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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 3, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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corruption, making sure that they understand this simple language is absolutely crucial. the city is already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produces the best spaces. and those other people to ireland in order to be able to get that message out to the weld, the the, [000:00:00;00] the i'm 0 venue is good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the program. this, our destruction and gaza after intense is really strikes palestinians search for
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survivors under the rubble. more than 300 people have been killed in the last 24 hours. from mazda is armed, waiting says it's fighters are engaged in fierce battles with is really forces inside guns. a city, hundreds of rockets are fired towards israel triggering sirens across several towns and cities. israel's indiscriminate attacks and gaza continued despite the us pressure to follow international law and protect civilians. and we'll have an update from the occupied west bank where it's really forces or intensifying raids on palestinian communities. 60 people have been arrested including 5 girls. the it is 10 o'clock gmc, this just past mid day in gaza. where is really is continuing this hour. it's been barred, meant and ground incursion is really jets and artillery have been hitting residential buildings and refugee camps. and the strip, including and southern gaza,
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where israel previously told palestinians to flee intends fighting is now underway . between is really forces and palestinian fighters in gaza city. and the military wing of hamas has fired a large barrage of rockets towards tel. aviv is really military officials say some 250 rockets have been launched since friday morning. as a big against our coverage children, i meant to obtain the debt and cause it is the shroud that the bombing has continued in. areas that these radium, it actually said was safe. the i was asleep. i woke up, i found myself under the rubble. i didn't find anything wrong. me was logs and rocks. i tried to lose, but i couldn't because they were lot of rocks. i kept screaming and cooling for the people, men came and carried me. they put me in the ambulance, cause of defense teams frantically traversed narrow streets of call units and
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assess palestinians homes and lives continued to be ripped apart. many have already moved from the north to the south, making these areas even more densely populated than before and had the was it, when the civil defense teams came, they were confronted by an unimaginable scene. a residential area consisting of more than 50 houses, as per the testimonies of the civilians and residents, stating that this square was highly populated by residents and internally displaced people. it was targeted by more than 10 bombs launched by is really occupation forces. we're talking here about hundreds killed the ceasefire has ended with multiple check and gaza. this fuel hospitals operating few emergency vehicles and the fixed rate of getting continues. few of palestinians left in the gaza strip side bake just 0. a. well, honey mountain road is reporting from san eunice in the southern part of the gaza strip. honey is real, has once again been dropping leaflets,
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telling people to move from certain areas in the south to others in order to avoid bombardments. now i know residents of guys that don't have any face in what is really military tells them still though, are they trying to follow those instructions as well. people who are particularly under heavy bombardment right now. namely, the eastern side of hon. eunice are forced under those relentless ears, right to evacuate their areas, namely the areas in the office on venice to highlight and value these on inside a ton unit. and here at the center of 100 is where many blocks as based on the interactive map they've been invited, is really military. where by the way, not everyone and go the have access to this map. so people are not aware of what, which areas there are see which are that are dangerous. but for the sake of argument here,
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people who are trying to evacuate these areas and go to where now they don't know where to go in. honda is because the entire area of higher than thursday has been marked as red as the dangers are including where we're at right now. here. here at the hospital, within the visit is off, but many blocks far mark thread. and the military has made phone calls to people here to evacuate as soon as they can, because there is really many they want to start operating in these areas. but what people, because of the little faith that the hot and b as on past experience when they were told to move it from the northern gods or to avoid being bon, but found himself under haven environment. here in the southern parts are seeking refuge somewhere else. they're trying to stay with relatives with a friend, someone who is, who is it closed on or what school, even though on our school, are not save at all. but what makes it really difficult and the absurdity of these,
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of the calls that there is really monetary are making and the, the, the, the, the narrative that they're telling people about is going to areas mainly remote areas in parts of rough and the western side of honey, we're talking about has james elder described them there is smoke pockets of sand areas with no accessibility to water, food do anything so many people are asked to go to areas where there are no means of life. and that's the biggest mistrust that people had in there is really a warnings. and these, these really calls phone calls that they make to them because they know they're going to areas that are not safe. and even if there's no bombardment there, those areas lack the very basic needs of the human needs to survive. the honey, i wonder, is somebody organizing those areas? are they run by any one you already mentioned that there are that,
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that they completely lack any of the basic necessities that humans would need. whether it's food or water, is there. i mean, who's running those areas? those areas are not one or manager operated by any one at all. the only areas now the only facilities that are being manage and operated our honor was a school. those are designated with a lot flags and flying on top of the roof. the top roof of the, of those facilities, they did turn the schools into evacuation centers and children, even though they are very, they're well known to those really military. they are drawn by their g p. i said they are visible to everyone. there's still under bombardment, as we've seen in the past weeks. how is your body of these you can and then the site, right? remember you got in the northern part of jobs as well, where they came under heavy bombardment, but those are the, the military now is talking about is they're, they're not managed by one bailey being the remote area. you people,
