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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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to join us from let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha ha . israel's military intensifies its attacks around central gaza, cutting it off from areas in the cell, the several many a good to have you with this. this is elsa 0 life from the also coming up in the program. israel's attacks destroying the gaza strip. more than a 100 palestinians were killed over nights
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and those who survived the bombing swede for help from under the level of this 13 year old girl has been one of the lucky ones. and gunfire in the occupied westbank is really, is increasing. it's near daily rates and i was sitting in towns and villages the so these really army has been expanding its attacks and central and southern areas of the civilians living there have experienced one of the worst nights since the beginning of the war. nearly 2 months ago. more than a 100 palestinians have been killed in overnight is really strikes and this brings the death toll since saturday to more than 800 jamalia refugee camp was one of the targets. again, with the rescue workers working through the night using their bare hands to get people often children out from under the rubble says that fear spite has been
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taking place near the southern city of han unice. israel claims that some homeless leaders are built based in or near that city is really military cut off the road between the city and they're all by law in central guys are dividing the strip now into 3 parts. as a big begins are coverage. this young man, the, when does a voice is hope even with this level of destruction, there are survivors. somehow managing to can go through life, which is what he's doing it best to end it. the 15 year old on the images shocked coverage and doesn't have to live its own even the sun rises, the full scale of destruction can be seen. some collect body parts of this, such that the survivors are taken to hospitals which are treating victims on the floor, the emergency or the small. and we are flooded by dozens,
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if not hundreds of victims. we are left with very little to help the many are left to die due to lack of medical supplies and shortages staff. and this is the reality killing by the dozens. yesterday alone. 36 were killed the day before 52, and the numbers keep rising little and a hundreds buried underneath the debris. the lower the case, the strikes keep coming. and palestinians continue to be killed. parents, mortgage, children, children, the parents, siblings, their brothers and sisters. as that'd be just 0 honey who is in han, eunice and the southern gaza strip. honey, we can share with our viewers, latest pictures that are coming in to us, which are once again, because this is not the 1st time this is happening and that we're seeing this people fleeing along selling a dean road, which as a reminder, is one of the 2 main roads north to south axis that runs through gaza palestinians
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fleeing through that road and being targeted. what do you know about this particular incident? what kind of context can you provide around this? yes. yes, well within the past 45 minutes, the sharp warning got threatening john on his really radio. these really military radio, ordering people of residents of eastern hon. eunice and the residents of data is, but that's the central part of the gaza strip to the evacuated immediately leaving that particular area. both areas. these are connie on it and they did better as they become a military is on war zone. according to the announcement on the is really a radio people this started to move out of these 2 areas out to the residence of
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deer, but we are ordered to take rashid's road, the coast of the road. that's the western side of the gall, this trip as that of a safe corner door for them to head further south to rough city. people at the eastern side of han, you and as our order to dukes, the law had been rose. now here's the problem. people who did not get the message or did we're not sure where to go to cuz the law had the enrolled while at the same time is really times i've been the stationing there for quite a while and shooting at every moving object. the new, we know they have effectively separated the central part of, from a, the southern part from the city of canyon is particularly as those were coming in from a dated by last sight. dickens, while i had the enrolled, were shot at it and, and as far as we know from the reports, we got to work a car carrying civilians moving it from there, but a on so that had been road was targeted. and we,
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we need to confirm that how many people were in the car, and if do, were killed or the were only injured, but times our position on that road targeting the, at every moving object. here is the story is a little bit different. the remaining part of the law had the lord, it has been damaged severely damaged. so people coming in from the resident, coming from eastern side of honey was thinking the law had been rolling to a rough city, find it very challenging as the cannot drive their cars. the roads are severely damaged the, the end up walking in it not, not, not, not like, walk in the walk with their families and children, and, and women and it states without carrying any of their belongings because they want to get there. as soon as they, as they can before the bombardment is sorry, then this is the difficulty of the situation now on both road the quotes. the road
