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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 5, 2023 7:00am-7:31am AST

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not see if with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of this rarely public, this course and seeing more voices persist, cell calling, the traitors. the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, the heavy is ready, bombardment hits gone, says canal ad, one hospital in the north, west, thousands of families of sheltering from the strikes. the money inside this is out of their life. and so also coming up more people flee the south south to a number of people were killed by israeli, as strikes on a school and goes to city fives, rage in southern gaza. as israel spent stuff,
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it's a tax world health organization says it was told to remove its medical supplies from its warehouse and the us state department says israel needs to do more to 20 channels. secular thought in some palestinians in the, on the as, as well as ground invasion, a southern gauze it gets on the way the north continues to be bombarded from the land and sea. this was the moment that is running dry and 5 and missile a beat. northern gauge of b come all at one hospital. dozens of people were killed and thousands more injured . an estimate of 10000 palestinians had been sheltering inside and around the medical center. now, more people are arriving from other areas being targeted. searching for refuge,
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a gauze has dealt to say that the situation i cannot add one on all the hospitals is catastrophic and run out of beds and medicine and they ended up being treated on floors adding car doors. kansas health industry is asking the u. n to pressure israel to release don't does that jail so they can treat the injured out as there is and i saw sharif is at the come i'll add one hospital, they sent us this update on the side, the situation inside the come out with the hospital it's very difficult to, to the continued shelling. the selling has not shown stopped at a large number of displays. people are now coming to the hospital and already inside the hospital, they make up uh, children, women, elderly and disabled people as well as sick and injured. we wish we would not leave behind. we pray to god for he's justice on the
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injured people of being transferred to the come out loud one hospital. as we can see, there's a real sense of tell her i'm panic among the children and women here because of the continued shelling near the hospital. come found what did a one for me? they've already killed us. all families and friends i did. i'm sure i don't. uh, you can see here. uh the occupation forces are throwing smoke bombs in front of the come out loud one hospital. this is the we were inside our house. suddenly with a warning there was a fire. it was without warning. the problem up since we are close to come on are doing the hospital and we are civilians with children. me. my wife and my children have came here. as you can see here, the dust is coming and come up with one hospital because of the continuous show me around the hospital where i've displaced people inside the hospital. you're not the most touched.
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i live near the come out doing hospital where the occupation forces shows have just struck as a hindu one with every 15 minutes of bomb drops since the afternoon. there's been artillery showing our house was bomb 2 days ago. f 35 showed our house while we were inside it. we have nothing to do with anything we want to live on. despite this dangerous conditions, we've been able to go outside of the hospital compound to document the scale of the destruction. that's happened because of the occupation forces showing. there are a large number of dead and injured in this area who has yet to be recovered. we can see that there's a huge destruction here. and within the hospital compound, we can say the bodies of the dead piling up in the come out loud when hospital compound. and so now these families have been unable to bury them because of the dangerous situation and the risk of movement around the hospital compound. this is
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one of the dead children who are killed during the shelling that's taken place recently at the hospital. or israel's face bombardments having less up on northern gauze since the end of the 7 days. these 5 on friday, hundreds of displays, palestinians sheltering at the aside. all the stuff, ta, we school in garza city. we're forced to move again. israel bomb 2 schools in total on monday can at least 50 people and wounding thousands of all this communications across casa, have since been cut off. meanwhile, in the south, defies the old nights on israel bone buildings in hon. eunice times have been spotted near the city and the is there. any ministry is distributing leaflets telling residents of hon. eunice to head further south. more than 800 people have been killed in the strip since saturday. spelling marks reports just a warning. his report does contain distressing images. the threat from the strikes
