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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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so the carbon credits essentially committed to inquire mental protection and has an investment climate to digital licensing. your better tomorrow, the hello nick long. this is the news on line from the coming up in the next few minutes. the. is there any time to sponsored on the outskirts of con eunice in garza? so this is real expensive, so we pursue them in northern because we're now pursuing some us in cells and because of to israel battles to continue it's
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offensive. and so i've gone through with thousands of palestinians were initially told to go for the safety shilling targets a school in gauze. a city where displaced in front of tennessee into sheltering fuck the escalating bought into the occupied westbank at least 3 more postings. we killed the so it is 1800 u n t. that is just past 8 pm in gauze of israel's bump up into the strip is unrelenting times. have been spotted on the outskirts of con eunice, in southern gaza. and the policy was, israel struck the i said ellis of to always school, it's in the outraged neighborhood of gauze and city were hundreds of people have been sheltering movements off to the attack. many had to flee, carry just whatever they could in the south hospitals becoming overwhelmed. doctors
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describe the situation as catastrophic. the wounded of being treated on flows in, in car doors. and i have a crowd of facilities with a limited supplies the how they got for the, the israel's unrelenting strikes in the south and reducing time neighborhoods to revel more than half of the homes in gauze i have been destroyed or damaged by his regular time since october the 7th. when his role had previously off published, it means to move from the north for the safety. the ministry has begun the 2nd phase of its ground invasion, the hug eunice in the south. it is gauze the 2nd largest city in home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians, forced from the homes, is ready, trips and tanks are pushing all along the seller and the dean road controlling the routes all the way down to of colorado. in north west of hon. eunice,
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is there any gun but it's just stationed along the coastal road held our sheet and that means it is real, has complete control. if it goes as to main roads, is there any land and sea salt is completely isolated? central goes it, particularly the city of the butler, which has one of the few functioning hospitals the out and so that, and because the refugee camps rules the cutoff from the cell. and then know also is ready for us is a buffering. palestinian fights is in these regions shaded. read all the fighting and treat movements indicate that this real could be dividing dollars a strip into 3 areas, the north, the central region, and the south. target capital zoom has more now from 100 units in southern guns. the people inside the gaza strip are really terrified from the relentless funding. they are afraid to have a kind of a new scenario. similar to what happened in the north of gauze where people were forced to flee. the houses that have been,
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again attacked on the south of the church. we as there is no, any safe place for them to take shelter in. now for further clarification about the humanitarian situation on the south, we are now joined by mister. i've did will have how much he is a palestinian residencia, who had been evacuated from his house from the central area of gauze. i'm mister ogden, will have a thank you so much for your valuable time to do to last me about the humanitarian situation. on the south of the gaza strip as the compartment continue in these areas. thank you. try to thank you for bringing me in. the humanitarian situation here in the south is dire. it's marked with this compartments causing a significant loss of life and damage. this was combined by a total equipment being uh, see, and then located in bozeman garza and this, well, this has raffish d a over the debilitated infrastructure and undermine the over the vendor i've been
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living conditions was unfolds here in gaza. is the genocide, it's an ethnic cleansing. it shakes the very basic foundation of human values as this work and conflict. a continues in this, the stated land, the world would witness the consequences of floor on the honest train bower giving by is are and by, by the words. unfortunately, i the, the cost of for heating does that is not just and tried to good things and the last of flies, but also in the over own a globe but mode or decay on topic in the coming days. guys that will absolutely becomes as simple, and that's only for the immediate, the pleasure, the but also as the birth of a globe. but if it continues on the consequences of war and how it is really important to preserve the human integrity as well, that was going as a resident abdulla how about how much speaking to across pun intended, upwards him in hon. eunice. let's good view. now from tell of even joined by him or i am con. so at,
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in ron what's being said that we have this ready expansion into this house. i was anticipating what was the defense base? the glance has been speaking exactly about by he was actually in the shoot, a neighborhood just east is been garza city just a few hours ago. you issued a statement. yeah. she said that this would ongoing operation to break because a strict will continue. yeah. that the all me began operations in the southern gaza strip and in parallel with a continuation of his opperation and the northern gauze and strip of the fate of those. he described. ready habits as in the self will be, was most of it from the fate of those in the north. i think at this point, american pressure to go in with less intensity into the south of gauze or simply hasn't been aided by the is really the americans have a continue to say that if you do go in to the south of goals,
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you need to be mindful of civilian casualties. i need to get into monetary an aide and that doesn't seem to have had any effect. these riley's very publicly saying that they are going to amount this operation the way they want to do it. now that is a wood cabinet meeting scheduled for tomorrow. they may, will be discussing humanitarian aid. that's what we're hearing. but these really calculus have to get you monetary and 8 in the strip is one of the bargaining chip . it's a bugger and chipped to get people the captive out. and if they start doing that without negotiating over the face of those captives, that is something that they feel make some slight the week of when it comes to negotiations with how this a relative clause, precious mounting on benjamin netanyahu from the families of the captives apart from anywhere else and we heard from them already today. so let's just have a listen to what, let's say we are facing. it's very difficult emotional situation. whereas the heavy
