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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 3, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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as scientists say, the climactic trends can only be stopped by a global reduction in common emissions. many people here can barely afford fossil fuels, but they pay the highest price. examining the impact of today's headlines, explorer and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on l g 0, the israel's attacks on guns that continue into the night hours off to an earlier strike killed more than a 100 palestinians and the jabante a refugee camp. you killed out children. we are our children. we is on money, we owe our homes. we want to do, we want to live in safety. the,
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let me just save a life from the also coming up the deputy leader of from us tells al jazeera, the remaining captives wouldn't be freed unless israel stops fighting an old palestinian prisoners of and says israel, a rump. so the pressure on private is to benjamin netanyahu to bring more captives back, who have boxes weighing 5 as a bar. roger of rockets aimed at television, the welcome to the program. israel has expanded its attacks on gaza on saturday. kidding. more than a 100 percent of students, the new wave of strikes, line c and eh, began after a ceasefire with a mass expired on friday to to reach a new deal. have collapsed with
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a mass saying they'll be no more negotiations on captives until the war ends. alexandra bias begins are coverage. a major is really air raid your con eunice in southern gaza. within minutes, several residential towers and how much town completely destroyed that is real, had issued evacuation orders, families left just in time to see their lives explode. the where is the safety we're supposed to have. and so he said to go, says, here we are in the so where do you want us to go? our children are missing and we do not know where the are enough is enough. stop the war. gazda is destroyed in northern got to an air read on the ball, your refugee camp causes more death and destruction. you filled out the
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children. we are, our children is on money. we owe a home. we went to live, we want to live in safety. the area is one of the most densely populated and has been targeted repeatedly during the past 8 weeks. there is nothing. there is no civil defense. there are no ambulances that no medical services are good. rescuers are using their bare hands to dig through, revel searching for survivors. people offer each other what little comfort they can back out. another mean, people are just lying on the ground. there are body parts everywhere and then there are dozens of victims. as is real expands, it's a salt across the strip. fears are growing of the ground defensive in the south areas. the army previously described as safe once again. gaza is an active wars zone. once again, for palestinians,
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nowhere is safe and the relative peace of the seas fire is a distant memory. alexandra buyers algebra this and this ready bombardment of a home and rafa is killed at least 7 members of one family. civil defense cruise dug through the rubble to search for survivors at the scene in the l janina neighborhood of reference in southern gaza. they were able to rescue 10 injured family members and take them to a hospital. sorry, it is a specialist, this update from calling eunice and southern casa, the entire garza's tube had been earlier targeted by the occupation forces. but during the last only hour, the occupation forces had leveled to the ground, a residential building in a roof district where more than 6 palestinians have their reported killed and unimportant of them had been also a inkjet by york. you've ation a relentless, a strike on this house of the 2 or 3. meanwhile, the eastern area is often eunice,
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had been under the artillery a shilling for more than 2 hours from now where they are trying to destroy old buildings that are adjacent to the buddhist. and they are also firing elimination to flash over this calling of the eastern areas of can you this which could clearly even be seen from our invitation here in the center of condo city. similarly, the attacks continued even almost like a rock refuge account where more than 9 palestinians have been killed with 10 others who health have been also wounded. a residential buildings act was hit by the occupation forces. now we can clearly hear the sounds of the east, very explosions in the eastern areas of community. again, while all the goals are strip off to the end of the last appeal to cease by a wind from us and east. but it has been on the relentless strikes people generally inside the gauze, a step have a sense of fear and even frustration. that to the fire, the fighting had resumed again between how much light is on the use very
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occupational soldiers and separate areas. of course, the goal is this trip. now this pointing had been a combined by wide aerial campaign that destroyed a number of residential buildings. and even it protected brent at the stadium for moving freely due to the risk that might be resulted or well hospitalized in the gaza strip of being overrun with people injured or killed and saturday, showing many of them with children, including and con eunice with large numbers of civilians are flat in recent weeks under the orders of these rarely ami commune. that like has more and a warning have a pool contains distressing images. from the vice task, parents carry the bloody children to hospital the x, the mountains hospice, who in central garza is overwhelmed. ok is ready forces from the data neighborhood the the,
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the, the it is through nursing. instead, many patients on that line through the ministry of health and goals that says most of those killed over 200 since friday on women and children. the missteps vanessa hospital read relatives wait to bury the dead of hon. eunice wasn't supposed to either whoever
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the the one has said that the goal is the strip is the most dangerous place in the won't to be a child. and we're going to seize, find more children who don't commit to that, to 0, a photo of authorities and goes as a 55 a trucks eventually through the roof of crossing in the past day. these are the 1st and so it goes, this is the see spot ended 3 courses of cost. this population around 1700000 people have been displaced by israel composite. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said the war on gauze and will continue until these names are achieved, including the illumination or from us. while he was speaking, thousands of israelis were riding and tel aviv to cool for the release of captives held in garza, the families are putting pressure on this and yahoo to do more to bring them home.
