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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  December 1, 2023 9:30am-10:01am AST

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last episode of democracy, maybe we explore how to dance elders, let the fight for self determination. that's why i'm thinking that the north coast was the same as thinking of the 2 ends government by the people on al jazeera. so many politicians want to be the republican party's candidate for the any stand, a chance it gets donald trump, if our planet is burning and we're running out of time, why aren't we doing more to deal with climate change? our american politics just getting to the whole life, intuit stream for most americans. for quizzical look us politics, the bottom line avenue, democratic nations justified this kind of behavior back reality is leading to what we're seeing out the grounds. persecution is collateral damage. that's more, that's called horse w a r addressing tough question upfront on how to 0. it is a tenant object to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of his really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really
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military with telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of this rarely public, this course and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out, is there a line to the top headlines this hour, the is ready, all me says it house was even fighting against homeless and the cause of stress is rarely jets. and all tillery began foaming the area shortly off to the ceasefire. extension x 5, just over an hour and a half ago, the final group is really captive and palestinian prisoners were released in the
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last alice of deceased by 15 people detained in his writing presence have returned to him all that and the multiplied by the, the palestinian prisoners were released in exchange for 8 is where a captive held by some of the i see on the scene to help facilitate the return of the is really captive. have said they are now being treated at a hospital in israel. okay, uh i just wanna check in with these pictures that you are seeing on the screen and you can see that big claim of smo statuses and s, right, that is just taking place in the last few seconds. the time now is $832.00 local time in gaza, about $630.00 to gmc,
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so that cease fire between israel and hamis expired about an hour hour and a half ago. and we so pretty much immediately returned to fighting in gaza. let's go to a moran con, who is live for us in occupied east jerusalem. so as i said in ron, at the spot, it expired about an hour and a half ago. just took us through uh the events leading up to the expiry. if that seems fine, what you think may have gone wrong? well, let's take it from the beginning. um we will hearing uh, oven noise. the mass of given a list to the is right. these uh the that list had dead bodies on it by all accounts. and these riley's rejected that list out right then around 5 45 am in the morning sirens whitehead and the communities around gauze are these ready communities around because the strip and the is ready on the confirmed that they
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outline dimes rookie defense system. and i, she intercepted a have mass rock at which a mass actually confirmed. then we began to hit round about 6 that you in the morning that were reports coming out from these ready will cabinets that they rejected a less. they were trying to figure out whether they should accept the list. the math had given, eventually rejected it. and they said they must have 10 women in captivity that they could have released that they didn't have to put these dead bodies on the less then at 7 a. the is really all me confirm that the ceasefire was about 713 a. m. that's when the 1st asked strikes, stuff began on the goals that strip around 755. we got a statement from the prime minister's office is actually with um, just reading you that statement. it says, i'm asked to, i says violated the outline did not commit to its duty to release the whole
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kidnapped women today. launch rockets as well with retained to fighting. we will emphasize these right. the government is committed to achieving the goals of the war to release the adoptees to remember how much and to guarantee the goals that will never know will never, no longer pose a threat to the residents of israel. that was about an hour and a half ago. intense bombing has now taken place by the israeli army over the gauzy strip, including parts of the south. you know, this is very interesting because the times of is rose released to know it's cold. in the last few moments suggesting the and to the blinking, specifically mentioned the south of the gauzy strip. he said to the is raise during the war cabinets, which prime minister benjamin netanyahu was present, said you cannot go into the south of gaza in the same way you went in to the north,
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publicly. we are hearing that has to be blanket has also said that they don't, these are, these doesn't have months to do this. they may perhaps have weeks and that the humanitarian aspect of this will, must be adhered to. they must get monetary and aid. and so now it's all about this litmus tests for the americans. how much influence do they have? israel and cat is israel listening, and that's what we're going to see in the coming days. these ready armies been very clear that going in to destroy how mass in the during the season. why it was really interesting because these ready all me were briefing local jet. let's hear it as well. i'm not since set up. i come on in control center in the south of the country that what basically getting ready these ready public for this any adventure attack on the south. and it seems like that attack on the south is now happening. and iran, if you can just recap for us a little bit about that diplomacy that we have been seeing in, in,