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disaster along with this i'm in the silence, has led 136 families to despair. where you request anything with the word copy and that's still receive updates on the faith of our family members. now, now, not tomorrow. now, if you don't have time for us, we will goes to someone else and we will find the one who would represent us. yes, a pretty determined demand from the families. what's being the response of rent? well, they do have that meeting. it has been schedule is due for some time tomorrow it was scheduled for today, but it was been cancelled up by the israelis at now was the, the families assigned to bring them back. campaign has a tremendous amount of influence on public opinion. there's a tremendous amount of public sympathy for them to get their loved ones back out of goal. is that the goal? so seeing the fact that the ceasefire works that they were able to get people,
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i don't want to be looking to push the is really government to try and bring about another safe spot in order to be able to do that with they'll be successful or not remains to be seen, but this isn't metering. they have been. ready in full, almost since the little cabinet was actually set up. uh those please fell on deaf ed that fast. but like i say, just because they were able to galvanized public opinion, the little cabinet is now going to meet with them. we're hearing it is actually going to be they full will cabinet, which will include permanence to benjamin netanyahu. and it will include the defense minister as well. you know, go onto it, run, thanks a lot to him or, and con, i took him from tel aviv. we are going to stay until the beef, not because we can speak to a 100 different and advertised is really good, genuine joins as live from tel aviv and was going to try and get a better understanding of, of what's going on on the ground from is really a perspective bring it in general from your point of view. and what's your assessment, where we're at in israel's campaign and goes, uh,
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what does this real looking to achieve in the coming weeks? i'm getting sent to me. i just want to to, to get to that uh for sure, uh shoulder every month to the successful, the 6th, the 7th. and the 6th of october. we use, well i would say most of the, most of these really it's got them in the 3 uh, secure organization. believe that giving the subject of the senior good luck and licensing the easiest way to use the full 15 percent of the population of guys always higher salaries, but their life and the money come again on the 7 days of october, every single shut down in a surprise no, i don't believe the building. oh oh, the version or the 6, the 6 of october 7th street. everybody was taken by surprise,
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which is uh send um i shopped in these what a society in a way we have never seen chapter such um below the site and we understand that. so just spinning forward to where we're at now. and the fact that we've had this, the initial, the initial hosting expire, and then what's happening in the south? how do you with that? just, okay. i just went to the keys, let me finish 51 because we need it for my children, right? do you have it would be fantastic going forward. the 7th of october. that's probably be just better uh for me to um, the total for the taking prisoners in the state. this be your use all these comfortable with all the concerns that the people with cancer who goes to doesn't usually like they were thinking of the
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hosting is. so these are the people that the piece of fighting for bc, me is when they, when they can know these people, they say no more, we don't want the sky. the thing for this isn't smart the we just, i just is, or if we need to move away from the space that we just wanted to talk about, that was happening operationally. if we kind of everything view has to be discussed at some length. the, if you can distribute your expertise, if you would, is we don't have that much time, but it varies with these. if you would just on the operational process that's going on for them is ready perspective. if you could just off of that expertise, that would be great cuz we're going to check exactly what a doctor because we hosp this is a positive issue because federal ministers both on the phone and basically what the going to receive from being paid or questions. again, is that targeting to use your log in because it's targets upon us can be effective for monthly and even us because, you know,
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they're the general manager of sioux falls because no, don't get to the news. we're being part of the, from us we're going to vision on the ceiling cause they gave me these as to these issues that we have been discussing. i really want to bring in for to now, if you would. so i just told you about what, what is really a target is what the planning, the hoping to achieve in the coming weeks is what's new expires. what are the so as well as the ending themselves, we've got to be honest, on many own kinds of arguments related to how much is going to be dishonest as well. rightly between stake another into the moms finished to spend the corporations major are good, then i think you've always been diagnosed or don't be i suppose these file and to be 3 right on on a smaller,
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smaller scale to get to read the live over on this uh, capabilities which would be no. uh, it's a good it in the bone if it cities, but not does that infrastructure that can be a stripe. uh there a use where the neighbor, the big, the neighborhood and these are a 0. all right, that is a plenty more to come yet is what you're saying at least a month and then many weeks will friday else that every time i bring it in general, and i definitely appreciate your time in washington says it's too early to tell if he's available, he us advice of protecting civilians in gaza. here's what the state department spokesman said just a short while ago. unfortunately, we do expect to see civilian casualties as a result of this campaign that is sadly true in all wars. it is especially going to be true in a war in a crowded urban environment where the opponent from us is using civilians as human
