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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 5, 2023 10:00am-11:01am AST

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such intimacy that makes every international story local at heart. i will give you that post of the take a daily news podcast powered by the login reporting of algebra. find us where ever you get your pod cast. the, [000:00:00;00] the color there on the stars he obtained. this is and use our life from the coming up. in the next 16, israel continues, it's in ground defense of interest. central of tolveton garza as part of what it calls an aggressive action against lots june on what's more strikes across because it's thousands of kels as it's really for us as target
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hospitals and schools again to wells health organizations leaves the hospitals to be protected. the agency says it's been ordered to evacuate as a warehouse in southern garza and israel's war on garza is expected to be the main topic of discussion. as need is as gulf countries meet here and are the as well as well, is intensifying and widening. it's ground defensive in southern gaza bombing hospital schools and residential buildings as well, despite pressure from allies to reduce the number of civilian casualties. as also carpet bombing, several areas of gauze. the closing in on the city of calling us in the south. nearly 16000 palestinians has now been killed since this war began. united nations has renewed, it's called a permanent se is fine. well, that's being tried correspondents on the ground, honey. my mode in con eunice in southern gaza for us. honey,
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can you talk us through these really troop movements that you've been hearing about the i know the ground fighting, especially is getting closer and closer to the heart of con eunice when you are yes indeed. well, since they are the hours of this morning, and in fact is starting at the overnight late hours of last night, we're under heavy barrage of air strike on our tillery. a shilling is really tying send armand's deacon started pushing deeper into the heart of the city of han, you and as, as of this, our, these really a military forces expanding their ground and vision d r a is use all the 3 major areas at the eastern side of piney, of the sun and values, the height of that area. and that area affords area that is, that has become under a full is really military, a controlled a as of the past 2030 minutes. are there an area at the heart of 100
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known as the 5th this 3? this is literally about 15 minutes. drive it from wherever we are due to this area. so they are getting very closer to the center of new and is city where we have the hospital here we have the honor was school, there is the busy market. the area is, is still very densely populated with people, particularly the eastern side of pine units over night, running for their life and, and being stacking here at the hospital. and as you can see from the freedom of the company, the number of people has a tripping over night and has early hours of of this more we're looking at a 1000 people are really in the hospital here with a great deal of uncertainty as the news is starting to come in and that these really times are pushing deeper into the center of the city of time. eunice,
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a on our way this morning to the side that there are 1000 of people taking at the western roads that the next a newness and drop by and for people to try and to do, to move it further. the, the southern part, what's, what's hard to break and about is just seeing the little children a walking on that road for, for a long distance to get throughout the area. because as of now, most people who live the eastern side of 100 to lift on foot, they could not get their cars or whatever they use as a transportation to get here. and then do the, the, the, the, the, the roof. i think i need some new looking at a lot more crowded around you and i can kid there is. is randy drones back or the head you've been reporting from outside the national hospital for weeks now? what's the situation like inside we just sold even more on balance cisco past, but it's definitely
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getting very complicated at this hour as a, within the past 45 minutes, ambulances is started due to get those who were injured eh, of the, from last night, the early hours of this morning and good because of last night and none of the civil defense, the crew on the ground or ambulances, were able to get to the eastern side of highland is to pull out injuries to the hospital. they were able to do this, that according to one of the, the civil defense, the crew. here we talk of the city, there's still more people on the ground or they use inside of honey or they were able to, to reach to those who are very close to us. a lot had been road and the bring them to an author has put them here at the hospital. this seems because of this large it so non of injuries. the husband is a really over one with people who were injured within the past. if you is, and then those are, were transferred to from the ship a hospital and the indonesia has of the now on top of this non thing,
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the pressure on the medical team and the resources of the hospital, there are literally people sleeping at length on the floor of the hospital, the corridors or the hospital are packed i. i wanted to take a short tour inside the house, but i could not. i was within the emergency department if use it then then i pulled the back. it's very, very, very packed, very, very suffocating. there's large number of people inside with our injuries, or patients or people just sleep on the floor. as of this moment. i'm even hearing from the you. and to that it's completely, i have a running, overwhelmed honey. i'm off with that on the ground for us and con eunice and southern gaza. thank you, honey. stay safe. while these really minute treat is continuing to target heavily populated areas of gaza, that's try you. some pictures not from rough on in the south with, as you can see, intensive is riley strikes, have reduced several residential buildings to rubble of these really ami has also been dropping leaflets and thoughts. so southern gaza,
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wanting palestinians to move to other areas. but as you were hearing that from honey many people also be running out of safe places to try to go. for the mox has more and a warning. some may find images in his report. distressing. the threat from the strikes fear into those fleeing regardless of age. nothing living left undisturbed, even don't keys dead by the roadside to st. outside he works to relieve the pain of one, then did relative boots. as many others may be beyond hope of cousin's house was the $100.00 the house and the children have gone. i don't know who's still alive. who's passed away. may god help us the men who try to help emergency service workers must now move on to an engine clique. now a quotes yet another source of grief. unable to strike took place right next to the
