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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 2, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the floor and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on al jazeera, the death and destruction return to gaza onto the expiry for face 5 between israel and comma, at least a 178 palestinians have been killed since friday morning. the site is out. is there a night from the also coming up? the hospitals are again overwhelmed with the number entering sconces. health ministry says medical
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aid is running out here from displace palestinians in gauze. i who are worried about where the next meal is coming from and talks to stop the cottage and reintroduce the seas fine. continue, the thousands of palestinians have been killed since israel resumed attacks on gonzo on friday morning fussing. started again onto the failure to extend a 7 day cease fire for what thomas israel have blamed each other. at least a $178.00 palestinians were killed on friday alone. more than 15000 deaths have been recorded since october the 7th. and now the indications israel is expanding its operation south high false. it begins our coverage for 7 short days, palestinians and garza had attempted to respite from the bombing. the ceasefire,
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always fragile, now shattered in rougher and goes as far south children have bundled into overcrowded beds along with the blood in dust on their faces. pain, see it and confusion of life and what is once again and active was in hon. eunice with so many palestinians of sold refuge. the 1st casualty started arriving minutes off to the see spot and i was asleep. when i heard the sound of falling breaks, after that i heard my siblings voices and i went to them. then i heard people starting to dig and they came and pulled us out. cuts are we in addiction, mediators would hope to avoid this. but so far they been unable to get israel and how much to agree to continue holding fine. we were waking up and about to prepare breakfast for the children when suddenly our house and our neighbors were targeted . i rushed into the street without even putting on like, let's go dressed in the street. the entire area where we live has been completely
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wipe without these ready bombardment extended from south to norfolk. this, the off the mazda of an attack on the jeep valley, a refugee camp in northern garza, on thursday, us secretary of state and to the blinking, told prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it is real, could not repeat the mass, civilian casualties and displacement. the palestinians inflicted on northern garza, the density of the buildings and the number of people forced to relocate south shows how devastating a repeat of what happened in the north would be 5 minutes to nothing. yahoo says israel is committed to its goals for the war. the and i lation come us and the returnable hostages is a sadness you see from children who look, i'm sorry, i'm hungry or i'm going to go to my home or i don't want to. i'm 30 years old on a girl. i don't want to q 3 hours to a toilet. these are the things we would see to address. these 9 have for people to die. just somehow dropped so much was as the 1st funerals have already taken place
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for the latest victims of this. now a week long war cut or says negotiations to restore the ceasefire on continuing. these ready bombardment of gaza is complicating those mediation efforts. are full, so i'll just leave it is a 2 day old baby boy. it has been pulled from the rubble often his riley strike and gauze at the newborn was trapped along with several women in the building. they were in was struck, and they pulled the boy to safety. the bombing started suddenly, the women and babies, babies just 2 days old, born 2 days ago as i called, i took him out from under the rubble myself. he was destined to live is riley military is dropping leaflets and southern guns, a warning civilians that many new areas will soon be targeted. the papers come with a q all code that connects to an evacuation map when scans font cost without electricity and the incident many people are unable to access that information. now
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this thing is also st. moving again is either impractical or impossible. minimum, the monthly for the month to get. we lived out guerara village for con eunice and all of a sudden after the ceasefire, these relays gave us a new order telling us to go to rough on the machine. i mean from day one we move from one place to another, from the north, to the south, from the center to who knows what's next. yeah. and there is no like tricity, no water, no food, no proper living conditions. and my brother had nothing bad that they were in a home and everything was calm. and all of a sudden they told us to go to russia, where are we supposed to go? we couldn't just leave, but they are forcing us. we are staying in defense. now they are lying to us who are based on just the people and the oh i see, and i was going to me was say from leaving mobile st. tomorrow, this would be over. but unfortunately didn't cease fire in the fighting started again. they give us these leaflets saying we have to go through a rough i, but by the way and roughly what is it is safe. it is mobile and rough. what's the
