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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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between the mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nation. so the global south crude mistake talk to one of the 2 on just the, in the up to 3 days of heavy bombardment is ready to ground forces cushion to southern gaza. at least 700 palestinians have been killed since stuff today. the somebody pocket of this is i'll just say what life and also coming up promising you just continue to flee south in search of safety as be is really military says the intensity of a tax and the southern gaza will much those in the north and the pentagon says an
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american warship and the red sea has destroyed duty drones, and we saw the demons whose he's saying they've targeted vessels linked to israel. hospital was under extreme pressure un describes a level to see how they don't seen before the, to walk into the program off to being displaced on that home is in northern gauze, hundreds of thousands of palestinians and now being targeted by, as well as ministry in the south search and rescue crews are digging through the rubble of residential buildings bombed in rafa interjection border. this neighborhood was august, it just a few hours ago. if it is rather announced its campaign would be as intense in the south as it was in the north. is ready for it is also target to the entrance of the come on how to an hospital in northern garza doesn't. so being k was among the low sheltering around the hospital,
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medical centers across the strip of being overwhelmed by the number of injured, brutal to you and says there's a level of fear and panic not seen before. the early on sunday, the to body come has been targeted for the 2nd time. in this many days, several homes have destroyed killing dozens of people. since that today, at least 700 policy means have been killed. is one of the highest death tolls over 24 hour period since the war began almost 2 months ago. meanwhile, in girls scc may have been intense gun battles between is riley forces and mass fights is the members of gauze and civil defense team of death. cities working to move the most vulnerable civilians away from the fighting. for those who do manage stiffly, it's nearly impossible to find safety as well as trunk. one of the 2 main roads
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linking northern goals or with the south central palestinians were injured as they were traveling along the solid dean road. i would just say it was target incense as this update from con eunice or the entire goals us to have had been on the have you is rarely bombardment during the last hour. and a particular in the south of the goal is to strip where the eastern areas off on you in a city had been white the tax by the occupation of to, to re which they are having to wait for the maneuvering troops to have moved flexibility on military ration on the ground as we could clearly see and noticed the diminishing flags that had been fired over this calling of the eastern areas. and we show from our location here, which we're far away, which is far away from the eastern uh side of this city. meanwhile, the south, the, the eastern areas also of the city had been attack square residential building belong to a bad less. somebody has been leveled to the ground where a number of out of scenes have been revolted,
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ended and they were delivered to another hospital to receive treatment at the situation on the south is similarly to what is happening on the ground on the north and is central areas have gone to the city where the occupation is expanding, the military strikes on separate residential buildings and even neighborhoods to force residents are still in the north to flee to the south of gauze. and the fact is that most of these lights have been dropped for the residence of the south, informing them to move to rough districts in the fall south. if the goal is to strip you to the fact that israel sage that hon you in a city will be a center for the is really operations within the coming days, which excessive pays the situation right now on the ground in the south of the territory. so okay, well let's take a look at some of the main areas of fight. so you guys are the sofa and that'll be mostly and then know if it's ready for us as a bundling policy,
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you can fight us from cassandra gates and assignment you had in these regions. shaded, read, this heavy fighting in the shape rod was unsure, giant neighborhoods have caused the city. but now it's evident that israel has become the 2nd phase of its ground invasion near con unit. and the south of the strip is ready. the troops of pushing along the strip cellar of dean road. we have reports that there has been fighting along this road all the way down to our colorado which lies just 5 kilometers north east of con eunice. unless say they could aim to push towards the coastal road. so that's the our rashid road. and if that happens, that would mean these are these control, the 2 main roads of the strip cutting off central garza, which includes areas such as day. i'll bala, which has one of the few functioning hospitals on the elms wrapped on outlook because the refugee comes coming on the blank has more on how the people have cause a running out of safe places to hide from these ready on sort of the running out of
