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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 5, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hold on has them see, can this is the news live from da, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes back post rage as israel widens, it's a salt on southern gaza. an area and once declared safe for palestinians is really as strikes once again, target gauze as largest refugee camp palestinians try to dig out the survivors with
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their their hands. united states announces sanctions and visa restrictions on his railey sep, less involved in a tax on palestinians in the west bank. ringback sirens and explosions i had in tel aviv and a real kits 5 by how much fits escalade enjoying several people. this is what the christmas looks like in palestine. this is what the christmas looks like. and bethlehem and a church. and bethlehem says that will be no christmas celebrations, as long as he is roused compartment of gaza continues the . it is 1900 g and t 9 pm in gaza, where these really ami has announced its troops on now in the heart of the southern city of con eunice for weeks is what i have declared con eunice. and it's around
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things a safe zone. the millions of palestinians have sword shall to this, but israel has rapidly expanded. it's in ground. defensive carpet bombing several areas across the street. in the north. the jamalia refugee camp has been badly hit once again. it's the largest and most densely populated in gaza. homes had been completely destroyed, and many people are trapped under the rubble and didn't central guns. at least 45 palestinians had been killed. after his re strikes had residential buildings and dated by more than 16000 palestinians have now been killed since the war began. in early october. the marks begins are coverage. the dead laid out by the dozen shrouds in all sizes of costs and holes left to carry the wounded vehicle. passengers, despots departs with danger. close shots shot the crowd. outside this hospital,
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the semi automatic crackles constant sound attract in gauze southern to the plight of the displaced as plain to see a cluster of crowded tents among them, a shelter offering that to safety for an ass, mostly a mother with a kids cost out of the home, well, we spend all night tearing rockets and bombing, we are living between life and death. we may die at any moment. it's may be our turn, and our kids turn. her family still somehow luckier than some others, with even less support. their entire existence is on the side of this road. little besides blankets and bags of clothes up same belie, i'm not up in the children and started to hate to know. this is something given to us by god, because of fear. when we hear the planes, we know there is
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a strike coming. some and gaza, still try to flee. finding safety is now the daily struggle for the months out of data. let's take a look at how and where israel is intensifying it's attacks and causes a new phase of its ground. invasion is targeting areas near hun units in the south . as we mentioned, it is called the 2nd largest city and home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians forced to in their homes. in the north is riley forces on baffling pallets. thing and fights is from the cut, some brigades and his language ahead in those regions. shaded in red, there's heavy fighting in several neighborhoods in gauze, a city. all the fighting improvements indicates that his role is amy to divide the gaza strip into 3 areas, the north central region and the south. thought it, i was whom has the latest now from the law in southern cause as israel is
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expanding its military ration in con units, people across the con, you in a city were forced again to evacuate to ruffle, seeking shelter, away from the east valley plumbing and the city becomes overwhelmed with factories who are experiencing the trust, the conditions where they struggle to foreign children, to survive. people left, everything behind con, units were forced to live in turns that were sit in public areas. second, old basic supplies to sit up on suitable for humanitarian use. a deep shortage of fluids, water, and medical supplies. ruffle is now the loss joe to left for palestinians as also with the compartment continue in these areas with on present the level and even domains to every composer. how does your roof in the south of the territory?
