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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm AST

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as an investment assignment, digital licensing needs your better tomorrow. the, [000:00:00;00] the on the clock, bluetooth is on life and how coming up the next 60 minutes is rarely selling targets. a schooling does a city where display some portable shelter that she would cost of the voltage rise . use these 800 killed some subdivision we pursue them in northern because we're now pursuing some us in 1000 because of to israel steps up. its assault on the south, west. thousands of tennessee were initially told to go for their own safety and
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then the escalating violence in the occupied west bank, at least 3 more palestinians being killed in the spring. so it is 1600 u n t, that's just passed a 6 pm in cause with israel's bump up into the strip. it's unrelenting, the pos who, as israel struck the side, as i've told you school, it's in the elder eyes neighborhood have gone to the city where hundreds of people have been sheltering. maybe it's off to the tech, many had fleet current, whatever they could. israel's ministry is expanding its operations by launching more. attacks in the central and southern areas in the south, hospitals are becoming overwhelmed. doctors describe the situation is catastrophic . they're going to being treated on flaws and inc car doors. and they have a crowd of facilities with limited supplies.
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the how they got for the the what is the rails on valencia strikes in the south reduced in time neighborhoods to revel. more than half of the homes in guns have been destroyed or damaged, binds ready attacks since october, the 7th. a correspondence of following these developments across the region and maybe will speak to run con, he's instead of a need to abraham's in the occupied westbank. the 1st let's go to target was whom he's in con eunice in southern gaza, so tart, give us the latest update where he will yes, uh right now. uh, we have been on the east really relentless on interrupted bombing, and uh, often the re shilling for several areas on the vicinity of an officer hospital. the we are right now standing. we have been inside this possible. so for more than
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a month right now, we didn't clearly, he was such a similar abutment that took place on the vicinity of the hospital as it has been intensified off to the collapse of the truth that has been broken by can talk during the last time what is also important to say that the areas that had been a forced to to the residential abuse areas that had people bothered on the vicinity of the hospital, had been informed previously to a doctor, went on to leave the houses. and now they have been attacking these houses and the attacks that are becoming much more closed and getting more tonia to be sitting some areas of new to city, which gives up please signs that the domain and the rates of these by the attacks on san eunice will expand within the coming hours, which in both the sprint to the residence of condo to city and all these possible attacks. i am forcing people to please to local districts in order to allow
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for the is ready troops to have a kind of expanded who did submit it to a ration on the ground. the situation right now inside the hospital was buried to refine because people were forced to take show to i'm to hide from the is really bumming as the sound. the explosion was very open allowance and the lights and the fuse of explosions had called the entire hospital. so clearly the south of the territory have been under with emphasis, strength as ocean a series of explosions and strikes have been conducted from brooklyn. district repeat the suppose to sleep and to be safe from the east really with interest. right instead of central and southern parts because it's very much being talked about as we saw at the tank on the side of this i've taught we school in the know that is still an area of focus. uh yes uh the i talked to own the us other stuff that was supposed is not the 1st attack that had been conducted against pre uh, the uh,
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school of the most of the guns i thought it had been repeatedly attacked. we're talking about similar attacks that took place on the who the school. and so i'd really like to make sure one schools that turned into shelters to hoss people who had been forcibly evacuated from the homes in the separate areas across the territory. now these schools considered to be a safe shelter and must be protected according to the principles of the international notes. but now with the limited number, albumin to charge and aids, and with the excess, the patient of the humanitarian conditions in these areas, alongside with the intense bombing. all of these uh, procedures, and even circumstances will force people to take effect the decision to sleep, to the safe areas. but the fact is that there is there any safe place inside the goals district as people generally don't have any safe co result out of the north of the northern areas. and as the south of the territory had been under battery,
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limitless strikes that destroyed a lot of residential buildings. and the majority of these buildings were full of residents and even factories who had been. 1 forcibly evacuated from the house, not only for one time, but for multiple times, seeking just for us that you refused for the family and even for the kids. all right, target leave it there for now. thanks very much for that update and kind of camera zoom. thanks, i, this is really a strikes of leveled one of the largest markets in to valley refugee camp, destroying the livelihoods of many palestinians. how deserves on us, how savvy is this report now? and the fee, so i am now standing in the middle of what was once the marketplace of jabante a refuge account in the north of a gauze and struck through the entire market place was leveled to the ground overnight by is really well playing them. it was one of the largest an oldest marketplaces in the strip by our massive destruction all over the place. nothing has been so bad. all the commercial shops vending time and i'll see,