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people are out just to go. they are and what are they supposed to do? they have no idea. and just to, just to get our viewers attention that people, when people are displaced here for the 2nd time, some of them are the 3rd time now being displaced. they cannot carry their belongings with them. so every time they're moving from one place to another, it's a new may have a new story of survival in the story of getting our basic stuff. do we need to set up a tent or not? what are we supposed to do with water supply? the whole thing, the whole misery starts over and over every time there is this place and now all of this has been feeding into people's concern and fear of herment on displacement. that's what, where is people the mind? they don't have any faith in what been, but what they haven't been told that they will go back to their home is because their entire is being wiped out completely. we're not talking about just building their memories. the life life as you know,
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it has been destroyed completely. yeah. you say some people have been displaced for the 2nd time or the 3rd time. and of course just a historical reminder of the context the of the majority of people living in dr. palestinians and guys are refugees and the 1st place we've had to have lost their land, but this is dating back generations. honey. thank you so much for your reporting. the honey mt. mood reporting from con eunice in the southern part of the gaza strip . now, you'd assess spokesman that honey, just reference to earlier james elder, he's also in hon. you, it is an earlier he told us that causes new functioning hospitals or in dire need of medical supplies. tell you what i've seen in the last hour here at night. so hospital is, is death and destruction a hospital. it's, it's panic. because every way you turn their children with 3rd degree burns with truck? no, with brian injuries with broken bonds, their mother's strong. i have a children who look like i was away from their, their medical work is who, who run from when the child, the window child,
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there are problems that i pain the pain relate unless this is a hospital it's, it's, it seems like it gets done right now, oh, why you can say that they didn't use a meaningful amount simply not possible under this level of off on bob. and now i today able to go to the, to the north. you know, what would you say if somebody or had your own route getting i, to the know the past i is that hasn't happened food, water, food, water medicine is what we take trying to do and continue to try to do that for this . the amount that is required is not possibly enough. and that then space for the 2nd threat that these people advising. and that is one of these days, i talk to doctors all the time, the bombardment through a very real threats. children that are killing children. pretty much as you and i speak, the sick everyone now is disease we receive just as many children and i shudder to say or that die from a lack of water like it protects your lack of sanitation on the ground. that is the reality. just in these hospital now as i walked around and had people grabbing onto the sign,
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please stop the war or had children holding my hand with empty bottles of water, you know, hospital staging water. that's the level of desperation and we are well aware. it's what needs to be met for that to happen. how about i stop sending rockets don't allow us to send in supplies. there play a game of chess, the moving people from place to place. it's not a dime and that it's ending in massive numbers of children being killed. the so called sites are, this is a very important falls narrative that has been share the story called sites on a moving people to tarney pockets of land. that is said where there is no water. there is no sanitation, there is no protection from the elements. these are not safe signs. these will result in subjects. they are not scientific, they are not rational and they are not possible. i think that those people who was pulling they started songs are well aware of that. it is tell us and told it is
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calculated and we need to call it for what it is. otherwise we're going to see a dish into the thousands and thousands of boys and girls within 202 now screaming with words of war. we're going to see the same numbers now killed by disease. unofficial joins us now live from occupied east jerusalem island. what is israel saying about this new phase of flight of the old benjamin netanyahu. besides that, since this, the spot is real, has moved into the next stage of the battle, is that it will be a long, it will be difficult and it will be wider than before. that would seem to suggest and point all the auto is towards a moving towards the ground invasion to the sides of guys that we know that they have set top corporations over the last 24 hours or so. there's been intense fighting in and around can units and guys, the city itself. we also know that they have used a both aircraft jets and helicopters to target
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a facilities that they say are being used by terrorists in northern guys. or they say that they've managed to destroy the tunnels combined structures. and also they've managed to target munition dumps. these really navy is also been involved to targeting vessels that they believe are linked to a mass. and they say they've also managed to disrupt some of their ability to, to wage war against israel, by destroying munition dumps there as well. all of this comes as the warning people in northern guys to move either to idea of shelters or to move farther south. and of course, that's a big problem for people festival. they don't really have a way to move sides because most vehicles have been destroyed. the roads have been completely destroyed as well. and then there is the question of if the move, so will they be safe because they have hearing reports of attacks and, and around rafa as well. so when they talk about safe, so in the i'm not entirely sure that these,
