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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 5, 2023 11:00am-11:30am AST

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the region and the world. a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the israel continues and ground defensive into central and southern draws on. it's part of what it calls an aggressive action against you lost the hello again. i'm this, does he obtain? this is under 0 life from june. i was just more strikes across because that doesn't account as ran the forces target hospitals and schools. again, the us state department says israel needs to do more to come down on sets of violence against palestinians in the occupied west bank. and israel's war and goes
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or is expected to be the main topic of discussion as need is of golf country meet here in the israel is intensifying on widening it's ground. defensive in southern gaza bombing hospital schools and residential buildings. that's despite pressure from allies to reduce the number of civilian casualties. these are images now from inside the not the whole special in con eunice showing the often loss of it is rarely strike on a school sheltering the space to palestinians. these really ami is caustic funding, several areas of cause that closing and now in the south. nearly 16000 palestinians have been killed since the school began residential buildings and roughly in the south and also been reduced to rubble. as you see, people were ordered to evacuated in the middle of the night and the early hours of this morning. but israel's compartment is making his knit impossible to leave for
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the monks sent us this report and a warning fear was may find some of the images distressing. the threat from the strikes fear into those fleeing regardless of age. nothing living left undisturbed, even don't keys dead by the roadside. st. outside, he works to relieve the pain of one injured relative. that says many others may be beyond hope of cousin's house was the $100.00 the house and the children have gone. i don't know who's still alive, who's passed away? may god help us? the men who try to help emergency service workers must now move on to an engine clique. now a quotes yet another source of grief because the strike took place right next to the side. are casualties amongst the boys who were inside the post. we're outside.
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patients rushed in the trailers, then treatment, teenagers, and toddlers, the like laid out on the floor, suffering, life threatening trauma. the director of northern gauze is last government run hospital says few stuff and medicine remain in short supply despite the 7th day see spot to those that said south to con eunice hospital arrivals and no less hectic among the patients delivered at speed a tiny baby 2 months old abraham, on the 2nd day of this war, without any protection from pounding weaponry. again, we left the north and came here to the surf, just like the ask, but this is what we find in the sense, what can we do? i mean, the medical made him a heart monitoring flat line and smooth white shroud signals that some babies do
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lose this battle for life. the mux out to 0 honey off was correspondent on the ground, as in congress and southern gaza. honey, can you describe the israeli troop movements that you've been hearing about that we understand the ground facing? keeps getting closer and closer to the house of hon units when you want. the yes indeed. under tv and verizon ears rights and he's the artillery is showings over night and early hours of this morning and is really tying sent an arm of the vehicle to start pushing toward the heart of the city of han, eunice coming to from the east britain aside. what happened over night was more of a of a carpet bombing. the entire east spring area were reports about it. severe destruction and damage do it. all of the vast majority of old residential buildings at the same
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time, 8 times an arm of vehicle were pushing slowly but surely into uh so i had the in road bypass ends on the road into road. the 5th road that's close to the center of new and a city. we're talking about 15 minutes, a drive and from where i am from 4th thing you from to where a the 5th road is located. so gradually we're seeing how we think we here once in a while it's shut dawn and artillery showing getting closer and closer. uh, what's the, the tragedy of what's happening there? that is, that there are still people this stranded and caught in this a war zone. they either they're still in the eastern side of canyon is the 4 major areas of the eastern side. a lot of design was off. and ben is to highlight area. and there are a few that been sent out and called to her directly across the intervene and to
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help them evacuated. but unfortunately, no response at the moment, the ambulance ambulances and on civil defense, the crew a were not able to rescue or get any of the injuries. overnighted, they were only able, within the past hour hour or so they were able to bring some of those are critically injured here to the loss of the hospital. we're talking about a 150 injuries that have been brought to the hospital old and a critical condition. they're still there also some of the. busy bodies were brought here, they were able to collective from the roles they were not able to go inside the area. the eastern area kind of those were mainly on full. i had been vote for a little bit into the eastern side of the city of honey, and the situations are very catastrophic. it increase the pressure on hospital the number of the evacuated here at the hospital has tripled within the past hour.