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now and for law had been voted from honey on his side. a report talk about it, tens of houses, city, and are taking the road within the past. 45 minutes heading to a rough further southern part of the gaza strip. so far. if it's has been very, very tough for, for people since early mornings of it since the early hours of this morning. kind of has all of this is happening while every strikes relentless ears, right? targeting more residential homes and, and splitting the gaza strip. particular the southern part into 2 parts, making it difficult, not only for move in, but also for, for people who are, who feel the stranded, the, they're caught of it from the rest of the, of the goals. this trip. the honeymoon reporting there from hon. eunice and the southern part of the gulf industry and honey, thank you very much for the latest reporting. now. allison's here was him run con is in tel aviv m run. what is israel saying about how it is conducting its current
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operations in gaza? and specifically, is there any mention of limiting civilian casualties in this phase of the war as well? so that question in just a moment. but in the last a few moments we've just had a very loud explosion in the east of tel aviv, or i'm where i am the are in the rookie defense system, is actually going into action. we can just see if it's like, just behind me, might not be able to fit right now is actually just bear with me. we'll get you more details on that. as soon as we get the bas harden's will also head now limiting a civilian casualties. that's always been something the americans have been pushing very clearly, but as well as also been incredibly today as well, it will conduct as well in the way it sees fit. now that have been what the most out of this a cooling lip service being paid to civilian casualties. there is this map of these radius of issue which divides because i'd be entice,
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strip into blocks. and those blogs are said to contain houses where people or places where people can actually move to. if that block gets attacked by side of the site, that is something aimed at the americans know of the palestinians living in garza. they've also been talking about the south of the country. now this is a very key elements of because of the is really all the chief i actually turned round on site yesterday and said we will go into this house with the same kind of intensity as we did in the know that something the american simply didn't want us secretary of state as the blinking was also clear when he was he said you cannot go into the cell with that kind of intensity. now there is another delegation that's in town at the moment. it's a white house, the guys and it's coming from come to horace's office has security advisor, phil gordon is in town. he wants to discuss the day off that he's echoing words,
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but we had the vice president come all the harris took about in due by this tremendous amount of price it out from the americans. not just to think about the military operation that is going on right now, but they won't is raised to think about the day off the, on the very clear as well. nobody occupies nope, causing the displacement of cause i'm limiting civilian casualties. but we don't know how much influence if i going to have on these, right, these, these, right, these have been very clear and just very quickly for a wrap up on this particular point. there's some very interesting analysis going on in is really media. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is reading himself to blame the americans in case this old files for not letting him fight the war in the way he saw fit. he's already leaking to various trusted journalists. he has within these really media saying that the americans are limiting and all of that is really interesting. you'll continue to follow that anything new in, in that space you'll, you'll let us know and run. we're is public opinion. it is real right now on
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continuing the war. what we're seeing now on the ground versus a new ceasefire to release hostages as well to bring them back campaign, which is the umbrella. ready organization that represents the captives, families has got a lot of influence in this country. it's got a lot of influence amongst public opinion. it's a lot of sympathy for those families of, of the captive. but they've been very clear that pushing for a safe spot. now for days they've been asking for meeting with probably mr. benjamin netanyahu and the war cabinet that hasn't happened but a break through just a few hours ago. but jew to meet with the will cabinet. and that'll include the defense minister as well. you'll have glance um at around about 8 o'clock local time, and that's where they going to push the case basis. now, direct pressure that the families are going to put on the problem is that benjamin netanyahu. but letting you know who i am, the wood cabinet or in a difficult position,
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a mass now say that they have is ready military soldiers in captivity. and those they going to negotiate a lot harder than they did, for example, over these really civilians that they held in captivity. so whether we can see a truce like we did before a ceasefire like we did before, is unclear because how mass a very clear it, it will, they will, they want a was they want a poem, a ceasefire in return for those particular hostages. and run con, reporting from televi. thank you very much. in run. israel's military is conducting more raids in the occupied westbank, military convoys of enter jeanine in the north than her bron in the sales people in janine say that they heard gunfire as 2 neighbors were taken into custody. are the above costs and is limited. and this was, is really forces and palestinian fighters exchanging fire in the town of calculated listing and authority. officials say that 2 people were killed at drury,