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the ones will be safe. so the very difficult decision to make, whether to stay with the are and take their chances are move safe to the great unknown. yeah. and about those zones, we just heard the from the global spokes person of eunice, if that's the you in the children's agency. and he called them zones of death, not to put to point a for to find a point on it. and why all this is happening home us has also been able to launch a barrage of rockets into israel. what can you tell us about that? or of course, the said that is essentially got military control of the north of guys a bit. these attack show that that perhaps is not the case. certainly we part in the last couple of hours. a number of bullets are instead all and it is around guys of like cause of him as well. but on saturday night, there was a barrage of rocket store 40 real kit, a lapse in so it's and southern israel know for to look at the less doesn't mean
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for to go kits were fired. but we do know from the is really military, the 10 real cause for 5 from northern guys where he is really military believes it's largely in control of most of those areas. so while they're seeing that this is happening with him at so many was a god, this is a real act of defiance and perhaps undermines the argument that how much can be dismantled, can be completely defeated and destroyed like benjamin netanyahu has been saying. and of course, if this continues, then it will undermine the confidence in what the government of telling the people in that field and also what the army are telling people in israel. but what is clear is that the israelis are intending to expand this conflict and did a weird, but it could become a white. the middle east conflict is what benjamin netanyahu said on saturday night . and that will alarm the likes of the united states, who from the very beginning, upset severe working to make sure that this conflict does not become a wider mid least baffled,
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unofficial reporting from occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much. alan, us and taught us officials of becoming increasingly assistance. also the israel must follow international law and protect civilians and gaza. new remarks by the vice president and defense secretary followed the resumption of hostilities after the gauze of ceasefire. came to an end on friday. i do show castro reports on the sidelines of the cop 28. summit ended by us, vice president cala harris had a clear message for is real too many innocent palestinians have been killed. frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from gaza are devastating with more than $15000.00 dead in gaza under is really bombardment and cease fire negotiations cold off the message of us officials including defense secretary lloyd austin, has become increasingly insistent that is real,
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must do more to protect civilians. is this kind of a fight? the center of gravity is the civilian population. and if you drive them into the arms of the enemy, you replaced a technical victory with a strategic a fee. so i have repeatedly made clear to israel's leaders that protecting tell us that in civilians and gaza is both or more responsibility a and a strategic imperative. the comments from harris and austin reflect a growing shift from the us, his initial unequivocal support for israel's military actions. but it remains to be seen if they'll be more than just words. the us has provided israel with much of the lease or weapons it is using now in gaza. in the senate this coming week, we'll consider whether to send still more military aid to israel. meanwhile, saturday saw yet more protest in los angeles,
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in washington against the bloodshed in gaza. ask for what comes after the war. the vice president also outlines in the clear is public terms to date what the us wishes to see for palestinians know forcible displacement. no re occupation, no seeds are blockade, no reduction in territory and no use of gaza as a platform for terrorism. she said the us wants to see a unified gaza n westbank under the palestinian authority. heidi joe castro. alger 0. washington french president amendment nicole has met could for the mirror in doha to discuss the latest developments in gaza. and during the talks shake to mean been home on out on the stress the need for continuing international efforts to negotiate a permanent ceasefire. he said it was needed to protect civilians and deliver aid. they also discussed the 2 state solution in accordance with you and resolutions.
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earlier, my call said that if the objective of the war was to destroy from us, this could go on for a decade. and there been more is really raised in the occupied. westbank soldiers killed a 21 year old palestinian baker in the early hours of sunday morning in the city of calculated witnesses, a soldier's indiscriminately opened fire as they entered the town is really forces also rated homes and novelist, at least 60 palestinians have interested in the past 24 hours that includes 5 girls and is really soldiers also shots and killed a palestinian carpenter. and father of 6 near novelist. the 39 year old was initially attacked by his really settlers in the town of caraway. it's funny, as son settlers then forced him out of his car and burned it before he was shot in the neck by end is really soldier. elsewhere in the west bank 10 masked is really settlers rated a palestinian owned the restaurant in the village of so we
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a security camera footage that you're seeing here capture the attack which caused significant damage to the building. okay, let's pick the bill. i mean, who's in hebron in the occupied westbank hotel, the release of policy and prisoners during the week long ceasefire, put the spotlight on the number of palestinians that are still in his really jails and also the treatment that they've been receiving there. i know you've been doing a lot of reporting on this. what can you tell us as well? absolutely. i mean one could even argue that the, the number released has been offset by the number of palestinians taken in as you were saying 60 overnight. well out of the 68 from hebron here for women and for men. now we heard from those coming out about the in treatment in prison, especially after october the 7th. we're here at the prison there society in hebron
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. this is actually the 1st step for families to come and inquire about the whereabouts of the, of the person who has been detained. because simply when the soldiers show up, usually in the middle of the night or early morning, they don't give any information as to where they're taking the, the sun, the door to the father, the brother. so it is for the family, these been a very complicated process to be able to figure out where they have taken to and for what now i'm joined by jet and those are she is from the present, the society he didn't have room, the spokesman also for the entire occupied was back and i'm just comfortable to live in the old fly and you told me the laws number of the detainees. he is a come from hebron almost one to the $3500.00 denise.