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places to run i'm not good. we want to live to the land. we want to live. where will they take us? with bombing in the south and booming into north. and these people can do is trying to find a semblance of safety somehow some way. but nowhere is really safe in gaza. for some, this is the 4th time they fled to stones of the will. but not in the folder, what's the word waiting for to witness more mass that goes to see more people turn into pieces. they must find a solution. violence begets violence. is there a new forces have told them to go to rough us, but the south is running out of space. hundreds of thousands of people have already fled that most palestinians, living in gauze must have been forced out of the homes, shelters all over crowded, and many sleep on the streets. the horrified the means grants of people tenants
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designate actual safe areas. a safe area should be equipped with all the necessities. there aren't any safe areas and cause am i supposed to sleep on the street with my children in the rain? and this does need a safe area. but the attempts to escape may winfrey, few tile as areas, but the is really only designated as safe. also come under attack, camille medic, up to 0. ok, well that speak to l just. it was a mr. avi. he joins us live from romano in the occupied west bank and said let's start with what's been going on in the gaza strip because it's been a real up searching violence since the ceasefire expired. israel coming out operations and the jabante account hospital. what more do you know, as it has been a very particularly violent day in the gaza strip and that has not debated throughout the course of the evening just a few hours ago and attack that we've been reporting on it at the colored one
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hospital. we're just getting some figures in now. at least 4 people have been confirmed, killed in that attack. 9 wounded. it must be remembered that they were by a official estimates from the palestinian authority. 10000 displaced people sheltering in the entrance of that hospital. dozens of bodies at the entrance of the hospital waiting to be buried that could not be buried because there was no place to bury them. there was no safety to carry out. funerals were also hearing that almost a 100 people 99 dead had already arrived and been pronounced dead at the hospital throughout the day from fighting that has been going on in the northern part of the gaza strip, as well as from ongoing is really a button barge meant across several areas, not just of northern garza strip, but also in the central part and the south. what we know with regards to this incident is that the attack took place with an air, an aerial bomb,
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a bond that was dropped at the gate of the entrance of that hospital where so many people were sheltering. really seems that am or as varies it really similar to attacks that we've seen before. images that seem to signify the hallmark of is of israel's war on gaza. so far, in the nearly 2 months of this ongoing conflict, there were dead bodies in, in hospital hallways, wreckage of vehicles, debris strewn upside hallways where people had been saying the stain of personal belongings in debris scattered everywhere. blood so close and mattresses, children, women, men injured and dead, of cramming into the relatively safe whole parts of the hosp. oh, okay. awesome. paddic is everyone that was sheltering, made their way inside a doctors desperately trying to give what facilities in a they could to those that were injured and,
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and dozens of injuries on the floors of this facility. again, these have become hallmarks of when israel carries out these kinds of attacks on medical facilities, dozens of which has been attacked throughout the course. of this for the housing authority says if that's a 20 hospitals in the gaza strip, remain out of service. fuel has arrived and several of them are functioning at a basic level. but we have to remember that for the last 2 days or since a cease fire was over and fighting, restarted for fuel and supplies have not been making their way in. so how much more supplies and fuel they have to go forward is a question mark, right? it is, as you say, over a well one, putting notes of destruction there and gauze. and let's turn our attention now to the oxide westbank where you are because again, another pattern of behavior there that is correct. on average, since the conflict on october 7th began in the occupied westbank,
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we've seen about 60 people detained per day in is really raids. the carry on throughout the day and into the night late into the night or at checkpoints where is really stop and detain palestinians. and once again, we saw 60 detentions today we've seen raids in jericho. we've seen them in jeanine, we've seen them in total current. and this evening we've been hearing about rates that have just begun in the co chileya. the is really military special forces, pos and more often than not going in late at night. well into the morning using the cover of darkness to go into one neighborhood after another, to carry out the tensions often without cause. often as people say simply to continue to keep pressure up on the occupied westbank is it continues to bombard targets in garza the same as for avi and robot. thank you, as well as we've just been reporting israel's military, he says is now expanding his ground offensive to ground defensive to the entire
