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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 5, 2023 12:00am-1:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the the on have them see, cuz this is the news live from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. the, is there any tanks or spots it on the outskirts of con, units in gaza, south the communications costs off across the street.
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the noise isn't safe either an asteroid kits near a crowd in hospital where hundreds of people are sheltering. we request a meeting with the word copy next to receive updates on the face of our family members. now now, tomorrow, no. pressure wraps up on 5 minutes. the benjamin netanyahu families of the captives, dumont and meet the wall cabins, plus the escalating violence and the all could find west bank, at least 5 more palestinians have been killed in his re rates. the who begin this and use out in guns away is really attacks are intensifying in the southern regions. tanks have been spotted on the outskirts of hon. eunice at the same time. there is
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a wide spread communications black out across garza. out of thing is us saying no way is safe, are these are life pictures right now from northern gaza where there's been several at strikes and shelling on going near the come out of one hospital over the last hour. hundreds of displaced policies, including women and children, all sheltering inside that hospital with them. marks begins outcomes the threat from the strikes fear into those fleeing regardless of age. 7 nothing living left undisturbed, even don't keys dead by the roadside to st. outside, he works to relieve the pain of one injured relative that says many others may be beyond hope of cousin's house was the $100.00 the house and the children have gone. i don't know who's still alive, who's passed away? may god help us?
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the men who try to help emergency service workers must now move on to an engine clique. now, eclipse. yes, another source of grief because the strike took place right next to the side. are casualties amongst the boys who were inside the post. we're outside. patients rushed in the trailers, then treatment, teenagers, and toddlers, the like laid out on the floor, suffering, life threatening trauma. the director of northern gauze as last government run hospital says few stuff and medicine remain in short supply. despite the 7th day sci fi of those that said south to con eunice hospitable arrivals, and no less hectic among the patients. deliberate at speed, a tiny baby, 2 months old abraham, on the 2nd day of this war,
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without any protection from pounding weaponry. again, we left the north and came here to the safe. just like the ask, but this is what we find in the sense what can we do? made the medical made him a heart monitoring flatline, and smooth white shroud signals that some babies do lose this battle for life. the mux, which is 0, was the latest from inside calls are not titled capitalize them, is life we see in hong units in the southern, gaza, and tanya, just before we came to there, and while we were playing at williams report, we just had a quite a loud explosion there it brings up to date. what's been happening? yes, just only before a couple of minutes before we went live, there are massive explosion took place on the vicinity of a nicer hospital where we are standing right now. we just clearly hit the sound of these by the messiah. oh,
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that's truck. one of the residential buildings that are so close from another hospital, as the relentless is really a tax on honeywood, a city did not stop for more than 3 hours from now. in particular, in the eastern areas which considered to be right now back to zone when the palestinian point is and the speed of the patient. so just trying to into treat me inside the urban areas of can you in a city similarly to the situation on the north of the gaza strip right now is really strikes had been intensified on this task of the 2 or 3 they have. i talked to this very moment more than 3 residential houses that during the last hour were also a roof. our district had been on the is really relentless button during the last couple of hours. so clearly the situation on dishonest with the goal is district considered to be very excessive facing, as it's considered to be a safe place for people from the north of the chart, 3 to flee to bought. the bombardment did not stop and even the casualties have been
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delivered to another hospital due to the east valley relentless plumbing of these areas. and from what you're saying from what you're saying, taught it. yeah, it would appear that there really is no west face in gaza. right now. yes, absolutely. palestinians start to believe that there was no, it needs to be placed off to be managed from. the 1st weight is evacuation. to flee from the north of the gaza strip. now they have been head again off the evacuation on the south of the territory as they are also these with occupation planes that the south will be a back to the zone for the is valley as well just again from us like this. but the fact on the ground is that people get truck right now on the sauce, and they are now offering them to sleep mode to reflect districts. so if there is going to be much more ways of evacuation to run flat, seems that $2300000.00 palestinians will be trapped to sight this small area. and
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this is going to be the last area that they will be able to evacuate to do to the 8 to discharge the number. busy of people who have sprint evacuated, but there was some really a very contradictory in terms of the israel is ordering people to flee to rough off . but meanwhile, had been attacked by the occupation forces and the situation at hospitals as well as garbage catastrophe. as if there is. busy more attacks on the south where patients will go, especially for those who have been evacuated earlier from the hospitals in the north of the gaza strip. taught advisers and thanks very much for that update space, nice and take care of yourself. of israel had previously off the palace, the news to move from the north for the safety of the military is begun. the 2nd phase of its ground invasion near han units where we just start from thought it in