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i wristed since i've dealt with 7 hawaii funding in the top of them to begin with on the paper and is to be a can be described that the to rick and province. although the past 50 a day is haven, was the stage, the epis instead of all the operations by there is a new quote based on forces across the city. more than 973, where detained over this short period of time. this is and i still don't know how to get a finger within the very short span of sides. these items are based on forces. the is ready to compete on government. consider hebron is the 2nd most important then say great city to the jewish people on the falls, but the text and false allegations that the hebrew was the great along the prophet abraham. that's why the majority of it is really right because and settlers center and is, i think it would been this paper and that's why the number is relatively high to me
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today. more than $500.00 k tvs and as income for them. hebert and latino. how cool those and who were released spoke to us about very harsh conditions as we speak, the number of the to any is what i'm have room. probably more than $446.00, only and october. and before that they exceeded 900. they didn't. if you are absolutely correct all those release from that presents with thought code abuse to verbally and physically it by, there's a need to pick 10 soldiers behind the buzz. all these do say's or fine. yeah, those are the administrative defense and it is really a good piece. of course it is the only state on this on that detain our people without any try. and if you look at this this i can help detain. the pickup is when i close that today to the security of the agent, and he has a secret fired with the intelligence. this is a present to keep you in
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a under administrative attention from 4 months to 2 years. you spoke to me about the one person who liked the day and for 18 years on the there's administrative defense and m execute. my question is once palestinian is detained to the family, the fellows that they do not know about their weight, about how can you help us, man. so that's all through this decision was handed down by guidelines on the uh, by when the images this date was imposed on. no one is allowed to collect any information about any detail before that passage over a days. this is a criminal ad there said a day is, is too long. one, if any is the day in his family comes to us. they've been in the relevant information and we,
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with the ability of these officers. i tend to woodstock but i couldn't gathering information about the detention center. however, we can not to gather any information before 8 days. we can get some information through the video conference as the card for 3 minutes only. oh, yeah. all those, the least men and women, they spoke about in the excessive, in sexual harassment. so when you want me to sort of move to this particular issue, a 6 the sexual harassment was raised for the following. that it is of this web d. and however, this is not something new since 1967 days a new patient fosters have been detaining our women and they have been subjected to physical abuse and sexual harassment. however, through the past few days, the as a to patient forces have been excessively abusing women best in women,
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and they even the oppose the threats. the stock even threatened the detainees with rape blind folding them on a physically harassing them. i'm old. these acts were documented, most of the women they didn't is, would subject it to harassment all various degrees put on cut, raising their bodies on to the, for a form so that he was then at the end of the day, the out of luck on select and with the rape this as a state made made by oh, those are the least. i interviewed them personally and they were harassed physically by this lady sold me off from them. however you confirmed that? no, none of them was re books or no, none of them was raped, but they were threatened. all i'm being bored are normally raped. as i said, a member of the male soldiers plays between the woman in the middle and start to
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circle. then st. get around to see that now once the video is a swap, dean and the tv's women and juvenile release have been so, and this is, was one of the conditions that raised by how much i'm sorry, we have to get to you. thank you. i mean, yes, i lots of this in these have been released, but more and more, i've been thinking in this morning we spoke to a mother who told me that the soldier actually bluntly told her that her daughter was being taken in, in case there's another div and another prisoner swap that she wouldn't be released then. that's how the mead reporting from hebron you've just been interviewing the head of the palestinian prisoners society. thank you very much for a fighting has been continuing along the israel lebanon border. hostilities resumed after the gaza ceasefire. ended on friday morning. so let's go to zane
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a holder. you were in march or you and, and 711 on what are you seeing so far? today's a now as well. this is still a very much an active horse. own exchanges of fire are continuing between the is where the army and the lebanese arms group has belong. hezbollah amounts operations against israeli military positions along the border as well. it carries out error strikes along the border artillery shelling it says it is targeting source as a fire or has well as military infrastructure. more often than dos. the knots, it is the outskirts of villages where hezbollah usually launches its attacks against is really military positions. but this is still large, they can find to the border area, no doubt that has been deadly, has below losing almost a 100 men in the past 89 weeks 15 civilians killed journalist directly targeted
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by is ready. fire now has, well, a says this will remain an active front, a supports for that's how they call it. they say this is not the primary battle ground, but that they will keep on targeting is really to spend the hope of, you know, bogging them down. bugging down a few divisions to help relieve a it's l. i have mass in garza, but as well as i said, all options are on the table, especially in light of the developments in garza. now what does that mean? we know that has, well, the officials believe that come on sicily know a good military position and it's a, you know, it's not close to collapse. but what happens if, how much cannot sustain a tax and the longer sustained the as well as bombardments will, has ballade joined this conflict. the full blown conflict is really army has been warning time and time again that it will use excessive force and it will not just targets as well uh, targets, but the country as a whole. so really, this puts, has a lot in a, in a very difficult position of, you know,