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mostly on with the go the how do we fight? i know, but we many people asked me during this week and i had been asked by some of our brave fighters and soldiers, is the war. will the war will resume after the truce or the ceasefire? and i said yes, absolutely, yes. and this answer is now clear to everyone. so i am saying clearly that we continue the war until we achieve all our goals. and run con has more from occupied to east jerusalem a day, $58.00 nave, and still a has the capability of the firing rockets and heating places like tel aviv, the west of jerusalem. and that is communities on the, the southern part of the goes, the strip is a real message being sent here by him. ask that they can attack time and place of their choosing on this precedent for this as well. remember, during the 2021 will,
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how much more effectively dictating terms to the residence of tel aviv at that stage? what they were saying to the residence of tel aviv that they were about to load? the truck is between say, 7 pm and 9 pm, and the details of the residence should not be out in the streets. and they listen to the people, one house on the streets of that. this is something that we've not seen before. how about size you dictated in terms of these readings? began in 2021. it's still happening now. it is simply a message this by far the largest by rows of rockets that we've seen in, well, certainly since the cx 5. and the message is very clear from the mess. you might think that you are weakening us, but we're still able to send up rockets, particularly from the north and from central garza deputy head over from us. his political bureau has told how to 0 that negotiations over truce and gaza, now completely broken down. you said there will be no further exchange of captives
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until the end of the war. in israel pulled negotiates is from its intelligence agency most side. i also have cost, so it would just be mediating ceasefire efforts. the locus of us, me, one the how the official and final stance of the movement of how much is that there will be no exchange of captives until the end of the aggression and a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire. we the homeless movement declared from the beginning that it is not a maneuver deception or anything else that the form prisoners will arrive to gaza on october 7th were not a target. and we were ready to release them without conditions. women and children who are held captives were not our targets either. they arrived in gaza due to the exception of circumstances. and we were also ready to conclude this matter in exchange of the release of our women and children, held in the occupation forces presents price. president manuel my chrome is here
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and castle away. he's discussed the latest developments in gaza with castle as a mere during the talk shake to me and been having to help honey stress the need for continuing international efforts to negotiate a permanent cease fire and gaza. you said it was needed to protect civilians and deliver aid. they also discussed the establishment of 2 states in accordance with international and un resolutions. the crown said that if the objective of the wars to destroy mass, it could go on for a decade to the task one mcdonald mall. i think this is the moment one is rarely, authorities need 2 more precisely defined and goals. what does the total destruction of from us mean, and does anyone think it is possible if it's as the a, the war will last 10 years? yep. the city did you 100, so that can be no long term security for israel in the region. if that security comes at the price of public opinion lives, affecting public opinion in the regions where you predict people still ahead, hey, what i would just say, or why posting inactive s believe an international criminal court,