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the south. it's cause the 2nd largest city and home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians forced from that house. is there any troops and tanks up pushing along the salon dean road, controlling the route all the way down to it'll cut off here. northwest of han, eunice. is there any gun battles stationed along the coastal road, a sheet that means israel has complete control of a gauze as to main roads. these re land, air and sea salt has completely isolated central garza, particularly the city of there is that which has one of the few functioning hospitals the on the site and as much as the refugee camps also cut off on the south in the north is really forces all baffling palestinian fighters in these regions shaded in red. all the fighting and troop movements indicate that israel could be dividing the gaza strip into 3 areas, the north central region and the south. let's speak now to hand this out who she is
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in a occupied east jerusalem for us. so and uh what, what have you been hearing from these really side on the escalations of operations in southern gaza. that is really defense minister, you know, go on to observing some of those military operations in the northern part of the gaza strip from these really side of the border of the issues ya, ya neighborhood and jet ballier saying that his troops are going to remain there until there are no how about spiders and know how much infrastructure, what so ever remaining. additionally, he said that they are going to remain there after the war a sentiment. these rallies have been echoing, since the war began nearly 60 days ago. he additionally said that while they are expanding their operations into the southern part of gaza,
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they're continuing to push deeper in the north and that what they are going to do operationally in the south against how much is going to be equal? if not worse than what we saw in the north, all of this come, despite american and international pressure on these rarely used to tell them that they could not conduct themselves the same way in the south as they did in the north. given the high 2 men to terry and disaster, the catastrophe the husband folded inside of because a strip as a result. additionally, these really defense ministers speaking about these really new with terry chief of staff, hurts the hell levy who held an operational assessment inside of the gaza strip. today for a continuation of assessment and to draw up more plans about the ground operation inside of gauze with that has now expanded to the south. these really military spokesperson, daniel, how gaudy,
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also speaking tonight at his daily press conference, saying that the is really army is engaged in fierce gun battles in the north and that the air force continues to attack targets lights from us fighters, weapons, depos tunnels, and any other type of infrastructure that they have. remember the is really army said that they were in full control of the northern part of gauze. so weeks ago, even before the ceasefire began. so it's interesting that there was a continuation of gun battles happening on the streets of northern gaza. and additionally rockets that we have seen or fired from the northern part of the territory. but these really military has been clear that they are going to continue these types of military operations, whether it be the north or the south, land air and sea until they achieve. there's 3 goals of this war on hand. aside from the military operations, we know that the families in israel of the captives are still being held in garza
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by how much remain very vocal and are taking their demands full, their families for the captives to be released directly to the israeli government. and we're going to hear from one of them right now. we are facing it very difficult, emotional situation. where the heavy disaster along with this i'm in the silence, has led 136 families to despair. what are you request? anything with the word copy that still receive updates on the face of our family members. now, now, not the world. now, if you don't have time for us, we will go to someone else and we will find the one who would represent us. a very determined representative of the uh, uh, families of the captives there. uh huh. and uh, do we know anything about that dumont's to, to meet with the,
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with the wood cabinet as well. these really war cabinet is going to be meeting with representatives of the families of these captives tomorrow on tuesday, that meeting was actually supposed to be held on monday, but it was rescheduled by is really authorities. this will be the 2nd meeting of its kind with the full war cabinet, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the 1st meeting happened after immense pressure from these families and the bring them back campaign, which has succeeded in really garnering a lot of public support and public opinion in this instance matters. because this is the most sensitive and important topic, which is really society. on date, 45 and 46 of this war, these really war cabinet had finally met with all of the families and their representatives of the captives before the ceasefire. and was able to finally give
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them information operational assessments. and then the other sort of intelligence that the government was working on. but since then these families have been saying, but they have not heard much from these really government. and they are hoping to put no pressure on them because they saw during that cease fire. israel was able to bring back some of those captives in that deals. so these families are hoping for something similar a deal that could bring back many more captives. if not all of them has him home. the son who lived 1st day of an occupied east jerusalem, thank you. when i was speaking a short while ago, the white house is the us national security advisor j. sullivan said it is too soon for washington to comment on israel's renewed military operation. the 1st deposit ended on friday, it's monday and over the course of the weekend, we've seen basically 48 to 72 hours of activity. so it's too soon for me to sit here and tell you that i'm going to pass some comprehensive judgment. what i'm