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the choice of launching or engaging with his full military capabilities will not be an easy one. but no doubt, this is a very much i towards zone you see is ready were planes in the sky flying high altitude medium altitude is rarely drones hovering overheads. tens of thousands of people forced to leave their homes unable to harvest their crop. so it may seem like a limited engagement, but it is coughing, lots of people dearly zayna. i'd like to dig in a little bit to this. um, what you were just bringing up about the the some really hard choices that has below i may or may not have to make in the near the medium term future. because alan, who isn't occupied easter was then was reporting that israel is, is projecting that it intends to expand this conflict. and that is really, authorities are saying and signaling they're aware that this could escalate beyond just garza and beyond. what's just happening right now with the israel living on border into a wider,
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bigger conflict. zayna. i'm just being told that we're gonna have to move on to thank you very much for your reporting because we can connect now with my mood bus . so my, who is head of communications of the palestinian civil defense in gaza and um, he is joining us from inside the gaza strip. tell us, sir, what your teams have been doing and the last 24 hours and how they've been operating a non profit. and then as i mentioned, sag situation, a dentist through the board across the street as we speak is most anti autopay. i mean, the implants bone bought them in the lady who could buy some sources, continue to commit to madison. because again, it's on the palestinians. i'm innocent palestinian civilians, namely tossing the vincent areas since they threw
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a scheme to an end hold on one of the for you, the sending of that made sense by is really what plans has evolved on much intense fide. now that it is it, in certain areas of our time table by a number of miss citizen, that it means that 2 missiles are fired from different directions on one is it didn't settle. quarter this code is low destruction and higher number of victim, tennessee. the civil defense team within the areas. now we can talk to him in dozens of and it's in civilians be killed on page and it is $300.00 pounds. so are being winded. we are doing what we can with the result is at hand. we start by digging in order to totally cover that goal scales on the break. i got the problem. however, no matter what we do,
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we are not able to salvage all those. and also i know many that remain killed and buried on the debris. at the same time, the a we can speak for days on this particular movie. i need to know more that we are at the end of the day, the wire heavy equipment made the speed, but those left us in order to be able to remove the heavy concrete or to the 3 left debris far we'd all sorted. why out of the goes up on those orders and track those legs couldn't hold up to be able to recover those get victims over the summer. i'd agree, it's a pain, guys, this 3. and then the last part of this trip is it is not a single piece of equipment and he is ready to compete on forces, have destroyed their own. and that equipment within this area as we speak and this hundreds remain bad on the debris as well as standing behind please. i mean,
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we can long do anything well using dollar beta hands to send business. i wouldn't have the ability to have the mental tone, not on the, on the families, but also on us as the same as being the incentive to themes that might also be glad to say that the number on the well make them though. i mean thousands, i'm having a lot of states bedded on the debris. i'm day after day this way. well, pay the way to the cold and the environmental issue. i think the many of the buddies remain low to the and re key. this is i'm source of contamination. however, this has not the to, there's a is what i'm continuing to move, but then power own money. the it is it in certain areas mode then saves dealership in certain houses within one single quarter with the sales and service. do they go out and buy a war plans,
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or why is that is all in this particular boat from the more then the 100 and the civilians are we either with the so you can get a quarter where kaylon told, according to the eye witnesses, i don't know if you had the car and didn't know where and on and then again, we are headed placement from a business, particularly cancer. where was one's home to more than 1000. i'm kind of seen in many of them haven't even taken sense of and they stadium pro, i'm very un, let's easy, i'm just sitting by this really or play is they will cole on the table on out in cold blood? do we all sort of, again, repeat the same thing that does it not even hundreds and hundreds and thousands where they being buried under the debris and from the morning i didn't know the data strives have much come to us from the targeting go, but it's been says is that it has models come to us the morning going to be more than the parity with kayla and ha know number remain something i shouldn't bad. a
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lot of condos that did be another advantage, a movie and it says, right? yeah, for example, more than 24 were killed as a result of the one thing in the a strike from the sun rise on this in the morning. the band this in the hospital, i'm sure he received more than the single day the day and by and i am am more than 86 killed. as damian's not arrived at the house, at the back of that mobile, apple, and up in higher numbers remain buried and we are helpless. we cannot do anything, especially that there's really want to continue to pass. so in the bay area is on, we're speaking of the same issue again and the equipment i use again to connect to say that is a good thing. so i'm full size method, destroyed the more then towards the v 7,