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we'll see in more people forwarded into the hospital. but with a grades on cert, tennessee, or what to do next. do you know that the last point of evacuation is going to be rough by hand, and that's what increases their concern and see are and that, that feeds into the permanent, this a placement because, you know, i right off the roof. i the only option that they have is crossing over to egypt and this is a increases their, their fear and uncertainty of what's going to happen. maybe the most part of breaking it, seeing what we have been looking at so far is the, is women and its children evacuated from those areas and running for the lives, walk in long distance as they are unable to shoes, to get in cars and drive on the roads leading here to the hospital, the vast majority of roads and infrastructure. i've been completely destroyed to the point that it's hard just, it's hard for walk and moving on, driving cars and,
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and moving a truck. so now and how do you just moments ago, we were watching some awful pictures from inside the hospital and some of the injured chief in boston from those intensified strikes. you've been reporting outside the last the hospital for weeks now. can you describe a level for us, what's taking place inside and, and how medical stoffer coping with this huge and thoughts as well as this woman has its all tested other over one, the crunch of the gods and freeway them so far. we know some of the hospitals in the northern pine, if not all of them, they're all out of service right now. but here at another hospital the, the, the intensity and the pressure is, is mounting as not only the hospital has been receiving injuries it from the past week. but on top of that, those are where transferred from a ship, a hospital and indonesian hospital from does not. in the northern part, added more pressure to the medic on the medical teens and the medical supplies that
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are running. the depleting here at the, at the hospital and with this news. so no army of injuries i'm talking about just within just one hour. 150 injuries were brought to the hospital here. there's no speed. the hospital is literally a running out of a space. it is just taking a walk inside the hospital, you will feel the, the, the suffering and the catastrophe of what's going on. little on the, the, the conditions of those who are in the hospital. the shortage of medical supplies, the, the absence of, of sanitation. there are hygiene facilities that have been damaged is there are difficulties involved and what's going on right here at the hospital we, we heard it from a hospital officials here that the hospital soon enough will be, will be making some tough decision of, of the living. those are being in the hospital for a week or so to leave because the day they have more life threatening injuries
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coming to the hospital a. but again, those who who will be lived out of the hospital this still need the medical, the necessary medical attention to keep, to keep certain, to keep alive here without the, the, the, the, the supply, the medical supplies and the medicine on time will be very difficult for them, dukes to survive the coming days. but again, we're talking about no, no medical supplies coming to the hospital, no fuels. and that's another problem that was raised by the hospital and uh, within the past hour that it will, it will have to make the decision of cutting down on some of the services that other departments in through ensure sustainability for the coming days. honey, my horse, the with that live report for us from the ground in con eunice in the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you so much, honey. well, i want to explain a little bit about what you've been seeing on the other part of your screen. and you are watching the adopters, pushing out a number of, of travelers,
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courses. this is or just outside to come all odd one hospital that's in northern garza. we know that this hospital was bombed. the entrance of this hospital has been bombed in the last 24 hours, several deaths the font at the same time. and these races, pictures were watching as, as bodies are being laid out, we are hearing that people have been told they can't leave, that they are being shocked at if they try to leave that hospital compound. that's just news just in, in the last few minutes, we'll be staying across the situation there for you, as well as one hospital in northern garza here on, on to 0. well, while the offensive and goal is a continues to intensify as rarely sold as also reading towns and cities in the occupied westbank areas near bethlehem engineer and have been targeted again, a young man was killed in the columbia refuge account in proven joyce when his brother was arrested folders have destroyed words,
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pavements and bolts of supply lines. and janine, of the, the jonathan refugee kinds of ramallah has also been rated. how to sing and fight is confronted as rarely sold as that. and the early hours of tuesday morning, the health ministry says is really forces in set to have killed at least $260.00 palestinians in the occupied west. by since october, the 7th tells trots what has more for us from ramallah. we understand that the focus of these lady, middle tre, attention in jeanine last night, may well appear in the house belonging to somebody they suspect was involved in the killing openness, riley soldier, in the town of to cut them last may. we also know that there is an ongoing right as we speak in the the area code bit color, which is close to hebron. no sign of any confrontations. there is resort janine last night on compensations. but a number of arrests at least 5. we understand you're taking the sofa and that is
