tv Inside Story Al Jazeera December 5, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm AST
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with the latest news as it breaks this attack that's being described by ukrainian president followed demands that lensky is an act of terrorism with detailed coverage. obviously, they has promised to reform the origin state and improvements of therapy measures. people who are fear of this well impoverished, the population from around the world gets mailed us wants to be 5 minutes of old people, but after 25 years of competing against migrants and assign them seek of some save this new toe doesn't sound convincing. is really on a has been expanding its attacks in central and southern gaza any 2 months into this conflict for us as use some of its strongest language to date warning as well to protect civilians. which is how long come this won't go wonderful. what would a victory look like? this is inside story, the
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hello there and welcome to the program. i'm over a kyle, as well as minute tree has resumed its full scale attack on the gonzo strep noticing as strikes on hospitals and crowded residential areas. nearly 16000 palestinians of now being killed since early october. not vega is rising by the hour. the limited number of a trunk ceiling into the strip and know and there are enough to meet the needs of millions of desperate people. and often nearly 2 months of, well as well, the biggest ally appears to be changing, gets tone, i'm warning against civilian deaths and awesome us actually a defense lloyd austin says as well, risks, a strategic defense. if it doesn't do more to protect civilians, it's a sentiment being shared by all the senior us officials. so what's behind this
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southern warning from washington, but not to a guess and just a moment. first, this report from sent to them on a have a clear warning to israel from its most important allied us defense exi, lloyd austin, made this concerns clear. it is real, doesn't do more to prevent civilian deaths and gaza. it's more is doomed to fail in the long run. is this kind of a fight? the center of gravity is the civilian population. and if you drive them into the arms of the enemy, you replace a technical victory with a strategic a fee. so i have repeatedly made clear to israel's leaders that protecting pulsed and in civilians. and guys like is both a moral responsibility and a strategic impaired. just days earlier, the us extra estate also ers israel to adjust it strategy more than 15000 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces and gaza and shortages of a central supplies are making life. they're nearly impossible. i made clear that
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after it was, it was imperative that israel put in place we are protections for civilians. emphasis standing and measuring the systems are going for while israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has admitted it, forces has failed to minimize civilian deaths. he placed the blame on him off. israel accuses the arm group of placing its military assets and civilian buildings, without providing much evidence from us wants to kill as many as well as possible and has no regard whatsoever to publish city and lives as every day. they perpetrate a double walk on targeting our civilians while hiding behind their civilities and bedding themselves in the civilian population and using them as human shields. israel's bobbing campaign has reduced entire neighborhoods to rubble and displaced
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hundreds of thousands of palestinians. many in the international community, including the un secretary general of calls on israel to rethink it strategy and do more to protect civilians. now with the u. s. is closest out like joining the chorus. it's not clear yet. israel will change its tactics. vince and mulligan for inside story the well let's bring it all guess now and, and romano bush or kelly the policy lead and the occupied palestinian territory. and israel at oaks firm in brussels, elijah might be a military and political analyst. and, and kyra who's saying how are you a former assistant farm minister of egypt? welcome to all of you, elijah mcmahon. these are some of the strongest or the strongest mornings for israel protect civilians that we've heard publicly from the us. why are we hearing them now? i think it's very interesting to hear that the americans all taking
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some distance of what is right is committing as by making the national laws and obvious crimes against humanity and will crimes into something very good to hear the history of the american affections. saying that the user eighty's cannot continue and can exhibit in and they have to be care for. how long does that so that is, 1st of all the knowledge meant that is right. it is indeed fitting civilians and the result of the page we have 16000 people dealt with the 70 to 80 percent all civilians. secondly, is why the americans also change it and if that a so some purposes now is not to publish because these really continue the war effort. this is going to put them there to the ministry operations is not
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obviously because yes, and they was the most intensive bombardments on guns and what is to find the toughest and to my view, the find, the purpose is more also the presidential us campaigns because there is no strict positions that the americas is taking to the is really that they have to stop there . oh, sure drug and womans because this is the only factor victories that they have achieved . so ha, how are they a former on boss of the, i'm from no time in the egyptian foreign ministry. you've got experience of the diplomatic machinery between the us and israel. how far do you think israel is likely to have these done a warnings from the us? and i'll check my them. uh, let me express my my, my so the,
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the t with the processing and the resistance and what the processing and keep are in the gaza. strip and my thoughts and the thoughts of many issues change the majority of projections go out for the heat more than 16000. but i seen yet as who died to have died under the is what i hear the bombard. having said so, i guess in the not far distant future, these are the you weren't cabinet, would have to listen, would have to hear the message is for late, this message is coming out. the question was there on the part of you uh, united states presidential biden or the secretary of state uh tony, blinking or late the gym, the fluids, austin, the uh, percentage of defense. i guess the message is coming out of washington loud and
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clear. we are the one step, one step away from the american administration, quoting for the sci fi. when we do now the, the, the, the, the question is not to whether it was good for the sci fi. but the question is, uh, probably what it would do. so my person i speak on the, on the positions uh, of the senior american officials. is that eh, we could in the next few weeks hear the words east fire coming out of washington. okay. the, the eliza back on that one point to the do you agree? but with one step away from the us cooling for a cease 5 because that certainly not on the table in the name. and yes we all, they pharmacies fine because the is really haven't achieved any of the objectives.