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going to do instead is what i did earlier today, i'm going to talk to my as really counterparts, about what they are doing to target from us and what they are doing to try to protect civilians. unless costs now to how does your cast through his life lesson from washington dc? so how do you, what else did the us national security adviser had to say in that briefly have them, vic sullivan did tell reporters that they us expect israel to not strike. they were so called no strikes. so that they had indicated, however, was unclear, is where these, those really are, how they correspond to the math that was distributed on social media by as really forces. and that has confuse so many and how people on the ground and gaza and it's communication blackout. we've received that information. all of this has caused much confusion, and the us national security representative also did not say what would happen if
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the us does determine that israel has attacked places outside of the so called no strikes zones. and as we've been hearing from our reporters on the ground and gaza, there indeed have been bombardments outside of the areas on this map. and we heard from the un security chief that there is no safe place in gaza. but sullivan did again reiterate the us position, that protecting civilian lives is a fundamental responsibility of israel. and he repeated those same words that too many civilians have died in this conflict. repeating those words already spoken by the us, vice president as well as the secretary of state, as you, as ramps up it's pressure, at least rhetorically, in daily conversations with israel. how do you think you, how do you show castro life in washington of how the un security council is holding a close to a meeting to discuss the situation in the palestinian territories. and that causes, as secretary general, antonio gutierrez,
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appealed to israel to avoid further action the could worse than the humanitarian crisis in gaza. his spokesman says, as well as bombardment has all, what stopped 8 workers from doing that job. colleagues to the office with the coordination of humanitarian, a fair one that the current situation does not allow them to address people's needs . and garza limited a distribution primarily, primarily a flour and water took place yesterday and the roof of governor and gaza in the adjacent con eunice governor. a distribution largely stopped due to the intensity of hostilities. garza's middle area was largely disconnected from the south following is really forces prevention of movements including humanitarian supplies . meanwhile, grave concerns about water born diseases due to water consumption from unsafe sources persist, particularly in the north water dee sell a nation plant and the pipeline from his route was shut down. there's been almost no improvement in the access of residence or to the north,
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to water for drinking and domestic purposes for weeks. now, the will for program also warrants at 8 weeks into the war. there is a base risk of famine for all of guys as people, including for those with chronic diseases. older persons and children, and living with disability disabilities. less cost live now to you and headquarters in new york course. the salumi is that for us. so question, as we mentioned, the security council a, the taking of the palestinian issue and it's a meeting at what more we heard from that as well. the meeting's been happening behind closed doors for over an hour. now it was called by the united arab emirates who cited the deeply concerning humanitarian situation and resumption of hostilities after the 7 days use fire. uh, the you a looking to uh, update the council on the latest. but this is on
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a humanitarian briefing. the council is getting an update from rosemary decarlo who is the under secretary general for political and peace building affairs. she is describing her recent visit to the region which she described as heartbreaking. she talked about, we're told by a diplomatic source, leaflets being dropped in gaza, telling people to evacuate, but not telling them where to go. but according to this diplomatic source, we are hearing that she's spending a lot of her time talking about the day after the conflict the day after the war and who will be in control of gaza and making the case that the u. n. believes the palestinian authority should play a role in the region after after this conflict finally ends. but we're also being told by the source that china has raised the issue of how can you talk about the
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day after when this conflict is waging and people are suffering. so where does this leave the security council? we know that the united arab emirates has been pushing for another council resolution that would bring more humanitarian access into gods or something that would lead to a cease fire. but we also know from the united states, the ambassador said, so right on the way into the meeting, robert was that the united states does not support any further out action by the security council saying that negotiations should continue in the region as they are doing so this at this stage looks like a, an update for the counts all a way to keep the situation on the front burner and in the spotlight. but we don't expect any action when that meeting resumes. kristen salumi at un headquarters. thank you to well joining the student out by i 0 senior political analyst might want to be shot. i might want to just speak with you again. so as we were hearing a little bit earlier in our,
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from our correspondence in cause the really doesn't. and from the slide pictures that we've been showing as well, that really doesn't seem to be any anywhere in gaza, very safe for palestinians right now. so let's talk about safe zones and so on. seems it just doesn't match with reality. it's actually a 3rd uh, the whole conversation going on between the united states and is right on this rezoning. i always like these dozens or hundreds of little zones and where they ask people somehow electronically where they move from ones the ones that know that even i presumably a bit a bit savvy about these sort of modern day, high tech, whatever. couldn't figure it off what the hell is going on. i mean, you can imagine i found that you're trying to pull their loved ones from the rubber trying to find food to eat water to drink. and they're supposed to find out through this sophisticated, high tech thing about how exactly to go to a safe area. well,