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still an ongoing situation and also columbia refugee camp, which is, is pretty close to ramallah. it was a 25 year old man who was killed in the is riley ministry, right? that's the 2nd desk. in the columbia river, g capitals 24 hours. we understand the man was killed as these right imagery tried to force themselves into his home to arrest his brother. they blew up the front door of the house. and this 25 year old man was killed there were also raged in remodeler itself and rage the best way him and other rides actually close to 2 to nablus and a refugee camp again. the annapolis, nablus is often being hit as well during these, these not the ministry. right. so yes, we so fall. have got a combination of at least 40 people 40 more palestinians arrested last night. that takes the figured well over $3500.00 since the beginning of the war and around
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$260.00 palestinians killed. and yeah, no sign that these uh that there is any going to be any that's up whatsoever in these, right? just saving the is really all me continues to put pressure on communities. it suspects as members of the all resistance living inside it, right. the way across the occupied was bank of all golf corporation council leaders on now i'm using here and uh huh. israel's war and gaza is expected to top. the agenda. lead is also set to discuss economic and military cooperation. well, there's a lot of casual james bayes is watching all of this for us here in the ha james. i understand it's the heads of state who will be meeting this morning to go through what we should be expecting. yeah, was mean seeing the arrivals taking place in the last couple of hours. some of those arrivals still taking place at the me a re terminal of the hot air force and off to being greeted that by the end of
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consol, they're making their way into the hall. i think this is an important meeting because the gulf cooperation council represents the 6 gulf countries which will have slightly different views on the situation with regard to israel and the political relationships with regard to israel. they will have the same position right now is they should be a permanency spar and they will condemn the bombardment of gauze. but you have countries like the united arab emirates and bar, right, which have normalization deals still in place with israel. you have saudi arabia that was working towards a normalization deal, but that is frozen. and then you have other countries which have no diplomatic links with israel as i say, i think we know that positions off regarding what's going on in the will now. but i think the things to watch very closely on number one, the speech of the image will catch all the host. he'll be speaking 1st in about 45 minutes from now. now remember, can't tell his role as the mediator in this conflict. they were responsible for
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about 7 day truce that ended with even heavier bombardment by israel will be listening very closely to his words to see if there's any possibility that they can be any further negotiation. i think the other thing to watch for is nobody communicate at the end of this. what will they talk about with regard of the future of gauze, off to the end of these ready bombardment, the rebuilding of gauze, but most importantly, the future governance of gauze or the role of the products. and you know, the 40. those are all things to watch in the coming hours. thanks for that, james out the amount of canada james bay is that he'll be watching all of those events for us here and or how. thank you. well, that's not bringing my how much of how we again, he's a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. mohammad. as we've been hearing calculators, heads of states all head to have a conversation. also really chopping the agenda will be israel is more on garza and we've been hearing from 1000 residents,
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criticizing ad states for that and action saying that that popped me to blame. so for this continuing conflicts, do you think that's fair? well this and you go to some, it is an excellent opportunity for more diplomatic engagement. not only is going to reinforce what because how do you have achieved over one way. but also we're putting the 6 nations including the minutes behind and also so the only be a that was leaning toward normalization. we as what i, so this gathering is about, bring in some come to the bottom stuff means if nothing ever wants to have it, he's a way military, the federal city of getting civilians. now there is also a chance that these godly theirs will also echo the of the plan of 2002, which schools for a 2 state solution at the city and state that leaves basically, besides the, by the state. therefore we're out. i'm not around an hour before they can choices,
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but we remind them, oh sams, once again the everyday if is the floor in the middle east is about the same. the pros, it's causality, which is well keep patient therefore if isn't right. and if the west, if you're off with united states serious about in or these organ, this conflict, let's try to get the pro this cause, which is basically the need for the part. is it gonna solution that would in type a give submitted to both states to exist side by side? or if we are talking then about a longer time political settlement to how much unity is that, amongst goals, nations on exactly what that looks like. well, even before we take a full concert of the, the gulf states are in divided into groups total normalization and total policy in question. i think the, the normalization bottom line has last moment is in other words,