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fear into those fleeing regardless of age. nothing living left undisturbed, even don't keys dead by the roadside. st. outside he works to relieve the pain of one injured relative, but says many others may be beyond hope of cousin's house was the $100.00. the house and the children have gone. i don't know who still alive. who's passed away? may god help us? the men who tried to help emergency service workers must now move on to an engine clique. now a quote, yet another source of grief. the distract took place right next to the side. you were casualties amongst the boys who were inside the post. we're outside. patients rushed in the trios, then treatment, teenagers and toddlers,
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the like laid out on the floor, suffering, life threatening trauma. the director of northern gauze is last government run hospital says few stuff and medicine remain in short supply despite the 7th day see spot to those that said south to con eunice hospital arrivals, no less hectic among the patients, deliberate speed, a tiny baby, 2 months old abraham, on the 2nd day of this war, without any protection from pounding weaponry. again, we left the north and came here to the surf, just like the ask, but this is what we find in the sense. what can we do? i mean the medical made him a heart monitoring flat line and smooth white shroud signals. some babies do lose the special for life, the mux out to 0. no, it's rhonda nowhere to hide. israel had previously ordered,
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palestinians to move from the north for the safety of the ministry is big on the 2nd phase of its ground invasion near han units in the south. it's called the 2nd largest city and home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians force from their homes is ready. troops and tanks have been pushing along the solid dean road, controlling the read all the way down to outcry which is northeast of hon. eunice is rarely gunfights stationed along the coastal road. our rashid, that means israel has complete control of the gauze as to main roads. b is ready, land and sea assaults has completely isolated since central garza including the city of darrow bala, which has one of the few functioning hospitals the out and is there, it's an on the guys the refugee camps are also cut off from the south in the north is ready, forces are battling policy, and fights is in these regions shaded in red. all the fighting and troop movements
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indicate the israel could be dividing the gaza strip into 3 areas, the north central region. and the south of israel has issued a new evacuation order, which will force palestinians to move even further south. you know, it's a nation says it's creating a climate of more panic and fear target as soon as moving hun eunice. israel had renewed its uh coolest for mass evacuation from the southern areas of con, you in a city were tens of thousands of residents have been taking on seeking refuge in recent weeks as the is a military wanted. it's a ground defensive and bought the target across the goal is a strict relocation of civilian face or safety measures is no longer accessed hands . power stands in such areas have no options, remains just disappeared to the far south of the territory to risk to the families
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and the loved ones. a with the roof of districts has been under heavy bombing since october. the 7th palestinians are really desperate and they are really hopeless in terms of the devastation that took place across the territories as the are no longer feel safe inside the homeless. and the relentless is rarely strikes that had destroyed whole means of life inside the besieged territory. taurus i soon i'll just calling you and the director general of the world health organization has posted on the social media platform x that israel has told it to evacuate its facilities in southern gaza. let's go down an official who as long as personal capacities, jerusalem on how has, is there a reactive to what the w h o is had to say as well. this is a social media, right? that is burning up inside. we had tried to escape and use us who is the director
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general of the world health organization sending a context formerly known as twitter. i'm actually saying that they had received a notification from is really forces to remove supplies from a warehouse in southern gaza within 24 hours, saying that the grand operation would put that beyond use. and he appeals to israel to withdraw the order and take every possible measure to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals. now the w h o took this right so seriously that the started removing some of the material behind from the way how you switch services about 11 hospitals and southern guys that most certainly had from the w health of the world health organization. in the last few days saying that the situation that happened to northern gas, it would be clear, completely unsustainable in the service, and they couldn't afford to lose hospitals. they have given so many people i've moved to the area will coordinate, which is part of the fairly miller ministry of defense, responded on social media saying the truth is we didn't ask you to evacuate the
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warehouse we made it cleared in writing and to the relevant written you and representatives from a, you and official, we would expect you at least to be more accurate. but you can see is it the w h or dates take this seriously enough to, to, to, to start moving stuff of the warehouse. so you can expect this row to continue to rumble on. okay. uh meanwhile the is riley, will cabinet has been meeting any indication of what has come out of that meeting as well. they don't intend to give too many details after the war cabinet, for obvious reasons. this is benjamin netanyahu meeting with the likes of the defense minister. also his intelligence and military chief. they clearly talked about advancing the operation into southern guys. and certainly you go on to the defense minister has made it clear that while the operation is moving further south and was suddenly hearing reports of tanks moving into the south and they're being