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shields and hiding themselves hiding their fighters, hiding their infrastructure behind civilians. so what we have made clear to is realize that we expect them to comply with international humanitarian law and didn't do everything they can to minimize civilian harm. so we don't see a repeat in the south of what we saw in the north and with respect to that, where at the very early stage of the operation, i think it's due to seem to draw definitive conclusions. well, the white house delegation headed by vice president tomlin harris is a national security advisor for gordon, interrupt, and television for more than this. and what we just heard from the state departments that speak to it can be how it will start the state department 1st. and kimberly if, if you will come and see on this raise, it is rain expansion in the south of gal. is that what more did you here? oh well, what we're hearing there is really the state department putting the blame for the high number of palestinian civilian casualties. not on the is really military that
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is responsible for the campaign is responsible for and dropping the large numbers, munitions that have resulted in more than 15000 deaths. but instead, what we're hearing is the state department, placing the blame on how mosque and how they're doing that is by saying, but how boss is imbedding itself inside of churches, mos schools and hospitals. and as a result, that is why there are these high number of civilian casualties because as we see the is really military going after these offered is civilians are caught as part of collateral damage. but of course, the international condemnation for the disproportionate number of civilian casualties would certainly beg to differ with that explanation. and so we united states a certainly having to find alternative explanations. and this is certainly one of
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them. it does have a little bit of a challenge from the vice president's own words, as she was meeting very recently over the weekend with air of leaders and following that meeting did points out. but a, this time for the is really military to follow humanitarian law. and that the numbers of civilian casualties didn't hurt hit. her words are simply devastating. right? and speaking with chevy, the white house delegation in tennessee right now. what more do we know about what they're hoping to achieve? but what are the names of that? well, the vice president campbell of harris is now back in the united states, but her delegation travelled with her to those meetings with arab leaders is still ongoing. they are now in israel. and what we know is that her national security advisor, phil gordon, is meeting with his is really counterparts. the reason for this is that the united
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states is already starting to explore with the israelis what post governance in gaza looks like. now. we are having those conversations. israel says that it is not willing to have him, us running it as it has been previously or the palestinian authority even if it is a revival as palestinian authority. and so the united states is also exploring the option of perhaps some sort of international body. but so far, many of these have been the ideas that have not been welcomed by the as rarely still the united states is presenting this discussion and they're also doing it with 5 key principles. and that is no force displacement, no reaku patient, no blockade, no reduction of territory. and also that gaza should no longer the eyes of the united states. and israel be used for any stage in ground for any future types of attacks against israel. kimberly thinks about to can be held at the, at the white house. let's talk zone up randall together without 0 senior political
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. i'm his mom for sure. welcome on at say, start with the white house delegation intel of eve right now, as companies saying, talking post governance garza, what's gonna happen of to, well, the hostility stopped, but i mean, you know right now is the hosting that he's a raging hundreds of being killed pretty much every day at, with any pressure becoming further pressure be coming from you guys have ministration via that delegation to try and get these is real, to ease off that. no, that's not the kind of delegation that this is, this is more of a delegation that's about to listen or so listening delegation. uh, because i think uh, washington is trying to formulate policy and it has uh, its people in his rather than the region trying to gather as much opinions and information as possible in order to make what the court educated decisions. right. informed decisions. but i could tell you, i'm not sure this is too much of an inside baseboard, as i said in america,
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about sort of, you know, little in, into the details of i don't know the american politics, but there are 2 people now in the mid size of the decision making process in america, that's a very, very influential one is the brit my good. who handles the middle east that the white house. and he's kind of an old fashion realist who doesn't give a damn about them at least and just spoke. and he cares about the american interest and then at least very short sighted very, as i said, influential, 100 percent for his read a 100 percent, doesn't care about the sign. and so as of right, what's the oil he wants to enter as he wants to commerce and that kind of thing. and there's even change. on the other hand, the man who is now going there. uh carol phillips. uh, gordon is the national security advisor of, uh, the vice president brought the book on the recently for the loan game about why
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americas co attempts and them, at least have always failed at the very high cost to the united states. and in fact, the united states now is involved with this, or i didn't, and you know, doing it a bit of a little regime change in gaza. i mean, that's what they're doing. right. and he talks about over exaggerating the threats un, under estimating the costs. and he talks about, uh, just the, you know, the, the various ways in which each and every could you thought the america was behind, they ended up back fighting, right? so there are 2 approaches that one up for us from the likes of fin, gordon, another from dr. me a brad mccork. and i think both of them would probably be gathering papers and ideas to their superiors. right now this is just sort of jump into those 2 problems here. so that then there's this team looking for what's gonna happen afterwards. and as you know, the likes of ad blinking, who's trying to push for,
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to ease things off a little bit. and to make things a little better in terms of age, going into gaza for disability pellets into that. yes, i mean, but i think, i think in that sense, once it gets to biden and blinked at these, that decision had been made. right. and i think just that the mid size technocrats been dead massages are quite influential because, you know, by that is visit with the world. right. is busy with the restaurant china and domestic affairs and everything else in between. the same thing goes with lincoln, and i think it's interesting that we are now in the process whereby they are going to themselves and to buy them, especially to decide what the day after look like. because one thing is to say to state solution. another thing is to put some beef on the bone, what the, what does it, what does it mean from such a research? especially when his rad something you reject the notion of 2 steps solution. in fact, if not then, you know, now it goes up and says, okay, i agree with it as a by then here's the government for sale or for the next day, he is not convinced his partner is not convinced. arguably at least 9090 percent of