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side casualties amongst the boys who were inside the post. we're outside patients rushed in the trios, then treatment, teenagers, and toddlers, the like laid out on the floor, suffering, life threatening trauma. the director of northern gauze as last government run hospital says few stuff and medicine remain in short supply despite the 7th day see spot for those that said south to con eunice hospital arrivals and no less hectic among the patients, deliberate speed, a tiny baby, 2 months old abraham, on the 2nd day of this war, without any protection from pounding weaponry. again, we left the north and came here to the surf, just like the ask, but this is what we find in the sense what can we do the, amid the medical made him
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a heart monitoring flat line and smooth white shroud signals that some babies do lose this battle for life, for the monks out to 0. well, the head of the walls, health organization says it is around, has ordered his organization to evacuate some of its facilities in southern gaza. he made those rocks on the social media platform ex, well that speak to alan fish a. he joins us live now from occupied these stories. and i say this is now turned into a bit of a social media around and it has the potential to become a much bigger diplomatic growth and the world health organization. and the chief executive petro is typically uses, put out a message on x, formerly known as twitter, yesterday saying that they had been told to essentially evacuate a medical supplies warehouse in southern guys. because an operation that was heading may have direction would make it beyond reach. he said, we received notification from the you certainly forces to remove supplies from
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a warehouse insights guides in 24 hours. we appeal to issue to withdraw the order and take the necessary measures to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals. so that we're how services about 11 hospitals in southern gaza . and of course there's a consent and that is more people move sites. and these really is begin to target the size of gaza. those hospitals could become overwhelmed and that could be a difficulty getting material to them. now the world health organization took this right so seriously that they started evacuating that we obviously started moving goods and drugs to via and to other places that they hope would be safe. but then we had from the use relays. so we called net, which is part of the us, that's part of the, the ministry of defense and israel. and they said the truth is, we don't, we didn't ask you to evacuate the warehouse. we made it clear in writing to relevant you and representative if you and officials, we were told from
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a un official, we would expect at least you to be more accurate. so that's pretty strong stuff from the israelis. but it's clear that the world health organization felt there was a threat, otherwise they wouldn't have defective resorts. is that this important time and the so to start moving material to the warehouse, this has the possibility to go into a much bigger right? well, meanwhile, like i said, he is really will cabinet to had an amazing overnight sun. do we know what came out of the well they, they don't tend to publicize a lot of what comes out of the war cabinet. because clearly they're making plans and they know what the next stage is going to be. we do know that they are going to continue to push forward. so he said they're going to make that a much more than 10 spackles it aware of the us demands to get more 8 into guys up particularly fuel. but they're concerned that by doing that, we can use that position when it comes to negotiating the release of hostages.
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you'll go on has said that he's going to move the troops. he's the defense minister, of course. he's going to move trips by the to the side, but they're going to keep a strong presence in the north. and he said they will stay there until every piece of how much infrastructure every flight to every warehouse and every tunnel was removed. now just in the last few days will seen rockets being far from northern guys. and these really is themselves have said that there has been in tens gun bottles in northern guys. so while the is really for the last week or so, i've been saying that they're almost in complete control militarily of northern guys. a 3 ality on the ground is something different. holland for sure that was all the latest lines for us from occupied the story some thank you all them. well, that's nothing in my home in chicago. he's a professor of conflict resolution under pharmacy at george mason university. i'm having a great to have you back. i see some seeing it is rarely officials of reports. have you been saying there's been
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a ratio about 2 civilians killed in gaza for each from us fight the i mean i will see what you make of that ratio. and potentially what israel is back is a making of that ratio. we've heard similar indicators from the is about 80 side, but there is no am printer can evidence. in other words, how does is what i and i don't defy little how much numbers of how much awesome the size i was with him. so we can not put all these categories in one lump sum. therefore, it's not easy for it is to identify a pro how much let alone who the odd on the thing and now it's as we call it, the 1st victim of what is reality. there is no check and there is no clear the check on on the is about any other you have any, but there is a certain perception. i think what's comfortable is, institution is certain i'll own the agent outdated. in narrative is and perceptions of the enemy. here's what i am,
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has twice to the human eye is whoever has any attachment with him as to the extent that some of, or most of the guys, those become pro how much according to the is that i in and out of the. but to do is use different what is now waived is basically a demographic war against palestinians let alone some besides those with hems regardless of how they're categorizing. if, if we look at a $2.00 to $1.00 ratio that still in itself israel saying that they've killed 2 civilians for every one. how about suffice it pro home us civilian whatever they want to, to define that as twos. one is still a remarkably huge amount of civilians killed. how is that going over at the moment with, with israel support isn't in washington for at least 20 the situation is much worse than death because now we're talking to both. nearly 16000 civilians have been killed in the past 2 months. a visa of a 1200 civilian is right and is it really is,