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and the main market street, they've all destroyed. the market was catering to the entire population of the refuge account, as well as the neighboring town channel. thousands used to lucky to get their hands on the basic necessities from food items to close. the marketplace was purposefully founded by these very forces, the extent of the damage is clearly visible and it's a new, another so. so if you're the him, you're done. there's a traditional old market, a very old one that i used to offer many of the unique items that can hardly be found elsewhere. logistics his market is now destroyed in the entire trade sector through end is the result. each shop used to offer unique items showing this market means forcing many people out of business. it's purposefully targeted by the is really our, me. i'm 73 years old. and i still remember coming to this market at a young age level. i'm curious,
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our case to got older can see is that god is our rock and the saw how the guy that fly a visa, israel's targets, commercial shops, residential, himes, women and children, as in many displaced citizens, cluck to this market price to get their basic notes many under living working here, despite rising cost, people still flowing to marketplace is at least to feel their life now with the pride of just another lifeline. this was the biggest as an oldest market in the north of gaza. it's flat, so it does become, it goes to the city. i live with my success, doesn't they, children, i'm an extended family of all my 60. in addition to 100 people displaced from a 100, the old standing with. how can we survive now? system, how can those who lost a livelihood survive? if we survive bombardment, we cannot survive starvation. and um, i know i have a question. so how's your mouth law? this is what has become of jabante, a refugee camps and commercial avenue. it is now nothing but trouble and especially
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if it's hard to find out that just the law shamella as well as we mentioned, is written has expanded it's offensive in central and southern guns that were had on the palestinians to move from the north for their own safety, the military has begun the 2nd phase of its ground invasion in the account unison itself. it is gauze the 2nd largest city and home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians falls from the homes. is there any troops and tanks, the pushing along the la dean road, controlling the route all the way down to? i'll colorado here northwest of con eunice is ready. gun bates is stationed along the case, the road outer sheet, and that means it. israel has complete control of the guns is to main right, is ready. land and sea assault is completely isolated. central garza, particularly the city of the above, which is one of the few functioning hospitals, the outlet and this a lot of my colleagues, the refugee comes that also cuts off from the self. let's go to the knolls is ready for us. is there a battery in policy unified has in these red regions traded?
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read all the fighting and trip movements indicated that this real quickly dividing . the goal is to strip into 3 areas, the north central region and the south. i joined the buyer and con, who's in tennessee for us. so in retina, tell us more about the escalation festival in the south. well this house is very much the fire because for the is really mean what they've said is the that is a place where i'm asked has a commodity control center where many of the him ask him on does all included you can simulate is i like yeah, yeah, sing water. 2 but this is a very controversial move on paul to these radius because publicly they also said that they will go into this out the same way they did as the knowles of the gaza strip. this is something the americans simply didn't want them to do the americans . i mean, putting tremendous pressure on me is raised to mount as well, in a different way,
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to make sure that the civilian casualties were limited to make sure that humanitarian aid was getting into the strip. these really seemingly ignoring all of that they have said publicly and privately to the americans, that they will fight this will in the way that they see fit. so that's where we are right now. these are, is ready to, is standing out apparently to the americans and simply not listening to all of that pressure. same right, that the pressure is mounting on by midnight. yahoo! these ready prime minister from the families of captives that we heard from them earlier today. just hang on there for a 2nd. while we have a list, we are facing a very difficult emotional situation where the heavy disaster along with this i'm in the silence, has led 136 families to despair. we request a meeting with the word copy and that's to receive updates on the faith of our
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family members. now, now, not tomorrow. now, if you don't have time for us, we will go to someone else and we will find the one who would represent us. so what more do we know about this potential mainly between the families that will cover to what we know it was scheduled for 8 o'clock this evening, but then suddenly it was cancelled that will, these really said is they wanted more representatives of the families to be at that meeting, and until they could get that, it wasn't, it wasn't going to happen. the meeting is scheduled within the next 24 hours. let's see if it does take place, but the, bring them back campaign. the umbrella organization, the represents the families, has an extreme amount of influence. is ready. public opinion is what is res? i'll simply backing the family's desire for a seat by to bring every body home, but they haven't been able to put that direct pressure on the people. the account is ready,
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won't cabinet. they've been asking this for this meeting. what am i since the war began? they want clarity of what is ro, is exactly doing to try and get their family members back. um, ideally looking for a cx 5. they know that the previous east by what the people were able to get out. they want something like that. but in the current mood, the israel is in these really political, military and security establishment. it's unlikely that we'll see a sci fi and the timeframe that they want, which is as soon as possible already. mind thanks a lot to come and come now as well as ministry is conducting more rates and the occupied westbank at least one. palestinian has been killed in columbia and ramallah ministry convoys of into janine and the golf. and i brought in the self people engineer and say they had gone far as 2 neighbors were taken into custody to the. well, this was a, is there any forces in palestinian fighters exchanging 5 in the town of the calcutta products. and you know,