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the 90, i should say 90 out of 120 following periods. and these are the kiddos that are not from best do not want to use that. so you should is there are just not ready for it to say don't wanted that towards that injected the even most of them including discover my project dealing with the understanding or thought of the, the moderates and ramallah, who until today would not even interfere to any which way in sort of dietary with the browser and gaza. right. so even vast, but a single sort of thing that has been operating security wise with this red is not acceptable to the government. so hold on. that's to say that the likes to fill gordon and deluxe on 5th, a breath, my girlfriend, the likes of everyone else that we know about from sort of and to blink. and need to gather some ideas about how realistically to pursue their policy. once the fighting stops or wants to fight to wind down, right?
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because there's an understanding now that this might be like, there's my goal in front of up to 3 weeks. at least the kind of fighting we see. but then the kind of fight thing would change, but the fighting would continue. meaning is that will no longer be kidding. so for a 100 today, as they are doing today. and you know, it's kind of upset when you heard the state department's costs versus saying why there's not really a really yet clear whether or what advice to is or it has reached them yet, or not. what we know that they how, you know, they're not responding because they just give us. i mean i'm, i'm blessing god of discussed. yeah. they just give a 1000 people to the last 48 hours and then markers us. and one thing of that these readers are listening or not. well, let me tell them, the american spokesman is there is not listening to you doesn't give a damn about you, it's a human, it's and you'd have ministration. it says north or your red lines. right on leave with that. thanks a lot moment push our senior political analyst at before we move on. just want to for you. the news why there's just prompt saying that telecommunications have been
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cut off in the gaza strip, so that could presage another nights of activity telecommunications console in the gaza strip. us. all right, as we be reporting, israel has been increasing so tight as in the southern city of han eunice, thousands of people who live bare with directly the far among them is experiencing people without the ability to hear. this is the story, the the
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most of the fish. yeah. the 1st of the most of the news is gone. we the
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or the week of october to the see the reactive comments on how to the,
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the story of how much i grew up in the rooms of fun units. all right, so the head here and now does, are we hearing from the colleague of a fight to join us and gaza, who was killed them, is really struck on friday, the
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color, the weather as long as the set fire across much of the arabian peninsula. so some quite weather coming through here because a little more cloud cause northern parts of the middle east and that will rash, they slide its way into the live answer. running one of the 2 sat was down across the rock. i don't need to know the pos of saudi arabia that's push up into the bank then because we have got a couple of what that is on the costs here. and that will affect garza and the occupied territories. typically tuesday afternoon, going on into wednesday. it will move through, it will make way for the next by the system. so we are looking at more shelves just around that is to sort off the met it's radius. some of them could be heavy at times. one of the showers also affecting the far north of africa, northern areas of algeria, through tennessee, using further east, which as we go on through white and stay still a few showers into west africa, but nothing too much to speak of to whatsoever is on the other side of the constant and then we are still looking at some rather live the showers into northern parts of times in a way we have seen that. busy busy full flooding,
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recently more live the showers coming through here, just adding to the problems that are already the in place by the se, and retry, although a few showers for the east in k. and then little cooled at that, which i had this book of the unique perspective, i think being policy, there's a huge part of my identity voices. you don't often hear how are you doing today? i almost forgot how my life used to be before the aggression of the gaza strip started. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. question for me is very, very critical. as an attack in this specific area during me, out of these boards is and the rest of the team, the stream on algebra, one of the largest green spaces in atlanta, georgia is being cleared to build a 19 $1000000.00 lease training facility i for all the ford is the same that they
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were rejoined. both ortiz, across keesing doesn't surprising the construction of domestic stream. it is the people that are talking about investing in social services that are considered extreme phone lines of what this means for the future of protest in america. now your terrorist on out you 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the other guy you want, you know, there are mind about top stories this and is really tanks of being sponsored on the outskirts of con, eunice in garza's cell. this comes is really expands this attacks across districts
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in the south hospitals of being overwhelmed by the number of casualties from israeli attacks. don't just describe, the situation is catastrophic. we ended up being treated on flows, and then car doors is ready for us. as of all sort types of scrolling dogs, a city where hundreds of people have been sheltering, many for the outside outlets of how each school name itself to the strike carrying whatever they could is really is many trees conducting more rates in the occupied westbank, at least one palestinian has been killed in columbia. net ramallah ministry come voice of and to the janine of the north and hyper on in the south. people engineering say they had gone far as 2 neighbors were taken into custody to above. and that says, ready forces in palestinian fighters exchanging fire in the ton of cookies policy. the for the officials say 2 people were killed, jury is randy rates. let's go straight away to columbia mirabella and we looked