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incognito space? where is the space to the claim? that's now let's see. and now from now to sierra, tara cowboy zoom was sent to this report from con units and southern gaza. as the slicing had stocked it again, also the end of the truce that had been broken by can talk. we'd come off as easily as situation on the ground right now and gaza strip is really terrifying as the majority of goals and has been experiencing a wide scale devastation caused by that use very strikes that destroyed suffer old buildings and even that cleans the lives of more than $100.00 palestinian toe now since during the last 24 hours of these religious it strikes that took place. of course a set this up several areas inside of the gaza strip. what directed towards the north and the south of it. 2 or 3 where more than 4 houses have been attacked by the east, but the occupation forces in devalue are refugee camp. and also during just the
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last couple of minutes, more is ready. attacks had been carried out to include you into a city in the south of the goal is this trip where elimination of floods had been fired over the sky of the, of this city, where the occupation forces as well had informed the residents are residing in the eastern areas that are adjacent to the, to the is really a goal is a boat has to flee to a rough. i have districts if this house of the gaza strip, they'd one roof our district was also what does that make it go? situation of the is ready strikes where both that to part of city is have be killed due to separate s t rex. that took place if that district in the south of the territory. israel's defense minister says his country will continue to attack garza until it achieves its goal of eradicating how much. you'll have glance that on friday, the group only on the stands for you met with ministry personnel at israel's testing of ebay, where he observed as strikes carried out on gaza. chris,
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y'all might be now your mother showed, as i said, from the 1st day, how must organization only understand 4 score? we will continue in striking until we achieve the course of the war, the dismantling of that mazda organization, with denial of its military capabilities and the return of the hostages to their homes, to the help of, i mean, well, how much is on the wing? the cassandra gates say they have targeted tennessee with a barrels of rockets. then for the 1st time since the ceasefire ended, israel has found it. it's a rate warning sirens across the several cities out there. as homeless salut isn't occupied east jerusalem, she has more on the rock and fight into israel. we're looking at 2 different rocket barrages on friday, reaching central parts of the country, including 10 would be the 2nd barrage was a little bit more south of there in the areas of it is shown to see on andrea floats. now in the $56.00 days of this war, we have seen near daily profit barrages,
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going towards the central part of the country including tele, be they're not just going out a short range or short distance in those areas near the gauze of border. but they're also going far more north additionally housed in needing to stomach to hans military wing. the outputs for gauge claiming responsibility for 2 rockets that actually went and were intercepted in the occupied west bank, near and illegal is rarely settlement. additionally, we've been seeing renewed rocket flyer on israel's northern border as well, a claiming responsibility for a few different barrages of rockets, the latest 8 different rockets the lebanese media is saying that these really are showing or have shells rather several different areas in the southern part of the country with as many as 50 artillery shells. so there is a lot going on on all of israel's friends. these really military says it's going to
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retaliate and attack wherever and whenever it sees fit, that includes lebanon. and the goal is to strip these really is, are essentially looking ahead to after the war. remember, one of the 3 goals they've laid out is that they don't want to see any sort of security threat that the state of israel feels threatened by. and these really is have essentially said that creating this buffer zone does really give them that security. and they're saying that if this buffer zone were to be created, or rather they're hoping to create it, it will prevent any sort of attacks coming from the gaza strip. so what we do know is that while this isn't really new information, the new factor is that these really have like countries like egypt, jordan and the united arab emirates know about their plans and advisor to is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that the plan is complex and it requires several tiers. the 1st one is destroying and defeating him as completely the 2nd
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one is the militarization. and the 3rd in their words is d. radicalization. this is in no way an indication that these really are looking to end the war, but rather looking ahead for what's next for them after the war does indeed. and now remember states in the region, arab states, as well as the united states, are going to oppose anything that takes away from palestinian land. because these really prime minister has told us secretary of state anthony blinking, that this will be a quote, deep buffer zone. and the united states has spoken out repeatedly that that cannot happen. kind of you, i'll high as a senior, how much politician and goes what he told out is there the group claims israel for the collapse of the ceasefire? what the good news the design is to redeem was preparing to started to join the site and well again on god's uh and its people. yesterday we were in meetings to