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probing to human rights violations, will be one sided. the frank assessments for this placement in persecutions, this seems to be another informed between what we see here. please log in text that people in to change the reality but drive it to lingering in depth analysis of the days headlines. do you think even the president of the united states, when he hasn't been able to get a humanitarian force he's been asking for days and days, has a nice way of a private, especially often the inside story on al jazeera, of the latest news, as it breaks this attack has been described by ukrainian president fellow demand. lensky is an act of terrorism with detailed coverage. i mean, a has promised to respond to the origin stage and improvements of scary to measures people here fear of this well impoverished the population from around the world
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sketch males. this wants to be 5 minutes of old people for the after 25 years of containing the, against my friends, and assign them seek of some say with new top stuff and sounds convincing. the challenges with the work about you without just area. is there a by end of our top story, is it this? so it's up to the head of the masses. political bureau is told out to 0 that
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negotiations on the choosing cause a completely broken down. so that will be no further exchange of captives until the end of the will be on the wing of a mass. the cosigned brigade says it's find a barge of rockets and kind of be the escalation between this rather homeless. it comes off to a cease fire expired on friday and israel's bombardment of cause it is continuing into the nights earlier, more than a 100 to protest against were killed. and then this rate of the air rate on the jabante a refugee camp. one of the strips most densely populated areas, the us vice president says washington one allow the 4th relocation of palestinians from gaza will be occupied. westbank speaking into by couple of harris said the us is holding discussions with the regional powers to agree on the future of the territory. we must accelerate efforts to build an enduring piece. and that begins with planning for what happens the day after the fighting. and
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shortly after october 7th, president 5 and i began discussions with our national security team about post conflict. gov, that we have begun to engage partners in the region and around the world in these conversations. and this has been a key priority over the last 8 weeks. 5 principles guide our approach for post conflict. i've gotta know forcible displacement, no re occupation, no siege or blockade, no reduction in territory and no use of gaza as a platform for terrorism. we want to see a unified, gaza, and westbank under the palestinian authority and power stay invoices and aspirations must be at the center of this work. well meanwhile us defense secretary lloyd austin has to live in his strongest remarks to date of israel's need to
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protect civilians and gaza. he will and that is really actions and guys that can lead to the radicalization is this kind of a fight. the center of gravity gives the civilian population. and if you're driving them into the arms of the enemy, you replaced a technical victory with a strategic a fee. so i have repeatedly made clear to israel's leaders that protecting tell us that in civilians and gods like it's both a moral responsibility and a strategic impaired. okay, well let's take a look at what will this restaurant cover for the u. s. means with john hubs, who's the director of the atlantic counselor for the united states console general introduce them. he joins us in washington, dc. i'm one welcome to you. thanks for joining us on the program. so there's only really one voice that israel seems to be willing to listen to, and that's the united states, and that voice is currently warning israel of a strategic failure. if it doesn't protect civilians, what does the us mean by strategic failure for israel?