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in fact, it's not safe at all. so she actually humbug. i mean, there was think everyone's time. because they don't want to admit what is really clear to everyone's eyes. i mean, as you just mentioning these radios are saying it every day. i'm not sure why the united states wants to play done. the nice thing to do is read is ready to lead. those have been st get ask you to for the past 60 days. but clearly the last few days is there any leaves? i've been saying we want to bomb here and there and everywhere, and gods that we want to take or to or what a flat to is there a leaders past the doesn't presently, there's leaders of all kinds, midsize high size. i've been talking about destroying garza getting people in gaza, even the general is like guns swords on the water cap. and instead if you saw what was done in the north, you haven't seen anything yet as to what to be going to do to yourself. so this attempt by jake sullivan and other american officials like caribbean and others,
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just to continue to play. don is really not working out very much for them. yeah, he's a, he was saying that it's too early to, to, to get into this one that was that the to, and the after a 1000 people were killed that asked for 872 hours. is that i mean, like what, 10000 is, is, is, is nice enough for them. 20030000. just give us a figure out what would be conducive to his highness, you know, stepping in and say, well, this is a lot of people died. but again, it's not innocent. look, i mean, the americans are some of the smartest people in the world and american offices. i'm not stupid at all. right. so i'm gonna put aside the idea that they are a delusion of and stupid. they're not the originals to. so is, are these just being cynical sake? so i'm thinking private of something else in public because they want a distance by then and by the administration from accusation of genocide. because what is going on in gaza is a genocide by every possible definition. so to try to distance themselves from
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general side then making these public appeals. right. but then again, right, just sort of i just talked about. the whole thing is on that i'd see. and he said, i'm paraphrasing, he said, it's a long arms, then. hence it on is responsible for what they do. what the united states has been arming is read. what i guess in the united states is responsible for what it doesn't cause. so if the united states has not stepping in, right and making sure that it's not does not, and that is what does not continue with this human side though. then if it's not indifferent and it's of, it's not stupid, that means it's input. that means it's a automatic is read given get you giving of money on arms, but it's just input then in changing its direction to get to get your perspective on this. uh, i just need a senior political analyst model on the shower. thank you. not human rights organizations have lost the case against the dot state,
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accusing it of complacency in the killing of civilians in gaza. and that lives as being challenged over the export of f. 35 fights, a jet pots to israel. step voss and reports from the hague, as it is seen as a 1st legal test of alms exports to israel. during its late this war on garza 3 dodge charities and human rights organization say, by supplying spare parts of f. 35 fight the jets to israel's military. then madeline violates its obligation to protect civilian populations. but i think everyone understand that the bigger message behind this is a political one that the netherlands, that europe, that the west cannot apply double standards to this one case. compared to how did you in other cases, like ukraine or human, is around own dozens of advanced f, 35 find to jets. and according to the dutch organizations, they play an important role in its war on gaza. at least one shipment of spare
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parts was sent from this air base. and then madeline since october 7, the basis the european regional hop for f. 35 spare parts. the minister of foreign affairs who decided to continue the ship and to israel was not available to respond to a questions. nor was anyone else re presenting, did that state. it's lawyers argued in court that the f 30 fives are assign shields for israel's regional security. and that by stopping the supplies of spare parts, the netherlands risk, it's relationship with the united states as well. they also argue that terminating the f $35.00 supply contracts can be done easily, low yes, for the 8 organizations to dispute this. hopefully others, other lawyers and other plaintiffs around the world will follow. and it in y'all has said from the 1st moment we're able to do this. we're capable of doing this thanks to our allies. that's provide us with the military equipment by december
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15. the judge will decide if this ally has to stop helping is well, let's be a parts of f, 355 projects sub 5, some l g 0. the heat are still ahead on i just need a more, a force of deteriorating conditions inside as rated channels. we have from the parents of palestinians currently locked up and is really present the the hello we are now looking at mulder at pushing it to west and pulse if you're up in the form of wind and right. but the cloud as well. last larry of light pressure just rolling into the press punishment running across the english channel, oregon a southerly when the head of that. so that will lift the temperatures, but it will bring that weight and with the weather in across the good parts of western europe. and even in to west biometric,
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these even single figures. so it was a lot of coal. rev around 7 is a nice that full london and power since we go through choose the shows along spells of frame for many and noticed some what to weather coming back in across the west. central parts of the mediterranean. if leasing a fabric of rain that for the race, it's somewhat tri city dry and it is cold. we must go minus 9 celsius and fully will be in to the negative teams as we go on into the latter half of the week. so that's something to look forward to further where says that mazda web ex, that went to weather coming back in across the northwest. that a bit of whether to just making its way into spain and portugal moving parts of africa saying a little bit of what by the to just around the mediterranean coast know them out to areas fruit, shanicea that just drives a little federal race was moving possibly you know, below we have some brisk wins coming through. meanwhile, for west africa, it's a few showers along the southern coast.