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for the officials say 2 people were killed during the is really rates the let's go to columbia. now need to, abraham is tiny by 1st. that is net, romano at in the occupied west bank and noticed that these rates just continue. yes. these rates are continuing at one of those places where i read the plot. the for 6 hours has happened is here at the bottom. there are 2 g. com. this is a place where the palestinian fighters also have confronted these really soldiers. militarily, we've seen footage around this area showing and is really soldier being injured and carried away from this area. no, according to the palestinians. what of here they say that the main goal of that reason the beginning has been to go to the stores in this area. now this is a mix barrier between the refugee kept the cool photo op up area which technically belongs to the jerusalem municipality. but because palestinians have not been
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guessing any services, many of them have not been paying a lot to all of their income tax. and they say that this is a rock down on them. there has been fines that have been also given and handed out to the store owners. some of them haven't been there and they only came now to see their stores big. it hits and damaged now also as a result of this read one, palestinian, the 32 year olds. the idea of pub has been killed. this is the morning house where we've been seeing people gathering to a basically gave their condolences to the families of highly to his father. he survived by his father and only one brother after his to siblings have. 8 this, well, this is an emotional day for this family specifically that they say that the id has been an active member in the community. he's been helping a lot people here in the refugee time helping keep people away from drugs from
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doing any bad things. so isn't really remembered fondly here among palestinians used to work at the cost comes please amongst the palestinian authority. now let me bring you some one who has been with the id and his very last moments as much what that he's been here at the pile of data. if you do come, when the incidents happened, let's listen in to the details that it was up there. so now tell me what happened to exactly and when, where you, where, where heavy may he rest in peace. we were standing here. he was next to me. we did not throw stones or we did not do anything. we were just looking at the army. and then there was a soldier who came to us and we will, i, we asked him where he had when he was injured. it was in his left shoulder from his shoulder till his chest. and then he opened the door. he's taking the car, the best cube. how. how did he opened the car? can you tell me more, which i'm not. so he was next to us on in the right and then the soldier to mccain
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. and he was holding the carrie held in his arms and when the cart came to take him, it was nothing on the long scar because the underlying spit he calls are not allowed to come to the cam. so things put him in a regular car. and when he got into the car and then the car hit the roads and then he was killed. so he did not through any we stones, there was no clashes with the i mean he was just sitting so we were not doing anything lucky. i thought it might be more, but again, there was no justification whatsoever why he would be killed and why your mother. so as you know is really a refugee camps has a lot of people who got killed a lot of people who are injured. and now we have an additional march here. tell me more about the genetic. how do you was an officer in the customs? he's a very good person. just, he did not. i did not mingle with people. he was just sit tank and they killed him . so he was not throwing stones,
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he was not engaged in any kind of confrontation can solve on this. that's it. that's what happened to me is may all the, marty's rest in peace, one low of the situation here. this is the 3rd son, the 2 we've got only died so, but it may god bless his family with patients. as you know, they also a group all the stores in our car and my brother was in the car and they also hit him. but york and they broke the car, they broke all the stores, but thank god for everything, all the sacrifices for the country. thank you. since october, the 7th, we're talking about more than 257 palestinians will have been killed here on the in the occupied westbank by is really forces. and sometimes with the intensity of the news, we to put the numbers of those palestinians who have killed. but each and everyone is dear to their families, each and everyone has a story. has
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a life has been cut short due to this is randy rates? absolutely. i need to thanks for that to need to. abraham reporting thank whitehouse delegation headed by a vice president to come to harris, his national security advisor phil golden has arrived and telling me more than this . let's speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly how can and kimberly. so tell us what, what do we know about this delegation, one of that goals, and as well. yeah, and then what would delegation is comprised that arrow heads up by the national security or really the person who is overseeing that policy for the vice president common le harris and you as you mentioned, his name is phil gordon, of the vice president was accompanying him as they met with arab leaders over the weekend, she says returned to the white house, but he has carried on to meet with his is really counterparts. and the reason is because there is a desire of the united states to work with the israelis to begin those discussions
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of what the post gaza conflict in terms of israel's war and ga. so it looks like in terms of governance. so the united states has one idea, israel has another and they're trying to kind of work on what would be a future. and of course include the vision of the policy, the people as well. we know that the palestinian people, at least some of them are wild about the palestinian authority. being in charge of the is really is, are not wild about that idea either. the united states thinks a revitalized policy authority might be something worth looking into, or even some sort of international type governance. so these are all conversations that are going to be lengthy, but the white house believes it's time to get started. what about the overall position of the white house of the administration of the ongoing assault on gauze?