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but is there any soldiers have been writing towns and cities in the occupied west bank? at least 5 palestinians have been injured in an ongoing rate on the janine refugee camp. these really ministry has been stopping and searching ambulances. doctor say at least 2 ambulances were prevented from reaching hospitals. there's a pregnant woman here, and the occupation forces are stopping up until now. they're restricting us for moving. we have an injured person here who's standing in the rain restricting him to enter the ambulance until they're done searching you in the us has an outside sense on several dozen is really settling involved in attacks against palestinians in the occupied. westbank has been a surgeon vada says, israel began its war on october. the 7th in recent days is ready. soldiers rated a restaurant and launched an attack on a palestinian a father of 6. we unequivocally condemn at attacks by violent is really extreme, is against palestinians. and those by violent past industry extreme is against is
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really these acts threaten westbank stability in the immediate term and take us further away from the future in which palestinians and israelis can both live and both can live in peace and security in 2 states. how do i have the, how many is standing by in the occupied westbank, but 1st let's speak to kimberly, how could in washington dc. so kimberly, we were reporting a earlier on the announcement by the us government that it would uh go off there. um is really a settlers who attacked palestinians, what more do we know on that as well. we knew this was coming down the us president telegraph this and then up and that he wrote a few weeks ago in response to the fact that there had been a spike in attack spies, really settlers against palestinians in the west bank. and he had passed a number of his cabins, secretaries to look at policies to combat the spike and attacks and the speed of
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violets. given the fact that the 5 administration had communicated to the is really government that they needed to stop the violence and simply weren't doing so. so it is steven by the secretary of state and to the blinking, given the fact that the united states found these attacks to be unacceptable and they communicated. but if they did not do anything, and this is really government did not take any action, then the united states is ready to take action using their own authorities. and that's what these visa restrictions are. in essence, what they have underscored to these release is the need to do more to hold extreme is settlers to account. and so they have put in place a visa restrictions against dozens of is really settlers, in other words, so that they can no longer travel to the united states. and this would include not
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only certain individuals but also their immediate family members. and what we also know is that in the case of limited numbers of palestinians who have committed violence acts against as rarely, they will also not be permitted. and we should point out that there are some is released and hold dual citizenship. so in other words, some of them are americans. this would not apply to them, given the fact that they are us citizens and can come to the united states. this would just be those who are simply of it's really nationality or have some other dual nationality. that is not a 2nd american passport. and. and what should we read into, into the timing of this. kimberly what, what, why is this being announced now? because settler violence has been unfortunately going on for, for quite some time now. but what's, what's the significance of this happening of this particular time? as yeah, and to give you a context about the settler violence,
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the binding ministration has been talking about this for 3 years. and in fact i, in terms of administration's talking about this, we haven't heard administrations talking about this concern until back until the clinton administration. that was the last one to raise these concerns. that's how long it's been going on even longer. but in terms of why is this happening now? well, you mentioned one of the reasons hasn't been that is the spike and attack since the october 7th attack that occurred with how much the tact is real. uh then we saw someone call retaliatory attacks by it's really settlers against palestinians, but also the reason for the timing of this is the pressure that the us government specifically, joe biden is feeling very quickly. we see protests here outside the white house. we've seen international outcry, we've seen a pressure within the bible and ministration, whether it be open letters to the president, members of his own party,
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even resignations with in the state department. joe biden's under a lot of pressure. and we've also seen prominent muslim leaders in swing states who have organized to move a called the band. and by then that's a problem for him because he's trying to win reelection. so jo binding was under pressure to act. so even though this may cause some conflict between uh the u. s. president and some members and because really government that's not at the top of the mind of us president right now is more k, he's more concerned about domestic pressure and his own re election. and that's why he's taking this action. he wants to hold these is really settlers to account because he feels that these really governments not doing enough to protect palestinian civilians. kimberly, thank you. kimberly how could outside the white house force in washington? well, let's continue this conversation and withheld and hi me to join us on our locks in the occupied west bank. so i'm
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a hold of violence of divine is reflected by is really settlers on palestinians has unfortunately, as we've been hearing, become a part of, of daily life for palestinians there. but there's been a spike in those attacks since this since police conflict began, has an yes absolutely actually according to the and the number of the attacks has more than doubled since october 7th. and we're talking about attacks. we're talking about physical attacks on the palestinians, or attacks on the properties and their livelihood. now, this on the announcement of by the u. s. is certainly going to be well received among police to me and even though they will miss skeptical, waiting to see how that translates actually underground. because anyone you speak to with the that they've always been at the last when it comes to
