid be sleepy, something them, i mean they, they didn't when the elections, nobody think that they are every have support or that they can deal with that more
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work was here that they are 330 or the separate it. so it'd be kind of the been comfortable that $133.00. how the conklin so what if you still see uh the united states? i mean, we had us extra estate having me to meeting is just even yesterday in the occupied westbank with the palestinian authority president. so they, they don't seem to want to let that idea go. no, i think this is typically the lucian of, from the guns type of thing that this kind of solution is possible. okay. so uh what, what options and uh, left, uh, when you look to the future, i mean, it, it's interesting uh, some recent polls looking at the popularity of how most of actually shown an increase in popularity and how much, especially since we saw the release of prison is palestinian prisoners over the last 7 days? where does that leave the situation in terms of leadership going forward, while it pacifically or bottom worldwide in terms of public opinion,
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who's getting more so poorly and potentially on israel is clearly losing that button because of what's happening with the humanitarian costs and the funds. the how much accepted release the hostages this by what's happening to some of the color is giving them more leverage in terms of what the political will of how much will negotiate something that can set the dispute at least for a while or come next. and it was it with this kind of drive to a more support in terms of for an find something if there was an electronic something that it's very difficult to, to, to see because got, so it's nothing to condition to have any, an organized sex on or for about the public support. okay, luciano colorado, to speak to the associated professors, go, go politics at the council university. lots more to come on out. there will have more special coverage. no, i from casa what israel has resumed. it's pulling up the strip off to the end of a 7 days. the
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hearing the how are we? the city is real heavy, more dead children asking questions you wanted to have your voice heard. what is your message understand? a little part of the beach was transformed into a many reporting roster bombs exploding out to 0 is teams on the ground. when you close to the heart of the story, the, the story of a small community in one of mexico's most dangerous states standing up to criminal court house and corrupt politicians. the we don't want to call additions anymore. they just this united, the people in the last episode of democracy. maybe we explore how trans eldest, let the fight for self determination. pretty savvy has that time thinking that the
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now coast was the same as thinking of the 2 end government by the people on al jazeera. so many politicians want to be the republican party's candidate for to any stand a chance against donald trump. if our planet is burning and we're running out of time, why aren't we doing more to deal with climate change? our american politics just getting to your wife, intuit, stream for most americans. because it can look you as part of the bottom line avenue, democratic nations, just apply this kind of behavior that pre lp is leading to what we're seeing out the vamps persecution is collateral damage. that's more, that's called horse w a r addressing tough question upfront on how to 0. it is a tenant object to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military with telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet.


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