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what we certainly see in the position of the white house shift from the early days of the early days of specifically after october 7th, when there was the attack by him, us in israel. what we saw was a very angry white house. it really said nothing more than israel has a right to defend itself and use very harsh language towards hom, us. now what we're hearing is something quite different given the high number of civilian casualties in gaza. in fact, the strongest where it's coming from the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, who said that failing to protect civilians drives the civilians into the arms of the enemy, meeting him us. what we've also heard is the words of the vice president who has been quite strong as well, where she said, there is an unequivocal responsibility of israel to follow it. international humanitarian law. something that we now does there have been reporting israel has
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not been doing it as military campaign at all. so she said the scale of suffering has been devastating. so this is very strong language from the vice president. it's clear that she has a vision for what posts me. the post conflict should look like. in fact, you spelled it out. she said that it should have no force displacement, no re occupation, no blockade, no reduction to territory. but also the last no is that their glasses should not be use sort of as a staging ground for any sort of future of is the white house called the terrorist activity. so the white house has some views. they're trying to work with the as rarely so on that, but it's clear the ship now is there is a priority. i'm protecting civilians in gaza. kimberly, thanks for that can be how could the, at the white house, and let's say this, i'm gonna just make notes as stephen soonest, who's a professor of politics and international studies at the university of san
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francisco and joins us now live from that student. great to have you with this, where all we ads with us at this moment, do you think david goes there and what's happening right now, and what will happen off to it's in and how is the us administration shifting its position according to how the public views it has your correspondence, know that there's been a notable shift in rhetoric, whether that's going to have any impact on the actual has really actions is another story of the bag in ministration is responding to increasing outrage among the american people that our country is essentially aiding and abetting work crimes on a massive scale. i mean, the polling data is quite extraordinary. never seen any quite like it that you know, nearly 70 percent of americans believe there should be a ceasefire. so it will cease fire including a, nearly a 85 percent of, of,
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of democrats and some earlier majority pose of us military additional us military age, israel. and so the administration, of course, is scrambling to try to a piece public opinion given that there's been a, a notable impact in the polls about biden's popularity around us. indeed, he is currently losing to trump and then a hypothetical race today. and that comes a large part because of a major drop in support from young voters and progressive voters from air americans, american muslims, constituencies of for the, for the democrats. so here's a, perhaps for moral reasons, but for at least for political reasons, there has been, you know, a pushing for israel to comply with the international mandatory law. so this is this thing develop potentially into an election losing issue to exactly exactly the same, for example, in 1968, when the democrats of nominated pro vietnam war, counted hubert humphrey,
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a lot of democrats stayed home. and nixon encounter narrowed victory some early john kerry in 2004 the support of the iraq war. lot of anymore. people stayed home or voted 3rd party. and again in bush and that of getting re elected in the early. and indeed, it was hillary clinton support for the iraq war of that the top and others kind of hammered on the ledger her and their loss in 2016. so we've seen before, how, when democrats go against your constituencies on issues of war and peace, especially when we're talking about large scale civilian casualties. there is a political price. benjamin netanyahu these ready prime minister, is seemingly who need determined didn't focus in continuing the destruction and the devastation, deaf to these appeals apparently from the us administration. one of the pressure can the united states bring to bed on israel to, you know, move more in that direction and ease of what you hear radically there any number of
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the united states to cut off military aid until israel agrees to stop attacking and agreed to allow for the establishment of a viable palestinian state along side is route or at least to freeze the supplement expansion and the rampages. by the far right, the westbank got a joyce melissa was there or you know, they could recognize the state of palestine as over a 130 other countries have been and then bring it to united nations as and to, to put sanctions. i mean that a lot of these 9 states could, but these aren't even on the cards. indeed. you know, the administration is, is using emergency powers to bypass congressional and public oversight. where the 2 folks who released stockpiles of weapons, including hellfire missiles, buster busting bon bucker, busting bombs, i mean, the very weapons that had been responsible for the or her effects, a civilian, a casualty exam, it almost reminds me the of us reagan and so there in the 1980s saying to are due, there are central american dictatorships, we are supporting,
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you better be better careful on human rights. well, you know, for continuing to provide the instruments that are going to allow them to continue the slaughter. yes, the invitations this will spread far and wide as think we're going to leave with that. but appreciate your perspective, stevens eunice, the soonest i should say, speaking to aside from san francisco. thank you. i said i had here and now does, there are more ports of deteriorating conditions inside is ready, jails. we hear from the parents, palestinians currently locked up in the right person and we have from the colleague of a photo of jonathan garza who was killed in it's really striking on friday the the route to you by visit capital color. we will have quite to whether coming in the cross ticket pots of southern china right with the next couple of days behind the