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is that our end does not show how many military cousins is so far. now you're asked about the washington and west. unfortunately, data is being uh, essentially age of am and of feeling or floss because the last assurance that was given by and that then the whole to blinking on his way back to the say is that this time we're on the north target. so really it was that means the field also the over the water would decrease. but what we're witnessing the last 3 days after the pause is an increase in mass killing. so therefore, it's not just the northern part of because that is the entire goes a strip, including the southern part that raises the question where, what is the in game of node anyhow, so far it's a basically killer the kids in gaza. is it reading any and, and did the more cut off? it was an a composition of the strip with the hope that a, that the issue of shows that you have is, will ever happens to be with them either to be given an incentive to accept those
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refrigerators in the long run. oh, well, as you say, this is an intensification of ass strikes that we've seen and then increasingly densely populated area then. so the population because israel has forced more and more people in into a and ever shrinking piece of land. let me ask you about is rails plans here because they've said that they have a high tech system to try to protect civilians and they're following movements of civilians that in real time telling people where they can go, where it's safe. how is that supposed to work? when the buttons are forwarding and as we saw it last night in the telecommunications system, one completely down. let's focus on what has happened so far over the past 2 months . the number one this, so is a monkey video. yeah, i want to know exactly where talking about 70 percent of the dead on a that a women or, and, or children on the age of 12. so that gives us an indication of the whole mill. it took a put ation when those sol deals are engaged in the what,
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what are they looking for? they are looking for same bullet be easy target, soft boxed, which happened to be there really is. nobody has the raise. the question about collect the damage on that, i think if this wouldn't be played out later on when you and, and on. but international screw attorney would kick in. but my skepticism now is that the, the, the united states over europe in a government, out of witness and the heart are of this one of the things we didn't few days. we manage 20000 that in the guys where is a monday through what is more on it, what are the international oh, the wisdom that they've seems to be moving in a site. it seems to be monitoring to live with because of this solid is the a pro and that's anyhow with this quote is that we are defending the security though is right and, and we're trying to, in the mean time as these to not items, little as in the appealing was like, well,
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it's not just washington and european leaders were watching what's happening in gauze. that's also arab countries. we've got the gulf leaders, a large number of the meeting today. here in the hall of the golf corporation council meeting, there's been a lot of criticism of arab nations from residents of gauze. i who say that that in action has enabled us to continue. when you, if you are referring to the promise, there is it hasn't been diplomacy, but after one week after the exchange or the swap, both 18181885400 then 5, between the hostages and prisoners on both sides everything stubs not because how much for the out of me the youth was because that is the options have changed their mind. it's basically that nothing else told david the building the head of most sides to god that a steam of those do hadn't go bucks to isn't that. and therefore, he shut the door completely and now the best case scenario that would come from the
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upside is another moment, the more another opportunity for mediation. but this time we lose in the interest of one site, at least. nothing else is not thinking seriously about diplomacy. or exchange of prisoners versus for how so she's he is more but he is back into his solid mainly tree approach. that means he wants to be the hero of this war. and we have at least another 2 months, december and january must killings. and the, and basically what we, we, we may know we may not have any voices coming from the west because let's give you nothing, you know, a whole, a enough time to achieve hayes and goals which remain late. and i'm clear. and dave lama chicago with thank you for joining me again here in the studio. and uh while the offensive and goals that intensifies is rarely soldiers all continuing to
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ray the towns and cities across the ocean pines, west bank areas, new bethlehem engineering has been targeted again. people engineering had gone 5 when military convoys move through the neighborhoods. that folder is as follows, destroying words, pavements and water supply lines about 60 palestinians have been detained every day in the occupied west by says this will in gaza again in october. the zone refugee camp in ramallah has also been rated how to send you and fight is confronted as rarely, soldiers in the early hours the on tuesday morning, the health ministry says is really false as and such as have kills at least $260.00 palestinians in the occupied west bank since october, the 7th. well, let's speak to tom stratford. he's in ramallah in the occupied westbank for us. charles, every time we speak, but the rates of escalation, who is as well targeting, what is real,
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says that it's targeting suspect 2 members, all those associated with the resistance groups. many of which are centered in some of the places that, that you mentioned the last in the light on going a story, another lodge rate on jeanine. we understand the focus of these right. the middle tree, attention engineering last night may, will appear in the house belonging to somebody they suspects was involved in the killing openness, riley soldier in the town hall to cut them last may. we also know that there is an ongoing rate as we speak in the the area code bit color which is close to hebron. no sign of any confrontations there as we saw a janine last night on compensations. but a number of arrests at least 5. we understand you're taking this so far on that is still an ongoing situation and also columbia last night you mentioned the as well colombia refugee camp, which is, is pretty close to ramallah. it was