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what they quote you had from camel harrison lloyd austin, make it clear. the concern of the administration is that in order and the effort to destroy a mos he's really is we're taking out many palestinian civilians. and this is increasing unhappiness with israel across the middle east, across the islamic world. and also creating problems for american diplomacy that we're not in united states has sent over a 100 button cub busting bottoms recently. it's quoted for more targeted strikes, but won't going forward, does. is there any restraint look like? and the white house has eyes look. what is it? i think the, the, the, the 5, those that come all of our is laid out, make that clear. they want the is released to avoid military actions which lead to substantial civilian casualties. but to me for it is real, given the way to most places, it's military installations, supplies,
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and hospitals and schools and so on. that's not so easy to achieve. i mean, how does to us the continue to square the repeated calls for humanitarian aid, entering the strip with the massive amounts of military age said almost without questions, to go on sustaining this war. well again, the question presupposes that israel does not have a legitimate right to defend itself. of this all began as late as round. you know what, that mass of terror attack, where a mazda operatives married women and children, raped women of and to cost just back into gaza? well, i think so. i think that's the, again, i think mr. holmes, none of that has been independently verified. i'm not saying that that haven't been the atrocities. why are those those who will come on? that's going to be a propaganda vehicle for terrorism. that's what you're doing right now. what else is bizarre? i think i reiterate, reiterated that has not been independently verified by anybody upon from the moment
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. and then alger 0 wait a minute, and i break the points. alger 0 was not waiting for verification when i took them off propaganda about the number of casualties. and he was really suggestively and kind of all hospital, i don't know, 3 or 4 weeks ago. so you guys playing a game, what's making clear what the game is? i get it. okay. and again the nation. again, those allegations have yet to be independently verified. when they are, of course, i'm happy to uh, explore that in more detail. i'm curious to see why the united states at the moment coming from cumberland harris coming also from the us defense secretary seem to be backing away ever so slightly in terms of its support. for as rails on gloved assault on guns or at the moment as well. again, would you call the on glove? this is really assault on garza follows truly nasty evil terrorist attacks on his
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release of williams. but let's, let's start with the concepts in the right place. but you know, i worked on them at least for a long time when i was in the state department. and there's, there's a dynamic that when israel finds itself in the war and often not all the time. that's because it was provoked by the other side. and then it was real response united states supports as real, but then he is really response leads to unfortunately civilian casualties. often because the way, again, their photos place their equipment, the military installations designed to achieve precisely that track. and united states tells us really said to calm down to go back a little bit. so what we're seeing today has happened many times before as part of the dynamic of wars in the middle east and american diplomacy in the middle east. it's nothing new. so is this a parent call for restraint from the us firm enough for reading make a difference? what you're suggesting? that is, but it's well doesn't seem to kind of what the us takes. well,
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i think to answer this question, oh, accurately, we need to look at the current incentives. now again, this began with a truly evil attack of large but how most and we believe that israel has the right not just to defend itself, but to remove sources of future such attacks. and that's why we, we endorsed what is real data and provide very serious support. uh, at the same time, we don't want there to be such a we do, we want to minimize it possible. we want israel to minimize the possible civilian casualties. and that's a natural, a bomb attention or part of the relationship between washington and of israel. that's one. but 2, then you have this in yahoo, v z knows the combo hours just laid out what you provided to the audience. talked about the power steering authority of incom control. what was the west bank and
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also not from last week, some osh, as long as these attacks of the launch detached before that. but you know, need to know is not so keen on the 2 state solution, because he wants to be, he wants to remain in power. and he's very valuable right now because he presided over his mass of israeli intelligence failure, which led to the successful a mazda attack on october 7th. and so it was natural inclination not to accommodate . oh, power, city and concerns. that would lead if addressed would lead to a stable 2 state solution as another factor here. so there are, there again, it is a complicated situation with many things rolling in different direction. yeah, of course it is a complicated situation and did you, do you think that perhaps more context for this current conflict should be given by the us administration and no more widely by us? audiences. well, i would say that it's important for the current for the proper context being just
