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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 3, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST

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and from the heavy clubs even really get a sense of the scale of deep floods in thousands of funds, the beams of managed crops destroyed. and this comes off the back of one of the brass browns in that region in about 12 feet. yes, scientists say the climatic trends can only be stopped by a global reduction in common emissions. many people here can barely afford fossil fuels, but they pay the highest price. the israel is attack, so gaza continue into the night. our software it early as trying to approve of the 100 palestinians jabante a refuge account. you killed out children. we are children. we're is on money. we owe our homes. we want to do. we want to live in safety, the
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lovely bulk of this, so just a life and also coming up the deputy leader all from us tells out just over the remaining captives won't be freed unless israel stops slicing. and old palestinian prisoners have induced says israel robin saw the pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to bring new captives back home. and have masses of waiting fires of biologist rockets aimed at 10 of the welcome to the program. israel expanded. it's a tax on gaza on says that they couldn't move the 100 policy against a new wave of strikes. blind see an ad began office. he's fine with a mass expired on friday. talks to reach a new deal of collapse for the last saying they will be no more negotiations on
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captives until the war ends. alexander, by, as begins, are coverage. a major is really air raid your con eunice in southern gaza. within minutes, several residential towers and how much the town completely destroyed that is real, had issued evacuation orders, families left just in time to see their lives explode, the where is the safety we're supposed to have. and so he said to go say, here we are in the so where do you want us to go? our children are missing and we do not know where the are enough is enough. stop the war. gazda is destroyed in northern gotta an air read on the ball. you're refugee camp, causes more death and destruction. you filled out the children. we are,
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our children is on money. we owe a home. we want to live, we want to live in safety. the area is one of the most densely populated and has been targeted repeatedly during the past 8 weeks. there is nothing. there's no civil defense. there are no ambulances. there's no medical services. i good. rescuers are using their bare hands to dig through, revel searching for survivors. people offer each other what little comfort they can back out another me if people are just lying on the ground, there are body parts everywhere and then there are dozens of victims. as is real expands, it's a salt across the strip. fears are growing of the ground defensive in the south areas. the army previously described as safe once again. gaza is an active wars zone. once again, for palestinians, nowhere is safe and the relative peace of the seas fire is
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a distant memory. alexandra buyers algebra. the hospitals in the gaza strip of being overrun with people injured or killed incessantly shedding money with children, including income units where large numbers of civilians are flat in recent weeks under the waters of these really ami camille. and that it like has more and a warning have a pool contains distressing images from the vice dot tyrants carry their bloody children to hospital. ok, so the amount is hospice, who in central garza is overwhelmed. ok is ready for says from the data neighborhood the, the, the,
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the it is through nursing instead many patients and that's going through the ministry of health and girls that says most of those killed over 200 since friday, women and children. the missteps vanessa hospital read relatives weights to bury the dead of hon. eunice wasn't supposed to either whoever the the one has said that the goal is
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a strip is the most dangerous place and the wants to be a child. and we're going to seize 5 more children who don't commit to that of to 0. meanwhile, border authorities in gaza say 558 trucks. event it through the roof of crossing and the post a, these are the 1st to enter. the goal is this is the sci fi ended 3 quarters of cause. this population was about 1700000 people have been displaced by israel from boston. let's go live down to try a couple of as a reason calling you this in southern, gaza and tower bring us up to date on which areas of being heavily targeted. and of course, what impact is happening that yes, the entire garza's trip had been earlier targeted by the occupation forces. but during the last only hour, the occupation forces had level to the ground or residential building in a rough district where more than 6 palestinians have their reports at killed. and