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a 25 year old man who was killed in the is riley, made a tree. right? that's the 2nd desk in the columbia refugee cabinet, all is 24 hours. we understand the man was killed as these right imagery tried to force themselves into his home to arrest his brother. they blew up the front door of the house, and this 25 year old man was killed. there were also raged in remodeler itself and raged the best for him. and other roads actually close to 2 to not listen to refugee camp again. then that was not, this is often being hit as well during these, these not the minute g, right? so yes we so fall have got a combination of at least 40 people 40 more palestinians arrested last night. that takes to figure. ready as you mentioned, well over $3500.00 since the beginning of the war and around $260.00 palestinians killed and yeah, no sign that these there's,
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there's any going to be any that's up whatsoever in these, right? just saving is really all me continues to put pressure on commuters. it suspects as members of the all resistance living inside it, right. the way across the occupied was bank tells us, hey, this is pressure on community. we've also seen the destruction of so much infrastructure that roads and more preparations. now i understand to demolish homes, to as yeah, i think we should be a little bit more forceful in our language there. i apologize. i think it's a lot mold and pressure. um, do you and now says that since the beginning of 2023, it's c a at least to search you to home demolitions. now this is a longstanding is ready policy. they will basically blow up the home of anyone they suspect, of being contributing or being part of an attack. and which is riley soldier was killed. of course, human rights groups, palestinians
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a cooling this full of collective punishment. so just to break it down, these home demolition and stuff involve a talk. it a lot of the time don't involve a talkative strike. a lot of times yes, the family will be wounds. they will be removed from the house. but just getting that kind of military might into those areas involves a, is rarely all i'm in bold. i was just being you so loud, showing up an entire street destroying by to leave the structure this affecting the inside community. and of course, this house with just belonged to either the suspected gunman. he will have a, a, a wide, a large, extended family on because these problems are located in areas where the buildings are so close together. a lot of time in, in, in these refugee camps, whether off thousands and thousands of people living and very close proximity trip to each other. that of course, is the house. he's around this house that's going to be demolished. it will also be just be destroyed. i mean, we've seen this on numerous occasions in jeanine on one occasion it looked pretty
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much like an entire street had been destroyed, but these rarity said no, they were focusing on the house of this stuff. but they believe they've been involved in the killing openings. riley soldier, so yeah, this is an indication of, of, of, of the kind of fresh oh, that's a hundreds of thousands of palestinians facing every night as these raids and as these home demolitions across still occupied westbank go on top of that on the ground for us and ramallah and the occupied restaurant. thank you. charles. so let's speak again with my mom and chicago, a, a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. mom is just minutes ago, we were talking about how our pates and this and, you know, who's in game is, what do you make of, of what's happening now? and, you know, it's your pride westbank and how that might fit into a broad, a strategy here. well, let's start with the humanitarian situation. you and organization and the agencies of call distribution and goes up. what can i take?
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this is unprecedented. and characterization of how things has what have worse today. only 100 trucks of humanitarian node. let's go through how they are off by cross in point between case you guys are so well, going back to the money prediction of the humanitarian situation. people have to start of if you don't die by not doing the causes is that it won't kill them. so there is no other choice. so, so far as of today, after the one week of show a show, leave the mediation. there is no dude promise in the horizon. there is no muscle is the flex or any kind of pressure coming from the united states or you will just stop for nothing. he offered them but they submitted 3 complaint. what is left basically is left nothing. the home energy is more the way he deems to be white,
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but there is no checklist with that. he is minimizing the targeted targeted a civilians or thing is able to get out to get the lama. i want to focus on the occupied westbank. and i'm wondering how you see that strategy that you're talking about in cause a play out. the one there is a clear cut full fledged the minute your operation in gaza. but there is also a secret. these ation approach going on in the west bank. we can then minimize the impact of the policy and cause for both guidelines and with ben cuz it's basically the same day and i'm at the bye now the focus on ism goes up, but some of that identification is when also impacts the west bank. and i think that we may have some escalation, we may have some more the of contemptuous politics coming up down the road. because since everybody is in propped in this mind, to the 4 goals,
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the se corner here. and i mention tends to be view of what you're going to expect. so i think that's the wrong. but on, in february and beyond, i think the focus will no longer remain on. it goes up but certain incidents and will take place in the west bank, and that will confirm that any military approach to what any conflict is not the best solution. the must be a diploma. i think a political incentive let me unpack. little of what you've said, that within the context of the psychology of what all you saying then that perhaps we're going to see more on resistance, more unified, re resistance against the israelis within the occupied westbank of this is all going to back 5 o'clock down there. is helping human said the in physics couple of centuries and go to every action duties and every action in the side on the other side. so it's the same for tracks of social conflict between the is that are in and find a standing is and whoever tries to minimize it as a war between
