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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2023 5:00am-5:31am AST

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that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side showing the end, the brakes on the other. i assume there is a huge piece of that to happen via the stores on talk to how does era the the israel is made. a change says it's expanding its ground offensive to the end of the gaza strip as it step something bombardment. and the 700000 units in killed are success. the bulk of this is just a large the also coming up palestinians continue to flee south in search of safety is the, is really military uses the intensity of attacks and southern guns and will much
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those in the north. the pentagon says an american war ship and the red sea has destroyed who's the drones and missiles. msc say that targeting vessels links to israel. hospitals under extreme pressure of the un describes the level of fear and panics, not seen before. the welcome to the program of to being displaced in the homes in northern gaza, hundreds of thousands of palestinians and now being targeted by as well as military in the south search and rescue crews all digging through the rubble of residential buildings bombed in rafa. as near the egyptian border as soft as well, and now since campaign will be as intense in the south, as it was in the north, is where the forces of also talking to the entrance of the come out, antoine hospital and northern goza. full of people have been killed and 9 others wounded. the victims of old displays promised and una sheltering around the
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hospital. medical centers across the street, but being over well and by the number of inches being gross in you and says there is a level of fear and panic not seen before. 9 the area on sunday, the tea party, a refugee chum, was being targeted for the 2nd time. and as many days, several homes were destroyed, killing thousands of people success today at least 700 pound us to indians have been killed. as one of the highest death tolls over 24 hour period since the war began almost 2 months ago. the kind of go the city there been intensive going about those between this way the forces and from us forces. members of goes to civil defense team and desperately working to move the most vulnerable civilians away from the frontier. for those who do manage to flee a standing impossible to find safety as well as struck one of the 2 main roads
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linking northern gauze with the south, several palestinians were injured this they were traveling along the solid l. dean road, which is here is target. i believe is the incentive of this update from con eunice . the eastern areas of honey or in a city had been wiped the tax by the occupation of 2 to re which they are having to wait for the maneuvering troops to have moved flexibility on military ration on the ground. as we could clearly see and noticed the diminishing flags that had been fired over this calling of the eastern areas. and we show from our location here, which we're far away, which is far away from the eastern side of this city. meanwhile, the south, the western areas also of the city had been attack square residential building belong to a bad less. somebody has been leveled to the ground where a number of out of scenes have been revolted, ended and they were delivered to another hospital to receive treatment at the situation on the south is similar to what is happening on the ground on the north
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and is central areas have gone to the city where the occupation is expanding, the military strikes on separate residential buildings and even neighborhoods to force residents are still in the north to flee to the south of gauze. and the fact is that most of these lights have been dropped for the residence of the south, informing them to most, to roughly district and the far south. if the goal is a stress due to the fact that israel stays that hon you in a city will be a center for the is really operations within the coming days, which excessive pays the situation right now on the ground in the south of the territory where the death toll from the come out allowed one hospital bombing and northern godrays is expected to rise because of the limited medical care adult is able to provide the injured st. this for avi has more. and this attack from ramallah and the occupied westbank for getting reports and images emerging from
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that late night attack on the come all of the one hospital in the north of the gaza strip. bearing all the hallmarks of the kinds of attacks we've seen. israel carry out in the course of this war that have become, unfortunately all too familiar, an air strike an explosion at the gate of the hospital. there were 10000 palestinians displaced, the thought to be sheltering their an estimated 10000 people at that location at the time so far confirmed for dead 9 injured. but the director of the hospital has said that at the moment they're only, they're only performing life saving emergency medical treatment, which really does indicate that that death toll is likely to go up the number of severe life altering injuries that we've seen so many of the things like amputations are likely to go up in the coming hours as well that we're all ready. 35 bodies outside of the hospital waiting to be buried. a 100 people or so had been already taken to the hospital and declared dead over the course of the day from the
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bombardment and the fighting. that's been going on there. the palestinian authority says that 20 hospitals in the gaza strip remain out of operation. there are a few that of resumes limited services for the moment, but the fuel that they've been getting is in short supply. there are no more deliveries of aid and fuel at the moment. so even those hospitals are likely to be forced into stopping any, any assistance that they're able to provide in the coming days. us. all right, well that's, that's like a closer look good. where the main areas of financing are in gaza so far they be mostly in the north, is where the forces of bustling promising and finances phone because some brigades and this lemming, chiding these region, the shaded and red. there's heavy fighting in the shape of a rod. well, i'm sure john neighborhoods have goes to the city, but now it's evident that israel has become the 2nd phase of his ground invasion maps. nicole and eunice in the south of the strip. is there any troops of pushing along the strip? so i'll dean road. we have
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a pulse that's being fighting along this road all the way down to our corolla, which lies just 5 kilometers ne of con units. let's say that a could be to push forward towards the coastal road. rashid, if that happens, this route would control the 2 main rows of the strip and cut off the central garza, which includes areas such as the l bala, which has one of the few functioning hospitals the throughout i'll my god as a refugee comes coming and then the lack has more on how the people have gone, so i'm running out of safe places to hide from the is where the on store the running out of places to run. i'm not good. we want to live the land we want to live. where will they take us with bombing in the south and bombing into north? will these people can do is trying to find a semblance of safety somehow some way. but nowhere is really safe in gaza.