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over the last week and of the last 24 hours trying to get an extension of the very least of a ceasefire. what have we seen in the last few hours? the well, capital is effectively doing all of the mediation between israel and her masters, backed up by the americans as well. william burns, dca director, was actually in capsule. he met with the amount of capital, so that's really the focal point of all of this. over the last 7 days, i've lost a period of the see $500.00 and sorry, the foreign ministry spokesman of capital has been saying that we have been negotiating with a mass. we've got a list of names. we're giving that list of names to the israelis and these ratings have been accepting that list. clearly that didn't happen and the season has come to an end. but the diplomacy still continues back is a different classic effort, perhaps even more frantic now. but it has been since the see spot began to try and
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get another seized by going might take a few days. it might take a couple of weeks. in fact, it's a 50 something days for a ceasefire to be negotiated with the israelis and with how mass those efforts never stopped during the c spy and then not going to stop right now. the international community, capital egypt, and the americans have at cleared gold. uh, the addictions and kind of thought we'd like to see a much more permanency spot. the americans would like to say is well behaved and i'm much more thoughtful way when it takes is we'll package the causal which is now the okay. now im ron kon, in occupied eastern michigan for us i li, i was speaking to anthony lo and stay. and he's an independent janice on the author of the palestine, the board and which is a book on as well as alms and surveillance industry. he told me that there's
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a huge pressure on his role as government to continue the. it is rarely public on one level is not place. yes, they want their hostages back, understand that they but there's also a huge pressure to eliminate homeless, assuming that's even possible. and missing yahoo himself is on the immense pressure . i noticed in the last 24 hours there was a block past any old time story, confirming some of the information we've been receiving that i've had myself some various. these riley sources in our, etc, is really nice paper that is riley government and military were aware around a year ago of a planned i must attack relatively similar to what, how most eventually did on october 7. but it's dismissed as a possibly unrealistic. and that really goes to the heart of the profound failure on these riley government and military son, hendrick and a half the roles. so that the question of course is who and when the vast majority of these riley jews do not generally regard palestinians as equal to them. and i'm not saying all these really jews across i'm saying many. and that's being reflected
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by is really policy for years. and gals are in the west bank where the occupation is seen as cost free. obviously october 7, chapter that illusion. but certainly if you read most of these, riley pressed and there are some exceptions. but most of these rally press, the message is pretty similar, kill him, oscillate is destroy him, us remove them from any controlling or governmental influence in gallons. and which of course is easier said than done. and that pressure on the government is massive and it costs at the same time, whereas much to both looking at gals and rightly the westbank is exploding. there's been hundreds and hundreds of palestinians killed interested. i might add thousands . in fact, i'd be interested in the last 6 weeks, so it's combustible. and what is so disturbing is that was really amazing, reported 972, which is in his riley, media outlet in the last 24 hours showing how these rallies increase the using
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artificial intelligence in its target gathering and gaza. the impact of which is that israel will kill she huge amounts of palestinian civilians under the guise of apparently trying to get one low level homeless laid him was saying the reality of that with is now 15. so maybe $20000.00 palestinians killed in gas or the vast majority of human civilians. okay, let's go ahead and conduct our issues and con units and the southern gaza strip and hint, good to see you. so as we've been reporting here on out his era, the is really ministry has resumed. those combat operations in gaza. what more can you tell us about what is going on that? ok, the last latest we got is that these palestinians have been killed so far. 6 of them have been killed and dropped off as that. is there a new forces targeted up please? 3 houses in the front in the southern area of the causal strip. at 2 others have
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been killed in my kazi and one has been killed in for newness. among those uh, kills it has. it is a product to new ensure and it is also at the the air strikes started at $78.00. we woke up on the sound of drones on the sound of explosions in different areas of the gaza strip because these are bad. yeah. basically i have shifted one neighborhood. i just saw it in the north and in the latest, the good news are these have been calling and warnings of people in the community living in colorado and but needs to highlight it's very close from where we are right now. they're asking them to evacuate because they said that they are going to launch in over whelming attack aria. but at the same time, communities practice people. all of the people who evacuated from the north of the guy the strip are centralized and con eunice and other, other southern areas. people say that they don't have any place to go everywhere.