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a mess and is about and he or she is misconduct that i, as in the call, the conflict so therefore, i think now if, if the war continues and goes and nothing, you know, insists on pushing those guys on a stored site. and i, that's cool. some of the indication that week is also has all the similar, similar plans for the with the bank of to will jordan or to one another out? i'm comedy. so basically we are going back to neck, but or the cut the snowflakes health 1948, to be born in 2000. 23 or 24. so endless, nothing the outcome comes out and says, okay, it's 5 to shift total from more to piece making i, or the worst case scenario is the, remain on the tape. and we've been hearing from people in the occupied westbank saying they've, they're watching what's happening and cause a wondering if, if they're going to be on the phone. so if there's an advantage to a going towards being over the bus 3, the kids now. now i think with the momentum of how much it's going to jump,
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translate into some social and for the pickup, it's an a monk, but a senior is northern goes, but also as well. and we'll see how that plays out. mama check holly, thank you for joining us again here on out of there. meanwhile, the us state department has said that israel is not doing enough to come down on set to attacks against palestinians in the occupied west spend. the spokesman, la matthew miller said that is really set, those who resort to violence should be prosecuted as we have seen them take some steps to respond to extreme, his violence against palestinians in the west bank. we don't think those steps have been sufficient. we think they need to prosecute people who engage in violent activities against the palestinians. and one of the things that the secretary made clear in his conversations with you is really government is that while this doesn't in any way of the need for them to take additional actions that we are prepared to take our own actions on behalf of the united states government hydro cast or has
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the one out for us from washington dc. we've heard from to us officials in the past few hours, both with strong messages for israel, national, secure advisor, jake sullivan, said that the us expects is real to follow through in not attacking the so called no strikes though that israel itself has indicated it was unclear where the zones are, if gauze and civilians know about them and whether they are indeed reachable us state department spokesman, matt miller, echo the message that too many palestinians have died in the cause, a conflict. and the israel is responsible for conducting this southern offensive, differently than the mass evacuations and mass casualties that were afflicted in gauze. as north miller said, while israel's military plan shared with the us over daily conversations, show quote, improvements and taking intended measures to protect civilians. the u. s. he says, is watching closely to see the results. while an increasing number of high level us
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officials has said, israel has killed too many innocent guides and civilians. we've yet to hear those same words coming from president joe biden himself, heidi joe castro alger 0. washington as hostile head here on out as they are. we hear from an easier finish raining families have been campaigning from 9 years for the release of their relatives. held captive and gulf as a protest, scroll an essential role needs. some of the tucker citizens have finally been evacuated from the hello. we are now looking at mulder at pushing it to west and pulse if you're up in the form of wind and right. but the cloud as well last larry of light pressure just
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rolling into the breast peninsula, running across the english channel, oregon a southerly when the head of that. so that will lift the temperatures, but it will bring that weight and with the weather in across the good parts of western europe and even in to west biometric, these even single figures. so it was a lot of coal. rev around 7 is a nice that full london and paris as we go through, choose the shows along spells of frame for many and noticed some whatsoever coming back in across the west. central parts of the mediterranean. if leasing a fabric of rain there for the race, it's somewhat tri city dry and it is cold. we must go minus 9 celsius and fully will be in to the negative teams as we go on into the latter half of the week. so that's something to look forward to further where says that mazda web ex, that went to weather coming back in across the northwest. that a bit of whether to just making its way into spain and portugal moving parts of africa saying a little bit of what, whether to just around the mediterranean coast, know them out to areas fruit shanicea just draws a little faddle. race was moving possibly, you know,
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below we have some risk winds coming through. meanwhile, for west africa, it's a few showers along the southern coast. the latest news, as it breaks the people here are celebrating, but they say that their celebrations are sorry. we don't say the number, so too often kill god with detailed coverage by a release of those. the health comes to the little side of his riley's. i've been following every step of this thing and fearless gen and isn't. most children will survive. talk to deal with the pain and trauma of losing their parents. our loved ones around 3 quarters of sub saharan africa is cultural. heritage is on display in western museums. didn't happen overnight. we were rob cover time. the 1st episode reveals how you repeat and color nice ation. remove tens of thousands
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of on to facts and the young people struggle to reclaim the restitution africa stolen episode one. 0 no. just sierra the the the welcome back to watching on to 0. let's remind you about the top stories. the cell is relas, intensifying its ground and, and offensive in southern and central garza. they have been as strikes around rough on tanks all pushing the button to come. this is around the same phones, the entrance of the come out loud one hospital and move in cost, killing thousands of palestinians. adults as it say,
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the situation inside is thousands of the space. families are sheltering. is there any soldiers? i will say reading towns and cities in the occupied the west bank. at least 40 palestinians have been detained over night areas and your best to have engineering among the areas targets of holocaust survivors have been condemning. israel is offensive on garza, one of the most renowned speakers has been dr. gumble not to. he's wasn't extensively about israeli and palestinian trauma. they've been listed in there. it is, is simply not presented in the west. and we're seeing it simply through the eyes of this the terrorist and they want to kill the jews and don't want to destroy israel . and what i saw was that people in deep suffering and deep oppression, human beings just wanted to live as like some beans. last time i was, there was a year and a half ago, i was working with the student women who would be tortured in his early jails. and as somebody said to me there,