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a set and the violence only 7 percent of these at the results and then in dice with and even less than that results actually in a never in the outcome in favor of the palestinians, so that will they will cautiously welcome this move, waiting to see how that translates specifically that at the moment the settlers are in bold and they have been armed by the, by the government and of a benjamin ethan. now the minister, it might have been near boasting and showing videos of him distributing in ceremonies, weapons. and the various settlements saying that every settlers should be sure to have a weapon and also calling openly on the palestinians in the occupied with band to be removed. then to go towards the to jordan, you know, ever since october,
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since the 7th that happened, we talk about the settler violence, but we also have to talk about the language by the settlers. 15 communities, bedridden communities, mostly south of abroad, have been expelled from the lab and push somewhere else where they cannot live because by nature they are shepherd in community and the new. it's a place where they told that they could live is not some way they can continue with their livelihood. that has been been done quietly under the watchful eye of the is soldiers who protect the settlers, regardless of what they do. now we haven't heard a need official reaction from the palestinian authority yet, but they do, i presume that they would be quite satisfied by this move simply because that has been a longstanding complaint divider. but from the balance to me with our team well before october, 7th, and since october 7th, for example, when for the 1st president in many ways by call made his way to ramallah. when us
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secretary of state anthony, blinking, made his way through all my life was clear that that was something that was discussed between my, my mood of bass and his music teachers. and they both said that the time that the settler violence needs to be put in check. it's a 1st step. now we need to see how is going to translate underground and something else that has been a regular occurrence, photo sense of palestinians living there. and it's also been stepped up over the last series. is the attacks on is the raids by it is really sol just on, on palestinians, in their homes as well that has been happening every single night and a going into the early hours of the morning lately they have been raised during the day. some of them lasting more than 12 hours and actually as we speak, there's an ongoing rate in the refugee camp of
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a janine it started about $230.00 no close to $1213.00 g m t and what we know from the people we spoke down the ground is that you had about 30 are with vehicles and 2 boone dozers making their way into that refugee cab since these really soldiers have been going house to a house. and when i say going to a house to house and making searches, they actually completely ransack the house, turn it upside down, destroy people's properties. if i listed is left there to watch, they can not complain because then they could get the thing even if they were not the person wanted. we know that the number of people who had been arrested. we also know that the soldiers are on the grounds of the 2 hospitals in that refugee cab, and that they had been searching every single ambulance to the point that even a wounded person wasn't allowed to get under the envelope until the soldiers finished the search of that ambulance,
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it is an ongoing situation. this is what we know at the moment, but i think we'll get the full picture as it emerged in the coming hours. and davy will for the moment, told i have to have made life 1st day in ramallah. thanks. hold on, i'm not seeing yeah. how much it's official also i'm a home then spoke a while ago saying to go see ations regarding prisoner. i'm captive swaps will only begin once israel stops it's bombardment when we just did one at that kit and hit with it. to read that there is no negotiation, no swab, without seizing on the stopping the aggression against all what people against guys . and here we hold the missing yeah, whole for responsibility for the lives of the v is r e n z i n. his captives as he have for you the and him done the swab, the as he resumed his attack again,
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his gaz. uh they are on the 5th or being in till by the bombard the minutes of meeting the hose one machine. and then let's bring him home of the monthly. now he's with the doha issue for graduate studies. joining us now. you're on studio. thanks so much for being with us. so we had quite a defined tone there from sam a. him damn. not just in that clip, but throughout the speech. what did you make of that? what does that rooted in as well? i think a couple of things. i think 1st of all, um, how message probably feeling somewhat confident we saw the washington post report today that how most remains, quote, largely intact. so through 60 days of fighting inside of gaza, all of this ariel bombardment and then also the ground operations. israel has not been able to make a serious dent in that. i'm us military infrastructure. and so there's a position, i think he's speaking from a position of confidence. so that's,
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that's one thing. the 2nd thing that i noticed, and that jumped out at me, is that he had several distinct messages for various audiences. so he had a message for the palestinians. he had a message for the americans, which was also very in defiance kind of mocking the, the american american administration for picking up these is really propaganda talking points which he described as false and then throwing it back on them and making his own claims about uh, design us and about extremist rabbis and so on and so forth. and then he had a message for his release, saying that i know is rarely would, would feel safe if palestinians do not also feel safe. so if, if, if these are posted to be, believe like the, the one you were talking about in the washington post, that's, they haven't really made much of a dent in, in terms of the limit to eliminating how much uh,
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forces them. where does this leave the turn operations in is where the prices in gauze and what is, what is the ultimate purpose then what is there in game? well we've, we've been talking about this for weeks, but it's been very clear since the beginning since october 7th at israel wants to finish off not just from us, but it wants to finish off guys. or this is part of the so called grader is real plan. they want to basically transfer the population of gaza on the side of garza into another land. so this is why they've been asking, why won't the junctions take their causes here? why won't the jordanians take the gardens? and this is clearly the objective. this is how they're working. militarily, they drove everyone from the north to the south. now inside the south, they're moving people further and further toward the gyptian border. so this is a strategy and they're obviously wreaking havoc with, with the bombs trying to make life. absolutely miserable for palestinians knocking out the schools. but you and shelters,