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a number of them had been also a inkjet by the occupation, a real interest to strike on this house of the 2 or 3. meanwhile, the eastern, a areas of 10 units had been under the artillery a shillings for more than 2 hours from now where they are trying to destroy old buildings that are adjacent to the buddhist. and they are also firing elimination of flats over this calling of the eastern areas of can you this which could clearly even be seen from our location here in the center of congress city. similarly, the attacks continued even almost like a rock refuge account where more than 9 palestinians have been killed with 10 others who health have been also wounded. a residential buildings act was hit by the occupation forces. now we can clearly hear the sounds of the east bed the explosions in the eastern areas of community. again, while all the gaza strip off to the end of the last hills cease by a wind from us and the east. but it will have been on the relentless strikes and
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i'm tired. how people coping with this latest assault, particularly given this dramatic drop in aid, arriving the in gaza since the fighting started again. yes, people generally consolidate. the goal is to have a sense of fear and even frustration. that to the 5, the fighting has resumed again between how much light is on the use very occupational soldiers and separate areas. of course, the goal is this trip. now this fine thing has been combined by wide aerial campaign that destroyed a number of residential buildings and even it protected brent at that has been used for moving freely due to the risk that might be resulted. meanwhile, the coasting treat moved on having access to humanitarian aid that had been entered, the gauze trip during the last week. and what he's even allowed to in such a date, which is according to the united nations that is considered to be
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a drop in the ocean. as a we have called several people in the most of the goals district, asking them about the amount of a humanitarian aid that had been arriving to the north of the college. this trip be said that they are wanting gluten sewage water and they have very limited access to the humanitarian trucks that were allowed to inside the north of the gauze district . which means that the situation is really excessive. painting especially of to more than 7 weeks of fighting on the ground that destroyed old means of life and finds the going straight. talk about this and con eunice. thank you. now israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said the war on gauze. it will continue until its aims are achieved, including the elimination of from us. while he was speaking thousands of his or at least were rallying and tell of eve to cool for the release of captives held in garza, their families are putting pressure on that. you can do more to bring them home as much as i don't think of the sudden be silent or people. many people asked me
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during this week and i have been asked by some of our brave fighters and soldiers, is the war. will the war will resume after the truce or the ceasefire? and i said yes, absolutely yes. and this answer is now clear to everyone. so i am saying clearly that we continue the war until we achieve all our goals. let's go ahead and run con, who's in occupied east jerusalem. and in ron, what's the latest on the rockets of fund from gaza? and of course a given that where i buy now, what was 2 months into this conflict? what does it say about how boss is capability to continue operating? it's dave $58.00 neve, and still has the capability of a firing rockets and heating places like tel aviv, the west of jerusalem. and there is communities on the, the southern part of the goes to strip is a real message being sent
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a by him ask that they can attack time, place of the choosing. and this precedent for this as well. remember, during the 2021 will, how much more effectively dictating terms to the residence of a television at that stage? what they were saying to the residence of tel aviv that they were about to load? the truck is between say, 7 pm and 9 pm, and the details of the residence should not be out in the streets. and they listen to the people, one house on the streets of that. this is, that is something that we've not seen before. how much size you dictate in terms of these readings began in 2021, it's still happening now, it is simply a message this by far the largest borrowers, brock is, but we've seen in, well, certainly since the cx 5. and the message is very clear from the mess. you might say that you are weakening us, but we're still able to send up rockets, particularly from the north and from central garza. and as i mentioned,
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benjamin netanyahu this ready probably just to spoke earlier. what should we make of the fact that the defense minister you'll have go on, gave a separate pest come from shortly beforehand. but the problem is it didn't seem to know anything about, especially given that yahoo plummeting popularity. so what is extraordinary is net pay you in a time and one of the biggest bulls is rose as afford and the prime minister public the missing. he didn't know what the defense minister had said in a press conference, an hour before. um, this is something that we've never had before. a lot of these writers talking about this. now a lot of political out, alyssa, china unpack all of this. i think i'm your client is sending a message. if that seems to be clear that he wants to say to benjamin netanyahu, i understand that you will be very unpopular right now. and i have to be careful about how close i am seeing to you. now,