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very heavy. it strikes is certainly around southern areas, the intent to keep a very strong presence in the north and they say they will stay there until every home us tunnel infrastructure fight to an weapon store is destroyed. and so you can see that there's still a determination to continue to operate in the north. but these really have been saying for days that they have control over the northern part of guys. uh yeah, just that the, we can, we saw a 10 real kits 5 from there. and these really as themselves are saying that they continue to piece vs fighting. and then the road north and guys are within tens gotten bottles there. but what is clear is at the moment, these release will continue to pummel garza from the, from the sea and on land. how them fish for the 1st and ok parties who were some or is there any soldiers have rated the city of janine and the only pod westbank residents had gone file to ministry con,
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voice rumbled through the neighborhoods. that's where the boulders is following the ministry con, voice on destroyed roads, pavements, and boots of pipelines and the 6 the palestinians on average, had been detained each night in the old quad westbank. since the will begin the gunfire with hood in the job as a refugee camp in ramallah during raid. by is there any soldiers? israel is killed at least $257.00 public opinion. cindy occupied westbank since october. the 7th out is there. a zane bus robbie's in ramallah in the occupied westbank. he says a number of people were arrested during several raids on monday nights for the rage this evening. janine once again, the major flash point of is rarely off operations that are ongoing throughout the occupied westbank. but jeanine, the incursion began about 4 hours ago. and in the last few minutes, we've seen videos that show yet more armored vehicles going into awards jeanine.
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they're deployed in the city and on the outskirts of the refugee can engineering and usually more armored vehicles going and suggest another long night in these rates as they re deploy their forces around the area of what we do know is that classes have been ongoing with armed fighters engine in camp, which should be room or engineer and city, which should point out the janine is a major flash point, a major, a strong hold for armed resistance fighters of from the past. and inside, bulldozers were seen destroying various bits of infrastructure, pulling up roads. after storming the campus really forces surrounded the janine government, hospital engine in city, the house of one man who was accused of carrying out an attack. who is really forces have been looking for his family home was rated and measurements were taken, usually indicating that it is now marked for demolition is really forces were seen stopping in ambulance engine in city. and there were other rates that have been ongoing in the occupied westbank as well,
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including jello zone camp. you're ramallah, palestinian was arrested in that rate and there was an intense exchange of gunfire, which is unusual for a jealous own refugee camp. we're also hearing that a young woman was arrested after another town was rated north west of rome. a london rates in bethlehem have run into boss as well as something indicating that perhaps there's no target. no place is not a target in these posts, and communities in bethlehem soldiers rated a printing shop that normally prints posters of people killed by israeli forces posters that commemorate the dead of us state department spikes. person says that israel has not done enough to clamp down on satellite attacks against palestinians, preoccupied westbank. mike miller said, is ready, settlers who resort to violence should be prosecuted. we have seen them take some steps to respond to explain his violence against palestinians in the west bank. we
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don't think those steps have been sufficient. we think they need to prosecute people who engage in violent activities against palestinians. and one of the things that the secretary made clear in his conversations with the is really government is that while this doesn't in any way of the need for them to take additional actions that we are prepared to take our own actions. uh, on behalf of the united states government, heidi joe castro has moved in this from washington dc. as we've heard from to us officials in the past few hours. both with strong messages for is real, national, secure advisor, jake sullivan said that the us expects is real to follow through and not attacking the so called know strikes shows that israel itself has indicated that was unclear where the zones are. if gauze and civilians know about them and whether they are indeed reachable us state department spokesman, matt miller, echo the message that too many palestinians have died in the cause,