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the advanced. these are me killing me. they are totally destroyed even and out of the surveys, like we are sold to, you know, heavy equipment that will enable us to remove the heavy can, can create. these are very incorrect again to the people on the side of it as they use out of thought directed by to be is right. and so, based on focuses on what adds in subject to an injury is that we are sold as a team more than $124.00 on a month. i will only see the members what a taylor d. a 100 salons and mothers will also enjoy a fee, and as a result, we even have the 7th beef in steam. the somebody saw so the team members minutes ago, but only minutes ago i knew one of our fellow of 17 been so members and they probably the most, his living his right leg was the civil court on the mean as this is on the end
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example, p we are standing deepens, less on the be a helpless and made it all this, all destruction. so and we cannot do anything to our own people. yeah, i mean, i can continue this payment for days with the specific question here. i'd like to jump in the midst of a so that all your team is in the southern part of this trip. you've explained the situation in the north where you have no more equipment. your equipment has been destroyed. hundreds, if not thousands of people remain buried under the debris. i wonder in the southern part of this trip now, since israel is intensifying the bombardments there, or your teams able to move from one area to the other. whether it's rough, uh, whether it's on units in order to bring the help that is needed after strikes or if you have the yeah. yeah, and it's a lot of the i'm of them as we speak multiple guys. this is divided into 2 north and bugs you and the southern bar. and you know,
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it is very difficult to move between the, both the secretary. we try it on a number of occasions to drive it and at least not allow some of our team members to head to this house in order to lend a helping hand to our fellow teams. however, those on team members where the team, but it is a need to pick some forces anymore then by both our team members where detains and we do not know where they wait about the way of detained by the is rain is on and then you and it's all a lot, and we do not know exactly what has become of them. they detain where they killed. we do not know him or somebody and that's me and no one is able to model for themselves into the mode or north to south. whatever team members in one location, the suit they main and draw am till 48 within the very,
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to feel parameters as the good this the, the difficulties we have been already facing my office. i'm not the bottom of it, especially the most, and part of the guys distributor is if you do the link under and 10, some of them by then, but is there any were play is not things, but destruction of the magnitude of destruction is from our maintenance on the speak of the be in discrete button. and we bustle ahead of communications of the palestinian civil defense in gaza. thank you very much for your time today. as a hospitals in the gaza strip has been overrun with people injured or killed and is really attacks. many of them were children, including an hon. units were large numbers of civilians have fled in recent weeks under the orders of the is really army. comey network has more and a warning for report does contain some distressing images. parents carry bed
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bloody children to hospital. ok, so the amount is hospice, who in central garza is overwhelmed. ok is ready for says from the data neighborhood the, the, the, the it is through nursing instead many patients and that's going through the ministry of health and goals that says most of those killed over 200 since friday, women and children.
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the missteps vanessa hospital read relatives weights to bury the dead of hon. eunice wasn't supposed to either worry about whoever the, the, the one has said that the guns a strip is the most dangerous place and the wants to be a child. and we're going to seize 5 more children who don't commit to that of to 0. now israel's army has issued new orders to further displays. people in southern gaza, an area that had previously been declared safe. israel says that it's dividing the entire gaza strip into zones to let people know which areas they should be leaving . it's now saying that these districts here, the yellow part here on the map, these districts of hon unit is the largest city and the now in the south remember,
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will become areas with quote, heavy fighting is really ordering people to move to 3 camps in these areas. in those directions now, the wording of the displacement leaflets because this realized once again been dropping leaflets over those areas. that wording suggest that the survival of palestinians is now after they've been warned by israel their own responsibility. let's take a look at the situation on the ground after israel isolated guys, a city in the north, the largest city in the gaza strip. it's troops have now been pushing south. that means south of that white line. why the guys are there along the strips. main archery, which is we've been telling you sell a dean road that is the main access that goes north to south, along with the coastal road. but we'll get back to that. we have reports that there's been fighting all the way down here in colorado. so it's just a few kilometers away from the heart of hon. eunice white lives really is telling palestinians in hon. eunice to move further south towards rough. uh no,
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that's along the border. you see it there along the border with egypt. israel has also been showing the main road leading to that area. one of the few remaining options to travel between does is north and south is on the coastal road. so back to that l. rashid road. but it's really military vessels along the mediterranean coastline, have a direct line of fire over this road, and they have been shoot a at vehicles traveling along al rashid road, the coastal road. all right, let's talk about all of this. let's bring it, omar. sure, thank you. very much for being with us. uh, omar is professor of security and notary studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. he's been breaking down the military aspects of all of this over the last few days. as you look at this omar. and as you take in all these little bits of information, those zones where it is real, is operating the information, or rather the, the, the warnings, the israel has been sending to palestinians. what is the bigger picture that is building for you as well? the bigger picture uh, let's go strategic corporation and technical. okay. strategic uh,