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these rate is all very united when it comes to the haines of the will on gauze that they won the destruction of how mass but politically and militarily. and they won't get because of strict to be never used as a base protect is right again. so the security, political and military establishment united on that, but these guys, the defense minister and the pm members of the site policy, and letting you know who referenced is on popularity in his art impressed confidence use us. you know, the opinion polls suggest that you are very unpopular and he said look, if i listen to opinion paul's, i wouldn't be here today. so he mentioned it. he knows he's unpopular and he knows he's got a lot of tough challenges. hadn't been yelled, god knows this as well. so this is maybe a message that from you glance site, let's just see where you are in the coming weeks in the coming months. but benjamin netanyahu also has his own problems as well. he's still facing 3 cold cases on
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corruption. now those cool cases will actually stopped in both of you, but as of october, the 7th. but they now reviewed there's a hearing on monday where he's likely to send his lawyer to hear what the court has to say. that's yet more pressure on already very unpopular appear more pressure indeed around him or on combat and occupied history. some thank you. or the deputy head off, i must, his political bureau is told to 0 that negotiations of a truce in gaza have not completely broken down. he said they will be no further exchange of captives until the end of the war. the israel pulled negotiators from its intelligence agency must side out of the castle, which is the mediating seas far efforts. locus us, me when the how the official and final stance of the movement of how much is that there will be no exchange of captives until the end of the aggression and a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire. we the homeless movement declared from the
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beginning that it is not a maneuver deception or anything else. the form prisoners will arrive to gaza on october 7th, were not a target. and we were ready to release them without conditions. women and children who are held captives were not our targets either. they arrived in gaza due to the exceptional circumstances, and we were also ready to conclude this matter and exchange of the release of our women and children held in the occupation forces. prisons. the still ahead on how to 0, why policy is active is believe an international criminal court prob, into human rights violations will be one sided. the
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rule to you by visit capital color was things involved in storms into the southeast of the us. recently they say every account here quite enough, the middle system, please 2 areas of life. pressure this one around louisiana right up to the legs. that's going to be the dominant feature as we go through the next complet dice i some for you went with us, we paying across the appalachians over towards the eastern seaboard. we are looking at snow in the northern flank of that. so new england, seeing some significant snow for pushing across into quebec has well, central at risk, generally looking dry. and then yeah, because most of the coming back in across the rock is significant amounts of snow full that could cause some disruption. and we got the driving rain coming back in across the pacific northwest into that western side of kind of a game. tons of snow in the process for the south is generally driving some type of sunshine. i like getting up to around 24 degrees celsius. that sunshine, stretching down into northern parts of mexico,
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but for central southern areas of mexico, this line of right is the same one that pull that heavy right in across the deep south of the us. fast going to bring some big down, pulls into southern areas of a mexico before the camera. payment's. not too bad. some lovely sunshine coming through. looking good here as we go on through the next couple of days. plenty of sunshine highs. the 2nd one the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the the, the
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the on the back here without a 0 is a reminder of our top stores. this our deputy header from us is political bureau. i was told that i would just say within the ghost ations on the choosing gaza, if not completely broken down, he said that will be no further exchange of captives until the end of the war. the wing are from us. the cosign brigades says, in spite of biologic rockets at tennessee, the escalation between israel and a mass comes after cease fire expire on friday. the police rose from bob, gaza is continuing into the night earlier than a 100 palestinians were killed. and then this really air rate legit, body refuge account. that's one of the strips most densely populated areas of you
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as well as president says washington won't allow the force relocation of palestinians from gauze war they all get tied. westbank speaking into by a couple of harris of the us holding discussions with the regional powers to agree on the future of the territory. we must accelerate efforts to build an enduring piece. and that begins with planning for what happens the day after the fighting. and shortly after october 7th, president 5 and i began discussions with our national security team about post conflict. gov, that we have begun to engage partners in the region and around the world in these conversations. and this has been a key priority over the last 8 weeks. 5 principles guide our approach for post conflict. i've gotta know forcible displacement, no re occupation, no siege or blockade,