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we don't have post traumatic stress disorder here because of trauma is never post. so this is a people living under constant from and when there isn't an explosion, a balanced in a rage like there was in october the 7th, then the world notice. ready and it is horrified that some of the things that happen, but again, that explosion is almost inevitable if not justifiable, even certainly inevitable. given what those people have suffered, including of course the people in gaza were in 2025. and international study found that the most traumatized children in the world were actually living in garza. this is 2005. i mean, my people don't have to tell you, underwent the most terrific event in human history, which was the nasty job site. and their system was terrific because it was the delivered, planned and mechanical, scientifically organized destruction or attempt
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a destruction of old people. and i nearly fell victim to that as an infant. they've done. ready that's your vision for year. as i mentioned, a father was in force later. my grandparents died in our shirts. and the question is, what less than should be derived from that experience? one less than to derive is design is less, which is i just have to be strong and ruthless and beat down everybody else before they beat us down. that's one potential less than you can derive. and see what that is. let us do the master massive group does to ensure your other less than you can derive from that same experiences last not treat each other of like knowing human beings best to get everyone like fellow human beings of the same rights. same desires, same aspirations as we all do. so never again from that point, as you do, is not a tribal slogan, but it's
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a slogan for universal understanding. and truly it, most people actually understood the real experience of the past and people for the last a 200 years, a bit of a great this is you what's going on right now and you don't have to be empty. jewish in fact, from my point of view, the most structurally shifting, the jewish thing you can do is to stand up against this occupation because ultimately, it's not good for anybody. while while family is of the is ryan is captured on october 7th, press the government to ensure the return of their loved ones to other families have been doing the same too much longer. their relatives, one from the east european has ran the community and the other and are a better when i believe to have been captured by her last in 2015. so her aunt spoke to one of the families in the city of ash cologne. and that was a case that has highlighted to be in a quality faced by israel's minorities. nearly a decade ago,
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yellows brother was like since this beach off to arguing with his mother bots, he never returned. he points to the direction of aram and he started to cry. he ended up in crossing into garza and then was captured by him of a virus. mental health deteriorated, not long before that. the death of his sibling deeply affected him, and now his family say the weights for action has taken fall too long. this as a name or 9 years, we're living, but we're not allies. i am, it's a bad dream that's been going on for so many years. we can't cope. we're asking the government to bring him home or how lucky should or citizen, it's seals all this time. they weren't sure it says there was dead. then how must reduce the video riley of the ca showing him a live? well, we've only been here for a few minutes, but every few seconds we had a loud sides. and that's a continuous bombing of causes that's happening. just a few,
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columbus has down this coastline overhead. now yellow tells us that every time he has a son, he thinks how terrifying it must be for his brother is rosa strikes as the complicates of things, but with no caps has now held in garza, the various relatives hope he'll be freed if the sci fi deal resumes, his family says neither these ready will cabinet. all those needing to bring them back home campaign have contacted the leaving of various community with no choice, they say, but to raise awareness to his case alone. so this is of the me, how has been painting of era and his family sees and his mother. let's see the crying. now she aims, how ought to bring his name back to the public domain of to use as being for goes to his case. he says it's highlights the inequality that the jewish has, radius therapy and community faces, as well as that face by the hour video in minority also has chavez said,
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was captured in 2016 this and i said, let's say understood by colored be so at 1st he's peaches and he psalms were not present in this. we often patricia he's picture was finally printed via forties gave up on a vieira. they didn't include him in a captive exchange deal a few years ago. they say that people relate most to those that look like them because this the house says she doesn't want him to be stigmatized because of his mental health that led him into garza. she says it could have happened to anyone, so she will continue to campaign for his release and ask her on yellow, says a very when of experience, the number of was on garza, but he prays that this will be the last one that ends with his brothers safe for time, sort of hide at all to 0. ask along all golf corporation council. it is. you've been hearing on mission here. and uh huh. israel as well,
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and garza is expected to top. the agenda need is also set to discuss economic and the tree cooperation. well, that's bringing up different logic yet a james base. he's out that conference for us here in durham. james, i understand it's his the state to a meeting this morning. what should we expect of the, what we're going to see, all of the gcc country is all of the 6 countries of the gulf here. and the conflict, the more on jobs are i think is very much helping the gender of what they're going to be discussing. here i think watch for the opening because we're going to hear the mayor of cutoff because they all the host them cause cats. i'll play the central role in bringing that one week truce to gaza. is there any future now? in any negotiations, we need to watch these words very, very closely. it's all so was telling you that in addition to the gcc countries, they've been invited to this, the annual summit as the special guest present. 0, one of turkey said he will also be here. he has