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gaza strip. so i'm, i'm, she's, that is really all i mean is continuing and expanding the ground operation against him. a sense of gravity in every part of the gaza strip, where there's my sense of gravity. the id f is acting way. we heard from a senior, a mazda official, a summer home done. these one of the is really ami will not achieve its aims and goes why the image of the, the, the stubbornness of these riley forces and continuing to at tech goes up from vented in him to, to negotiation process the enemies back to coming to in crimes the enemy is not allowed the ceasefire to be extended. if we can confirm that the aggression was stopped if negotiations of a hostage exchanges, authors, you know, otherwise no, to accept possible. i'm to solve it is unoccupied, is to use them for us. and how do i wonder, how surprised we should be about all of this, given that this is precisely what israel was vowing to do, even throughout the seas? fine. it's not surprising at all
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that these really military has confirmed that they are indeed operating in the southern part of the gaza strip. all while saying they're continuing to deepen their operations in the northern part of the territory. this comes with hundreds of thousands of palestinians have fled their homes and has been displaced. and while these really are talking of these battle plans for the southern part of the gaza strip, the reality is, is that there is no safe place in gaza. and this has been the sentiment for weeks on day 58 of this war or the end of day, 58. rather, it is still the same sentiment that there is no safe place inside of the gaza strip . these really military spokesperson, daniel, have body speaking tonight. saying that they are actively monitoring the movements of all how most viewed commanders in the gaza strip, and they will eliminate each and every single one of them, singling out yes in what, in this instance, all while saying that these really military is going to operate in the south
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continuously. now these really military chief of staff hurts the however he says that it is going to be just as powerful as it was in the north. and it's going to show quote, no less results. but it is worth noting that these really military, it hasn't really shown us this huge military achievements or accomplishments. but rather what we have seen is a dire humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded inside of the gaza strip. all of this comes as israel has been receiving immense pressure from countries like the united states, telling them that the way you operated in the north cannot be the way you operate in the south. however, v, as really, as are still doing that, an anonymous diplomatic source speaking to is really media said that they quote, changed their plans and modified a few things. but the reality on the ground is so much different. just look at the death toll we've seen in the last 24 to 36 hours alone. and even since the end of
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that cease fire, it's expiration point just that morning. how many depths of their work? that's as the northern gossip. but in the south as well, where people have fled their homes to. so while all this is happening, it is worth mentioning, but these really know terry is doing exactly what they said they would be doing throughout the entirety of the ceasefire. and even before it, they said that they were resting, but their troops were going to be prepared. they were going to be very ready and alert to go back into the gaza strip, to continue their ground defensive. and they also said that any sort of future negotiations are going to happen under fire. so these really have been preparing for this for some time. and the reality of it is unfortunately folding, unfolding. and the goal is to strip. yeah. as you say, i'm $58.00 days um the car society seems to be deeply come to solitude and occupied easter eastern. thank you to go without just there. still it has grieving family
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members who have loved ones have been killed in israel and palestine lead a venture in london. the one of the largest green spaces in atlanta, georgia is being cleared to build a $19000000.00 lease training facility i for or the forward is the same that they want to join. full forward, sees across keesing doesn't surprising the construction of domestic stream. it is the people that are talking about investing in social services that are considered extreme phone lines of what this means for the future of protest in america. now your terrorist on out you 0, it is a tenant of turn, produce objectives, these problems which many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of israeli public,
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this course and seeing more voices present cell calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next. examining the impact of today's headlines, explorer, and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on al jazeera, the the, you know, without just there is a reminder of our top story, is this out. thousands of palestinians have been killed and then as ray, the attack on the gates of the co, antoine hospital in golden garza, the jabante