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no reduction in territory and no use of gaza as a platform for terrorism. we want to see a unified, gaza, and westbank under the palestinian authority and power stay invoices and aspirations must be at the center of this work. all right, let's bring in, i would just say it's heidi joe castro who's in washington dc. and heidi tells us more about what we'd be hearing from the bite and administration. yeah, dave, on those comments, we just heard from the us, vice president. she really spells it out more clearly than we've heard from the, by the ministration previously on with this to state solution that of course, has long been us policy toward the middle east would look like she also talked about how is real. she said needs to protect civilian lives more and i want to quote her, she said quote, too many innocent palestinians have been killed and israel must do more to protect
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innocent civilians. so we're hearing this increasing urgency coming not only from the vice president, but also from top us officials, like the defense secretary, lloyd austin, who just spoke a few hours ago at the defense for him. it was kind of a fight. the center of gravity is the civilian population. and if you drive them into the arms of the enemy, you replaced a technical victory with a strategic. and so i have repeatedly made clear to israel's leaders that protecting tell us that in civilians and gods like is both a moral responsibility and a strategic impaired. and of course, this is coming from austin, who is a 4 star general and the us that oversaw and the us is a fight with i sold saying that lessons learned from there is that in urban warfare, he said that protesting civilians was a must in order to secure victory. but the really, the,
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the big question here is we're hearing all of these officials and blinking, of course as well. the secretary of state cautioning is real in more and more urgent terms to protect civilians and gaza. but what will they actually do about it? what will the us do about it? and of course, we know the us as a israel's main military supporter. and now a 14000000000 a package is pending in congress. that's how much bite and wants to give to israel . since this war started, that package already passed the us house of representatives. but in this coming week is expected to be. now debated in the senate were more and more voices happened. dissenting, they're still in the minority, but we're seeing the momentum going as the us is really taking a more critical look at how this really military is continuing its campaign in gaza . yeah, very startled, but no doubt important to shift in tone from the administration. heidi j. castro in washington dc. thank you. or
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a french president of manuel my chrome is here in castle was. he's discussed the latest developments and gaza with council. i was a media during the talk strikes. i mean been how many to help honey stress the need for continuing international f as indigo shay to permanent, to cease fire and gaza? you said it was needed to protect civilians and deliver aid. they also discussed the establishment of a 2 state solution in accordance with international and un resolutions. are the my calling said that if the objective of the war to destroy a mass, it could go on for decades to the task when it on the mall. i think this is the moment one is rarely, authorities need 2 more precisely defined and goals. what does the total destruction of from us mean, and does anyone think it is possible if it's as the a, the war will last 10 years? yep. the city did you 100, so that can be no long term security for israel in the region. if that security comes at the price of public opinion lives, affecting public opinion in the regions where you click the start of the soldiers
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of shots and killed a postilion, coughing to a father of $6.00 men nablus, and the occupied westbank. the 139 year old who was attacked by his rate illegal is rarely settled as the town of karl went. so sonya on settlers forced him house of his car and burned it before he was shot in the neck. find this way. the soldier also named nablus, is ready for us, is blocked an ambulance from reaching a 16 year old, putting an engine doing a range between asia died from his injuries lace up the number of palestine is killed of the occupied westbank since the start of the war and gaza is now more than $253.00 posted in the human rights group. say it's right. the settlers are taking advantage of increase military rates across the occupied westbank to seize moorland. settlers detains been stripped and beef a team of one or 2. this with the policy, you know, 40 child stratford says this report from the village of bait for 8