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these really raids their speak to charles, drafted in ramallah, and charles, bring us up to speed on everything that's been happening across the occupied west back. i guess you're right. the ongoing rights of happening as we speak actually called a major right, seemingly in columbia, the refugee coming columbia, which actually isn't too far from here. that started around about 4 hours ago. we've seen video footage of people running down anyways with the sound of gunfire ringing out in those streets. we've also seen pictures of what looks to be in his right. the soldier that was in good uh, being lifted into the back of a ministry vehicle or ambulance, the promised send you know, sorry to you saying so for at least 15 palestinians injured a number of them critically as a result of live file wounds that they incurred but there was also, as you mentioned, right, a nicole kelly
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a twice actually last night. they were to raise on calculator. um 2 people were killed. and these ladies took away the bodies we sold out in geneva, i suppose about 3 or 4 days ago on the night by her ripping killing of that 8 year old boy optimal girl would you could direct shots to his head was killed immediately, but we saw a similar scenario that and these really ministry taking away one of the bodies, we then found out that it was actually a compound in the palestinian and resistance groups. so now more more of those confiscations, if you like, taking away all those bodies. now whether that is an indication of some form of, again, a punishment that certainly won't check human rights groups and palestinians website, or whether that's, you know, a big bias right? is to further investigate the person that they have targeted it's, it's impossible to say you will. so i mentioned jeanine. yes, another right on jeanine, which we know is a sense of for the palestinian resistance. and they were also raged in jericho.
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so yeah, no signs that these rates are in any way, easy enough goals. the palestinians cool and collected punishment. we see the con david station that these rights calls and also civilian infrastructure and civilian homes. and these rightly is a saying, well, they will continue these right, seemingly as they try and round up as many suspects as they can who they accuse is potentially being involved in the resistance groups right? the way across the westberg. but so far, um, at least 60 arrests made in the last 24 hours, 60 more people finding themselves and these ready jails joining the mold, a 3500 pounds of stadiums that have been incarcerated since october. the 7th, around hall for them, we on the side of being held under administrative detention. that, of course, is the detention that so in no way obligates israel to tell the person being held why he or she is being detained,
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and can be detained for an indefinite period of time. which of course, lawyers will tell you, it means that they have no real way of mounting any kind of defense. so yes, $3500.00 plus since october, the 7th. and with those 2 people killed last night, the desk told now palestinians, since the beginning of the will in the occupied westbank is 256 people killed. charles stratford reporting from ramallah in the occupied west bank. thank you very much. still ahead on alpha 0 accused of complicity in the killing of civilians will tell you why the dutch government is being taken to court as the color. once again, we've got some move, very heavy, re making its way across the power quite down towards the southeast of the sale
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towards the uruguay. what an off the active with a system. this one, producing some very heavy down pulls sundry down, pulls, coming, has spoken with a little and associated 28 celsius here. the woman that full ray out around $32.00 cells. just a little cool to that point of service at around $23.00 degrees celsius. they had to show us, we made pretty much in place west inside of the amazon in particular sing some live the showers, shouts just pushing up towards the south of the columbia, running up towards the carrot, being one or 2 showers across the cab biologically is fine and right and the seats, the fine, but a lot of sunshine, the west to where the lot is to be around the central america, particularly up towards the what the mileage said some very heavy, right? southern areas of mexico looking pretty unsettled, as well as we go through the next couple of days that ranges ramping up to the south east of mexico city. as we go on a 3 tuesday elsewhere across the cabinet to see it as long as you try and find
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smell destroyed by the 2 across mount shelf in north america. but a few showers up towards the lake. some of the wintry and nature, but some very heavy, right, making its way the pacific northwest western canada. israel has now imposed a complete space on god's that so how do they survive if you have no income, how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of 2000. and one is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this window. as of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on outages in the