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is as content creators have become journalists, rescuers, heroes, and targets for your to customers. so whenever you, because you meet on and yet they continue to report the close of business the story of just want to be should be a let me know that had been hired for the love of cuz on as just the a humanity has opened the gates of hell or in the seats is having orlando's effects . as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global cells. crude mistake talk to one of the 2 on just
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, again, you're watching. i just need a reminder of off top stories. this is, randy tanks have been spotted on the outskirts of han units in gaza, south kansas. israel expands its attacks across the street and the south hospitals are being overwhelmed by the number of casualties from is really a tax. doctors describe the situation as catastrophic. we ended up being treated on flows, ending card is very forceful. so attack the school and gaza city, where hundreds of people had been sheltering,
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many fled the asset and stuff that we school moments off to the strike caring whatever they could for us, state department spokesperson says that israel has not done enough to climb down on secular attacks against palestinians in the west bank speaking in washington on monday, mike miller said, is rainy settlers who result of all as it should be, prosecute, or we have seen them take some steps to respond to experienced violence against palestinians in the west bank. we don't think those steps have been sufficient. we think they need to prosecute people who engage in violent activities against palestinians. and one of the things that the secretary made clear in his conversations with the is really government is that while this doesn't in any way of the need for them to take additional actions that we are prepared to take our own actions on behalf of the united states government need to abraham is in columbia and the occupied westbank. she says palestinians will see the us
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assessment of israel's. we action to settle a violence as a major on the statement. a pausing is with tell you not. sufficient is a simple words to describe the really forces and the system. and its way of dealing with this reading, such as will have been increasing the attacks against fellow students. you know, for some, they were telling us that october the 7th has given the, such as even more of a free hand to launch their attacks against palestinians. and this has been empowered by years and years of some of those casing and convictions via these really system it when it comes to their violence against the city is just 2 days ago. and 2 nights ago was seen the hostage of is really some of those assessing of color city in mobile car like this was used as a small restaurants and we seen is really for these passing by them and doing nothing. so that gives you an idea about how these really forces add these res
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email as supplement deals with those settlers. you know, we've been reporting on that even before the war. when tell us the news we're telling you that the subtler violence is part and parcel of the is way the policy of trying to push. cala city is out of there now, and we've been seeing them intensifying their attacks against cala city is that we've been also seeing them getting more access to arms as we've been seeing his way the minister of national security. you've been asking and given really more arms to wears is really there's more really as talking tell us to me is in there that are taking their lives. you know, we've also been seeing how such of those are using her thing with by they've been she, as a way to take more and more love. those loves that they wouldn't be able to get by build up the 3 months they would guessing by pressing their sheets around listening policy and telling them what do we talk to those by doing communities who have been
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for city. they will tell you that we know if we really go and complain to the police. it's such a lengthy process that ends in really nothing. so people seeing how wonderful and they believe that the us was more and more personal and israel to curve assessor. and so i have been on the increasing a 2 more palestinians have been killed in a raid northeast of hebron in the occupied west bank. it brings a total number of palestinians killed in military operations on monday to $530.00 a military convoys and to jeanine in the north. and had bron in the south people, engineers say they heard gunfire as 2 neighbors were taken into custody. another palestinian was killed in columbia near on the lease was as ready forces in palestinian fights as in exchanging fi in the town of khaki, a policy. and so as the officials say,
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2 people were killed during the race there since the beginning of israel's war on gaza. more than 3000 palestinians had been detained in the occupied west bank. many without charge or the high mead has spoken to some recently released prisoners and had brought about the abuses. they experience behind voss. it was 2 30 in the morning when the soldiers walked into their backyard, ransacking everything in their wake. they were off to hand that cut them is due to, but an 18 year old nursing student, the reading, the, the english of a helpless mother watching her blindfolded daughter being led away a few hours later. and that is riddled with things. she has the words of recently released detainees ringing in her head on this man, and we all heard about the beatings the strip searches and the insults the threats of raped a child alone,
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surrounded by between 20 to 40 soldiers. i do not know what she's going to right now. what kind of a rest meant? everything is possible, or what time this 1st task is to find out where her daughter has been taken information. the soldiers refused to give her. once the person is taken away, the families left on his own to figure out where their loved one has been transferred to. so usually they rely on and use like the palestinian prisoners society. it has been documenting all of the dissension, and more importantly, collecting all the testimonies, the files of former prisoners and those of 100 still in jail are kept here. and it's clear that after her master's attack on october, the 7th, many ruth went out of the window, the fun coming up to be the threats, but no rate cases. some soldiers tried to touch the goes bodies. well, that dine folded, it's
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a form of sexual harassment that according to his writing law, or at least the male soldiers can access the mail cells. that doesn't happen anymore. it okay. yeah, i'm going to was asleep when these really forces came for her to a she was led the way she was told to do a study still in the she was yelling. did you see how the re that would mean how they'd be hated children? he told me that he will be these main to do business with me. i told him go ahead. what was i supposed to say? then we will how that, how share in present for interrogation. some goals needed secretary pads, but they refused to give it to them. and perhaps it's more difficult for men to speak out. but the best he thinks it's important. he was released on the same day as rookie uh, from the cup of prison. well, i shall not be at home, none of myself. we have found them within one to them. they would lock 12 people at a time in the bathroom, just like an one told them all. the prisoners were led away in their underwear.