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obviously the hospitals. so so that palestinians themselves, i think this is the hope that palestinians themselves will start basically begging to go uh, go somewhere else. what's the likelihood of that happening though? because i mean the, i mean it doesn't seem as i'm the egypt or jordan would stand for that because that would essentially be a 2nd. the next but wouldn't. right. this is what the jordanian egyptian officials have set. they said we don't want a 2nd neck by to take place on our watches. and so i think, i think that's a non starter. also, i think it's important to consider the fact that many palestinians don't have numbers. but i would suspect that it's the majority of palestinians are not willing to move. in fact, every time i talk to a friend, colleague who has family and friends on the ground, when i'm being told is that they're all adamant that they are not going to leave gaza. there's, they're saying that if we are going to die,
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we are going to die in our land and in our homes. get to get your perspective on this. how many it must be. thank you. of the made of cuts out has renewed his condemnation of the killings in gaza. she has mean been hammer. the danny was speaking during a gulf corp counsel, some a tier in doha. the mere also called on the un security council to bring israel back to the negotiating table of diplomatic edits of james pays reports. this annual meeting of the council that consists of the 6 golf nations was dominated by the war on garza the host, the amier of cats. i'll shake timing been how much out funny greeting the king about rain had been a so khalifa has been the center of recent diplomacy. his country mediated a 7 day truce, but it's being followed by more intense bombardment. something he called genocide. he says the international community must act. now when a through much to
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a we call on the security council, namely the permanent members to live up to their legal responsibility. to put an end to this barbaric court. and to force israel to return to the negotiation table to reach a just solution based on the international resolutions and the error piece initiative on a 2 state solution. to dodie, the gulf nations invited the president of to kia to be that guest at this meeting. a, it's a o unit to minute. the need to know what ministration is endangering the secuity and future of boy entire region in order to extend its political life. the loss of life, of 17000 palestinians. most of the children and women to me is a crime against humanity and a war crime. israel shall not get away with these crimes. the amier of cats hawes comments urging the un security council to compel israel to accept a permanency spa would almost certainly get support from many nations right now.
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but when the counsel last met in new york, it was clear that one country, the us, is opposed to any new resolution. and of course, it's a permanent member with the tow power james base out to 0. don't. i shouldn't have bought a has been following the meeting here in the so was from the made of cuts on the last cold for an immediate end to the war on does a, do you see it is well, if the flight in continuous, if the relentless from baldwin continues instability good for the spread across the entire region. joining me to talk more about the gcc summit is missed. the budget on site is supposed to person on the top advisor to cuz i was minister of foreign affairs. thank you very much. indeed, with the national inside for joining us, the declaration of doha should be seen as indications that the gcc is united at this time when it comes to how to move forward when it comes to war and gaza. the summit today which we have seen and they are getting the, uh, the,
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the indications coming out within the conversion and uh, that can be k that came out at the end of the summer. so they gave me the date of the united petition between all the states and calling to an end to enter this world. and. busy the thing the ethics as originally ended thing nationally towards an end to this set was the dictation made it very clear. and so. busy of the mediation that it's been done by got that added to that box, the union, including egypt and the united states, but also and as supporting the work of the city of la committee, which has talked it over the doing grounds. and the shuttle diplomacy with the values going to get down the road to raise awareness and also to bring about an end to, to this one. this gathering has been crucial for comp time because they this is exactly what they wanted to see at the regional keep play as valley and behind cuts out and it's push to bring and then to the bullying caused by x by securing an
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extension to the spot so this is why is it likely to happen any time soon? we'd have to wait and see. but as far as the concerned, at least with the dc leaders meeting here in doha, this sending a strong message to the international, the community that the block remains committed. not only to cnn, to the war, but to resume genuine tools to between the policy is and the ease of riley's on the very notion of 2 states living next to each other. they say, unless you get got a policy in states with east arizona as its capital, the conflict will continue. and so will the sufferings of the people hosted by i 0 del a series of explosions had been heard in tel aviv off. the rockets were fired from
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gaza. several one launch from the street towards the south and east of central tennessee most way into septic while others fail in open areas. as several people have been injured in southern israel, in the city of ashville, on following those rocket attacks, video shows damage to parts of residential buildings, is mainly emergency services. responding to the c, m, off con, has more from cannot be yourself to 3 pm local time. allowed sovereigns way ahead where i am in the central tel aviv i counted at least 8 explosions local media saying that 10 explosions in total took place in the south and east of central a tel aviv. then there was a message from the is raised by a loudspeaker telling people to remain in the shelter. also, we've seen a rocket being fired from garza into ask them what 2 people were likely injured. now where i am, is actually nicknamed host these with,