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a very strong line on the situation. recently is described prime minister netanyahu as the book sure of gaza and say he needs to be tried for war crimes. all of these countries are calling for a permanent spot to take place. so we know the current position, but i think it'll be interesting conversation is going on in the side lines of this summer is about what happens when the user id bombardment of gauze is always, but what happens about rebuilding jobs? so what happens about the future governance of gauze that those are the silver things it will be on the agenda and discussed it, and they'll have today and the name of the new or that live here on al jazeera. that's all the latest. thank you very much. james space, other than that to get us to at that meeting for us today. a halt stella head here on out of here. and the rest of the day is near is competing venezuela's president pushes forward a plan. so take control of
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a distribution region for drawing guy on the welcome back. let's take a look at some of the day is all in years. they have also been land slides on flooding and moving tens in there with ours, he's the say the desk told has risen to 68, moving a 1000 households, and 5 and a half 1000 people are effected. heavy rain for in the past 2 days has washed away costs and buildings. and the engineers components of all small rescue teams are still searching for people missing in flash. floods that and off to our land slide . and these 2 people have been confronted. dozens of homes was swept away off the
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trench. lorraine hit that release on friday. only us and basset to bolivia has been charged with spying for cuba, for 40 is 73 year old victim manual russian proposed to me began helping havana as a corvette agent back in 1981. the department of justice has indictment to choose, is russia of carrying out one of the most extensive and severe breaches of government intelligence in us history. he's doing course in florida on monday. hold on his right as president says, he will move forward with plans to re cover the oil rich border region of as a keybo and guyana. this of the venezuelan is overwhelmingly approved the move in a referendum on sunday. the 2 countries have been locked in a dispute over the tower trade for more than a century, but it remains unclear how present. nicholas, missouri is. government plans to achieve its goals. i just wanted to run past the reports from boca time on a day after venezuela's. i'm sorry to said voters have over whelming pre approved
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the take over of an oil rich region in neighboring yanna. epic though. you as president nicholas and my daughter about to abide by the will of the people and attack those. he said we're trying to undermine the results. i love it. ties to the right wing, is there support exxon mobil. the finance right wing that supports the rights of guy on and not those of venezuela. i tell them we are moving forward. this referendum is binding and i will comply with the mandate of the people. the people's voice is safe for the voice of the people is the voice of god. venus wayland election of dorothy said 95 percent of the 10500000 votes. they have counted, we were in favor of creating a new village swelling state in the us, the cable, a densely for arrested region. the venezuela says was stolen when the border was drawn more than a century ago. but some been swelling, so we made skeptical. every thing they said is
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a lie because i passed by several polling centers and everything was always empty. i don't know where they got that number of people who supposedly voted for the cable. the government promoted the referendum for weeks calling it an act of patriotism and using it as a way to gauge my daughter to support the head of the next year's presidential election. many swell as long claim the area. the tensions only increased after large deposits of oil were found in 2015. and monday the us state department said is supported and negotiated settlement. we support a peaceful resolution of the border dispute between venezuela and guy on the 18. 99 award determined the land boundary between that as well and gayona's should be respected in less or until the parties come to a new agreement or a competent legal body decides otherwise. this is not something that will be just settled by settled by reference and it's unclear what steps of business within
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government will take to follow to him. the result that any action is likely to be met with international condemnation. in the meantime, what do those rectory is keeping re on on age, and then get the address here. the netherlands has returned to 6 all the facts taken by force from sri lanka during the colonial era. as mendelson on does report . this is the 1st batch of crisis to be returned. that cool mazda of more than 200 years in the netherlands. these artifacts were looted by doctor soldiers when the overran dependence in kennedy, in central sherlock, in 1765. but what about the bond? the key these items were made to the king and we have very few of those now remaining. so these are very important artifacts. i have the items now on display at columbus national museum. they include these 2 guns, weighing 2018, lose each the move, but here the opportunity was used by troops of the can be and king to defend the city. and the palace,
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the most eye catching item of the collection is below ok. cannon beamed after the eddies. to correct who had to they created so the king that is a very hybrid of jackson's was probably made in the metal and then given to the king of sri lanka laser, it was embellished, decorated industry lanka, and then give it to the king again. and that it was taken away exploits a boose of the items were made, enjoy workshops of pretended kingdom and not a testament to the skill. the sense of the time the uh, the 1st is a colonial artifacts returned by the dutch government. it's very important to critically reflect on the history and to well take steps and doing things rights which went in the history wrong. the sheila government says it is grateful for the return of its asi fax by the netherlands,
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which has been more helpful than other former colonial powers. the other european countries often do you uh, electronic copies of uh, of ministries wiley. and dennis simpson does not saying that, you know, they need to be testing the piece at the, in the stalls and easy iron meals. this is a store maintenance you're lucky with us, given back by the pseudo says he hopes the model example. the set by the doctor government will influence others to return culturally significant items to did. right. so own is it's taking more than 40 years to get these colonial artifacts back to say lanka. the connection is a fraction of the thousands of treasures looted in columbus and now found in museums around the was the story and save the return. is a way to come stopped. mean us and and as i'll just 0,