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a conflict. and the israel is responsible for conducting this southern offensive, differently than the mass evacuations. and mass casualties that were inflicted in gauze as north miller said, while israel's military plan shared with the us over daily conversations show quote, improvements and taking intended measures to protect civilians. the us, he says, is watching closely to see the results. while an increasing number of high level us officials has said, israel has killed too many innocent guides and civilians. we've yet to hear those same where it's coming from president joe biden himself, heidi joe castro alger 0, washington. so head on the alger 0, we hear from and if you can is ready family, you've been campaigning for 9 years for the safe, for 10 of the relative currently being held captive in gaza times a massive non hans is on the way in the philippines, off to the bombing of a christian gathering,
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it kills for the at all, the jewel, many aspects of your business goes our, our business from insurance for you employees so they can provide the loved ones with a secure future to insurance that protects your business assets and tailored strategies to meet your investments, subject, predict, group, and sustain your employees and business with old mutual old, which will do great things every day. the
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watching out, is there a mind at the top stories this out? israel has bone, the entrance of the commode, odd one, hospital in northern, gone. so kidding, dozens of people sheltering that dropped to say the situation inside is catastrophic. run out of beds and medication, thousands. so i will continuing to shelves inside because they have nowhere else to go as well, has been stepping off its attacks in the south. the gaza strip tongue slip into the outskirts on eunice, just as strong as his residential buildings. communications happen, cox once again across the whole ass gunk and gunfire has been hugged during overnight is really raising jeanine on the job as a refugee camp in ramallah. and the occupied was fine, as well as military detain thousands of people and destroyed roads envoy pipelines . and they also rates a in columbia, which is their ramallah from that i'll just,
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there's need to abraham sentence this report. us. let me show you better than i can tell you about the aftermath of hours and hours of raids by these really forces to this area, which is the columbia refuge account, as well as the photo op up area. this is one of the stores whose owners have not been v r. when these really forces re digits. they've never the less stormed. it's broken, the glass fire to a gas inside. then the store owners have told us that the 2 gas has melted. some of the clues, and it was only a coincidence that it did not have a full blown fire. there's also this shop as well, same story. they said, that's also not only that these really forces every did in a company with these really parties. but also that the task control controllers have came in and ask those palestinians to pay, find it related to income tax. so give you some context. this area is under the
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jurisdiction of the jerusalem municipality. these really controlled one. and in this area is considered part of occupied these jerusalem. but it's outside these really separation walls, which means they get 0 to almost uh, one percent of the services that they have been entitled to. this is why they say it's not fair for them to be paying those taxes and not guessing services they've been handed over those fines including one, palestinian, and some of them are gone. let's talk to him. you know, when we enter the area earlier, this area was like the smell of tear gas has been so heavy about that his colleagues have been spring. it's a kind of a control, the smell, and the effects of the aftermath. how much we did that he didn't even tell me exactly what happened when the army so just arrived. he got busted for free or i was working on a car. i stood the doors at the they started the oh to
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the 2nd below. like if i try to shut it out in my gate, i think i tried to leave. they addressed it'd be dragged to me and i just started beating and bad, telling me who i talked to. my cousin was helping me with the car. we were both handcuffed, roughed up. this house, i believe a bad toad and beaten from mine in the morning. i'm up till 5 in the afternoon. we were the tides bad toads and beaten. yeah. yeah. this is you can see this is that is that we were beaten up and back to uh, by the uh, off to that they, uh, took the computer. uh wait. so we use for an inspection. most of them. i told him that is not working. it doesn't have the operating, i told him it is not possible that not, at that point. he hit me with
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a heavy to. after that they do a drag me in. once i get to talk to a double, not a is a physician or the trauma x, but he explained as well as positive it's jewish. trauma has been trying to expel palestinians, finality. the last ac is continuation of something that began in 90. $4748.00, when the design is movement, whatever is justification in terms of renaming. jewish trauma in europe, realize that the only way they can establish a jewish state is by the expulsion. and i'm asking the staff and that's been going on ever since. and that's not historically controversial, this has been documented by is really a story and reported on laser the journal. is it just a continuation of what's been going on for close to 80 years? and or, you know, there was the homeless attack of october. the 2nd and then but what is was doing as