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this is why i called sol solved these rebates, facing at dr. good fee because they claim they have to buy 40 percent ultimate old guys out of which household it is an open at agriculture to re secondly, we've seen the senior resistance are inflicting heavy thought. indeed, on these radio corporation folks to and said, we've seen every single day, they put a senior resistant, capable of bombing differently the sick days and the years including diabetes. and that happened this morning. and also we have seen how the release of the cost is happens in the hall of the law. so the guy where the police team, that resistance is not yet in direct contact on daily basis with these readings because these are, these are too afraid to be in contact in this area, i guess the,
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for the senior resistance. so a cheap, according for sci fi, i know we are so far away because that me adult or the feed for being, i mean that the now for his life when the government all trusting to a also and a resignation. and if he does an inmate owners guides us is 815 years, and then he will go directly to j, as in the advantage of that, then yeah, to continue. this will be x for the all differences with the americans, because the americans understand that the best way to expose the weakness of what used to be called the strongest all me in the city. and then turns out that the bass opened a senior resistance confronting this, a tremendous army that is capable. bobby has a tremendous fight a dollar, but he's afraid to confront it, but a senior resistance on alone. so. busy okay, i like to get back to the stage of the battlefield and just
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a moment before we get to a so booked down in that i want to bring in bushera because we need to get some, a very clear picture of what we actually pull king about when the us is wanting to protect civilians, how much civilians need these kind of warnings for israel to do more bushera. so successful, i broke down on friday. we've seen some of the most intense fighting in gauze. and as strikes on the south, can you bring us up to speed, but what the people, the a software i was having to put up with i 1st want to talk about the sense of safety that has been completely eroded, mainly and children. because children form part of how hope goes population and, and, and this sense of safety 0 did because of course, it's already eroded from, you know, 6 previous military escalations living under brutal c is really, you know,
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illegal seeds collectively promising, you know, an entire population for over 16 years, but it's even more eroded because now they have been displaced once twice. we know of colleagues who a bit to, to this place up to 6 times in the last 8 weeks and, and uh, i have my own in laws that are involved. and right now, the worry is not just spending hours to find water spending hours to find food and trying to, you know, adapt to this new way of life with no electricity and no washing machines and no ovens and no gas stove. and no, you know, a garza is, you know, is not, is not, was not the middle ages. uh, before the 7th of october it was yes, very poor and people are definitely dependent on aid. but people were not, you know, making bread and over would fires. and heating water over what fires. so you know,
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on top of adapting to this new way of life, people are having to worry about when is my turn to leave again and, and, and even my nephews are talking about mom. can you make us a backpack with our stuff on our own? because we never know what happened, something might happen to you. and i don't want you to have my things with you, you know, and he's 7 years old. so that is the, the, the, the maturity that we're forcing children into and gaza. and with these multiple evacuation orders within where safe to go is. and with a completely collapsed um wash system, no electricity and no comm lines. uh, i think that the mental health aspect beyond being hungry and thirsty is also something but now is beginning to show um with people just really losing health and bush where people are being told by ideas where a military to move further and further south. there's 1800000 people in the south
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already. so many of them displaced from the north. they've moved to 3 full times already. moving further south towards rafa tools, the crossing tools, the for the with egypt was exists in that area. full the what infrastructure, what shelter, what food, what morsa as well we're talking about a 60 percent of the entire gaza strip. um uh, being bombarded what we've seen over the last 4 days. we're talking about carpet bombing of the entire neighborhoods. we already have reports back a wash and restructure being completely damaged, a shelters having been struck over the weekend as well, both in the north and in the south and a non operational health sector. i mean, we cannot say that the current hospitals that are in the south that are partially operating our operating health system. it's not a squeezing people into a place that's a be basically as big as london heathrow airport. we're talking about 1800000
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people in an airport just so that i can kind of paint the picture to people who don't really understand how small bozza is. it's already over populated, it's actually in humane and actually not only makes it impossible to, to deliver aid to 1800000 people in one place. it's much actually easier when you have salters all around and different distribution points because you relieve the pressure off one. but you increase the, the, the risk of disease that which we're already saying was already reports of color, i guess for him to write us is spread like wildfire and dogs are right now people are, have been sick for the last month. my family has been sick and are not getting better because the additions are not allowing for them to get better and squeezing people into into that. basically, it does not absolve israel of its duties and obligation under international actually. in fact, it is, it could amount to serious violation of serious re breach of him to monitor and law,