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cloud. just making just way out of the way this weather system had brought some very heavy right into taiwan is now moving out into the open waters. a few shouts for the fall, south of japan elsewhere slipping, good over the next day or so. but drive other across a good pos of china running down across the cream financially for the time being that sickening cap where they introduce something of a wintry mix. that as we go one through one, stay some step into north korea. some heavier rain coming into south, great before moving out across the sea of japan. plenty of showers across south east asia. some live the ones, particularly just around the malay potential that through some monstrous and very heavy rain coming in here. but for good positive indo china and i'll shoot you, i see what showers in that happened recently for the vietnam that most have as long as both of right. and then recently of course that is the side of india. we have cyclic and i'm the young now making his wife by the north with. kimberly look, you wins around 95 kilometers per hour. it is at about 6 maximum intensity. but to a lot of very heavy rain,
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full 200 to 300 millimeters. afraid that will cause flash flooding. it will also cause much lise, as a system makes this web at eastern side of india, grassy making its way throughout it, but this the quote to you by visit cuts on frank assessments for this placement thing. persecutions, it seems to be in full between what we see here, please log in. text that people in to change the reality, but drive it to lingering in depth analysis of the days headlines. do you think even the president of the united states, when he hasn't been able to get a humanitarian for he's been asking for days and days, has any sway of a private us and nothing else? in the inside story on al jazeera, one of the largest green spaces in atlanta, georgia is being cleared to build a $19000000.00 lease training facility i for. or the ford is the same that they
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want to join or forward sees the prosecution doesn't surprising. the construction of domestic to fix stream, it is the people that are talking about investing and social services that are considered extreme phone lines of what this means for the future of protest in america. now your terrorist on out you 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the, again, you're watching out your mind about top stories is and is ready for specific types of scrolling down to city. for hundreds of people in sheltering and many fed. the stuff though is school movements often strikes turn, whatever they could in the south. hospitals being overwhelmed by the number of
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casualties from is ready attacks, functions and struggle situations catastrophic. the we ended up being treated on flows and inc car doors. the least 3 palestinians have been killed in israel's latest rates and the occupied westbank. 2 were killed. 3, no friction of the town up at cafeteria. we saw exchanges of 5 between is ready forces and promising in fights. well since the beginning of israel's war, and johnson more than $3000.00 pallets and you've been detained in the occupied westbank many without charge. how do i go? how many did spoken to some recently released prisoners in hebron about the pieces the experience behind boss? this is a start email. it was 2 30 in the morning when the soldiers walked into their backyard, ransacking everything in their wake. they were off to him that cut off his duty, but up an 18 year old nursing student. the
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really bad at the the anguish of a helpless mother watching her blindfolded, due to being led away a few hours later. and that is with the things that she has the words, the recently released detainees ringing in her head. on this man on it, we all heard about the beatings, the strip searches and the insults the threats of raping a child alone, surrounded by between 20 to 40 soldiers. i do not know what she's going through right now. what kind of a russ meant? everything is possible, but then this 1st task is to find out where her daughter has been taken information . the soldiers refused to give her. once the person is taken away, the family is left on his own to figure out where that loved one has been transferred to. so usually they rely on n g o, like the father sitting in prisoner society. it has been documenting all of this
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ascension, and more importantly, collecting all the testimonies the finds, the former prisoners and those of 100 still in jail are kept here. and it's clear that after her master's attack on october, the 7th, many rules went out of the window and confront connect. i mean, there are a threats, but no rate cases. some soldiers try to touch the goals, bodies well that dine folded. it's a form of sexual harassment that according to his reading or at least the male soldiers can access the male cells. that doesn't happen anymore. it okay. yeah, i'm going to was asleep when these really forces came for her. as she was led the way she was told to do a study still in the she was yelling. did you see how the rape that women, how they'd be hated children? he told me that he will be these main to do business with me. i told him, go ahead. what was i supposed to say? then we will. how did, how share in present for interrogation? some goals needed sanitary pads,
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but they refused to give it to them. and perhaps it's more difficult for me and to speak out. but ramsey loved best. he thinks it's important. he was released on the same day as rookie up from the cup of prison. well, i shall not be at home, none of myself. we have some method to go into them. they would lock 12 people at a time in the bathroom, just like an one ton them all the prisoners were led away in their underwear. they even swipe the prisoners cards in people's buttocks. they would filmed the sexual harassment. the officer in charge would beat us on the genitals in front of male and female soldiers. they would enjoy it. it was like being in a horror movie 6 palestinians died in jail since october the 7th. rumsey is still coming to terms with how he survived those dark days. and his thoughts remained with the thousands of palestinians held in israel. mostly was no charge for that. how many of the 0 headboard a now or was a brutal,