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by audiences. if we know you, you target you address. all right, john, perhaps direct to the atlantic council and former united states consul general interest and thanks for joining. thank you. my pleasure. now the chief prosecutor start with an international criminal court says he will set up a team to investigate human rights violations on both sides of the cause. a conflict coming con, made the pledge on a visit to the occupied westbank policy, and activists refused to meet him. the key was in the course of favoring is around the same as for avi has more for romano at the ministry of justice and rama the chief prosecutor of the world's highest court. meet the victims of israeli occupation, no fee. i didn't look into that and there's no justice. there was justice. things would have been different in palestine when they treat people with the standards, there is no justice item in the remains of my son be these out of his buddies withheld. we don't know if he's in a grave or them or the international criminal court. the global community of large
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should be a shame she sense about the state of human rights and palestine. how do you respond to criticism that you are applying a double standard to this conflict in favor of israel, mr. con mr. going to have you responded and well, you'll be visiting any of the refugee tabs since taking over his eyes. he sees chief prosecutor in 2021. karim hon has been described as hostage to these rarely narrative. at the same time as his visit in garza more evidence of israel's war crimes con was given graphic examples of israel's human rights violations in the occupied territories. including accounts of state sponsored murder and sexual violence. a posting administer who was in the room said, conditions have never been so bad. he did his best to convince us that he wouldn't
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be a balance ad that he's taking. what's going in by this time? seriously? did you believe in palestinian say trust in global institutions is in short supply one of palestine is biggest human rights groups refused to meet with the i. c. c. visit at the invitation of israel's not even a signatory to the court insult to injury for palestine. a member of state got into for a year, his picking and choosing the victims that's dangerous, their whole future an image of the court seen as a last resort for victims. this is a message that no one protects them as a sheet. you have to protect yourself, you know, making a sense of justice to florida. despite hon, vowing to investigate violations on both sides of the conflict. palestinians don't see him as independent serving only his critics, a to rubber stamp and illegal occupation. same bus reveal to 0 roman law in the occupied west. it's writing solid joseph shelf and killed a policy and,
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and carpenter and father of 6, then nablus in the occupied westbank. the 13 year old was a tank by illegal is where the settlers and the ton of karl went by the house on the stuff was full so massive as car and burned it before he was shot in the neck. find this ready? soldier. the indianapolis is ready for us is blocked an ambulance from reaching a 16 year old palestinian injured during a re the. the teenager died from his injury, slaves, so the number of posting is killed him the occupied westbank since the start of the war and gaza is now more than 253. and elsewhere in the all probably occupied westbank. 10 boxes is really settlers attempt to restaurants in the village of saw . we saw what yeah. security camera footage capture the movement of the attack home . and this re the police cars passing by without stopping. there's been an intense
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exchange of fire along the israel 11 on board, and the lebanese group has the laws launch several of tax on this really ministry positions. and so since he is resumed on friday, following the end of the goal is to cease 5. 0 okay. you're up to date, that's it for meetings book, the weather is next. the inside story will examine whether israel can learn from the intelligence. fagley is the lead to the mass attack on october. the 2nd, like some watching the the hello. we will see some dry weather making its way across the japan over the next couple of days, cloud and dried weather system. now in the process of pulling out of the way, i ship off opening up nicely. so lots of winds coming in. we're gonna see it uh, generally improving as we go on through the course of the we can different story
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for southern positive china bits and pieces of cloud just coming in here. a mac cloud will sticking up across southern china as we go through sunday, pushing across towards taiwan. there's that west to where there's a reason to what you're paying for at times and most know, coming in with the balance is but that will clear through as we go on through monday, bright dry weather for the korean peninsula at northern parts of china settings and lights on the temperatures the so as that wet weather across the southeast of really will be quite heavy at times to cool some flooding over towards tie one. meanwhile, we have seen some flooding rains making the way in across vietnam and all safely monsoon driving down across a good part of vietnam into the malay peninsula, scattering a showers. meanwhile, across southeast asia and heavy showers, long spells are frank, courtesy of this circulation. this is a developing cycle, i'm making his way into that is to sort of in the red point, he's grassy coming into force across coastal areas, a bunch of a dash on
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charles dogs behind sites. dramatized pod costs from al jazeera and this season re here from some of history's blogs notable women, unconventional and extraordinary office. i am 40 that kind of coming this revolution of every one in china, new my state. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out now. subscribe. wherever you listen to pop, cast and renewed. his riley bombardment of gauze off to the sea spot entities, westlake, the humanitarian crisis. us wants these rails to do more to protect the palestinian civilians. watson military strategy, and kindly as well learn from the intelligence fame is the lead to how mazda is october tech. this is inside story. the
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