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it's packed. all of the people, the space are like, are, are, are very close to each other. people are over well with the amount of the attentions and air strikes that we have been hearing right now. and there are also our tenant, a bump environment in the area. so this is the scene right now, and it's over what it means for everyone. and people, unfortunately were very positive and thought that this temper ceasefire was going to expense. yes, i imagine after those 7 days, us pause in fighting, returning back to what the people were experiencing before that see spot must be incredibly difficult. we can already see some of the images coming through. and as you say, some people have already lost that lives and just uh, on the 2 hours since is the is ready on a has started, it's fighting up again. so give us
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a sense of also the humanitarian situation. because no doubt, even though we have 7, a 7 day pause, we were to hearing that whatever humanitarian eva came through wasn't enough. now that we came back to the fighting, presumably they will be no more coming through again. yes, 6 days or 7 days were not enough for the palestinians in the gaza strip to find their essential needs on our way from debt. and but still con eunice this morning. we saw people risking their lives on uh, the cooking does a queue line waiting for them to fill in their containers. we also saw people trying to fit in water and to find the clean water to drink. they were holding their yellow garlands industries. we also saw the markets in hon. eunice. it's packed with people. they are trying to get whatever they can get in the early hours
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before it gets dark. so the situation in the military and situation is then catastrophe of the past. the ceasefire period was not enough for people to take a deep breath from the air strikes. at the same time, at the hospice in the year is back proud is where people during the ceasefire went to their houses, went to check on the relatives. but at the minutes, this air strikes were launched again on the strip. people are back in the hospital . as you see, it's very crowded behind me and people are rushing to to bring everyone back to the hospital because they believe, despite the fact that there has been a lot of hospitals being targeted. but this is one of the safest places they can stay in. in the gaza strip and people are very worries and they're terrified from the fact that the south is also being bombed. where at the beginning of this war is
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raised to the part of senior citizens that it told them to evacuate from the north to this house. so people thought that this area was safe, but now a couple of targets have been targeted in the southern areas of, of, of, of the gaza. were talking about it up for where most of the people who evacuated from the north, evacuated profile. and we also got news that the civil defense is still working on pulling these people from under the rubble. so the number is going to increase in the next couple of minutes. okay, really worry. thank you for your reporting. hind could diary that for us now just to get a bit more on the humanitarian situation. although we did have some fuel and to gauze that over the last few days while the ceasefire wasn't affect, it was nowhere near enough. many palestinians have been using cooking oil to palate that cause even the l. c. it has a support from southern gaza. this has become
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a common site at the handful of fuel stations in gaza that has reopen lines and crowds of people desperate to fill the containers with the precious liquid. some event camp here over night, the yeoman, the to, i've been coming here for 3 days trying to get some fuel. there are too many people here because only a few stations are operating. people need fuel to get clean water for their vehicles, for bakery, for many reasons, for nearly 2 months under israel's to, to seize of the territory. no fuel or gas supplies have been allowed into god. so i'm going to cease fire agreement $2.00 to $4.00 trips. if fuel has been entering through the solving gauze that every day about 140000 leaders of fuel, that's nowhere near enough. the united nations estimates that about 250000 liters
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of fuel are needed every day for humanitarian purposes, such as operating generators. add to sally nation when, while 800000 to a 1000000 liters of fuel are going to be needed daily. these cars are going to be operating again to the shortest force palestinians, defined alternatives. one of them is cooking oil, nickname, enough, and fuel. after the chick the snack, it's what most drivers in southern gaza are using to power their vehicles. a small quantity of petrol is do you to do with the festival oil, most of the product and how i need but caught what can feed my family? well, i know it's bad for my health mine, especially because of my consultation. but what other choice do i have with fewer buses and taxis on the roads? don't keep cards have made to come back. they provide
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a source of income to those who lost their farms and businesses and nat geo. the as though they had a, with this war with living tragic times. so the costs of becoming a mode of transportation was no fuel in gaza and no cause the operating people need to get around sometimes to places that are far away and don't keep costs of the only way. the problems are numerous, but 1000 use here say the endured so much already that they're determined to overcome these latest challenges given to c, u l g 0 hun units in south or in cause the 17 time nationals have reunited with families off to being held captive by homeless for more than 6 weeks, another 6 have been freed on will return to thailand off to completing medical checks. jessica washington has report from bangkok to weeks of
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uncertainty along the way to return for these tiny nationals overblown me since deceased. but we don't know much about what's happening. i want to encourage to tie hostages was still has a captive in gaza. the me and i released the captive tyson one thing to thor. he's for bringing him home adults to chrome, to observe a minute's silence to commemorate the 39 ties killed. if mazda is october, the 7th attack on israel most come from north eastern time and they were among the thousands of agriculture workers employed near the guns a strip before the war broke out. cock says it's doing everything, it's 10 to bring home the remaining time national health by working with the laser and other countries to secure what they really the government has instructed, general is know to us the group about the conditions of their detention. and i'm pumping a kind of low left hand village in the early hours of the morning to be at the