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long, long ago stopped in your response to the. ready what it really. ready is, is the continuation of the protocol extension of the task and people without the context. october, the 7th just looks like an order entry submitted coverage. and of course, you know, i don't know anybody we justify. ready support it sort of things fair beginning of civilians or the taking of sylvia in las vegas. and from the perspective of not knowing the history just because i cannot or pulled things to happen to jews in eastern europe. but as you understand the context, it's a different story altogether because israel has been conducting quite a platform. what happened in 4748 in 56 and 67. 67 has been conducting this reputation as brutal, murderous occupation of palestinian lands and the suppression of fellow city and
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people and their continued ethnic cleansing. and from that point of view, however unjustifiable and maybe some of the actions that occurred on october, the 7th may see and or it's no longer in question of anti semitism. it's the question of a people in desperate somehow resists in occupation. and janine that you mentioned on user rewards while i've been there, that those people have every right to resist buy on floors. every luggage. ready ocean, every people have the right to resist that. and as long as we only talked about it as it was right to defend itself, we're not asking what about the right of the sending people to defend themselves. so again, we don't have to justify with any particular action, but the result there several context. it just seems like a country defending itself against bunch of stuff liable to attack. well,
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the factors may have be nice to fireball, but the resistance is not all families fee is riley is captured on october, the 7th press the government to ensure the return of fed loved ones to all the is right. a families have been doing the same for much longer, that relatives one from the if you're, if you and is ready community the other and our better when i'll believe to been captured by how much in 2015 so hard to, to one of the families in the city of ask alone about a case that has highlights of the inequality faced by as rails minorities. nearly a decade ago, yellows, brother, walter likes this beach off to arguing with his mother bots. he never returned. he points to the direction of vera and he started to cry. he ended up in crossing into garza and then captured by him. us a very has mental health deteriorated, not long. this pulled on the death of his sibling deeply affected him. and now his family say the weights for action has taken fall too long. this as
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a name or 9 years, we're living, but we're not allies. it's a bad dream that's been going on for so many years and we can't cope. we're asking the government to bring him home or how like it should or citizen is still all this time. they weren't sure it was, there was dead. then how must reduce the video riley of the ca, showing him live? what we've only been here for a few minutes, but every few seconds we had a loud sides. and that's a continuous bombing of causes that's happening. just a few, columbus has down this coastline overhead. now yellow tells us, but every time he has a son, he thinks, how terrifying it must be for his brother is rosa strikes us, the complicated things, but with no caps has now held in garza, the various relatives hope he'll be freed if the sci fi deal resumes his farm and he says, neither these ready will cabinet. all those needing to bring them back home campaign
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have contacted the leaving of various community with no choice, they say, but to raise awareness to his case alone. so this is of the me, how has been painting of era and his family sees and his mother. let's see the crying. now she aims, how ought to bring his name back to the public domain of to use as being for goes to his case. he says it's highlights the inequality that the jewish has, radius therapy and community faces, as well as that, faced by the hour veteran minority also has um and said was captured in 2016 this and i said, let's say understood by colored be so at 1st he's peaches and he shows we're not present in this. we often appreciate he's picture was finally printed via far teas gave up on a vieira. they didn't include him in a captive exchange deal a few years ago. they say that people relate to most to those that look like them, because as the house says,
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she doesn't want him to be stigmatized because of his mental health that led him into garza. she says it could have happened to anyone, so she will continue to campaign for his release and ask her on yellow, says rivera will have experienced a number of was on garza. but he prays that this will be the last one that ends with his brothers safe for time. sort of hide at all to 0. ask along the, let's take a look at some other well news. now the filipino me has launched a large scale non homes for the silence who boomed a christian gathering in the south getting full of people. i so will says that carried out the attack during sunday mass of the university and the city of moran. we admin to now 50 people injured, the regent has seen fighting and recent years between the ministry and.


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