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washing else 0 reminder of our headlines this our almost as fierce fighting has been taking place in the gaza strip. israel's military has cut off the road between the city and darrow, by line central gas and dividing the territory. now it's a 3 parts, more than a 100 pallets than you have been killed in an overnight is really strikes on gaza and this brings the death toll since saturday to more than 8 in the occupied westbank is really forces have intensified their rates. and janine in the north, in hebron, in the cells, several palestinians were arrested over and there are more reports of conditions worsening inside is really jails with the palestinian prisoners society saying that the several palestinians died in custody since october. the 7th for the bill. how made reports that e mail it was 2 30 in the morning when the soldiers walked into their backyard,
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ransacking everything in their wake. they were off to hand. that cut off is due to but an 18 year old nursing student, the really bad i and the anguish of a helpless mother watching her blindfolded daughter being led away a few hours later. and it is riddled with things that she has. the words of recently released detainees ringing in her head. on this man on it, we all heard about the beatings, the strip searches on the insults the 1st to rate a child alone surrounded by between $20.00 to $40.00 soldiers. i do not know what she's going to right now. what kind of a rest meant? everything is possible. what time this 1st task is to find out where her daughter has been taken information. the soldiers refused to give her. was the person has taken away the families left on his own to figure out where their loved one has
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been transferred to. so usually they rely on and use like the palestinian prisoners society. it has been documenting all of the dissension, and more importantly, collecting all the testimonies, the files of former prisoners and those of 100 stealing, james are kept here, and it's clear that after her master's attack on october, the 7th, many ruth went out of the window, would be fun coming up to be the threats, but no rate cases. some soldiers tried to touch the goes bodies. well, that dine folded, and i'm sorry, it's a form of sexual harassment that according to his writing law, or at least e mail, soldiers can access the mail sales. that doesn't happen anymore. it okay. yeah, i'm going to was asleep when these really forces came for her to a she was led the way she was told to do a study still in the she was yelling. did you see how the rape that women,
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how they'd be hated children? he told me that he will be these main to do business with me. i told him, go ahead. what was i supposed to say? then we will. how did, how share in present for interrogation? some goals needed sanitary pads, but they refused to give it to them. and perhaps it's more difficult for men to speak out, but obviously like best he thinks it's important. he was released on the same day as rookie from the cup of prison. well, i shall not be at home, none of myself. we have some method to go into them. they would lock 12 people at a time in the bathroom, just like an one telling them all the prisoners were led away in their underwear. they even swipe the prisoners cards in people's buttocks. they would filmed the sexual harassment. the officer in charge would beat us on the genitals in front of male and female soldiers. they would enjoy it. it was like being in a horror movie 6 palestinians died in jail since october the 7th. rumsey
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is still coming to terms with how he survived those dark days. and his thoughts remained with the thousands of palestinians held in israel. mostly was no charge of that. how many uh does you? uh, hebron a as has been hearings. israel has expanded its offensive and central and southern gaza where it had ask palestinians to move from the north and seek shelter. the military has begun the 2nd phase of his ground invasion near han, eunice, and southern gaza. it is the strip, 2nd largest city and home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians forced from their homes is really troops and tanks are pushing along the cell out of the in road, securing this road all the way down to our corolla, which is marked there on your map in the center of your screen, it's north west of fun. eunice also is really gunboats are stationed along the coastal road. that's our sheet, and that means the israel has complete control. overdoes as to main roads. the is really land air and see a sold has completely isolated central gaza,
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particularly the city of darrow bala, which has one of the few functioning hospitals in the strip. the, on the say ruts and all the gods, the refugee camps, or also cut off from the south in the north, is really forces of baffling palestinian fighters from the cassandra gauge and the islamic jihad in these regions here, shaded and red. there's heavy fighting in shake rod. well an industry j, a neighborhoods of gauze and city now taken as a whole. all the fighting and the troop movements indicate that israel would be dividing the gaza strip into 3 areas. north central and southern palestinian health ministry official told alpha 0 what the situation is like on the ground to the we options a lot date for william and slots of date by the consent this morning. we have received dozens of those scalars blown out of hospitality can no longer offer