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quite westbank needed abraham. a correspondence standing by for sarah anita the rates just keep on going yes and not only raids, but these way the forces violence against fell seniors. we just got the news from the house and it has to be that 23 year old and the flu has lost his life in size near hopper on to the south of the occupied west bank after he's been shot along 5 another 22 years old. and one of them has to come through with me why the other is still receiving a care or medical care. now this brings the tooth of, of palestinians who were killed was ready for his fire since the beginning of today to for palestinians raising the to sort of kind of cities who have been killed also . but the 7 to 258. hello simeon, just in that short of time, and we've already been seeing those res, intensifying across the occupied website. say nice any minutes, any hour of the day,
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saying for as long as they with us times killing palestinians. and we've seen also the killing of the shooting that was filmed the cameras of a few days ago just of a 2 year old and us in the wood in the do you need. so that gives you an idea about this tension here in the occupied westbank that has already been brewing before the war. and it's still continuing on intensifying after. maybe we've also been hearing from us state department tonight that they've said that the at the step seems really government has taken to a drastic stream is cycle of vitamins in the west bank are not sufficient. what more can you tell us around this? well, paulson is with tell you not, sufficient is a simple word to describe the really forces at these written system. and its way of dealing with is really some of those will have been increasing the attacks against fellow students. you know, for some they were telling us that october the 7th has given such as even more of
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a free hand to launch their attacks against palestinians. and this has been empowered by years and years of some of those casings. i need convictions by these really system when it comes to their violence against the city as just 2 days ago. and 2 nights ago, we've seen the hostage of is really some of those assessing apollo city and mobile car like this was used as a small restaurants. and we seen is really for this passing by them and doing nothing. so that gives you an idea about how these really forces add these radio. g man is supplement. deals with the assessors, you know, has been reporting on that even before the war when tell us. and here's where it's telling you that the subtler marlins is part and parcel of the is where the policy of trying to push follow city of the house of there now. and we've been seeing them in some to find their attacks against the city is that we've been also seeing them getting more access to arms as we've been seeing his way the minister of national
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security been asking and given really more on the words is really subsidized for really talking, tell us to me is in there that are taking their lives. you know, we've also been seeing how some of those are using her thing with why they've been sheets as a way to take more and more love. those loves that they wouldn't be able to get by built up so they would guessing, by pressing their she said around listening policy and in telling them what do we talk to those by the one communities who have been for city. they would tell you that we know if we really go and complain to the police. it's such a lengthy process that ends in really nothing. so people feed has the most wonderful. and they believe that the us will exert that more and more pressure on israel to curve assessor our thoughts that have been on these increasing indeed. all right, be that will leave that for now. thanks very much for him. that in ramallah to you and stop prosecute to was in israel and palestine over the past few days and has
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spoken the need to respond to calls of justice coming out of the occupied west bank . i emphasize that all attacks against palestinians in the west bank by is really 2nd, this in the occupied palestinian territories must cease without delay. no individual with an extreme ideology and a gun can feel they can kill or shoot or attack palestinians with impunity on emphasizes rather than occupying power passed fundamental legal obligations to repress, prevent and punish those crime. so that we're looking at that as well to make sure the right same, but i've indicated and we've all had a lot. one doesn't need to be an international lawyer now. to have had the terms distinction, precaution, and proportionality. but i'm for size that these are not abstract constructs, that's totally todd low. and they cannot be interpreted in a way that the news them from any legal effect that a vis rates from them,
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that co meaning which is to protect children and women, the old dominion for civilian men and civilian children. and at the same time, i emphasized that human scheel's using civilians is also a crime. now press advocates, at least 61 journalist the media workers have died during the eval on gaza. the committee to protect journalist says the 1st month of the conflicts was the was the media work isn't more than 30 is montage. ssl off was one of the latest casualties . the free lunch come run for the tech is on. the new agency was killed on friday, and then it's really struck along with several members of his family area. i spoke to montage his friend and colleague and kanadi, who's also a john. it's working in the kansas print. he used to text me every single day. i am alive with a happy smile, emoji, and i was always telling him to kid month. i said,
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we love you. we, we beat even you and me stay safe. but we feel towards that, but we would not able to go to the north to give him the last good bye to even bring him. we don't know if who buried him words he prayed, we don't know anything and it's not on human bill said it's his brother too and weeks before the star gets his father was killed and other family members were killed. he was working after his all time and he was scared when they targeted his house. he was a very kind hearted person and everyone loved him and. and there's a very famous trio on his instagram's heating kitchens. he was this person who cares about everyone, even animals and kitchens, and he was a very beloved person. you carry on doing this important work. and you'll find a gen this too. and as he was to, can you tell us how it is for you?