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forcing people into a small affairs. and also historically, just want to add one point in historically, these kind of safer spaces or safe zones or, you know, humanitarian areas as they've been done in the last couple of weeks, actually have brought more harm onto a civilian population, but actually meeting that needs. so it's, it is extremely concerning on her side and as you see people being pushed closer and closer to rougher to this stuff than positive goals. so which folders, egypt, what is the conversation in cairo? as you see this movement of people? of course, here in egypt that is new have certainty. then one of the objectives of the use of a mix. it can be an order or a collection, a dentist does uh, is to push the palestinians to the door to sign i,
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me. and on the other 10 the same is taking place in the west bank in light of the uh, harassment by the settlers. again is the better thing is everywhere in the west, back to the extent that they have been uh, issuing the black pamphlets warning, the palestinians. ready that the 2nd mega is on the way, and so he is your heat in egypt. the maternity believe that this is the next move on the part of days i use that all thermal check off this war again, just opinions and guys and in the west bank is to point to the palestinians, the towards sinai eh, from gaza and the attempts in government with apple fetch real estate ever accepts that you know, uh, of course, uh for the last, uh,
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8 weeks a ship that uh has, has, has it has been endorsed was the american administration and warning against the force displacement of the seniors and the american administration. has adopted and has supported the is accept position and, and, and we keep per egypt and government to keep saying, keep repeating. it's warning that it was accept the force, especially the displacement of the 1st thing is uh towards sign that reports to slides. or let me just bring you in the because it does seem that we are getting warnings from all sides as well. not to act in some ways, but as well doesn't seem to paying any attention what leverage can be brought to as well either from egypt or the us. busy or any of the other countries that are currently giving it a green light. and this is a very excellent questions actually. all the countries are doing virtually
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nothing to support the state in a box from talking and rejecting what's happening and is right. it understands that there is no weight from the country who have a lot of strength force and leverage cost to play against is right and against the americans to full to cease fire. to open a boulder, all the countries were not able to great true egypt. the ra grossi was saying, the try, without the approval of these really oh, top, 2 trucks and counting how many truck was in the trucks, and where these trucks can go and to hold. so we have seen the positions of the country extremely we to the point and that there is no cut off to the
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relationship with age when we only have seen the record and some boxes that these really understand that the name and the whole, all these backs are those were down to that functions, we actually need to stream the shot and yet let's let her saying i have a chance to respond to that. so what's your response to elijah's comments that our country is a doing nothing. in particular, why cons egypt open and control the rough across thing itself? we do accept size under crossing, eh, and pete, it's a, it's a, it's a b. we are flying our sovereignty on the outside crossing the ships outside of the crossing. because they're not crossing has 2 sides opinion, and it is huge, send one. so why, why this raise as so much in charge of them? you know, when the, the, the, the is i need is the do 6 in order to prevent
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of course, this is an excuse to prevent the smuggling of weapons inside. gotcha. but the things are going with the checks at this point in time given how much they slow up the amounts of 8. that is which and goals are they've had from bushera. people desperately need more a to get in. but it is, these is writing the checks, then stopping not that's, that's fine. that's right. not a month. and that's why it be in an hour, uh, diplomatic conversation with the american administration. we keep insisting, we keep insisting on the absolute need to increase any money for any assistance to, to that, to, to gas up. and in fact, that the americans and the americans have at positivity responded to our request. and they have promised before the, of course, the exemption also send it is in guys that uh they promised, uh,
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or they talked about no, not less than $100.00 trucks would. uh, and their, uh, their f i had crossing good on a daily basis. so our, our diplomatic concept, so with the american administration is continuing and of course. ringback as we, as we have witnessed in the last few days, the american position visa either or one situation and it does the same, is evolving. and we have noticed that it's, it's evolving of by very slowly evolving. if i may use the stir in the direction that we would like to see to do, okay, so let's just bring the bush or back into this conversation. so again, bring as discussion to events on the ground and you can have from who's saying and the reality is that the turning towards the war towards israel is evolving. but it's involving slowly in the homes of old,