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basically they are trying to send a message uh, probably to the us primarily that they are trying to reduce dividend casualties. so allow us to continue that operation for claim of the clean. i think 2 months, but i think it will be a lot longer than that if that's the piece that you want invested as far as are concerned messaging and signaling that is also for the international community, specifically for the us when they're dropping those leaflets saying leave these areas, cuz we're gonna start showing here, they're talking to ballasting is, but they're also talking to the us primarily for the us because i don't think it's going to work. it's what we're talking about. the population density in, in the cells that almost doubled it was. yeah. it before the board was $6500.00 per square feet on me to now we're talking about almost over 13, solving per click allow me to, to any way you're going to bump. you are probably going to hit significant numbers of,
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of the senior civilians for we shouldn't mind reviewers this legs here. it's 40 kilometers . yeah. cuz we also, we always say how, how densely populated this is. this is 1040 kilometers by 10. yes. so there's a whole gaza strip is the 370 square kilometers. so it's a side of the city of hockey fingerprint. so it's, it's not, it's not that big place adults so, so strategically, i think it's, it's, uh we're trying to reduce dividend casualties. so don't pressure us diplomatically to end, or have a falls or have a ceasefire, but let's continue just operationally, you know, the, the, of, as i must in. so they want to go approach the style set enough. but in the north, i don't think i must commend that control structure is destroyed. we saw a uh, the release of hostages from the north as well as from the south. we also saw, it seems to me that the john lines of communications were not completely destroyed . and just do that. oh, you mean the ability for how much to move from the southern part of this trip to
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the northern part back and forth to get that absolute to move not just to move in, in terms of men or fighters or hostages, but also weapons amunition, food fuels etc, so, but also the interesting bit, and this is the, on the technical level today. i saw now an announcement that there was a, has been an attack again in, in the bay time when we were talking about, you know, in the northern part of district, back in those. and previously there was an attack in beta here. so both of the north center the, the far north center and the far north is the, the operations that which tells me that it does not the, the, the hamas units that we're not really destroyed. but the interesting bit there is a, the, a test for, according to the, some battalions of, i don't know why they, why they translated what was the big data. they said get the cost on which is battalion some and the size even is smaller than battalions. but also the, the, they claim that they used it to be g, a, a on the shelf rocket. the page is
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a symbol medic. so this is intend to read rockets the you're losing me so. okay, so they have the idea seen 105. this is a modification of a, of a not be $29.00. it's uh, it's $210.00 them. so if you have a tank with a reactive armor, it deals with the reactive armor. it explodes on 2 levels. so the 1st, the, the small around this choice, the, the active arm or the 2nd big around the, the, the one or 5 destroys the of the armor of the actual tank. so the tanks usually have a, the bottom or to stop them. so if they're using it now, so it means it tells me that they have more, i mean ition a more quantitative i munition that the did, the did not use yet. so now we're at the several medic amunition level in the north . but what does that tell you? it tells me that they, they still have more of munition in terms of and quantitative ones. so days where
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it is to complete the mission in the north. and i don't think they are closer to anywhere to the store. it destruction of the custom battalions in the north, which says that, you know, if they did not do this in the north, 58 days later after 1200 s strikes. so you can imagine the amount of air sorties for 1200 s likes and hundreds of tons of explosive. that was, you know, what was a long as that and with this level of destruction. and they're still fighting in the far north where they initially the main access i'm advance was was there. so if, if that's the case, so what about the south, which is going to be it's bigger, as you see geographically. yeah. probably more dense in terms of that, not all the for sure, more dense in terms of the population. but because by now, a large part of the population that was in the north has moved to the south, has a load onto the u. n. ones. 1700000 id piece. okay. all right, we're gonna have to end it here because we have a lot to get into show this hour. but thank you very much and we hear what you're
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saying, both on a strategic level in terms of a messaging when he is really is or, or telling policy is to leave these yellow areas here that it's aimed you say not just the balancing is, but also the international community, specifically their back or the west. also what you're saying that i'm still very much active and able to bring weapons into the battle zone in the north of the gaza strip. thank you very much for making sense of this map telling us what's happening right now. marshall will talk to you again. thank you very much. now the foreign ministers of golf countries are holding a meeting in doha head of a leader summit on tuesday. the situation in gauze, of course, will be high on the agenda there. let's speak 200 mile borroughs following the meeting in doha meetings just got underway. hush, and what are you expecting today as well? this is a meeting that takes place every year. basically about talking june political issues, stability in the region economic cooperation, but this is likely to be on the back button uh with
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a gaza topping the agenda about 3 weeks ago when the league and oh, i see a lead is met in saudi arabia. the issue, the statements clinic school and then to the hostilities in gaza and also for humanitarian a to be logged in to the strip and a code for the international community to stop sending weapons to as well, 3 weeks later. well i yet to see what happens here in the how and what kinds of statement is going to come out from the leaders of the gc. see how going to meet on the 5th and the 6th of this month. but i have to say the and mounting popular prussia to show that they are getting this time to be more aggressive when it comes to that statement about the latest developments at inc. does that things are changing on the ground? we've seen the potential for all these to,