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with showing you around. this is effectively the headquarters of the bring them back campaign. now they're meeting with the is really will cabinet. that's a meeting they've been asking for homeless since the world again 60 days a go. um. well they want from this meeting is to find out exactly what the is really will cabinet is doing to bring the remaining cap saves back home. however, the slogan of this campaign is not bring them back, but bring them back. now they want this to be done as quickly as possible. and given the intense pressure that these ready will cabinet is under to fight this rule from the move far right elements of the, of the could policy was the policy of both the defense minister and the prime minister. and the pressure that they're under from the americans, july humanitarian aid in getting the captives out is although a priority, not possibly a pro t, right this minute. and that's what these caps is, families won't, they, won't,
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these caps has to be released as quickly as possible. and wrong come out, is there a television? that's still a head on? i just said i will meet some of the tech ish citizens who finally been evacuated from guns, the the the a warm welcome to let's go with your weather update right off the bat for us as capital moscow had record snowfall for this time of the year snow drifts exceeded 40 centimeters in some spots here, so tough to get around. we'll come back to this in just a bit, but let's go to where some of the most active weather will be on wednesday. rain hops over the gm pushes into western turkey a good news. we just dealt with flooding on talia and is me or, or rain falling here and the sort of some more flooding as well for the route for
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a central europe through the balkans. some snow over the higher ground here, temperatures low up. but i want to take you right now to the northwest. let's talk about moscow. so you were had that snow now you're being stung by the cold minus 11 and rain pushes in across the island of ireland. not too bad for the rain in portugal on wednesday, actually mostly calm, but by thursday, watch dispatch of what weather move inside down the coast of portugal to rental down ports to be expected in porto. again, that's a forecast on thursday. let's go back to wednesday. unsettled to the northwest, we've got some showers, so that's putting a cap on temperatures. bit cool for this time of year, and where things are hot botswana once again, the whole country under a heat wave alerts, habit, eroni coming in at 39 degrees c. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is
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happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission, nothing leaves god without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding, and these fires demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. examining the impact of today's headlines. the fear of the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is the way whether he's a 50 foot side of the phase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, again, you're watching. i just did a reminder about the top stories this out. these really ami claims these troops have reached the heart of san eunice and southern cause previously declared. the area sites of millions of palestinians have sold shelter there for us as an outside sions on his right except was involved in a tax against palestinians in the occupied west bank has been a search and secular honors. since israel began it's more on october, the 7th is around is carried out to a large scale attack on the giovanni a refugee camp in northern garza. many people all see it to have been killed.
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refugee camp is the largest in gaza and has repeatedly been attacked behind in apple. what today is from jamalia, since the will began and october 7th. she's lost her whole family and the house they wants lifting. here's her story. in her own words, a she, she didn't show
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up in the the in new jersey, the but it isn't the civic duties. federal law is the most of the, of the all the many on the sub with mr. we should image a match or the little she showed him, the sound system, so this stuff, mazda, magical moment,
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openness model. so for the motive, and this is how the washing machine machine the, the the i then i will, has now is i suppose person for the you an agency for the palestinian refugees under what he says. so the humanitarian situation in the body of refugee camp is be on desperate. i believe that destroying all the time and again and again, our dissolved and more frustration more. i got more time, you know,
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extra as you, as we see in the early talk, that people don't know what to go. i say everything got being at this time, you know, i guess we have the, some police to, you know, and providing services in house clinic. i'm in the show. so there are, we have nearly, i'm talking about the cost the guns that we are going to be $1200000.00 and doesn't just play as best on our shuttle across the spam. some of them are in your value area. i'm in garza city. i can't tell your dad you minute, your situation now. it's not the catastrophe. walk talking about a minute and carry on. so now me, i really this areas lack of everything or the principal walker hospitals all ago. it's possibly working now. now they don't have the basic kids, you receive it,
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but the kids are injured. people across the most in boxes, just with guns under constant attack. there is little in the way of festive spirit among palestinian christians any occupied westbank as christmas approaches the he has moved from bethlehem in this city around this time usually celebrates christmas ease with these festive, you know, but this year o christmas celebrations have been cancelled. and i want to show you a little bit from in front of the lutheran church here in bethlehem, where the pastor and some of the christian comedies have decided to mark christmas in a different way. instead of having a christmas tree that is decorated with ornaments. we're seeing baby jesus wrapped in a coffee, yet palestinian coffee on is placed in the major under the rubble. we'll
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talk a little bit more about that with pastor. but that has helped at the lutheran church . what's the idea behind having jesus under the rubble instead of a christmas tree? christmas celebration is out of castle to see it. and beth land for obvious reasons . it's impossible to celebrate one. that is a massacre, a genocide taking place in regards to without what people. and so the idea was to send a message to the world to face, but also to always tell us a message to the world that this is what the christmas looks like in palestine. this is what the christmas looks like. and bethlehem, the best place of cheese as the children totally being pulled from under the time it is being displaced with that homes destroyed. and why the world this celebrating christmas at the good place of jesus? this is what christmas looks like. this is usually a season for celebrations and also a season for hope. is there hope left?