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is you sad about doing this work under such intense pressure and immense personal risk? it's very hard for us and it's heartbreaking. every single day we wake up on explosions . we barely sleep. we could barely have a couple of hours. it's sometimes mislead from the amount of like we're, we're very tired. i think you heard the explosion. this is like what we are hearing all the day. have you ever thought of giving it up? i'm a liberty, we blame you if you didn't and just sort of seeking your a safety. there's something, nothing me not to give up and i swear, i don't know what's this, but i love palestine and they love god. these people, the name of my country, and i think this is the only thing that's keeping me going despite everything and despite the danger and despite the risk of risking our lives. but to be honest, like after all of this destruction. and after all of the skinning, i feel like there's no meaning for life anymore. and is this,
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i want to spend the last minutes and spend my life reporting. even if it's going to be like, the last thing i'm going to do in my life. i'm the decay thing this and i'm dictating my life to call this time and category. speaking about the death of a friend and colleague ssl off to get as wanted is relative serious consequences if it tries to target him. us officials living abroad, including kentucky, is ready, media reported on sunday that the head of the domestic security agency is bound to pursue and kill him athlete is wherever they are living, including lebanon, took it, and talk as intelligence official now says it's rarely officials to being told directly that such nights would have serious consequences without warning coincided with a meeting here in doha between the country. i mean it's, i mean, i'm not funny. and it took you as president rest of the time code one said as more on the 9th to t, a cuts out high strategic comments. the meeting was held in the end. it was quote,
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chaired by the judge's president. and he had also got the, the meeting was mainly focused on economic conditions uh, bite up to his ties. and the trade between the 2 companies totally that are more than $200.00 churches companies active in cut out. and the total value of the projects that are being undertaken by detroit, as company is more than $20000000000.00 cut, the runs 1st among the golf companies in terms of the projects that are conducted by the truck, huge companies. on the other hand, there are several cuts out of you. companies also active in turkey and the 12th and what do you have the projects of the, the cut, the capital investment in turkey is more than $23000000000.00. with course regional and international issues. also were discussed during the meeting that was held in the house, particularly as these really a strike resemblance. these are continue and gods are. they have discussed the solution in guys that so when it comes to privacy issues, we see that there is
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a close cooperation estimate of the approach of the 2 companies. they both have be quite welcome to just call them names is riley aggression. and just as the meeting was about to start between the present goes to to you and your cuts are a tradition pedestal, officials to media that they have sent a warning to israel based on the news or is read who officials seeing that they will target? how much will officials abhor? and the trick is official said that it is val. time just how much the officials, particularly interest to you and contact you to we will have serious consequences regarding the fact that there are several how much total solutions leaving it cuts out into ts. the warning that's coming from the tech solutions is quite essential. this inside of the house is 0. the the, the, let's take
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a look at some of the world use now and thousands of migrants. so living in school conditions in the southern california desert after crossing the border from mexico, the us border patrol has been sending them to the temporary comes because detention center has a full. reynolds met some of those migrants in chickamauga hot springs. next to the steel fence on the mexican border, migrants rush out of cars and squeezed through a gap. many looked weary at the end of their long journeys. but what awaits them are squalid. open their camps in the desert. here, my friends are on their own. there's no space in government migrant detention centers. so border patrol officials tell them to stay and wait. often for days or more in these camps until space opens up, the migrants come from all over the world. you're a good in fled political persecution in turkey. it's difficult because i live in my family, but uh,
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i want to be better. the medical issues most say their goal is to give themselves up to authorities, request asylum, and begin the long legal process. they hope will allow them to stay permanently, but for now they're stuck in the circle of playing those, then we expect it to be taken care of for shelter. people here set up make shift tents with sticks in plastic sheets or just lie out in the open. food and water are brought in by local volunteers. temperatures dropped below freezing at night. so when a volunteer drops off a load of firewood, there's a mad scramble. there are hundreds of people living in camps like this one along the border. the people here receive virtually no assistance from the federal government of the united states. today. some of the migrants are injured and need
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immediate medical help. doctor teresa chung does what you can. i really see the desperation in people's faces every single day. volunteer aid worker. jacqueline ariano treats a woman's badly sprained ankle. you have a lot of money and resources supervisor. literally not. this is crowd funded. we're not receiving any government funds from any level. federal state, city county. this is regular people doing the work of the government, funded by donations provided by regular people. a glaring failure of government and another sign of a broken immigration system. rob reynolds, l g 0, a coma, hot springs, california. what we can join and roll reynolds right there and you come by and then southern california is a real bat. you're in a migrant come just on the border with mexico. tell us more about the conditions of migrants. so you can see the, the,