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what is left for the out of the nation. if is that i am going to use to kill these pot, a standing is and does not respond positively to a request of even at least a pause, a cease fire, or a truce. i think the mediation for one week succeeded, but now it's going to turn into a liability for is what i, what is next? how do you stand in gauged so i think if nothing new home races this got assignment i thing who will have less opportunity to flex his muscles. because the reason for the tape or the fall or part of them sometimes exhausts itself and they things down the road either in december or in january, the geno is a, is what i will not be able to deliver to what they know, i promise and nothing the whole now, and i'd be cation of how much the population of guys and all these. why and i'm really saying that it was them alone, us holding. and what uh,
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because the situation needs a political solution we valid on political scenarios and everything becomes a temporarily arrange mama just very briefly, before i let you go, i'm curious about if any of the country. so we're going to be sitting around that table today has been perhaps more vocal behind the scenes in terms of putting more pressure on israel as you say, there are 2 groups. is anyone leading the challenge? what i think the through the 2 state solution come, the discount that includes got the weight and sometimes that the phone line, a key is this 3 now have a better position. they are standing on the sort of ground. this is a conflict that goes above 21948, not to mention the world, 67, so there must be a solution. i don't think there is any better alternative then. the out of plan of 2002 policy one imagines from this discussions and these coming days. thank you
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very much. my home in chicago for joining me here in the studio. a ha. meanwhile, the us state department says that his route has not done enough to comp down on set to attacks against palestinians any occupied westbank. the spokesman loves email, that says, is rarely such as who results to violence shouldn't be prosecution. we have seen them take some steps to respond to extreme, his violence against palestinians in the west bank. we don't think those steps have been sufficient. we think they need to prosecute people who engage in violent activities against palestinians. and one of the things that the secretary made clear in his conversations with the is really government is that while this doesn't in any way of the need for them to take additional actions that we are prepared to take our own actions. uh, on behalf of the united states government. hi, these are caster has more on this now from washington dc. as we've heard from to us officials in the past few hours, both with strong messages for israel, national,
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secure advisor, jake sullivan, said that the us expects is real to follow through and not attacking the so called no strikes. those that israel itself has indicated that was unclear where the zones are if god's and civilians know about them and whether they are indeed reachable us state department spokesman matt miller. echo the message that too many palestinians have died in the gaza conflict. and the israel is responsible for conducting this southern offensive, differently than the mass evacuations and mass casualties that were afflicted in gauze. as north miller said, while israel's military plan shared with the us over daily conversations, show quote, improvements and taking intended measures to protect civilians. the us, he says, is watching closely to see the results. while an increasing number of high level us officials has said, israel has killed too many innocent guides and civilians. we've yet to hear those
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same words coming from president joe biden himself. how did you, a castro alger 0 washington all, while the families of these really is captured on october 7th, press the government to ensure the return of their loved ones to other families have been during the same much longer. their relatives, one from the each european has rarely community the other an arrow beto and i believe to have been captured by her last back in 2015. so hi rod spoke to one of the families in the city of ask along about the case that's highlighted the inequality faced by israel's minorities. nearly a decade ago, yellows brother walked the length of this beach off to arguing with his mother bots . he never returned as he points to the direction of their i'm and he started to cry. he ended up costing into garza and then was captured by him of a virus. mental health deteriorated, not long. the full on the death of his sibling deeply affected him. and now his
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family say the weights for action has taken fall to long. this has a name or 9 years, we're living, but we're not alive. it's a bad dream that's been going on for so many years. we can't cope. we're asking the government to bring him home or how lucky should or citizen is all this time they weren't sure if there was dead. then how mass reduce the video earlier. the ca showing him a live. well, we've only been here for a few minutes, but every few seconds we had a loud sides. and that's a continuous bombing of causes that's happening. just a few, columbus has down this coastline overhead. now yellow tells us that every time he has a son, he thinks how terrifying it must be for his brother is rosa strikes us, the complicated things, but with no caps is now held in garza, the various relatives hope he'll be freed. if this, these 5 deal resumes, his family says neither these ready will cabinet. will those needing to bring them