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for some, this is the 4th time they fled since the stones of the will not in the folder, what's the word waiting for to witness more mass? it goes to see more people turn into pieces. they must find a solution. violence begets violence. is there a new forces have told them to go to rough uh, but the south is running out of space. hundreds of thousands of people have already fled, that most palestinians living and garza have been forced out of the homes, shelters all over crowded. and many sleep on the streets, the side the means grants of people tenants designate actual safe areas. a safe area should be equipped with all the necessities. there aren't any safe areas and cause am i supposed to sleep on the street with my children in the rain and this doesn't mean a safe area. but the attempts to escape may winfrey, few tile as areas but the as ray,
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the only designated as safe. also come under attack, camille medic, up to 0. so i would just say are a spoke to a palestinian woman in rafa who explains how she miraculously survived his right. the bombardment. what are you waiting for the fire bell to cool all of us? we are completely destroyed. why are you still remaining silent? i've seen deaths yesterday. i've seen death because of all the dust that i had on me. one of its people, my neighbors, that is, it helped me to take a shower. yes i was sleeping. this is my house. look, this is, i moved here 5 minutes ago. i had almost a 1030. i woke up and everyone was screaming nor, nor, nor i was. i was scared. i was strong. there was stones on my body on my head, and i could not even move to but she, so my husband helped me to go out and i could not even realize my that's this is my house. i've been waiting for years to have this house. and i moved here just 5
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years, 5 months ago, and everything is still not even paid for. we're still paying for the debts. come, come and see the house. 10 people from as soon family died. please come on in the same god. my cousins were sleeping with me, so i slept with them. they spent the night with me. otherwise i would have been dead. what, what did i do? i woke up and i've just seen body parts look, look at all this to thank god, i rely on a law. the best guards in the that was i was supposed to be here in my bedroom with my husband said god, i was not. here. we are just blaming the arab leaders for everything that is happening. we condemn them. it was like to fire belt yesterday. more than 90 people
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died. i rely on i love the best guardian. everything is destroyed. look, look at the bed. those are things that my father bought me all the furniture, even the fridge. i did not have time to use the fridge, but that's fine. all sacrifices are for terrorism. that's fine. and we are ready to pay with our souls with our blood, with our children. thank god for everything. we will continue to sacrifice with the money with our children. everything will be refunded. we support the oh, how much movement? well bait we are supporting all the resistance movements. i rely on a law and i condemn the arab leaders and the jews with what they are doing well as we've been reporting as well as may latrice is it's now expanding its ground defensive to the entire gaza strip. so i'm, i'm,
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she's this really all me is continuing and expanding the ground operation against him. a sense of gravity in every part of the gaza strip. where there's my sense of gravity. the id f is acting but a senior last official, a summer home doing his ones that the way the army will not achieve its aims and goes there. why the image of the, at the, the stubbornness of these riley forces in continuing to attack, gaza preventive and him to, to negotiation process the enemies back to come in to in crimes. the enemy is not allowed to cease fire. to extend that, we can confirm that the aggression was stopped if negotiations of a hostage exchanges, authors, you know, otherwise no to accept possible, which is 0 time to solve. it has more from occupied east jerusalem of these really military spokesperson. daniel, how god is speaking at a press conference tonight saying that a ground operation in the south is exactly what the army had been preparing for, not just throughout the entirety of the war, but specifically during that 7 days ceasefire period where there was
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a lot in the fighting, these really army chief of staff hurts the hell levy speaking to troops in the south earlier in the day. so that the operation in the south will be just as powerful as it is in the north. and it will show quote, no less results. which is an interesting fact when you look at it because b is really military, has actually not shown us these huge military accomplishments and achievements. instead, what we've seen is a dire and catastrophic humanitarian situation that has been folded inside of gaza . and remember of all the people fleeing the hundreds of thousands who have fled from the north to the south. a lot of them have been displaced multiple times and are looking for any sort of shelter or safe zones. these really military, it has had a lot of pressure from countries like the united states. remember just a few days ago, us secretary of state anthony blinking was here telling these rallies that they