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the rusted steel boarder wall right behind us here. and the migrants are camping actually along side the wall. so people are coming in here by the hundreds day by day at all times trickling in, in small groups or in large groups. there are people from all over the world from latin america, various countries spoke to a young man from columbia earlier today. uh, yesterday we, we spoke to someone from uh, the turkey cement from iran, a couple of young guys from tajikistan. so literally all. ready over the world of china as well. so um uh there, brock here and uh, told to go here and directed here and they really can't leave until the border patrol. people say that it's time for them to go and they have, they have room for them and detention centers or, or privately operated shelters. and you can see behind me, this is a, this is
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a pretty squalid area. there are some tents that have been provided by a volunteer organizations who are doing a lot here, but other, other people are living and really make shift structures made out of plastic sheets and some sticks that they sell. but it's, you know, a garbage on the ground essentially, and i'd like to introduce you now to eric up in here. oh, who is uh, with a oh through a lotto a, a volunteer organization that helps migrants. erica, thank you very much for, for speaking with us. um, how much if any, uh, support is being provided for these people to live here from the federal government state government county government. so although border patrol is telling people to wait here to be processed or they will be deported, the federal state, county, and local governments are not providing any support. so that includes food, water, medical tear, adequate hygiene, facilities or shelter,
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that is all being provided by volunteer groups like my own. and i mean did just, does your group have the resources and the money to provide shelter for and, and food and water for everybody? thankfully, we work as a collective with numerous other non profits, mutual aid groups, and individual volunteers. we have been able to raise some money from philanthropy and individual donations, but i will say that it's never enough. we are barely able to give enough water for people to survive. here we are only able to give 2 meals a day and as far as shelter goes, there are people who end up sleeping outside on the dirt because we don't have enough tents and it's cold here in the high desert at night. yeah, it gets down to freezing at night, so when we come in the morning, sometimes the water bottles that we've given out the night before or frozen. there's frosts on the ground. unfortunately, over the past few days, we've seen very young children, including babies staying out here for multiple days. and these tents are on the ground. but if somebody gets sick or a child gets injured or an elderly person, you know, has it has a problem. actually 2 days ago,
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a 13 year old boy died at the perimeter of one of these camps. it took the mass over an hour to respond. we did have a volunteer position on site who performed a cpr on the child, but unfortunately she was not able to save him. you mentioned that people stay here for several days at a time. what happens after they are allowed to leave by the border patrol authorities? border patrol picks them up. they bring them to one of many processing centers that are here in the region. the vast majority are released to san diego where they were given a court date of near where they were going to reside. some are sent to ice detention where they'll have to go through their asylum process detained. and it just doesn't seem like much of a welcome to the united states. well, we're, we're trying to provide the most dignified welcome that we can as volunteers. and it's actually very striking because they've done this work on the mexican side of the border where the local state and federal governments have stepped up to provide
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basic humanitarian support to migrants who are seeking asylum. and that is wilfully absent from the authorities. on the side of the border. last question. erica, do you think that this is being done in your own opinion? deliberately as a kind of deterrent measure to make things as hard as possible for people who are coming across the board. i do believe that because customs and border protection is the largest federal law enforcement agency in the united states as larger than every other federal law enforcement agency combined. there's no reason why they do not have the resources to put up a tent to process people indoors, which has been done in other border sectors. so i, where this has occurred where we have a large number of people crossing at once. so in other words they, they should have the resources to, to adequately provide for these people. i believe the department of homeland security which includes fema, does have a tent so they should be able to bring people endorse, to be processed. erica, thank you very much for speaking with us. that's eric up in sierra from the
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volunteer organization all through a lot of. and so that, that is the situation here in columbus hot springs, you have a kid so i can see kids in the jam is over there playing a again, it gets real cold here at night. and it's not a pleasant place to stay back to you via says no, great pictures of drug reynolds the reporting. thank you. the president, the beginning of itself, has developed parliaments in the wake of an attempted kudos week move his rates phase of further tumble. nicholas tack is following the developments from duck uh, and they brings technical, as the nelson was made in the presence of the head of the opposition to supreme court where the government is dissolved. that means that there will be new elections parliamentary elections now for president and follow what happened on thursday. was not a rebellion, but in the attempt to cool. but the move to the solve,