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we have hope and the faith we have hold. the christmas party actually gives us hope in the fact that jesus was born among the occupied. this is what happened. 2002 years ago. and so going back to this manger set think it dumps us the baby jesus is . and so the data to with those who are starting with those who are oppressed. so in this christmas we find our own, the source of hope is because of what faith in it, just god. and then i was totally deputy with one another. and i hope that dismisses gets to the world that we are to the night that in palestine and sadly like now we are united and know what pain. there's so much detail going on here at building this manger. can you tell me a little bit more about how you placed the manger and all those details? yeah, the, the image basically came from what we see on the west screens. children being pulled out of the bills and of people coming can searching under the to find any
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sign of life, any sign of hope. these images have broken us and we wanted to bring them to the church. and usually it typically means it would have a baby jesus in the middle, and then the holy family, the ship that's ending my guys set on and can. but this time at home we, we thought of all these characters and the baby and the gospel narrative and the christmas negative being around the house as if they are searching for jesus. i said that trying to find him in the midst of, of that awful with dust, all of all over them. again we, we want to bring the christmas story, make it 3 and in what context today. and i think if jesus is to be born today, he would be born on does that all the and because of, with those who are suffering and then my guys and the shut bets would come and search for jesus in the midst of the bill of, of a destroy the house,
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as we see today. more than a 140 to fish citizens fling israel's war on guns that have arrived in his temple. they were forced to leave through the border crossing with egypt, sent him casale reports and the circus medical staff in a stumble are working in solidarity, wisconsin. they say the flags they carry. the blood splattered gowns. they where speak for the palestinian. the victims though is where it was war, use a phone call, yet as a journalist who grew up in gauze of ship only a refugee camp, he flung the horizontal for 2 years ago and settled and assembled. on the night of october, the 14th a week entries was offensive. he lost 21 relatives in gaza. 12 for the members of his immediate family. he says they have left the north and taken refuge in missouri
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rock. reference a camp in central garza, but that too was bombarded. i can last. i feel like i feel like i live in this already. the 3. i feel like this is not safer overflow. it is just under this and of the family live, and it has to be on the human capacity use. a sister who is still in northern casa, refuses to move, feeling a similar fate who will come of age the to evacuate. because my, somebody that i'm doing got bumped into styles even though hospitals are not safe for palestinians. the professors here accused israel uh, commenting war, cross bar targeting health facilities and goals. so the turkish structures silent pool demonstration is an appeal to the international community to take action against israel. l who's saying has lived in gold,
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so since 1997, a dual citizen, she was evacuated to egypt, then took her care with her family on november. the 18th this was the for you from her flat just before it was just for the family left. when they heard is running, the forces would be targeting their neighborhood needs, says she packed up 27 years of memories into a small backpack and cried all the way along the so called safe cory door to this house. what are you good? try can only that when we were hit on what was supposed to be the safe freed, thankfully, nothing happened, but they did hit people before us. we saw corpses in 40 posts, sounds which were covered. there was a heavy smell. there are many dead people buried beneath the rubble and they are unable to extract them in a moment. they may not be in garza anymore, but these palestinians feel pain and loss just as acutely, somewhat anxious. the at what is on folding back home, while others focus on the loved ones who have survived cnn because solar cells. is
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there a stumble instead of head on i just need a drone strike in northern nigeria targeting has killed dozens of 7 years. will get the latest on who carry out the attack and i was in
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the the the again let's take a look at some of the days of the use. now nigeria is ami, has admitted mistakenly targeting a religious gathering in a drunk strike in the northern state of kaduna. besides,
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the 5 bodies were recovered from the scene. nicholas hawk reports or the died in prayer on sunday nights in nigeria as northern could do an estate hundreds gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the prophet mohammed and his teachings of love. peace and kindness, their arms raised to the sky above a night jerry, an army drone observing them from their vantage point. they saw not worshippers, but when they described as terrorists from central command came the order to drop to bonds. at least 85 people were killed in that row and strength, many more injured in critical condition are being treated in hospital. yours army is doing what few armed forces do admit to its mistakes. do you manage it out? i mean, was on a routine nation. james categories, but unfortunately some members of the to be