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absolutely cannot operate in the south the same way. they conducted themselves in the north, given the high civilian at casualty rate. so it had on i'll just say a more reports of deteriorating conditions inside this way. details we hear from the parents of palestinians, currently lump top industry prisons, grieving family members who is loved ones being killed in israel and palestine lead a vigil in london. the product that we have high pressure settling things down across the good parts of china. the system will just squeeze this this, the cloud, the we have a southern areas of china, of a side of the yellow sea into a japan. we got this area of low pressure that spinning away that'll move out into
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the open waters. and there we go. with that clear weather, just coming into a central pos of china, pushing that very heavy right out of the way. it will easiest way away from taiwan as we go on through choose type writes us guys coming back in behind more in the way of sunshine. me. my son is on his showers across the philippines. not too bad here. rash of showers, the rest of the usual custom live, you shouts to the west. impossible any i still some very heavy down pulls across, relate peninsula and into the, into some off indonesia also seeing some rather heavy right from time to time that some very heavy, right. making his way into a southeast in parts of india over the next style. so sykes, i'm john, that's going to continue making his way further. move west was moody, big down pulls, maybe 200 millimeters or more coming for at the moment. winds of around 65 kilometers per hour, but they will ramp up for a time before the system starts the week and at least in terms of wind, we have got red points in full is the coastal possible algebra dash as a system moves, not the
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story of a small community in one of mexico's most dangerous states standing up to criminal court house and corrupt politicians, see we don't want to call additions anymore. they just this tonight, the people in the last episode of democracy, maybe we explore how trans eldest, let the fight for self determination, pretty savvy. and that's why i'm thinking that the now coast was the same as thinking of the 2 end government by the people on al jazeera news . the
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plug it back to you without. is there a, is there, a mindful top stories this out for people have been killed and 9 of those injured and in this way, the attack on the gates of the come on upon hospital and moving garza, the jabante, a refugee camp also in the north was targeted for a 2nd day of the 700 pounds of students have been killed in the past 2 days alone. and goes to succeed there being street to street gun baffles between this way, the forces suffices members of cause a civil defense team of desperately working to means the most vulnerable civilians away from the fighting. for those who managed to flee, safety is near impossible. israel has struck one of the 2 main roads linking northern, gaza with the south. several palestinians were injured as they were traveling along the side of a dean road now depends against as a us worship is destroyed. drones and missiles 5 towards it. and 3 of the commercial ships in the red sea, us as the drones and miss alice were loans from territory held by the the rebels in
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yemen. who did you say 2 of the ships and targeted with linked to israel? but these are these of tonight, this middle up on the rest of the, our forces will continue to prevent all these really ships from sailing into arabic and red sea. until all the aggression against cars are stopped. again, many armed forces continued to warn all these really naval ships and all ships linked to israel, that they will become a legitimate target if they refused to comply cop. so one is one please to introduce into introducing a bill career use a fully us to provide a form, a deputy chief of mission to yep. and he joins us from washington, dc. valuable and welcome to use of these 3 commercial ships. this us for ship, the us us connie, were targeted by here the drains, as i said, why is this happening from the, with the perspective the they are demonstrating solidarity with the palestinians in gaza. they are also trying to play a part in what is known as the axis of resistance,
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principally for them has what law of 11 and they over the past few years have been integrated, closer and closer into that the access and what testable is doing along the lebanese border in is engaging these values and diverting some of the is earlier the sources from the south and goes up to the north and 11 and the whole. these are trying to do the same thing by distracting the israelis and following these various of the volts um deployments. so that i'd see right at this point. so the hope the action is remains the limits it. right, to explain this, the strategic significance of this particular shipping lane. why is it potentially a disruptive target as well? um, but even though so far as only uh,