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colombo on time alpha. i look at the latest spots headlines for some, a. xerox air force club a have wrapped up their asian champions. the campaign in style, home side beat a g and k. s field was focused on 32 in the final group, c, l. c. sad. i've been em, you'd open this going for the walk you side in the 14th minutes before franco to stunning strikes, doubled their lead a minute later. how much the cost and made it 3 now just before the break with another great finish, the visitors did manage to get back into the game with 2 goals, but it was too little too late. they were knocked out from the competition. fine, jeffrey knew this place. it's a parcel on a visa technical my duty to move up to said in light iga and the window came from a play a contracted to the opponents. jell phoenix is on a season long loan from ecological school. the only goal in one mill victory,
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which means loss at least from their opponents in descending the green bay packers one the sub game in a row. as they beat the kansas city chiefs told in love a few 3 touchstone passes, including $22.00 christian watson as they beat the defending super bowl. champ is 2719 cycle. it says that he's made significant progress after completing full ross and he has come back from injury competing for the 1st time since undergoing and cold surgery in april. with finished the 18th in the here. well challenge as he talk, it's a full come back next you have done a while. i haven't done with michael the way it is now and. and i was excited to each and every day to kind of get through it and test our piece and rounds and gather again. i mean, i haven't done this in a long time. so it was fun to feel that again. and shy hope at school,
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the century is west and east with england and this one day international. the wendy's chase down the target with 7 bowls, the sped twin a bite for wickets. those were the sports headlines you can get more of 0 adult calm and on our social media channels. more than a 140 tucker citizens thing is roswell and garza has arrived in this bundle. they were forced to leave through the roof of border crossing with egypt. and of course i own it has no circus. medical staff in a stumble, our will, can install it there to wisconsin. they say the flags they carry, the blood splattered grounds they wear speak for the palestinian, the victims of israel's war, use a phone call. yet as a journalist who grew up in gauze of ship only a refugee camp, he flung the horizontal for 2 years ago. and settled and assembled on the night of october, the 14th
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a week and 2 as well as offensive. he lost 21 relatives in gaza. 12 for the members of his immediate family. he says they have left the north and taken refuge in on the same route. reference a camp in central garza, but that too was bombarded. i can last. i feel like i feel like i live in this already between. i feel like this is not safer overflow, it is just under this and the family live, and it has to be on the human capacity use. a sister who is still in northern casa, refuses to move, feeling a similar fate who will convince them to evacuate. because my somebody that i'm doing got bumped into south even the hospitals are not safe for palestinians. the professors here accused israel of committing war cross bar targeting health
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facilities and goals. so the turkish structures silent pool demonstration is an appeal to the international community to take action against israel. l who's saying has lived in gold, so since 1997, a dual citizen, she was evacuated to egypt, then to to care with her family. on november the 18th this was the for you from her flat just before it was just for the family left. when they heard is running, the forces would be targeting their neighbor, whose name says she packed up 27 years of memories into a small backpack and cried all the way along. the so called safe cory door to the south is already good. try can only that when we were hit on what was supposed to be the safe freed, thankfully, nothing happened, but they did hit people before us. we saw corpses in 40 posts, sounds which were covered. there was a heavy smell. there are many dead people buried beneath the rubble and they are unable to extract them at the moment. they may not be in garza anymore,
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but these palestinians feel pain and loss just as acutely, somewhat anxious. the at what is on folding back home, while others focus on the loved ones who have survived seen them to sol. how does your a stumble? well that's it for this new that we bought the of the damage in the house of green, the big evidence of the quakes that prompted its evacuated sion on friday. the southern emission of toxic gas, a possible pre kosa to interruption was enough for both ortiz to order everyone out best be nothing on the scale of distribution. see since interruption in the 13th century. for the famous sheila and the people who live here is that this isn't just about an image interruption. it's about a long term shift. and so we're much mobile kind of glee, active and dangerous phase peterson,
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who's been monitoring iceland is going to tell geology to move in 20 years. she says, what's happened to the last few days is evidence of a transition that could last centuries. the peninsula will be dormant until a new activity period starts. and that can also last several 100 some years. iceland, beauty has been full extent, taught by 32 volcanic systems. it's people that had to become resilient to that day just, but here in the south west, those stages around the growing one of the largest green spaces in atlanta, georgia is being cleared to build a 19000000 dollar lease training facilities i for or therefore it is the same that they want to join us all forward, sees across keesing, doesn't surprising the construction of domestic stream. it is the people that are talking about investing and social services that are considered extreme phone lines of what this means for the future of protest in america. now your terrorist on out
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you 0, president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. the israel continues and ground defensive and just central and southern garza is part of what it calls an aggressive action against the hello. again, i missed all the attain, this is i'm just here at life from june almost as well as strikes across gauze that doesn't account as is there any forces target


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