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extended crews and we offered many proposals. is there any they don't want any of it? and said, we want to finish the file of the women and children. first. we released $85.00 hostages, including women and children. is it 8 o'clock patient was saying we were holding more women women, so just fighting the resistance fighters on october 17th tongues and science becomes these different categories. we are really to have a new truths to swap disobedience and fold people with setting conditions. but the release of music to stop and results need setting on different conditions with the sci fi, because it's a complex process with this group of people with disobedience, we are ready to have another humanitarian truce to release them. we have both, at least the end of the patient refused to deal with it. if the patient is ready, be we'd be ready. the mediation is there, we are not in direct contact with the patient. the media to scan stopped regression
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. we were in contact with the mediators. once the patient begun the technician again on to tens of people we've kinda talked about was however, we are ready to talk about the cruise that will lead to the release of disobedience . the occupation was planning to resume digression. they want to pay the way for more destruction and aggression against the palestinian peoples. meanwhile, israel's government spikes past and has issued a stock warning to home us. unfortunately, how much decided to terminate the pause by failing to release all the kidnapped women as it was obligated to do so, and kidnapped children and by resuming rocket fire, the perpetrators of the october 7th masika have decided to hold onto the hostages. they brutally abducted in violation of humanitarian law and every known of humanity . having chosen to hold on to women. how must will now take the mother of pull some
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pigs us next year. say anthony, blinking has wound up his visit to the region since the conflicts began. he held talks on the future have gone so with foreign ministers on the sidelines. i see you in climate conference in to buy follow to meeting with israel's prime minister on 1st day. i made clear that after it was imperative that is real, put in place, clear projections for civilians, emphasis standing and measuring the systems going forward. and as we see just today is real, is already moved out on parts of that, including sending out information, making a weird where we move to be in st. mary's and on and jobs. and we'll be looking at, looking at that going forward is very, very important. it's also important to understand why the laws came to an end because of the laws, mos renay documents, and made in fact,
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even before the most committed, atrocious terrorist attack injurious killing. 3 people, others, including americans, began firing rockets before the positive ended. and as i said on the commitments of a and so it has on the algebra, the agonizing weight goes on for palestinians with loved ones and is ready presents . we meet some of those left with little hooks up to the 6 front ends and got the the color we got some rather nasty weather in the full costs for the southern part. so if you wish to receive the salary or cloud head, little flat to storms, low pressure, very much in charge of dragging in warm moist air out to the gulf of mexico. and is that runs up a little further northwest people see some light the storms breaking out could even
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have the alternate are mixed in with that system. big down polls. lots. how the possibility and the possibility of some flash flooding is it makes its way towards the east coast and also bad 17 celsius, the dc, if the team that they want to, to shelves into new england, east composite canada central, the irish generally driving see this next mass of very unsettled weather snow coming in across the rockies, where when the weather coming in across the pacific northwest through british columbia, more widespread as we go one through sunday. and at times it could be pretty heavy because a little bit of localized flooding has that to happen. central areas generally drive by this dyson went to weather, now feeding his way up across the sea. for you, england, 3 new york, just winding up towards that eastern side of canada. and we had a little bit of weather into the caravan, but i think by law just not too bad. we got a lot of drive by the way, a lot of sunshine, full, many scattering a showers across the eastern side of the region was what the weather. but since in america,
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the unique perspective, i think being policy, there's a huge part of my identity voices. you don't often hear how are you doing today? i almost forgot how my life years before aggression in the gaza strip started connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. question for me is very, very critical. as an attack in this specific area, throwing me out of these boards and the rest of the team, the stream on out to 0. the news the