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cargo civilian cargo ships that have been targeted. this is uh, a lifeline. uh for uh, europe and much of the rest of the world. the bulk of oil shipments from the gulf go through the sewer is getting uh, mediterranean then on to europe and not just sort or a natural gas. uh, other uh, freight that goes through that. and if these incidents continue, either the shipping companies will stop shipping was the far it would cost them more to divert their pass and insurance rates will go up. right. and uh, at some point uh somebody us principally, perhaps brenton was started taking action to stop this. right. so it's a way of inflicting, i guess, the degree of economic war for as well. so if these drones were 5 from the admin as a b u. s. ship, why then the we now hearing about the us carrying out
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a so called self defend strike and a rock against and impaired driving the staging site. that what does that mean within the context of this access of resistance that you've described as well so far the us has not all, despite its full support for israel and politically, and in terms of intelligence and material, it has not joined the fight in a direct way they have all the american forces, i've only responded to direct attacks on them, sometimes in the city, sometimes in a rog and okay, usually now as we see at sea, but they have not really taking the full offensive against the anti us forces in iraq in the us would rather not see a widening of this war, and if they engage directly, it will certainly be much wider than what we've seen so far,
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right of it. there does appear to be a con, is some kind of a conflict of opinion between the, by the administration and the nothing yahoo administration and is very old. but so far, frankly, the us position is somewhat contradictory because it says thing is to israel, which it should know that is really cannot comply with. there is no way that is or you can proceed uh, as it was going on in the north. and in part of guys in the south, without her things, civilians is just not possible. so this administration, i know, is it receiving information, analysis and advice from various agencies of the us government the, this is another also the, this is not going to end well. but right present by and personally as an assistant . okay. and the bill corey. great to hear your thoughts on that many sites or 11.
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this right of these including 8 soldiers have been injured and an empty tank missile attack. and there was northern border with 11 on lebanese on group has block kind responsibility saying it was in support of the processing and people under bombardments in gauze. and he's very, the army says it show the source. if the attack without tennessee said ahold of has more, a sporadic but heavy exchanges of fire along the lab and on israel border. the lebanese arm group has blah mounting operations against israeli military positions along the border. these really army striking what it says are the sources of fire, or has well as infrastructure. they're using their plains, the air strikes, air raids, artillery selling their even using white phosphorus artillery shells. the is ray, the army saying that the, their response, their reply will be excessive. they will use excessive force for to confront any threat coming from lebanon. so this is very much an active wars zone. and hezbollah
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has said it will remain a front line as long as, as well as a tax on garza continues. now this conflict so largely is confined in terms of geography. a few kilometers deep on each side of the border. there have been occasional strikes deeper inside each other's territories, but over all it is confined to the border region. but this does not mean it hasn't been deadly. hezbollah has nearly lost a 100 men. uh, for 1515 liberty civilians killed among them. journalists who were directly targeted by is really fire. now the question is this limited engagement for how long will it continue as well as that has said that it will all depend on the situation in gaza and 11 on it has said, that is where if israel launch has a wide scale attack on levon on it will respond with his full military capabilities, but it hasn't said what it will do if they're ally how mosse and garza is no longer to sustain attacks. will it escalates and engage in this conflict in a, in