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months during the saucer. it wants to take his sheep to his line so they can graze, but he is nervous about another attack. why he's way the settlers who are trying to push him out with a month to share your product as often as you can see how all you have to feed the sheep on the street. i want to take them, but i need to check on it and repair the damage 1st. we go with months to a bye call to use life, stone grazing lands. these ready settlers have tried to pull up the road quite digging a trench and putting of us on sore schultz. what he finds for no july issue what a she can. but i assume i can from the lot. i'm glad. i mean, from the, comes a little bit, i mean i'm the just call his belongings broken and strewn across the slope. i did dish what was holding a photo. and while this was the army with this up lives and they are like father
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and son, they beat me, they beat my son, they smashed everything. first, they broke the phones, they started my id and they destroyed the sheep pounds and the water pipes. it was on the morning of november, the 9th, when a group of his ready settlers protected by the is really military, came into this area and destroyed places where palestinians have lived for generations. most palestinians, along with palestinian human rights groups say they have seen increased efforts by settlers to make land grabs. since the beginning of the war set to caravans can be seen a couple of columbus has down the valley. this video shows one of the attacks using bulldozers to destroy the palestinian farms property and force them out. the a tech seem to be legs by this man. tomorrow. cohen or coby is, he's node. he goes a government loan in 2013 and established a settlement outpost. abdulla aboard off law, shows me
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a map of 7 pilots to be in hamlet's with farm is being forced to evacuate since the beginning of the war. so this lady settlers attacked his team of monitors from the palestinian authority. they were handcuffed and stripped the skulls and bruising shows how hall they were beaten by the sub. i'm in october, but the off to october. the 7th things began to change. what team members hesitate to free for half an hour and the settlers came and they kicked everyone out tomorrow. when they found out my colleagues didn't live that they stripped them and beat them for 7 hours here and i'm sure on the other phone was forced to flee the land in the area vile to which despite the increasing secular tanks, is we prepared to leave and these radio army jeep drives by a straight reminder of who wants to take and control this land child. so i put out a 0 date for the week. the occupied with bank. the chief prosecutor of the
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international criminal court says he will set up a team to investigate human rights violations on both sides of the guns. a conflict carrying gun made the pledge on a visit to the occupied westbank pile of sydney, an active. this refused to beat him. it gives you the course of favoring israel, the same as for avi has more for romano at the ministry of justice in rama. the chief prosecutor of the world's highest court needs victims of israeli occupation. no fee. i didn't like that as well that there is no justice. there was justice. things would have been different in palestine. when they treat people with the standards, there is no justice item in the remains of my son be out of his buddies withheld. we don't know if he's in a grave or them or the international criminal court. the global community of large should be a shame she sense about the state of human rights and palestine. how do you respond to criticism that you are applying a double standard to this conflict in favor of israel, mr. con?
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mister dawn, how do you respond to that criticism? and will you be visiting any of the rest since taking over his eyes, he sees chief prosecutor in 2021. kareem hunt has been described as hostage to these rarely narrative at the same time as his visit in gaza. more evidence of israel's war crimes con was given graphic examples of israel's human rights violations in the occupied territories, including accounts of state sponsored murder and sexual violence, a post and you administer, who was in the room said conditions have never been so bad. he did his best to convince us that he wouldn't be a balance ad that he's taking. what's going in by this time? seriously? did you believe in palestinian say trust in global institutions is in short supply. one of palestine is biggest human rights
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groups refused to meet with the i. c. c. visit at the invitation of israel's not even a signatory to the court insult to injury for palestine. a member of state got into for a year, his picking and choosing the victims. that's dangerous. they're all future an image of the court seen as a last resort for victims. this is a message that no one protects them as a sheet. you have to protect yourself, you know, making a sense of justice to florida. despite hon, vowing to investigate violations on both sides of the conflict. palestinians don't see him as independent serving only his critics say to rubber stamp and illegal occupation zane bus ride the old 0 roman law in the occupied west as being an intense exchange of 5 along the israel 11 on board. the lebanese um, group has been lost on several attacks and this way, the military positions and facilities resumed on friday. following the end of the cause of cease 5 is right. let's use white fos for shells and camera that raids,
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targeting what it says are the sources of the attacks. several matches have taken place across the u. k. on solve a dire so you would palace to use.


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