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the government for the opposition is the way for president and ball of to gain even more control over the state. during the last june's elections, he lost the majority of the seats in parliament. now the united states and united nation describes going to be so as a north coast state, accusing both members of the security forces. and politicians profiting from the traffic of cocaine from latin america through going to be so to europe last week, off the coast of getting to be so in cynically is walter. 3 tons of cocaine was seized. the market value of half a $1000000000.00. that's more than the entire budget of getting the south government present in bello says he's tackling corruption and that elections,
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legislative elections will be announced soon. nicholas hawk al jazeera the car. the filipino am is loads the large scale, $900.00 for the silent to bump the christian gathering in the south coming for people by sole says it carried out the attack during sunday mass of the university the city of but all we immune into now over 50 people into the region has seemed, fight the recent years between the military, non groups linked to i, so or 11 high cause have been found dead and 12 others are missing off to a volcano, erupted in indonesia, the morality volcano, and west. sumatra spewed ashes high 3 kilometers into the air. on sunday, 3 survivors were found close to the 40s. isn't that hike them? or i see president of the you in climate conferences facing criticism after linked video, which he questioned the science behind facing out fossil fuels. salt and i'm about java who's also head of the state oil company. it says he respects climate science and says his comments in the video was taken out of context. the video of his ball
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. it's an outcry from environmental campaigns. one statement taken out of context. with misrepresentation, i miss interpretation that gets maximum coverage again, i respect task. i respect numbers and these are the facts on the ground. unfortunately, it's st. roberta sciences, instead of the world's largest iceberg off the coast events, oscar, they collected samples around the massive bag to analyze its effects on the ocean life to be drifting for months, moving into the southern ocean for such as we'll look at how it's jenny will affect its top and levels under water. the ice book is 3 times the size of new york city. okay, let's get onto this board says donna,
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the xerox air force club have wrapped up their asian champions. the campaign in style home side beat a g and k. s field was focused on 32 in the final group, c, l. c. sad, i've been em. you'd open this going for the walk you side in the 14th minutes before franco to stunning strikes, doubled their lead, a minutes later. how much the cost and made it 3 now just before the break with another great finish, the visitors did manage to get back into the game with 2 goals, but it was too little too late. they were knocked out from the competition. fine, jeffrey knew this place. it's a parcel on a visa technical my duty to move up to said in lady g a and the window came from a play a contracted to the opponents. jealous. phoenix is on a season long loan from athletic pool. he school the only goal in a one meal victory, which means floss
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a leaf from their opponents in descending the green bay packers one the sub game in a row as they beat the kansas city chiefs daughter love a few 3 touchstone passes, including to, to christian watson as they beat the defending super bowl champ is $2719.00 side of what says, and he's made significant progress after completing full ross. and he has come back from injury competing for the 1st time since undergoing and cold surgery in april was finished. 18th in the here, well challenge as he targets a full come back next year. have done a while. i haven't done with michael the way it is now and. and i was excited to each and every day to kind of get through it and test our piece and rounds and gather again. i mean, i haven't done this in a long time. so it was fun to feel that again. and shy hope at school this century is west and east with england and this one day international. the wendy's chase down the target with 7 bowls, the sped twin,
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a bite full with gets. those were the sports headlines. you can get more out 0 adult calm and on our social media channels. that's it for me in the cloud for this news hasn't, will be right here with most of today's news. you see the latest news as it breaks many of the people here of celebrating, but they say that the celebrations are sorry. we don't say the numbers go too often, kill god with detailed coverage by a release of those. the health comes to through all of his riley's, i've been following every sense of this. think i'm fearless john and isn't most children wilster's life talk to deal with the pain and trauma of losing their parents. i loved one. a humanity has opened the gates of hell or in those seats. is that mean orlando's effects? as the world discusses how to reduce emissions? supposing an existential threat to humanity,
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a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on that just it is a tenant object to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military with telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of his randy public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next the,
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