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a community where i think we're affected when person last 13 members of his family and the strike, grief is turning to anger. this isn't the 1st mistake from nigeria as military in an effort to bring to an end. the 14 long conflict with the book on her arm and criminals. civilians have been killed. mistaken for fighters or robbers. president buller ahmed nubile is calling for a full investigation since coming into office in february. tackling security says is his top priority. it'd been to bring for an investment to the country, but also to reassure a growing number of nigerians who have lost trust in the security force that appears to target those. it's meant to keep safe. this is a community in shock and in morning less to pray to god for the protection. the state can't seem to provide nicholas hawk alger 0 to more than 60 people have been
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killed in tanzania, in flooding and land slides. but it's adding to hundreds of deaths across east africa following weeks of to ritual range. welcome to web reports. this is was happened to the hillside town of kits ash, days of to run, to rains, washed away, cause and pull down buildings. thousands of people have died. we've been highly affected by the floods and much low. it was around 6 am when it started raining later on, it started flooding. until now it has affected most of our business. we no longer have shop. many houses have been destroyed, but also many families have lost their beloved one night a sea of mud in the town in northern times and here hasn't helps the rescue efforts . more than a 100 people have been injured and many others have lost their homes. they joined more than a 1000000 people who being left homeless across the staff for kevin reese and weeks . the community here gathered to bury the dead meteorologist predicted the heavy
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rains, which they say are connected to the el nino climate cycle in the pacific ocean. and made west by climate change i call upon my fellow tanzania is to continue being patient, especially now during this most difficult time, a disaster which is cost more than $63.00, lots of wealth. hello tanzania. is that as continue praying to god for us to remain calm during our time of grief. as more than a 170 governments meeting to buy for the u. n's, climate change conference. the number of coffins in east africa area is growing. campaign is say, the summit dominated by representatives of the fossil fuel industry whose admissions need to be called for people here to be safe. malcolm web address era to the u. k. juan, to have signed a new treaty and that revising a plan by the british government to send a signed them seek is to the east african country. the agreement was signed by
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partition to administer james cleverly and his rolanda and counts upon vincent, built into garley. it follows a decision by the you case, top court, last month, the rule, the deforestation scheme, unlawful. the plan is central to the british government's goal of stopping migrants arriving on small boats across the english channel. a toolbox has crashing you, a national park in western thailand, killing at least 14 people local media, se the vehicles being off the road and hit a tree at the entrance of hot one, a cold and marine pot most of the sets the others were injured because of the accident is being investigated. the southern philippines is on the high alerts and security has been tightened of the sundays bombing at a religious service. in myrtle we city that killed 4 people, i thought to say it as a precautionary measure. but thousands of students had been moved to safety. um
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groups have operated in the region for decades. barnaby lab reports more than a 100 police officers marching towards the gymnasium, where a bomb exploded during a christian religious service on sunday. a shaw force into sudden philippines to deter any further attacks. even though authorities insist there is no imminent threat. it means that an additional police man will be seen on the streets doing the point, especially if you're lucky. if me so invested by the tech point. and the other particular but knowledge of asians. despite the assurances, however, students mindanao state, university and mcgraw, we were the bombing occurred or leaving by to thousands. i came here, hopefully the change may future for to why the education with i miss you. but the right now i am leaving with fear in my heart, but knowing that something like this happened inside the vicinity of our university, the predominantly must the region into southern philippines is no stranger to
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violence, unarmed conflict. separatist forces have made peace with the government, but small break away groups continue to operate. they are worried about because they attribute policy to regain 10 of them being able to retrieve them. and where we go in being more sense of the biggest things over $10.00 like media in the past few months. nothing illustrates the situation better. the more out we of the fighting between government forces and the ice, a link to the older group here in. but i, we was the fiercest, far in recent filipino memory that was 6 years ago. but clearly with houses still in ruins. the city has yet to fully recover. the military says it is largely driven out ice of affiliated groups, but admits they are still capable of carrying out acts of violence. partly below algebra are always city southern philippines. a thousands of people have
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demonstrated in new zealand against the new conservative government. they say its policies threaten the rights of indigenous mallory fremont as the cost of elections national party has promised to review the principles of the nations founding document a treaty signed by petition columbus and mallory chief in 18. 40 indigenous activists have warned against the policies of luck since right when coalition in the nation rescue, as have found the bodies of 9 more hike is killed in sundays volcanic eruption in west sumatra, bringing the total 20 to the search for one missing climb on mount might not be will resume on wednesday. jessica washington reports from chicago. this is o stranded and afraid a teenager pleads for her mother. mom please. she says, look at me now. she was one if this advice is found by rescue. as on mount morality