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a different manner. but nevertheless, tens of thousands of people have been forced from their homes even during the truce . during that 56 day truce of people were not able to harvest their crops. so the situate should is very tense and that the exchange as a fire continue to hold their elders either. so their loved and on the israel is military, is once again, conducting overnight rates of the occupied westbank, detaining palestinians, often without cause. ministry convoys have vented. janine in the north high bron in the south residence of janine say they heard gunfire was to naples were taken into custody. well, since the beginning of israel's war and gaza, more than 3000 palestinians have been detained to the occupied westbank, maybe without shots. and they were all with increasing number of reports of deteriorating conditions inside it's way the prison. so i'll just say what's called an adult. i mean, i spoke to some people who are recently released about their abuses,
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experience behind boss. i thought it was 2 30 in the morning when the soldiers walked into their backyard, ransacking everything in their wake. they were off to hand that cut them is due to, but an 18 year old nursing student the the, the, the english of a helpless mother watching her blindfolded daughter being led away a few hours later. and that is with the things that she has the words, the recently released detainees ringing in her head. on this man on it, we all heard about the beatings, the strip searches and the insults the threats of raping a child alone, surrounded by between 20 to 40 soldiers. i do not know what she's going through right now. what kind of a russ meant? everything is possible, a ton. this 1st task is to find out where her daughter has been taken information.
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the soldiers refused to give her. once the person is taken away, the families left on his own to figure out where their loved one has been transferred to. so usually they rely on and use like the palestinian prisoners society. it has been documenting all of the dissension and more importantly, collecting all the testimonies. the 5, the former prisoners and those of 100 still in jail are kept here. and it's clear that after her master's attack on october, the 7th, many ruth went out of the window for the fun, coming up to be the threats, but no rate cases. some soldiers tried to touch the goes bodies. well that dine folded. it's a form of sexual harassment that according to his writing or at least the male soldiers can access the mail cells. that doesn't happen anymore. it okay. yeah, i'm going to was asleep when these really forces came for her to
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a she was led the way she was told to do a study still in the she was yelling. did you see how the rape that women, how they'd be hated children? he told me that he will be these main to do business with me. i told him, go ahead. what was i supposed to say? then we will. how did, how share in present for interrogation? some goals needed sanitary pads, but they refused to give it to them. and perhaps it's more difficult for men to speak out, but obviously loved best. he thinks it's important. he was released on the same day as rookie up from the cup of prison. well, i shall not be at home, none of myself. we have found them within one time. they would lock 12 people at a time in the bathroom, just like and one told them all the prisoners were led away in their underwear. they even swipe the prisoners cards in people's buttocks. they would filmed the sexual harassment. the officer in charge would beat us on the genitals in front of male and female soldiers. they would enjoy it. it was like being in
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a horror movie. 6 palestinians died in jail since october the 7th. rumsey is still coming to terms with how he survived those dark days. and his thoughts remained with the thousands of palestinians held in israel, mostly was no charge of that. how many of the 0? hi brooke, in use venezuela instead of just finishing voting of the referendum which the government homes will boost its claim to an or rich territory controlled by a neighboring count of the known binding vote includes proposals for turning squeezable into events. when in provence, the government denies using the referendum to justify potential annexation tensions was gonna have risen in the recent months after the discovery of new or reserves. and the reason prosecute is in front of open deterrent investigation off to the gym . and taurus was killed in a knife attack in paris late on saturday to other people. that's in the assault. the life will tower the attack of say that it was the killing of innocent muslims
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that drove him to murder. it was already on a tower watch list of hundreds of people has lost in the french capital to protest against racism. they also condemned to draw flo introducing tough measures against non european migrants. human rights groups say the immigration reform bel limits, the rights of migrants and asylum seekers. family members of palestinians and israelis killed and the gods. a conflict have held an anti hate vigil in london, people that denounced the stomach phobia and anti semitism. so you're going to go was that way? well, we have been hearing all this on way in london studies. he'll be moving steadily, many of the refund to bend, so he's lost the ones not just the tax, but also in his writing horizons in the occupied the west bank and gaza as well as the voices.


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