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they even swipe the prisoners cards in people's buttocks. they would filmed the sexual harassment. the officer in charge would beat us on the genitals in front of male and female soldiers. they would enjoy it. it was like being in a horror movie. 6 palestinians died in jail since october, the 7th ramsey is still coming to terms with how he survived those dark days. and his thoughts remained with the thousands of palestinians held in israel mostly was no charge of that. how many of the 0? hi, brooke. it's a key, a has a want israel of what they call serious consequences if it tries to target harmless officials living abroad, including into kia is mainly media reports on sunday, the head of the domestic security agency as val just to pursue and kill harmlessly . this wherever they are living, including in level on to key,
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i'm call to touch intelligence. visual now says is really officials have been told directly that such an act would have serious consequences of that warning. it coincided with a meeting here in doha between the cottage, a mere mean been hammered to fanny and the key as president richard type owed. one . bustle said, has more on the 9th to cuts out high. so could you comment to me? thing was how the in the end it was quote, chaired by the judge as president and need also got the, the meeting was mainly focused on economic conditions uh, bite up to his ties and the trade between the 2 companies. currently, there are more than $200.00 churches companies active in cut out, and the total value of the projects that are being undertaken by detroit, as company is more than $20000000000.00 cut. the runs 1st among the golf companies in terms of the projects that are conducted by the turkish companies. on the other hand, there are several cuts out of you. companies also acted in turkey and the 12th and
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one of the projects of the, the cut, the capital investment in turkey is more than $23000000000.00. with course regional and international issues also were discussed during the meeting that was held in the house, particularly as these really a strike resemblance. these are continue and guides are they have discussed the solution in guys that so when it comes to privacy issues, we see that there is a close cooperation estimate of the approach of the 2 companies. they both have be quite welcome to just tell them names is riley aggression. and just as the meeting was about to start between the present gulf to, to you. and you also cut out a tradition pedestal, officials to media that they have sent a warning to israel based on the news or is read your official saying that they will target how much officials abhor. and the trick is what people said that it is val. time just how much the officials,
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particularly interest to you and contact you to we will have serious consequences regarding the fact that there are several homeless type of solutions leaving it cuts out into ts. the warning that's coming from the tech solutions is quite essential. this inside of the house is 0. the, the press advocacy, at least, and 61 jim. this and media workers have died in the war. on garza, the committee to protect journalist says the 1st month of the conflict was the worst for media was in more than 30 years. when the test itself was one of the latest casualties, freelance kind of man for the turkish and a dollar, the agency was killed on friday in those really as strikes along with several members of his family. and my colleague nick car and the clock spoke to him who died and she is a gen listing, gaza, and she was with one tacit before his to he used to text me every single day. i am
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alive with a happy smile, emoji, and i was always telling him to kid, want to said, we love you, we, we beat even you and me stay safe, but we feel towards that, but we would you thought that you go to go to the north to give him the last good bye to even bring him, we don't know if who buried him words he prayed. we don't know anything and it's not only me said it's his brother too and weeks before the star get his father was killed and other family members were killed. he was working after his goals. um and he was scared when the target at his house. he was a very kind hearted person and everyone loved him and, and there's a very famous real on his instagram cheating kitchens. he was this person who cares about everyone, even animals and kitchens. and he was a very beloved person. you carry on doing this important work and you'll find
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a john this too. and as he was to, can you tell us how it is for you? is you sad about doing this work under such intense pressure and immense personal risk? it's very hard for us and it's heartbreaking. every single day. we wake up on exclusions, we barely see if we could barely have a couple of hours. it's sometimes received from the amount of like we're, we're very tired. i think you heard the explosion. this is like what we are hearing all the day, but at the end of the day, we feel that we need to continue. we feel like we need to report. we need to tell the stories. there are lots of stories that have been voices that i've been silenced. i've been killed, but we're still here and we will still, we have the ability to carry the message of all of these people. it's very heartbreaking and, and, and rude. the hide great. the, today we did not have any arch in the markets where anything to keep us standing and going on, but it's,