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the civilians pay the highest price and all sides. in garza, the sheer scale of death and destruction has been immense. many of michigan fit that more than 15899 people have been killed in 59 times. that is an average of $270.00 palestinians killed every day. put that in perspective, in the 2nd world war, more than 43500 civilians were killed during not to germany's bombing of major british cities that was over a period of more than 8 months. with an average of a 177 people killed every day between 19921995 during the war and both now nearly a 100000 civilians were killed in about 4 years before that's an average of 74 people killed every day and then ukraine as of late last month, do you and has documented the desk of at least 10000 civilian since rushes invasion last february, or about 15 people killed on average every day which is fall, fall blow garza's average of $270.00 deaths on average every day. let's bring in
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your civic one and he's a professor of political science and international relations that cut a university use of. so actually blinking was intel to be very recently just this week at a goal for israel to be more precise and it's targeting the 2nd phase of or we seeing that. but we haven't, but obviously the united states of america has loosened its fund and obviously more from the do whatever you want to support you to proceed with caution. but it seems to me that these are the government. that's basically nothing. you know, and these, that we want copies of not just need the fence or you mean the a to be what pop into the 7 or for all but uh own. and he's intelligent intelligence failed. and basically who wants to take the virtual, whatever happens. he's, he thinks that the us,
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despite change in each stands the students you for to produce done. right. so is ready, government, not listening, getting its own way. meanwhile, the message from the united states used to be to resolve and there's pressure on the us administration, isn't the upcoming election that seems to be developing and election issue with the the there is a lot of pressure on the us government itself. and if we look for this is the words used by vice president, that suggests the message is coming home. any human being who sees the video is coming out of it goes up with the field. there is, but with a sort of see it under with thing that is like is taking the very, very, have you had indeed even with the situation we've seen these different waves of diplomacy coming across from united states from washington. and right now there's this vice presidential delegation in town and tell of eve, what are they hoping to achieve? do you think what they're talking about? did they often? but i think the,
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the main point of the with not the moment is trying to put extra pressure on the, usually the government's not to do what they have to do with lifestyle. because like the, the difficult stuff you would point to not show that the destruction is, must save. it's not just about about getting the, how about slow dealership, but thinks about the complete destruction of does the, indicating of as many policemen as possible. on the one hand is important, of course to, to deal with what is happening right now, but many will argue that at some point the find to use going to stop. so it is important to look at the day often. but yeah, definitely definitely, it's important to look at the date of that, but what seems to, what's the, what the americans of these ladies of the agreement about is that they often we thought how boss in the, in does uh and uh, we would do it basically because of being with that too is like, i don't think for the time being that's very, very difficult to achieve. we by,
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with all the civilian losses because how most, as we speak is, and you know, maybe the pressure from inside the line when bring good the government to what do you think it struck easy and maybe a says file to ensure that the hostages come back home. all right, yes, i believe a different time. he thanks very much indeed. he went down to 50, think not personal advocate, say at least 61 john. listen, media workers have died in the war on gaza. the committee to protect you on the says, the 1st month of the conflict was, was full media workers in more than 50 is now one test. so, so off was one of the latest casualties. it was a free lunch kind of run for the turkish unto agency and was killed on friday and then is randy astro. i could, along with several members of his family. earlier i spoke to him, could alright, is one of his friends and colleagues also working in casa. he used to text me every single day. i am alive with a happy smile, emoji,
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and i was always telling him to kid once i said, we love you, we beat even you and me stay safe, but we feel towards that, but we would not able to go to the north to give him the last good bye to even bring him. we don't know if who grade him words. he great. we don't know anything and it's not only me. the said it's his brother to and weeks before the star gets his father was killed and other family members were killed. he was working after those time and he was scared when the target at his house. he was a very kind hearted person and everyone loved him and there's a very famous real on his instagram's heating kitchens. he was this person who cares about everyone, even animals and kitchens, and he was a very beloved person. you carry on doing this in porky work and you'll find