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a refugee camp also in the north was targeted for 2nd day. at least 700 palestinians have been killed in the past 2 days alone. because the city, the theme streets, the street gun bustles between is ready forces and how much fights as members of cause. a civil defense team desperately working to move the most vulnerable civilians away from the fights. for those who manage to flee safety is nearly impossible to find these fairly strong. one of the 2 main roads linking home and also with the south central palestinians were injured because they were traveling along the side of the road. the pentagon says a us will ship pass destroyed drones and miss all 5 will do that towards it. and 3 of the commercial ships operating in the red sea, us as the drones and missiles were launched from territory held by who the rebels in yemen who t say 2 of the ships of targeted with linked to israel. but it was rarely something like that. i mean the lot, yeah,
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our forces will continue to prevent all these really ships from sailing. and the arrow been red sea until all the aggression against because of stops the many armed forces continued to one. all these really naval ships and all ships linked to israel, that they will become a legitimate target if they refuse to comply. and i would just say it was my note, i follow joints and stuff from washington, d. c. i money. what more was the us saying about the impact on the significance of this attack of the red sea is going to be with you need. and just in the last few hours, we have been able to get some clarity on what flags those ships were flying. during these incidents in the red sea, us officials did confirm to l g 0 earlier on sunday that they were for attacks against 3 separate bustles operating in the southern red sea. and one thing that we should be noting and being careful about in reporting this is that there is no evidence to suggest that these incidents are directly linked to the ongoing conflict between israel and homos in guy. so we don't have any evidence to suggest
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that with that said, here is what we do know the us as corny. this is a guided missile destroyer operating in the red sea that was conducting a patrol, received a distress call from a cargo ship flying, a bohemian flag owned by the u. k. this was the unity explore at 915, just a few hours later, at 1235, the unity explore sent out another distress called saying that they had been impacted by a rocket that was launched from a who's a controlled areas in yemen. in both of those attack, the us, us, uh carney did engage with 2 separate drones, u a b drones. in both of those instances, those drugs were shot down from a us official who spoke to elgin 0 early on sunday, who said quote, we cannot confirm that the us is courtney was the target of the attack by the who with these however, the us has the resources and ability to defend itself in the red sea and the us will respond at a time and place of its choosing. now need that. we're also 2 other attacks against
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2 other ships. both of these were flying panamanian flags. those occurred at 330 and 430 in the afternoon. but talking about these escalations of attacks against cargo vessels in the red sea. certainly to present a direct threat to international commerce in the region where thousands of sheets, transit carrying billions of tons of cargo every year and money reports to sort of at least 2 attacks in iraq as well. all of us on by the us. all right, so this is also confirmed by a pentagon official earlier on sunday that at least 5 people were killed in us air strikes in the city of cook in northern iraq. these were us strikes against pro iranian militants added drone staging site. they were reportedly preparing to launch into an aerial assault against us targets in iraq. us officials referring to this as a self defense strike against a quote,
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immune and threat that we should also note that this is also not an isolated incidents to us as engaged in the targeting of iranian reportedly, iranian back militants in iraq. just in the last 2 months on just the last month, on 2 separate occasions since mid october, there been more than 70 attacks against us personnel, military personnel in iraq. if you couple attacks in syria at us sites there that numbers over a 100 such incidents of these also considering here name is that this incident took place just a day after a phone call took place between iraq, the prime minister mohammed. she also done in us secretary of state entity blinking, saying that the iraq is reject any attack on a rocky territory. right? many sites so that up i live in washington dc. family members of palestinians and israelis killed in the gauze, a conflict of land, an empty hate vigil in london. people that denounced
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a slab of phobia and anti semitism guy go, was that not vigil? and this is the way, so we have been hearing all of a sudden way in loans and the moving so many of the refund is when the last, the last one is not just c o 2 months detox, but also isn't rating horizons in the occupied west. vancouver, ron garza as well. the voice is ranging from british, the members of parliament as well as religious leaders on really the fundamental sort of thing that is being called a port, i'm sorry, is that the have to be also some kind of p. i'm there on some kind of bridges myself drawn across to the rides. i'll try and full, i'm going to be meeting between these can be my boss. listen to them. to me, it's clear and obvious of here in london. we should spread the solidarity and humanity rather than hate and to some of them. and i think most of them have. so