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for the collapse. and this is why people are very concerned about the goals are the same time. so we have very hungry with that latest thing that they have not done what they should have been doing to prevent this from happening. and there's also a sentiment that most of them are not of leaders have failed. the protestant is of the people of gaza. caution negotiations between our mazda and israel, mediated by guitar. they are in the middle have, as we know, broken down. is there a sense that those negotiations and that mediation could resume? so basically, we understand from our soul, says that's what is happening. the describe it as estimate these varieties pulled out the team yesterday. clear indications that there is a huge problem. having us top leadership saying that we have released all the
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civilian captives. now we're moving to the so. busy does it have to be based on a new criteria, something that has been dismissed by the is by it is so uh, according to our sources, negotiations, you know, well another i still under way to narrow the differences between how my son is where are they likely to move ahead to the next phase, which is the talk about the exchange of the cop to so all of military background it remains to be seen. but how much is this with all of that particular phase? and by this time, we will release them against every single policy and detained by as read. what's going on with that? 6000 policy is designed by these writers hush him. i have our reporting there from doha, at that meeting. thank you very much. and the a quick look know it, some other world news, at least 4 people have been killed and 42 others injured in an explosion in the
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southern philippines. this happened to the university gymnasium in morrow. we city where students were attending a christian gathering. the largely muslim region has seen fighting and recent years between the military and armed groups links to i. so the east african community regional force has begun its withdrawal from the democratic republic of congo. the force included soldiers from kenya, uganda, but wendy. and so sit in, it was deployed to put an end to the violence in eastern d r. c. after the resurgence of the m $23.00 armed group. our or economy has more from can shasta, a couple of minutes degree during the force of the gun. if you go from the democratic republic of congo on sunday morning from the eastern regional for go mazda officially, here in the country quoted, this for 2015 shall, failing to come by them 22. that was one of the activities we don't this, we do all begun after our last meeting between the, the single fish to us and this. and then was, you know,
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so what did the article so this is what i feel. so we knew the mind at all this fall, so we can look at this friday, you say by 8. this will be due on the 4th is before the 1st will be november last here, when the heavy fighting rupture between them to this level and of the, of the army. yeah. so, so these are, these are the type devices it is deployed forces to, for the, any of taken by the labels, offices and co op proteins, elizabeth dismissal with another from this out on a frequent development community for many local fords by i'm going on south africa and what are we this we've always will happening know us will be listening to the country. i prefer to take part in the general election on december 20th. that's the in house told me that most people will not take part in this election. i've been with us out of the village is a, by the ongoing fighting between the rebels and the government forces. now living the dismiss compet house, the men telling us to go my here a little icon. it was just you can sell some. the democratic republic of coal hospitals in some areas of china, have been overwhelmed after
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a search and respiratory illnesses among children. katrina hughes and katrina. you have the latest from badging. the hospitals across northern china filled with families, taken care of for the sick children, some a waiting hours for the treatment. respiratory viruses such as influenza and mycoplasma pneumonia, a type of bacterial infection have been spreading for weeks. this is china is 1st winter in 3 years without strict corbett 19 rules. doctor said the end of pet demik restrictions on largely to blame during the overtime. everybody was just shell 3rd . everybody was very, you know, a stereo. so like, you know, this kids haven't had any infections in the past. so now that like we are now meeting in schools and they can all crowded settings. the see if they're getting the infections as a 1st time. so now they are just trying to build the in, uh, or the immune system or as the bodies. again, the world health organization has off to china to provide more information about
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the uptake and respiratory illnesses. aging says the cost is a close to by nor pathogens, but the search has reminded many of the unusual spread of the corona virus. china was criticized for lack of transparency at the beginning of depend demik in 2020. it's an association. chinese officials are determined to dismiss, did you follow recently? we have seen some classes are full cases among children in china. you'll find this is very common in many countries. i mean, china, it is under effective control. authorities have a community level health care services ad clinics to work harder. this is aging childrens hospital. a top pediatric facility, in this case, it was the open receiving more than 9000 patients every day and having pulse to expand that capacity and number of beds. this private hospital has temporarily lowered its fees to ease the demand on public facilities, but the advice across the board is the same right now that we're seeing search,
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it's better support on the mask again. and then they get practice hand washing the the locked down. so if the corporate 19 pandemic, i'll rosa doctors you say many of the habits lives during that period should be served again, katrina, you all to 0 aging. and that's it for me, this news hour and this does have pay will be back at the top, the hour that's in just 2 minutes and more of the day the to answer the 50 dollars and 70 cents i to the rest of the letters are very anxious the size of the go, daddy has to also let you all know how to leverage the leisure. and if i can dish them progress on the phone,
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2:01 pm
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