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airport for his sons arrival. when i 1st heard that she was safe, i was so happy i simply couldn't speak. i was just so how others are waiting for their loved ones to return to the villages and young couldn't we have to tell you and friends told me that brenton was reduced. we were also happy, we couldn't sleep. we woke up our mother and i told her mama tom was fitness. you would see him not to go for the last. let us see some preparing for festivals. he's cooking elaborate meals to celebrate the philosophy. so we will have a ceremony for my son. i think because he was 35 by the experience if he would bless his barrier. waiting for his son to return has been painful. this woman says no, she hopes he will rest and finally, feel safe at home. jessica washington 0. bangkok still ahead on that algae is there at well latest pay tribute, diploma, us diploma,
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and henry kissinger inside the age of $100.00, we look back at the impact of south america doing this. how are we defending israel? heavy, more dead children? asking questions you wanted to have your voice heard. what is your message understood? the little part of the page was transformed into a minute. reporting every now and then we can hear roster bombs, exploding out his ears, teens on the ground, bring you closer to the hall to the store for my life is this 10 degrees fishermen to elected m p in the madrid assembly fighting racism into thing. giving voice to those he left behind
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a michael and tend politicians reveals how european over fishing an applicant forces has become a driving force. but a regular migration. take your 3 bus, these be a witness documentary on the i'll just say around the the let's take a brief look at some of the wells news. now survive a from india is tunnel collapses. shed is all day long, spring trumps for more than 2 weeks. which one, construction workers sweat stock. when a tunnel they were building collapsed in northern ulta can state on november, the 12th officials have still not said what caused the structure to give way. the
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region is known for land slides and trim is rescue as took 17 days to reach the workers who have to figure out how to survive if will help could arrive. you to the highest little funny of you. at the bottom, you 100, we 18 skins found inside on the tunnel flaw from days ago, drank some water and shed the shows of my colleagues. laborers doesn't have provisions for carrying lots of food, but accidentally found a monotonous, getting lying on the floor of the tunnel from days ago. so i picked it up and we said, cases of respiratory illnesses have been rising in southern china. the w h r says the spike in cases is not as high as before, the curve of 19 pandemic. it also says that no new or unusual passages have been pound fee ukrainian president below them is lensky has visited troops on the front lines in the countries northeast khaki. region ukrainian forces have been holding back russian attacks in the region over the last several months.
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russia has made small gains, but the front lines in the north east remain as a stalemate. now, the death of henry kissinger, the former us diplomats, has been celebrated by solemn, especially in latin america. kissinger is accused of destabilizing governments in central and south america in turning a blind eye to widespread atrocities committed to us back to ministry governments while he was in office. alas, and american ab salisia newman has his reports from santiago of the late henry kissinger. as being widely remembered as a giant to global diplomacy. in latin america, many are applauding the desk of a man who helped august great military clues throughout the region in the name of us from national security. perhaps nowhere as kissinger remembered, less kindly sending to the scene here, shaking hands with dictator, a goose,
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they'll be no shay in 1976 chillies and bass that are to washington says, quotes he was a man who historic shine couldn't hide his profound moral poverty, declassified us government documents and audio tapes reveal how kissinger backed operation calling door a campaign to hunt down and assassinate lifting opponents of south america's dictatorships. especially in chile, argentina, and brazil. or that money is this just to see, yet was arrested and disappeared under operation con door. she was $27.00 at the time. odette says jason, who died with blood on his hands. this is amanda wanting to know the piece price, please. if he did nothing or the so it's in the i don't you, this is, amanda died when it was a 100 years old and is responsible for that's of thousands of young people that were in the twenty's the bodies of countless opponents of chillies,
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military cool. once floated down to my patrol river that runs through santiago, many historians, politicians and relatives of the victims of the military dictatorships that dominated latin america during the seventies and eighties. old henry kissinger, at least partially responsible for the human rights violations that occurred either to mission or direct consent. and in the words of some of the kissinger staunchest adversaries. his destiny means that he could no longer hunt them see in human al jazeera santiago. okay, that's it for me. my, the inside. so now i just want to remind you of our top story, this our, the is ready on. he says it has, was you fighting against him? us in the gaza strip? we've had his reading, jetson on tillery, that the gun bombing the area shortly off to the c. spot extension expired just on the 2 hours ago. we know so fondly. 6 palestinians have been killed in southern gauze and rough uh,
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negotiations led by castle egypt on the us to extend the safe spot on students would still be on going. but that does need more than 2000000 people. the name on the street on the risk of s drawings. ok you up to date from madison is here to the gods eyes on this for the past 6 years. the wars and related so fast. a lot of people are dying. a lot of people are under the levels of buildings who's a piece of schools, pieces we come see mobile and we up the way you go is by is most like
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a was the, [000:00:00;00] the groundbreaking films from award winning fail may watch this witness on mileage as here in depth investigations get compelling insights into the toaster from asia and the pacific one. 0 one east. on out to 0 viewing.
10:00 am
how are we defending is real heavy, more dead children asking questions you wanted to have your voice heard? what is your message understanding the level part of the page was transformed into a minute, reporting every now and then we can hear roster bombs, exploding. how to do is teens on the ground. when you listen to the hall to the story, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this, and this is the news online from jo. how coming up in the next 60 minutes, the sci fi in gaza comes to an end doctor,
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a 7 day pause and fighting. israel resumes its assault on the strip. at least the


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