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it's 6. now until now we had 0 food. we only have had like a couple of p walter on of the scituate, all of the like, surrounding situation is hard. but there's something that's keeping us going on. i don't really know what it is. the something is we are always making go. she thing in talking with each other, like how do we still covering how our recent editing? how are we still doing all of this job? and there's something that's motivating us every single day to keep on telling the stories. and we believe that we're very important. and we hold a very huge weight on our shoulders to carry the message of all of these millions of people in gaza right now. have you ever thought of giving it up? i mean, nobody would blame me if you did and, and just sort of seeking your writing safety. i think me for me as in know i, i don't, i won't give up. i don't think like i'm going to give up. i'm very passionate about
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what i'm doing. we lived very hard day's in gaza. we went through this a lot of being displaced and we have been displaced for more than than 3 or 4 times right now. and now that is really forces are causing us to evacuate. to the south, but we are in the south or but with all of this like being worried about our families during worried about our so continuous excursions. there's something, nothing me not to give up and i swear, i don't know what's this. but i love palestine and they love god, these people, the name of my country. and i think this is the only thing that's keeping me going despite everything. and despite the danger and despite the risk of risking our lives. but to be honest, like after all of this destruction, and after all of the skinning, i feel like there's no meaning for life anymore. and is this, i want to spend the last minutes and spend my life reporting. even if it's going to
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be like the last thing i'm going to do in my life the, let's take a look at some of the world news. now, thousands of migraines are living in squalid conditions in the southern california does it. after crossing the border from mexico, the us border patrol has been sending them to temporary camps because the tension cents has a full web rentals and that some of those migrants and how come the hot springs. next to the steel fence on the mexican border, migrants rush out of cars and squeeze through a gap. many looked weary at the end of their long journeys. but what awaits them are squalid. open their camps in the desert. here, my friends are on their own. there's no space in government migrant detention centers. so border patrol officials tell them to stay and wait. often for days or more in these camps until space opens up,
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the migrants come from all over the world. you're a move in, fled political persecution in turkey. it's difficult because i leave my family, but i want to be better. but to cause issues, most say their goal is to give themselves up to authorities, request asylum, and begin the long legal process. they hope will allow them to stay permanently, but for now they're stuck in the circle of playing those, then we expect it to be taken care of for shelter. people here set up make shift tents with sticks in plastic sheets or just lie out in the open. food and water are brought in by local volunteers. temperatures dropped below freezing at night. so when a volunteer drops off a load of firewood, there's a mad scramble. there are hundreds of people living in camps like this one along
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the border. the people here receive virtually no assistance from the federal government of the united states. today. some of the migrants are injured and need immediate medical help. doctor teresa chung does what you can. i really see the desperation in people's faces every single day. volunteer aid worker. jacqueline ariano treats a woman's badly sprained ankle. you have a lot of money and resources supervisor. literally not. this is crowd funded. we're not receiving any government funds from any level. federal state, city county. this is regular people doing the work of the government, funded by donations provided by regular people, a glaring failure of government and another sign of a broken immigration system. rob reynolds, l g 0, a combo hot springs, california. i wrote the joins as life in there now. so rob, you're this migrant camp on the border with mexico. give us
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a sense of what conditions a life for people there as well as the conditions are pretty bad. quite frankly, you can see on the board a wall behind me there the rusting steel. ready structure uh its tall top with razor wire, but there's a gap, as we showed you in our report, and people can just squeeze right through the wire and come through here and when they arrive. and this is where they arrive, this is their welcome to the united states. i'll just show you over here some of the other sites of this camp. they can see a structure here, a make shift shelter, just sort of cobbled together out of plastic and bits of, of lumber, other tents. uh, some just one person tense. others uh, a little bit larger. uh,
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going further you can see the parents with kids. young children are gonna try to amuse themselves like children do anywhere. but what's happened here over the last couple of hours is that the border patrol told all of the single migrants that is single women without children and men traveling without families to line up. and after about an hour or so, of lining up, they were the, the, some of them were led out to the main road which is not that far away on foot. and then they were put on the buses and taken to proper uh, shelters or detention centers. their goal is to officially surrender themselves to us. authorities ask for asylum and then begin a long and quite cumbersome length. the legal process that may emphasize may