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a john this to and, and as he was to, can you tell us how it is for you, as you said about doing this work under such intense pressure and immense personal risk. it's very hard for us and it's heartbreaking. every single day we wake up on explosions, we barely see if we could barely have a couple of hours. it's sometimes received from the amount of like where it were very tired. i think you heard the explosion. this is like what we are hearing all the day, but at the end of the day, we feel that we need to continue. we feel like we need to report. we need to tell the stories. there are a lot of stories that have been the voices that i've been silenced, that i've been killed. but we're still here and we will still, we have the ability to carry the message of all of these people. it's very heartbreaking and unworthy. i agree to today we did not have any arch in the markets where anything to keep us standing and going on, but it's,
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it's 6. now until now we had 0 food. we only have had like a couple of p, walter of the scituate, all of the like, surrounding situation is hard. but there's something that's keeping us going on. i don't really know what it is. the something is we are always making go she thing and talking with each other. like how do we still covering how our recent editing? how are we still doing all of this job? and there's something that's motivating us every single day to keep on telling the stories. and we believe that we're very important. and we hold a very huge weight on our shoulders to carry the message of all of these millions of people in gaza right now. have you ever thought of giving it up? i mean, nobody would blame me if you did and, and just sort of seeking your writing safety. i think me for me as in know i, i don't, i won't give up. i don't think like i'm going to give up. i'm very passionate about
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what i'm doing. we lived very hard day's in gaza. we went through this a lot of being displaced and we have been displaced for more than than 3 or 4 times right now. and now, is there any forces are calling us to evacuate to the south, but we are in the south or but with all of this like being worried about our families during worried about our so continuous excursions. there's something, nothing me not to give up. and i swear, i don't know what's this, but i love palestine and they love god. is people the name of my country? and i think this is the only thing that's keeping me going despite everything and despite the danger and despite the risk of risking our lives. but to be honest, like after all of this destruction, and after all of the skinning, i feel like there's no meaning for life anymore. and is this, i want to spend the last minutes and spend my life reporting. even if it's going to
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be like the last thing i'm going to do in my life and condemn remembering our friend and colleague and tasa. so no human rights organizations of law is to a case against the thought states accusing it of complexity and the coming of civilians and gone to the netherlands has been challenged for its role in the export of f. 35 point to jet, paused to his ro, we'll see what's happening in gaza, obviously in the to thousands of people getting killed there at the moment. and you know, we were already a pull by the fact that the ducks government just politically supporting what's happening there. but then we found out that they're also supplying elements so side to jets, to israel, despite the fact that they know there is a risk that civilians will get killed by that. so that's where we drew the line and said, you know, we need to go to court to fight this. while it says that president has more from the hague to these 8 organizations and also human rights organizations say that the not lens is violating international weapon suite. is by ascending the said
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a spare parts of f, $35.00 to israel. i have to say they made quite an emotional plea this morning here in the court in the hague. as far as you know, since october 7, one shipment of the spare parts has been supplied to israel, even though the people at the customs office and also legal experts had warranted the government against it. saying it could face legal challenges. basically what these 8 organizations are saying is that these f, 30 fives, are being used against the civilian population. and guys end up makes the netherlands complicit. the dutch, they made an argument that so this uh, these f 35 jet switch off very advanced a very important to as well for it's a regional security, but also even for the existence of the state of israel. but also they set because of their relationship between an ad once and the united states and israel,
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they run the risk if they stop sending them that this relationship is at risk. so lawyers of the 8, okay, so the organization side is very much economical and political reasons and no human, it's terry and raised instead the, this lawyers of the states and we're using of but they also argued that, you know, of course, there's a lot of money involved in these shipments so that could be quite the loss of the state if these shipments are being stopped. because they've been reporting israel's been increasing its attacks and gallons. a southern city of hon. units of thousands of people who live them directly in the line of fire, among them is somebody to iraq who's experiencing bull without the ability to hear . this is the story. i
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guess the, [000:00:00;00] the most of the fish is. yeah. and the, the,
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the 1st of the shed is gone me the
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way this the keys to be of service. and then let's see the reactor. my thomas, i've had the still ahead here now does it 0 the am or not?
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you had a view in climate conference gaze on the defensive, often making controversial comments about fuels
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the or the the the okay, let's take a look at some of the world news now. and the filipino i mean as low as the launch scale man hunt for this island to pump. the christian gathering in the south coming for people i saw says it carried out the attack during sunday mass at a university in the city of neurology. and i'm going into now the region has seen financing and recent years between the military and on groups linked to iso.