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after the volcano erupted on sunday, many of them, oh university students who are hiking up the 2900 mia mountain authority. say this search efforts have been hampered by ongoing volcanic activity and heavy rain was done by thunder valley. our main obstacle is there has been several interruptions and 12 cannick ash. so all the way to the foot of the mountain. this man is waiting for news of his son. my son was hiking in a group of fighting people. they separated into 2 groups until now they still haven't found them. supervisors have been taken to hospital, then he have severe bones and broken limbs. as i knew didn't stores a husband's on her face and legs and hands. she was also wounded by following rocks . 5 of the hawkers would need a credit when interrupted. they was scattered around or do to roll down the slips. finally, research team carried her down to local authorities, say, ash,
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and rock fell on several districts near the volcano. they are urging those living close to the mountain to stay in doors to protect themselves from respiratory infections. jessica washington out to 0. chicago. the netherlands has returned 6 artifacts taken by force from sa lanka, during the colonial era, has been out for an end as reports. this is the 1st batch of treasures to be returned. a cool mazda of more than 200 years in the netherlands. these artifacts were looted by duck soldiers when the over and the palace in kennedy, in central sure longer and 1765. let's go to able to get bonded key these items were made to the king and we have very few of those now remaining. so these are very important artifacts that the items are now on display at columbus national museum. they include these 2 guns, weighing $22.00 knows each the move, but here the opportunity was used by troops of the can be and king to defend the city. and the palace,
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the most eye catching item of the collection is below ok. canon beamed after the adage. to correct who had to be created. so the king is a fairy hybrid of jackson's was probably made in the netherlands then given to the king of sri lanka. and later it was embellished decorated industry lanka and then give it to the king again. uh, and that it was taken away exploits. a boose of the items were made android workshops of the candy and kingdom and not a testament to the skill the sense of the time. the 1st is a colonial artifacts return by the dutch government. it's very important to critically reflect on the history and to well take steps and doing things rights which went in the history wrong. the sheila government
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says it is grateful for the return of its asi facts by the netherlands, which has been more helpful than other former colonial powers. the other european countries often do you uh, electronic copies of uh, of ministries. and this has been sent as an all saying that, you know, they need to be talking the piece at the, in the stalls. and i see the iron meals. this is a store maintenance. you're not even asking them back by the pseudo says he hoops the model example the set by the doctor government will influence others to return culturally significant items to did. right. so it's taking more than 40 years to get these colonial artifacts back to say lanka. the connection is a fraction of the thousands of treasures looted in columbus and now found in museums around the was the story and save the return. is
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a way to come stopped. mean at the end is i'll just 0 colombo. that is it for me, has them think of for this news i you can find more on our website. i just need a don't come back with more use in a moment. the what you're looking at that is one of the breach points through which i'm a spike just came into that as well. warning sirens here is really s like some side go just has remarkably intensified during the last couple of hours with seeing these as strikes really concentrated on residential phones in residential building is a dangerous times of regional spillover. of course, as long as the conversation here isn't really inside the hospital then without
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oxygen, without electricity, the beatles inside, they are dying. for now, less than an hour away from the official start of the ceasefire. 50 feet caps its full feet release over st. periods one more batch of prisoners when the people want a permanency is fired. canada has to expand its use in a zillow's boat lines. meets those advocating for the change is suicide. but it's facilitated to or we did decide that it's not the right choice. and critics who believe the government is prioritizing death over providing necessary social and economic support. staff was an 8 worked festival and getting some food to eat or getting stuff for their pain. do you want to die today? a fault lines investigation on al jazeera in a world where the news never ends. understanding what's behind the headlines is
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more important than ever. it takes listening to the people behind the news and to the journalist for reporting their stories except intimacy that makes every international story local at heart. i'm only can be that host of the take a daily news podcast powered by the global reporting of algebra. bind us where ever you get your pod cast the baffles rage as is well widens. it's a salt on southern gaza, an area it once declared safe palestinians, the on have him think of this is as you see, that live from also coming up is riley strikes once again. target gauze has largest


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