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in the end result in their being granted asylum, or some form of permanent residence in the united states. other people will not be so lucky, but us and the zip the 10s that you see here. all the other facilities as meager as they are, they're not provided by the federal government, the state government, the county of san diego, or any other government entity. they're provided by essentially a rag tag group of volunteer organizations. one of them is called a author, a lot of which means on the other side. and others are called border kind this. there are some doctors volunteer in their time. they're bringing in blankets. they bring food a couple of times a day they bring water. none of that is provided by any government entity at all. so without the efforts of these, um, volunteer organizations and engineers. and in fact,
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some of the local people from town who just got fed up with the situation here and started cooking up large portions of food and making lots of sandwiches and dropping them off on their own dime. none of these people would get any food or water at all or tense and it gets really cold here and this desert at night, sometimes below freezing and everybody we talked to said uh, you know, uh, last night that you moved your free yo is very, very cold or origin hold in the and russian because we talk to some people from the former soviet union as well. um people for all around the world. china turkey, iran. uh, curtis, then the uh, central american republics. all of the parts of south america, particularly colombians who seemed to have come in right now. so that's the situation here. a rather grim place in the middle of the california desert,
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smack dab against the border wall. awesome. appreciate your reporting that rob rentals live for a say in a southern california. thank and i still ahead on, i just need a visit to germany by brazil's president, revive as host for free trade deal between the european union and a block of south american nations.
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the the the hello again presenting president luis in that seo luna desilva has met jim and johnson, the old f. schultz in berlin,
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a trade deal between the european union and the south american and block medical. so it was high on the agenda. so many kane has more is the 1st visit to the person in head of states, the gemini, some more than 10 years. president, blue lot of silver arrived at the chancellor. a tour reception that was warm and businesslike by natural deals was signed on protecting the environment and enhancing social justice. but say that was focused on hopes of a wider deal between the e u and the south american block medical. so what, as long as i'm able to believe, disagreement as possible, i'm going to fight to do it because if we don't degree and have to 23 years, i think we're only thing. i'm reasonable with the minds we're making. germany sees present lessons, most important south american trading cotton, the one that you have a great, a role in will the fast, the of all find that we need reformed to national institutions. we are united and believing that the un security council should be reformed. and i think the changing world demands that the voice of the global self be heard and that those countries
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have great their representation. but they do disagree on the war and ukraine and goss silva says the un should intervene to protect civilians. the overlap shots insists on israel's right to defend itself while trying to avoid civilian casualties. so in some ways, this was never entirely going to be a meeting of minds, but in reactivating that govern mental cooperation, the 2 leaders have chosen to emphasize the views they share, rather than the ones they don't. don't one that came out, was there a bullet on the filipinos, he has lost a large scale man hunt for the assailants who bomb the christian gathering in the south killing for people. i so says it carried out the attack during sunday mass at a university in the city of mount all we in mindanao, over 50 people were injured. the region is seen fighting in recent years between military and on groups linked ty,
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so the 11 high cause have been found dead and 12 others are missing off to a volcano, erupted in indonesia, to my people. k. now in west sumatra. spewed, ashes high as 3 kilometers into the air. on sunday, 3 survivors were found close to the bodies of the dead high. cuz the in the rocky president of the u. n. clinic conferences facing criticism officer, elite video, which he questioned the science behind phasing out fossil fuels. so thrown off by the javin who's also head of the state oil company and says he respects climate science. and it says his comments in the video were taken out of context. video spock, an outcry from environmental campaign is one statement taken out of context. with misrepresentation, i miss interpretation that gets maximum coverage
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again, i respect task, i respect numbers and these are the facts on the ground. unfortunately, that's it for me hasn't seek out for this new avenues out back in a moment with more news. stay with us on examining the impact of today's headlines, explorer and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on l g 0, it is a tenant object to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of his really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of his way, the public discourse and seeing more voices persist, sales,
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calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes next to the world. slow down, we stand for as homes with tips of global nickel reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harnessing, offering 75 percent of global carbon credits, essentially committed to being fine mental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing,
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your better tomorrow. the the challenges here with the all the, [000:00:00;00] the on have them see cuz this is the news live from the high is what's coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready. tanks spotted on the outskirts of han,


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