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book back you watching out is there and lined up. i told stories this hour, at least a $178.00, and how the students have been killed in concepts since these radio only resumed its bombardment. restrict body on friday, follows a week long ceased fine as well. and how must blame each other up to fundraising the times of the agreement? southern pops have gone so such as con eunice and rough. i have been targeted in what appears to be an expanded offensive by the israeli army. wounded. have been taken to hospitals which are overstretched and barely functioning. israel is dropping leaflets with q all codes to one kind of simians of new areas in gaza. it will soon target even as a new space. 5 talks continue to tarry along with egypt. sion and us mediators have been talking directly with both how my son is rarely officials to bring an end to the renamed apartments. the u. s. has repeatedly called for humanitarian pauses in gaza. but it's also israel's biggest military. baccha. washington has
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reportedly sent is route 100 bunker buster bones that can each carry 240 kilograms of explosives. according to the wall street journal, which is reporting previously on disclosed transfers as well. it says $100.00. if the b l. u $100.00 booms have been sent since october, the 7th that designed to destroy on the ground facilities in total, the us to send israel about $15000.00 forms over the past 2 months, including unguided and guided munitions. is also post at least 1057000 all tillery shelves, a key munition. it's also sent to you. crane us officials also told the newspaper that israel used in american bottom, in an attack on the body, a refugee camp in northern gauze, of the killed of a 100 people said with the rush is a professor at the national defense university. and he was
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a pentagon director of the arabian peninsula fast. he says the reports wesson's provided by the us might be seen as a contradiction for any weapon you know, use in the cost, which will kill him. but um, you know, the, the article says that the weapons have been provided since october 7th. so we don't know what the pace of it is, but it's quite probable that a lot of these happened back before the international shifting public opinion when they were focused on the terrorist attack and the abduction and civilians, the master of civilians in israel proper. and since then we've seen any roshan in international support for israel, so i think we'd have to track that this. the 2nd thing is at least the b o u one know, 9. if your aim is to kill civilians, that's not the weapon you'd use found because it has a, the fuses on the tail. so it goes into the ground and explodes. if you want to kill civilians, what you would do is use an air burst munition or a ground burse, and you should that would maximize the trap on pregnant. so it's, it's,
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it's alert account. it, it doesn't look well in public opinion, but it's not is quite as, as bad as what it may seem like. once you look at the weapons themselves. i think the report set of bomb. um, but yeah, no, any bomb is bad, but this farm is designed to go into the ground linux flow is designed to go through like 4 to 6 feet of a concrete and then explode. so if i was choosing ammunition for troops in the open or troops in a built up area, i would choose a different round with a different fuse. but that being said, you know, this is a lead. told munition and popular opinion has shifted against israel in united states to a lesser extent and elsewhere to a greater extent. families in gaza and living in a state of constant fit and exhausted all the free flow in the slicing enabled many to return home to collect belongings and rest them. now,
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skid of more is rarely strikes. both residents in the gaza strip have been displaced many all forced to live intense. camille, and that the lack has more of the back on the streets. this displaced family in hon. eunice was able to go home during the ceasefire, but now it has expired. they have once again been forced to flee the afraid of what the coming days will bring along with the law not being named during the days of the truce. god protected us, we slept, we rested, and there were no drones. and we were living well enough for, for, but with what happened friday we've been living in fear and anxiety or fear is returned on the sad. this has returned with every explosion we spring up. i'd be on on. is it in front of us or behind us? that we're living in tears, your families crowd together and make shift tents. they use a communal hose on the ground for washing and to drink. they show
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a single cups of lentils among them. not so much else. the world food program has one but hundreds of thousands of people in gauze, but face starvation, napkin la maya, i see there is no food, no water, no life, no electricity, nothing in my life is very difficult to fit. there is no bread here and no flower in the occupation has just passed us off here and we have to suffer it to get anything lined up. if it weren't for god, we'd be dead. since the start of the war is ready, forces have repeatedly warmed palestinians to move to other areas. the dots and no guarantee of safety. the one estimates that almost 80 percent of residents have been displaced, making seems like this widespread across because a strip of metal lack of 20 o is as well continues its assault on gauze or palestinians lining up to donate
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blonde on national hospital in hon. eunice, they say is one way they can help save the lives of the people who been wounded and is ready as strikes. as all has told you when it will not renew a visa for its top humanitarian aid official for gaza and the occupied westbank. then hastings also serves as the deputy special coordinator for the middle east peace process as well as previously accused to, failing to be impartial on the on casa, the secretary jones, full confidence in miss hastings, the way she's conducted herself and the way she's done her, her work being a teacher monitoring coordinator in the occupied posting territory is challenging work to say the least of both in terms of, of the humanitarian situation and the political and the political situation. but i think you've seen some very uh, public attacks on uh, on twitter against her,