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back home campaign have contacted them, leaving a virus community with no choice, they say, but to raise awareness, to his case alone. so this is of the me, how has been painting of era and his family sees. and his mother says the crying now she aims, how ought to bring his name back to the public domain of to use as being for goes to in his case, he says it's highlights the inequality that the jewish has. radiate european communities faces as well as that faced by the r a bedroom in minority office. i'm and say it was captured in 2016 this and i said, let's say i understood by paula roy be so at 1st he's peaches and he sams would not present the display of depression. his picture was finally printed. the authorities gave up on a vera, they didn't include him in a captive exchange deal a few years ago. the see that people relate most to those that look like them,
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because the house says she doesn't want him to be stigmatized because of his mental health that led him into garza. she says it could have happened to anyone, so she will continue to campaign for his release and ask her on yellow, says a very when of experience, the number of was on garza, but he prays that this will be the last one that ends with his brothers say for time, sort of hide, i'll just 0 ask along. well, let's not take a look at some of the day is all the news and that have been lance lice and flooding in northern tons. now, with our cheese this, i have the death toll has risen to 68. more than a 1000 households of 5 and a half 1000 people are affected. heavy rain full in the past 2 days has washed away calls and buildings. and the indonesian province of no small try rest, your teams are still searching for missing people that off to flash clouds and the land slide. base 2 people have been confirmed that thousands of items with swept
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away off the trench lorraine had that's area based on friday. the whole, the venezuelan government has been celebrating is the victory in a referendum on re taking control of a disputed region of neighboring diana venezuela. has laid claim to the se, keybo region for decades, but the area is also 102825000 going the citizens. this vote came despite the international court of justice warning correct us against unexplained the territory . the philippine army has launched a 900 for the attack is who bombed a christian gathering in the south calling for people. i so says it carried out the attack during sunday mass as a university in the city of la raleigh in mid to now or that 50 people were injured . well, that's it's for me and associates. i remember you can always find a much more on our website algebra dot com, where there was next. then inside story, we'll take a look at the,
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the role of the united states and the on dos on stay with the a warm welcome to you. let's go with your weather updates, so it's been a 12 punch for munich in southern germany. you had that record breaking snow storm down, 40 centimeters of snow. now you're being stung by the cold. vine is 18 cold as night and more than 12 years. you know, it's bad when the colors are on dark blue and the purple, the for the temperature here. now by day temperature is coming up a few degrees above 0. but with that precipitation falling, there's a threat of some freezing rain for southern germany, including unit care. so highest level alerts issued for that freezing rain. i'd say it's the most dangerous precipitation type. there's some rain around italy,
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the adriatic sea that will bump into the bulk hands. now by wednesday, this hops over the gene and science into what certain searcy and area that does not need any more rain. but let's go back to the here and now on tuesday, bit of rain waiting in the wings. this will move into the island of ireland by wednesday. and for now it's southern portugal getting quite a bit of rain. but northern portugal, your turn will come on thursday to the top end of africa, a little cool to the northwest could see the odd shower here. and there is a threat of some severe thunderstorms. for, of course, we're going to tell providence in south africa. that includes durbin coming in, had $22.00 degrees on tuesday, c, a. the, the latest news as it breaks this attack is being described by ukrainian president, a lot demands that lensky is an act of terrorism with detailed coverage. i mean, a has promised to respond to the origin, ties stage and improvements of very team naturally. people who are fear of this
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well impoverished that population from around the world scale tells us wants to be 5 minutes of old people for the up to 25 years of containing the against migrants and assign them seek of some say, with new told doesn't sound convincing is really on a has been expanding its attacks in central and southern gaza healing 2 months into his conflicts. the u. s. as use some of its strongest language to date warning as well to protect civilians which is how long come this won't go. wonderful. what would a victory look like? this is inside story, the .


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