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any kind of help to a victim of my own. our medical equipment was destroyed by the scientific patient for since the last of which was seated scan device at the end, denise and consummate the. even the dialysis machines were purposefully destroyed, but it is a soldier to have it all through and what adds inside of the inside is that. and if you want us to time, come in at one hospital will be out. the electricity are shut off the only the main independent agent. a hold only for hours, the dozens of can't do with every passing hour. these are you there could be some forces living inside of the dental neighborhoods to the ground. a very few ambulance vehicles rushing victims to the hospital, but we stand headed place. we are doing all what we can, but i made the absence of our medical supplies and sorta just sat on our medical inputs. have no meaning and even the medical teams are much better. they would have
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filed ad, but it is right. it could be so for sense and what of them was taught and why and getting a victim towards ally with that positive. and then there is right. let's continue with this. is the med take kidding policy? again, it's old civilians. i mean, guys, this is a belligerent demetrius, an enemy with one target and one. so i'll get only getting the civilians in cold blood. we are headed clear. we cannot pronounce fair victims between hospice and we cannot even send them to this house. what are you out of 40000 victims. only 400. 3. drop off in the south. this defies reason. is it reasonable? this gibson's to have the victims transferred out those guys that of the lower than the 1000 in the same. so this is a, this grade we were a band that by the other, but mostly nations. i want to bring in tumbler combo with the assistant professor
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of public policy with do hon. institute for graduate studies. i want to address with you the distance between 2 things. one is the messaging that is real is putting out there that it has this map that is provided to the palestinians and it is supposed to. this is supposed to help them get to safety is real, designate certain areas that it calls blocks and says if you're in this blog, move to another block because we're going to attack here. so get out for your own safety, right? that's one part of the story that we're getting from israel. the other part is all the reporting we're getting on the ground from our correspondence for saying it's not working like that. and even when people try to flee from one part of the gaza strip to another, for instance, on cell a dean road, they're being attacked to completely different sort of realities that just don't match. a sort of just for the sort of your viewers tech checking. the probably majority is 100 percent of cousins. they don't have electricity. majority
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of them, they don't have the phones charged that running for safety, the product from electricity, from everything that homeless and even for me sitting into how when i try to figured out this lady maps, it's, do you need an expert? probably someone in jo butterfield or a very good company going to be this maps, you know. so this is again, this is, is, is it a, is, does not think the prospect comes at 80. it promises or, or towards that, i mean early. this was the, all the do it very also cleared about the, the human a tenant corridor from, from north to south. and then we also that this was a desktop as we see it and you report the so they will to your many images coming from as late as also targeting people who try to flee from, from does up with the south on this, on the main roads so it's before or after lice. i mean for these that i have to, to come up with this uh, uh, fascinating map and people have no electricity. they have no gps,
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no connection. and then for them trying to figure out what these lady out of me wants. i mean that's for me, it's a, it's, it's, it's, it's just more lives than less than life. so there's nothing if they could use their phones. if they did have electricity and charge their phones, they could read the following tweets from have a shy ad, right. it's a name. i think, you know, well, it all palestinians, no, well, the arabic speaking spokespersons, these really military, this is latest sweet. we kindly inform you of the following week, the work note, the wording we kindly informed you of the following in order to preserve your safety and security to the residents of the relevant blocks in these neighborhoods . i'm not going to read the names, but he's basically paying people who live here in these blocks to preserve your safety. we invite you to move to the well known id patients' lives in the neighborhoods of and then he names a couple other neighborhoods. this is what they're not reading, but they could read the book. he has the lives of it. so he did some expense. he also sent them the views journal with an extra city of which one extend it to you. but the, i mean, the civilians and guys will have none of those. what,
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what should they do? i mean, for them is it keeping that heads of life is the number one priority. so, so darn big issues, but the thing is the central thing here. there's nothing surprising about is a complex on behavior when it comes to this. but the community again, why doesn't step up its efforts to really create designated safe zones in gaza? i mean, they talk about the more see okay, find the most i want to say, but his thing is both on mosley, but there's nothing in the mosque. and is that a doesn't even guarantee that's what i love to off, but i lost ya before. and it's next phase of the world. so if, if this, and see if the executives of this and see about the safety for us, do not allow international efforts. i don't want to have not the you and that i currently have costs to go inside with whatever resources they need to create the safe designated dentist seen as a decimal company. right. dumber commer, thank you for joining us in the studio. this our human rights organizations have launched a.


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