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which were utterly a unacceptable. and you know, personal direct attacks on you and personnel anywhere around the world is unacceptable and puts people's lives at risk. a palestinian mine has been sold and injured in the occupied westbank tearing another. is there any rate in the city of janine local report? say that is ready. forces conducted raids in the sub out. okay. saw the of the city during the re the i can find a vehicle pounding, a palestinian mine inside is really forces, reportedly preventive ambulances from reaching the scene as well, has stepped upgrades across the occupied westbank. since october, the 7th, the renew fighting in garza has dash, the hopes of families of old and 7000 palestinian detainees in his ready custody. many of being held without charge of saying this is robbie with thoughts from ramallah up to boston may not serve his entire sentence. there is no
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early release or prison or exchange. he has cancer and it's getting worse. and his wife zabeda says she wakes up every day expecting bad news. and the overhead assemblyman was restarting, losing cold. i always try to be strong in front of my children, but i expect the worst. even the kids are disappointed. my son asks if his father can take much more of this. if the cease fire is over, what's going to happen to sick prisoners stories, photographs, and medical reports, and all she has to connect her children with their father. a man who has spent a decade in and out of jail, no charges, no sentence, a man who needs medical attention. he's not getting in and is really so palestinians are always just a moment away from tragedy. the end of the ceasefire and goes on friday. within
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minutes of his really guns coming back to life. fresh horrors and hopes crushed that more prisoners would be free. here the serving a life sentence for his part in the killing of an israeli minister in 2001 it is unlikely she will ever be released. but his wife says, who does not care about the ox? it's because it has the and has agent then in, in that we're very sad that releasing some prisoners has come at such a high price. we're talking about 20000 killed. those who were retrieved and other still under the rubble. that's a very, very high cost. freedom is precious, but we were hoping that they would be released in a deal of some thoughts without all this bloodshed and brutality inflicted on all people in gaza behind bars, but not forgotten to israel criminals, terrorist security threats to palestinians,
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fathers and husbands who write love letters, patriots who fight for freedom the same bus route of the ultra 0 roma law in the occupied westbank. approaches in the united states set themselves on fire to express that anger about israel's kennings palestinians in gauze that a security guard outside is rarely consulate in atlanta. who tried to intervene was also injured. the person whose agenda on age is not known is in critical condition . one of the 3 palestinian students shots in the us states of a month last week has spoken out for the 1st time since the incident can of the need. and 2 of his friends were taxed by 48 year old man who was now in custody. here's what i've told him, he told cbs news. we walked around the block and on the way back across the sidewalk, we see this man standing on his porch looking away. he turned around and as soon as
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he saw us, he ran down the steps, pulled out a pistol and started shooting. he 1st shot my front seen, which i soon heard the thought of his body on the ground and him start screaming. and that was my signal to run. then i soon heard another pistol shotwell running patients on his butt to the floor. so i jumped the fence and i believe that's the one who shot me. did you ever think anything like this could happen on american soil? i certainly hope not, i have heard of other policy is being beat up, stabbed or humiliated by certainly didn't expect to be shot. and there is a difference between like in to the intellectually knowing it and the 1st time experiencing it or close people around you experiencing especially some of the news
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. now the un security council has voted to and it's mission in sit down because of ongoing fighting between the army and the countries biggest power and other 3 fourths less than invested as have criticized. move said the decision was inevitable power ministry, rapid support forces, and the student needs made a tree of enforcing each of us since april. you and assistance mission in see don began in 2020 to help support the country during what was supposed to be a transition to democracy. vast women to become a us supreme court justice has died at the age of $93.00 off to a long battle with os. i'm is a 25 years on the bench. sandra day o'connor became a pivotal figure out on controversial issues like abortion official hassle. born and raised on the ranch in arizona, sandra day o'connor at 1st, find a note standing law school performance wasn't enough to overcome a meal prejudice and the legal profession and.


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