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slightly kind of there is no time full and the evolution, and there's no time for promises of trucks. what needs to happen now? i mean, the child said that we are at the brink of academics that might kill more people than bombs have. so, you know, and it's not just about the trucks and the trucks, you know, is a small, me, it's a need, but it's about the crossings in israel being open, it's about restoring water. it's about restoring electricity from israel into the strip and bringing in tax of aid and some power and some water and some blankets is not enough and does not meet the current needs. and the we're talking about i, i said, is 60 percent of gossip being a part interval with you about almost $10000.00 bodies under the rubble who are, you know, what about, you know, bringing those relatives and family members. and fathers and mothers,
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roads are completely damaged even in terms of delivering the new truck is, is, is a challenge inside. we're also having checks in 5 by the, by the armed troops. so, you know, they were in, in there's a principle of unfettered humanitarian access. and international law, all of these are feathered to our access as humanitarians, but not even allow it in to carry out assessments it to carry out the repairs. there's a lot of materials that are not allowed in very simple materials like the seats of a wash latrines we're trying to get in. that's not that's been restricted. so it and we have the optical and it's much as low. it's not enough. and really it's, it's, it's like i said eroding that sense of health and safety and nonsense and the long term impact of that is also something that we should be considering. you know,
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if that's a bring back allies at this point, because i want to get back to what the us action state load. austin said. he said that the left is where a risks strategic to feed. if it doesn't protect civilians more. what does strategic defeat look like in my mind? it is already a strategic receipts, a bus for the senior resistance thing. got that manage to stop the old. my thing is really occupation full service at the gates of guys and then sort of a tiny geographic area. and at the end of the day, it's not bad that the are on the interfering because it seems that the for the seniors can manage on their own to change these really all mean. this is already something that the americans off for the oh well because they think they include had they understand that these really in 50 days the no ma'am. as to all to
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buy and control because they need to control it. 20 percent of the reservation area of molding guys that that is a strategic the fee that's visual and has lost a image and the whole world. and it shows how when you have determined people to stand against the occupation full says, no matter how old are they, all came has magic and understand it as well. i guess the children and the women, but not against the man of the senior resistance. okay, i'm also the holiday. i read a do you believe that israel has already suffered a strategic that the faithful is the time for a turnaround? i guess after almost almost 8 weeks of the cost and to bombardment. uh, it was the exception of the 7 day pause. the end of the last $58.00.
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they haven't the user id, carmen, army has for you to achieve the objectives. that is really nice or these are the prime minister. has announced on october 7th. and he keeps repeating them, namely the destruction of thomas the release of the hostages. and to make sure that the guy who does pose the 2 is ready to security. nothing. nothing of these objectives has been utilized so far. and so these are, these are in a dilemma and uh, they can not speak off of achieving ministry, the 3 of the 8 weeks of a non stop bombardment and the banks entering and get some major
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assistance in, in the guys as that. so of course is if i submitted the suspense, the 1st thing is this, this is showing the termination and slowly have to leave all the discussion today who's saying how does the apologies for interrupting your final on so the, but we definitely understood your points. many things to own of all guess. bush right. kelly, the elijah mike now and who's in high rating and thank you to for watching it and see the program again. any time by visiting a website this out is there a dot com for discussion to visual facebook page. that's facebook dot com slash a inside story. you want to join the conversation on x on homeless at a inside story. from me laura kyle: i'm the whole team here is bye for now. the
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what you're looking at this is one of the breach points through which i must collect escamy took his word warning, sirens. here is some site has been remarkably intensified during the last couple hours. we've seen these as strikes really concentrated on residential homes in residential building. is a dangerous spillover, of course, as well. so at the moment in conversation here is a minute here. inside the hospital then without oxygen, without electricity. thank you. bathers and the babies inside the house. they're dying one after another. they say that they want us the spot. it's a bad friend. that kills me every single day.
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a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can to as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given crises. so issue the smell of that power, as long as it were correspondence, that's what we strive to do. the nasa near the come all odd one hospital in northern casa, holding a 100 people all killed as is really strikes targets, people sheltering in that area. the color that i'm just on here today. and it says i'm just here at life from the also coming is really expands. it's offensive in central and southern,
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