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finally, lo has more now from the why city quite sunday, meant for worship, turns into commotion. a bomb rips through a catholic, gathering into sudden philippine city. where are we killing several people in injury. dozens. more of the kind of explosion was so strong. it felt like lightning struck has to be and suffered a deep cutting or toe. and her husband nearly lost his eyesight, but the grateful their life. a 31 year old eventually, i don't mean it wasn't as lucky. her brother aquino, investment laborers and that they learned about her and saw her body on social media. when i 1st saw the picture, i cried and said in front of my wife, eventually, and where are you? why did you leave us? a keener says he's accepted eventually, and space senior security officials here for a promise to bring the perpetrators to justice here. but they say they've launched
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the operation to search for persons of interest. but won't the bolt much else i saw has claimed responsibility for the bombing of a gymnasium in morales city. now president ferdinand marcus junior bains what he calls warrants, harris, security official say. they're still looking into all possible angles. they've 0 then. and fighters with they think baby retaliating against reason, defensive the resulted in the killing of their leaders and have suspected ties with deisel. we cannot do the see for sure whether uh these are foreigners, i mean, so the philippines and doing the or whether these are affiliated groups to 40 and edwards groups or even the government is deployed additional troops to me or are we in the rest of the southern region,
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but as assured the public that there is no imminent threat. part of it though, i'll just there are always city southern philippines. at least 50 people have been killed in nigeria. i'll shoot nice dental drains drank on the certificate due to state security spokesman, and samuel otto, one describes it as an unfortunate incident which happened during an army operation of india and have been taken to a hospital in the death told was expected to rise miniature operations have increased in the area of the several security breaches and could do the effort or the m around the president of the you and climate conference is facing criticism offer link video when she questioned the science behind phasing out fossil fuels. sultan my don't java who's also ahead of you a state oil company. it says he respects climate science and says his comments in the video was taken out of context. the video of his spots, an outcry from environmental campaign. that's one statement taken out of context. with misrepresentation,
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i miss interpretation that gets maximum coverage again, i respect tax respect numbers and these are the facts on the ground. unfortunately, starting out for look at the latest votes headlines, his for a parcel on a beach, athletic of madrid, to move up to a 3rd lake. i fell free to get in. the winter came from a player contracted to the opponent as well. felix is on a season long, long from athletic oh he's for the only goal and a one on victory, which means var so leap from their opponents in the sam e. manchester city and dropped to an independent living. and they were involved in a 6 full sweller was talking him son who news for the opener for 1st, before he puts a goal in his own that after another goal, a case of jazz really
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a stomach, he found a winner in a 1st minute to make it 310, but then cool assessing ground and last wiser for it to finish 33, city or 3 points at the rest of meters are. so let me pull for 2 labels and maybe full and 4th, reading moving to 2nd in ways to really strikes. so well difficult to take the least twice trust and trans alexander on with. and then from alexis with home start who responded and bobby de cordova resubmitted 3 tier with 10 minutes remaining. a goals from what to row and now and then a 2nd. alexander arnold sales also point of the issue goals can to pouring in is 10 minutes. chelsea, how long victor against brian chelsea were to one off at half time and so fernandez my, they, caldwell scoring and so forth. and this might corner gallagher's sending fernandez
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for again, for the side hold on to a $32.00 tire which says he's made significant progress after completing full rooms and has come back from new painting for the 1st time since undergoing ankle surgery. in april. what's finished? 18th here, well challenge as a target, a smoke coming back next year. i haven't done it a while. i haven't done with michael the way it is now. and. and i was excited to each and every day to kind of get through it and test our piece in rounds together again. i mean, i haven't done this in a long time, so it was fun to feel that again. and so i hope support essentially is worse than is being in the 1st one day international winnings chase down there. target was 7. last is fair to the question and those are your sports headlines you can get more on our website. the al jazeera dot com and our social media channels. it's like for, that's it for me, the cloud for this news uh pay more full and a website south zurich dot com is the address or with these recovery, right?
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they're kind of coming to the analysis too. i'll be back in a couple minutes is more of a continuing special coverage. the gaza is under for the past 16 years. wars and related so fast. a lot of people are, are dying. a lot of people are under the levels of building who's a piece of schools, pieces we come see mobile and we up the way you go is files. most talk a was after a 19 hours search commander lee and his crew had almost given up hope they'd lost track of a boat carrying migrants heading to spain. but on their way back to ports the radar,
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detect something there. it is a light shining in the distance for navy commandos prepare to port the wooden fishing vessel their mission to bring all the passengers onto the navy ship women and children. as we sailed back to ports, anger turns to anguish and shame each thinking of the wind $1000.00 going to waste, fix it because the majority in there now, going to have to return home empty handed at don't depaulo docs, syndic leads, security forces. take the migraines into custody. it is that mission accomplished for it. spanish and syndic. these forces keeping europe safe and free from africans in search for
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a better life. expo 2023. the world, the fascination of join em, let's discover a better world expo. 2023. the. the is ready setting talent is a school in dallas. the city live, hon displays palestinians for sheltering the for the clock. this is out 0 and life in the house. it coming up. the human cost of


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