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we're trying, this is suffering, but it's very clear through us. and we want to place our community here in london to be of some kind of a model for other places. we've been through this kind of cycle of hatred and violence. many, many times we've seen where it gets it gets, has 2 more hatred and more violence. i think it's time for us to understand that if we keep going like this retired and retaliation over retaliation, this is the same result that we're going to get. keep going to having and it's maybe going to become worse. and it's a very tough lady to shut off. the speakers come here to this one and moving it back to i'm trying to contribute to those who was still in the state so much and lost that what they will do is that they will persist in trying to find the among the communities because they've seen without the house and on you. so you're interested in a cleaning on the slopes. it's funny many of those houses, sarah garza, a loud 0 spoken to a palestinian woman and buttoned rafa who explains how she miraculously survived in
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this way. the bombardment. what are you waiting for? the fire bell to cool all of us, we are completely destroyed. why are you still remaining silent? i've seen deaths yesterday. i've seen death because of all the dust that i had on me. one of its people, my neighbors, that is, it helped me to take a shower. yes, i was sleeping. this is my house. look, this is i moved here. 5 months ago i had a 1030. i woke up and everyone was screaming nor, nor, nor i was, i was scared. i was strong, there was stones on my body on my head, and i could not even move to but she, so my husband helped me to go out and i could not even realize my that's this is my house. i've been waiting for years to have this house and i moved here just 5 years, 5 months ago, and everything is still not even paid for. we're still paying for the debts. come,
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come and see the house. 10 people from as soon family died. please come on in the same god. my cousins were sleeping with me, so i slept with them. they spent the night with me. otherwise i would have been dead. what, what did i do? i woke up and i've just seen body parts look, look at all this to thank god, i rely on a law. the best guards in the that was i was supposed to be here in my bedroom with my husband said god, i was not. here. we are just blaming the arab leaders for everything that is happening. we condemn them. it was like to fire belt yesterday. more than 90 people died. i rely on i love the best guardian. everything is destroyed. look, look at the bit. those are things that my father bought me all the furniture,
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even the fridge. i did not have time to use the fridge, but that's fine. all sacrifices are for terrorism. that's fine. and we are ready to pay with our souls with our blood, with our children. thank god for everything. we will continue to sacrifice with the money with our children. everything will be refunded. we support the how much movement ab border obeyed. we are supporting all the resistance movements. i rely on a law and i condemn the arab leaders and the jews with what they are doing. okay, before we go the 2nd to this live scene of the not the hospital that's in college, eunice in the south of the gaza strip. one of the many hospitals, of course, of the bean massively put on the strain as a result. so if the ongoing violence that we know has now, according to this very ministry extended to the whole of the gauze and strip,
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including the south that from the spokesman of this very minute treat daniel agari . it follows an incredibly challenging 24 hours in which 700 people have lost their lives more in use and often house the of the product that we have high pressure settling things down across the good parts of china. the system will just squeeze this, this, the cloud, the we have a southern areas of china, of a side of the yellow sea into a japan. we got this area of low pressure that spinning away that will move out into the open waters. and there we go. with that clear weather, just coming into a central pos of china, pushing that very heavy right out of the way. it will easiest way away from taiwan
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as we go on through choose type writes us guys coming back and behind more in the way of sunshine may want a sunshine to showers across the philippines. not too bad here. rash of showers, the rest of the usual custom live, he shouts to the west. impossible. any i still some very heavy down pulls across, relate peninsula and into the, into some of indonesia. also seeing some rather heavy right from time to time that some very heavy right, making his way into a southeast and parts of india over the next style. so sykes, i'm john. that's going to continue making his way further. move west was moody, big down pulls, maybe 200 millimeters or more coming for at the moment. winds of around 65 kilometers per hour, but they will ramp up for a time before the system starts the week. and at least in terms of wind, we have got red points in full is the coastal possible algebra dash as a system moves, no, the sales of light scorched fine for you. real like accounts rising from beneath the
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rubble best put stories salvaged on the high seas. brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning film. the watch. listen witness. on al jazeera is ro is reportedly using artificial intelligence and it's for on gaza. the technology is being employed to select an expand potential target liquid more than $15000.00 palestinians killed so far. what are the implications for civilians in gaza? this is inside story. the .


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